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Expression of CD28 is highly regulated during thymic development, with CD28 levels extremely low on immature thymocytes but increasing dramatically as CD4- CD8- cells initiate expression of TCRbeta. B7-1 and B7-2, the ligands for CD28, have a restricted distribution in the thymic cortex where immature thymocytes reside and are more highly expressed in the medulla where the most mature thymocytes are located. To determine the importance of this regulated CD28/B7 expression for T cell development, we examined the effect of induced CD28 signaling of immature thymocytes in CD28/B7-2 double-transgenic mice. Strikingly, we found that differentiation to the CD4+ CD8+ stage in CD28/B7-2 transgenics proceeds independent of the requirement for TCRbeta expression manifest in wild-type thymocytes, occurring even in Rag- or CD3epsilon- knockouts. These findings indicate that signaling of immature thymocytes through CD28 in the absence of TCR- or pre-TCR-derived signals can promote an aberrant pathway of T cell differentiation and highlight the importance of finely regulated physiologic expression of CD28 and B7 in maintaining integrity of the "beta" checkpoint for pre-TCR/TCR-dependent thymic differentiation.  相似文献   

The B7:CD28/CTLA-4 costimulatory pathway plays a critical role in regulating the immune response and thus provides an ideal target for therapeutic manipulation of autoimmune disease. Previous studies have shown that blockade of CD28 signaling by mAbs can both prevent and exacerbate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). In this study, we have designed two CD28 peptide mimics that selectively block B7:CD28 interactions. By surface plasmon resonance, both the end group-blocked CD28 peptide (EL-CD28) and its retro-inverso isomer (RI-CD28) compete effectively with the extracellular domain of CD28 for binding to B7-1. Both the CD28 peptide mimics inhibited expansion of encephalitogenic T cells in vitro. A single administration of EL-CD28 or RI-CD28 peptide significantly reduced disease severity in EAE. Importantly, we show that either CD28 peptide mimic administered during acute disease dramatically improved clinical signs of EAE, suppressing ongoing disease. The ratio of CD80:CD86 expression was significantly lower on CD4(+) and F4/80(+) spleen cells in CD28 peptide-treated mice. Peripheral deletion of Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells occurs following in vivo blockade of CD28 with synthetic CD28 peptides.  相似文献   

The costimulatory requirements required for peripheral blood T regulatory cells (Tregs) are unclear. Using cell-based artificial APCs we found that CD28 but not ICOS, OX40, 4-1BB, CD27, or CD40 ligand costimulation maintained high levels of Foxp3 expression and in vitro suppressive function. Only CD28 costimulation in the presence of rapamycin consistently generated Tregs that consistently suppressed xenogeneic graft-vs-host disease in immunodeficient mice. Restimulation of Tregs after 8-12 days of culture with CD28 costimulation in the presence of rapamycin resulted in >1000-fold expansion of Tregs in <3 wk. Next, we determined whether other costimulatory pathways could augment the replicative potential of CD28-costimulated Tregs. We observed that while OX40 costimulation augmented the proliferative capacity of CD28-costimulated Tregs, Foxp3 expression and suppressive function were diminished. These studies indicate that the costimulatory requirements for expanding Tregs differ from those for T effector cells and, furthermore, they extend findings from mouse Tregs to demonstrate that human postthymic Tregs require CD28 costimulation to expand and maintain potent suppressive function in vivo.  相似文献   

The B7/CD28 pathway provides critical costimulatory signals required for complete T cell activation and has served as a potential target for immunotherapeutic strategies designed to regulate autoimmune diseases. This study was designed to examine the roles of CD28 and its individual ligands, B7-1 and B7-2, in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a Th1-mediated inflammatory disease of the CNS. EAE induction in CD28- or B7-deficient nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice was compared with the effects of B7/CD28 blockade using Abs in wild-type NOD mice. Disease severity was significantly reduced in CD28-deficient as well as anti-B7-1/B7-2-treated NOD mice. B7-2 appeared to play the more dominant role as there was a moderate decrease in disease incidence and severity in B7-2-deficient animals. EAE resistance was not due to the lack of effective priming of the myelin peptide-specific T cells in vivo. T cells isolated from CD28-deficient animals produced equivalent amounts of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha in response to the immunogen, proteolipid protein 56-70. In fact, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha production by Ag-specific T cells was enhanced in both the B7-1 and B7-2-deficient NOD mice. In contrast, peptide-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity responses in these animals were significantly decreased, suggesting a critical role for CD28 costimulation in in vivo trafficking and systemic immunity. Collectively, these results support a critical role for CD28 costimulation in EAE induction.  相似文献   

