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惠州红树林自然保护区外来入侵植物调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用线路调查与样方调查相结合的方法,对惠州红树林自然保护区内好招楼和蟹洲湾两区域内的外来入侵植物进行了调查。两区域均有49种植物,共有外来入侵植物21种,好招楼和蟹洲湾分别有外来入侵植物12和16种,占植物总种数的24.49%和32.65%。其中,在好招楼分布较广的种类有毛花雀稗(Paspalum dilatatum Poir.)、无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala Buch.-Ham.)、三裂蟛蜞菊〔Wedelia trilobata(L.)Hitchc.〕和胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides L.)等,在蟹洲湾分布广泛的种类有假臭草(Eupatorium catarium Veldkamp)、马缨丹(Lantana camara L.)及胜红蓟等。大多数外来入侵植物原产美洲,其中14.29%作为有用物种有意引入,61.90%随货物和运输工具无意引入,23.81%随风和水流自然传入。外来入侵植物对红树林的直接危害较轻,但对保护区的景观生态和生物多样性有严重威胁。  相似文献   

为了掌握广东省农业生态系统中外来入侵植物的种类和分布状况,本文通过定点调查和线路调查的方法对广东省21市农业生态系统中205个样点的外来入侵植物进行了分析,共发现外来入侵植物28科90种。其中,菊科植物种类最多,有27种,草本植物有71种,它们分别占入侵植物总数的30.00%和78.89%。处于重度危害的入侵植物有22种;处于中度危害的植物有15种;处于轻度危害的植物有53种。在90种外来入侵植物中,71种来自美洲,占总数的78.89%;其他各洲相对较少。广域分布种最多,为40种,占总数的44.44%;全域分布种则最少,仅有7种,占总数的7.78%。由此可见,广东省农业生态系统入侵植物种类多,分布广,危害严重,需引起有关部门的高度重视。  相似文献   

为了掌握广东省农业生态系统中外来入侵植物的种类和分布状况,本文通过定点调查和线路调查的方法对广东省21市农业生态系统中205个样点的外来入侵植物进行了分析,共发现外来入侵植物28科90种。其中,菊科植物种类最多,有27种,草本植物有71种,它们分别占入侵植物总数的30.00%和78.89%。处于重度危害的入侵植物有22种;处于中度危害的植物有15种;处于轻度危害的植物有53种。在90种外来入侵植物中,71种来自美洲,占总数的78.89%;其他各洲相对较少。广域分布种最多,为40种,占总数的44.44%;全域分布种则最少,仅有7种,占总数的7.78%。由此可见,广东省农业生态系统入侵植物种类多,分布广,危害严重,需引起有关部门的高度重视。  相似文献   

【目的】高黎贡山生物多样性资源丰富,蕴藏着极高的生态系统服务价值,是中国重要的西南生态安全屏障。在气候变化和人类活动等影响下,高黎贡山正面临越来越多的外来植物入侵。明确外来入侵植物分布特征与生态系统服务重要区的空间对应关系,能够为高黎贡山外来入侵植物防控及生态安全屏障建设提供科学支撑。【方法】利用当量因子法,在3 km×3 km网格单元尺度下评估高黎贡山生态系统服务价值并进行重要性分级分区;以文献资料分析和实地调查相结合分析高黎贡山区域外来入侵植物的空间分布格局;利用Arcgis 10.2软件分析空间对应关系。【结果】高黎贡山生态系统服务重要性分为5级,单位面积价值量最高的生态系统类型为水系、阔叶林、针叶林、灌木林和灌草丛。外来入侵植物为59种,入侵等级为Ⅰ~Ⅴ级的物种分别有12、17、8、11和11种。除1级重要区外,其他区域均分布有外来入侵植物,其中3级和4级重要区(主要为灌木林地和耕地)分布的外来入侵植物的种类和数量最多。【结论】外来植物入侵威胁高黎贡山生态系统服务供给,亟需开展外来入侵植物系统调查评估以识别高等级入侵植物实施外来入侵植物差别化管控;陆生外来入侵植物应该成为高黎贡山外来入侵植物研究的重点;人工灌木林地和耕地作为高黎贡山外来入侵植物集聚区应该重点关注开展外来入侵植物防控。  相似文献   

