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Using the planar lipid bilayer technique we demonstrate that the lipodepsipeptide antibiotic, syringomycin E, forms voltage-sensitive ion channels of weak anion selectivity. The formation of channels in bilayers made from dioleoylglycerophosphatidylserine doped with syringomycin E at one side (1–40 μg/ml) was greatly affected by cis-positive voltage. A change of voltage from a positive to a negative value resulted in (i) an abrupt increase in the single channel conductance (the rate of increase was voltage dependent) simultaneous with (ii) a closing of these channels and an exponential decrease in macroscopic conductance over time. The strong voltage dependence of multichannel steady state conductance, the single channel conductance, the rate of opening of channels at positive voltages and closing them at negative voltages, as well as the observed abrupt increase of single channel conductance after voltage sign reversal suggest that the change of the transmembrane field induces a significant rearrangement of syringomycin E channels, including a change in the spacing of charged groups that function as voltage sensors. The conductance induced by syringomycin E increased with the sixth power of syringomycin E concentration suggesting that at least six monomers are required for channel formation. Received: 3 April 1995/Revised: 24 August 1995  相似文献   

Three types of electrical excitation have been investigated in the marine diatom Coscinodiscus wailesii. I: Depolarization-triggered, transient Cl conductance, G Cl (t), followed by a transient, voltage-gated K+ conductance, G K , with an active state a and two inactive states i 1 and i 2 in series (a-i 1-i 2). II: Similar G Cl (t) as in Type-I but triggered by hyperpolarization; a subsequent increase of G K in this type is indicated but not analyzed in detail. III: Hyperpolarization-induced transient of a voltage-gated activity of an electrogenic pump (i 2-a-i 2), followed by G Cl (t) as in Type-II excitations. Type-III with pump gating is novel as such. G Cl (t) in all types seems to reflect the mechanism of InsP 3 and Ca2+-mediated G Cl (t) in the action potential in Chara (Biskup et al., 1999). The nonlinear current-voltage-time relationships of Type-I and Type-III excitations have been recorded under voltage-clamp using single saw-tooth command voltages (voltage range: −200 to +50 mV, typical slope: ±1 Vs−1). Fits of the corresponding models to the experimental data provided numerical values of the model parameters. The statistical significance of these solutions is investigated. We suggest that the original function of electrical excitability of biological membranes is related to osmoregulation which has persisted through evolution in plants, whereas the familiar and osmotically neutral action potentials in animals have evolved later towards the novel function of rapid transmission of information over long distances. Received: 2 December 1999/Revised: 3 March 2000  相似文献   

Inhibition of Vacuolar Ion Channels by Polyamines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work, direct effects of cytosolic polyamines on the two principle vacuolar ion channels were studied by means of patch-clamp technique. Fast and slow activating vacuolar channels were analyzed on membrane patches isolated from vacuoles of the red beet taproot. The potency of the fast and of the slow vacuolar channel blockage by polyamines decreased with a decrease of the polycation charge, spermine4+ > spermidine3+ > putrescine2+. In contrast to the inhibition of the fast vacuolar channel, the blockage of the slow vacuolar channel by polyamines displayed a pronounced voltage-dependence. Hence, in the presence of high concentration of polyamines the slow vacuolar channel was converted into a strong inward rectifier as evidenced by its unitary current-voltage characteristic. The blockage of the slow vacuolar channel by polyamines was relieved at a large depolarization, in line with the permeation of polyamines through this channel. The voltage-dependence of blockage was analyzed in terms of the conventional model, assuming a single binding site for polyamines within the channel pore. Taking advantage of a simple linear structure of naturally occurring polyamines, conclusions on a possible architecture of the slow vacuolar channel pore were drawn. The role of common polyamines in regulation of vacuolar ion transport was discussed. Received: 1 May 1998/Revised: 25 September 1998  相似文献   

