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We have determined by Southern blot analysis that DNA sequences homologous to the AMG gene probe are present in the genomes of both marsupial and monotreme mammals, although adult monotremes lack teeth. In situ hybridization and Southern analysis of cell hybrids demonstrate that AMG homologues are located on autosomes. In the Tammar Wallaby, AMG homologues are located on chromosomes 5q and 1q and in the Platypus, on chromosomes 1 and 2. The autosomal location of the AMG homologues provides additional support for the hypothesis that an autosomal region equivalent to the human Xp was translocated to the X chromosome in the Eutheria after the divergence of the marsupials 150 million years ago. The region containing the AMG gene is therefore likely to have been added 80-150 million years ago to a pseudoautosomal region shared by the ancestral eutherian X and Y chromosome; the X and Y alleles must have begun diverging after this date.  相似文献   

The inactive mammalian X-chromosome is always late-replicating, and in eutherian mammals it is heterochromatic and hypermethylated. We propose that this multistep system has evolved from a more primitive system, remnants of which may be found in marsupials and monotremes. The heterochromatic X (sex-chromatin body) is a distinctive feature of interphase cells of certain tissues in eutherian females but not males. Thus we have searched for a sex-specific chromatin body in these same tissues in marsupials (brush-tail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula) and monotremes (platypus, Ornithorynchus anatinus), using classical histological techniques. A female-specific chromatin body was observed at low frequency in nuclei of possum corneal epithelium, but not in any other tissues. No sex difference was observed in any monotreme tissue. These data suggest that stabilization of X-chromosome inactivation by heterochromatinization is tissue-specific in marsupials and absent in monotremes.  相似文献   

Mammals present an XX/XY system of chromosomal sex determination, males being the heterogametic sex. Comparative studies of the gene content of sex chromosomes from the major groups of mammals reveal that most Y genes have X-linked homologues and that X and Y share homologous pseudoautosomal regions. These observations, together with the presence of the two homologous regions (pseudoautosomal regions) at the tips of the sex chromosomes, suggest that these chromosomes began as an ordinary pair of homologous autosomes. Birds present a ZW/ZZ system of chromosomal sex determination where females are the heterogametic sex. In this case, avian sex chromosomes are derived from different pairs of autosomes than mammals. The evolutionary pathway from the autosomal homomorphic departure to the present-day heteromorphic sex chromosomes in mammals includes suppression of X-Y recombination, differentiation of the nascent non-recombining regions, and progressive autosomal addition and attrition of the sex chromosomes. Recent results indicate that the event marking the beginning of the differentiation between the extant X and Y chromosomes occurred about 300 million years ago.  相似文献   

Many paleognaths (ratites and tinamous) have a pair of homomorphic ZW sex chromosomes in contrast to the highly differentiated sex chromosomes of most other birds. To understand the evolutionary causes for the different tempos of sex chromosome evolution, we produced female genomes of 12 paleognathous species and reconstructed the phylogeny and the evolutionary history of paleognathous sex chromosomes. We uncovered that Palaeognathae sex chromosomes had undergone stepwise recombination suppression and formed a pattern of “evolutionary strata”. Nine of the 15 studied species' sex chromosomes have maintained homologous recombination in their long pseudoautosomal regions extending more than half of the entire chromosome length. We found that in the older strata, the W chromosome suffered more serious functional gene loss. Their homologous Z-linked regions, compared with other genomic regions, have produced an excess of species-specific autosomal duplicated genes that evolved female-specific expression, in contrast to their broadly expressed progenitors. We speculate such “defeminization” of Z chromosome with underrepresentation of female-biased genes and slow divergence of sex chromosomes of paleognaths might be related to their distinctive mode of sexual selection targeting females rather than males, which evolved in their common ancestors.  相似文献   

Dimorphic sex chromosomes create problems. Males of many species, including Drosophila, are heterogametic, with dissimilar X and Y chromosomes. The essential process of dosage compensation modulates the expression of X-linked genes in one sex to maintain a constant ratio of X to autosomal expression. This involves the regulation of hundreds of dissimilar genes whose only shared property is chromosomal address. Drosophila males dosage compensate by up regulating X-linked genes 2 fold. This is achieved by the Male Specific Lethal (MSL) complex, which is recruited to genes on the X chromosome and modifies chromatin to increase expression. How the MSL complex is restricted to X-linked genes remains unknown. Recent studies of sex chromosome evolution have identified a central role for 2 types of repetitive elements in X recognition. Helitrons carrying sites that recruit the MSL complex have expanded across the X chromosome in at least one Drosophila species.1 Our laboratory found that siRNA from an X-linked satellite repeat promotes X recognition by a yet unknown mechanism.2 The recurring adoption of repetitive elements as X-identify elements suggests that the large and mysterious fraction of the genome called “junk” DNA is actually instrumental in the evolution of sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Innate immunity is essential for the survival of organisms across the evolutionary spectrum. Drosophila is well studied as a model of innate immunity and has been instrumental in establishing principles of defense and gene signaling pathways that are shared with humans. Previous studies in Drosophila have not focused on differences between the sexes, and in this report we present evidence that it is essential to include differences between the sexes. Survival rates post-infection, after a fungal or bacterial infection, varied according to the combination of signaling pathway (Toll and Imd) and sex tested. We also found that antimicrobial protein gene mRNA levels for Drosomycin and Metchnikowin showed both similarities and differences between the sexes. These studies highlight the need to include both sexes in studies of immune function as well as the associated opportunities for advancing our understanding of immunity.  相似文献   