Spontaneous experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis arises in 100% of mice exclusively harboring myelin basic protein-specific T cells, and can be prevented by a single injection of CD4+ T cells obtained from normal donors. Given the powerful regulatory effect of the transferred T cells, we further investigated their properties, and, in particular, their repertoire requirements. Transfer of monoclonal OVA-specific CD4+ T cells did not confer protection from disease even when present at very high proportions (about 80% of total lymphocytes). Lack of protection was also evident after immunization of these animals with OVA, indicating that not just any postthymic CD4+ T cells has the potential to become regulatory. However, protection was conferred by cells bearing limited TCR diversity, including cells expressing a single Valpha4 TCR chain or cells lacking N nucleotides. We also investigated whether coexpression of the myelin basic protein-specific TCR with another TCR in a single cell would alter either pathogenesis or regulation. This was not the case, as myelin basic protein-specific/OVA-specific recombinase activating gene-1-/- double TCR transgenic mice still developed experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis spontaneously even after immunization with OVA. Based on this evidence, we conclude that CD4+ T regulatory cells do not express canonical TCRs and that the altered signaling properties brought about by coexpression of two TCRs are not sufficient for the generation of regulatory T cells. Instead, our results indicate that regulatory T cells belong to a population displaying wide TCR diversity, but in which TCR specificity is central to their protective function.  相似文献   

CD8(+) T cells are a critical component of the adaptive immune response against infections and tumors. A current paradigm in immunology is that naive CD8(+) T cells require CD28 costimulation, whereas memory CD8(+) T cells do not. We show here, however, that during viral infections of mice, costimulation is required in vivo for the reactivation of memory CD8(+) T cells. In the absence of CD28 costimulation, secondary CD8(+) T cell responses are greatly reduced and this impairs viral clearance. The failure of CD8(+) T cells to expand in the absence of CD28 costimulation is CD4(+) T cell help independent and is accompanied by a failure to down-regulate Bcl-2 and by cell cycle arrest. This requirement for CD28 costimulation was shown in both influenza A and HSV infections. Thus, contrary to current dogma, memory CD8(+) T cells require CD28 costimulation to generate maximal secondary responses against pathogens. Importantly, this CD28 requirement was shown in the context of real infections were multiple other cytokines and costimulators may be up-regulated. Our findings have important implications for pathogens, such as HIV and measles virus, and tumors that evade the immune response by failing to provide CD28 costimulation. These findings also raise questions about the efficacy of CD8(+) T cell-based vaccines against such pathogens and tumors.  相似文献   

Artificial APCs (aAPCs) genetically modified to express selective costimulatory molecules provide a reproducible, cost-effective, and convenient method for polyclonal and Ag-specific expansion of human T cells for adoptive immunotherapy. Among the variety of aAPCs that have been studied, acellular beads expressing anti-CD3/anti-CD28 efficiently expand CD4+ cells, but not CD8+ T cells. Cell-based aAPCs can effectively expand cytolytic CD8+ cells, but optimal costimulatory signals have not been defined. 4-1BB, a costimulatory molecule expressed by a minority of resting CD8+ T cells, is transiently up-regulated by all CD8+ T cells following activation. We compared expansion of human cytolytic CD8+ T cells using cell-based aAPCs providing costimulation via 4-1BB vs CD28. Whereas anti-CD3/anti-CD28 aAPCs mostly expand naive cells, anti-CD3/4-1BBL aAPCs preferentially expand memory cells, resulting in superior enrichment of Ag-reactive T cells which recognize previously primed Ags and efficient expansion of electronically sorted CD8+ populations reactive toward viral or self-Ags. Using HLA-A2-Fc fusion proteins linked to 4-1BBL aAPCs, 3-log expansion of Ag-specific CD8+ CTL was induced over 14 days, whereas similar Ag-specific CD8+ T cell expansion did not occur using HLA-A2-Fc/anti-CD28 aAPCs. Furthermore, when compared with cytolytic T cells expanded using CD28 costimulation, CTL expanded using 4-1BB costimulation mediate enhanced cytolytic capacity due, in part, to NKG2D up-regulation. These results demonstrate that 4-1BB costimulation is essential for expanding memory CD8+ T cells ex vivo and is superior to CD28 costimulation for generating Ag-specific products for adoptive cell therapy.  相似文献   

