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Using a porcine neuropeptide Y directed radioimmunoassay it was shown that acid extracts of human phaeochromocytoma tumour tissue contained a neuropeptide Y-like peptide. Further fractionation and purification of this immunoreactivity showed that this human neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity was closely similar in molecular size and separation characteristics to porcine neuropeptide Y. The possible contribution of neuropeptide Y to the hypertension characterizing human phaeochromocytoma is discussed.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity was studied in the thalamus of the cat using an indirect immunoperoxidase method. The densest network of immunoreactive fibers was observed in the nucleus (n.) paraventricularis anterior. In the anterior, intralaminar and midline thalamic nuclei, as well as in the n. geniculatum medialis, n. geniculatum lateralis, n. habenularis lateralis, n. medialis dorsalis, n. lateralis posterior and n. pulvinar a low density of neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactive fibers was observed. Neuropeptide Y-like fibers were totally absent in the n. ventralis lateralis, n. ventralis medialis, n. ventralis postero-medialis and n. ventralis postero-lateralis. In addition, neuropeptide Y-like perikarya were found in the n. parafascicularis, n. suprageniculatus, n. geniculatum lateralis ventralis, n. medialis dorsalis and n. lateralis posterior.  相似文献   

The occurrence of neuropeptide Y-like substances has been verified in the nervous system and alimentary tract of the ascidian Styela plicata. Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity is present in a few small neurons and in a network of beaded nerve fibres of the cerebral ganglion. Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactive material can be also localized in the endostyle and in a few cell bodies of the branchial walls. Moreover, immunofluorescent endocrine-like cells of the "open" type occur in the gastric folds. Finally, some possible functions of the ascidian neuropeptide Y are discussed.  相似文献   

Most of the biochemical, physiological and behavioural events in living organisms show diurnal fluctuations, normally synchronized with 24-h environmental rhythms, such as the light-dark cycle. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus is considered to be a pacemaker of the circadian rhythms in several mammals. The light-dark cycle is the primary synchronizing agent for many of the circadian rhythms which are regulated by the SCN. The photic information reaches the SCN also through a neuropeptide Y(NPY)-like immunoreactive pathway from the ventro-lateral geniculate nucleus. We found that in 12-h-dark and 12-h-light housed rats the NPY-like immunoreactive innervation of the ventro-lateral part of the SCN shows a 24 h rhythm with values rising gradually during the light phase and falling during the dark phase. Besides this rhythm, we found two peaks corresponding to the switching on and switching off of the light. The average level of NPY-like immunoreactivity, as assessed by means of semiquantitative immunocytochemistry and expressed in 'arbitrary units', is reduced in rats housed in total darkness for 2 weeks. These results confirm the physiological role of NPY in the timing of the circadian activity of the SCN.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity (NPY-LI) in plasma during insulin-induced hypoglycemia was measured in 4 healthy male volunteers. Plasma NPY-LI increased from 167 +/- 11 pg/ml to 247 +/- 25 pg/ml 30 min after the administration of insulin (0.1 U/kg body weight IV), reached the maximum (296 +/- 6 pg/ml) 45 min after the insulin, and then decreased. These results suggest that NPY is released into the systemic circulation during insulin-induced hypoglycemia in man.  相似文献   

