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正动物园作为综合保护、科普宣传与公众教育的重要场所,在濒危物种的迁地保护工作中发挥着十分重要的作用(Kleiman et al.,2010)。然而,不同的濒危物种在生理学及生活史方面存在很大差异;加之部分物种的生物学信息匮乏,使得动物园的饲养繁育和疾病防控工作面临重大挑战。在常规体检及疾病诊断时,血液参数值有助于对动物机体的临床检查与诊断,解读动物的生理、营养和病理状态(胡翊群,2004;Etim et al.,2014),是及时发现动物  相似文献   

Mammalian Genome2004年15卷3期179~192项报道:日本敬翁大学医学院分子生物学系的科学家涟谷和典等先前已研究并鉴定了可编码称为角蛋白相关蛋白(KAP)的毛发特异蛋白,并定位于人类21q22.3染色体的16基因簇。  相似文献   

申玉春  杨小东  刘丽  金磊 《生态学报》2015,35(2):306-312
澄黄滨珊瑚、大管孔珊瑚和丛生盔形珊瑚排卵前后分别采集珊瑚小穗,在实验室条件下进行为期60 d的养殖,观察其生长特性,结果表明:3种珊瑚排卵前后骨骼密度变化在1.541—2.137 g/cm3之间,差异不显著。3种珊瑚小穗的生长率表现出相对一致的变化趋势,同一规格珊瑚小穗排卵前期生长率明显高于排卵后期;同一时期大规格珊瑚小穗生长率明显高于小规格珊瑚小穗,而且养殖中后期生长较快,养殖前期生长较慢,差异显著(P0.05)。澄黄滨珊瑚小穗边缘组织延伸度排卵后期大于排卵前期,大管孔珊瑚小穗边缘组织延伸度排卵前期大于排卵后期,以上两种珊瑚的小规格珊瑚小穗与大规格珊瑚小穗组织延伸度相当。随着养殖时间的持续,丛生盔形珊瑚小穗螅体增殖速率加快,各养殖阶段螅体数差异显著(P0.05),珊瑚小穗规格和养殖季节对其小穗螅体增殖数量没有显著影响。3种珊瑚小穗生长指标间多呈显著正相关,仅大管孔珊瑚小穗初始直径、初始重量与组织延伸度间,以及丛生盔形珊瑚小穗初始重量与初始螅体数量、生长率间相关性不明显。  相似文献   

During two consecutive mating seasons from August 2001 to December 2002, we observed the sexual behavior of Sichuan golden monkeys in the Chengdu Zoo and the Shanghai Wild Animal Park. We collected urine samples from females in the early morning. We also measured urinary estradiol and progesterone levels using radioimmunoassay. Based on the estradiol concentration during the menstrual cycle, we discovered that the length of the menstrual cycle was 286.33 1.67 days. The length of pregnancy was about 200 days. The level of estradiol after impregnation was significantly different with the level during the ,same period in the non-receptive part of the cycle. Thus we could diagnose early pregnancy in female Sichuan golden monkeys by checking their urinary estradiol level .  相似文献   

圈养条件下狍繁殖行为的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验研究了狍(东北亚种)在人工饲养条件下的繁殖行为。研究结果表明:(1)在交配季节,雄狍具有卷唇嗅闻、扒土等行为;雄狍与雌狍的卧息、冲突行为差异显著,尾阴探究差异极显著。(2)妊娠雌狍选择隐蔽处分娩产仔。(3)在临产前,雌狍有临产表现,采取侧卧分娩姿势,仔狍娩出后,舔食仔狍的胎水和胎膜。  相似文献   

本文对成都动物园圈养条件下鸳鸯的自然繁殖和行为进行了观察,结果表明:巢箱要求放置不是太高,只要光线较暗或比较隐蔽即可;声音对圈养条件下鸳鸯的繁殖干扰不大;在发情和育雏期间应适当增加动物性蛋白饲料;断翅后的鸳鸯受精率略低于未断翅鸳鸯.  相似文献   

2005年3月至2006年3月,采取所有事件取样法,对成都动物园5只(2雄,3雌)圈养金钱豹(Panthera pardu)进行观察,旨在了解圈养金钱豹的交配情况。记录交配行为1 174次。结果显示,圈养金钱豹全年皆可发情。具有明显的交配模式,交配姿势仅有一种,为背腹式。平均交配持续天数为(4.75±1.26)d。昼夜都有交配行为,但白天交配次数较夜间多。日交配的高峰发生在08:00~10:00时,不同的雄性个体出现的交配高峰日不同。平均交配持续时间为(7.48±1.22)s。在交配持续时间(P=0.000)、总交配次数(P=0.04)上,不同的雄性个体间存在显著性差异;而同一雄性在与不同雌性交配时,其持续时间无显著差异。金钱豹交配的特点为,交配的频次多,但每次交配持续时间短。  相似文献   

