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A novel molybdenum cofactor-containing protein with a low molecularmass of 20 kDa was found in a photodenitrifier, Rhodobactersphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans. The protein was located inthe cytoplasm and was produced constitutively. (Received March 25, 1993; Accepted May 14, 1993)  相似文献   

The mechanisms of folding of a periplasmic protein was studiedin vitro using dimethyl sulfoxide reductase (DMSOR), a periplasmicenzyme of Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans. WhenDMSOR was denatured by acidification to pH 2 at 30°C, themolybdenum cofactor was immediately released and unfolded formsof DMSOR appeared within 2 min. When the acid-unfolded DMSORhas been incubated in refolding buffer (pH 8.0) at 20°Cfor 2 h, it became almost undetectable after electrophoresison a non-denaturing gel. This result suggests that the acid-unfoldedDMSOR might have aggregated after incubation. The aggregationwas suppressed by incubation in the presence of commercial GroEL,a molecular chaperone. When reduced dithiothreitol (DTT) wasadded to the acid-unfolded forms in the presence of GroEL, someof the DMSOR was converted to the native form, which had thesame mobility on a non-denaturing gel as the active emzyme.Non-reducing SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the acid-unfoldedforms of DMSOR indicated that the unfolded forms were a mixtureof heterogeneously folded or misfolded forms and that theirforms were converted by DTT to the fully reduced form. The periplasmicfraction of the phototroph was also able to suppress the aggregationof the acid-unfolded DMSOR, and a protein(s) with a molecularmass of about 40 kDa in the periplasm was revealed to have stabilizingactivity. It appears that there exists a mechanism whereby theunfolded DMSOR that is secreted into the periplasm is maintainedin a non-aggregated and reduced form during folding to the nativeform. (Received November 4, 1995; Accepted February 8, 1996)  相似文献   

Growth inhibition of Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans IL106 by nitrite under anaerobic-light conditions became less pronounced when the gene encoding nitrite reductase was deleted. Growth of another deletion mutant of the genes encoding nitric oxide reductase was severely suppressed by nitrite. Our results suggest that nitrite reductase increases the sensitivity to nitrite through the production of nitric oxide.  相似文献   

Absorption and EPR spectroscopic properties of purified dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) reductase from Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans have been examined. The absence of prosthetic groups other than the molybdenum center in the enzyme has made it possible to study its absorption properties. The enzyme displays multiple absorbance peaks in both the oxidized and the dithionite-reduced forms. The oxidized enzyme has absorbance peaks at 280, 350, 470, 550, and 720 nm while the dithionite-reduced enzyme has peaks at 280, 374, and 645 nm with a shoulder at 430 nm. A comparison of the absorbance spectrum of oxidized Me2SO reductase with that of the molybdenum fragment of rat liver sulfite oxidase shows that the 350 and 470 peaks are common to both proteins. EPR studies of the Mo(V) form of Me2SO reductase show a rhombic signal with g1 = 1.988, g2 = 1.977, g3 = 1.961, and g(ave) = 1.975. The signal shows evidence of coupling to an exchangeable proton with A1 = 1.05, A2 = 1.13, A3 = 0.98, and Aave = 1.05 millitesla. These parameters are similar to those of other Mo enzymes, however, the epr signal of this enzyme differs from those of other Mo hydroxylases in showing only a slight sensitivity to pH and no detectable anion effect. EPR potentiometric titrations of Me2SO reductase gave midpoint potentials of +144 mV for the Mo(VI)/Mo(V) couple and +160 mV for the Mo(V)/Mo(IV) couple at room temperature and +141 mV for the Mo(VI)/Mo(V) couple and +200 mV for the Mo(V)/Mo(IV) couple at 173 K.  相似文献   

