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Phylogenetic relationships of five taxa of Clivia, one probablenew species plus four recognized species, and three outgroupspecies were studied using sequences of the nuclear ribosomal5S non-transcribed spacer and the internal transcribed spacer(ITS) of 45S rDNA. Analysis of the data sets separately generatedsome well-supported groupings and congruent phylogenies. Cliviaminiata and C. gardenii are closely related. ‘Robust Gardenii’,the putative new species, is a sister clade of this group. Clivianobilis is distantly related to these three taxa and C. caulescensoccupies an intermediate position between the two groups. Chromosomelocations and distribution patterns of the 5S nuclear ribosomalgene in the species of Clivia were investigated using fluorescenceinsitu hybridization (FISH). In all species, only one pair of5S rDNA signals was observed. These were located on the shortarm of chromosome 8, at the position of the interstitial C-bands.The phylogenies obtained from the DNA sequences together withthe chromosome data accumulated here and previously publishedinformation on the location of the 45S rDNA sites have beenused to postulate evolutionary trends in Clivia chromosomes.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Clivia, chromosome evolution, 45S and 5S rDNA, ITS, FISH, molecular phylogeny  相似文献   

Neomirandea (x=17 and 25), Ageratina (x=17) and Sclerolepis (x=15) with the higher chromosome base numbers, and the other includes Mikania (x=17) and the remaining genera with lower chromosome base numbers (x=10–11). However, the monophyly of the former clade is supported with a low bootstrap value. In the latter clade, Mikania (x=17) diverged first, then Stevia (x=11), and finally eight genera with x=10 diverged in succession. This result supports the hypothesis that the genera in the tribe Eupatorieae with x =10 evolved from an ancestor with a higher base number, and the tribe is of polyploid origin. Received 13 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 20 January 2000  相似文献   

The mostly North American subtribe Symphyotrichinae (Asteraceae: Astereae) comprises Canadanthus, Ampelaster, Psilactis, Almutaster, and Symphyotrichum. Intergeneric and interspecific relationships within the subtribe have been investigated in the past, particularly by Nesom [Nesom, G.L., 1994. Review of the taxonomy of Aster sensu lato (Asteraceae: Astereae), emphasizing the new world species, Phytologia 77, 141–297] and Semple [Semple, J.C., 2005. Classification of Symphyotrichum. Available from: <http://www.jcsemple.uwaterloo.ca/Symphyotrichumclassification.htm/>], using morphological and cytological approaches. Symphyotrichum is the largest and most complex genus within the subtribe and includes four subgenera: Symphyotrichum (x = 7, 8), Virgulus (x = 4, 5), Astropolium (x = 5), and Chapmaniani (x = 7). In this study we used two nuclear markers, the nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the low-copy nuclear gene glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), to resolve intergeneric and interspecific relationships within the subtribe at the diploid level, and to determine whether our phylogenies validate the classifications of Nesom or Semple. Our results confirm the distinct generic status of Canadanthus and Ampelaster, whereas Psilactis and Almutaster form a polytomy with Symphyotrichum. Within Symphyotrichum, subg. Virgulus is monophyletic based on ITS and appears polyphyletic based on GAPDH. Neither the ITS nor the GAPDH analyses support a distinct status for subg. Astropolium, which groups within subg. Symphyotrichum. In general, interspecific relationships within Symphyotrichum are unresolved. Lack of resolution may be interpreted as a case of recent and rapid evolutionary radiation.  相似文献   

The cladistic relationships of endemic Commidendrum (four species) and Melanodendron (one species) from St Helena were inferred from sequences of ITS1 and ITS2 of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Despite showing a range of morphological and ecological variation, the four species of Commidendrum , C. spurium , C. robustum , C. rotundifolium , and C. rugosum , form a closely related monophyletic group with percentage sequence divergence between 0.2 and 0.9%. Melanodendron integrifolium is sister to Commidendrum indicating that the two genera may have evolved from a common ancestor that arrived in St Helena via a single dispersal event. The closest relatives of Commidendrum and Melanodendron appear to be South African, in the predominantly shrubby genus Felicia , although further sampling of South African Astereae is required. We discuss the evolution and adaptive radiation of these rare and threatened species with particular reference to the possible role of heterochrony.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 69–83.  相似文献   

