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Patients with acute myeloid leukemia frequently develop chemotherapy resistant blasts. To overcome multidrug resistance, a diphtheria toxin fusion protein (DTIL3) was engineered by fusing the catalytic and translocation domains of diphtheria toxin (DT) to human interleukin-3 (IL-3). However, when blasts were isolated from patients and tested for colony growth inhibition by DTIL3, only a third of the samples showed sensitivity to the fusion protein. Prior to clinical development, we need to be able to identify which patients are likely to respond to therapy with DTIL3. In this report, we compared the inhibition of thymidine incorporation in human leukemia cell lines by DTIL3 to the IL-3 receptor number and affinity. We found DTIL3 was cytotoxic to four of the eight cell lines tested with half-maximal inhibition of thymidine incorporation (IC(50)) from 1 to 50 pM. The IL-3 receptor density for these cell lines ranged from 0 to 2635 receptors per cell. The dissociation constant for an IL-3 high-affinity receptor agonist was 0.5 nM for cell lines with receptors. We found a correlation for the cell lines between the presence of high-affinity IL-3 receptors and sensitivity to DTIL3 (p = 0.03). These results suggest the variability in sensitivity of patient leukemic progenitors to DTIL3 may be due in part to the presence or absence of high-affinity IL-3 receptors.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicity of combinations of a diphtheria toxin-human epidermal growth factor fusion protein (DAB(389)EGF) and a Pseudomonas exotoxin-human interleukin 13 fusion protein (IL13PE38QQR) was tested against 14 human glioma cell lines. After cells were cultured for 48 h with various concentrations of the fusion proteins, the percentage reductions in thymidine incorporation were determined. Seven of fourteen cell lines were highly sensitive to DAB(389)EGF alone, and six cell lines were highly sensitive to IL13PE38QQR alone with IC(90)'s < 100 pM. When combined, synergistic cell killing was observed for seven of the cell lines based upon concave isobolograms and combination indices (CI's) of 0.2 to 0.7. Supraadditive cytotoxicity was confirmed by measurements of induction of apoptosis. Receptor expression was assessed by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Marked heterogeneity of expression of EGFR and IL13Ralpha2 was seen on all the glioma cell lines. This heterogeneity may contribute to incomplete cell killing with the individual fusion proteins and synergistic cell kill with the combination. These results suggest that both fusion proteins may yield antitumor effects in patients with recurrent gliomas and that combination fusion protein intracranial therapy of malignant gliomas may yield an improved therapeutic index.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common, and most aggressive primary brain tumor among adults. A vast majority of the tumors express high levels of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as a consequence of gene amplification. Furthermore, gene amplification is often associated with mutation of EGFR, and the constitutive activated deletion variant EGFRvIII is the most common EGFR mutation found in GBM. Activated EGFR signaling, through overexpression and/or mutation, is involved in increased tumorigenic potential. As such, EGFR is an attractive target for GBM therapy. However, clinical studies with EGFR inhibitors have shown inconsistent results, and as such, further knowledge regarding the role of EGFR and EGFRvIII in GBM is needed. For this, an appropriate in vivo/in vitro tumor model is required. Here, we report the establishment of an experimental GBM model in which the expressions of EGFR and EGFRvIII are maintained both in xenograft tumors growing subcutaneously on mice and in cell cultures established in stem cell conditions. With this model it will be possible to further study the role of EGFR and EGFRvIII, and response to targeted therapy, in GBM.  相似文献   