The nitrous oxide reductase from the photodenitrifier, Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans IL106, has been purified under anaerobic conditions. The specific activity of the enzyme was 78 micromol nitrous oxide reduced per min per mg protein, which was approximately 80% higher than that of the aerobic form. The enzyme purified anaerobically retained most of its activity after aerobic storage at 4 degrees C for 2 months without any additives. Visible absorption spectra of the Rhodobacter nitrous oxide reductase resembled those of the enzymes from other origins. The enzyme retained its activity after reduction with sodium dithionite, and the enzyme activity could be determined using dithionite-reduced benzyl viologen. Turnover-dependent inactivation of the enzyme was suppressed by complete removal of oxygen from the reaction mixture, and promoted by zinc ions.  相似文献   

Y Yoshida  M Takai  T Satoh    S Takami 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(11):3277-3281
Translocation of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) reductase to the periplasmic space was studied in vivo with a photodenitrifier, Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans, using immunoblotting analysis and radioactive labeling. A polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass about 2,000 Da higher than that of DMSO reductase accumulated during induction of the reductase with DMSO. An uncoupler, carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone, inhibited the processing of the polypeptide after cells had been radioactively pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine. These results indicated that the higher-molecular-mass polypeptide was the precursor form of DMSO reductase. The precursor form accumulated in either the cytoplasm or the membrane, whereas the mature form accumulated in the periplasmic space. The membrane-bound precursor was sensitive to proteinase K treatment from both the cytoplasmic and periplasmic sides of the membrane, indicating that the polypeptide binds to the membrane, exposing it to both the outer and inner surfaces of the cytoplasmic membrane. Processing of the precursor was hampered by removal of molybdate from the medium and was restored by its readdition. It was also inhibited by the addition of tungstate in the medium.  相似文献   

We have cloned the nap locus encoding the periplasmic nitrate reductase in Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans IL106. A mutant with this enzyme deleted is unable to grow under denitrifying conditions. Biochemical analysis of this mutant shows that in contrast to the wild-type strain, the level of synthesis of the nitrite and N(2)O reductases is not increased by the addition of nitrate. Growth under denitrifying conditions and induction of N oxide reductase synthesis are both restored by the presence of a plasmid containing the genes encoding the nitrate reductase. This demonstrates that R. sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans IL106 does not possess an efficient membrane-bound nitrate reductase and that nitrate is not the direct inducer for the nitrite and N(2)O reductases in this species. In contrast, we show that nitrite induces the synthesis of the nitrate reductase.  相似文献   

The role of the molybdenum cofactor (Mo cofactor) in the translocationof dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) reductase to the periplasmic spacewas studied in vivo by isolating chlorate-resistant mutantsof Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans. More than 50%of the chlorate-resistant mutants isolated were defective inthe biosynthesis of the Mo cofactor and all of these mutantsaccumulated the precursor form of the enzyme. About 45% of themutants contained the same level of Mo cofactor as the parentstrain and exhibited normal levels of DMSO reductase and nitratereductase activities when chlorate was absent from the medium,but the activities of these enzymes were depressed when chloratewas present. Much of the accumulated precursor form of the enzymein a Mo cofactor-deficient mutant was bound to the cytoplasmicmembrane and was sensitive to treatment with proteinase K fromthe periplasmic side of the membrane, an indication that theprecursor was exposed on the periplasmic surface of the membrane.The precursor accumulated on the membrane of the parent strainwhen molybdate was removed from the medium or upon additionof tungstate and this precursor was also sensitive to the treatmentwith proteinase K from the periplasmic side. These results suggestthat the Mo cofactor is necessary for proteolytic processingof the precursor to the mature enzyme on the periplasmic sideof the membrane, whereas binding of the precursor to the membraneand translocation across it can occur in the absence of thecofactor. Almost all of the Mo cofactor available for directreconstitution in vitro of nitrate reductase activity from thenit-l mutant of Neurospora crassa was present in the cytoplasmicfractions. (Received December 11, 1991; Accepted March 25, 1992)  相似文献   