Li WP  Yang FS  Jivkova T  Yin GS 《Annals of botany》2012,109(7):1341-1357

Background and Aims

The classification and phylogeny of Eurasian (EA) Aster (Asterinae, Astereae, Asteraceae) remain poorly resolved. Some taxonomists adopt a broad definition of EA Aster, whereas others favour a narrow generic concept. The present study aims to delimit EA Aster sensu stricto (s.s.), elucidate the phylogenetic relationships of EA Aster s.s. and segregate genera.


The internal and external transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA and the plastid DNA trnL-F region were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of EA Aster through maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses.

Key Results

The analyses strongly support an Aster clade including the genera Sheareria, Rhynchospermum, Kalimeris (excluding Kalimeris longipetiolata), Heteropappus, Miyamayomena, Turczaninowia, Rhinactinidia, eastern Asian Doellingeria, Asterothamnus and Arctogeron. Many well-recognized species of Chinese Aster s.s. lie outside of the Aster clade.


The results reveal that EA Aster s.s. is both paraphyletic and polyphyletic. Sheareria, Rhynchospermum, Kalimeris (excluding K. longipetiolata), Heteropappus, Miyamayomena, Turczaninowia, Rhinactinidia, eastern Asian Doellingeria, Asterothamnus and Arctogeron should be included in Aster, whereas many species of Chinese Aster s.s. should be excluded. The recircumscribed Aster should be divided into two subgenera and nine sections. Kalimeris longipetiolata, Aster batangensis, A. ser. Albescentes, A. series Hersileoides, a two-species group composed of A. senecioides and A. fuscescens, and a six-species group including A. asteroides, should be elevated to generic level. With the Aster clade, they belong to the Australasian lineages. The generic status of Callistephus should be maintained. Whether Galatella (including Crinitina) and Tripolium should remain as genera or be merged into a single genus remains to be determined. In addition, the taxonomic status of A. auriculatus and the A. pycnophyllus–A. panduratus clade remains unresolved, and the systematic position of some segregates of EA Aster requires further study.  相似文献   



The species-rich genus Aphis consists of more than 500 species, many of them host-specific on a wide range of plants, yet very similar in general appearance due to convergence toward particular morphological types. Most species have been historically clustered into four main phenotypic groups (gossypii, craccivora, fabae, and spiraecola groups). To confirm the morphological hypotheses between these groups and to examine the characteristics that determine them, multivariate morphometric analyses were performed using 28 characters measured/counted from 40 species. To infer whether the morphological relationships are correlated with the genetic relationships, we compared the morphometric dataset with a phylogeny reconstructed from the combined dataset of three mtDNA and one nuclear DNA regions.

Principal Findings

Based on a comparison of morphological and molecular datasets, we confirmed morphological reduction or regression in the gossypii group unlike in related groups. Most morphological characteristics of the gossypii group were less variable than for the other groups. Due to these, the gossypii group could be morphologically well separated from the craccivora, fabae, and spiraecola groups. In addition, the correlation of the rates of evolution between morphological and DNA datasets was highly significant in their diversification.