对圈养条件下水鹿的空间关系进行了研究。结果显示,雄性水鹿在空间上趋于分离,而雌性趋于结合。无论在秋季或冬季,雄性水鹿花费在不同雌性上的时间比例是相近的。不存在一主雄鹿排斥其他雄鹿,独占雌鹿群的现象,也不存在雄性为占有一雌鹿而相互排斥的模式。秋、冬季节相比,水鹿空间关系的日变化规律有所不同  相似文献   

圈养条件下仔狍的生长与发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003 年4 月至2004 年10 月对12 只狍东北亚种雌性生产的16 只仔狍进行了生长发育观察。记录仔狍出生日期,观察生长过程的毛色变化,定期检查牙齿生长状况,测定体尺和体重,所得数据采用SPSS13. 0 软件处理,绘制生长曲线并建立体长与体重的拟合曲线方程。结果表明,圈养条件下仔狍出生主要集中在5 月中旬至6
月中旬,出生时毛色呈暗棕黄色,身体两侧分布不规则的白斑,翌年换毛后白斑消失;出生仔狍的齿式为(0 03 0 /4 0 3 0)×2 = 20,成年狍的齿式为(0 1 3 3/4 0 3 3)×2 = 34,乳齿6 ~7 月龄开始脱换,8 ~9 月龄完成,脱换的顺序为中央切齿→两侧切齿→隅齿;(上、下颌)后臼齿的第一后臼齿2 月龄萌发、3 ~ 4 月龄生长完成,第
二后臼齿6 ~ 7 月龄萌发,8 ~9 月龄生长完成,第三后臼齿12 ~ 13 月龄萌发,14 ~ 15 月龄生长完成;乳齿的前臼齿从12 月龄开始脱换,14 月龄完成,脱换的顺序是上颌第一前臼齿和下颌第三前臼齿→上、下颌第二前臼齿→上颌第三前臼齿和下颌第一前臼齿;仔狍体尺增长率顺序为体长> 臀高> 肩高> 胸围> 腰围。仔狍体长与体重的拟合曲线方程是Y = 63.1084 - 0.0070x + 1.1e - 6 x2 - 3e- 11 x3 ,生长发育过程可分为生长快速期、生长缓慢期和雌雄狍生长差异期3 个阶段。  相似文献   

李长生  王桂武  周虚 《四川动物》2008,27(1):120-122
通过在吉林农业科技学院左家校区动物实习基地进行试验,研究了野生狍(中国亚种)在人工驯化饲养条件下的发情配种模式.研究结果表明:狍属于短日照繁殖动物,发情和配种在秋季进行,每年有一个发情周期,性成熟是14±2月龄;雄狍在整个发情配种期始终保持兴奋状态,随时可以与达到发情旺期的雌狍进行交配,发情的雌狍外观没有明显表现,当对雄狍表现好感、主动亲近雄狍时,就是交配的最好时机;狍配种方式采用单雄群雌的同期复配方式,性别比例为雄性狍∶雌性狍=1∶4.  相似文献   

Dissection of a chimpanzee has revealed the association of an intrathoracic disease (probably coccidioidomycosis) with periosteal lesions that are restricted almost entirely to the appendicular skeleton and are distributed with bilateral symmetry. These pathological conditions are compatible with a diagnosis of hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy.  相似文献   

基于正交试验设计,对上海动物园8头黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes)进行食物丰容(木丝、麻袋和竹筒)对取食行为影响的研究,利用正交试验设计试验因素和水平,采用所有事件取样法记录丰容前后黑猩猩取食行为的持续时间。结果表明,通过正交试验设计,能够有效对不同的试验方案进行排序。本研究中,对黑猩猩取食行为影响的主次顺序依次为木丝>麻袋>竹筒;不同食物丰容方式对成年雄性取食行为影响不显著,所有成年雌性丰容后取食行为增加,且取食占比比雄性高,幼年个体在丰容后取食行为占比降低。3种丰容方式对成年雄性和幼年个体的取食行为都没有显著影响。对4头成年雌性黑猩猩的最优丰容组合为木丝和麻袋(有无竹筒都可),对1头亚成年雌性黑猩猩的最优组合为木丝(有无竹筒和麻袋都可)。木丝对成年雌性取食行为的影响极显著(P <0.01),竹筒对每个个体行为影响均不显著(P> 0.05),麻袋对部分个体影响不显著(P> 0.05)。  相似文献   