Summary Recent studies have accomplished the establishment of a collagenous fiber-fringe matrix upon dental root surfaces in vitro. The present study was undertaken to follow the development of such a matrix in vitro and to test the possible effects of root surface treatments upon this matrix. Periodontal ligament cells, 0.1 to 0.2-mm thick dental root discs, and alveolar bone cells were derived after extraction from four partially erupted third molars and the accompanying interradicular bony septa of 1 male patient. Autologous serum was obtained by venipuncture. Cultures were initiated by delivering a 1-ml suspension of 50000 tritiated thymidine-labeled periodontal ligament cells and 50000 alveolar bone cells onto each of 42 culture sets. The following day, demineralized or non-demineralized root discs treated with autologous serum, fibronectin or complete medium were placed in pairs, separated by a 0.1–1.0 mm gap, upon the initial cell layer. Representative cultures were terminated after 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks, and processed for light- and electron microscopy, morphometric analysis and autoradiography. An outstanding feature of the early cultures (2, 3 and 4 weeks) was a patchwise, random distribution of matrix making a precise developmental study impossible, although collagen fibrils were produced within the first 2 weeks. Some 3-week cultures already demonstrated a mature fiber-fringe characterized electron-microscopically as oriented, densely packed collagen fibrils closely abutting the cementum-lined root discs. The treatments (including autologous serum) used in this study had no appreciable morphologic or morphometric effect upon the fiber-fringe formed. Because none of the cultures in the present or past studies have demonstrated a true cementoid matrix, this model may not be suitable for the in-vitro study of cementum formation.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactivity has been studied by means of immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay in the brain of the goldfish. It was found that NPY had a widespread distribution in the entire brain in particular in the telencephalon, diencephalon, optic tectum and rhombencephalon. In the pituitary gland, positive type-B fibers were observed in the various lobes frequently in direct contact with secretory cells, in particular the gonadotrophs, somatotrophs and MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone) secreting cells. When measured by radioimmunoassay, the highest NPY concentrations were found in the pituitary and telencephalon, confirming the results of immunocytochemistry. The displacement curves obtained with serial dilutions of brain extracts were parallel to that of synthetic porcine NPY. Following high performance liquid chromatography, the NPY-like material extracted from goldfish brain co-eluted as a single peak with synthetic porcine NPY. These data demonstrate the presence of an NPY-like substance widely distributed in the goldfish brain. The observation of NPY-immunoreactive fibers in the pituitary gland suggests that, among its other functions, NPY may play a role in the neuroendocrine regulation of pituitary function.  相似文献   

Through the immunohistochemical PAP technique, the distribution of immune positive neurons and fibres for an antibody anti-NPY in the encephalon of salmon fixed in Bouin have been located and studied. NPY-positive neurons are found forming three important nuclei: in the ventrolateral telencephalon; in the tegmentum mesencephali; and in the locus coeruleus. Neurons in the optic tectum, in the thalamic region and a few in the preoptic recess have also been located. The fibres were found throughout the brain, with the exception of the cerebellum, presenting a greater density in three regions: in the dorsal telencephalon; in the mesencephalon; and in the visceral lobes in the rhombencephalon. With the aim of proving if this distribution is found in other groups of teleosts, we processed, with the same technique, the advanced teleost Gambusia affinis, in order to compare it with the primitive teleost Salmo salar. The results show that in both fish this neuropeptide has the same pattern of distribution. The results also suggest that in fish this neuropeptide can be involved in several functions of the central nervous system, as has been demonstrated for mammals. The innervation of the visceral lobes and also the presence of NPY-fibres in the posterior hypothalamus are anatomical supports of the studies which suggest that NPY is related to the control of the food intake.  相似文献   

Cells presenting GABA immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus of the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of GABA-immunoreactive (IR) cells was studied by immunohistochemistry in conjunction with highly specific antiserum GABA in the cat hypothalamus. Colchicine pretreatment made it possible to visualize a large number of labeled cells in the medial preoptic and dorsal hypothalamic areas. In contrast, the ventromedial and anterior hypothalamic nuclei contained only a few labeled cells, and the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei were devoid of them. A very dense network of GABA-IR presumptive terminals was seen in the ventrolateral posterior hypothalamus where labeled cells could be recognized. The possibility of an involvement of the GABAergic neuronal system in the regulation of sleep-waking cycle is discussed.  相似文献   

The immunocytochemical location of neuropeptide Y (NPY)-like immunoreactivity (LI) within the neuronal structures of the rat gastrointestinal (GI) tract was investigated with the indirect immunofluorescence method. NPY immunoreactive neurons were found throughout all regions of the GI tract with the largest number in the duodenum. NPY immunoreactive perikarya were mainly located in the submucosal ganglia. NPY labeled processes were extensively seen in the submucosal and myenteric plexuses, smooth muscles, muscularis mucosa, mucosa and surrounding blood vessels. Following 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) treatment, NPY immunoreactive nerve fibers around blood vessels disappeared completely and the reactive fibers in other regions were reduced in number. NPY immunoreactive nerve cell bodies in the ganglionic plexuses, however, were not affected by 6-OHDA treatment. Serial sections of the coeliac ganglion showed that NPY-LI was present in cell bodies which also displayed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity. Our results suggest that NPY is abundantly contained in both adrenergic and non-adrenergic neurons of the gut and may play an important role in the regulation of the GI tract.  相似文献   