The morphological separation between the gossypii group and the other species-groups are congruent with their phylogenetic relationships. Analysis of trait evolution revealed that the morphological traits found to be significant based on the morphometric analyses were confidently correlated with the phylogeny. The dominant patterns of trait evolution resulting in increased rates of short branches and temporally later evolution are likely suitable for the modality of Aphis speciation because they have adapted species-specifically, rapidly, and more recently on many different host plants.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Changes in chromosome structure and number play an importantrole in plant evolution. A system well-suited to studying differentmodes of chromosome evolution is the genus Hypochaeris (Asteraceae)with its centre of species' diversity in South America. AllSouth American species uniformly have a chromosome base numberof x = 4 combined with variation in rDNA number and distribution,and a high frequency of polyploidy. The aim of this paper isto assess directions and mechanisms of karyotype evolution inSouth American species by interpreting both newly obtained andprevious data concerning rDNA localization in a phylogeneticcontext. Methods: Eleven Hypochaeris species from 18 populations were studiedusing fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 35S and5S rDNA probes. A phylogenetic framework was established fromneighbour-net analysis of amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) fingerprint data. Key Results: A single 5S rDNA locus is invariably found on the short armof chromosome 2. Using 35S rDNA loci, based on number (one ortwo) and localization (interstitial on the long arm of chromosome2, but sometimes lacking, and terminal or interstitial on theshort arm of chromosome 3, only very rarely lacking), sevenkaryotype groups can be distinguished; five of these includepolyploids. Karyotype groups with more than one species do notform monophyletic groups. Conclusions: Early evolution of Hypochaeris in South America was characterizedby considerable karyotype differentiation resulting from independentderivations from an ancestral karyotype. There was marked diversificationwith respect to the position and evolution of the 35S rDNA locuson chromosome 3, probably involving inversions and/or transpositions,and on chromosome 2 (rarely 3) concerning inactivation and loss.Among these different karyotype assemblages, the apargioidesgroup and its derivatives constitute by far the majority ofspecies.  相似文献   

Chromosome evolution (including polyploidy, dysploidy, and structural changes) as well as hybridization and introgression are recognized as important aspects in plant speciation. A suitable group for investigating the evolutionary role of chromosome number changes and reticulation is the medium-sized genus Melampodium (Millerieae, Asteraceae), which contains several chromosome base numbers (x = 9, 10, 11, 12, 14) and a number of polyploid species, including putative allopolyploids. A molecular phylogenetic analysis employing both nuclear (ITS) and plastid (matK) DNA sequences, and including all species of the genus, suggests that chromosome base numbers are predictive of evolutionary lineages within Melampodium. Dysploidy, therefore, has clearly been important during evolution of the group. Reticulate evolution is evident with allopolyploids, which prevail over autopolyploids and several of which are confirmed here for the first time, and also (but less often) on the diploid level. Within sect. Melampodium, the complex pattern of bifurcating phylogenetic structure among diploid taxa overlain by reticulate relationships from allopolyploids has non-trivial implications for intrasectional classification.  相似文献   

将康定橐吾(Ligularia kangtingensis S.W.Liu)处理为细茎橐吾[L.hookeri(C.B.Clarke)Hand.-Mazz.]的异名。Senecio ficariifolius H.Lév.Vaniot长期以来被处理为细茎橐吾的异名,但我们检查模式材料后发现其头状花序盘状,与头状花序辐射状的细茎橐吾明显不同,而与头状花序盘状的贵州橐吾[L.leveillei(Vaniot)Hand.-Mazz.]没有区别,故将其处理为贵州橐吾的异名。  相似文献   

Anthers of the common annual weed, Senecio vulgaris, show an incomplete development of the two adaxial pollen sacs (microsporangia, MS). One or both adaxial MS can be missing, or they are replaced by sterile lobes. The reduction is stronger in the derived subspecies, S. vulgaris var. vulgaris than in the ancestral subspecies, S. vulgaris ssp. denticulatus. This character in S. vulgaris differs from the usual complete reduction of adaxial MS in other, independent instances of disporangiate anthers in the Asteraceae. It corresponds to the transition phenotypes associated with various recombinant genotypes derived from artificial crosses between tetrasporangiate (4 MS) and disporangiate (2 MS) species in the Asteracean genus Microseris. Senecio vulgaris could be a rare natural instance of homozygosity for a major gene permitting reduction of the adaxial MS in which the expression of the reduced phenotype is determined by different numbers of modifiers in the two subspecies.  相似文献   

Essential oils of B. articulata, B. crispa, B. microcephala, Baccharis milleflora, B. myriocephala, B. stenocephala, B. trimera and B. usterii, all of sect. Caulopterae, have been analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Despite the morphological similarity among these species, differences in composition of their essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation and hexane extract could be observed. Special attention was given to Baccharis trimera and B. crispa since their differentiation during early stages is not possible due to the absence of synflorescences. Carquejyl acetate is suggested as a marker for Baccharis trimera, and a fast method of detection of this compound is given.  相似文献   

