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按照北京市医院管理局工作的要求,我院推进实行非急诊全面预约挂号,在多渠道预约挂号、号源梳理、流程再造、便民措施方面重点展开工作,有效改善了既往门诊服务中“三长一短”的现状,提升了患者满意度及一定的社会效益。  相似文献   

随着国家医疗改革的不断深入,卫生部针对国内大部分综合性医院门诊挂号拥挤的现象和因此导致的众多问题,推出了预约挂号的新政。预约挂号实行以来减轻了门诊拥挤,提高了诊疗效率,方便了患者就诊,但在实际推广仍有不足,因此需要推广实名制挂号、构建统一预约挂号平台、加强信用建设、完善医院管理创新、试行社区预约转诊等,实现预约挂号的"人性化、精细化、信息化、社会化"。  相似文献   

??????? 目的 初步探讨影响专家预约挂号率的原因及相应对策。方法 以SPSS 13.0软件分析2012年4月—2013年1月专家门诊情况与预约挂号率的关系。结果 不同门诊时间(季度、周别、午别)、不同专科、不同专家、不同门诊级别以及挂号率与号源使用率对我院专家门诊预约挂号率均有影响。结论 影响专家门诊预约挂号率的因素是多方面的,需采取综合措施,加强医院核心竞争力才是根本。  相似文献   

基于“云”“大”“物”“移”“智”信息技术,提出了妇幼保健智慧门诊的设想,对以信息集成平台为基础,由五大业务应用系统组成的智慧门诊信息系统构架进行了阐述,讨论了在预约挂号、就诊检查、诊间结算、充值缴费、结果的单次门诊就诊闭环中优化流程、提高效率、改善就医体验等方面的方法。  相似文献   

通过对2007—2010年挂号、退号数据的分析研究,得出导致退号的原因中,医疗资源不足、病患家长不愿意长时间等候是首要原因,其他原因既有病患方面的,也有医院管理方面的。通过对各种原因的综合分析,提出改进医院门诊挂号管理的建议:预约挂号——按时间段实名制预约挂号,错峰门诊,以此促进医疗效率的提高。  相似文献   

目的 改进医院预约挂号服务工作,完善预约挂号流程,进一步满足患者需求。方法 以2011年6月对通过网络、电话预约挂号的方式成功挂号的患者为调查对象,采用问卷调查方法,由经过培训的调查员进行调查,采用Epidata3.0软件进行数据录入,采用SPSS13.0进行统计分析。结果 对网络、电话预约挂号不满意的有57.4%,不满意的原因主要集中在取号环节上,80%多的患者是通过媒体和医院的宣传知道预约挂号的,但外地患者不足10%。结论 医院试行的网络、电话预约挂号方式具有一定的现实可行性,但是在取号环节及宣传预约挂号的方面,具有一定的欠缺,需要进一步完善和优化。  相似文献   

目的 分析预约挂号是否缩短门诊患者的等候时间。方法抽取医院某一周全部患者挂号记录49 147条,通过秩和检验方法,分析预约挂号与非预约挂号患者的候诊时间的差异,比较不同预约方式对患者候诊时间是否存在影响。结果 预约挂号平均候诊时间为50分钟,非预约挂号患者平均候诊时间为111分钟,不同预约方式的患者候诊时间存在统计学上的差异。结论 预约挂号能够有效缩短门诊患者的候诊时间,其中复诊预约患者候诊时间最短,应鼓励患者预约就诊,复诊患者应鼓励进行复诊预约。  相似文献   

目的 为预约挂号患者提供出票服务,分流挂号窗口排队人群。方法 设计预约挂号出票客户端,自助服务与人工服务相结合,合理规划业务流程。结果 预约挂号患者不需在挂号窗口排队,可为预约挂号患者提供24小时多地点自助出票服务,同时实现医院对预约挂号第三方支付的财务监管。结论 预约挂号出票客户端极大地方便了患者及医院,具有较好的可行性。  相似文献   

目的 了解某专科医院普通门诊分时段预约的特点和效果,探索适宜的评价指标、评价方式及提升预约服务的有效手段。方法 通过HIS系统提取2015年7月至2016年3月复旦大学附属妇产科医院杨浦院区4个普通门诊参与预约的12 889人次患者的预约信息及挂号就诊的181 447人次患者的相关数据,比较不同门诊的预约情况、流量分布及预约与非预约患者平均候诊时间等的差异。结果 普通门诊预约率仅7.24%,而爽约率高达25.90%;诊间预约不到全部预约的1%,普通门诊预约患者的平均候诊时间普遍短于非预约患者,无论预约率还是预约效果各科室间都存在明显差异。结论 评价普通门诊的预约情况应对各科室设置不同的基线和目标;结合专科医院的特点推动诊间预约;可将门诊流量监控引入门诊预约管理中。  相似文献   

