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诱导心脏发生的早期信号通路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心脏是胚胎发生过程中最早形成的器官 .心脏前体的特化是组织间及细胞与细胞之间相互作用的结果 ,这一过程包含了诱导信号作用的时间和空间完整程序 .以脊椎动物和无脊椎动物作为模式动物 ,总结了在早期心脏发生中发挥重要作用的诱导信号通路 :BMP Dpp ,Wnt Wingless ,FGF及Notch信号通路 ,并阐述了信号通路之间的通讯 (crosstalk)以及信号通路与心脏发生相关的关键转录调节因子之间的协同诱导作用 .  相似文献   

牙齿发育的过程,是一个连续并且复杂的过程。牙齿发育的分子机制可总结为:通过外胚层来源的上皮和其下方的间充质相互作用,来调节牙齿的形态学发生。成纤维细胞生长因子(Fibroblast Growth Factor,FGF)是一类肽类分子,它们通过与细胞膜上特异性受体的结合来发挥作用,以此来调节细胞生长。并且具有多种生物活性,是胚胎生长发育和成体组织创伤修复中最具有重要功能的细胞因子。通过众多科学研究,牙齿发育与FGF信号通路的关系已经研究的比较透彻,在牙齿的生长发育过程中,FGF发挥了关键性作用。  相似文献   

杨志  姚俊  曹新 《遗传》2018,40(7):515-524
内耳是感受听觉和平衡觉的复杂器官。在内耳发育过程中,成纤维生长因子(fibroblast growth factor, FGF)信号通路参与了听基板的诱导、螺旋神经节(statoacoustic ganglion, SAG)的发育以及Corti器感觉上皮的分化。FGF信号开启了内耳早期发育的基因调控网络,诱导前基板区域以及听基板的形成。正常表达的FGF信号分子可促进听囊腹侧成神经细胞的特化,但成熟SAG神经元释放的过量FGF5可抑制此过程,形成负反馈环路使SAG在稳定状态下发育。FGF20在Notch信号通路的调控下参与了前感觉上皮区域向毛细胞和支持细胞的分化过程,而内毛细胞分泌的FGF8可调控局部支持细胞分化为柱细胞。人类FGF信号通路异常可导致多种耳聋相关遗传病。此外,FGF信号通路在低等脊椎动物毛细胞自发再生以及干细胞向内耳毛细胞诱导过程中都起到了关键作用。本文综述了FGF信号通路在内耳发育调控以及毛细胞再生中的作用及其相关研究进展,以期为毛细胞再生中FGF信号通路调控机制的阐明奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

内耳毛细胞是一种感受器,负责将机械声能转化为神经脉冲,使机体感知外界声音。毛细胞的功能丧失是永久性感音性神经耳聋的主要原因之一,毛细胞在成体哺乳动物中不会自发再生,研究人员通过模拟哺乳动物内耳损伤,发现Notch信号通路通过侧抑制和侧诱导作用形成新的感觉毛细胞。Notch的下游信号Wnt和上游信号FGF-FGFR是促进内耳发育、细胞增殖、分化以及毛细胞再生的关键信号通路。因此,了解Notch、Wnt、FGF等信号通路及相关转录因子在哺乳动物内耳毛细胞再生过程中的作用机制极为重要,该文重点阐述Notch信号通路以及相关信号分子互作在内耳毛细胞再生中的调控作用,旨在分析耳蜗毛细胞增殖和再生的调控机制,为耳聋治疗方法的实验研究和临床应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

随着分子生物学技术的迅猛发展和广泛应用,参与肾脏发育过程的新基因相继被发现,肾脏发育过程中复杂的分子信号调控机制也得到进一步的研究,为阐明肾脏疾病的发病机制及从基因水平开展治疗提供了新的思路。文章对肾脏发育的3个阶段,即输尿管芽的发生和分支形成、生后肾原基的早期上皮性分化、肾小球血管球的发生和发育的分子信号调控研究进展进行了总结,主要涉及多种转录因子、生长因子及细胞因子,同时细胞外基质和黏附分子也参与其调控。  相似文献   

Notch 信号通路为一广泛应用且高度保守的信号转导途径,决定多能祖细胞的分化方向,其中在共同淋巴祖细胞向 T 淋巴细胞或 B 淋巴细胞分化选择中具有决定性作用 . Notch 信号通路参与淋巴细胞的发育过程,促进 Tαβ细胞的形成、诱导处女型 T 细胞变为调节型 T 细胞、阻止 CD4+T 细胞向 Th1 类型分化,以及增加外周免疫器官边缘区 B 细胞的数量 . 在分析 Notch 蛋白结构的基础上,综合最新进展,系统阐明了 Notch 信号通路的组成、作用机制、参与的淋巴细胞发育过程以及所起的作用 .  相似文献   