Osmoregulated periplasmic glucans (OPGs) of Escherichia coli are anionic oligosaccharides that accumulate in the periplasmic space in response to low osmolarity of the medium. Their anionic character is provided by the substitution of the glucosidic backbone by phosphoglycerol originating from the membrane phospholipids and by succinyl residues from unknown origin. A phosphoglycerol-transferase-deficient mdoB mutant was subjected to Tn5 transposon mutagenesis, and putative mutant clones were screened for changes in the anionic character of OPGs by thin-layer chromatography. One mutant deficient in succinylation of OPGs was obtained, and the gene inactivated in this mutant was characterized and named mdoC. mdoC, which encodes a membrane-bound protein, is closely linked to the mdoGH operon necessary for the synthesis of the OPG backbone.  相似文献   

The electron transport system involved in nitrate reductionand its relationship to photosynthetic cyclic electron transportin a photodenitrifier, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides forma sp.denitrificans, were studied. Nitrate oxidized only b-type cytochromein the presence of cyanide, which inhibits nitrite reductase.Heptylhydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HOQNO) inhibited the oxidationof b-type cytochrome by nitrate, but not the oxidation of b-and c-type cytochrome by nitrite. The inhibition by HOQNO wasovercome by phenazine methosulfate (PMS). Absorption changesof b-type cytochrome induced by illumination were in just theopposite directions for oxygen- and nitrate-oxidized cells;the cytochrome was reduced in oxygen-oxidized cells and oxidizedin nitrate-oxidized cells. Antimycin enhanced the reductionand inhibited the oxidation, but had no inhibitory effect onthe oxidation of b-type cytochrome by nitrate. Dithionite-reducedminus ferricyanide-oxidized difference spectra of cells at 77?Kshowed two b-type cytochrome components with a bands at 556.5and 562 nm. The proportion of the b-562 component decreasedin cells grown under denitrifying conditions. It was concludedthat a b-type cytochrome is involved in the nitrate reduction.The b-type cytochrome was presumed to be an alternative to thecytochrome b in the photosynthetic cyclic electron transport. 1 Present address: Japanese Red Cross Tokyo-to Komagome BloodCenter, Komagome 2-2-2, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170, Japan. (Received August 13, 1981; Accepted December 5, 1981)  相似文献   

Light inhibited each step of the denitrification process in whole cells of Rhodobacter sphaeroides forma sp. denitrificans. This inhibition by light was prevented in the presence of exogenous electron donors like N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) plus ascorbate or in the presence of an uncoupler (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone). Addition of myxothiazol restored the inhibition by light in uncoupled cells. Measurements of light-induced absorbance changes under these conditions showed that this inhibition is due, for the steps of reduction of nitrite to dinitrogen, to the photooxidation of cytochromes c 1 plus c 2 and not due to the photoinduced membrane potential. Moreover, the presence of oxygen inhibited almost all of the reduction of nitrate and nitrous oxide but only 70% of the reduction of nitrite to nitrous oxide. These inhibitions were overcome in the presence of TMPD plus ascorbate. This implies that the inhibition in presence of oxygen was due to a diversion of the reducing power from the denitrifying chain to the respiratory chain. It was concluded from this series of experiments that the reduction of nitrate to nitrite is inhibited when the ubiquinone pool is partly oxidized and that nitrite and nitrous oxide reductions are inhibited when cytochromes c 1 plus c 2 are oxidized by photosynthesis or respiration.Abbreviations R Rhodobacter - TMPD N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine - HOQNO 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide - CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - cytochrome c 1 cytochrome c 2 plus cytochrome c 1  相似文献   

To understand a physiological role of an abundant 34-kDa periplasmic protein in the denitrifying phototroph Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans grown in a medium containing malate as the carbon source, the gene for the protein was isolated. The deduced amino acid sequence of the protein had a sequence similarity of 66.2% to that of PstS from Sinorhizobium meliloti. The downstream sequence of the Rhodobacter pstS contained five genes similar to pstCAB and phoUB, and its upstream sequence contained a putative regulatory sequence that is analogous to the Pho box involved in phosphate-limitation-induced gene expression in Escherichia coli. Both the amount of the PstS and the pstS promoter-driven expression of lacZ activity increased about two-fold in response to phosphate limitation. This is the first isolation of pst genes encoding proteins of an ABC phosphate transporter system from phototrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