The four-state simple carrier model (SCM) has been employed to describe facilitative transport of ligands across biological membranes. Two basic mechanisms have been invoked to account for carrier-mediated ligand translocation: (i) binding to a mobile carrier, and (ii) displacement determined by conformational changes of an integral protein. While translatory carriers may be accurately represented by a four-state diagram, it is unlikely that the transport process mediated by a complex membrane protein can be strictly described by the elementary SCM. The purpose of this article is to test whether facilitative transporters with a more complex kinetic design than the SCM can exhibit macroscopic kinetic properties indistinguishable from it. For this, I studied a ``general carrier model' (GCM), and evaluated whether the relevant kinetic parameters are subject to the same basic restrictions as in the SCM. The fundamental finding is that there is a general kinetic design embodied with SCM-like properties, that can be shared by many transporters. In particular, the classical SCM is shown here to represent a particular case of the GCM. A main conclusion of this work is therefore that the finding of a macroscopic SCM-like kinetic behavior for a particular process of facilitative transport does not represent a sufficient argument in favor of a particular type of mechanism, like the typical one involving a two-conformational single-site carrier. Received: 9 February 1998/Revised: 19 June 1998  相似文献   

The association of two gramicidin A (gA) peptides via H-bonds in lipid bilayers causes the formation of an ion channel that is selective for monovalent cations only. In this study, two gAs were covalently linked with a dioxolane group (SS dimer). Some functional properties of natural gA channels were compared to that synthetic dimer in Na+- or Cs+-containing solutions. The SS dimer remained in the open configuration most of the time, while natural gA channels had a relatively brief mean open time. Single channel conductances to Na+ (g Na ) or Cs+ (g Cs ) in the SS dimer were smaller than in natural gA. However, g Na was considerably more attenuated than g Cs . This probably results from a tight solvation of Na+ by the dioxolane linker in the SS channel. In Cs+ solutions, the SS had frequent closures. By contrast, in Na+ solutions the synthetic dimer remained essentially in the open state. The mean open times of SS channels in different solutions (T open,Na > T open,Cs > T open,H ) were inversely proportional to the single channel conductances (g H > g Cs > g Na ). This suggests that ion occupancy inside the pore stabilizes the open configuration of the gA dimer. The mean closed time of the SS dimer was longer in Cs+ than in H+ solutions. Possible mechanisms for these effects are discussed. Received: 17 September 1999/Revised: 21 December 1999  相似文献   

This paper describes a new approach to evaluate the inner structure (including a main constriction and its localization) of the water lumen of an ion channel. The method is based on the determination of channel filling by different nonelectrolyte molecules through each side of an ion channel. The method has two characteristic features that make its use attractive: (i) the possibility to ascertain the existence, localization and size of a narrow part inside an ion channel water lumen and (ii) the chances to determine the maximal size of both entrances of an ion channel and to obtain additional information about the geometry of its water lumen at the same time. Determinations were made on colicin Ia ion channels inserted into planar lipid bilayers. This channel was chosen because there is an apparent contradiction between its low single channel conductance and the large diameter of its water lumen. Our results show that the water lumen of the colicin Ia channel has a funnel-like structure with a small trans-entrance, with a diameter of about 1.0 nm, and a large cis-entrance, with a diameter of approximately 1.8 nm. A constriction with a diameter of approximately 0.7 nm is shown to be located close to the trans-entrance of the channel. The method can also be applied to patch clamp studies of single ion channels. Received: 20 February 1997/Revised: 19 August 1997  相似文献   

