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安徽黄精属(Polygonatum)植物的分支分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
周守标  张小平  张定成  邵建章   《广西植物》2000,20(4):329-331
以形态学为依据 ,结合细胞分类学、叶表皮和花粉形态的研究成果 ,用分支分析的方法探讨了安徽产黄精属 11种植物的种间演化关系。在分支分析中 ,选择万寿竹属、舞鹤草属和竹根七属作为复合外类群。根据复合外类群比较原则和一般演化规律 ,确定性状极性。结果表明 :( 1)琅琊黄精与长苞黄精为姊妹群 ,并与其余 9种黄精明显分为 2大支 ;( 2 )另一支 9种黄精中 ,玉竹、长梗黄精和金塞黄精亲缘关系密切并与其余 6种再分为 2支 ;( 3)剩下 6种黄精中 ,距药黄精和多花黄精 2种互生叶黄精极为密切并与 4种轮生叶黄精分为 2组 ;( 4 ) 4种轮生叶黄精中 ,黄精、轮叶黄精和安徽黄精亲缘关系最为密切  相似文献   

基于广义形态学性状对木通科的分支系统学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于43个广义的形态学性状,对木通科进行了分支系统学分析。经过简约性分析,得到了68个同等简约的分支树。50%多数规则一致树的分支结构与以前建立的族划分系统基本一致。外类群大血藤属与木通科的勃奎拉藤属形成姐妹群,与以前的分支分析结果一致,但在分子系统发育树中,大血藤属却是整个木通科的姐妹群;除此之外,形态分支树的结构与分子树的结构差别不大,但一致性指数、保持性指数和各分支内部支持率均较低。单型的猫儿屎族和串果藤族位于分支树的基部,拉氏藤族与木通族是姐妹群,在木通族内,长萼木通属和木通属是姐妹群,作为一个分支;另一分支是PHS(牛藤果属、八月瓜属和野木瓜属)复合群,牛藤果属位于八月瓜属和野木瓜属各类群的基部。但八月瓜属和野木瓜属的属内系统发育关系仍有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

石蒜属植物分支系统学分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
邓传良  周坚 《植物研究》2005,25(4):393-399
基于37个形态学、解剖学、孢粉学和细胞学性状及解剖学性状之外的28个形态学、孢粉学和细胞学性状,分别对石蒜属进行分支系统学分析,试图建立石蒜属种间的系统发育关系。利用PAUP*软件分别构建了最大简约树(MP),所得树的拓扑结构是一致的。同时,基于解剖学9个性状,对石蒜、换锦花、忽地笑、江苏石蒜、长筒石蒜、乳白石蒜、夏水仙、红兰石蒜、安徽石蒜、短蕊石蒜、中国石蒜11个种进行系统发育树构建,其结果也是支持上述系统发育树的。系统发育树结构结果表明,石蒜属16种明显聚为两大类:石蒜、玫瑰石蒜、稻草石蒜和江苏石蒜;广西石蒜、红兰石蒜、换锦花、香石蒜、夏水仙、长筒石蒜、安徽石蒜、中国石蒜、忽地笑、乳白石蒜、短蕊石蒜和陕西石蒜。除换锦花、红兰石蒜及江苏石蒜系统发育位置不同之外,大类群的划分与RAPD指纹图谱基本一致。类群一均属于石蒜亚属(Lycoris亚属)。类群二又可以聚为两小类:广西石蒜、红兰石蒜、换锦花、香石蒜、夏水仙归为一类;长筒石蒜、安徽石蒜、中国石蒜、忽地笑、乳白石蒜、短蕊石蒜和陕西石蒜归为一类。前一子类群除广西石蒜外,都属于整齐花亚属(Symman thus亚属)。后一子类群除长筒石蒜与安徽石蒜外,均属于石蒜亚属(Lycoris亚属)。因此,花冠整齐与否是一个重要的分类特征,但作为石蒜属植物亚属的划分依据,没有得到本研究支持。而在本文中,雄蕊与花被片的位置关系可以作为大分类群划分依据,能否依此来对石蒜属植物亚属进行划分,仍需探讨。另外研究表明叶微形态特征在研究种间亲缘关系时,具有一定的作用。而在种间亲缘关系鉴定时,出叶期不应成为重要的依据。同时研究还表明中国石蒜与忽地笑具有非常近的亲缘关系,与形态学研究一致。  相似文献   

