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This study examines the occurrence and distribution of epidermal dendritic cells (DCs) in cryostate sections from plantar skin in normal rats and in rats with a crush injury or neurotomy and suture of the sciatic nerve. The dendritic cells were visualized with antibodies against protein-gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5). Counts under the fluorescence microscope showed that the occurrence of dendritic cells is increased and that the proportion of dendritic cells in the basal layer is elevated 3 months after sciatic neurotomy and suture but not after a crush lesion. The countings also revealed that the number of cells is elevated as soon as 1 week after neurotomy and suture. Labelling with specific antibodies showed that the dendritic cells examined represent Langerhans cells (LCs). These observations show that there is a neural influence on the occurrence and distribution of PGP 9.5-immunoreactive epidermal Langerhans cells. Whether this influence is direct or indirect remains to be ascertained.  相似文献   

CLIP3 (cytoplasmic linker protein 3) is a 547 amino acid residue cytoplasmic protein that localises to Golgi stacks and tubulovesicular elements juxtaposed to Golgi cisternae. Composed of three Ank (ankyrin) repeats and two CAP-Gly (cytoskeleton-associated protein-glycine) domains, CLIP3 may function as a cytoplasmic linker protein that is involved in TGN–endosome dynamics. To define the expression and role of CLIP3 during peripheral nervous system degeneration and regeneration, we created an acute sciatic nerve injury (SNI) model in adult rats. Western blot analyses revealed prominent up-regulation of CLIP3 and PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) protein levels at 3?days after SNI. Immunohistochemistry displayed that the expression of CLIP3 was noticeably increased in the injured nerve. Immunofluorescence further revealed that the CLIP3 and PCNA proteins colocalised respectively with S100 in the cytoplasm of Schwann cells. The expression profile of the SC/neuron co-cultures demonstrated that CLIP3 and PCNA protein levels were markedly expressed during the early stage of myelination. These results suggest that CLIP3 is likely associated with the myelination of proliferating Schwann cells, and nerve tissue regeneration after peripheral nerve injury. CLIP3 and PCNA expression during early myelination may be related to the direct uptake and transport of lipids and cholesterol, which were derived from the degenerating myelin, by Schwann cells to prepare for the formation of myelin sheath-like structures around regenerated axons after SNI.  相似文献   

The pluripotency of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) makes them appropriate for tissue repair and wound healing. Owing to the repair properties of autologous platelet–rich gel (APG), which is based on easily accessible blood platelets, its clinical use has been increasingly recognized by physicians. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of combined treatment with ADSCs and APG on sciatic nerve regeneration after electrical injury. To facilitate the differentiation of ADSCs, glial cell line–derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) was overexpressed in ADSCs by lentivirus transfection. GDNF-ADSCs were mingled with APG gradient concentrations, and in vitro, cell proliferation and differentiation were examined with 5-ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine staining and immunofluorescence. A rat model was established by exposing the sciatic nerve to an electrical current of 220 V for 3 seconds. Rat hind-limb motor function and sciatic nerve regeneration were subsequently evaluated. Rat ADSCs were characterized by high expression of CD90 and CD105, with scant expression of CD34 and CD45. We found that GDNF protein expression in ADSCs was elevated after Lenti-GDNF transfection. In GDNF-ADSCs-APG cultures, GDNF was increasingly produced while tissue growth factor-β was reduced as incubation time was increased. ADSC proliferation was augmented and neuronal nuclei (NeuN) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression were upregulated in GDNF-ADSCs-APG. In addition, limb motor function and nerve axon growth were improved after GDNF-ADSCs-APG treatment. In conclusion, our study demonstrates the combined effect of ADSCs and APG in peripheral nerve regeneration and may lead to treatments that benefit patients with electrical injuries.  相似文献   



Several molecular changes occur following axotomy, such as gene up-regulation and down-regulation. In our previous study using Affymetrix arrays, it was found that after the axotomy of sciatic nerve, there were many novel genes with significant expression changes. Among them, neuronatin (Nnat) was the one which expression was significantly up-regulated. Nnat was identified as a gene selectively expressed in neonatal brains and markedly reduced in adult brains. The present study investigated whether the expression of Nnat correlates with symptoms of neuropathic pain in adult rats with transected sciatic nerve.  相似文献   