When cells of the denitrifying phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides forma sp. denitrificans were grown anaerobically under illumination in the presence of nitrate, the content of photosynthetic reaction centers per cellular protein was less than that in cells grown photosynthetically without nitrate under the same light intensity. The contents of cytochromes c1 and c2, which work in both photosynthetic and denitrifying electron transport systems, were almost constant, being independent of the presence of nitrate during growth. Consequently, the ratio of cytochromes c1 and c2 to the reaction center was more than three in the photo-denitrifying cells, whereas it was close to one in the photosynthetic cells under light-limiting conditions. In spite of the excess of cytochromes c1 + c2 over the reaction center in the photo-denitrifying cells, all cytochromes c1 + c2 were oxidized by illumination within hundreds of milliseconds in the presence of antimycin. When glycerol was added to increase the viscosity in the periplasm, biphasic oxidation of cytochromes c1 + c2 was apparent in the photo-denitrifying cells with repetitive flashes. The fast phase oxidation, which took place instantaneously (less than 1 ms) after the first and second flashes, showed a similar pattern to the oxidation in the light-limiting photosynthetic cells. The rate of the slow phase oxidation was sensitive to viscosity and was thought to reflect a diffusion-controlled second-order reaction between cytochrome c2 and the reaction center. The biphasic oxidation of cytochromes c1 + c2 suggests that these cytochromes exist in the photo-denitrifying cells as two different pools in relation to the reaction center.  相似文献   

Seven genes, napKEFDABC, encoding the periplasmic nitrate reductase system were cloned from the denitrifying phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans IL106. Two transmembrane proteins, NapK and NapE, an iron-sulfur protein NapF, a soluble protein NapD, a catalytic subunit of nitrate reductase precursor NapA, a soluble c-type diheme cytochrome precursor NapB, and a membrane-anchored c-type tetraheme cytochrome NapC were deduced as the gene products. Every mutant in which each nap gene was disrupted by omega-cassette insertion lost nitrate reductase activity as well as the ability of cells to grow with nitrate under anaerobic-dark conditions. A transconjugant of the napD-disrupted mutant with a plasmid bearing the napKEFDABC genes recovered both nitrate reductase activity and nitrate-dependent anaerobic-dark growth of cells. Denitrification activity, which was not observed in the napD mutant, was also restored by the conjugation. These results indicate that the periplasmic nitrate reductase encoded by the napKEFDABC genes is the enzyme responsible for denitrification in this phototroph, although the presence of a membrane-bound nitrate reductase has been reported in the same strain.  相似文献   

A gene which complements a paralyzed flagellar mutant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides was sequenced. The derived protein sequence has similarity to MotB. R. sphaeroides MotB lacks the C-terminal peptidoglycan-binding motif of other MotB proteins. This divergence of sequence may reflect the unusual, unidirectional, stop-start action of the R. sphaeroides flagellar motor.  相似文献   