We have previously generated microphthalmic mice lacking lens fiber cells by targeting the expression of the diphtheria toxin A (DT-A) gene in transgenic mice with regulatory sequences associated with the mouse gamma 2-crystallin gene. Because of the extreme toxicity of DT to animal cells and the potential leakiness of many tissue-specific regulatory regions, we investigated whether there might be an experimental advantage in using a mutant, attenuated form of the DT-A gene (tox-176) fused to gamma 2-crystallin regulatory sequences to ablate fiber cells in the ocular lens. In contrast to the microphthalmia observed in transgenic animals carrying the native DT-A gene, independent lines of mice transgenic for the gamma 2tox176 construct displayed predominantly cataracts or clinical anophthalmia. These contrasting phenotypes were transmitted within each pedigree, although for some lines some phenotypic heterogeneity among offspring was noted. The difference in phenotype between cataractous and clinically anophthalmic transgenic lines could not be ascribed to differences in the transgene copy number. Instead, the results suggest that transgene expression and hence the extent of genetic ablation are modulated by the site of chromosomal integration and, to a lesser extent, by epigenetic events. They also suggest that the attenuated gamma 2tox176 construct can integrate into chromosomal regions that are particularly favorable for expression without compromising embryological development and therefore that the tox-176 gene may be more versatile and effective than the wild-type DT-A gene for achieving genetic ablation with a broad range of cell- or tissue-specific regulatory sequences.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that a single-chain T cell receptor/IL-2 fusion protein (scTCR-IL2) exhibits potent targeted antitumor activity in nude mice bearing human tumor xenografts that display cognate peptide/HLA complexes. In this study, we further explore the mechanism of action of this molecule. We compared the biological activities of c264scTCR-IL2, a scTCR-IL2 protein recognizing the aa264–272 peptide of human p53, with that of MART-1scTCR-IL2, which recognizes the MART-1 melanoma antigen (aa27–35). In vitro studies showed that c264scTCR-IL2 and MART-1scTCR-IL2 were equivalent in their ability to bind cell-surface IL-2 receptors and stimulate NK cell responses. In mice, MART-1scTCR-IL2 was found to have a twofold longer serum half-life than c264scTCR-IL2. However, despite its shorter serum half-life, c264scTCR-IL2 showed significantly better antitumor activity than MART-1scTCR-IL2 against p53+/HLA-A2+ tumor xenografts. The more potent antitumor activity of c264scTCR-IL2 correlated with an enhanced capacity to promote NK cell infiltration into tumors. Similar differences in antigen-dependent tumor infiltration were observed with activated splenocytes pre-treated in vitro with c264scTCR-IL2 or MART-1scTCR-IL2 and then transferred into p53+/HLA-A2+ tumor bearing recipients. The data support a model where c264scTCR-IL2 activates immune cells to express IL-2 receptors. Following stable interactions with cell-surface IL-2 receptors, c264scTCR-IL2 fusion molecule enhances the trafficking of immune cells to tumors displaying target peptide/HLA complexes where the immune cells mediate antitumor effects. Thus, this type of fusion molecule could be used directly as a targeted immunotherapeutic or in adoptive cell transfer approaches to activate and improve the anti-cancer activities of immune cells by providing them with pre-selected antigen recognition capability.  相似文献   

Purpose: Albuleukin fusion protein is a recombinant human interleukin-2 (rIL-2) genetically fused to recombinant human serum albumin (rHSA). The pharmacokinetics and pharmacologic activity of Albuleukin were examined in mice to determine whether the fusion protein had the immunomodulatory and anti-tumor properties of rIL-2 as well as a prolonged serum half-life due to the rHSA. Methods: The effect of Albuleukin on lymphocyte proliferation, IL-2 receptor binding, and release of IFN- from human NK cells were examined in vitro. For the pharmacokinetic analysis, Albuleukin and rIL-2 were administered intravenously (i.v.) and subcutaneously (s.c.) to BALB/c mice, both at a single dose of 500 g/kg. The anti-tumor properties of Albuleukin were evaluated in a Renca tumor model in BALB/c mice and in a metastatic liver model of B16F10 melanoma in C57B1/6 mice. In the Renca tumor model, BALB/c mice were dosed intraperitoneally (i.p.) and s.c. with Albuleukin on days 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, and 23 and i.p. with rIL-2 daily for two periods of 5 days (days 10–14 and 17–21). In the B16 melanoma model, C57B1/6 mice were dosed s.c. with rIL-2 twice daily or Albuleukin every 48 h for 14 days. Results: In vitro, Albuleukin induced the proliferation of primary human and mouse T cells and B cells and primary human NK cells, competed with rIL-2 for binding to the IL-2 receptors, and induced the production of IFN- from primary human NK cells. The s.c. bioavailability of Albuleukin was about 45% relative to the i.v. dose. Plasma half-life was prolonged and ranged from 6 to 8 h with Albuleukin, compared to 19–57 min with rIL-2. Total clearance of Albuleukin was about 50-fold slower than that of rIL-2 after i.v. dosing. In vivo, Albuleukin suppressed the growth of Renca tumors and induced a dense infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Both Albuleukin and rIL-2 significantly reduced the tumor burden in mice with hepatic B16F10 metastases. Albuleukin significantly reduced the incidence of residual macroscopic hepatic tumors, resulting in improved survival relative to controls and rIL-2. Conclusion: Results from these studies suggest that the therapeutic efficacy of rIL-2 is improved in mice by prolonging its in vivo half-life through genetic fusion to albumin. Albuleukin, the fusion protein, had pronounced anti-tumor effects in Renca and hepatic melanoma tumor models without an increase in mortality. On the basis of its preclinical effects, Albuleukin was brought to the clinic to assess its therapeutic benefit in a variety of cancers.  相似文献   