A number of new synthetic nociceptin ligands were studied in receptor binding and functional tests in rat brain membranes and in cloned systems. Ligand binding experiments were performed with three different radioprobes developed in our lab. The nociceptin derivatives exhibited high affinity in competition experiments. Receptor-mediated G-protein activation was determined in [35S]GTPgS binding assays. Among the new structures examined, Ac-RYYRIK-ol was found to be only a weak stimulator by itself, whereas this compound inhibited receptor-mediated G-protein activation. These data suggest that Ac-RYYRIK-ol is a high affinity peptide antagonist for the nociceptin receptor.
Acknowledgements:  Supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA T-035211, T-033078, T-030841, and the Ministry of Education, NKFP 1/027 Hungary.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is explored that CRPS I (the "new" RSD) persists due to undiagnosed injured joint afferents, and/or cutaneous neuromas, and/or nerve compressions, and is, therefore, a misdiagnosed form of CRPS II (the "new" causalgia). An IRB-approved, retrospective chart review on a series of 100 consecutive patients with "RSD" identified 40 upper and 30 lower extremity patients for surgery based upon their history, physical examination, neurosensory testing, and nerve blocks. Based upon decreased pain medication usage and recovery of function, outcome in the upper extremity, at a mean of 27.9 months follow-up (range of 9 to 81 months), gave results that were excellent in 40% (16 of 40 patients), good in 40% (16 of 40 patients) and failure 20% (8 of 40 patients). In the lower extremity, at a mean of 23.0 months follow-up (range of 9 to 69 months) the results were excellent in 47% (14 of 30 patients), good in 33% (10 of 30 patients) and failure 20% (6 of 30 patients). It is concluded that most patients referred with a diagnosis of CRPS I have continuing pain input from injured joint or cutaneous afferents, and/or nerve compressions, and, therefore, similar to a patient with CRPS II, they can be treated successfully with an appropriate peripheral nerve surgical strategy.  相似文献   

The blood–nerve barrier in peripheral nerves is important for maintaining the environment for axons. Breakdown of the barrier by nerve injury causes various pathologies. We hypothesized that the breakdown and recovery of the blood–nerve barrier after injury are associated with the changes in the expression of intercellular junctional proteins. To test this hypothesis, we induced crush injuries in the rat sciatic nerve by ligation and analyzed spatiotemporal changes of claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 by immunoconfocal microscopy and morphometry and compared them with changes in the permeability of the blood–nerve barrier by intravenous and local administration of Evans blue–albumin (EBA). On day 1 after removal of the ligature EBA leaked into the connective tissue in the endoneurium and then the leakage gradually decreased and disappeared on day 7. On day 1 claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 had totally disappeared from the perineurium and endoneurium. Thereafter, claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, and VE-cadherin recovered from day 2, whereas connexin43 was redetected on day 5. These results indicate that the breakdown and following recovery of the blood–nerve barrier are closely associated with changes in the expression of claudins, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 and that the recovery time course is similar but nonidentical.  相似文献   

Xu T  Wang X  Cao M  Wu X  Yan Y  Fu H  Zhao W  Gong P  Ke K  Gu X 《Journal of molecular histology》2012,43(3):335-342
BAG-1 protein was initially identified as a Bcl-2-binding protein. It was reported to enhance Bcl-2 protection from cell death, suggesting that BAG-1 represents a new type of anti-cell death gene. Moreover, recent study has shown that BAG-1 can enhance the proliferation of neuronal precursor cells, attenuate the growth inhibition induced by siah1. However, its function and expression in the central nervous system lesion are not been understood very well. In this study, we performed a traumatic brain injury (TBI) model in adult rats and investigated the dynamic changes of BAG-1 expression in the brain cortex. Double immunofluorescence staining revealed that BAG-1 was co-expressed with NEURON and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). In addition, we detected that proliferating cell nuclear antigen had the co-localization with GFAP, and BAG-1. All our findings suggested that BAG-1 might involve in the pathophysiology of brain after TBI.  相似文献   

The blood-nerve barrier in peripheral nerves is important for maintaining the environment for axons. Breakdown of the barrier by nerve injury causes various pathologies. We hypothesized that the breakdown and recovery of the blood-nerve barrier after injury are associated with the changes in the expression of intercellular junctional proteins. To test this hypothesis, we induced crush injuries in the rat sciatic nerve by ligation and analyzed spatiotemporal changes of claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 by immunoconfocal microscopy and morphometry and compared them with changes in the permeability of the blood-nerve barrier by intravenous and local administration of Evans blue-albumin (EBA). On day 1 after removal of the ligature EBA leaked into the connective tissue in the endoneurium and then the leakage gradually decreased and disappeared on day 7. On day 1 claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 had totally disappeared from the perineurium and endoneurium. Thereafter, claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, and VE-cadherin recovered from day 2, whereas connexin43 was redetected on day 5. These results indicate that the breakdown and following recovery of the blood-nerve barrier are closely associated with changes in the expression of claudins, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 and that the recovery time course is similar but nonidentical.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) is expressed in the peripheral nervous system and is up-regulated after nerve lesion. It has been demonstrated that administration of FGF-2 protects neurons from injury-induced cell death and promotes axonal regrowth. Using transgenic mice over-expressing FGF-2 (TgFGF-2), we addressed the importance of endogenously generated FGF-2 on sensory neuron loss and sciatic nerve regeneration. After sciatic nerve transection, wild-type and transgenic mice showed the same degree of cell death in L5 spinal ganglia. Also, the number of chromatolytic, eccentric, and pyknotic sensory neurons was not changed under elevated levels of FGF-2. Morphometric evaluation of intact nerves from TgFGF-2 mice revealed no difference in number and size of myelinated fibers compared to wild-type mice. One week after crush injury, the number of regenerated axons was doubled and the myelin thickness was significantly smaller in transgenic mice. After 2 and 4 weeks, morphometric analysis and functional tests revealed no differences in recovery of sensory and motor nerve fibers. To study the role of FGF-2 over-expression on Schwann cell proliferation during the early regeneration process, we used BrdU-labeling to mark dividing cells. In transgenic mice, the number of proliferating cells was significantly increased distal to the crush site compared to wild-types. We propose that endogenously synthesized FGF-2 influences early peripheral nerve regeneration by regulating Schwann cell proliferation, axonal regrowth, and remyelination.  相似文献   

Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) demonstrates neuroprotective effects through different mechanisms, including mobilization of bone marrow cells. However, the influence of G-CSF-mediated mobilization of bone marrow-derived cells on injured sciatic nerves remains to be elucidated. The administration of G-CSF promoted a short-term functional recovery 7 days after crush injury in sciatic nerves. A double-immunofluorescence study using green fluorescent protein-chimeric mice revealed that bone marrow-derived CD34+ cells were predominantly mobilized and migrated into injured nerves after G-CSF treatment. G-CSF-mediated beneficial effects against sciatic nerve injury were associated with increased CD34+ cell deposition, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression, and vascularization/angiogenesis as well as decreased CD68+ cell accumulation. However, cell differentiation and VEGF expression were not demonstrated in deposited cells. The results suggest that the promotion of short-term functional recovery in sciatic nerve crush injury by G-CSF involves a paracrine modulatory effect and a bone marrow-derived CD34+ cell mobilizing effect.  相似文献   

Using proteomics, we investigated the temporal expression profiles of proteins in rat sciatic nerve after experimental crush. Extracts of sciatic nerves collected at 5, 10, and 35 days after injury were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and quantitative image analysis. Of the approximately 1,500 protein spots resolved on each gel, 121 showed significant regulation during at least one time point. Using cluster analysis, these proteins were grouped into two expression profiles of down-regulation and four of up-regulation. These profiles mainly reflected differences in cellular origins in addition to different functional roles. Mass spectrometric analysis identified 82 proteins pertaining to several functional classes, i.e. acute-phase proteins, antioxidant proteins, and proteins involved in protein synthesis/maturation/degradation, cytoskeletal (re)organization, and in lipid metabolism. Several proteins not previously implicated in nerve regeneration were identified, e.g. translationally controlled tumor protein, annexin A9/31, vitamin D-binding protein, alpha-crystallin B, alpha-synuclein, dimethylargininases, and reticulocalbin. Real-time PCR analysis of selected genes showed which were expressed in the nerve versus the dorsal root ganglion neurons. In conclusion, this study highlights the complexity and temporal aspect of the molecular process underlying nerve regeneration and points to the importance of glial and inflammatory determinants.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve injury is often followed by incomplete and unsatisfactory functional recovery and may be associated with sensory and motor impairment of the affected limb. Therefore, a novel method is needed to improve the speed of recovery and the final functional outcome after peripheral nerve injuries. This report investigates the effect of lentiviral-mediated transfer of conserved dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) on regeneration of the rat peripheral nerve in a transection model in vivo. We observed notable overexpression of CDNF protein in the distal sciatic nerve after recombinant CDNF lentiviral vector application. We evaluated sciatic nerve regeneration after surgery using light and electron microscopy and the functional recovery using the sciatic functional index and target muscle weight. HE staining revealed better ordered structured in the CDNF-treated group at 8 weeks post-surgery. Quantitative analysis of immunohistochemistry of NF200 and S-100 in the CDNF group revealed significant improvement of axonal and Schwann cell regeneration compared with the control groups at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after injury. The thickness of the myelination around the axons in the CDNF group was significantly higher than in the control groups at 8 weeks post-surgery. The CDNF group displayed higher muscle weights and significantly increased sciatic nerve index values. Our findings suggest that CDNF gene therapy could provide durable and stable CDNF protein concentration and has the potential to enhance peripheral nerve regeneration, morphological and functional recovery following nerve injury, which suggests a promising strategy for peripheral nerve repair.  相似文献   

Changes in electrophysiological brain characteristics accompanying the development of neurogenic pain syndrome induced by transsection of sciatic nerve were analyzed. At the maximum pain syndrome 3 weeks after the deafferentation, a reorganization of the brain electrical activity was observed in the limbic structures (hippocampus, amygdale, and nucleus accumbens), frontal cortex, and the caudate putamen. An increase in the relative spectral power of the delta and alpha bands and a decrease in the relative power of the beta2 band (as compared to baseline activity) took place. Alteration of the electrical activity in the limbic structures did not depend on manifestations of the neurogenic pain syndrome (autotomy). The increase in the relative spectral power of the alpha-band activity in all the structures under study suggests the involvement of the reticular thalamic nucleus in pathogenesis of neurogenic pain syndrome.  相似文献   

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