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Cytidine is a nucleoside molecule that is widely used as a precursor for antiviral drugs. In this study, a cytidine-producing strain Cyt18 was developed from Escherichia coli K-12 through 3-step genetic manipulation strategies. Cytidine deaminase gene (cdd) was firstly deleted from the E. coli K-12 strain to develop Cyt10. Furthermore, homoserine dehydrogenase gene (thrA) was inactivated from the Cyt10 strain to develop Cyt12, in which the intracellular aspartate concentration was expected to be increased. The recombinant plasmid pMG1105 containing an pyrB-pyrA operon from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CYTI was constructed and was introduced into Cyt12 to obtain the Cyt18 strain. Compared to the Cyt12 strain, the cytidine production by the recombinant strain Cyt18 was increased by ~3-fold (722.9 mg/l vs. 249.3 mg/l).  相似文献   

Recombinant Escherichia coli cells were applied for the recovery of electric energy from formate. Initially, the fdh gene, which encodes formate dehydrogenase (FDH) of Mycobacterium vaccae, was introduced into E. coli cells to allow efficient degradation of formate. The constructed microbial fuel cell (MFC) with E. coli BW25113 cells carrying fdh gene showed appreciable generation of current density in the presence of formate as a substrate. Current density and polarization curves revealed that the performance of MFC under examined conditions was limited by the electron transfer from bulk liquid to the electrode surface; accordingly, agitation resulted in an increase in the current density and achieved a coulombic efficiency of 21.7 % on the basis of formate consumed. Thus, gene recombination enables E. coli cells to utilize formate as a fuel for MFC.  相似文献   

E. coli harboring the multicopy plasmid pBR327, which codes for beta-lactamase synthesis, was immobilized on acetylcellulose membranes. These were placed in the vicinity of a flat pH electrode, thus constituting a penicillin biosensor based on the detection of changes in pH using a reference pH electrode. A response time of 8 min was obtained with at least 2 mg of cells cm-2 of membrane. A linear detection range between 5 and 30 mM of penicillin was achieved. Buffering capacity decreased the sensitivity, but to a lower extent as when compared with probes using purified enzyme. The sensor was completely stable for at least 13 days and proved to be useful for penicillin estimation in complex media such as fermentation broths and milk.  相似文献   

The L(-)-carnitine production by biotransformation using the recombinant strain Escherichia coli pT7-5KE32 has been studied and optimized with crotonobetaine and D(+)-carnitine as substrates. A resting rather than a growing cells system for L(-)-carnitine production was chosen, crotonobetaine being the best substrate. High biocatalytic activity was obtained after growing the cells under anaerobic conditions at 37°C and with crotonobetaine or L(-)-carnitine as inducer. The growth incubation temperature (37°C) was high enough as to activate the heat-inducible λpL promoter inserted in the plasmid pGP1-2. The best biotransformation conditions were with resting cells, under aerobiosis, with 4 g l−1 and 100 mM biomass and substrate concentrations respectively. Under these conditions the biotransformation time (1 h) was shorter and the L(-)-carnitine yield (70%) higher than previously reported. Consequently productivity value (11.3 g l−1h−1) was highly improved when comparing with other published works. The resting cells could be reused until eight times maintaining product yield levels well over 50% that meant to increase ten times the L(-)-carnitine obtained per gram of biomass.  相似文献   

Glucokinase (glk), phosphomannomutase (manB), and mannose-1-phosphate guanylytransferase (manC) are needed for the biosynthesis of GDP-mannose. A recombinant E. coli strain over-expressing these three genes was constructed to produce guanosine 5'-diphosphate (GDP)-mannose, the donor of GDP-fucose, an essential substrate for synthesis of fucosyloligosaccharides. In addition, the glk, manB, and manC genes were individually cloned into the expression vector pET-22b (+) to construct three recombinant E. coli strains pET-glk, pET-manB and pET-manC, respectively. Fermentation of the recombinant strain BL21/pET-glk-manB-manC had a conversion rate of 23% from mannose to GDP-mannose under IPTG induction, while coupling fermentation of the three recombinant strains BL21/pET-glk, BL21/pET-manB, BL21/pET-manC resulted in a conversion rate of 33% under the same induction conditions.  相似文献   

A recombinant Escherichia coli K-12 strain was grown in the regime of chemostat with glucose limitation at a different flow rate and in the regime of turbidostat. The stability of its population and the dynamics of somatotropin biosynthesis were studied. The plasmid-containing strain became less stable as the flow rate in the fermenter dropped down, which was due, apparently, to a greater limitation. The level of somatotropin biosynthesis was higher at a low dilution rate (D = 0.075, 0.17 and 0.34 h-1). Possible factors responsible for this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

