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Protist 2000     
As Protist enters the year 2000, the third year of its existence, it may be appropriate to briefly evaluate the past and look forward to what readers and authors of the journal can expect in the near future.It is fair to say that editing the journal over the past two years has been an enlightening experience, more work but also more fun than I anticipated. Whatever has been achieved, it would not have been possible without the tremendous support I received from my co-editors, the publisher and his staff and my secretarial office. Of no less importance has been the constructive criticism of fellow protistologists, readers and authors alike.I wish to thank Paul Falkowski, Rick A Firtel, and Frances D Gillin who have resigned from the Editorial Board for all their help in getting the journal started, and I welcome Randall S Alberte, Donald M Anderson, Richard Kessin and Peter Upcroft as new Board members.Protist has rapidly become one of the premium international journals for protist research, its impact factor, to be issued later this year will testify to this. The journal is covered by MEDLINE and a full text (PDF) online version is now available free of charge through the year 2000 on the publisher's Web site (http://www.urbanfischer.de/journals/protist).Protist will continue to publish high quality original work in all areas of protist research using the highest quality reproduction methods available today. In addition the highly successful “Protist News” and “From the Archives” sections for which authors are usually invited, will remain regular features of the journal.Protist in the year 2000 opens a new chapter of protist research. I invite you to join in this as a reader and a contributor.  相似文献   

After first describing the issue contents (Biophysical Reviews—Volume 12 Issue 6), this Editorial goes on to provide a short round-up of the activities of the journal in 2020. Directly following this Editorial are two obituaries marking the recent deaths of Prof. Fumio Oosawa (Japan) and Dr. Herbert Tabor (USA)—two major figures in Biophysical/Biochemical science from the last 100 years.

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 has been a testing year for all. Filled with a myriad combination of personal tragedies and work/life inconveniences, circumstances have required many difficult decisions to be made at the personal, family, organizational and society levels with the results of these difficult choices amplifying the general level of stress within communities. Scientists have certainly not been immune from such pressures. For working scientists, this year has presented a number of challenges. Those scientists heavily involved in teaching have had to engage with remote teaching methodologies and the necessarily rapid preparation of additional online teaching materials. Research-focused scientists have had to cope with the closing or restriction of work facilities and the loss of personnel, which has certainly impacted (and often disrupted) scientific progress. For the many itinerant working scientists living away from home and family, the restrictions on worldwide travel have caused additional dilemmas and necessitated difficult career decisions. Student scientists have had to deal with other problems. Oftentimes educational institutions have maintained the steep fee requirements associated with enrolment despite the year being a virtual write-off in terms of focusing on academic performance. Overseas students have also faced problems related to maintaining interdependent attendance and residence requirements.Irrespective of the stage of their career progression, scientists (like all members of society) have tried their best to make the most of a bad situation. In 2020, the Biophysical Reviews’ Editorial Board and the specifically dedicated professional officers from Springer-Nature have similarly pushed on with our journal related duties. From 2018, Biophysical Reviews moved to a six Issue per year format. The current Issue (Issue 6) is the last for 2020, and as such, the first duty of this Editorial is to describe the contents of the twelve articles appearing within it. After providing a precis of these articles, we then move on to describe some of the highlights of this year and finish by welcoming some new members to the Editorial Board.  相似文献   

《Invertebrate Biology》2017,136(4):473-473
In this last issue of Volume 136, we thank all of the reviewers who have generously given their time and advice to the authors and editors. The quality of this journal depends critically on the close reading and constructive advice of fellow scientists. A partial list of recent reviewers for Invertebrate Biology follows.  相似文献   

《Invertebrate Biology》2015,134(4):352-352
In this last issue of Volume 134, we thank all of the reviewers who have generously given of their time, anonymously or not, to the authors and editors. The quality of this journal and others like it depends critically on the close reading and constructive advice of fellow scientists. A partial list of recent reviewers for Invertebrate Biology follows.  相似文献   

《Invertebrate Biology》2014,133(4):394-394
In this last issue of Volume 133, we thank all of the reviewers who have generously given of their time, anonymously or not, to the authors and editors. The quality of this journal and others like it depends, in large part, on the close reading and constructive advice of fellow scientists. A partial list of recent reviewers for Invertebrate Biology follows.  相似文献   

《Invertebrate Biology》2016,135(4):448-448
In this last issue of Volume 135, we thank all of the reviewers who have generously given their time and advice to the authors and editors. The quality of this journal depends critically on the close reading and constructive advice of fellow scientists. A partial list of recent reviewers for Invertebrate Biology follows.  相似文献   

The editorial office of Journal of Chinese Biochemistry and Molecular Biology wishes to give our sincere gratitude to the following reviewers who have provided their valuable reports and detailed comments for our journal during 2017. Your contributions are vital for the ever improving scientific quality of the journal and essential for the development of the journal. Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology January,2018  相似文献   