本研究以酿酒葡萄(Vitis vinifera)品种赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)及霞多丽(Chardonnay)为试材,采用in silico克隆和分子克隆相结合的策略,从果实中克隆到分支酸合成酶基因,命名为VvCS。该基因的cDNA编码区全长1312bp,编码436个氨基酸残基,预测其编码蛋白质分子量为46.9kD,等电点为7.8;生物信息学分析显示VvCS的DNA全长7117bp,包含13个外显子和12个内含子,定位于葡萄的第13号染色体上。VvCS编码的蛋白与其它植物来源的分支酸合成酶在氨基酸水平上的同源性为75%左右;实时荧光定量PCR分析表明VvCS在葡萄果实、茎、叶和叶柄组织中均有表达,且在果皮、果肉和种子中的表达变化趋势相似,与盛花后5周的果实相比,盛花后11周果实各部位中VvCS表达丰度均有不同程度增加。  相似文献   

基于33个广义的形态学性状,对广义飞蛾藤属Porana s.l.进行了分支系统学分析。经过简约性分析,得到了10个同等简约的分支树。10个同等简约树的严格一致化树表明,广义飞蛾藤属是一较为自然的分类群。与广义飞蛾藤属的孢粉学、种皮微形态学研究结果一致,分支分析的结果不支持将广义飞蛾藤属拆分为4个或5个独立的属,应在属内划分分类等级。在整个形态分支树中广义飞蛾藤属4个亚属呈并列2个分支,其中飞蛾藤亚属(subg.Porana)和白花叶亚属(subg.Poranopsis)形成姐妹群构成一分支,三翅藤亚属(subg.Tridynamia)和棒状亚属(subg.Dinetus)以姐妹群的关系构成另一支。鉴于分支分析的Bootstrap支持率不高,广义飞蛾藤属范畴的最后界定和属内等级的划分仍有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

中国菊属一些种的分支分类学研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
运用分支分析方法研究了12种原产中国的野生菊属植物的系统发育关系,并引入了若干栽培品种及部分杂种一代植株作为分析材料。研究结果表明:分支分析方法有效而准确地将分类群分类,并揭示出毛华菊(Dendranthemarestitum)与菊花(Dendranthema×gran-diflorum)同为菊属植物中进化程度较高的种,部分种间杂种也已进入栽培类群。同时还发现不同性状在各品种间平行进化的现象。根据上述结果,作者讨论了中国菊属植物的系统进化及菊花起源问题。  相似文献   

淀粉分支酶和去分支酶编码基因的功能   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
淀粉分支酶(SBE)和淀粉去分支酶(DBE)是直接参与淀粉生物合成的5类酶中的2类分支点形成支链淀粉,后者水解葡萄糖苷链中α(1-6)糖苷键.文章概述了已克隆的编码SBE和DBE同种型编码基因及其在体内外的表达特征,并提出DBE多聚体酶的结构和功能将成为淀粉粒起始形成研究中的起点,SBEⅠ和SBEⅡ表达调控是支链淀粉分子改良的途径的看法.  相似文献   

中国大陆白腹鼠属的分支系统发育研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用Hennig的分支系统学原理和方法,对分布于中国大陆的白腹鼠属7个种的部分外部及头骨形态学特征进行性状数据分析,结合应用Paup和Hennig 86两种分支系统学软件对它们之间的系统发育关系进行研究.结果表明:安氏白腹鼠N.andersoni和川西白腹鼠N.excelsior亲缘关系较近,二者聚在一起,组成了Musser(1981)的安氏白腹鼠种组N.andersoni-Division;另外刺毛鼠N.fulvescens和褐尾鼠N.cremoriuenter的亲缘关系最近,二者先聚在一起,再与社鼠N.confucianus聚在一起,形成了安氏白腹鼠种组的姐妹群;而梵鼠N.brahma是上述5种白腹鼠组成类群的姐妹群,灰腹鼠N.eha则与前6种白腹鼠组成类群互为姐妹群.  相似文献   