Summary Using a specific antiserum raised against synthetic neuropeptide Y, we examined the localization of immunoreactivity in the brain and hypophysis of the cloudy dogfish, Scyliorhinus torazame, by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Immunoreactive perikarya were demonstrated in the ganglion of the nervus terminalis, the dorsocaudal portions of the pallium dorsale, the basal telencephalon, and the nucleus lateralis tuberis and the nucleus lobi lateralis in the hypothalamus. Labeled perikarya were also found in the tegmentum mesencephali, the corpus cerebelli, and the medulla oblongata. Some of the immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus were of the CSF-contacting type. The bulk of the labeled fibers in the nervus terminalis ran toward the basal telencephalon, showing radial projections and ramifications. Large numbers of these fibers coursed into the nucleus septi caudoventralis and the nucleus interstitialis commissurae anterioris, where they became varicose and occasionally formed fine networks or invested immunonegative perikarya. In the diencephalon, immunoreactive fibers were observed throughout the hypothalamus, e.g., in the pars neurointermedia of the hypophysis, the subependymal layer of the lobus inferior hypothalami, and in the neuropil of the posterior (mammillary) recess organ. Labeled fibers were scattered throughout the rest of the brain stem and were also seen in the granular layer of the cerebellum. These results suggest that, in the dogfish brain, neuropeptide Y or a related substance is involved in a variety of physiological processes in the brain, including the neuroendocrine control of the hypophysis.  相似文献   

P E Micevych  R P Elde 《Peptides》1982,3(4):655-662
Immunohistochemical studies were conducted on sections of cat hypothalamus in order to determine the distribution of neurons containing alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone and beta-endorphin immunoreactivity. A large number of neurons in the arcuate nucleus were stained after incubation of sections with antisera to either substance. Analysis of serial sections suggested that each neuron revealed with one antiserum was also revealed with the other antiserum, indicating the co-existence of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone and beta-endorphin immunoreactivity within these arcuate neurons. In contrast, a more diffuse group of lateral hypothalamic neurons which extended from the retrochiasmatic level to the posterior hypothalamus were stained only with the antiserum directed against alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone. The present results largely confirm findings in the rat hypothalamus, although the lateral hypothalamic group of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone immunoreactive neurons appears to be more extensive in the cat.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to examine the development and distribution of neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive fibers in the neurohypophysis of the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) throughout life and the relationship of these fibers to the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal vasculature. In rhesus monkeys, which varied in age from fetal life to 34 years, neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive fibers were present at all ages examined. In adult monkeys, varicose neuropeptide Y-labeled fibers were concentrated in the upper infundibular stem in association with capillary loops of the portal vasculature and the long portal vessels. Other fibers travelled down the infundibular stem and were distributed at the junction of the lower infundibular stem and infundibular process in the vicinity of the short portal vessels. In the infundibular process, neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive fibers were concentrated along the border of the intermediate lobe. Other stained fibers were sparsely distributed in the infundibular process and were often associated with small vessels. Neuropeptide Y-immunoreactivity was also located in a few fibers and cells of the intermediate lobe. Very few labeled fibers were seen in the fetal neurohypophysis, but their number increased gradually during the first postnatal year. At two years of age, a high density of stained fibers was observed, especially in the infundibular process. The number of axons in the infundibular process was lower at 12 years and continued to decline until 34 years of age. Neuropeptide Y may modulate hormone release at these sites and may also be released directly into vessels in the infundibular process. The close association of neuropeptide Y-labeled fibers with capillaries of the portal vasculature strongly suggests that neuropeptide Y is released into the portal blood of monkeys throughout life and may influence hormone secretion from the anterior pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity was detected within the adrenal gland of the cat using specific monoclonal antibodies. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated a few somatostatin-immunoreactive nerve fibers within the adrenal medulla. In addition, a large population of chromaffin cells in the cat adrenal medulla displayed intense somatostatin-like immunoreactivity. Similar cells were not observed in rat or guinea pig adrenal glands, although they were found in human material. The somatostatin-positive cells in the cat adrenal medulla often possessed short immunoreactive processes similar to those seen in somatostatin-immunoreactive paracrine cells of the gut. Characterization of the somatostatin-like immunoreactivity of the cat adrenal by high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay indicated that somatostatin-28 may account for over 90% of the observed immunoreactivity. It is suggested that somatostatin-28 may have a paracrine or endocrine role in the feline adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