The tetrapod forelimb and hindlimb are serially homologous structures that share a broad range of developmental pathways responsible for their patterning and outgrowth. Covariation between limbs, which can introduce constraints on the production of variation, is related to the duplication of these developmental factors. Despite this constraint, there is remarkable diversity in limb morphology, with a variety of functional relationships between and within forelimb and hindlimb elements. Here we assess a hierarchical model of limb covariation structure based on shared developmental factors. We also test whether selection for morphologically divergent forelimbs or hindlimbs is associated with reduced covariation between limbs. Our sample includes primates, murines, a carnivoran, and a chiropteran that exhibit varying degrees of forelimb and hindlimb specialization, limb size divergence, and/or phylogenetic relatedness. We analyze the pattern and significance of between-limb morphological covariation with linear distance data collected using standard morphometric techniques and analyzed by matrix correlations, eigenanalysis, and partial correlations. Results support a common limb covariation structure across these taxa and reduced covariation between limbs in nonquadruped species. This result indicates that diversity in limb morphology has evolved without signficant modifications to a common covariation structure but that the higher degree of functional limb divergence in bats and, to some extent, gibbons is associated with weaker integration between limbs. This result supports the hypothesis that limb divergence, particularly selection for increased functional specialization, involves the reduction of developmental factors common to both limbs, thereby reducing covariation.  相似文献   

Birds show female heterogamety, with ZZ males and ZW females. It is still not clear whether the W is female-determining, or whether two doses of the Z chromosomes are male-determining, or both. This question could easily be settled by the sexual phenotypes of ZZW and ZO birds, in the same way that the sexual phenotypes of XXY and XO showed that the Y is male determining in humans, but that the dosage of an X-borne gene determines sex in Drosophila. However, despite extensive searches, no ZZW or ZO diploid birds have been satisfactorily documented, so we must assume that these genotypes are embryonic lethals. Given that ZW and ZZ are viable and the W contains few genes it is not clear why this should be so. Here I propose that sex chromosome aneuploids are lethal in chicken because, to achieve dosage compensation, a locus on the W chromosome controls the upregulation of genes on the Z in ZW females. ZO birds would therefore have only half the normal dose of Z-linked gene product and ZZW would have twice the amount, both of which would undoubtedly be incompatible with life. Reports of other aneuploids and triploids are also consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

In most discussions of the evolution of sex chromosomes, it is presumed that the morphological differences between the X and Y were initiated by genetic changes. An alternative possibility is that, in the early stages, a key role was played by epigenetic modifications of chromatin structure that did not depend directly on genetic changes. Such modifications could have resulted from spontaneous epimutations at a sex-determining locus or, in mammals, from selection in females for the epigenetic silencing of imprinted regions of the paternally derived sex chromosome. Other features of mammalian sex chromosomes that are easier to explain if the epigenetic dimension of chromosome evolution is considered include the relatively large number of X-linked genes associated with human brain development, and the overrepresentation of spermatogenesis genes on the X. Both may be evolutionary consequences of dosage compensation through X-inactivation.  相似文献   

Chromosoma - Eutherian mammals have an extremely conserved sex-determining system controlled by highly differentiated sex chromosomes. Females are XX and males XY, and any deviation generally leads...  相似文献   

The vast majority of extant birds possess highly differentiated Z and W sex chromosomes. Nucleotide sequence data from gametologs (homologs on opposite sex chromosomes) suggest that this divergence occurred throughout early bird evolution via stepwise cessation of recombination between identical sex chromosomal regions. Here, we investigated avian sex chromosome differentiation from a novel perspective, using retroposon insertions and random insertions/deletions for the reconstruction of gametologous gene trees. Our data confirm that the CHD1Z/CHD1W genes differentiated in the ancestor of the neognaths, whereas the NIPBLZ/NIPBLW genes diverged in the neoavian ancestor and independently within Galloanserae. The divergence of the ATP5A1Z/ATP5A1W genes in galloanserans occurred independently in the chicken, the screamer, and the ancestor of duck-related birds. In Neoaves, this gene pair differentiated in each of the six sampled representatives, respectively. Additionally, three of our investigated loci can be utilized as universal, easy-to-use independent tools for molecular sexing of Neoaves or Neognathae.  相似文献   