由于对模式标本考证有误,狭舌橐吾(Ligularia angustiligulata C.C.Chang)长期以来被处理为沼生橐吾[L.lamarum(Diels)C.C.Chang]的异名。经我们考证,狭舌橐吾的主模式应为藏于PE的蔡希陶58004号标本(为唯一有狭舌橐吾的作者张肇骞先生所写定名签的标本),LBG藏有1份同号模式标本,它们与狭舌橐吾的原白完全吻合,而藏于KUN(2份)和SZ(1份)的同号标本与狭舌橐吾的原白在一些重要性状上相冲突,均非狭舌橐吾的模式标本;进而发现狭舌橐吾与叶状鞘橐吾(L.phyllocoleaHand.-Mazz.)在形态上没有本质区别,故应处理为后者的异名,而藏于KUN和SZ的3份标本均属于沼生橐吾。同时还指出长柄橐吾(L.longipes C.C.Chang)的名实有待进一步研究,其模式与叶状鞘橐吾有较大区别,似不宜将其处理为叶状鞘橐吾的异名。  相似文献   

通过文献和标本考证,发现《中国植物志》第77卷第2分册和《Flora of China》第20~21卷中均误将黑穗橐吾(Ligularia melanothyrsa Hand.-Mazz.)鉴定为植夫橐吾(L. fangiana Hand.-Mazz.),而真正的植夫橐吾应处理为川鄂橐吾[L. wilsoniana (Hemsl.) Greenm.]的异名。  相似文献   

Lasthenia californica sensu Ornduff consists of two races that differ in their flavonoid pigments and edaphic tolerances. Recent phylogenetic studies of Lasthenia have revealed that members of L. californica sensu Ornduff belong to two phylogenetic species. The relationship of the edaphic races to these new species and to each other is the focus of this study. Characterization of flavonoid profiles and phylogenetic placement of 33 populations demonstrates that races and phylogenetic taxa are not concordant, suggesting that one or both edaphic races evolved in parallel in the two clades. We hypothesize an edaphically linked ecological role for flavonoid differences that first revealed the existence of two races.  相似文献   

Abstract: Sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were analysed for 44 Artemisia species (46 populations) representing all the five classical subgenera and the geographical range of the genus, 11 species from 10 genera closely related to Artemisia, and six outgroup species from five other genera of the Anthemideae. The results definitely support the monophyly of the genus Artemisia in its broadest sense (including some taxa segregated as independent genera, like Oligosporus and Seriphidium ). Eight main clades are established in this molecular phylogeny within Artemisia; they agree in part with the classical subdivision of the genus, but they also suggest that some infrageneric groups must be redefined, especially the subgenus Artemisia. The subgenera Tridentatae and Seriphidium are independent from each other. Some of the satellite genera are clearly placed within Artemisia ( Artemisiastrum, Filifolium, Mausolea, Picrothamnus, Sphaeromeria, Turaniphytum ), whereas some others fall outside the large clade formed by this genus (Brachanthemum, Elachanthemum, Hippolytia, Kaschgaria). Our results, correlated to other data such as pollen morphology, allow us to conclude that the subtribe Artemisiinae as currently defined is a very heterogeneous group. Affinities of the largest genus of the subtribe and tribe, Artemisia, and of other genera of the subtribe to some genera from other subtribes of the Anthemideae strongly suggest that subtribe Artemisiinae needs a deep revision and redefinition. Phylogenetic utility of region trnL-F of the plastid DNA in the genus Artemisia and allies was also evaluated: sequences of the trnL-F region in Artemisia do not provide phylogenetic information.  相似文献   