Autoimmune encephalomyelitis is a disease of the CNS that can develop when an initial peripheral inflammatory stimulus is followed by infiltration and reactivation of T lymphocytes in the CNS. We report a crucial role for coronin 1, which is essential for maintenance of the naive T cell pool, for the development of murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a model for multiple sclerosis. In the absence of coronin 1, immunization with myelin oligoglycoprotein (MOG(35-55)) peptide largely failed to induce EAE symptoms, despite normal mobilization of leukocyte subsets in the blood, as well as effector cytokine expression comparable with wild-type T cells on polyclonal stimulation. Susceptibility of coronin 1-deficient mice to EAE induction was restored by transfer of wild-type CD4(+) T cells, suggesting that the observed resistance of coronin 1-deficient mice to EAE development is T cell intrinsic. Importantly, although coronin 1-deficient regulatory T cells (Tregs) showed a suppressor activity comparable with wild-type Tregs, Treg depletion failed to restore EAE development in coronin 1-deficient animals. These results suggest a hitherto unrecognized role of naive T cells in the development of autoimmune encephalomyelitis and reveal coronin 1 as a crucial modulator of EAE induction.  相似文献   

The YMNM motif that exists in the CD28 cytoplasmic domain is known as a binding site for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Grb-2 and is considered to be important for CD28-mediated costimulation. To address the role of the YMNM motif in CD28 cosignaling in primary T cells, we generated transgenic mice on a CD28 null background that express a CD28 mutant lacking binding ability to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Grb-2. After anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 Ab stimulation in vitro, the initial proliferative response and IL-2 secretion in CD28 Y189F transgenic T cells were severely compromised, while later responses were intact. In contrast to anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 Ab stimulation, PMA and anti-CD28 Ab stimulation failed to induce IL-2 production from CD28 Y189F transgenic T cells at any time point. Using the graft-vs-host reaction system, we assessed the role of the YMNM motif for CD28-mediated costimulation in vivo and found that CD28 Y189F transgenic spleen cells failed to engraft and could not induce acute graft-vs-host reaction. Together, these results suggest that the membrane-proximal tyrosine of CD28 is required for costimulation in vivo. Furthermore, these results indicate that the results from in vitro assays of CD28-mediated costimulation may not always correlate with T cell activation in vivo.  相似文献   

It has been reported that costimulation blockade can result in T cell anergy. We investigated the effects of blocking costimulatory molecules in vivo on the development of experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU), a model for autoimmune uveitis in humans that is induced in mice by immunization with the retinal Ag interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein. B10.A mice immunized with a uveitogenic regimen of interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein were treated with Abs to B7.1 and B7.2 for 2 wk. Evaluation of EAU and immunological responses 1 wk later showed that disease had been abrogated, and cellular responses were suppressed. To determine whether the costimulation blockade resulted in tolerance, adult-thymectomized mice immunized for uveitis and treated with anti-B7 or anti-CD28 were rechallenged for uveitis induction 5 wk after the initial immunization. Although confirmed to be disease free after the initial immunization, both anti-B7- and anti-CD28-treated mice developed severe EAU and elevated cellular responses after the rechallenge, equivalent to those of control mice. We conclude that in this model costimulatory blockade in vivo prevents the development of autoimmune disease, but does not result in long-term tolerance. The data are compatible with the interpretation that B7/CD28 blockade prevents generation of effector, but not of memory, T cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that, differing from model Ags, viruses that replicate extensively in the host still induce normal CD8+ T cell responses in the absence of CD28 costimulation. Because these studies were performed with viruses that do not normally cause acute disease, an important remaining question is whether CD28 costimulation is required for CD8+ T cell-mediated resistance to widely replicating but pathogenic viruses. To address this question, we studied the role of CD28 costimulation in CD8+ T cell-mediated resistance to mousepox, a disease of the mouse caused by the natural mouse pathogen, the ectromelia virus (ECTV). C57BL/6 (B6) mice are naturally resistant to mousepox, partly due to a fast and strong CD8+ T cell response. We found that B6 mice deficient in CD28 (CD28 knockout (KO)) are highly susceptible to lethal mousepox during the early stages of ECTV infection but can be protected by immunization with the antigenically related vaccinia virus (VACV) or by adoptive transfer of CD28 KO anti-VACV memory CD8+ cells. Of interest, a thorough comparison of the CD8+ T cell responses to ECTV and VACV suggests that the main reason for the susceptibility of CD28 KO mice to mousepox is a reduced response at the early stages of infection. Thus, while in the absence of CD28 costimulation the end point strength of the T cell responses to nonpathogenic viruses may appear normal, CD28 costimulation increases the speed of the T cell response and is essential for resistance to a life-threatening acute viral disease.  相似文献   