红河流域的外来入侵植物   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
红河流域是中国生物多样性最为丰富的地区,植物区系起源古老,生态系统类型复杂多样.本文论述了红河流域外来入侵植物的现状,列举了73种红河流域外来入侵物的种类,对危害比较严重的紫茎泽兰、飞机草、马樱丹、肿柄菊、凤眼莲和空心莲子草6种植物作了具体介绍.对外来入侵植物的控制对策,入侵植物本身的生物学特性的研究、保护生物多样性和退化生态系统的恢复以及路域生态系统管理等几方面作了论述.结果表明,减少人类对生态系统的干扰和破坏,恢复本地植被是防止外来入侵植物入侵的有效途径.  相似文献   

红河流域的外来人侵植物   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
红河流域是中国生物多样性最为丰富的地区,植物区系起源古老,生态系统类型复杂多样.本文论述了红河流域外来入侵植物的现状,列举了73种红河流域外来入侵物的种类,对危害比较严重的紫茎泽兰、飞机草、马樱丹、肿柄菊、凤眼莲和空心莲子草6种植物作了具体介绍.对外来入侵植物的控制对策,入侵植物本身的生物学特性的研究、保护生物多样性和退化生态系统的恢复以及路域生态系统管理等几方面作了论述.结果表明,减少人类对生态系统的干扰和破坏,恢复本地植被是防止外来入侵植物入侵的有效途径.  相似文献   

为掌握福建省农田生态系统的外来入侵植物种类和分布情况,采用实地调查的方式,对福建省9市农田生态系统中的入侵植物进行调查,并分析了其种类组成、原产地、生活型、分布格局和分布类型及其入侵性等。结果表明,福建省农田生态系统有外来入侵植物30科65属共79种;其中以菊科(Asteraceae)物种数最多,为22种,占总种数的27.85%,其次是苋科(Amaranthaceae)有7种,豆科(Leguminosae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、旋花科(Convolvulaceae)和大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)各有5种。生活型以草本植物为主,占总种数的86.08%;原产于美洲的种类最多,占总种数的70.24%;入侵等级为恶性入侵(1级)的物种有10科22种,严重入侵(2级)有13科22种,局部入侵(3级)、一般入侵(4级)和有待观察类(5级)分别有9、18和8种;恶性入侵和严重入侵的植物种类占入侵植物总数的55.70%。从分布格局和分布类型来看,以福州市的农田生态系统入侵植物种类最多,为52种;不同农田类型中,以旱地中的入侵植物种数最多,有74种;按分布区域划分的全域分布种共13种,按农田类型划分的全域分布种有11种。因此,福建省农田生态系统入侵植物种类繁多,分布广泛,原产地多元化,且恶性和严重入侵植物占比较高,入侵形势严峻,应加强入侵植物的动态监控与防范,以保护生物多样性和生态安全。  相似文献   

外来植物入侵对陆地生态系统地下碳循环及碳库的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闫宗平  仝川 《生态学报》2008,28(9):4440-4450
生物入侵是当今全球性重大环境问题之一, 是全球变化的主要研究内容.评价外来植物入侵对于生态系统影响的研究多集中在地上部分,对于生态系统地下部分影响的研究相对较少.陆地生态系统地下部分对于生态系统过程的重要性之一体现在它处于生态系统碳分配过程的核心环节.入侵种通过影响群落凋落物的输入数量、质量以及输入时间,影响到对于土壤的碳输入,而入侵种与土著种根系的差异以及入侵种对微生物群落的影响是造成土壤呼吸强度发生变化的主要因素,前者土壤呼吸强度一般比后者高.多数研究表明外来植物入侵对生态系统地下碳循环和碳库产生影响,但由于入侵植物种类较多以及研究地点环境条件的不同,关于外来植物入侵对于土壤碳库和土壤有机碳矿化影响的研究结论并不统一.最后,提出了今后该研究领域应加强的一些建议和方向.  相似文献   

