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Complement plays a role in activating the inflammatory response and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of some inflammatory diseases. With a view toward controlling unwanted C activation, we evaluated the C regulator, human decay accelerating factor (DAF). Three forms of recombinant DAF were purified from transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells: glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked membrane DAF (mDAF) extracted from cell membranes; spontaneously shed soluble DAF (sDAF) derived from mDAF; and a novel secreted protein (seDAF), generated by deletion of the signal for GPI attachment. We show that all three molecules inhibit both the classical and alternative pathways of C activation. The following observations indicate that mDAF extracted from Chinese hamster ovary cells reincorporates into RBC membranes via its GPI anchor: 1) cells that are preincubated with mDAF and then washed remain fully protected from C-mediated hemolysis; 2) incubation with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C abolishes this protection; and 3) sDAF and seDAF, which lack a GPI anchor, do not associate with cell membranes. mDAF is a more potent inhibitor of C-mediated hemolysis than either sDAF or seDAF, suggesting that incorporation into cell membranes greatly enhances the efficiency with which DAF inhibits C activation on the cell surface. In contrast, C activation in the fluid phase is inhibited by sDAF and seDAF, but not by mDAF, possibly due to interference by serum lipoproteins. A reversed passive Arthus reaction in guinea pigs was used to evaluate the ability of recombinant seDAF to inhibit C activation in vivo. When administered at dermal sites, seDAF reduced the severity of immune complex-mediated inflammatory reactions induced by a reversed passive Arthus reaction, as judged by both gross and histologic examination. These data indicate that seDAF may be useful as an anti-inflammatory therapeutic.  相似文献   

Decay accelerating factor (DAF, CD55) is a glycophospholipid-anchored membrane protein that protects cells from complement-mediated damage by inhibiting the formation and accelerating the decay of C3/C5 convertases. DAF deletion mutants lacking each of the four short consensus repeats (SCR) or the serine/threonine-rich region (S/T) were created by site-directed mutagenesis. These deletion mutants were expressed by stable transfection in Chinese hamster ovary cells for the purpose of mapping important structural and functional sites in DAF. The epitopes on DAF for 16 murine mAb were mapped by immunoprecipitation studies as follows: SCR1, 6; SCR2, 3; SCR3, 3; SCR4, 3; S/T, 1. Testing of 13 mAb showed complete blocking of DAF function only by 1C6 and 1H4, both directed at SCR3. The single N-linked glycosylation site was confirmed at a location between SCR1 and SCR2, and the multiple O-linked oligosaccharides were localized to the S/T region. Functional activity of DAF mutants was assessed by the ability of these transfected constructs to protect Chinese hamster ovary cells from cytotoxicity induced by rabbit antibody plus human complement. Removal of SCR1 had no effect on DAF function, but individual deletion of SCR2, SCR3, or SCR4 totally abolished DAF function. Surprisingly, deletion of the S/T region totally abrogated DAF function, but this could be restored by a fusion construct placing the four SCR domains of DAF onto the HLA-B44 molecule, implying that the O-glycosylated S/T region serves as an important but nonspecific spacer projecting the DAF functional domains above the plasma membrane. Overall, the creation of DAF deletion mutants has elucidated important structure-function relations in the DAF molecule.  相似文献   

Decay accelerating factor (DAF) is a glycophospholipid-anchored membrane protein that is part of the regulators of complement activation (RCA) gene family located on human chromosome 1, band q32. These proteins, beginning at their amino terminus, consist largely of multiple copies of an approximately 60 amino acid short consensus repeat (SCR). A DAF cDNA clone was used to identify overlapping bacteriophage genomic clones. The human DAF gene spans approximately 40 kb and consists of 11 exons. The length of these exons and introns varies considerably, with the exons ranging from 21 to 956 bp and the introns ranging from approximately 0.5 to 19.8 kb. SCR I, II, and IV are all encoded by single exons; however, SCR III is encoded by two separate exons, with the splice junction occurring after the second nucleotide of the codon for the glycine residue at position 34 of the consensus sequence. This feature has also been found in CR1, CR2, membrane cofactor protein, and murine factor H. Following the SCR in DAF is a 76 amino acid serine/threonine-rich domain encoded on three separate exons. Exon 10 encodes the Alu family sequence that has been found as an insert in a minor class of DAF cDNA, thus indicating that this mRNA arises by standard alternative splicing. The last DAF exon, which comes after the largest intron of 19.8 kb, encodes the hydrophobic carboxy terminus and the 3'UT region. The nature of the signal that directs posttranslational attachment of a glycophospholipid anchor to DAF is not known, but that signal is apparently spread over three exons and greater than 20 kb. An analysis of the DAF gene provides additional evidence for the common evolutionary heritage of the RCA gene family. The exon/intron structure of this gene will facilitate experiments aimed at understanding the functions of the various domains of DAF.  相似文献   

