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细菌“活的不可培养状态”的生态意义及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王秀娟  朱琳  陈中智  李宇 《微生物学通报》2008,35(12):1938-1942
"活的不可培养(VBNC)"状态是细菌在不良条件下的一种生存方式.VBNC状态作为细菌的一种生理状态,对传统微生物学产生了深远的影响.进入VBNC状态的细胞发生了一系列变化,无法继续用常规培养方法检测,在医学健康,环境科学等领域产生了巨大的影响,改进检测方法具有重要的意义.本文介绍了进入VBNC状态细菌在DNA、蛋白质组成等方面发生的变化,复苏过程.同时还介绍了VBNC状态的最新检测方法,最后对VBNC状态未来的研究方法进行了讨论.  相似文献   

细菌毒素-抗毒素系统的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毒素-抗毒素系统(toxin-antitoxin system,TA)由两个共表达的基因组成,其中一个基因编码不稳定的抗毒素蛋白(antitoxin),另一个基因编码稳定的毒素蛋白(toxin).毒素-抗毒素系统最早发现于一些低拷贝的质粒,用来维持低拷贝质粒在菌群中的稳定存在.随后的研究表明,毒素-抗毒素系统广泛存在于细菌,包括一些致病菌的染色体上.在营养缺乏等不良生长条件下,由于基因表达的抑制和蛋白酶的降解作用,不稳定的抗毒素蛋白减少,从而产生游离的毒素蛋白,导致细菌的生长抑制和死亡.毒素-抗毒素系统的生理功能目前还存在争议,有学者认为细茼染色体上的毒素-抗毒素系统可以在不良生长状况下介导细菌的死亡,即细茼程序性细胞死亡(baeterial programmedcell death).但也有证据显示,毒素-抗毒素系统的功能更偏向于应激状态下的生理调节方面,即只起应激状态下的抑菌作用而不是杀菌作用.对细菌生长调控中毒素-抗毒素系统的作用机理进行综述,并探讨毒素-抗毒素系统研究的理论和应用价值.  相似文献   

I型毒素-抗毒素(TA)系统在细菌基因组中广泛存在,在细菌的生长、生存中发挥多种生物学功能,包括抗菌、红细胞毒性、促进持留菌形成、抑制细菌生长或导致细菌休眠等。绝大部分I型毒素蛋白以细胞膜作为靶标,目前已知的一种作用机制是在细胞膜上形成孔洞结构,造成膜电位的下降或细胞膜的破坏,从而抑制ATP的合成或导致细菌死亡;另一种可能的作用机制是毒素蛋白作用在细胞膜上,改变细胞的形状,导致细胞进入休眠状态。I型毒素蛋白-细胞膜作用机制的复杂性和生物功能的多样性远超预期。因此,解析I型毒素蛋白在不同细胞膜中的组装机制及其所形成结构特征就变得非常重要,这也是揭示其结构-功能关系的关键。本文通过综述已报道的I型TA系统的结构特征与生物学功能,结合对其跨膜结构域的预测,探讨了其可能在细胞膜中形成的不同结构及其对功能的影响,分析了影响作用机制的关键因素。这些研究既给耐药细菌的治疗带来机遇,又为新型抗菌药物的研发带来思路。  相似文献   

活的但非可培养(“viable but non-culturable”,简称VBNC)状态是微生物应对各种环境压力的一种生存机制.面对日益严重的异生质污染问题,研究污染胁迫下VBNC状态菌的潜在环境功能具有重要意义.该文阐述了VBNC状态菌的研究现状,针对多氯联苯微生物降解存在的问题,重点介绍环境中潜在VBNC功能菌群的复苏培养.提出利用藤黄球菌(Micrococcus luteus)复苏促进因子(resuscitation-promoting factor,简称Rpf)探索具有潜在多氯联苯降解功能的VBNC状态菌群,为多氯联苯高效降解菌群的筛选提供新思路.同时,结合VBNC状态菌絮凝、硝化除臭等方面的探索研究,对VBNC状态菌的潜在环境功能进行了展望.  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PA)是临床常见的革兰阴性菌之一,分布广泛且可引起多种感染。PA可分泌大量的毒力因子,包括脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide, LPS)、鼠李糖脂(rhamnolipid)、外毒素A(exotoxin A)、蛋白酶(proteinase)、生物膜(biofilm)和Ⅲ型分泌系统(type III secretion system, T3SS)等,且PA毒力机制较复杂。在PA感染过程中,群体感应系统(quorum-sensing, QS)和双组分系统(two-component systems, TCS)扮演着重要的角色,调控PA生物膜的形成和毒力因子的产生。现就PA毒力因子的研究进展及调控机制作一概述。  相似文献   