The morphology of C-banded metaphase chromosomes has been studied in two hermaphroditic and ten gonochoristic digenetic trematodes (schistosomes). Comparison of numbers and morphology of chromosomes indicates that the karyotype of primitive trematodes probably was composed of 10 (or 11) pairs of telocentric or subtelocentrie chromosomes, and reduction of chromosome numbers in advanced species resulted from centromeric fusion rather than elimination of chromosomes. Observation of heteromorphic chromosomes in a hermaphroditic trematode (Spirorchis) suggested a differentiation of pre-sex chromosomes in species ancestral to dioecious trematodes which possess distinctly differentiated sex chromosomes. Our results indicate that differentiation of Z and W chromosomes in the gonochoristic trematodes resulted from: (a) partial constitutive heterochromatinization of the W chromosome (Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium complexes, African schistosomes), (b) deletion of part of the W (S. japonicum and S. mekongi, Asian schistosomes), and (c) translocation of part of one sex chromosome onto another (Schistosomatium douthitti and Heterobilharzia americana, American schistosomes) with subsequent heterochromatinization of the W in H. americana.  相似文献   

An early stage of sex chromosome differentiation is reported to occur in the electric eel Eigenmannia virescens (Pisces, Sternopygidae) from populations of two tributaries of the Paraná river system (Brazil). Cytogenetic studies carried out in the two populations showed that the Mogi-Gua?u population is characterized by 2n = 38 chromosomes and undifferentiated sex chromosomes and the Tietê population presents 2n = 38 both for males and females and an XX:XY sex chromosome system. The X-chromosome is acrocentric, easily recognized by the presence of a conspicuous heterochromatin block in its distal portion; the Y-chromosome is probably one of the medium sized acrocentrics present in the male karyotype. BrdU induced R-bands of the two populations did not reveal any difference in the euchromatic regions of the chromosomes. AluI and HaeIII restriction enzyme digestion patterns and chromomycin A3 staining of the X-chromosome are presented. The possible role of heterochromatinization in the evolution of sex chromosomes in fish is discussed.  相似文献   

Sex determination in major vertebrate groups appears to be very variable, including systems of male heterogamety, female heterogamety and a variety of genetic and environmental sex determining systems. Yet comparative studies of sex chromosomes and sex determining genes now suggest that these differences are more apparent than real. The sex chromosomes of even widely divergent groups now appear to have changed very little over the last 300+ million years, and even independently derived sex chromosomes seem to have followed the same set of evolutionary rules. The sex determining pathway seems to be extremely conserved, although the control of the genes in this pathway is vested in different elements. We present a scenario for the independent evolution of XY male heterogamety in mammals and ZW female heterogamety in birds and some reptiles. We suggest that sex determining genes can be made redundant, and replaced by control at another step of a conserved sex determining pathway, and how choice of a gene as a sex switch has led to the evolution of new sex chromosome systems. J. Exp. Zool. 290:449-462, 2001.  相似文献   

The morphologically unique ciliate Psammomitra has long been considered as a systematically uncertain stichotrich. This is mainly because of its highly specialized morphology and a lack of either detailed information concerning its ontogenesis, or molecular data. Based on the small subunit rRNA (SSrRNA) gene and alpha‐tubulin gene sequences, we re‐evaluated the phylogenetic position of Psammomitra retractilis using multiple algorithms. Phylogenetic trees inferred from the SSrRNA gene sequences representing a total of 53 spirotrichs demonstrated the closest relationship of Psammomitra was with Holosticha‐like taxa, with strong support, which clearly suggested that Psammomitra should be placed into the order Urostylida although it branched at a rather deep level, and is likely to be closely related to Holostichidae. With consideration to molecular evidence and morphological characters, Psammomitra should be a clearly outlined taxon at about the rank of family, i.e. Psammomitridae stat. nov. , within the order Urostylida. The improved diagnosis for this family is as follows: Urostylida possessing extremely contractile, elongated body which consists of three parts: head, trunk, and slender tail; midventral complex composed of midventral pairs only and restricted to about anterior 1/3 of ventral surface; frontal, frontoterminal, and transverse cirri present; one left and one right marginal rows which commence near proximal end of adoral zone and extend to near rear body end.  相似文献   

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