The giant marine alga Valonia utricularis is a classical model system for studying the electrophysiology and water relations of plant cells by using microelectrode and pressure probe techniques. The recent finding that protoplasts can be prepared from the giant ``mother cells' (Wang, J., Sukhorukov, V.L., Djuzenova, C.S., Zimmermann, U., Müller, T., Fuhr, G., 1997, Protoplasma 196:123–134) allowed the use of the patch-clamp technique to examine ion channel activity in the plasmalemma of this species. Outside-out and cell-attached experiments displayed three different types of voltage-gated Cl channels (VAC1, VAC2, VAC3, Valonia Anion Channel 1,2,3), one voltage-gated K+ channel (VKC1, Valonia K + Channel 1) as well as stretch-activated channels. In symmetrical 150 mm Cl media, VAC1 was most frequently observed and had a single channel conductance of 36 ± 7 pS (n= 4) in the outside-out and 33 ± 5 pS (n= 10) in the cell-attached configuration. The reversal potential of the corresponding current-voltage curves was within 0 ± 4 mV (n= 4, outside-out) and 9 ± 7 mV (n= 10, cell-attached) close to the Nernst potential of Cl and shifted towards more negative values when cell-attached experiments were performed in asymmetrical 50:150 mm Cl media (bath/pipette; E Cl− −20 ± 7 mV (n= 4); Nernst potential −28 mV). Consistent with a selectivity for Cl, VAC1 was inhibited by 100 μM DIDS (4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid). VAC1 was activated by a hyperpolarization of the patch. Boltzmann fits of the channel activity under symmetrical 150 mm Cl conditions yielded a midpoint potential of −12 ± 5 mV (n= 4, outside-out) and −3 ± 6 mV (n= 9, cell-attached) and corresponding apparent minimum gating charges of 15 ± 3 (n= 4) and 18 ± 5 (n= 9). The midpoint potential shifted to more negative values in the presence of a Cl gradient. VAC2 was activated by voltages more negative than E Cl− and was always observed together with VAC1, but less frequently. It showed a ``flickering' gating. The single channel conductance was 99 ± 10 pS (n= 6). VAC3 was activated by membrane depolarization and frequently exhibited several subconductance states. The single channel conductance of the main conductance state was 36 ± 5 pS (n= 5). VKC1 was also activated by positive clamped voltages. Up to three conductance states occurred whereby the main conductance state had a single channel conductance of 124 ± 27 pS (n= 6). In the light of the above results it seems to be likely that VAC1 contributes mainly to the Cl conductance of the plasmalemma of the turgescent ``mother cells' and that this channel (as well as VAC2) can operate in the physiological membrane potential range. The physiological significance of VAC3 and VKC1 is unknown, but may be related (as the stretch-activated channels) to processes involved in turgor regulation. Received: 24 June 1999/Revised: 2 September 1999  相似文献   

The permeation properties of KAT1, an inward rectifying potassium channel from plant cells, were investigated with different ions in the external medium. With either K+, NH+ 4 or methylammonium (MA) in the external solution, the channel, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, appeared permeable to K+ and, to a lesser extent, to NH+ 4 but not to the slightly bigger, methylated analogue of NH+ 4, MA. Substituting NH+ 4 for K+ shifted the voltage dependency of channel activation further negative and hastened activation kinetics. This suggests that channel operation depends on the transported substrate. In mixed solution (50 mm K+, 50 mm MA) MA inhibited K+ current in a voltage-independent manner. The maximum block did not exceed 50% of the K+ current. In contrast, when NH+ 4 was the permeant ion (50 mm NH+ 4, 50 mm MA) MA caused a voltage-dependent, slowly developing open channel block, achieving complete inhibition at very negative voltages. The latter block could be partially overcome by the addition of K+ in the external solution. The data support a model in which ions, after entering the channel pore, compete with different affinities for binding sites on their permeation pathway. Received: 6 October 1997/Revised: 28 January 1998  相似文献   

Mitochondrial small-subunit (19S) rDNA sequences were obtained from 10 angiosperms to further characterize sequence divergence levels and structural variation in this molecule. These sequences were derived from seven holoparasitic (nonphotosynthetic) angiosperms as well as three photosynthetic plants. 19S rRNA is composed of a conservative core region (ca. 1450 nucleotides) as well as two variable regions (V1 and V7). In pairwise comparisons of photosynthetic angiosperms to Glycine, the core 19S rDNA sequences differed by less than 1.4%, thus supporting the observation that variation in mitochondrial rDNA is 3–4 times lower than seen in protein coding and rDNA genes of other subcellular organelles. Sequences representing four distinct lineages of nonasterid holoparasites showed significantly increased numbers of substitutions in their core 19S rDNA sequences (2.3–7.6%), thus paralleling previous findings that showed accelerated rates in nuclear (18S) and plastid (16S) rDNA from the same plants. Relative rate tests confirmed the accelerated nucleotide substitution rates in the holoparasites whereas rates in nonparasitic plants were not significantly increased. Among comparisons of both parasitic and nonparasitic plants, transversions outnumbered transitions, in many cases more than two to one. The core 19S rRNA is conserved in sequence and structure among all nonparasitic angiosperms whereas 19S rRNA from members of holoparasitic Balanophoraceae have unique extensions to the V5 and V6 variable domains. Substitution and insertion/deletion mutations characterized the V1 and V7 regions of the nonasterid holoparasites. The V7 sequence of one holoparasite (Scybalium) contained repeat motifs. The cause of substitution rate increases in the holoparasites does not appear to be a result of RNA editing, hence the underlying molecular mechanism remains to be fully documented. Received: 18 May 1997 / Accepted: 11 July 1997  相似文献   