马来穿山甲(Manis javanica)为极度濒危物种,已报导该物种的怀孕期长度差异较大,需要更多的直接观察案例来确定其怀孕期长短。广西林业科学研究院穿山甲人工救护与繁育基地通过室内圈养方式驯养穿山甲,记录了14例马来穿山甲产仔情况:其中圈养前野外受孕、场内产仔9例;野外受孕、圈养死亡的母体1例;不确定受孕情况母兽产仔1例;圈养条件下交配怀孕并产仔3例,其中2例是母兽进场后第2次产仔。根据初步观察结果,估计马来穿山甲孕期为5~6个月。  相似文献   

The postnatal ontogenetic patterns and processes that underlie species differences in African ape adult mandibular morphology are not well understood and there is ongoing debate about whether African ape faces and mandibles develop via divergent or parallel trajectories of shape change. Using three-dimensional (3D) morphometric data, we first tested when in postnatal development differences in mandibular shape are initially evident between sister species Pan troglodytes and P. paniscus. Next, we tested whether each species has a distinct and non-parallel trajectory of mandibular development. Mandibles sampled across a broad developmental range of wildshot bonobos (n = 44) and chimpanzees (n = 59) were radiographed and aged from their dental development. We then collected 3D landmark surface data from all the mandibles. A geometric morphometric analysis of size-corrected 3D data found that bonobos and chimpanzees had parallel and linear ontogenetic trajectories of mandibular shape change. In contrast, mandibular shape was statistically different between P. paniscus and P. troglodytes as early as infancy, suggesting that species shape differences are already established near or before birth. A linear and stable trajectory of shape change suggests that mandibular ontogeny in these apes is unimpacted by non-linear variation in tooth developmental timing.  相似文献   

David B. Dunson 《Biometrics》2001,57(4):1067-1073
Time to pregnancy studies that identify ovulation days and collect daily intercourse data can be used to estimate the day-specific probabilities of conception given intercourse on a single day relative to ovulation. In this article, a Bayesian semiparametric model is described for flexibly characterizing covariate effects and heterogeneity among couples in daily fecundability. The proposed model is characterized by the timing of the most fertile day of the cycle relative to ovulation, by the probability of conception due to intercourse on the most fertile day, and by the ratios of the daily conception probabilities for other days of the cycle relative to this peak probability. The ratios are assumed to be increasing in time to the peak and decreasing thereafter. Generalized linear mixed models are used to incorporate covariate and couple-specific effects on the peak probability and on the day-specific ratios. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is described for posterior estimation, and the methods are illustrated through application to caffeine data from a North Carolina pregnancy study.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - In-group cohesion is an essential component of successful intergroup competition in both human and nonhuman animals, likely facilitating group members access...  相似文献   

This paper describes the incidence of multiple births in the Yerkes Chimpanzee colony for a period of about 63 years. Pedigrees are presented for all multiple births. They demonstrate the recurrence of twins in relatively few family lines which can be traced back to a small number of ancestors. The findings suggest that twinning is a family trait in chimpanzees and they support the hypothesis that the incidence of multiple births is genetically influenced in this colony. In addition, a relatively high level of inbreeding may have enhanced the incidence of multiple births in these family lines. Similar findings are known from human populations.  相似文献   

Four types of specific objects: wooden spoons, metal bowls, plastic boxes, and cotton towels were introduced in a similar setting to two captive groups of different species in the genusPan, the bonobo and the chimpanzee. In total, 582 unique manipulation forms were distinguished by a set of variables: types of objects, motor patterns, body-parts used, the number of objects manipulated, and types of orienting manipulation. In sum, chimpanzees and bonobos were not so different in the variety and the complexity of object manipulation forms. However, comparison of the two species revealed significant differences as follows: (1) chimpanzees preferred to use only one hand during manipulation of both single- and multiple-objects, whereas in the case of multiple-objects bonobos used both hands significantly more often; (2) chimpanzees performed more orienting manipulations in single-object manipulations than did bonobos, whereas the reverse was the case in multiple-object manipulations; and (3) chimpanzees' object manipulations were overall more substrate-oriented than were bonobos'. The factors producing these differences are discussed in relation to positional behaviors and habitual tool use in the two species.  相似文献   

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