用免疫组织化学方法首次发现,神经肽Y(NPY)和β-内啡肽(β-Ep)样免疫阳性物质分布在文昌鱼神经系统和哈氏窝。NPY样免疫阳性神经元出现在端脑前部和中部、中脑前部和中部以及后脑,NPY样免疫阳性神经纤维在文昌鱼脑的各部分与神经元交错呈网状密集分布。神经管的背面与中部均可观察到NPY样免疫阳性神经元及其阳性性纤维。β-Ep样免疫阳性神经元及其神经纤维定位在中脑前部和中部以及神经管,且分布范围明显小于NPY。文昌鱼哈氏窝也有NPY和β-Ep样免疫阳性物质分布。这些结果表明,NPY和β-Ep可能作为脑内的一种神经递质,像鱼类那样,参与调节文昌鱼哈氏窝促性腺激素分泌细胞的分泌活动,这为文昌鱼脑-哈氏窝复合体的密切关系提供新的形态学证据。  相似文献   

The presence of met-enkephalin like immunoreactivity (MEL IR) was investigated immunohisto-chemically in the glabrous skin of the cat rhinarium using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase Sternberger's method. Neither sensory corpuscles nor nerve bundles show MEL IR. MEL IR was found in the epidermal Merkel cells, as well as in Langerhans cells and/or melanocytes. In dermal papillae the reaction results positive in a number of cells which could be identified as Schwann or pigmentary cells.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) was immunohistochemically investigated in the frog spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia after axotomy. In normal ganglia, moderate NPY-like immunoreactivity (NPY-IR) prevailed in large and medium cells. In the spinal cord, the NPY-IR was densest in the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus. Other fibers and neurons NPY-IR were observed in the dorsal and ventral terminal fields and mediolateral band. NPY-IR fibers were also found in the ventral horn and in the ventral and lateral funiculi. The sciatic nerve transection increased the NPY-IR in large and medium neurons of the ipsilateral and contralateral dorsal root ganglia at 3 and 7 days, but no clear change was found at 15 days. In the spinal cord, there was a bilateral increase in the NPY-IR of the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus. In the ipsilateral side, the NPY-IR was increased at 3 and 7 days but was decreased at 15 days. In the contralateral side, a significant reduction at 15 days occurred. These findings seem to favor the role of NPY in the modulation of pain-related information in frogs, suggesting that this role of NPY may have appeared early in vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

Circulating levels of neuropeptide Y (NPY)-like immunoreactivity (-LI), adrenaline and noradrenaline (NA) were analysed in 17 patients admitted to the emergency ward due to severe hypertension; blood pressure mean 204/127 mmHg. The levels of NPY-LI and NA were significantly higher (P less than 0.001) in the hypertensives as compared to a normotensive control group. HPLC analysis revealed that the plasma contained besides NPY-LI also several NPY-LI fragments of low hydrophobicity. Following 2 to 3 weeks treatment the blood pressure had decreased to a mean of 150/89 mmHg. However, circulating levels of NPY-LI (P less than 0.001) and NA (P less than 0.01) were still significantly higher than in controls in spite of the marked reduction in blood pressure. Simultaneous measurements of adrenaline did not reveal any significant changes and these values did not differ compared with those in the normotensive subjects. The findings suggest that peripheral markers of the sympathetic system (NPY-LI and NA) in severe hypertension is not directly related to the blood pressure level.  相似文献   

The distribution of perivascular nerve fibres displaying neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity was studied in the guinea-pig. Generally, neuropeptide Y fibres were numerous around arteries and moderate in number around veins. In the heart, immunoreactive fibres were numerous in the auricles and the atria (epi- and endocardium) whereas the ventricles had a more scarce supply. The coronary vessels were richly supplied with fibres. Around large elastic and muscular arteries the fibres formed well developed plexuses. Small arteries in the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract and the genito-urinary tract received a particularly rich supply. In the liver, spleen and kidney only few perivascular fibres were seen. Since immunoreactive fibres around blood vessels disappeared upon surgical or chemical sympathectomy, and sequential immunostaining with antisera against dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (a marker for adrenergic neurons) and against neuropeptide Y revealed their co-existence, it is concluded that neuropeptide Y fibres around blood vessels are sympathetic and adrenergic.  相似文献   

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