经典Wnt信号通路是一条极其保守的信号通路,在多种组织器官发育及疾病发生过程中起重要作用,这条信号通路在胰腺中的作用近年来才逐渐被揭示.研究表明,经典Wnt信号通路在胰腺命运特化、胰腺祖细胞增殖等发育过程中起重要调控作用.另外.这条信号通路与Ⅱ型糖尿病和胰腺肿瘤的发生密切相关.本文对经典Wnt信号通路在胰腺发育及搪尿病和胰腺癌中的作用进行综述.  相似文献   

Wnt蛋白是一类分泌型糖蛋白家族,Wnt信号蛋白与细胞表面的多种受体相互作用,参与诸多生命过程。对神经系统发育的研究表明,Wnt信号通路在神经发生,神经祖细胞增值、分化,神经干细胞的自我更新,轴突导向等过程中起重要调控作用。多项研究已经证实,Wnt通路失调与诸多神经系统疾病有密切关系。Wnt信号通路的突变或异常,将会引起神经系统发育缺陷。然而,对Wnt非经典信号通路的研究,尤其是新受体Ryk的调控作用的认识迄今仍不全面。根据国内外相关研究,阐述了经典Wnt信号通路Wnt/β-catenin途径的同时也对Wnt/Ryk非经典信号途径这一研究新领域做了讨论。在非经典信号通路中,Ryk-ICD的剪接对于前体细胞的神经分化起重要作用。本文分析了Wnt/β-catenin和Wnt/Ryk信号通路在神经发育中的作用,有助于深入理解神经发育过程中Wnt信号通路的作用机制。然而,Ryk-ICD引导因子、分子机制等问题仍待进一步研究,而这将有利于理解神经干细胞分化机理。  相似文献   

牙齿的发育过程,包括由胚胎早期预定成牙部位到发育形成完整的牙齿,是一个复杂的连续过程,牙齿的发育过程实际上就是牙源性上皮和颅神经嵴来源的牙源性间充质之间的相互作用的结果.骨形态发生蛋白(BMPs)最初被认为是一种具有高效骨诱导性的蛋白,能够诱导未分化的间充质细胞转化形成软骨以及骨组织,之后的研究证明BMPs在胚胎发育过程中起到至关重要的作用.至今为止经过众多科学家的研究,牙齿发育与BMP信号通路的关系已经研究的相当透彻.  相似文献   

张春霞  刘峰 《遗传》2021,(4):295-306
血液系统是维持机体生命活动最重要的系统之一,为机体提供所需的氧气和营养物质,通过物质交换维持内环境的稳态,同时为机体提供免疫防御与保护。血细胞是血液的重要组成成分,机体中成熟血细胞类型起源于具有自我更新及分化潜能的多能成体干细胞—造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cells,HSCs)。造血干细胞及各类血细胞产生、发育及成熟的过程称为造血过程,该过程开始于胚胎发育早期并贯穿整个生命过程,任一阶段出现异常都可能导致血液疾病的发生。因此,深入探究造血发育过程及其调控机制对于认识并治疗血液疾病至关重要。近年来,以小鼠(Mus musculus)和斑马鱼(Danio rerio)作为动物模型来研究造血发育取得了一系列的进展。其中,BMP、Notch和Wnt等信号通路对造血干细胞的命运决定和产生发挥了重要作用。本文对这些信号通路在小鼠和斑马鱼造血过程中的调控作用进行系统总结,以期能够完善造血发育过程的调控网络并为临床应用提供指导。  相似文献   

Although embryonic patterning and early development of the nervous system have been studied for decades, our understanding of how signals instruct ectodermal derivatives to acquire specific identities has only recently started to form a coherent picture. In this mini-review, we summarize recent findings and models of how a handful of well-known secreted signals influence progenitor cells in successive binary decisions to adopt various cell type specific differentiation programs.  相似文献   

The liver has remarkable regeneration potency that restores liver mass and sustains body hemostasis. Liver regeneration through signaling pathways following resection or moderate damages are well studied. Various cell signaling, growth factors, cytokines, receptors, and cell types implicated in liver regeneration undergo controlled hypertrophy and proliferation. Some aspects of liver regeneration have been discovered and many investigations have been carried out to identify its mechanisms. However, for optimizing liver regeneration more should be understood about mechanisms that control the growth of hepatocytes and other liver cell types in adults. The current paper deals with the possible applicability of liver regeneration signaling pathways as a target for therapeutic approaches and preventing various liver damages. Furthermore, the latest findings of spectrum-specific signaling pathway mechanisms that underlie liver regeneration are briefly described.  相似文献   