IL-13 has emerged as a major contributor to allergic and asthmatic responses, and as such it represents an attractive target in these diseases. In this study, IL-13-responsive cells in the lung were targeted via the intranasal administration of IL-13-PE38QQR (IL-13-PE), comprised of human IL-13 and a derivative of Pseudomonas exotoxin, to Aspergillus fumigatus-sensitized mice challenged with A. fumigatus spores, or conidia. Mice received 50, 100, or 200 ng of IL-13-PE or diluent alone (i.e., control group) on alternate days from day 14 to day 28 after the conidia challenge. The control group of mice exhibited significant airway hyperreactivity, goblet cell hyperplasia, and peribronchial fibrosis at day 28 after conidia. Although the two lower doses of IL-13-PE had limited therapeutic effects in mice with fungal-induced allergic airway disease, the highest dose of IL-13-PE tested significantly reduced all features of airway disease compared with the control group. Whole lung mRNA expression of IL-4Ralpha and IL-13Ralpha1 was markedly reduced, whereas bronchoalveolar lavage and whole lung levels of IFN-gamma were significantly elevated in mice treated with 200 ng of IL-13-PE compared with the control group. This study demonstrates that a therapy designed to target IL-13-responsive cells in the lung ameliorates established fungal-induced allergic airway disease in mice.  相似文献   

We developed a fusion toxin, DT388IL3, consisting of the catalytic and translocation domains of diphtheria toxin (DT388) linked to interleukin 3 (IL3) for the treatment of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Our goal in this study was to estimate a range for the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and to evaluate the dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) of DT388IL3 in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fasicularis), which possess cross-reactive IL3 receptors. In our previous study, we administered up to six infusions of DT388IL3 at 40, 60, or 100 g/kg every other day to three pairs (one male monkey and one female monkey) of young adult monkeys. In five of six monkeys, results showed a dose-dependent increase in malaise and anorexia but no consistent abnormalities in serum chemistries or blood counts. There was no evidence of organ damage by blood tests or histopathology. However, the female treated at 100 g/kg, died of moderate to severe vasculitis of multiple tissues. Based on these findings, this study repeated the 100 g/kg group and added a group that received 150 g/kg in an effort to confirm a dose response. Two female monkeys were treated with up to six infusions of DT388IL3 at 100 g/kg or 150 g/kg every other day. One additional female monkey was treated as a negative control. Monkeys in the 100 g/kg group showed moderate malaise and anorexia, but no consistent abnormalities in blood counts or serum chemistries. Moderate elevations of liver enzymes were noted in the 150 g/kg group in addition to severe malaise and anorexia. No significant findings were revealed at gross necropsy. The histopathological findings revealed regenerative myeloid hyperplasia and hepatic degeneration and regeneration in the 150 g/kg group. Similar lesions of less severity were detected in the 100 g/kg group. DT388IL3 plasma half-life was approximately 20 min with a peak concentration of approximately 2 g/ml (30,000 pM). The IC50 for AML blasts in vitro was 6 pM. Collectively, our results suggest that DT388IL3 can be tolerated at doses up to 100 g/kg in a nonhuman primate, which is higher than previously reported for other AML directed diphtheria toxin fusion proteins, and should in principle allow for dose escalation with reduced toxic side effects. Based on these findings a phase I clinical trial has recently been initiated with DT388IL3 for the treatment of AML.  相似文献   

High affinity IL-2R5 is present on recently activated but not on resting or memory T cells. Selective targeting of T cells bearing high affinity IL-2R is an attractive therapy for many T cell-dependent cytopathic disease processes. A variety of rodent mAbs directed against the alpha-chain of the IL-2R, as well as IL-2 fusion toxins, have been used in animals and humans to achieve selective immunosuppression. Here we report on the development of a novel IL-2R targeting agent, a cytolytic chimeric IL-2/Fc fusion protein. This immunoligand binds specifically and with high affinity to IL-2R and is structurally capable of recruiting host Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and complement-dependent cytotoxicity activities. The Ig component ensures an extended circulating t1/2 of 25 h following systemic administration. To subsequently explore the mechanisms of the antidiabetogenic effects of IL-2/Fc, we have mutated the FcR binding and complement C1q binding (Fc-/-) domains of the Fc fragment to render the Fc unable to direct Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and complement-dependent cytotoxicity activities. In a model of passive transfer of diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice, lytic IL-2/Fc, but not nonlytic IL-2/Fc-/-, exhibited striking antidiabetogenic effects. Together with the negligible potential of IL-2/Fc for immunogenicity, this finding forecasts that cytolytic IL-2/Fc may offer a new therapeutic approach for selective targeting of auto and alloimmune T cells.  相似文献   

