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Two-dimensional isotropic mixing spectroscopy has been used to confirm assignments of the deoxyribose sugar protons in the H NMR spectrum of the DNA oligonucleotides d(CGCGTTTTCGCG) and [d(GCCGTGGCCACGGC)]2. The broad-band decoupling sequence MLEV-16 was applied during the mixing period to induce isotropic coupling within the spin systems, resulting in net transfer of coherence throughout the coupled spin networks. Nearly all 1', 2', 2', 3', and 4' protons of a given nucleotide could be identified on the basis of through-bond scalar connectivities. In addition, in the hairpin, a number of connectivities to 5'/5' protons were found. The dependence of cross-peak intensity on the length of radio-frequency irradiation for several different coherence transfer orders is presented, and implications for optimization are discussed.  相似文献   

D E Wemmer  S H Chou  D R Hare  B R Reid 《Biochemistry》1984,23(10):2262-2268
The resonances of most of the nonexchangeable protons of both + and - strands of the consensus Pribnow dodecamer d( CGTTATAATGCG ) have been assigned by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance methods. Application of the two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect ( NOESY ) sequential connectivity method, combined with two-dimensional autocorrelated ( COSY ) spectra to reveal scalar-coupled protons, results in assignment of virtually all of the base and sugar protons, except the sugar C5 protons which are inadequately resolved. Analysis of the nuclear Overhauser data indicates that the helix assumes a fairly uniform B form conformation.  相似文献   

Aromatic proton resonances of proteins are notoriously difficult to assign. Through-bond correlation experiments are preferable over experiments that rely on through-space interactions because they permit aromatic chemical shift assignments to be established independently of the structure determination process. Known experimental schemes involving a magnetization transfer across the Cβ–Cγ bond in aromatic side chains either suffer from low efficiency for the relay beyond the Cδ position, use sophisticated 13C mixing schemes, require probe heads suitable for application of high 13C radio-frequency fields or rely on specialized isotopic labelling patterns. Novel methods are proposed that result in sequential assignment of all aromatic protons in uniformly 13C/15N labelled proteins using standard spectrometer hardware. Pulse sequences consist of routinely used building blocks and are therefore reasonably simple to implement. Ring protons may be correlated with β-carbons and, alternatively, with amide protons (and nitrogens) or carbonyls in order to take advantage of the superior dispersion of backbone resonances. It is possible to record spectra in a non-selective manner, yielding signals of all aromatic residues, or as amino-acid type selective versions to further reduce ambiguities. The new experiments are demonstrated with four different proteins with molecular weights ranging from 11 kDa to 23 kDa. Their performance is compared with that of (Hβ)Cβ(CγCδ)Hδ and (Hβ)Cβ(CγCδCɛ)Hɛ pulse sequences [Yamazaki et al. (1993) J Am Chem Soc 115:11054–11055]. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Promiscuous mutant EcoRI endonucleases produce lethal to sublethal effects because they cleave Escherichia coli DNA despite the presence of the EcoRI methylase. Three promiscuous mutant forms, Ala138Thr, Glu192Lys and His114Tyr, have been characterized with respect to their binding affinities and first-order cleavage rate constants towards the three classes of DNA sites: specific, miscognate (EcoRI*) and non-specific. We have made the unanticipated and counterintuitive observations that the mutant restriction endonucleases that exhibit relaxed specificity in vivo nevertheless bind more tightly than the wild-type enzyme to the specific recognition sequence in vitro, and show even greater preference for binding to the cognate GAATTC site over miscognate sites. Binding preference for EcoRI* over non-specific DNA is also improved. The first-order cleavage rate constants of the mutant enzymes are normal for the cognate site GAATTC, but are greater than those of the wild-type enzyme at EcoRI* sites. Thus, the mutant enzymes use two mechanisms to partially bypass the multiple fail-safe mechanisms that protect against cleavage of genomic DNA in cells carrying the wild-type EcoRI restriction-modification system: (a) binding to EcoRI* sites is more probable than for wild-type enzyme because non-specific DNA is less effective as a competitive inhibitor; (b) the combination of increased affinity and elevated cleavage rate constants at EcoRI* sites makes double-strand cleavage of these sites a more probable outcome than it is for the wild-type enzyme. Semi-quantitative estimates of rates of EcoRI* site cleavage in vivo, predicted using the binding and cleavage constants measured in vitro, are in accord with the observed lethal phenotypes associated with the three mutations.  相似文献   