An optimized procedure has been developed for production andpurification of the human interferon a receptor (IFNAR) expressed inE. coli as fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase (GST).Expression induced at 30° cell disruption performed at pH = 9.0in presence of detergents reduced the inclusion body formation andgenerated up to 20% of the fusion protein in the soluble form. Therecombinant IFNAR, recovered in soluble andrenaturated forms, wasable to block the antiviral and antiproliferative activities of IFNaB.  相似文献   

Kagawa N  Hori H  Waterman MR  Yoshioka S 《Steroids》2004,69(4):235-243
Aromatase (P450arom, CYP19) catalyzes the aromatization reaction that converts androgens to estrogens. Although human P450arom has been readily purified from placenta, its hydrophobic properties and instability has hampered detailed characterization. Utilizing a N-terminal replacement (MARQSFGRGKL, derived from CYP2C11), we successfully modified this unstable enzyme into stable forms. Based on a known polymorphism, we created two constructs, NmA264C and NmA264R having cysteine or arginine at position 264. The recombinant P450arom NmA264R was expressed in Escherichia coli (350-400 nmol/L culture) primarily by coexpression with molecular chaperones GroES/GroEL while NmA264C was expressed (240 nmol/L culture) only in the presence of chloramphenicol. Although NmA264C was recovered only in the membrane fraction, approximately 14% of NmA264R was recovered in the cytosolic fraction, suggesting that NmA264R is more hydrophilic than NmA264C. NmA264R was highly purified to the specific content 13.6 nmol P450/mg protein. Purified P450arom NmA264R converted androstenedione to estrone with Vmax 12.4 nmol/(min nmol) and Km) 0.26 microM, and testosterone to estradiol with Vmax 52.2 nmol/(min nmol) and Km 10.9 microM. Because of the increased stability of NmA264R, we could unambiguously determine properties of human P450arom by optical and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. The purified protein was a typical low-spin form, which was converted to a high-spin form when androstenedione was added. The rhombicity of substrate-bound forms was higher than that reported for other P450s, an interesting characteristic of human P450arom. The highly stable and active P450arom NmA264R sets the stope for detailed structure/function analyses of this important member of the P450 superfamily.  相似文献   

FhuA (Mr 78,992, 714 amino acids), siderophore receptor for ferrichrome-iron in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, was affinity tagged, rapidly purified, and crystallized. To obtain FhuA in quantities sufficient for crystallization, a hexahistidine tag was genetically inserted into the fhuA gene after amino acid 405, which resides in a known surface-exposed loop. Recombinant FhuA405.H6 was overexpressed in an E. coli strain that is devoid of several major porins and using metal-chelate chromatography was purified in large amounts to homogeneity. FhuA crystals were grown using the hanging drop vapor diffusion technique and were suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis. On a rotating anode X-ray source, diffraction was observed to 3.0 A resolution. The crystals belong to space group P6(1) or P6(5) with unit cell dimensions of a=b=174 A, c=88 A (alpha=beta=90 degrees, gamma=120 degrees).  相似文献   