一年一度春来到,金鸡报晓春来早!感谢各位审稿专家2016年的陪伴,是你们在百忙之中的辛苦工作,才有了学报一期期保质保量的出版。《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》送走了2016年12期,迎来了2017年的第1期。2016年我们有许多新的尝试,微信公众号的发布、最新录用栏目的启用、还有特约综述的推出,学报点滴的进步都离不开各位专家的帮助,这是期刊向前的步伐,这是属于你我的荣光!2016年度共有238名审稿专家为我刊审稿,其中审稿3篇以上的被评为优秀审稿专家。祝各位专家新春快乐! 名单详见pdf。 《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》编辑部 2017年1月  相似文献   

2018年度,共有386位专家为《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》审稿,他们的辛勤劳动保证了学报的学术质量,他们提出的中肯意见帮助了作者提高科研水平和论文写作质量。在此,编辑部谨向所有的审稿专家致以最诚挚的感谢!以下为审稿专家姓名,其中审稿3篇以上的专家被评为优秀审稿专家。 (专家名单详见pdf文件) 《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》编辑部 2019 年1月  相似文献   

As we come to the end of 2011, Genome Biology has asked some members of our Editorial Board for their views on the state of play in genomics. What was their favorite paper of 2011? What are the challenges in their particular research area? Who has had the biggest influence on their careers? What advice would they give to young researchers embarking on a career in research?  相似文献   

<正>It is both an honor and pleasure to have been appointed as the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Virologica Sinica from this volume.Professor Xinwen CHEN,who has dedicated to serve the journal as the Editor-in-Chief for15 years,concluded his term of service in the last volume.I would like to thank Prof.CHEN for his long-standing  相似文献   

The editors wish to acknowledge with greatest appreciation the services given by the following friends of the journal during 1992. They are not members of the Editorial Board, yet provide immeasurable help to the journal and our readers.  相似文献   

The year 2009 has been a crucial year for Prion, as our journal entered this year being listed in PubMedl Medline, Scopus and ISI databases. Our inclusion in these databases signifies recognition of Prion as a full fledged member of the community of the respected biomedical journals. This comes as a result of dedication and hard work of our publishers, editorial board members, authors and reviewers, who altogether made the very existence and timely functioning of Prion possible. Our thanks go to all of you, as well as to all our readers, whose needs and interests necessitate our existence, and to whom we sincerely hope to continue being useful and faithful.  相似文献   

I recently invited my colleague Gareth Davey to do a content analysis of the first 20 volumes of Visual Anthropology, to mark a milestone that we reached at the end of last year. Dr. Davey is a British psychologist who was also trained in biology and holds a Ph.D. from Bolton University in Environmental Psychology. It seemed to me—to avoid bias—that it was important not to have the survey done by an anthropologist, and especially not by an American one, as 48 percent of all contributed articles originated in the United States.

I am particularly grateful to Dr. Davey for the heavy work he has put into this report. Occasional content analyses have been done before in the field of communication studies for journals in other fields, but so far as I know this is the first thorough attempt to evaluate what went into an anthropology journal that we are justified today in considering as a mainstream one. Your discussion of Davey's findings is invited.

Paul Hockings


During the past 20 years, visual anthropology has been transformed from its neglected and marginalized presence to an established and respected subdiscipline of sociocultural anthropology. As one of only two peer-reviewed journals in the field, Visual Anthropology has played an important role in this development. The present study analyzed the original articles published in Visual Anthropology (since its inaugural issue in 1987 to the end of 2007) in order to understand their characteristics. The findings showed that a diverse range of topics had been reported, classified into five main areas. Public presentation and specialized applications were the most salient areas, which seems to reflect their increasing popularity in the discipline. The articles published in the journal covered more than 80 countries, authored by scholars in 25 countries. Book and film reviews came from dozens more countries; altogether, 475 authors have contributed to the journal so far. This confirms that the journal has met its goal to serve the global community of visual anthropologists. However, the United States received the most attention, indicative perhaps of renewed interest there by the academic community. The contributors were based in a wide range of occupations; not surprisingly, the majority was university faculty in anthropology and media studies departments, although others were spread across a wide range of disciplines, representative of the field's interdisciplinary nature. The findings discussed in this study are important as the journal represents a large proportion of the discipline's research output.  相似文献   

Free Radical Research, October 2006; 40(10): 1066–1075

(Received 30 March 2006)

The Editor, Editorial Board and Publisher of Free Radical Research hereby retract the following article from publication in the journal:

SAMARJIT DAS, CESAR G. FRAGA & DIPAK K. DAS. 2006. Cardioprotective effect of resveratrol via HO-1 expression involves p38 map kinase and PI-3-kinase signaling, but does not involve NFkB. Free Radical Research, October 2006; 40(10): 1066–1075.

This article has been found to contain fabricated data during a research misconduct investigation by the University of Connecticut Health Center. Specifically, the institution has determined that images appearing in Figure 4 of that paper contain instances of data fabrication.

As a consequence, and as per accepted best practice, the article is withdrawn from all print and electronic editions.

Michael Davies (Editor in Chief)

Joris Roulleau (Managing Editor, Informa Healthcare)  相似文献   

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