中国栎属(壳斗科)基于叶表皮及叶结构特征的分支分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
以三棱栎为外类群,基于叶表皮及叶结构特征对中国栎属进行初步的分支分析,结果显示了栎属内稳定的“支”结构及其种间关系。栎亚属可划分为5个组,分别为巴东栎组,高山栎组,Jiang子栎组,麻栎组和槲栎组,Jiang子栎组是栎亚属常绿栎类与落叶栎类之间的过渡类群;高山栎组应为栎亚属常绿栎类中的特化类群,而非最原始类群,5个组中,仅巴东栎组不是单系类群,而是一个多系类群,青冈亚属较栎亚属早分支,可划分为3大类;无毛类,简单被毛类和复杂被毛类;无毛类最原始,复杂被毛类与栎亚属关系最近,因此,叶表皮及叶结构特征对解决栎亚属组间亲缘关系有重要的分类学意义。  相似文献   

杨属的分支分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据被子植物大系统的资料和形态学观察确定了大凤子科山桐子属为杨属的外来群,即假设的祖先类群,借以确定杨属性状的极性,通过简约性分析构建了杨属有根的Wagner树,把杨属的五个组分为演化趋势上的三支:第一支为最原始的白杨组;第二支为变异较大的大叶杨组和青杨组;第三支是歧化的黑杨组和胡杨组。  相似文献   

选取铁线莲属(Clematis)尾叶铁线莲组(sect.Campanella)中37个种以及西南铁线莲组(sect.Bebaeanthera)中的2个种为内类群,以Clematis altemata作为外类群,通过对全世界10个标本馆的近2000份腊叶标本的形态学特征统计,选取了35个性状进行编码,利用PAUP 4.0 beta 10软件进行系统发育重建。通过最简约法(maximum parsimony)分析共得到182棵最简约分支树,树长为182步,一致性指数(CI)=0.385,保持性指数(RI)=0.685。结果表明:(1)尾叶铁线莲组并非是一个单系类群:(2)以花序发生位置这一性状建立的sect.Bebaeanthera不能成立,应并入尾叶铁线莲组:(3)本研究结果不支持在尾叶铁线莲组中建立subsect.Henryianae或ser.Henryianae;(4)C.ranunculoides等萼片外面具纵翅的一群植物与本组中萼片红色的种类C.lasiandra和C.dasyandra有较近的亲缘关系:(5)C.otophora、C.pogonandra、C.repens和C.barbellata等几个种聚为一支,且支持率很高,它们具有一系列的共衍征,即萼片质地较厚,花丝扁平,宽条形,被短柔毛,花药被黄色短毛,药隔先端凸起,因此不支持建立Ser.Pogonandrae;(6)本组中非洲分布的2个种无论从形态上还是从地理分布和生境上都十分特殊,是本组植物的特化类群。  相似文献   

Neale Monks 《Palaeontology》2002,45(4):689-707
The Hamitidae are a family of mid–Cretaceous heteromorph ammonites including lineages leading to four other families. Problems are outlined in trying to describe the phylogeny of completely extinct groups such as these heteromorph ammonites using the existing cladistic terminology, which is largely concerned with extant taxa and their ancestors. To solve these problems, two new terms are proposed: †crown groups and †stem groups, which are equivalent to crown and stem groups in terms of the evolutionary history of a clade, but are not defined on the basis of extant taxa. Instead they are defined by the topology of the phylogenetic tree, the †crown group being a clade defined by synapomorphies but which gave rise to no descendants. A †stem group is a branch of a phylogenetic tree which comprises the immediate sister groups of a given †crown group but is not itself a clade. Examples of these terms are described here with reference to the phylogeny of the Hamitidae and their descendants. The Hamitidae are paraphyletic and form †stem groups to a number of †crown groups, namely the Anisoceratidae, Baculitidae, Scaphitidae, and Turrilitidae. The definitions of the genera and subgenera are refined with respect to the type species and the clades within which they occur, and four new genera are described: Eohamites , Helicohamites , Sziveshamites , and Planohamites .  相似文献   