南四湖湿地外来入侵植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王元军 《植物学通报》2010,45(2):212-219
南四湖是我国重要的淡水湖泊湿地之一。为阐明南四湖湿地外来植物的现状及入侵规律,为湿地生态系统的重建、生物多样性的保护和湿地资源开发等提供指导,通过野外调查和参考有关文献资料,对南四湖湿地外来植物进行了较为深入的研究,并与青岛、昆嵛山、滨州沿海三地作了比较。结果表明,南四湖湿地外来入侵植物有41种,隶属19科35属;以菊科和豆科为优势科;外来入侵物种中热带来源与温带来源比例相当,人为引入导致的外来入侵植物高达39%。南四湖与沿海三地相比,沿海三地外来入侵植物的种类均比南四湖湿地多,其中以经济最发达的青岛种类最多;青岛外来入侵植物中有35种在南四湖湿地未发现;南四湖湿地的特有外来入侵植物有5种,体现出湿地外来入侵植物水生特性。群落相似性分析表明,Jaccard指数和Sorenson指数呈现的规律一致,南四湖与滨州的相似性最高,其次为昆嵛山,与青岛的差异最大。通过分析南四湖湿地外来入侵植物种类和分布规律,提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

南四湖湿地外来入侵植物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王元军 《植物学报》2010,45(2):212-219
南四湖是我国重要的淡水湖泊湿地之一。为阐明南四湖湿地外来植物的现状及入侵规律, 为湿地生态系统的重建、生物多样性的保护和湿地资源开发等提供指导, 通过野外调查和参考有关文献资料, 对南四湖湿地外来植物进行了较为深入的研究, 并与青岛、昆嵛山、滨州沿海三地作了比较。结果表明, 南四湖湿地外来入侵植物有41种, 隶属19科35属; 以菊科和豆科为优势科; 外来入侵物种中热带来源与温带来源比例相当, 人为引入导致的外来入侵植物高达39%。南四湖与沿海三地相比, 沿海三地外来入侵植物的种类均比南四湖湿地多, 其中以经济最发达的青岛种类最多; 青岛外来入侵植物中有35种在南四湖湿地未发现; 南四湖湿地的特有外来入侵植物有5种, 体现出湿地外来入侵植物水生特性。群落相似性分析表明, Jaccard指数和Sorenson指数呈现的规律一致, 南四湖与滨州的相似性最高, 其次为昆嵛山, 与青岛的差异最大。通过分析南四湖湿地外来入侵植物种类和分布规律, 提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

以河南省鸡公山国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物为研究对象,对该地区1994 -2014年间外来入侵植物的变化进行了研究。结果显示,1951 -2010年信阳市每5年的平均温度明显上升、降水量年际间的波动较大;1994 -2014年的20年间,该保护区外来入侵植物从49种增加到60种,增长了22.4%,增加的11种外来入侵植物分别为:菊科4种,豆科2种,苋科、十字花科、大戟科、酢浆草科和雨久花科各1种;该保护区外来入侵植物主要来源于美洲、欧洲、亚洲和非洲,1994 -2014年间来自美洲的入侵植物共33种(其中新增加的有6种),占2014年外来入侵物种的50.0%以上;从生活型来看,外来入侵植物主要为陆生植物,占总数的95%以上,其中,一年生植物>一、二年生植物>多年生草本植物;从入侵途径来看,有意引进>无意引入>自然扩散;新增的入侵植物以种子作为主要繁殖方式的有9种。因此,对该保护区生物多样性保护和引种过程中,要加强对来自美洲的以种子作为主要繁殖方式的陆生草本植物的入侵风险进行监控和管理。  相似文献   

深圳市大鹏半岛蕨类植物区系及其生态特点   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
深圳市大鹏半岛的蕨类植物共有105种,它们隶属于35科、65属。其中含5种以上的科有水龙骨科(Dryopteridaceae)、金星蕨科(Thely pteridaceae)、凤尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)、卷柏科(Selaginellaceae)、鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)、蹄盖蕨科(Athy riaceae)、铁角蕨科(Aspleniaceae)、鳞始蕨科(Lindsaeaceae)。其区系具有较强的热带性质,科、属、种的分布区类型均以热带至亚热带为主,分别占总科数的54.26%,总属数的92.86%以及总种数的70.87%。单属科和单种属的比例较高,分别占总科数的54.26%,总属数的69.23%。按生长基质的不同,将大鹏半岛的蕨类植物划为土生、石生、水生和附生四种生态类型,其中以土生类型为主。  相似文献   

