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Much of the 'new history'of Aboriginal contact with Europeans in Australia lacks an adequate socio-cultural understanding of Aboriginal society and its diversity. Attempts to produce overall models of contact have obscured, too, the diversity of European activity and its impact. The outcome has been too hollow and passive a view of Aboriginal responses to Australian colonial situations. The aim of the present paper is to examine, from an anthropological perspective, a particular contact relationship: tin-mining and Kuku-Nyungkul Aborigines in southeast Cape York Peninsula, north Queensland, between 1885 and 1940. Iargue that it is only through such case studies that we can gain adequate insight into Aboriginal perspective' on colonial history.  相似文献   

The Myth of Complex Cocoa Agroforests: The Case of Ghana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most researchers defend cocoa agroforests as a model, which guarantees sustainable cocoa production while protecting biodiversity. However, in most countries, farmers’ strategies favour “full sun” cocoa farms, close to the concept of monoculture. Why this apparent paradox? Field surveys were conducted in 2005 and 2008 with 180 migrant and autochthon farmers in four districts of Ghana, including some measurements at the farm plot level and satellite images in a fifth district. An analytical grid shows how factors interact. Adoption of sun-loving hybrids; farmers’ negative perception of ecological services in relation to hybrids; legislation excluding smallholders from the legal timber market; recent expansion of the timber industry; and the migratory phenomenon. Most smallholders consider complex cocoa agroforests as a thing of the past. They were designed at a time when land and forests were abundant. The future of cocoa and timber may lie in ‘light commercial-oriented agroforests’ or a kind of mosaic landscape.  相似文献   

Alison Shapcott 《Biotropica》2007,39(4):447-458
There are four species of Graptophyllum (Acanthaceae) in Australia which span a gradient in rarity and conservation status from the most endangered, Graptophyllum reticulatum (endangered), to G. ilicifolium (vulnerable), to G. excelsum (rare), to the least endangered G. spinigerum (widespread). Graptophyllum reticulatum and G. ilicifolium are each only known from three locations. All species were found to have quite high levels of genetic diversity (He, A, Ap, P) and there was no significant difference among species in genetic diversity ( P > 0.05), thus, genetic diversity was unrelated to conservation status or species geographic range. All species had high allelic fixation values ( F  ), indicating that populations were effectively inbred regardless of conservation status and geographic range. The genetic diversity among populations (FST) was not related to rarity and contrasted among the most restricted species, where diversity among populations was twice as high among G. reticulatum populations (FST, 0.22) compared with among G. ilicifolium populations (FST, 0.11).  相似文献   

The first half of the article presents a critique of Lévi-Strauss' well-known analysis of the Oedipus myth. A consideration of Greek beliefs suggests that Lévi-Strauss is incorrect in tying certain events in that myth to the "overvaluation of blood relations" and in asserting that the myth is concerned with the "affirmation/denial of man's autochthonous origins." The second half of the article presents a different structural analysis of the entire Theban Saga, of which the Oedipus myth is but a part. It concludes (1) that Lévi-Strauss is correct in identifying a series of events in the myth which indicate the devaluation of blood relations, but that these events specifically refer to the devaluation of patrilineal kin ties and that the range of events indicating the devaluation of patrilineal ties is broader than his analysis would suggest, and (2) there is another series of repeated events (unmentioned by Lévi-Strauss) which indicates the affirmation of patrilineal kin ties. The final hypothesis— that the opposition between the devaluation/affirmation of patrilineal kin ties underlies the Theban Saga— "makes sense" in terms of Greek history, as the period in which the Olympian myths look their present form is also the period in which the Greeks moved from a society organized along patrilineal kin ties to one organized around allegiance to the polis. [structuralism, Oedipus myth, myth and social structure, Lévi-Strauss, anthropological theory]  相似文献   