以礼草属系统发育的分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
基于分支系统学的原理和方法。对禾本科以礼草属进行了系统发育分析,以礼草属是个单系在群,它的32个外部性状选作极性分析。鹅观草属中的肃草作为外类群,采用PAUP程序对矩阵进行运算,获得了1个最简约的谱系分支图。在分支图上,以民礼草属26个种可以归为3个组,但不适合于划分系,3个组中各组包含的种数分别与传统分类的3个组基本吻合,从而支持了传统分类的结果。同时,分支图还展示了各个类群间的亲缘演化关系,其  相似文献   

 Variation of 80 multistate morphological characters and isozymes encoded by 13 loci among 23 vetch species of the type subgenus of the genus Vicia in comparison with V. dumetorum, V. pisiformis and V. sylvatica of the subgenus Cracca is described and analyzed with cladistic parsimony and phenetic neighbour-joining methods by using two different ways of coding. Morphological analyses showed the subgenus Vicia monophyletic and revealed subgroups in a general agreement with traditionally recognized sections, except showing V. faba nested within section Narbonensis and ambiguity in the position of V. lathyroides and V. bithynica. Parsimony analysis of orthozymes as presence/absence characters revealed in the subgenus two basic monophyletic clades: 1) V. faba and three species of the section Peregrinae, V. michauxii, V. aintabensis and V. peregrina, in one subclade linked with species of the Narbonensis and Hyperchusa sections together with V. pisiformis of subgenus Cracca in a second subclade; 2) species belonging to sections Vicia, Sepium, Pseudolathyrus and Lathyroides together with V. sylvatica of the subgenus Cracca. Neighbour-joining analysis of orthozymes revealed the same two basic groups, differing only in the relative position of some species in subclusters. Both isozyme analyses showed paraphyly of the subgenera Vicia and Cracca. Parsimony analysis of orthozymes as character states of isozymes yielded a largely unresolved strict consensus cladogram of 209 most parsimonious trees, and reweighting of characters failed to produce a stable tree. Phylogenetic congruence and discordance among morphological and isozyme analyses, coding ways, homoplasy and weighting of characters are discussed. Received November 20, 2001 Accepted January 31, 2002  相似文献   

Interrelationships of the ribbed araphid diatoms have been reinvestigated using a cladistic analysis of a revised morphological dataset. The presence of silicified transapical ribs has previously been used to distinguish between different groups and its ability to serve as a distinguishing feature is reevaluated. The importance of valve symmetry, not fully appreciated in a previous paper, is examined. The evolution of heteropolarity, and its importance in taxonomy appear more complex than is implied by a simple dichotomy dividing groups of species into heteropolar and isopolar forms, involving an inferred evolutionary transformation from one condition to the other. This analysis proposes a close relationship betweenDiatoma, Fragilariforma, Asterionella, Distrionella, Meridion, Tabellaria, andTetracyclus. It also confirms the sub-division ofDiatoma into two closely related taxa. The genusMeridion, however, should not include both heteropolar and isopolar species in a single genus. Although the species are closely related, the isopolar species are more closely related toTabellaria andTetracyclus than they are to the heteropolar species ofMeridion.  相似文献   

鹅观草属的系统发育分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡联炳  王玉金 《植物研究》2001,21(4):554-560
根据分支系统学的原理和方法, 对禾本科鹅观草属进行了系统发育分析。鹅观草属传统分类上的18 个系被确定为终端类群, 来自形态学、解剖学、细胞学和孢粉学的23 个性状被选作建立矩阵的依据;雀麦族中的短柄草属作为外类群被用于外部性状的极性识别, 过去分析过的性状资料被用于微观特征的极性判断;采用PAUP 程序对矩阵进行运算, 共获得6 个同等简约的谱系分支图, 其中具最低f-比值的图被选作分支分析的基础。结果表明, 分支图上显示的组、系划分与传统分类的基本一致, 各类群间的演化关系与过去凭借单一证据所作的零散推断也基本吻合。所不同的是半颖组各支类群不是共祖起源, 可能具有复杂的内部组成;在个别系间, 分支图展现的类群位置与宏观分析的存在差异。  相似文献   