The assembly of six genes that encode enzymes from glutamate-fermenting bacteria converted Escherichia coli into a glutaconate producer when grown anaerobically on a complex medium. The new anaerobic pathway starts with 2-oxoglutarate from general metabolism and proceeds via (R)-2-hydroxyglutarate, (R)-2-hydroxyglutaryl-coenzyme A (CoA), and (E)-glutaconyl-CoA to yield 2.7 ± 0.2 mM (E)-glutaconate in the medium.  相似文献   

Phenylacetic and retinoic acids are carboxyacidic cell differentiating agents displaying anticancer activities. We report on a new class of compounds including the 5'-esters of 2'-deoxyadenosine (dA) or 2-chloro-2'-deoxyadenosine (cladribine, 2CdA) and the aforementioned acids. The rationale behind the synthesis of these esters was that if they are hydrolyzed inside the lymphoid cells, either dA will be removed from the intracellular environment by deamination, or 2CdA will be phosphorylated and accumulated. In either case targetted delivery of the differentiating agent to the lymphoid cells may be envisaged. The said compounds were synthesized by the Mitsunobu procedure employing triphenylphosphine and azadicarboxylic acid esters, and their stability was tested against various esterases. Esters of dA and 2CdA with phenylacetic acids were found to be resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis, whereas those with retinoic acids were efficiently hydrolyzed by commercially available hepatic esterase as well as by esterases present in the blood plasma and in diluted human lymphocyte lysate. Susceptibility to enzymatic hydrolysis was found to be a prerequisite of cytotoxic and/or differentiating activity of these esters in leukemic cell lines.  相似文献   

The toxic effect of the Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions on the luminescent recombinant Escherichia coli strain with the luxCDABE operon was studied in short- and long-term experiments. At 30-min exposure of bacteria to the iron ions, the effective concentrations of Fe2+ and Fe3+ resulting in acute toxicity (EC50) were 8.5 and 1.3 mg/L, respectively. In the long-term (24 h) experiment, during active bacterial growth, the toxicity index for Fe2+ and Fe3+ was 65.5 and 62.8, respectively. Addition of the iron ions into the medium did not suppress growth, although it inhibited luminescence. Comparative analysis of the short- and long-term experiments made it possible to assess iron toxicity at the concentrations from 0.5 to 20 mg/L (as calculated for the Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions). Iron ions were found to affect only the reactions that were not vitally important for the cell. At the same time, they had no negative effect on the genetic mechanisms and protein synthesis, thus indicating non-specific toxicity of Fe2+ and Fe3+.  相似文献   

A recombinant Escherichia coli strain with the cloned gene of restriction endonuclease EcoR-V was studied. The diauxic growth of this strain under batch conditions, the composition of excreted products and the hyperbolic shape of the chemostat growth curve has made it possible to formulate the following hypothesis. At a high flow rate, one of the first reactions in the tricarboxylic acid cycle or a reaction directly preceding the cycle is a limiting step in the metabolism of E. coli cells. The saturation of the limiting reaction with a substrate at a flow rate higher than the critical one may be responsible for the hyperbolic profile of chemostat curves. The above hypothesis was confirmed by experiments conducted under extreme conditions, in which the composition of the growth medium was changed and the temperature was raised so that the cloned protein synthesis was depressed. Under such conditions, the enzyme composition of the cell was fixed and determined by the physiological state of the culture at a time when the temperature was elevated. The hypothesis was also supported by the results obtained in growing the strain with the induced protein synthesis in media to which various compounds were added.  相似文献   

To generate an organism capable of producing d-lactate, NAD+-dependent d-lactate dehydrogenase was expressed in our pyruvate-producing strain, Escherichia coli strain LAFCPCPt-accBC-aceE. After determining the optimal culture conditions for d-lactate production, 18.4 mM d-lactate was produced from biomass-based medium without supplemental mineral or nitrogen sources. Our results show that d-lactate can be produced in simple batch fermentation processes.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for recombinant bacteria which includes foreign protein production is developed. The experimental system consists of an Escherichia Coli strain and plasmid pIT34 containing genes for bioluminescence and production of a protein, β-galactosidase. This recombinant strain is constructed to facilitate on-line estimation and control in a complex bioprocess. Several batch experiments are designed and performed to validate the developed model. The design of a model structure, the identification of the model parameters and the estimation problem are three parts of a joint design problem. A nonlinear observer is designed and an experimental evaluation is performed on a batch fermentation process to estimate the substrate consumption.  相似文献   

Summary The recombinant Escherichia coli strain, TG2 (p1/1), can be used for biotransformation of toluene to toluene cis-glycol. However, toluene caused substantial inhibition of both growth and toluene cis-glycol production at concentrations above 0.04%. Tetradecane was found to be non-toxic at a phase ratio of 0.23 and provided protection against toluene toxicity. Thus, growth was still possible in the presence of 1.5% toluene. Furthermore, the yield of toluene cis-glycol was increased 1.7-fold compared with the yield in the absence of tetradecane.  相似文献   