Jumilly AL  Houllier A  Meyer D  Girma JP  Kerbiriou-Nabias D 《BioTechniques》2002,32(2):402, 404, 406-402, 404, 409
The von Willebrand factor (VWF) subunit is composed of several domains, often coinciding with structural regions, characterized through their specific interaction with a ligand. Since several monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) have been shown to functionally interfere with one of the specific interactions, we have created libraries of bacterial clones expressing peptidic sequences of VWF to map antibodies directed against this protein. Randomly cleaved fragments of VWF cDNA have been cloned in a plasmid designed for the expression of small peptides as part of larger fusion proteins. The NovaTope system is a useful procedure for protein analysis, allowing screening of epitopes composed of contiguous amino acid residues. To map MoAbs with conformational discontinuous epitopes displayed on small as well as large peptidic domains, this technique had to be widely modified to obtain two VWF peptide libraries expressing two ranges of peptide length (15-70 and 100-300 amino acids). Screening with six MoAbs with an epitope in a known region was performed to control both libraries. Four MoAbs were mapped through the characterization of overlapping sequences for 5-10 different positively expressed clones respectively. Two of these mapped MoAbs had no known inhibitory effect and bind reduced VWF only. The fact that the two other MoAbs mapped VWF functional interactions with ligands, platelet GPIIb/IIIa and Factor VIII, respectively, demonstrate that our libraries are valuable tools to determine conformational epitopes.  相似文献   

重组人白细胞介素-6的纯化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重组人白细胞介素-6(rhIL-6)在工程菌pBV220/rhIL-6/DH5a中以包涵体形式高效表达。rhIL-6经过工程菌体破碎、包涵体分离及抽提、复性、色谱分离后得到高度纯化。纯化产物纯度95%,具有良好的生物学活性  相似文献   

CD28 and CTLA-4 are homologous cell surface proteins expressed by T cells. CD28 is constitutively expressed by most T cells, whereas CTLA-4 is expressed by activated T cells. Both proteins are ligands for the costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 expressed by activated B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells. A fusion protein comprising the CTLA-4 extracellular domain joined to a human immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region (CTLA4Ig) binds CD80 and CD-86 with high affinity and inhibits CD80/CD86-dependent immune responses in vitro and in vivo. Attempts at producing the CTLA-4 extracellular domain as an unfused protein have met with limited success. Here we describe the expression and purification of the CTLA-4 extracellular domain as a nonfused protein in Escherichia coli. The 12.5-kDa CTLA-4 extracellular domain was insoluble when expressed in E. coli and required denaturation, reduction, and refolding steps to become soluble and assume its proper conformation. The protein refolded into a mixture of monomers, disulfide-linked dimers, and higher order disulfide-linked aggregates. sCTLA-4 dimers were the predominant refold form when air was used as the oxidizing agent during the refold procedure. Purified sCTLA-4 dimers were 10- to 50-fold more potent than sCTLA-4 monomers at inhibiting T cell activation using a CD80-dependent in vitro bioassay.  相似文献   

Replica filter assay of human beta-adrenergic receptors expressed in E.coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have developed a replica filter assay that permits the direct identification of bacterial colonies expressing membrane receptors. E.coli transformed with appropriate phage or plasmid vectors containing human beta-adrenergic receptor cDNAs were grown on LB/agar plates. Bacterial colonies transferred onto nitrocellulose filters showed specific [125I]-iodocyanopindolol binding. beta-adrenergic receptors expressed in bacteria retained their pharmacological properties when transferred onto filters. This strategy, which is considerably simplified and more rapid compared to similar methods based upon expression of receptor genes in eukaryotic cells, may be a useful tool for cloning membrane receptors.  相似文献   

The recombinant human ciliary neurotrophi factor(hCNTF)expressed in E.coli aggregatedas inclusion bodies and refolding procedure was necessary to obtine the active protein.To overcome the disadvantage,we cloned hcntf gene into yeast expression plasmid pPIC9K and collected the plasmid pPIC9K-hcntf.Plasmid pPIC9K-hcntf was transformed into yeast Pichia pastoris GS115,and screened on G418-SD plates.The transformants with high copies of hcntf gene were inoculated into BMMY media and induced with 0.5% methanol.The recombinant hCNTF was secreted into the media.The amount of hCNTF in the supernatant was about 10 mg/L when incubated in the conical flasks and reached up to 60 mg/L under fed-batch condition in 15 L fermentator.The recombinant hCNTF expressed in E.coli was renatured as the control.The neonatal rat dorsal root ganglion assay showed that proteins expressed in both systems have the activity of promoting the growth of neuron axons.The phenomenon can be observed with only 3 μg hCNTF expressed in yeast present,which indicates that hCNTF was successfully expressed in Pichia pastoris and has a relatively high activity.  相似文献   