F Baralle 《Cell》1977,12(4):1085-1095
The 5' noncoding regions of human alpha-and beta-globin mRNAs, 37 and 50 nucleotides in length, have been sequenced. A variation of the "plus and minus" gel technique described by Brownlee and Cartwright (1977) was used, and the results were cross-checked by the Maxam and Gilbert (1977) procedure. These studies completed the knowledge of all the noncoding region sequences of both mRNAs, and it was then possible to calculate their exact size. Human alpha-and beta-globin mRNAs are 575 and 626 nucleotides in length, excluding the poly(A). Furthermore, because the coding and 3' noncoding regions of the latter were known from previous studies (Marotta et al., 1977; Proudfoot, 1977), the primary structure of human beta-globin mRNA is now complete except for six ambiguities in the coding region. The human and rabbit 5' noncoding region sequences are about 80% homologous. This suggests that they are under a moderate selective pressure.  相似文献   

The resonances of all the non-exchangeable protons (except 5'H and 5"H) of d(CGAAAAATCGG) + d(CCGATTTTTCG), a putatively bent DNA duplex, have been assigned using 1H two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance methods. The nuclear Overhauser effect data indicate an overall B-form structure for this double-helical DNA undecamer. However, several features of the NMR data such as some unusually weak C8/C6 proton to C1' proton NOE cross-peaks, the presence of relatively intense C2H to C1'H NOE cross-peaks, and unusual chemical shifts of some 2", 2', and 1' protons suggest a substantial perturbation of the helix structure at the junctions and along the length of the tract of A residues. These structural deviations are considered in terms of models of DNA bending.  相似文献   

F E Baralle 《Cell》1977,10(4):549-558

The carotenoid biosynthesis genes form a cluster within the genome of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, lying in the middle of a larger cluster and 45 kb in length, which contains genes for bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis and for the reaction center and light-harvesting apoproteins. The positions and approximate limits of the carotenoid genes were determined previously by localized transposon Tn5 mutagenesis and by comparison with the closely related Rhodobacter capsulatus carotenoid gene cluster. In this report, analysis of the DNA and deduced amino acid sequences of the carotenoid genes in R. sphaeroides are presented. Twenty-five Tn5 insertion mutants were used to produce a base-specific Tn5 insertion map of this region, and carotenoid gene assignment was supported by spectroscopic, ultrastructural, and high-pressure liquid chromatography analyses of these mutants. A region in the 3' end of crtD which affects bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis was discovered, and CrtA was found to possess a proline-rich C-terminal region containing a repeated (Ala-Pro)n motif. CrtF also showed a high degree of sequence conservation with eukaryotic O-methyltransferases. This study provides gene sequences and assignments based upon a comprehensive structural, spectroscopic, and biochemical analysis of a range of carotenoid biosynthetic mutants; in each mutation, the point of Tn5 insertion is determined accurate to 1 bp on the gene cluster.  相似文献   

M A Thompson  J W Hawkins  J Piatigorsky 《Gene》1987,56(2-3):173-184
The chicken alpha A-crystallin gene and 2.6 kb of its 5' flanking sequence have been isolated and characterized by electron microscopy and sequencing. The structural gene is 4.5 kb long and contains two introns, each approx. 1 kb in length. The first intron divides codons 63 and 64, and the second intron divides codons 104 and 105, as in rodents. There is little indication that the insert exon of rodents (an alternatively spliced sequence) is present in complete form in the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene; small stretches of similarity to this sequence were found throughout the gene. The 5' flanking sequence of the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene shows considerable sequence similarity with other mammalian alpha B-crystallin genes. In addition, one consensus sequence (GCAGCATGCCCTCCTAG) present in the 5' flanking region of the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene was found in the 5' flanking region of most reported crystallin genes.  相似文献   

Complete DNA sequence of the rat cytomegalovirus genome   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We have determined the complete genome sequence of the Maastricht strain of rat cytomegalovirus (RCMV). The RCMV genome has a length of 229,896 bp and is arranged as a single unique sequence flanked by 504-bp terminal direct repeats. RCMV was found to have counterparts of all but one of the open reading frames (ORFs) that are conserved between murine CMV (MCMV) and human CMV (HCMV). Like HCMV, RCMV lacks homologs of the genes belonging to the MCMV m02 glycoprotein gene family. However, RCMV contains 15 ORFs with homology to members of the MCMV m145 glycoprotein gene family. Four ORFs are predicted to encode homologs of host proteins; R33 and R78 both putatively encode G protein-coupled receptors, whereas r144 and r131 encode homologs of major histocompatibility class I heavy chains and CC chemokines, respectively. An intriguing feature of the RCMV genome is the presence of an ORF, r127, with similarity to the rep gene of parvoviruses as well as ORF U94 of human herpesvirus 6A (HHV-6A) and HHV-6B. Counterparts of these ORFs have not been found in the other sequenced herpesviruses.  相似文献   