CD28-independent costimulation of T cells in alloimmune responses.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
T cell costimulation by B7 molecules plays an important role in the regulation of alloimmune responses. Although both B7-1 and B7-2 bind CD28 and CTLA-4 on T cells, the role of B7-1 and B7-2 signaling through CTLA-4 in regulating alloimmune responses is incompletely understood. To address this question, we transplanted CD28-deficient mice with fully allogeneic vascularized cardiac allografts and studied the effect of selective blockade of B7-1 or B7-2. These mice reject their grafts by a mechanism that involves both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. Blockade of CTLA-4 or B7-1 significantly accelerated graft rejection. In contrast, B7-2 blockade significantly prolonged allograft survival and, unexpectedly, reversed the acceleration of graft rejection caused by CTLA-4 blockade. Furthermore, B7-2 blockade prolonged graft survival in recipients that were both CD28 and CTLA-4 deficient. Our data indicate that B7-1 is the dominant ligand for CTLA-4-mediated down-regulation of alloimmune responses in vivo and suggest that B7-2 has an additional receptor other than CD28 and CTLA-4 to provide a positive costimulatory signal for T cells.  相似文献   

A prominent feature of multiple sclerosis is its high incidence of onset in the third decade of life and its relatively rare onset in persons older than 50 years. In order to study age-related restriction of clinical expression, a comparative biochemical, immunological and histological study was undertaken during development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in young (7 weeks) and middle-aged (15 months) Wistar rats. Young rats showed characteristic clinical signs 12-16 days postinduction, and then they spontaneously recuperated. In middle-aged rats, the incidence of clinical signs was significantly reduced, with a later onset of the disease. Similar biochemical and histological alterations were detected in both age groups, but they were present in a later stage in middle-aged animals. However, cellular and humoral immune responses to myelin basic protein (MBP) were observed 15 days postinduction in all EAE animals. The study of anti-MBP IgG isotype pattern in 7-week-old animals indicated a predominant Th1-type immune response during the acute stage of EAE, with antibodies predominantly recognizing the MBP 96-128 peptide. In contrast, 15-month-old animals showed a less prominent Th1 response, without any epitope dominance. The changes in immune function found in middle-aged animals may account for the different susceptibility and expression of EAE, and may also be relevant to the different clinical expression observed in multiple sclerosis with maturation.  相似文献   