1. The p15gag proteinase responsible for the processing of the polyprotein precursor of the myeloblastosis associated virus was obtained by a recombinant technique in an E. coli expression system. The massive expression of the intentionally truncated precursor (Pr25lac-delta gag) was accompanied by its structurally correct processing. 2. Three procedures for the purification of the recombinant proteinase from both the cytoplasmic fraction and the inclusion bodies were developed. 3. The purified proteinase was compared with the authentic proteinase isolated from MAV virions by N-terminal sequence analysis and amino acid analysis, molecular weight determination, reverse-phase HPLC and FPLC elution profiles, electrophoretic mobility and isoelectric point determination, and activity assays with proteins and synthetic substrates. The identity of both enzymes was shown. 3. Contrary to reported data, the amino acid sequence of the p15gag proteinase differs from the sequence of the homologous Rous sarcoma virus proteinase in one residue only, as follows from cDNA sequencing. 4. Crystallization of the proteinase from a citrate-phosphate buffer at pH 5.6 afforded hexagonal crystals which diffracted well as 2.3 A without deterioration.  相似文献   

The bioactivity, refolding, and multimer formation of endostatin, particularly of recombinant endostatin produced from bacteria, are proved challenging for clinical application. In order to determine the biological activity of recombinant endostatin multimer, first, we expressed endostatin in Escherichia coli and purified it with ion-exchange chromatography. The purified active protein could elicit multimer formation spontaneously, but still has comparable activity. Aim to determine the anti-angiogenic activity of multimer endostatin, by use of RP-HPLC, we then successfully separated endostatin monomer and multimer for subjecting to anti-angiogenesis assay. The results from CAM (chorioallantoic membrane) inhibition assay showed that both monomer and multimer suppressed CAM vascularization significantly. At the dosage of 0.8 microg, inhibition rates of multimeric and monomeric proteins were about 58% and 38%, respectively. Multimeric endostatin exerted a higher activity than monomeric endostatin (p < 0.05). However, when the protein dosage is less than 0.4 microg/ml, there is no significance between their inhibition rates (p > 0.05), although both of them show a high inhibition effect in contrast to control. The results from HUVEC proliferation assay also showed similar effects at dosages of 0.6 and 1.6 microg/ml, multimer exerted a higher activity on inhibition of HUVEC proliferation comparing with monomer (p < 0.05). In conclusion, our results suggest that endostatin multimer has a comparable or higher bioactivity and multimerization will not affect its bioactivity, implying that endostatin activity is insensitive to structure conformation contributed by disulfide bonds.  相似文献   

T-lymphocytes recognize a wide variety of antigens through highly diverse cell-surface glycoproteins known as T-cell receptors (TCRs). These disulfide-linked heterodimers are composed of alpha and beta or gamma and delta polypeptide chains consisting of variable (V) and constant (C) domains non-covalently associated with at least four invariant chains to form the TCR-CD3 complex. It is well established that alpha beta TCRs recognize antigen in the form of peptides bound to molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC); furthermore, information on the three-dimensional structure of alpha beta TCRs has recently become available through X-ray crystallography. In contrast, the antigen specificity of gamma delta TCRs is much less well understood and their three-dimensional structure is unknown. We have cloned the delta chain of a human TCR specific for the MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule and expressed the V domain as a secreted protein in the periplasmic space of Escherichia coli. Following affinity purification using a nickel chelate adsorbent, the recombinant V delta domain was crystallized in a form suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2 with unit cell dimensions a = 69.9, b = 49.0, c = 61.6 A. and diffract to beyond 2.3 A resolution. The ability of a V delta domain produced in bacteria to form well-ordered crystals strongly suggests that the periplasmic space can provide a suitable environment for the correct in vivo folding of gamma delta TCRs.  相似文献   

cDNA of human natural TNF (n-TNF) obtained by stimulating human leukemic B cell line (Ball-1) with Sendai virus was cloned. Valine-started-TNF (V-TNF) gene was constructed from the cDNA and expressed in E.coli HB101 under the control of a trp promoter by the induction of 3-indoleacrylic acid. The expression level of V-TNF clone was about 10% of the total E.coli protein. On the other hand, the expression level of glutamine started-TNF (Q-TNF) gene having the same SD-ATG sequence which was constructed from V-TNF gene was as low as about 1/20 of that of V-TNF. The nucleotide sequence around ATG (-4 approximately +12) of Q-TNF gene was randomly changed without modifying the coded amino acid sequence, resulting to obtain high expression clones as similar TNF protein yield as that of V-TNF. These clones possessed A residue rich sequence around the initiation codon ATG. These results show that some correlation might exist between the high expression rate and A residue rich sequence around the initiation codon.  相似文献   

