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L-Lysine acetate crystallises in the monoclinic space group P21 with a = 5.411 (1), b = 7.562(1), c = 12.635(2) A and beta = 91.7(1) degrees. The crystal structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.049 using the full matrix least squares method. The conformation and the aggregation of lysine molecules in the structure are similar to those found in the crystal structure of L-lysine L-aspartate. A conspicuous similarity between the crystal structures of L-arginine acetate and L-lysine acetate is that in both cases the strongly basic side chain, although having the largest pK value, interacts with the weakly acidic acetate group leaving the alpha-amino and the alpha-carboxylate groups to take part in head-to-tail sequences. These structures thus indicate that electrostatic effects are strongly modulated by other factors so as to give rise to head-to-tail sequences which have earlier been shown to be an almost universal feature of amino acid aggregation in the solid state.  相似文献   

The role of crystal packing in determining the observed conformations of amino acid side-chains in protein crystals is investigated by (1) analysis of a database of proteins that have been crystallized in different unit cells (space group or unit cell dimensions) and (2) theoretical predictions of side-chain conformations with the crystal environment explicitly represented. Both of these approaches indicate that the crystal environment plays an important role in determining the conformations of polar side-chains on the surfaces of proteins. Inclusion of the crystal environment permits a more sensitive measurement of the achievable accuracy of side-chain prediction programs, when validating against structures obtained by X-ray crystallography. Our side-chain prediction program uses an all-atom force field and a Generalized Born model of solvation and is thus capable of modeling simple packing effects (i.e. van der Waals interactions), electrostatic effects, and desolvation, which are all important mechanisms by which the crystal environment impacts observed side-chain conformations. Our results are also relevant to the understanding of changes in side-chain conformation that may result from ligand docking and protein-protein association, insofar as the results reveal how side-chain conformations change in response to their local environment.  相似文献   

Many of the theoretical methods used for predicting the occurrence of α-helices in peptides are based on the helical preferences of amino acid monomer residues. In order to check whether the helix-forming tendencies are based on helical preferences of monomers only or also on their sequence contexts, we synthesized permuted sequences of the tripeptides GAP, GAV, and GAL that formed crystalline helices with near α-helical conformation. The tripeptides AFG and FAG formed good crystals. The x-ray crystallographic studies of AFG and FAG showed that though they contain the same amino acids as GAF but in different sequences, they do not assume a helical conformation in the solid state. On the other hand, AFG and FAG, which contain the same amino acids but in a different sequence, exhibit nearly the same backbone torsion angles corresponding to an incipient formation of a β-bulge, and exhibit nearly identical unit cells and crystal structures. Based on these results, it appears that the helix-forming tendencies of amino acids depend on the sequence context in which it occurs in a polypeptide. The synthetic peptides AFG (L -Ala-L -Phe-Gly) and FAG (L -Phe-L -Ala-Gly), C14H19N3O4, crystallize in the orthorhombic space group P212121, with a = 5. 232(1), b = 14. 622(2), c = 19. 157(3) Å, Dx = 1.329 g cm?3, Z = 4, R = 0.041 for 549 reflections for AFG, and with a = 5. 488(2), b = 14.189 (1), c = 18.562(1) Å, Dx = 1.348 g cm?3, Z = 4, R = 0.038 for 919 reflections for FAG. Unlike the other tripeptides GAF, GGV, GAL, and GAI, the crystals of AFG and FAG do not contain water molecule, and the molecules of AFG or FAG do not show the helical conformation. The torsion angles at the backbone of the peptide are ψ1 = 144. 5(5)°; ?2, ψ2 = ?98.1(6)°, ?65.2(6)° ?3, ψ13, ψ31 = 154.1(6)°, ?173.6(6)°, 6.9(8)° for AFG; and ψ1 = 162.6(3)°; ?2, ψ2 = ?96.7(4)°, ?46.3(4)°; ?3, ψ13, ψ31 = 150.1(3)°, ?168.7(3)°, 12.2(5)° for FAG. The conformation angles (? ψ) for residues 2 and 3 for both AFG and FAG show incipient formation of an β-bulge. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) is a potent negative regulator of apoptosis. It also plays a role in BMP signaling, TGF-beta signaling, and copper homeostasis. Previous structural studies have shown that the baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR2 and BIR3) domains of XIAP interact with the IAP-binding-motifs (IBM) in several apoptosis proteins such as Smac and caspase-9 via the conserved IBM-binding groove. Here, we report the crystal structure in two crystal forms of the BIR1 domain of XIAP, which does not possess this IBM-binding groove and cannot interact with Smac or caspase-9. Instead, the BIR1 domain forms a conserved dimer through the region corresponding to the IBM-binding groove. Structural and sequence analyses suggest that this dimerization of BIR1 in XIAP may be conserved in other IAP family members such as cIAP1 and cIAP2 and may be important for the action of XIAP in TGF-beta and BMP signaling and the action of cIAP1 and cIAP2 in TNF receptor signaling.  相似文献   