在对广东荷包岛植被全面踏查的基础上,结合其植物区系成分及组成特征分析,对该区系特点进行了系统研究。结果显示,该岛共有维管束植物135科370属541种,其中,蕨类植物22科28属40种,种子植物113科342属501种;野生种子植物共有465种,栽培植物共有36种。在属级水平上,荷包岛植物区系以热带成分占绝对优势,热带性质属占野生植物非世界广布属的87.80%;在种级水平上,中国特有种74种,占非世界总种数的15.91%。泛热带分布、旧世界热带分布、热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布、热带亚洲分布4种分布类型构成了该植物区系的主体。将荷包岛与我国东南沿海其他岛屿(澳门、香港东平洲岛、浙江舟山群岛、上海崇明岛)的植物区系进行比较发现,该岛植物区系表现出更强的热带性质,与澳门植物区系性质最为接近。  相似文献   

小五台山种子植物区系研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
刘全儒  张潮  康慕谊 《植物研究》2004,24(4):499-506
小五台山位于河北省西北部, 共有种子植物97 科, 467 属, 1 148 种。种子植物属的区系成分复杂:温带成分占优势, 温带属280 属, 占总属数的69.31%。通过对小五台山和部分山地植物区系的属相似性比较, 结果显示:小五台山与东灵山、雾灵山十分相似, 与关帝山、太岳山有一定的相似性, 而与长白山、泰山、伏牛山、神农架相似性偏低。  相似文献   

西沙群岛植物资源调查   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
西沙群岛主要的植被类型是常绿珊瑚岛林、灌木林或滨海植被。本区有植物89科224属340种,其中大型真菌6科11属22种,地衣1种,蕨类4科4属5种,被子植物78科208属312种。根据其经济用途,划分为10个类型,主要资源植物有药用植物、蜜源植物、食用植物、观赏植物等。西沙群岛的植物区系与海南岛十分相似,属、种的相似性指标分别为98.46%和94.09%。泛热带分布的属是本区系中最大的部分,占总属数的70.00%。最后对西沙群岛植物资源的保护和利用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Oceanic islands have long been considered to be particularly vulnerable to biotic invasions, and much research has focused on invasive plants on oceanic islands. However, findings from individual islands have rarely been compared between islands within or between biogeographic regions. We present in this study the most comprehensive, standardized dataset to date on the global distribution of invasive plant species in natural areas of oceanic islands. We compiled lists of moderate (5–25% cover) and dominant (>25% cover) invasive plant species for 30 island groups from four oceanic regions (Atlantic, Caribbean, Pacific, and Western Indian Ocean). To assess consistency of plant behaviour across island groups, we also recorded present but not invasive species in each island group.We tested the importance of different factors discussed in the literature in predicting the number of invasive plant species per island group, including island area and isolation, habitat diversity, native species diversity, and human development. Further we investigated whether particular invasive species are consistently and predictably invasive across island archipelagos or whether island-specific factors are more important than species traits in explaining the invasion success of particular species.We found in total 383 non-native spermatophyte plants that were invasive in natural areas on at least one of the 30 studied island groups, with between 3 and 74 invaders per island group. Of these invaders about 50% (181 species) were dominants or co-dominants of a habitat in at least one island group. An extrapolation from species accumulation curves across the 30 island groups indicates that the total current flora of invasive plants on oceanic islands at latitudes between c. 35°N and 35°S may eventually consist of 500–800 spermatophyte species, with 250–350 of these being dominant invaders in at least one island group. The number of invaders per island group was well predicted by a combination of human development (measured by the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita), habitat diversity (number of habitat types), island age, and oceanic region (87% of variation explained). Island area, latitude, isolation from continents, number of present, non-native species with a known invasion history, and native species richness were not retained as significant factors in the multivariate models.Among 259 invaders present in at least five island groups, only 9 species were dominant invaders in at least 50% of island groups where they were present. Most species were invasive only in one to a few island groups although they were typically present in many more island groups. Consequently, similarity between island groups was low for invader floras but considerably higher for introduced (but not necessarily invasive) species – especially in pairs of island groups that are spatially close or similar in latitude. Hence, for invasive plants of natural areas, biotic homogenization among oceanic islands may be driven by the recurrent deliberate human introduction of the same species to different islands, while post-introduction processes during establishment and spread in natural areas tend to reduce similarity in invader composition between oceanic islands. We discuss a number of possible mechanisms, including time lags, propagule pressure, local biotic and abiotic factors, invader community assembly history, and genotypic differences that may explain the inconsistent performance of particular invasive species in different island groups.  相似文献   