In stressful conditions, bacteria enter into the viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state; in this state, they are alive but fail to grow on conventional media on which they normally grow and develop into colonies. The molecular basis underlying this state is unknown. We investigated the role of the alternative sigma factor RpoS (σ(38)) in the VBNC induction using Salmonella Dublin, Salmonella Oranienburg and Salmonella Typhimurium LT2. VBNC was induced by osmotic stress in LT2 and Oranienburg. Dublin also entered the VBNC state, but more slowly than LT2 and Oranienburg did. The LT2 rpoS gene was initiated from an alternative initiation codon, TTG; therefore, LT2 had smaller amounts of RpoS than Dublin and Oranienburg. Oranienburg had a single amino acid substitution (D118N) in RpoS (RpoS(SO)). Disruption of rpoS caused rapid VBNC induction. VBNC induction was significantly delayed by Dublin-type RpoS (RpoS(SD)), but only slightly by RpoS(SO). These results indicate that RpoS delays VBNC induction and that the rapid induction of VBNC in LT2 and Oranienburg may be due to lower levels of RpoS and to the D118N amino acid substitution, respectively. Reduced RpoS intracellular level was observed during VBNC induction. During the VBNC induction, Salmonella might regulate RpoS which is important for maintenance of culturablity under stresses.  相似文献   

活的但非可培养(VBNC) 状态菌的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
VBNC(viable but non-culturable)是指处于"活的但非可培养"状态的微生物,此微生物体的细胞仍有代谢活性,但用常规方法无法分离培养.本文阐述了VBNC状态菌的形成机理、转变与种类、复苏、研究意义及其应用展望.并报道了我们在十余年间针对生态环境中处于VBNC状态菌的复苏、可培养化、系统进化关系及潜在功能等方面的一些研究成果,拟为微生物资源的开发与应用提供新的科学依据.  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157 strain F2, a food isolate of an outbreak, is resistant to oxidative stress, but has increased stress-sensitivity after passage through mice. The stress-sensitive variant of F2 (designated MP37) has decreased culturability, but retains membrane integrity under stress conditions, indicating that the cells enter a viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state. Proteomic analyses revealed that MP37 in the VBNC state had decreased levels of some oxidation-responsive factors (AhpCF, AceF), but it markedly increased levels of outer membrane protein W (OmpW). Because F2 expressed higher levels of some ribosome-associated proteins (RaiA, S6, Bcp) than MP37, the effect of animal passage on the induction of the VBNC state in the EHEC O157 cells might be due to ribosomal activity.  相似文献   

