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活体动物体内光学成像技术的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
张怡  韩彧  赵春林 《生命科学》2006,18(1):25-30
生物发光和荧光成像作为近年来新兴的活体动物体内光学成像技术,以其操作简便及直观性成为研究小动物活体成像的一种理想方法,在生命科学研究中得以不断发展。利用这种成像技术,可以直接实时观察标记的基因及细胞在活体动物体内的活动及反应。利用光学标记的转基因动物模型可以研究疾病的发生发展过程,进行药物研究及筛选等。本文综述了现有活体动物体内光学成像技术的原理、应用领域及发展前景,比较了生物发光与几种荧光技术的不同特点和应用。  相似文献   

激光散斑衬比成像(laser speckle contrast imaging,LSCI)是一种非扫描式实时血流动力学成像技术,具有高分辨率、快速实时成像、非接触、仪器结构较简单等优势.尽管由于深度分辨率的限制,LSCI主要用于浅表组织测量,但其在神经疾病、皮肤病等领域的基础研究及临床应用中展现出良好的应用潜力.本文简要介绍了激光散斑衬比成像技术的基本原理与技术进展,综述其在脑卒中、吸毒成瘾、阿尔茨海默病等脑疾病及其他脑科学应用中的研究进展,并展望其发展前景.  相似文献   

生物活组织的背向二次谐波成像   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
光学二次谐波成像技术由于具有三维高分辨率、不需要荧光标记、对生物样品的杀伤效应小等特点,在生物医学研究上具有广阔的应用前景.在双光子荧光成像基础上,实现了适合对厚组织样品观测的背向光学二次谐波成像,探讨了背向二次谐波成像的特点和影响因素.通过对多种生物组织样品进行大量实验,发现胶原纤维和肌肉纤维均可以产生很强的背向二次谐波,并成功地将背向二次谐波成像技术应用于糖尿病患者皮肤的观测.背向二次谐波成像技术可望推广到病理检查等临床应用中.  相似文献   

摘要:成像技术在疾病的诊断、治疗和监测中起着重要的作用。热声成像作为一种非电离和非侵入性的新型生物医学成像技术,结合了微波成像高对比度和超声成像高分辨率的优点。因其具有利用内源性对比剂(如水和离子)或多种外源性对比剂(或两者兼有)提供结构、功能、和分子信息的能力,在预临床和临床应用中显示出了巨大的潜力。近几十年来,由于微波辐射源和超声硬件的不断发展,热声成像技术已被广泛用于生物医学成像领域。本文阐述了热声成像的基本原理及成像特点,介绍了近年来热声成像技术在生物医学上的应用、当前在解决相应临床问题应用中的优势及研究现状,最后针对热声成像技术在现有生物医学中面临的挑战对该技术进行了展望。  相似文献   

光学分子成像技术是在活体复杂的组织区域环境内细胞形态、运动与功能研究的最佳手段之一,极大地推进了免疫学的发展.肝脏是机体新陈代谢和解毒的重要器官,也被视为一个免疫器官.解析肝脏免疫基本特性和功能,对防治肝脏疾病以及全身性相关疾病具有重要意义.活体可视化研究肝脏区域生理或者病理状态下免疫应答,提供关键事件的多细胞参与及其彼此交互的时空动态信息,能极大地丰富对肝脏独特免疫反应的认知.本文将重点阐述目前活体肝脏成像的技术与方法以及光学显微成像技术,例如多光子激发显微成像与转盘共聚焦成像在肝脏免疫中的应用,并展望活体肝脏成像今后的发展方向和面临的机遇与挑战.  相似文献   

干细胞目前已应用在多种疾病的治疗中,前景十分广阔,但干细胞存活、分布和迁移等具体机制仍未明确,需要通过长期有效、无副作用的干细胞示踪技术进一步研究.生物光学成像(OI)技术与干细胞相结合,操作简单、成像直观,并有高灵敏度和高特异性,可以实时、无创监测干细胞在动物活体内的生物学活动.本文就OI示踪技术的原理及其在干细胞应...  相似文献   

组织氧合作用和光敏剂应用在疾病诊治中都有着重要的作用,因此其实时在体无损检测很有意义。光动力疗法涉及光敏剂、光和氧分子三大要素,其疗效受组织氧合作用影响。本文对光声成像(PAI)、光声寿命成像(PALI)和多光谱光声层析成像(MSOT)等光声成像技术在光动力疗法的研究和应用中的使用现状进行了综述。对相关设备系统在检测光敏剂、组织氧分压和微血管损伤等方面的应用原理和技术分别进行了介绍,并总结了这些技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于B型扫描超声诊断仪和线性阵列探测器的快速光声成像系统被搭建,并用于脑部血液动力学的监测研究。实验中,小鼠脑部皮层的全景血管网络分布图像通过光声探测器双扫描采集接收的方式被重建出来。然后,针对小鼠的脑中动脉,利用阵列电子扫描采集方式,光声成像实现了局部连续地监测由静脉注射生理盐水和吲哚菁绿引起的脑部血液动力学反应,成功地利用光声图像记录其光吸收的改变。实验展示了光声快速成像获取脑部功能信号的应用潜力。  相似文献   