AIMS: A parametric study was conducted to define optimum conditions to achieve high yields in the conversion of tyrosine to eumelanin (EuMel) using recombinant Escherichia coli. METHODS AND RESULTS: Escherichia coli W3110 (pTrcMutmelA) expressing the tyrosinase coding gene from Rhizobium etli and glucose-mineral media were used to transform tyrosine into EuMel. Batch aerobic fermentor cultures were performed to study the effect of temperature, pH and inducer concentration (isopropyl-D-thio-galactopyranoside) on melanin production. Under optimum conditions, 0.1 mmol l(-1) of isopropyl-D-thio-galactopyranoside, temperature of 30 degrees C, and changing pH from 7.0 to 7.5 during the production phase, a 100% conversion of tyrosine into EuMel is obtained. Furthermore, tyrosine feeding allowed us to obtain the highest level (6 g l(-1)) of EuMel produced by recombinant E. coli reported until now. CONCLUSIONS: The most important factors affecting melanin formation and hence influencing the rate and efficiency in the conversion of tyrosine into EuMel in this system, are the temperature and pH. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Maximum theoretical yield was obtained using a simple culture process and mineral media to convert tyrosine (a medium value compound) into melanin, a high value compound. The process reported here avoids the use of purified tyrosinase, expensive chemical methods or the cumbersome extraction of this polymer from animal or plant tissues.  相似文献   

The kinetics of cell growth and foreign protein production, as well as factors affecting protein stability, were studied and optimized in batch and fed-batch fermentations of a recombinant strain of Escherichia coli. The pL promoter from bacteriophage lambda under the control of a temperature-sensitive cl represser, with the entire construct integrated into the E. coli chromosome through the use of a defective bacteriophage lambda lysogen, was used to direct the synthesis of T4 DNA ligase. The biphasic fermentations consisted of a primary growth phase at 30 degrees C followed by an induction phase which was initiated by shifting the temperature to 42 degrees C. In the fed-batch fermentations, additional nutrients were added at the time of initiating induction. Maintenance of sufficiently high concentrations of the organic substrates (glucose and casamino acids) during the induction phase was required for continued cell growth at 42 degrees C. Such growth was essential for T4 DNA ligase formation and in vivo stability. Hence, fed-batch fermentations produced the highest yield of the foreign protein Commensurate with providing lower total amounts of substrates. In such cases, high cell densities (6 g dry wt/L) with substantial intracellular levels of T4 DNA ligase (4.6% total cellular protein, or 2.7% of the dry biomass) were achieved.  相似文献   

Using mRNA from rat liver a cDNA library was constructed in lambda gt11Amp3. Immunochemical screening identified 15 clones producing transferrin. The identity of two clones was confirmed by nucleotide sequencing, which also indicated a presegment rich in hydrophobic amino acids but lack of a prosegment in precursor transferrin. A 920 base pair insert in one clone corresponded to 84% of the N-terminal domain of transferrin, which was synthesized as a hybrid protein with bacterial beta-galactosidase. A 1540 base pair insert in another clone corresponded to the N-terminal plus 50% of the carboxy terminal domain of transferrin. The product of this clone possessed only antigenic properties of transferrin.  相似文献   

Synthesis of chiral cyanohydrins is performed in a monophasic micro-aqueous reaction system using whole recombinant Escherichia coli cells expressing the Arabidopsis thaliana hydroxynitrile lyase (AtHNL). Microscopy studies employing a fusion of AtHNL with a flavin-based fluorescent protein (FbFP) reveal that the cells remain intact in the reaction system.  相似文献   

In this work Escherichia coli strain CML3-1 was engineered through the insertion of Cupriavidus necator P(3HB)-synthesis genes, fused to a lactose-inducible promoter, into the chromosome, via transposition-mediated mechanism. It was shown that polyhydroxyalkanotes (PHAs) production by this strain, using cheese whey, was low due to a significant organic acids (OA) synthesis. The proton suicide method was used as a strategy to obtain an E. coli mutant strain with a reduced OA-producing capacity, aiming at driving bacterial metabolism toward PHAs synthesis.Thirteen E. coli mutant strains were obtained and tested in shake flask assays, using either rich or defined media supplemented with lactose. P8-X8 was selected as the best candidate strain for bioreactor fed-batch tests using cheese whey as the sole carbon source. Although cell growth was considerably slower for this mutant strain, a lower yield of OA on substrate (0.04 CmolOA/Cmollac) and a higher P(3HB) production (18.88 gP(3HB)/L) were achieved, comparing to the original recombinant strain (0.11 CmolOA/Cmollac and 7.8 gP(3HB)/L, respectively). This methodology showed to be effective on the reduction of OA yield by consequently improving the P(3HB) yield on lactose (0.28 CmolP(3HB)/Cmollac vs 0.10 CmolP(3HB)/Cmollac of the original strain).  相似文献   

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