PMA-qPCR法检测冷冻基质中非可培养状态(VBNC)副溶血性弧菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】副溶血性弧菌为冰鲜产品及肉制品中常见的污染微生物,致病性强,危害严重,出入境运输及加工的肉食品常采取冷冻冷藏的处理手段来防止微生物污染及生长,以保持食物新鲜。而残留的部分副溶血性弧菌会进入活的非可培养状态(Viable but non-culturable state,VBNC),从而构成潜在的风险隐患。【目的】建立可用于冷冻食品中VBNC副溶血性弧菌的快速检测方法,并探讨其适用性。【方法】将大西洋鲑鱼1:10匀浆,加入终浓度为6.6×10~5 CFU/mL的副溶血性弧菌,-20°C分别诱导10、20、30和50 d。建立实时荧光PCR技术(qPCR)方法,测定其特异性、灵敏度及稳定性。利用PMA-qPCR法对不同冷冻时期样品中的副溶血性弧菌进行检测,同时与qPCR、平板培养法进行比较。【结果】建立的qPCR方法特异性好,与其他阴性参考株无交叉反应;灵敏度高,检测限为19.8 CFU/mL;重复性好,C_q值的变异系数(CV)均在1.5%以下;标准曲线为y=-3.272x+45.310,线性回归系数R~2为0.996,定量范围为1×10~2–1×10~9 CFU/mL。在低温诱导10-50 d后,qPCR法的C_q值在26.32-27.34之间,与诱导前相比几乎没有变化;叠氮溴化丙锭(PMA)-qPCR法的C_q值则从诱导前的26.43逐步上升到38.84,呈现明显的上升趋势,表明死菌的数量在显著上升。经过比较及统计,PMA-qPCR检测的活菌数均高于平板培养法测出的数量,差异显著(P0.05)。【结论】PMA-qPCR特异性及灵敏度高,能有效抑制对死菌的扩增,同时能克服传统平板培养法对VBNC的漏检缺陷,可方便、快捷地用于冷冻食品中受损致病微生物,尤其是进入VBNC状态的细菌检测。  相似文献   

Abstract The non-culturable state of Vibrio vulnificus , strain C7184, was studied in artificial seawater microcosms held at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30°C. Plate counts were made on a non-selective medium, total cell counts were monitored by acridine orange epifluorescence, and direct viable counts (DVSs) by the method of Kogure et al. (Can J. Microbiol. 25, 415–420; 1986) and by the INT method. From an initial inoculum of 107 cells/ml, V. vulnificus became non-culturable within 40 days at 5°C, although both indicators of viability revealed a viable population exceeding 106 cells/ml. Cells at all higher temperatures remained culturable (at least 104/ml) throughout the study. The non-culturable states of the opaque and translucent colony variants of V. vulnificus , as well as those of six other clinical and environmental strains of V. vulnificus , were examined at 5°C; all but one strain and both colony variants also became non-culturable within 40 days. In contrast, six other Vibrio spp. ( V. cholerae, V. mimicus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. natriegens, V. proteolyticus , and V. campbelli ) remained culturable at 5°C. Thus, entrance of V. vulnificus into the non-culturable state appears to be highly temperature dependent and, among the vibrios, this species may be especially sensitive to low temperature. The public health aspects of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

群体感应系统是一种细胞密度依赖的基因表达系统,其广泛存在于细菌性病原体中,是细菌细胞通讯方式的一种。群体感应系统可利用细菌释放的信号分子不断监控周围细菌的密度。当细菌密度达到阈值时,群体感应系统网络将启动,参与调控生物被膜、细菌毒力等特定基因的表达,从而使临床抗感染治疗失败。而通过抑制群体感应系统,可一定程度上治疗铜绿假单胞菌引起的感染。本文通过查阅近年国内外相关文献,对铜绿假单胞菌群体感应系统研究进展进行总结,为临床铜绿假单胞菌治疗提供新的方向,即群体感应系统抑制剂有可能成为治疗铜绿假单胞菌感染的新策略。  相似文献   

VBNC Vibrio cholerae O139 VC‐280 obtained by incubation in 1% solution of artificial sea water IO at 4°C for 74 days converted to the culturable state when co‐cultured with CHO cells. Other eukaryotic cell lines, including HT‐29, Caco‐2, T84, HeLa, and Intestine 407, also supported conversion of VBNC cells to the culturable state. Conversion of VBNC V. cholerae O1 N16961 and V. cholerae O139 VC‐280/pG13 to the culturable state, under the same conditions, was also confirmed. When VBNC V. cholerae O139 VC‐280 was incubated in 1% IO at 4°C for up to 91 days, the number of cells converted by co‐culture with CHO cells declined with each additional day of incubation and after 91 days conversion was not observed.  相似文献   

细菌s RNA是一类长度在40-500 nt之间的非编码RNA,在细菌细胞感应外界环境压力变化、控制基因表达方面发挥着重要的作用。本文综述了细菌s RNA与群体感应系统相互作用在调控基因表达方面的研究进展,对揭示细菌错综复杂的代谢调控过程,以及了解细菌对外界环境变化的响应机制具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

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