The decay of human coagulation factor VIIIa has been studied by kinetic methods that ensure no interference through proteolytic feedback. The rate of decay of factor VIIIa activity was found to vary with the activator used to activate factor VIII. Thrombin-activated factor VIII-von Willebrand factor complex (fVIII-vWf) decayed at a rate of 0.31 min-1, whereas factor Xa-activated fVIII-vWf decayed at 0.11 min-1 under the same conditions. Factor VIII free of von Willebrand factor (factor VIII: C), although decaying at a generally slower rate after activation, still showed a dependence of decay rate on activator: thrombin-activated factor VIII:C decaying at a rate of 0.06 min-1, and factor Xa-activated factor VIII: C at 0.01 min-1. Readdition of von Willebrand factor (18 micrograms/ml) to factor VIII:C did not alter the observed activity or decay rate. The decay of the two species of factor VIIIa was studied, using the fVIIIa-vWf complex, in the presence of varying levels of factor IXa. Plots of reciprocal decay rates vs factor IXa concentration were linear, and nearly parallel for the two factor VIIIa species, with a mean slope of 0.56 min.nM-1. In addition to these studies, we have confirmed previous studies showing that the two forms of factor VIIIa differ in cofactor activity, but they do so in the same ratio as in their decay rates. We suggest that this difference and that observed in decay rate have a common cause, and incorporate this into a potential kinetic model of factor VIII activation and decay.  相似文献   

Human decay-accelerating factor (DAF) proteins expressed on E and nucleated cells differ in their susceptibility to phosphatidylinositol (PI)-specific phospholipase C (PLC) cleavage/release. To investigate the mechanism of this difference, the glycoinositol-phospholipid anchoring moieties of E DAF, and of HeLa cell, polymorphonuclear cell, and lymphocyte DAF were structurally compared. Labeling of PI-PLC-resistant E DAF with 3-(trifluoromethyl)-3-(m-[125I]-iodophenyl)-diazirine ([125I]TID) and TLC analysis of nitrous acid deamination anchor fragments showed a predominant phospholipid species with less polar migration than the 125I-TID-labeled PI. Gas chromatographic analyses of methanolyzed E protein revealed 2.20 +/- 0.16 mol of fatty acids [16:0, 18:0, 18:1, 20:4, 22:4, and 22:5 (0.76, 0.36, 0.25, 0.15, 0.40, 0.28 mol, respectively)] and 0.86 +/- 0.05 mol of inositol per mol of N-terminal Asp. Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy demonstrated principally myo-inositol but also variable amounts of the chiro-isomer. Nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of 14C-radiomethylated E protein revealed that pretreatment with hydroxylamine, a reagent which removes ester-linked lipids, rendered it PI-PLC susceptible. In contrast, parallel analyses of 35S-cys-labeled PI-PLC-sensitive HeLa DAF protein revealed only minor amounts of the hydroxylamine-sensitive phospholipid species. Similar results were obtained with 125I-surface-labeled DAF from polymorphonuclear cells, as well as from unstimulated peripheral blood and anti-CD3-activated lymphocytes. These findings demonstrate that, rather than PI, the E DAF anchor contains an inositol alkylacylglycerol-phospholipid which is heterogeneous with respect to acyl groups and inositol isomers, that an ester-linked substitution in this inositolphospholipid underlies the resistance of E DAF protein to PI-PLC cleavage/release, and that this structural modification is cell-specific.  相似文献   

Polymers have had a significant impact on the field of bioseparations in the past few decades. Most recently, membrane chromatography has emerged as an efficient alternative to the conventional packed-bed chromatography by eliminating the diffusion-related limitations associated with the traditional resin beads. In this article, we examine six membrane adsorbers for purification of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF), an Escherichia coli-based biotherapeutic. These adsorbers differ either in their base matrix or in the surface chemistry. The role of interactions between the filter surfaces and the protein molecules in effecting these separations is the focus of the article.  相似文献   

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