The channel-forming protein called VDAC forms the major pathway in the mitochondrial outer membrane and controls metabolite flux across that membrane. The different VDAC isoforms of a species may play different roles in the regulation of mitochondrial functions. The mouse has three VDAC isoforms (VDAC1, VDAC2 and VDAC3). These proteins and different versions of VDAC3 were expressed in yeast cells (S. cerevisiae) missing the major yeast VDAC gene and studied using different approaches. When reconstituted into liposomes, each isoform induced a permeability in the liposomes with a similar molecular weight cutoff (between 3,400 and 6,800 daltons based on permeability to polyethylene glycol). In contrast, electrophysiological studies on purified proteins showed very different channel properties. VDAC1 is the prototypic version whose properties are highly conserved among other species. VDAC2 also has normal gating activity but may exist in 2 forms, one with a lower conductance and selectivity. VDAC3 can also form channels in planar phospholipid membranes. It does not insert readily into membranes and generally does not gate well even at high membrane potentials (up to 80 mV). Isolated mitochondria exhibit large differences in their outer membrane permeability to NADH depending on which of the mouse VDAC proteins was expressed. These differences in permeability could not simply be attributed to different amounts of each protein present in the isolated mitochondria. The roles of these different VDAC proteins are discussed. Received: 19 June 1998/Revised: 1 April 1999  相似文献   

The four-state simple carrier model (SCM) is employed to describe ligand translocation by diverse passive membrane transporters. However, its application to systems like facilitative sugar transporters (GLUTs) is controversial: unidirectional fluxes under zero-trans and equilibrium-exchange experimental conditions fit a SCM, but flux data from infinite-cis and infinite-trans experiments appear not to fit the same SCM. More complex kinetic models have been proposed to explain this ``anomalous' behavior of GLUTs, but none of them accounts for all the experimental findings. We propose an alternative model in which GLUTs are channels subject to conformational transitions, and further assume that the results from zero-trans and equilibrium-exchange experiments as well as trans-effects corresponds to a single-occupancy channel regime, whereas the results from the infinite-cis and infinite-trans experiments correspond to a regime including higher channel occupancies. We test the plausibility of this hypothesis by studying a kinetic model of a two-site channel with two conformational states. In each state, the channel can bind the ligand from only one of the compartments. Under single-occupancy, for conditions corresponding to zero-trans and equilibrium-exchange experiments, the model behaves as a SCM capable of exhibiting trans-stimulations. For a regime including higher degrees of occupancy and infinite-cis and infinite-trans conditions, the same channel model can exhibit a behavior qualitatively similar to a SCM, albeit with kinetic parameters different from those for the single-occupancy regime. Numerical results obtained with our model are consistent with available experimental data on facilitative glucose transport across erythrocyte membranes. Hence, if GLUTs are multiconformational channels, their particular kinetic properties can result from transitions between single and double channel occupancies. Received: 12 April 1995/Revised: 28 August 1995  相似文献   

Barbiturates inhibit GLUT-1-mediated glucose transport across the blood-brain barrier, in cultured mammalian cells, and in human erythrocytes. Barbiturates also interact directly with GLUT-1. The hypotheses that this inhibition of glucose transport is (i) selective, preferring barbiturates over halogenated hydrocarbon inhalation anesthetics, and (ii) specific, favoring some GLUT-# isoforms over others were tested. Several oxy- and thio-barbiturates inhibited [3H]-2-deoxyglucose uptake by GLUT-1 expressing murine fibroblasts with IC50s of 0.2–2.9 mm. Inhibition of GLUT-1 by barbiturates correlates with their overall lipid solubility and pharmacology, and requires hydrophobic side chains on the core barbiturate structure. In contrast, several halogenated hydrocarbons and ethanol (all ≤10 mm) do not significantly inhibit glucose transport. The interaction of these three classes of anesthetics with purified GLUT-1 was evaluated by quenching of intrinsic protein fluorescence and displayed similar specificities and characteristics. The ability of barbiturates to inhibit other facilitative glucose transporters was determined in cell types expressing predominantly one isoform. Pentobarbital inhibits [3H]-2-deoxyglucose and [14C]-3-O-methyl-glucose uptake in cells expressing GLUT-1, GLUT-2, and GLUT-3 with IC50s of ∼1 mm. In contrast, GLUT-4 expressed in insulin-stimulated rat adipocytes was much less sensitive than the other isoforms to inhibition by pentobarbital (IC50 of >10 mm). Thus, barbiturates selectively inhibit glucose transport by some, but not all, facilitative glucose transporter isoforms. Received: 10 November 1998/Revised: 3 February 1999  相似文献   