Improvements in biodiversity conservation are hampered by the lack of reporting on the effectiveness of conservation techniques and the organizations that implement them. Here we summarize the accomplishments and potential impact of the non-governmental organization, Island Conservation, which eradicates damaging invasive vertebrates from islands. Island Conservation has removed 54 populations of 10 invasive vertebrates from 35 islands totaling over 520 km2. These actions helped protect 233 populations of 181 insular endemic species and subspecies of plants and vertebrates and 258 populations of 54 species and subspecies of seabirds from the threat of local and global extinction. There were no reinvasions. One eradication attempt failed. These conservation actions and their apparent biodiversity impact demonstrate the potential of private organizations to protect biodiversity by eradicating invasive species from islands.  相似文献   

The biodiversity in the sub-Antarctic region is threatened by climatic change and biological invasions, which makes the understanding of distributions of biotas on sub-Antarctic islands essential. Although the distribution patterns of vascular plants and insects on sub-Antarctic islands are well documented, this is not always the case for microarthropods. This study provides the first quantitative assessment of the distribution and abundance of microarthropods on Prince Edward Island (PEI), one of two islands in the Prince Edward Island group. Microarthropod community structure differed significantly between PEI and nearby Marion Island, with only two invasive alien species found on PEI compared with Marion Island. Furthermore, species richness, abundance and community structure differed significantly between habitat types on both islands. This study emphasizes the importance of quarantine measures when visiting PEI to maintain its status as one of the more pristine islands in the sub-Antarctic region.  相似文献   

Plant–animal mutualisms such as seed dispersal can play an important role in enabling some species to become invasive. For example, an introduced species could become invasive because birds prefer its fruits to those of native plants. To investigate this possibility, we compared various measures of fruit quality of 22 of the most common native and invasive woody species on the oceanic island Mahé (Seychelles, Indian Ocean). Individual measures of food quality tended to vary much more amongst invasive species than amongst native species; thus, whereas for particular traits the fruits of some invasive species had higher values than any native species, others had relatively low values. However, invasive species consistently produced fruits with a lower water content, resulting in a higher relative yield (i.e. dry pulp weight to total wet fruit weight ratio), and a higher energy content. The fruits of the most abundant invasive tree Cinnamomum verum (Lauraceae) were of particularly high nutritional quality, with individual berries containing 3.5 times more protein and 55 times more lipid than the median values of the native species. We suggest that our results may reflect a general tendency for island plants to produce fruits of low energy content, perhaps reflecting reduced competition for dispersal agents on isolated islands. In addition, we argue that inconsistent results on the relevance of fruit quality for plant invasions reported in the literature may be resolved by comparing the widths of trait spectra for native and alien floras rather than average values. Gaps in the native fruit trait spectrum may provide opportunities for particular invasive species, and weaken the resistance of regional floras to invasions. Such empty niche opportunities may occur for several reasons, including generally broader trait spectra in globally assembled alien than regional native floras (especially on oceanic islands), or the loss of native species due to human activities. More generally, a focus on trait variation rather than average trends may help to advance generalisation in invasion biology.  相似文献   

Islands are susceptible to exotic plant invasion, and Robinson Crusoe Island (RCI), Juan Fernandez Archipelago (33°S, 78°7′W, Chile) is no exception. Through a literature review, we assessed plant invasion and compared it to other oceanic islands worldwide. Here, we discuss measures to enhance forest recovery on RCI based on knowledge accumulated from studies on RCI and other islands. Although these findings are designed to halt the progress of invasion on RCI, they could also be applied to other insular ecosystems. We addressed the following questions: (1) What is the plant invasion status on RCI in relation to other islands worldwide? (2) How imminent is biodiversity loss by plant invasion on RCI? (3) How is woody plant invasion taking place on RCI? (4) What methods are effective in controlling invasive woody species on islands worldwide? (5) What is the ability of natural forests to recover after controlling invasive plants on RCI? We found that (1) RCI is globally the fourth most invaded island for woody species. (2) Invasive woody species expansion is estimated at 4.3 ha annually. (3) Some invasive species establish under forest canopy gaps, out-competing native species. (4) Control of invasive plant species should focus on small gaps, and restoration should promote plant cover and soil protection. Mechanical and chemical control of invasive species seemed to be insufficient to prevent biodiversity loss. Developing alternatives like biological control are indispensable on RCI. (5) Six years after invasive species control, floristic composition tended to recover.  相似文献   

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