付玲 《生物物理学报》2007,23(4):314-322
大脑功能的成像检测在认知神经科学领域具有极其重要的意义。现代光子学技术的发展为认知脑成像提供了新的研究手段,在神经系统信息处理机制研究中发挥重要作用。文章介绍了在神经元、神经元网络、特定脑皮层功能构筑以及系统与行为等不同层次开展神经系统信息处理机制研究的各种光学成像技术,包括多光子激发荧光显微成像、内源信号光学成像、激光散斑成像和近红外光学成像等,并评述了这些有特色的光学成像技术在多层次获取和分析神经信息中的研究进展。  相似文献   

光声成像及其在生物医学中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
光声成像是一种新近迅速发展起来、基于生物组织内部光学吸收差异、以超声作媒介的无损生物光子成像方法,它结合了纯光学成像的高对比度特性和纯超声成像的高穿透深度特性的优点,以超声探测器探测光声波代替光学成像中的光子检测,从原理上避开了光学散射的影响,可以提供高对比度和高分辨率的组织影像,为研究生物组织的结构形态、生理特征、代谢功能、病理特征等提供了重要手段,在生物医学临床诊断以及在体组织结构和功能成像领域具有广泛的应用前景.对光声成像技术的机理、光声成像技术和方法、光声图像重建算法以及光声成像在生物医学上的应用情况作一个简单介绍,希望有助于推动我国在该领域的科研和开发应用工作的迅速发展.  相似文献   

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is increasingly being used in breast carcinoma as it significantly improves the prognosis and consistently leads to an increased rate of breast preservation. How to accurately assess tumor response after treatment is a crucial factor for developing reasonable therapeutic strategy. In this study, we were in an attempt to monitor tumor response by multimodal multiphoton imaging including two‐photon excitation fluorescence and second‐harmonic generation imaging. We found that multiphoton imaging can identify different degrees of tumor response such as a slight, significant, or complete response and can detect morphological alteration associated with extracellular matrix during the progression of breast carcinoma following preoperative chemotherapy. Two quantitative optical biomarkers including tumor cellularity and collagen content were extracted based on automatic image analysis to help monitor changes in tumor and its microenvironment. Furthermore, tumor regression grade diagnosis was tried to evaluate by multiphoton microscopy. These results may offer a basic framework for using multiphoton microscopic imaging techniques as a helpful diagnostic tool for assessing breast carcinoma response after presurgical treatment.  相似文献   

In vivo microscopy is a powerful method for studying fundamental issues of physiology and pathophysiology. The recent development of multiphoton fluorescence microscopy has extended the reach of in vivo microscopy, supporting high-resolution imaging deep into the tissues and organs of living animals. As compared with other in vivo imaging techniques, multiphoton microscopy is uniquely capable of providing a window into cellular and subcellular processes in the context of the intact, functioning animal. In addition, the ability to collect multiple colors of fluorescence from the same sample makes in vivo microscopy uniquely capable of characterizing up to three parameters from the same volume, supporting powerful correlative analyses. Since its invention in 1990, multiphoton microscopy has been increasingly applied to numerous areas of medical investigation, providing invaluable insights into cell physiology and pathology. However, researchers have only begun to realize the true potential of this powerful technology as it has proliferated beyond the laboratories of a relatively few pioneers. In this article we present an overview of the advantages and limitations of multiphoton microscopy as applied to in vivo imaging. We also review specific examples of the application of in vivo multiphoton microscopy to studies of physiology and pathology in a variety of organs including the brain, skin, skeletal muscle, tumors, immune cells, and visceral organs.  相似文献   

Multiphoton microscopy has become popular in studying dermal nanoparticle penetration. This necessitates studying the imaging parameters of multiphoton microscopy in skin as an imaging medium, in terms of achievable detection depths and the resolution limit. This would simulate real‐case scenarios rather than depending on theoretical values determined under ideal conditions. This study has focused on depth profiling of sub‐resolution gold nanoparticles (AuNP) in reconstructed (fixed and unfixed) and human skin using multiphoton microscopy. Point spread functions (PSF) were determined for the used water‐immersion objective of 63×/NA = 1.2. Factors such as skin‐tissue compactness and the presence of wrinkles were found to deteriorate the accuracy of depth profiling. A broad range of AuNP detectable depths (20–100 μm) in reconstructed skin was observed. AuNP could only be detected up to ~14 μm depth in human skin. Lateral (0.5 ± 0.1 μm) and axial (1.0 ± 0.3 μm) PSF in reconstructed and human specimens were determined. Skin cells and intercellular components didn't degrade the PSF with depth. In summary, the imaging parameters of multiphoton microscopy in skin and practical limitations encountered in tracking nanoparticle penetration using this approach were investigated. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

多焦点多光子显微技术及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多焦点多光子显微技术(multifocal multiphoton microscopy,MMM)提高了激发光能的利用率和成像速度,可以实现样品的三维快速多光子激发荧光显微成像,并具有对活体样品损伤小,成像深度大,图像信噪比高等优点.详细阐述了MMM的实现方法及其研究进展,包括同时时间和光谱分辨的MMM(simulta...  相似文献   