The formation of somites in the course of vertebrate segmentation is governed by an oscillator known as the segmentation clock, which is characterized by a period ranging from 30 min to a few hours depending on the organism. This oscillator permits the synchronized activation of segmentation genes in successive cohorts of cells in the presomitic mesoderm in response to a periodic signal emitted by the segmentation clock, thereby defining the future segments. Recent microarray experiments [Dequeant, M.L., Glynn, E., Gaudenz, K., Wahl, M., Chen, J., Mushegian, A., Pourquie, O., 2006. A complex oscillating network of signaling genes underlies the mouse segmentation clock. Science 314, 1595-1598] indicate that the Notch, Wnt and Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) signaling pathways are involved in the mechanism of the segmentation clock. By means of computational modeling, we investigate the conditions in which sustained oscillations occur in these three signaling pathways. First we show that negative feedback mediated by the Lunatic Fringe protein on intracellular Notch activation can give rise to periodic behavior in the Notch pathway. We then show that negative feedback exerted by Axin2 on the degradation of β-catenin through formation of the Axin2 destruction complex can produce oscillations in the Wnt pathway. Likewise, negative feedback on FGF signaling mediated by the phosphatase product of the gene MKP3/Dusp6 can produce oscillatory gene expression in the FGF pathway. Coupling the Wnt, Notch and FGF oscillators through common intermediates can lead to synchronized oscillations in the three signaling pathways or to complex periodic behavior, depending on the relative periods of oscillations in the three pathways. The phase relationships between cycling genes in the three pathways depend on the nature of the coupling between the pathways and on their relative autonomous periods. The model provides a framework for analyzing the dynamics of the segmentation clock in terms of a network of oscillating modules involving the Wnt, Notch and FGF signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Branching morphogenesis in the lung serves as a model for the complex patterning that is reiterated in multiple organs throughout development. Beta-catenin and Wnt signaling mediate critical functions in cell fate specification and differentiation, but specific functions during branching morphogenesis have remained unclear. Here, we show that Wnt/beta-catenin signaling regulates proximal-distal differentiation of airway epithelium. Inhibition of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, either by expression of Dkk1 or by tissue-specific deletion of beta-catenin, results in disruption of distal airway development and expansion of proximal airways. Wnt/beta-catenin functions upstream of BMP4, FGF signaling, and N-myc. Moreover, we show that beta-catenin and LEF/TCF activate the promoters of BMP4 and N-myc. Thus, Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is a critical upstream regulator of proximal-distal patterning in the lung, in part, through regulation of N-myc, BMP4, and FGF signaling.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells appear early during embryogenesis and give rise to many structures in the mature adult. In particular, a specific population of neural crest cells migrates to and populates developing cranial tissues. The ensuing differentiation of these cells via individual complex and often intersecting signaling pathways is indispensible to growth and development of the craniofacial complex. Much research has been devoted to this area of development with particular emphasis on cell signaling events required for physiologic development. Understanding such mechanisms will allow researchers to investigate ways in which they can be exploited in order to treat a multitude of diseases affecting the craniofacial complex. Knowing how these multipotent cells are driven towards distinct fates could, in due course, allow patients to receive regenerative therapies for tissues lost to a variety of pathologies. In order to realize this goal, nucleotide sequencing advances allowing snapshots of entire genomes and exomes are being utilized to identify molecular entities associated with disease states. Once identified, these entities can be validated for biological significance with other methods. A crucial next step is the integration of knowledge gleaned from observations in disease states with normal physiology to generate an explanatory model for craniofacial development. This review seeks to provide a current view of the landscape on cell signaling and fate determination of the neural crest and to provide possible avenues of approach for future research.  相似文献   



The intricate regulation of several signaling pathways is essential for embryonic development and adult tissue homeostasis. Cancers commonly display aberrant activity within these pathways. A population of cells identified in several cancers, termed cancer stem cells (CSCs) show similar properties to normal stem cells and evidence suggests that altered developmental signaling pathways play an important role in maintaining CSCs and thereby the tumor itself.

Scope of review

This review will focus on the roles of the Notch, Wnt and Hedgehog pathways in the brain, breast and colon cancers. We describe the roles these pathways play in normal tissue homeostasis through the regulation of stem cell fate in these three tissues, and the experimental evidence indicating that the role of these pathways in cancers of these is directly linked to CSCs.

Major conclusions

A large body of evidence is accumulating to indicate that the deregulation of Notch, Wnt and Hedgehog pathways play important roles in both normal and cancer stem cells. We are only beginning to understand how these pathways interact, how they are coordinated during normal development and adult tissue homeostasis, and how they are deregulated during cancer. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that if we are to target CSCs therapeutically, it will likely be necessary to develop combination therapies.

General significance

If CSCs are the driving force behind tumor maintenance and growth then understanding the molecular mechanisms regulating CSCs is essential. Such knowledge will contribute to better targeted therapies that could significantly enhance cancer treatments and patient survival. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Biochemistry of Stem Cells.  相似文献   

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