The relationship between alpha-helical secondary structure and the fluorescence properties of an intrinsic tryptophan residue were investigated. A monomeric alpha-helix forming peptide and a dimeric coiled-coil forming peptide containing a central tryptophan residue were synthesized. The fluorescence parameters of the tryptophan residue were determined for these model systems at a range of fractional alpha-helical contents. The steady-state emission maximum was independent of the fractional alpha-helical content. A minimum of three exponential decay times was required to fully describe the time-resolved fluorescence data. Changes were observed in the decay times and more significantly, in their relative contributions that could be correlated with alpha-helix content. The results were also shown to be consistent with a model in which the decay times were independent of both alpha-helix content and emission wavelength. In this model the relative contributions of the decay time components were directly proportional to the alpha-helix content. Data were also analyzed according to a continuous distribution of exponential decay time model, employing global analysis techniques. The recovered distributions had "widths" that were both poorly defined and independent of peptide conformation. We propose that the three decay times are associated with the three ground-state chi 1 rotamers of the tryptophan residue and that the changes in the relative contributions of the decay times are the result of conformational constraints, imposed by the alpha-helical main-chain, on the chi 1 rotamer populations.  相似文献   

Helix propensities of the amino acids have been measured in alanine-based peptides in the absence of helix-stabilizing side-chain interactions. Fifty-eight peptides have been studied. A modified form of the Lifson-Roig theory for the helix-coil transition, which includes helix capping (Doig AJ, Chakrabartty A, Klingler TM, Baldwin RL, 1994, Biochemistry 33:3396-3403), was used to analyze the results. Substitutions were made at various positions of homologous helical peptides. Helix-capping interactions were found to contribute to helix stability, even when the substitution site was not at the end of the peptide. Analysis of our data with the original Lifson-Roig theory, which neglects capping effects, does not produce as good a fit to the experimental data as does analysis with the modified Lifson-Roig theory. At 0 degrees C, Ala is a strong helix former, Leu and Arg are helix-indifferent, and all other amino acids are helix breakers of varying severity. Because Ala has a small side chain that cannot interact significantly with other side chains, helix formation by Ala is stabilized predominantly by the backbone ("peptide H-bonds"). The implication for protein folding is that formation of peptide H-bonds can largely offset the unfavorable entropy change caused by fixing the peptide backbone. The helix propensities of most amino acids oppose folding; consequently, the majority of isolated helices derived from proteins are unstable, unless specific side-chain interactions stabilize them.  相似文献   

Ecotin, a homodimeric protein composed of 142 residue subunits, is a novel serine protease inhibitor present in Escherichia coli. Its thermostability and acid stability, as well as broad specificity toward proteases, make it an interesting protein for structural characterization. Its structure in the uncomplexed state, determined for two different crystalline environments, allows a structural comparison of the free inhibitor with that in complex with trypsin. Although there is no gross structural rearrangement of ecotin when binding trypsin, the loops involved in binding trypsin show relatively large shifts in atomic positions. The inherent flexibility of the loops and the highly nonglobular shape are the two features essential for its inhibitory function. An insight into the understanding of the structural basis of thermostability and acid stability of ecotin is also provided by the present structure.  相似文献   