The localization of dissimilatory nitrate and nitrite reductasesof a denitrifying phototrophic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroidesforma sp. denitrificans, was investigated. Nitrate and nitritereductases were located in the periplasmic space of the bacteriumgrown anaerobically in the presence of nitrate either in lightor in darkness. Chromatophores showed nitrate and nitrite reductaseactivities when dithionite-reduced benzyl viologen was an electrondonor; this suggests that the enzymes were trapped inside thevesicles. 1Present address: Japanese Red Cross Central Blood Center, Hiroo4-1-31, Shibuyaku, Tokyo 150, Japan. 2Present address: Plant Growth Laboratory, University of California,Davis, California 95616, U.S.A. (Received November 7, 1979; )  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli K-12, the accumulation of arginine is mediated by two distinct periplasmic binding protein-dependent transport systems, one common to arginine and ornithine (AO system) and one for lysine, arginine, and ornithine (LAO system). Each of these systems includes a specific periplasmic binding protein, the AO-binding protein for the AO system and the LAO-binding protein for the LAO system. The two systems include a common inner membrane transport protein which is able to hydrolyze ATP and also phosphorylate the two periplasmic binding proteins. Previously, a mutant resistant to the toxic effects of canavanine, with low levels of transport activities and reduced levels of phosphorylation of the two periplasmic binding proteins, was isolated and characterized (R. T. F. Celis, J. Biol. Chem. 265:1787–1793, 1990). The gene encoding the transport ATPase enzyme (argK) has been cloned and sequenced. The gene possesses an open reading frame with the capacity to encode 268 amino acids (mass of 29.370 Da). The amino acid sequence of the protein includes two short sequence motifs which constitute a well-defined nucleotide-binding fold (Walker sequences A and B) present in the ATP-binding subunits of many transporters. We report here the isolation of canavanine-sensitive derivatives of the previously characterized mutant. We describe the properties of these suppressor mutations in which the transport of arginine, ornithine, and lysine has been restored. In these mutants, the phosphorylation of the AO- and LAO-binding proteins remains at a low level. This information indicates that whereas hydrolysis of ATP by the transport ATPase is an obligatory requirement for the accumulation of these amino acids in E. coli K-12, the phosphorylation of the periplasmic binding protein is not related to the function of the transport system.  相似文献   

Selenite reduction in Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans was observed under photosynthetic conditions, following a 100-h lag period. This adaptation period was suppressed if the medium was inoculated with a culture previously grown in the presence of selenite, suggesting that selenite reduction involves an inducible enzymatic pathway. A transposon library was screened to isolate mutants affected in selenite reduction. Of the eight mutants isolated, two were affected in molybdenum cofactor synthesis. These moaA and mogA mutants showed an increased duration of the lag phase and a decreased rate of selenite reduction. When grown in the presence of tungstate, a well-known molybdenum-dependent enzyme (molybdoenzyme) inhibitor, the wild-type strain displayed the same phenotype. The addition of tungstate in the medium or the inactivation of the molybdocofactor synthesis induced a decrease of 40% in the rate of selenite reduction. These results suggest that several pathways are involved and that one of them involves a molybdoenzyme. Although addition of nitrate or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to the medium increased the selenite reduction activity of the culture, neither the periplasmic nitrate reductase NAP nor the DMSO reductase is the implicated molybdoenzyme, since the napA and dmsA mutants, with expression of nitrate reductase and DMSO reductase, respectively, eliminated, were not affected by selenite reduction. A role for the biotine sulfoxide reductase, another characterized molybdoenzyme, is unlikely, since its overexpression in a defective strain did not restore the selenite reduction activity.  相似文献   

Selenite reduction in Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans was observed under photosynthetic conditions, following a 100-h lag period. This adaptation period was suppressed if the medium was inoculated with a culture previously grown in the presence of selenite, suggesting that selenite reduction involves an inducible enzymatic pathway. A transposon library was screened to isolate mutants affected in selenite reduction. Of the eight mutants isolated, two were affected in molybdenum cofactor synthesis. These moaA and mogA mutants showed an increased duration of the lag phase and a decreased rate of selenite reduction. When grown in the presence of tungstate, a well-known molybdenum-dependent enzyme (molybdoenzyme) inhibitor, the wild-type strain displayed the same phenotype. The addition of tungstate in the medium or the inactivation of the molybdocofactor synthesis induced a decrease of 40% in the rate of selenite reduction. These results suggest that several pathways are involved and that one of them involves a molybdoenzyme. Although addition of nitrate or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to the medium increased the selenite reduction activity of the culture, neither the periplasmic nitrate reductase NAP nor the DMSO reductase is the implicated molybdoenzyme, since the napA and dmsA mutants, with expression of nitrate reductase and DMSO reductase, respectively, eliminated, were not affected by selenite reduction. A role for the biotine sulfoxide reductase, another characterized molybdoenzyme, is unlikely, since its overexpression in a defective strain did not restore the selenite reduction activity.  相似文献   

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