The protein tyrosine phosphatase zeta/receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase beta (PTPzeta/RPTPbeta) and its ligand pleiotrophin (PTN) are overexpressed in human glioblastomas. Both molecules are involved in neuronal cell migration during CNS development. In addition, PTN can induce glioma cell migration which is at least in part mediated through binding to PTPzeta/RPTPbeta. To study the relevance of this ligand-receptor pair for glioma growth in vitro and in vivo, we transfected the human glioblastoma cell line U251-MG with small interfering RNA (siRNA) directed against PTPzeta/RPTPbeta. Stable siRNA transfection resulted in strong down-regulation of PTPzeta/RPTPbeta expression. When injected subcutaneously into nude mice, clones that expressed normal levels of PTPzeta/RPTPbeta (PTPzeta + clones) formed exponentially growing tumours, whereas tumour growth was almost completely abrogated for clones that expressed reduced PTPzeta/RPTPbeta levels (PTPzeta - clones). Similar results were obtained using an orthotopic intracerebral model. Proliferation of PTPzeta - cells in vitro was significantly reduced compared with that of control clones. Matrix-immobilized PTN stimulated the proliferation of PTPzeta + cells but not of PTPzeta - cells. Haptotactic migration induced by PTN was reduced for PTPzeta - clones compared with control clones. Our findings suggest that antagonization of PTPzeta/RPTPbeta expression can inhibit glioma growth in vivo and may thus represent a potentially promising treatment strategy.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the inflammatory cytokine IL-15 plays an important role in the development of several autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis. We have generated a unique lytic and antagonistic IL-15 mutant/Fcgamma2a fusion protein (CRB-15) that targets the IL-15R. In the present study we examined the effects of targeting the IL-15R on the prevention and treatment of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice and probed the possible mechanisms of action of this IL-15 mutant/Fcgamma2a protein. Upon immunization with type II collagen, DBA/1 mice develop severe articular inflammation and destruction. Treatment of DBA/1 mice with a brief course of CRB-15 at the time of type II collagen challenge markedly inhibited the incidence and severity of arthritis. Moreover, in animals with ongoing established arthritis, treatment with CRB-15 effectively blocked disease progression compared with that in control-treated animals. The therapeutic effect of CRB-15 on either disease development or disease progression is remarkably stable, because withdrawal of treatment did not lead to disease relapse. A detailed analysis revealed that treatment with CRB-15 decreased synovitis in the joints; reduced bone erosion and cartilage destruction; reduced in situ production of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, and IL-17; and decreased the responder frequency of autoreactive T cells. Our study suggests that the effective targeting of IL-15R-triggered events with CRB-15 can be of therapeutic importance in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

The IL-3 receptor was expressed on a high frequency of myeloid leukemia cells and also on hematopoietic and vascular cells. We previously showed that a recombinant IL-3 fusion immunotoxin (DT(390)IL-3) expressed by splicing the murine IL-3 gene to a truncated diphtheria toxin (DT(390)) gene selectively killed IL-3R(+) expressing cells and was not uniformly toxic to uncommitted BM progenitor cells (Chan,C.-H., Blazar,B.R., Greenfield,L., Kreitman,R.J. and Vallera,D.A., 1996, Blood, 88, 1445-1456). Thus, we explored the feasibility of using DT(390)IL-3 as an anti-leukemia agent. DT(390)IL-3 was toxic when administered to mice at doses as low as 0.1 microg/day. The dose limiting toxicity appeared to be related to platelet and bleeding effects of the fusion toxin. Because of these effects, DT(390)IL-3 was studied ex vivo as a means of purging contaminating leukemia cells from BM grafts in a murine autologous BM transplantation. In this setting, as few as 1000 IL-3R-expressing, bcr/abl transformed myeloid 32Dp210 leukemia cells were lethal. An optimal purging interval of 10 nM/l for 8 h eliminated leukemia cells from 32Dp210/BM mixtures given to lethally irradiated (8 Gy) C3H/HeJ syngeneic mice. Mice given treated grafts containing BM and a lethal dose of 32Dp210 cells survived over 100 days while mice given untreated grafts did not survive (P < 0.00001). DT(390)IL-3 may prove highly useful for ex vivo purging of lethal malignant leukemia cells from autologous BM grafts.  相似文献   