Current phylogenetic hypotheses for the dicynodonts conflict, probably because the characters used, especially those of the jaws and facial region, show considerable convergence. Characters of the braincase and basipterygoid articulation of the Late Permian–Middle Triassic dicynodonts Diictodon , Dicynodon , Kingoria, Lystrosaurus , Rechnisaurus , and 14 other genera, may have phylogenetic value. Parsimony analysis and the character compatability permutation test suggest, at the highest possible confidence level, that the data set contains significant hierarchical structure, interpreted as a result of phylogeny. The most parsimonious tree broadly agrees with all recent hypotheses on the relationships among dicynodonts. However, it conflicts with the recent suggestion that Lystrosaurus is part of a clade of Middle–Late Triassic dicynodonts, but supports the basal position of Kingoria . The use of Eodicynodon as an outgroup does not perturb the parsimonious relationship of the included taxa. Topological constraints reveal that phylogenetic hypotheses based only on basicranial characters are not robust. Characters of the basipterygoid articulation and inner braincase have high consistency and retention indices, which suggests that the main evolutionary transformations in the dicynodont basicranium occurred within these structures.  相似文献   

We present a cladistic analysis of the Cirripedia Thoracica using morphological characters and the Acrothoracica and Ascothoracida as outgroups. The list of characters comprised 32 shell and soft body features. The operational taxonomic units (OTUs) comprised 26 well-studied fossil and extant taxa, principally genera, since uncertainty about monophyly exists for most higher ranking taxonomic units. Parsimony analyses using PAUP 3.1.1 and Hennig86 produced 189 trees of assured minimal length. We also examined character evolution in the consensus trees using MacClade and Clados. The monophyly of the Balanomorpha and the Verrucomorpha sensu stricto is confirmed, and all trees featured a sister group relationship between the ‘living fossil Neoverruca and me Brachylepadomorpha. In the consensus trees the sequential progression of ‘pedunculate‘sister groups up to a node containing Neolepas also conforms to current views, but certain well-established taxa based solely on plesiomorphies stand out as paraphyletic, such as Pedunculata (= Lepadomorpha); Eolepadinae, Scalpellomorpha and Chthamaloidea. The 189 trees differed principally in the position of shell-less pedunculates, Neoverruca, the scalpelloid Capitulum, and the interrelationships within the Balanomorpha, although the 50% majority rule consensus tree almost fully resolved the latter. A monophyletic Sessilia comprising both Verrucomorpha and Balanomorpha appeared among the shortest trees, but not in the consensus. A tree with a monophyletic Verrucomorpha including Neoverruca had a tree length two steps longer than the consensus trees. Deletion of all extinct OTUs produced a radically different tree, which highlights the importance of fossils in estimating cirripede phylogeny. Mapping of our character set onto a manually constructed cladogram reflecting die most recent scenario of cirripede evolution resulted in a tree length five steps longer than any of our shortest trees. Our analysis reveals that several key questions in cirripede phylogeny remain unsolved, notably the position of shell-less forms and the transition from ‘pedunculate‘to ‘sessile‘barnacles. The inclusion of more fossil species at this point in our understanding of cirripede phylogeny will only result in even greater levels of uncertainty. When constructing the character list we also identified numerous uncertainties in the homology of traits commonly used in discussing cirripede evolution. Our study highlights larval ultrastructure, detailed studies of early ontogeny, and molecular data as the most promising areas for future research.  相似文献   

The schizomid genus Mayazomus Reddell & Cockendolpher, 1995, endemic to south‐eastern Mexico, currently comprises seven species. It was originally proposed to accommodate two species, from Chiapas and Tabasco. Recently, five additional species from Chiapas were described. The monophyly of the genus has never been tested using cladistic analysis. We undertook a phylogenetic analysis using the seven described species of Mayazomus as the ingroup, ten exemplar species representing the most similar New World hubbardiids as the outgroup, and one protoschizomid species to root the tree. The analysis was based on 130 morphological characters (continuous and discrete characters). The resulting topologies recovered Mayazomus as paraphyletic, with Heteronochrus estor Armas & Viquez, 2010, from Guatemala nested within the genus; therefore, we formally propose its synonymy herein. Mayazomus appears to be most closely related to Rowlandius Reddell & Cokendolpher, 1995, a South American genus. This contribution also provides new characters derived from the pedipalp setae with important phylogenetic information; as well as the implementation of morphometric ratios, as continuous characters, to partially codify the shape of the male flagellum. The relationships recovered amongst the outgroups used in this contribution are a reliable baseline for future analyses of the phylogeny of the New World schizomids.  相似文献   

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