A complex and reciprocal communication of cells with each other and with relevant parts of the tissue stroma governs many biological processes in both health and disease. However, in the past, the study of these anatomical and molecular interactions has suffered from a lack of appropriate experimental models. An imaging methodology aimed at changing this should allow intravital display and quantification in an intact non-traumatized organ, imaging over a wide range of time spans including extended periods (i.e., months), many repetitive measurements of the same cell or area to permit the study of the cause and consequence of biological processes, the display of various cell types and their reciprocal interaction with each other in three dimensions, the co-registration of relevant physiological parameters and reporters for selected molecular pathways and as high as possible resolution to visualize sub-cellular structures such as organelles. Remarkably, intravital multiphoton microscopy (in vivo MPLSM) through a chronic cranial window allows us to do all these things, making the brain the inner organ of choice for this technology. Here, we give an overview of the application of in vivo MPLSM to study the choreography of cellular, vascular and molecular interactions in the healthy brain and in neurological diseases. We focus on brain tumor formation, progression and response to therapies. This review further aims at demonstrating that we stand at the beginning of full exploitation of the opportunities provided by this technology and gives clues to future directions that appear most promising.  相似文献   

Multiphoton imaging has evolved as an indispensable tool in cell biology and holds prospects for clinical applications. When addressing endogenous signals such as coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) or second harmonic generation, it requires intense laser irradiation that may cause photodamage. We report that increasing endogenous fluorescence signal upon multiphoton imaging constitutes a marker of photodamage. The effect was studied on mouse brain in vivo and ex vivo, on ex vivo human brain tissue samples, as well as on glioblastoma cells in vitro, demonstrating that this phenomenon is common to a variety of different systems, both ex vivo and in vivo. CARS microscopy and vibrational spectroscopy were used to analyze the photodamage. The development of a standard easy-to-use model that employs rehydrated cryosections allowed the characterization of the irradiation-induced fluorescence and related it to nonlinear photodamage. In conclusion, the monitoring of endogenous two-photon excited fluorescence during label-free multiphoton microscopy enables to estimate damage thresholds ex vivo as well as detect photodamage during in vivo experiments.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism of the brain via optical microscopy is one of the challenges in neuroimaging, considering the complex structures. Advanced neuroimaging techniques provide a more comprehensive insight into patho-mechanisms of brain disorders, which is useful in the early diagnosis of the pathological and physiological changes associated with various neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in optical microscopy techniques have evolved powerful tools to overcome scattering of light and provide improved in vivo neuroimaging with sub-cellular resolution, endogenous contrast specificity, pinhole less optical sectioning capability, high penetration depth, and so on. The following article reviews the developments in various optical imaging techniques including two-photon and three-photon fluorescence, second-harmonic generation, third-harmonic generation, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, and stimulated Raman scattering in neuroimaging. We have outlined the potentials and drawbacks of these techniques and their possible applications in the investigation of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

磁共振磁敏感加权成像在颅脑疾病中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨磁敏感加权成像在脑部疾病中的临床应用价值。方法对65例临床疑是脑血管病变患者行常规T1WI、T2WI、DWI、SWI序列及增强T1WI、MRA,探讨SWI序列在显示小出血灶、小静脉及含铁血黄素、钙化等顺磁性物质的优越性。结果①海绵状血管瘤,SWI能鉴别出血与血管,发现更多的小出血灶;②动静脉畸形,SWI能够发现更多的细小静脉向大静脉引流;③急性脑梗死,SWI可发现小的出血灶;④脑肿瘤,SWI显示出小的引流静脉;⑤帕金森病,SWI能显示脑内多发异常低信号铁沉积。结论 SWI对低流量血管畸形、小静脉结构、多发细小出血以及铁钙沉积十分敏感,为常规MRI的重要补充,应用于中枢神经系统疾病的诊断和鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(6):469-477
The multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MMRI) has an important role in cancer care. This non-invasive and non-ionizing technique provides vital information for the diagnosis and answers to various questions of clinicians before, during and after treatment. The MMRI can specify the localization expanding process; it allows establishing the differential diagnosis of a brain tumor and a circumscribed lesion of another type, to approach the diagnosis of the tumor lesion nature as well as establishing the histological grade of glial tumor in view of lesion monitoring after treatment. The multimodal magnetic resonance imaging has a major contribution to the management progress of the brain tumors. Thus, this paper reviews the value of these MRI modalities in the diagnosis, management and therapy of brain tumors.  相似文献   

The holy grail of infection biology is to study a pathogen within its natural infectious environment, the living host. Advances in in vivo imaging techniques have begun to introduce the possibility to visualize, in real time, infection progression within a living model. In this review we detail the current advancements and knowledge in multiphoton microscopy and how it can be related to the field of microbial infections. This technology is a new and very valuable tool for in vivo imaging, and using this technique it is possible to begin to study various microbes within their natural infectious environment - the living host.  相似文献   

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