The three‐component reaction of indole, isobutyraldehyde, and methyl acetoacetate affords methyl 2‐(acetyl)‐3‐(1H‐indol‐3‐yl)‐4‐methylpentanoate as a single diastereomer. To investigate the origin of the observed diastereoselectivity, the thermodynamics and kinetics of interconversion of diastereomers 1 and 2 in solution were studied by a combination of 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry, and deuteration experiments. The results indicate that interconversion is both acid‐ and base‐catalyzed, and that the alpha carbon is the only stereolabile center in the molecule. The evidence points to an enolization mechanism for the interconversion process. The selective precipitation of 1 in the presence of the equilibrium 1 ? 2 eventually results in the exclusive formation of 1 (crystallization‐induced asymmetric transformation). Chirality 27:779–783, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper describes the foundations of ecology as a science and argues for adherence to scientific principles in the environmental arena. Ecology as a science does not present moral or ethical guidance for societal use in environmental management. Moral, ethical, economic, and political values are integral parts of environmental management, but they are derived outside the realm of science. We emphasize the importance of preserving the power of science as a methodology to acquire objective information separated from societal values. Environmental Risk Assessment is a process that engages and requires both the life and social sciences for successful environmental management.  相似文献   


This report assesses the impact of Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) as it applies to speech/language pathology. It is a case study of a 72-year-old female who had experienced multiple strokes and other related medical complications. Treatment utilizing two canine therapists, Charlie and Josh, increased one-word answers and object identification tasks, as well as verbalization behaviors in the subject.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo investigate Eucalyptus (gum tree) pollen allergy in children in relation to geography, particularly vegetation, and its relationship to asthma.MethodsMales (n = 180) and females (n = 200) aged 9 to 14 participated. Some were healthy (asymptomatic), some had asthma, and some had other symptoms associated with atopy. School students were from three urban coastal schools and one school from a nearby semi-rural elevated area (range) near Brisbane, Australia. Coastal and range locations featured different distributions of Myrtaceae family vegetation (including Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Leptospermum species). Skin prick test (SPT) responses to 15 commercial allergens were compared. As well, responses from coast versus range groups, and ‘asthma’ (n = 97) versus ‘healthy’ status (n = 107) groups, were compared.ResultsSPT responses (≥3mm wheal diameter) indicate that children with asthma are 31.1 times more likely to be allergic to Eucalyptus pollen extract (OR: 31.1; 95%CI 4.1- 235.7) compared to healthy children. Dust mite (p = .018), Eucalyptus (p = .046) and cockroach (p = .047) allergen SPT responses (wheals ≥3mm) were significantly greater in participants located on the coast versus range as determined by Fisher’s Exact Test (α .05). For each location, percentage of positive responses (wheals ≥3mm) was greatest for ‘dust mite’ (30.9%-46%), ‘cockroach’ (18.1% -35%) and ‘Bermuda grass’ (10.6%-19.4%).ConclusionsThe results support the hypothesis that proximity to Myrtaceae vegetation is related to positive SPT response and that Eucalyptus is an important allergen for children with asthma. Substantial response to olive allergen, in the absence of olive trees, suggests that the response may be driven by substances in other plants, perhaps Melaleuca quinquenervia, which abounds in coastal areas.ImplicationsResponse to Eucalyptus allergen indicates that changes in gardening practice in schools and public areas may be appropriate. The findings pose validity questions regarding the use of some commercial allergens due to cross-reactive responses and the sources of those responses.  相似文献   

Insects as Food: A Case Study from the Northwest Amazon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this article I examine the use of insects as food by Tukanoan Indians in the Northwest Amazon and discuss both the characteristics of the species exploited and their significance in the diet. Data on insect collection were obtained from harvest records and participant-observation. Dietary intake was determined from weighed food intake records. The insects collected belonged to over 20 species. The most important in the diet were those which formed large, highly predictable aggregations: beetle larvae (genus Rhynchophorus), ants (genus Atta), termites (genus Syntermes), and caterpillars (families Noctuidae and Saturniidae). The composition of insects is similar to that of other animal foods. Their inclusion in the diet was frequent and inversely related to the consumption of fish and game. They provided up to 12% of the crude protein derived from animal foods in men's diets and 26% in women's diets during one season of the year.  相似文献   