The complete assignment of the aromatic proton nuclear magnetic resonances of the three tyrosine residues in hen lysozyme is reported. These assignments were made using double resonance techniques, specific chemical modifications of one residue (Tyr-23), and by interpretation of the effects of paramagnetic lanthanide ions. Some aspects of the behaviour of the tyrosine residues are reported, including pK values, reactivity towards modifying agents and conformational mobility.  相似文献   

The binding of cadmium to the calcium binding subunit of skeletal troponin (STnC) has been reinvestigated using direct binding methods and fluorescent derivatives. These data provide straightforward explanations of the observed titration behavior in the 113Cd NMR (Ellis, P.D., Strang, P., and Potter, J.D. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 10348-10356). Further, fluorescent derivatives of skeletal troponin C provide an excellent means of establishing a sequence assignment for the resonances observed in the 113Cd NMR. The results of these experiments demonstrate that sites I and II, the Ca2+ regulatory sites, can be assigned to resonances at -108.5 and -101.5 ppm, respectively. Sites III and IV, the structural sites, are assigned to resonances -112.8 and -106.8 ppm, respectively. These data are discussed in terms of recent structural findings and speculations.  相似文献   

Summary We present ALPS (Assignment for Labelled Protein Spectra), a flexible computer program for the automatic assignment of backbone NMR resonances of 15N/13C-labelled proteins. The program constructs pseudoresidues from peak-picking lists of a set of two-dimensional triple resonance experiments and uses either a systematic search or a simulated annealing-based optimization to perform the assignment. This method has been successfully tested on two-dimensional triple resonance spectra of Rhodobacter capsulatus ferrocytochrome c 2 (116 amino acids).  相似文献   

Systematic screens have revealed extensive DNA sequence variation existing in the human population. Studies of the role of polymorphic genetic variants in explaining the association of family history with risk of common disease have generally focused on variants predicted to disrupt protein structure and activity. Recent studies have identified genetic variation in the level of expression of many genes, variation that is potentially biologically relevant in explaining individual variation in disease risk. In a survey of data available for 108 DNA repair genes that have been systematically screened for sequence variation, an average of 3.3 SNPs per gene were found to exist at a variant allele frequency of at least 0.02 in the region 2kb upstream from the 5'-untranslated region. One-third of the genes harbored a SNP with an allele frequency of at least 0.02 within a predicted promotor element. These variants are distributed among promoter elements that average 20 elements per gene. The frequency of polymorphic SNPs in CpG islands was 0.8 per gene, while the frequency of SNPs in the 5'-UTR was 0.7 per gene. The recognition of extensive genetic variation with potential to impact levels of gene expression, and thereby exacerbate the impact of amino acid substitution variants on the activity of proteins, increases the complexity of analyses required to explain the molecular genetic basis for the familial contribution to the sporadic incidence of common disease.  相似文献   

Deoxyuridine analogs spin labeled in position 5 have been enzymatically incorporated sequence specifically into an oligodeoxyribonucleotide to form a spin-labeled 26-mer. The 26-mer contains the EcoRI-binding site and two labels which are located symmetrically close to the binding site. The labels are separated from one another far beyond the Heisenberg spin-exchange distance. The local base motion as determined by ESR spectroscopy is of the order of 4 ns in the oligonucleotide duplex. This is the same value as reported earlier for local T motions in polynucleotide duplexes, thereby providing direct experimental evidence that the ESR line shape of spin levels covalently attached to nucleic acids depends primarily on the local dynamics of the nucleic acid building blocks.  相似文献   

M J Kime 《FEBS letters》1984,173(2):342-346
The downfield proton NMR spectrum of aqueous uniformly nitrogen-15 enriched 5 S RNA fragment is presented. Selective nitrogen-15 decoupling difference proton spectroscopy revealed nitrogen-15 chemical shifts of fragment imino nitrogens. Nitrogen chemical shifts of nucleic acid guanine and uracil imino nitrogens have separate small ranges. Nitrogen-15 and proton chemical shift correlation by the heteronuclear decoupling permitted the identification of the base type of some previously unassigned imino proton resonances in the 5 S RNA fragment spectrum. Corresponding resonances in the natural isotopic abundance 5 S RNA fragment spectrum are assigned to base types by comparison with the enriched sample spectrum.  相似文献   

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