PrtC, a metallo-protease secreted by Erwinia chrysanthemi, is a member of the serralysin family and hence belongs to the metzincin superfamily. While the crystal structures of representatives of all metzincin subfamilies have been elucidated in the past, there is still some controversy about the reaction mechanism and the role of certain characteristic amino acids in the active centre. In this study, we probed the role of Tyr228 and Glu189 by site-directed mutagenesis and X-ray crystallography. There is evidence that these residues participate in catalysis, although conflicting hypotheses have been proposed. The crystal structures of wild-type and mutants have been refined to an R(free) of about 0.20 at resolutions of 2.0 A or better. Exchange of Glu189 versus alanine reduces the catalytic efficiency to less than 0.5 % using resorufin casein as substrate and to about 3 % using an assay utilising the thiol ester Ac-Pro-Leu-Gly-[(S)Leu]-Leu-Gly-OEt. The drop in activity is caused by a reduction in k(cat) while the K(M) values are virtually the same. In the resorufin casein assay, the mutant Y228F shows about 3 % of the wild-type activity and in the thiol ester assay this increases to about 56 %. In the latter case, the K(M) value of the mutant is increased from 5.3 mM to 9.0 mM with only little reduction in k(cat). The different behaviour of this mutant with respect to the two substrates can be explained by a switch in the rate-determining step during catalysis. The study presented here provides clear evidence that Glu189 of the HEXXHXXGXXH motif is the catalytic base, while Tyr228 is more likely involved in substrate binding and the stabilisation of the tetrahedral transition state.  相似文献   

Triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) has been the subject of many structural and mechanistic studies. At position 96, there is a highly conserved Ser residue, which is proximal to the catalytic site. Thus far, no specific role has been ascribed to this residue. Plasmodium falciparum TIM (PfTIM), a fully catalytically active enzyme, is unique in possessing a Phe residue at position 96. The structure of PfTIM complexed to phosphoglycolate (PG), a transition state analogue, has been determined in an effort to probe the effects of the mutation at residue 96 on the nature of inhibitor-enzyme interactions and the orientation of the critical catalytic loop (loop 6, residues 166-176) in TIM. Crystal structures of PfTIM complexed to phosphoglycolate in orthorhombic (P2(1)2(1)2(1)) and monoclinic (C2) forms were determined and refined at resolutions of 2.8 and 1.9 A, respectively. The P2(1)2(1)2(1) form contains two dimers in the asymmetric unit. In the C2 form, the molecular and crystal 2-fold axes are coincident, leading to a monomer in the asymmetric unit. The catalytic loop adopts the open state in the P2(1)2(1)2(1) form and the closed conformation in the C2 crystal. The open conformation of the loop in the P2(1)2(1)2(1) form appears to be a consequence of the Ser to Phe mutation at residue 96. The steric clash between Phe96 and Ile172 probably impedes loop closure in PfTIM-ligand complexes. The PfTIM-PG complex is the first example of a TIM-ligand complex being observed in both loop open and closed forms. In the C2 form (loop closed), Phe96 and Leu167 adopt alternative conformations that are different from the ones observed in the open form, permitting loop closure. These structures provide strong support for the view that loop closure is not essential for ligand binding and that dynamic loop movement may occur in both free and ligand-bound forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The structure of the octamer d(G-T-G-T-A-C-A-C) was determined in two different crystal forms, tetragonal P4(3)2(1)2 and hexagonal P6(1)22. Although in both forms the octamer adopts an A-DNA structure, there are significant conformational differences between them. In particular, the P-05' and the C5'-C4' bonds of the middle adenine (A5) residue exhibit a distorted trans-trans conformation in the tetragonal form, while they adopt the standard gauche-, gauche+ conformation in the hexagonal form. These differences can be correlated with certain features of the crystal packing interactions in the two forms. Furthermore, a comparison of the structures of various A-DNA octamers reveals that the A-form can be divided into two subclasses such that the hexagonal structures have helical and base pair parameters that fall closer to fiber A-DNA values, while in the tetragonal structures these parameters deviate more from fiber A-DNA. These results indicate that environment plays a major role in determining DNA conformation.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether the developing spinal cord is intrinsically segmented in its rostrocaudal (anteroposterior) axis by mapping the spread of clones derived from single labelled cells within the neural tube of the chick embryo. A single cell in the ventrolateral neural tube of the trunk was marked in situ with the fluorescent tracer lysinated rhodamine dextran (LRD) and its descendants located after two days of further incubation. We find that clones derived from cells labelled before overt segmentation of the adjacent mesoderm do not respect any boundaries within the neural tube. Those derived from cells marked after mesodermal segmentation, however, never cross an invisible boundary aligned with the middle of each somite, and tend to be elongated along the mediolateral axis of the neural tube. When the somite pattern is surgically disturbed, neighbouring clones derived from neuroectodermal cells labelled after somite formation behave like clones derived from younger cells: they no longer respect any boundaries, and are not elongated mediolaterally. These results indicate that periodic lineage restrictions do exist in the developing spinal cord of the chick embryo, but their maintenance requires the presence of the adjacent somite mesoderm.  相似文献   