We examine gender differences among the six PhD student cohorts 2004–2009 at the California Institute of Technology using a new dataset that includes information on trainees and their advisors and enables us to construct detailed measures of teams at the advisor level. We focus on the relationship between graduate student publications and: (1) their gender; (2) the gender of the advisor, (3) the gender pairing between the advisor and the student and (4) the gender composition of the team. We find that female graduate students co-author on average 8.5% fewer papers than men; that students writing with female advisors publish 7.7% more. Of particular note is that gender pairing matters: male students working with female advisors publish 10.0% more than male students working with male advisors; women students working with male advisors publish 8.5% less. There is no difference between the publishing patterns of male students working with male advisors and female students working with female advisors. The results persist and are magnified when we focus on the quality of the published articles, as measured by average Impact Factor, instead of number of articles. We find no evidence that the number of publications relates to the gender composition of the team. Although the gender effects are reasonably modest, past research on processes of positive feedback and cumulative advantage suggest that the difference will grow, not shrink, over the careers of these recent cohorts.  相似文献   

The Guitang Group (GG), which operates one of China's largest sugar refineries, has been developing and implementing an internal and external industrial symbiosis strategy for more than four decades. The GG first invested in developing its own collection of downstream companies to utilize nearly all byproducts of sugar production. This strategy has generated new revenues and reduced environmental emissions and disposal costs, while simultaneously improving the quality of sugar. Internally, the GG's complex consists of interlinked production of sugar, alcohol, cement, compound fertilizer, and paper and includes recycling and reuse. Externally, the GG has established a strong customer base as a result of its product quality, has worked to maintain and expand its supply base through technological and economic incentives to farmers (and even to competitors), and has had to react to a strong government presence that fundamentally affects its operations. Operations to date support some of the fundamental concepts of industrial symbiosis. Significant challenges exist, though, if the company is to continue to prosper in the volatile globalized sugar market.  相似文献   

Mimicry and deception are two important issues in studies about animal communication. The reliability of animal signs and the problem of the benefits of deceiving in sign exchanges are interesting topics in the evolution of communication. In this paper, we intend to contribute to an understanding of deception by studying the case of aggressive signal mimicry in fireflies, investigated by James Lloyd. Firefly femmes fatales are specialized in mimicking the mating signals of other species of fireflies with the purpose of attracting responding males to become their prey. These aggressive mimics are a major factor in the survival and reproduction of both prey and predator. It is a case of deception through active falsification of information that leads to efficient predation by femmes fatales fireflies and triggered evolutionary processes in their preys’ communicative behaviors. There are even nested coevolutionary interactions between these fireflies, leading to a remarkable system of deceptive and counterdeceptive signaling behaviors. We develop here a semiotic model of firefly deception and also consider ideas advanced by Lloyd about the evolution of communication, acknowledging that deception can be part of the explanation of why communication evolves towards increasing complexity. Increasingly complex sign exchanges between fireflies evolve in an extremely slow pace. Even if deceptive maneuvers are played out time and time again between particular firefly individuals, the evolution of the next level of complexity—and thus the next utterance in the dialogue between species—is likely to take an immense amount of generations.  相似文献   

由于当前的环境问题与设计注重循证的趋势,将景观绩效引入风景园林的教学具有现实意义。以美国风景园林学科将景观绩效引入本科与研究生教育为例,介绍美国风景园林专业引入景观绩效的背景与有关举措;并根据多位具有景观绩效教学经验的教师的教学大纲、阅读列表、课程作业以及课后总结,介析景观绩效课程的特色、目标、内容等;最后讨论美国的景观绩效教学对中国风景园林教育的启发与借鉴。  相似文献   

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