CD28 is well characterized as a costimulatory molecule in T cell activation. Recent evidences indicate that TNFR superfamily members, including glucocorticoid-induced TNFR-related protein (GITR), act as costimulatory molecules. In this study, the relationship between GITR and CD28 has been investigated in murine CD8(+) T cells. When suboptimal doses of anti-CD3 Ab were used, the absence of GITR lowered CD28-induced activation in these cells whereas the lack of CD28 did not affect the response of CD8(+) T cells to GITR costimulus. In fact, costimulation of CD28 in anti-CD3-activated GITR(-/-) CD8(+) T cells resulted in an impaired increase of proliferation, impaired protection from apoptosis, and an impaired rise of activation molecules such as IL-2R, IL-2, and IFN-gamma. Most notably, CD28-costimulated GITR(-/-) CD8(+) T cells revealed lower NF-kappaB activation. As a consequence, up-regulation of Bcl-x(L), one of the major target proteins of CD28-dependent NF-kappaB activation, was defective in costimulated GITR(-/-) CD8(+) T cells. What contributed to the response to CD28 ligation in CD8(+) T cells was the early up-regulation of GITR ligand on the same cells, the effect of which was blocked by the addition of a recombinant GITR-Fc protein. Our results indicate that GITR influences CD8(+) T cell response to CD28 costimulation, lowering the threshold of CD8(+) T cell activation.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that the phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) plays a critical role in the maintenance of self-tolerance. Using T cell-specific PTEN knockout mice (PTENDeltaT), we have identified a novel mechanism by which PTEN regulates T cell tolerance. We found that TCR stimulation alone, without CD28 costimulation, is sufficient to induce hyperactivation of the PI3K pathway, which leads to enhanced IL-2 production by naive PTENDeltaT T cells. Importantly, as a result of this increased response to TCR stimulation, PTENDeltaT CD4(+) T cells no longer require CD28 costimulation for in vitro or in vivo expansion. In fact, unlike wild-type T cells, PTENDeltaT CD4(+) T cells are not anergized by delivery of TCR stimulation alone. These data suggest that by negatively regulating TCR signals, PTEN imposes a requirement for CD28 costimulation, thus defining a novel mechanism for its role in self-tolerance.  相似文献   

Many members of the Ig superfamily of adhesion molecules, such as ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Although it is well-established that VCAM-1/VLA-4 interactions can play important roles in mediating CNS inflammatory events in multiple sclerosis patients and during the development of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), the contributions of ICAM-1 are poorly understood. This is due in large part to conflicting results from Ab inhibition studies and the observation of exacerbated EAE in ICAM-1 mutant mice that express a restricted set of ICAM-1 isoforms. To determine ICAM-1-mediated mechanisms in EAE, we analyzed ICAM-1 null mutant mice (ICAM-1(null)), which express no ICAM-1 isoforms. ICAM-1(null) mice had significantly attenuated EAE characterized by markedly reduced spinal cord T cell infiltration and IFN-gamma production by these cells. Adoptive transfer of Ag-restimulated T cells from wild-type to ICAM-1(null) mice or transfer of ICAM-1(null) Ag-restimulated T cells to control mice failed to induce EAE. ICAM-1(null) T cells also showed reduced proliferative capacity and substantially reduced levels of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-4, IL-10, and IL-12 compared with that of control T cells following myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 35-55 restimulation in vitro. Our results indicate that ICAM-1 expression is critical on T cells and other cell types for the development of demyelinating disease and suggest that expression of VCAM-1 and other adhesion molecules cannot fully compensate for the loss of ICAM-1 during EAE development.  相似文献   

Costimulation is one of several factors that influence the differentiation of CD4+ Th cell responses. Previously, we have shown that Ag presentation in the context of LFA-1 costimulation by fibroblasts transfected with class II and ICAM-1 (ProAd-ICAM) can drive naive CD4-positive T cells into cell cycle, but these T cells die by apoptosis 4-5 days after stimulation. In this report we show that the death of these cells can be prevented by the addition of exogenous IL-2 (20 U/ml) or by restimulation with Ag presented in the context of CD28 costimulation. Under these conditions, T cells go through extensive cell division and normal cell expansion. However, when T cells that have been primed by Ag presented in the context of LFA-1 costimulation are restimulated, they secrete IL-2 and IFN-gamma, but little or no IL-4. The inability of ProAd-ICAM-primed T cells to produce IL-4 was restored by the addition of IL-4 to the priming culture. However, IL-4 responses were not restored by representation of Ag in the context of CD28 costimulation, even as early as 24 h after priming with Ag presented by ProAd-ICAM cells. These findings suggest that differential expression of B7-1 and ICAM-1 by APCs during the initiation of immune responses may alter the differentiation of Th populations.  相似文献   

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