There are relatively few studies of DNA content in the Vernonieae (Asteraceae) tribe. The first studies were realized in the Lessingianthus genus and determined the DNA content of 25 species. After DNA content, ploidy level and the total karyotype were compared in 6 Chrysolaena species. The aim of this study was to present, for the first time, the DNA content values of Vernonanthura and Vernonia and to thereby expand knowledge of the Vernonieae tribe. A total of 19 natural populations belonging to the genera Vernonanthura and Vernonia were studied for the first time. The results were compared with other Vernonieae genera and with other Asteraceae tribes. Our results found that Vernonieae have the smallest range of 1C value variation in Asteraceae. Furthermore, there were differences in the DNA content of Vernonia and Vernonanthura. These results show that low DNA content and herbaceous habit in Vernonia are characters derived from the higher DNA content and woody habit present in Vernonanthura. These results could indicate a hybrid origin of one species and allow the determination of both the ploidy and chromosome number of other taxa. The results observed in Vernonanthura species showed a highly significant correlation between 1C-value and latitude.  相似文献   

The present study, based on sequences of cpDNA (trnL-F & psbA-trnH) and nrDNA (ITS) and morphology, examined the evolutionary relationships in Blumea and its position among related genera. The results confirmed that the closest relatives of Blumea are Caesulia, Duhaldea and Pentanema p.p., and showed that the monotypic genera Blumeopsis and Merrittia are nested within Blumea. In Blumea s.l., two major, well-supported clades were recognised and a single species, the widespread Blumea balsamifera, that could not be placed with certainty relative to the two main clades. The two main clades differ in habit, ecology and distribution. The Blumea densiflora clade contains shrubs and subshrubs of evergreen forests, distributed from continental Asia to New Guinea and Polynesia, whereas the Blumea lacera clade is a widespread paleotropical group that comprises mostly annual, weedy herbs of open forests and fields.  相似文献   

Eupatorium were examined by sequencing the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA and restriction site analysis of chloroplast DNA. Molecular data provided strong evidence that (1) this genus originated in North America, (2) the genus diverged into three morphological species groups, Eutrochium, Traganthes and Uncasia in North America, and (3) one of the North American Uncasia lineages migrated into temperate Europe and eastern Asia over the Bering land bridge. The estimated divergence times support a late Miocene to early Pliocene migration from North America to Eurasia via the Bering land bridge. A European species was sister to all of the eastern Asian species examined. The disjunct distribution pattern of the genus Eupatorium is incongruent with the classical Arcto-Tertiary geoflora concept. Received 13 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 4 January 2000  相似文献   

Oligoryzomys belongs to the tribe Oryzomyini, and contains about 22 species. Diploid numbers range from 2n = 44 in Oligoryzomys sp. 2 to 2n = 72 in O. utiaritensis and phylogenetic relationships are not well defined. The high morphological convergence leads to misidentification of taxonomic entities and the species are often identified by chromosomal characters. Until now, the genus has been studied only by classical cytogenetic approaches. To understand the chromosomal evolution of Oligoryzomys, we developed chromosome probes from a female of Oligoryzomys moojeni (OMO) with 2n = 70 and hybridized to other five Oligoryzomys species. The probes painted 31 segments on O. fornesi (OFO) with 2n = 62; 32 segments on O. microtis (OMI), 2n = 64; 33 segments on O. nigripes (ONI), 2n = 62 and on O. rupestris (ORU), 2n = 46; and 34 on Oligoryzomys sp. 2 (OSP), 2n = 44. OMO probes 4 and 5 showed a syntenic association in O. fornesi, O. microtis and O. nigripes and were also presented in the same pair, although disrupted, in O. rupestris and Oligoryzomys sp. 2. Concerning O. rupestris and Oligoryzomys sp. 2, species with the lowest diploid numbers of the genus, a total of 8 probes hybridized to 11 segments on the largest pair of ORU 1 and 9 probes hybridized to 12 segments on OSP 1. Also, OMO 6 painted three segments in ORU, corresponding to the proximal segment of ORU 2q, and the whole of ORU 19 and 20. In OSP, the segment corresponding to ORU 20 was homologous to OSP 1p. OMO X showed signals of hybridization in both X and Y chromosomes. Extensive chromosomal rearrangements, that could not be detected by classical cytogenetic techniques, such as pericentric inversions or repositioning of centromeres, Robertsonian rearrangements and tandem fusions/fissions, as well as gain/activation or loss/inactivation of centromeres and telomeric sequences have driven the huge genome reshuffling in these closely related species.  相似文献   

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