S Tsuru 《Cryobiology》1973,10(5):445-452
Several species of marine and fresh water algae have been isolated from various habitats. Recently they were examined for their viability after freezing and freeze-drying procedures.The addition of suspending agents to algal cultures has resulted in greater viability for most of the green algae, but has shown little effect on the blue-green algae.It is considered that the preservation of algae by means of freezing and freeze-drying procedures are of great benefit as they offer the possibility of long-term preservation of viable collections, especially for patent depository for industrial applications.  相似文献   

目的 探讨失效模式与效应分析在皮肤科肿物切除术门诊手术流程管理中的应用效果。方法 成立失效模式与效应分析工作小组,利用失效模式与效应分析(FMEA),对皮肤科肿物切除门诊手术流程管理的问题进行失效模式的分析、评估与改进。结果 准确分析出皮肤科肿物切除术门诊手术流程管理中存在的术后照护模式不当、排队等候时间过长及门诊挂号流程复杂等问题,并针对失效模式与效应分析的问题提出要加强术后复诊流程标示、完善门诊挂号方式及流程等建议。结论FMEA可以很好地应用于皮肤科肿物切除术门诊手术流程的管理中,确保门诊手术流程的规范和医疗服务质量。  相似文献   

介绍了北京协和医院应用移动医疗APP推进预约挂号工作的整体情况。结合实际经验,本文指出APP预约挂号功能在开发中应注意“一老一小”人群的使用,提高患者预约的准确性,严格遏制倒号行为,并提出可供借鉴的应对措施。  相似文献   

门诊就诊一卡通的出现正是解决等待—排队——等待问题的一种方法,在医院现有的数字化管理系统基础之上,通过改变患者就诊流程,解决了患者看病过程中需要多次排队等待的现象,以后患者到医院看病只需通过银行卡、城市一卡通、医院门诊就诊卡,在自助缴费终端上通过简单食指操作,可以免去挂号、缴费、就诊等排队之苦。  相似文献   

医院搭建并应用12582120医疗信息服务平台,对于健康咨询、就医指导、疑难病会诊及预约挂号管理都具有重要意义。主要介绍搭建12582120医疗信息服务平台,包括12582120医疗服务热线平台、易农宝手机APP预约挂号系统、远程医疗服务平台、农村平价医药平台和易复诊医患信息管理APP系统平台为会员服务情况,并针对平台运用中存在的问题提出整改措施,使平台功能最大化,以利于推进分级诊疗体系建设,从而达到方便患者就医的目的。  相似文献   

N P Roos 《CMAJ》1988,138(9):809-816
Data from the Manitoba health insurance program were used to analyse the patterns of outpatient surgery in patients aged 20 years or older in the eight largest hospitals in the province (all with at least 125 beds) in 1983-84. With the exception of tooth extraction, only procedures that were not done more than 86% of the time as inpatient or outpatient procedures were considered. Large differences between the hospitals and between physicians within each hospital were found in the rates of outpatient surgery, even after adjustment for patient characteristics and differences in case mix. If the standard of the hospital with the highest rate of outpatient surgery were followed by the seven other hospitals, up to 17.5 inpatient beds could be closed or freed. However, the potential savings from substituting outpatient for inpatient procedures must be realistically appraised. The appropriate place for monitoring the use of inpatient and outpatient surgery may be the individual hospital, particularly those with high occupancy rates and a large demand for inpatient beds.  相似文献   

Microbial pathogens continue as major threats to health. Indeed, many ongoing societal changes are enhancing our vulnerability and exposure to several frank and opportunistic pathogens. This, together with rampant antimicrobial resistance and reduced prospects for newer drugs and vaccines, is forcing a higher reliance on microbiocides in infection prevention and control. That this reliance may not be well-founded becomes apparent from a closer look at current ways of testing and registering microbiocides, their label claims as well as human and environmental safety of certain widely used microbicidal chemicals. Many methods to test microbiocides for registration are flawed and/or entail test conditions irrelevant to field use. Pathogens listed on product labels may not be among those amenable to interruption through microbiocide use. The wide variations and discrepancies in existing national/regional regulations for registering microbiocides for sale stifle innovation. This is a critical look at the above-mentioned issues with emphasis on chemicals meant for use on environmental surfaces and medical devices. It highlights better ways to test microbiocides and to attain global harmonization of testing and product registration. It also details the known and potential dangers of microbiocide use and what to consider in choosing such formulations for optimal safety and effectiveness. End users are advised to be more critical and prudent in the selection and application of microbicidal chemicals, manufacturers are encouraged to explore infection control products and technologies that are safer in the workplace and for the environment, and regulators are urged to review and update the requirements and procedures for premarket review of microbiocide efficacy data and label claims. Independent investigations are also urgently needed to document the proportion of nosocomial infections that would be amenable to prevention through chemical disinfection of environmental surfaces.  相似文献   

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