The correlation between the primary and secondary structures of proteins was analysed using a large data set from the Protein Data Bank. Clear preferences of amino acids towards certain secondary structures classify amino acids into four groups: α-helix preferrers, strand preferrers, turn and bend preferrers, and His and Cys (the latter two amino acids show no clear preference for any secondary structure). Amino acids in the same group have similar structural characteristics at their Cβ and Cγ atoms that predicts their preference for a particular secondary structure. All α-helix preferrers have neither polar heteroatoms on Cβ and Cγ atoms, nor branching or aromatic group on the Cβ atom. All strand preferrers have aromatic groups or branching groups on the Cβ atom. All turn and bend preferrers have a polar heteroatom on the Cβ or Cγ atoms or do not have a Cβ atom at all. These new rules could be helpful in making predictions about non-natural amino acids.
Snežana D. ZarićEmail:

The new form of L-arginine D-glutamate is monoclinic, P21, witha = 9.941(1),b = 4.668(2),c = 17.307(1) Å,β = 95.27(1)°, and Z = 2. In terms of composition, the new form differs from the old form in that the former is a monohydrate whereas the latter is a trihydrate. The structure has been solved by the direct methods and refined to R = 0.085 for 1012 observed reflections. The conformation of the arginine molecule is the same in both the forms whereas that of the glutamate ion is different. The change in the conformation of the glutamate ion is such that it facilitates extensive pseudosymmetry in the crystals. The molecules arrange themselves in double-layers stabilised by head-to-tail sequences involving main chains, in both the forms. However, considerable differences exist between the two forms in the interface, consisting of side chains and water molecules, between double-layers. A comparative study of the relationship between the crystal structures of L and DL amino acids on the one hand and that between the structures of LL and LD amino acid-amino acid complexes on the other, provides interesting insights into amino acid aggregation and the effect of chirality on it. The crystal structures of most hydrophobic amino acids are made up of double-layers and those of most hydrophilic amino acids contain single layers, irrespective of the chiralities of the amino acids involved. In most cases, the molecules tend to appropriately rearrange themselves to preserve the broad features of aggregation patterns when the chirality of half the molecules is reversed as in the structures of DL amino acids. The basic elements of aggregation in the LL and the LD complexes, are similar to those found in the crystals of L and DL amino acids. However, the differences between the LL and the LD complexes in the distribution of these elements are more pronounced than those between the distributions in the structures of L and DL amino acids.  相似文献   

The breadth of substrate specificity shown by the multispecific aspartate-aromatic aminotransferase of bushbean (Phaseolus vulgaris) has been investigated by testing the ability of two cytosolic isozymes (I and II), purified from shoot tissue, to catalyse transamination reactions between a range of ring- and sidechain-substituted aromatic amino acids and 2-oxoglutarate. Ring-substituted phenylalanines were the most reactive substrates whereas ring-substitution in tyrosine or tryptophan resulted in transamination rates lower than those observed with the parent amino acids. All side chain-substituted analogues were found to be totally inactive. The highest activity shown by any ring-substituted phenylalanine was observed with the 4-amino- compound, followed closely by the 4-hydroxy- and 4-halogen-compounds. In contrast, 4-nitrophenylalanine was completely inactive. These trends were consistent for both isozymes I and II, but only isozyme II showed greatly enhanced activity over that found with the parent amino acid when certain ring-substituted analogues were tested. The varying capacity of the bushbean isozymes to utilize the present range of substituted amino acids is compared with previous reports on the substrate specificity shown by aspartate and aromatic aminotransferases isolated from mammalian and microbial systems. A model for the mechanism of activation observed with bushbean isozyme II in the presence of certain 4-substituted aromatic amino acids is proposed, based on current understanding of the nature of the active site of animal aspartate aminotransferases.  相似文献   

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