The identification of molecular water transporters and the generation of transgenic mice lacking water transporting proteins has created a need for accurate methods to measure water permeability. This review is focused on methodology to characterize water permeability in living cells and complex multicellular tissues. The utility of various parameters defining water transport is critically evaluated, including osmotic water permeability (P f ), diffusional water permeability (P d ), Arrhenius activation energies (E a ), and solute reflection coefficients (σ p ). Measurements in cellular and complex tissues can be particularly challenging because of uncertainties in barrier geometry and surface area, heterogeneity in membrane transporting properties, and unstirred layer effects. Strategies to measure plasma membrane P f in cell layers are described involving light scattering, total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, interferometry, spatial filtering microscopy, and volume-sensitive fluorescent indicators. Dye dilution and fluorescent indicator methods are reviewed for measurement of P f across cell and tissue barriers. Novel fluorescence and gravimetric methods are described to quantify microvascular and epithelial water permeabilities in intact organs, using as an example lungs from aquaporin knockout mice. Finally, new measurement strategies and applications are proposed, including high-throughput screening for identification of aquaporin inhibitors. Received: 3 August 1999/Revised: 22 September 1999  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette (ABC) systems, also called traffic ATPases, are found in eukaryotes and prokaryotes and almost all participate in the transport of a wide variety of molecules. ABC systems are characterized by a highly conserved ATPase module called here the ABC module, involved in coupling transport to ATP hydrolysis. We have used the sequence of one of the first representatives of bacterial ABC transporters, the MalK protein, to collect 250 closely related sequences from a nonredundant protein sequence database. The sequences collected by this objective method are all known or putative ABC transporters. After having eliminated short protein sequences and duplicates, the 197 remaining sequences were subjected to a phylogenetic analysis based on a mutational similarity matrix. An unrooted tree for these modules was found to display two major branches, one grouping all collected uptake systems and the other all collected export systems. This remarkable disposition strongly suggests that the divergence between these two functionally different types of ABC systems occurred once in the history of these systems and probably before the differentiation of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. We discuss the implications of this finding and we propose a model accounting for the generation and the diversification of ABC systems. Received: 23 February 1997 / Accepted: 7 April 1998  相似文献   

Seedling roots of corn were treated with different concentrations of mannitol-containing solution for 1 to 1.5 hr, and net fluxes of Ca2+ and H+ were measured in the elongation region. H+ fluxes were much more sensitive to osmotic pressure than were Ca2+ fluxes. Oscillations of 7-min period in H+ flux, normally observed in the control, were almost fully suppressed at high osmotic concentrations. Net H+ flux was shifted from average efflux of 25 ± 3 nmol m−2 sec−1 to average influx of 10 ± 5 nmol m−2 sec−1 after the incubation in 100 mm mannitol. The larger the osmotic concentration, the larger was the H+ influx. This flux caused the unbuffered solution of pH 4.85 to change to pH 5.3 after mannitol application. It appears that the osmoticum suppresses oscillatory H+ extrusion at the plasma membrane. Discrete Fourier Transforms of the H+ flux data showed that, apart from suppression of the 7-min oscillations in H+ flux, mannitol also promoted the appearance of faster 2-min oscillations. Ca2+ influx slightly increased after mannitol treatment. In addition the 7-min oscillatory component of Ca2+ flux remained apparent thereby showing independence of H+ flux. Received: 25 April 1997/Revised: 11 August 1997  相似文献   

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