The development of airways hyperreactivity in allergic IL-13(-/-) mice is controversial and appears to correlate with the number of times that the original 129 x C57BL/6 founder strain has been crossed to the BALB/c background. In this investigation, we compared allergic responses in founder IL-13(-/-) mice crossed for either 5 (N5) or 10 (N10) generations to BALB/c mice. Whereas allergic N5 IL-13(-/-) mice developed airways hyperreactivity, tissue eosinophilia, elevated IgE, and pulmonary expression of Ym proteins, these processes were attenuated in N5 IL-13(-/-) mice treated with an IL-4-neutralizing Ab, and in N10 IL-13(-/-) mice. These data showed that IL-4 was more effective in regulating allergic responses in N5 IL-13(-/-) mice than in N10 IL-13(-/-) mice. To elucidate the mechanism associated with these observations, we show by restriction and sequence analysis that N5 IL-13(-/-) mice express the C57BL/6 form of IL-4Ralpha and N10 IL-13(-/-) mice express the BALB/c form. Despite the near identical predicted molecular mass of these isoforms, IL-4Ralpha from N5 IL-13(-/-) mice migrates with a slower electrophoretic mobility than IL-4Ralpha from N10 IL-13(-/-) mice, suggesting more extensive posttranslational modification of the N5 form. The Thre(49)Ile polymorphism in the extracellular domain of BALB/c IL-4Ralpha has been demonstrated to disrupt N-linked glycosylation of Asn(47) and increase the dissociation rate of the IL-4Ralpha/IL-4 interaction. Collectively, these data show that polymorphisms in IL-4Ralpha, which have been shown to affect the interaction with IL-4, correlate with the ability of IL-4 to regulate allergic responses in IL-13(-/-) mice.  相似文献   

Crude messenger ribonucleic acid fractions isolated from Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Escherichia coli were translated in an E. coli in vitro protein-synthesizing system and yielded precursors of the secreted proteins diphtheria toxin and alkaline phosphatase, respectively. Addition of inverted E. coli inner membrane vesicles to the system during the initial stages of translation resulted in the intravesicular segregation of mature diphtheria toxin and alkaline phosphatase. Outer membrane vesicles or inner membrane vesicles whose cytoplasmic surfaces had been treated with pronase could not mediate transmembrane transfer of diphtheria toxin or alkaline phosphatase. However, inner membrane vesicles isolated from E. coli spheroplasts which had been treated with pronase and inner membrane vesicles complexed with ribosomes during pronase treatment were functional in transmembrane transfer. At temperatures below the phase transition of E. coli membranes, no intravesicular segregation of alkaline phosphatase or diphtheria toxin was observed. The precursor forms of each protein accumulated free from the vesicles. These results suggest that an inner membrane protein, exposed on the cytoplasmic surface, plays an integral role in secretion.  相似文献   

We have genetically replaced the diphtheria toxin receptor binding domain with a synthetic gene encoding interleukin-2 (IL-2) and a translational stop signal. The diphtheria toxin-related T-cell growth factor fusion gene encodes a 70 586-d polypeptide, pro-IL-2-toxin. The mature form of IL-2-toxin has a deduced mol. wt of 68,086 and is shown to be exported to the periplasmic compartment of Escherichia coli (pABI508), and contain immunologic determinants intrinsic to both its diphtheria toxin and IL-2 components. IL-2-toxin has been purified from periplasmic extracts of recombinant strains of E. coli (pABI508) by immunoaffinity chromatography using immobilized anti-IL-2. The purified chimeric toxin is shown to selectively inhibit protein synthesis in IL-2 receptor bearing targeted cells, whereas cell lines which do not express the IL-2 receptor are resistant to IL-2-toxin action.  相似文献   

IL-12 and IL-15 stimulate T, B, and NK cell functions through independent mechanisms, and cooperative effects of these cytokines have been reported. The human MHC class I-negative small cell lung cancer cell line, N592, genetically engineered to secrete IL-15, N592/IL-15, showed a reduced tumor growth rate, while N592 cells engineered with IL-12, N592/IL-12, grew similarly to the wild-type N592, N592 parental cells (N592pc), in nude mice. However, N592 cells coexpressing both cytokines, N592/IL-12/IL-15 cells, were completely rejected by 100% of nude mice. Here we show that 60% of nude mice rejecting N592/IL-12/IL-15 cells were resistant to N592pc rechallenge. SCID mice rejected N592/IL-12/IL-15 cells, but did not develop resistance to N592pc rechallenge, suggesting a role of Ab responses. Among nude mice rejecting N592/IL-12/IL-15 cells, those developing resistance to N592pc rechallenge had significantly higher titers of anti-N592 IgG2b Abs than nonresistant nude mice. Induction of an Ig class switch in nude mice was related to the expression of IFN-gamma and CD40 ligand in the draining lymph nodes. An IgG2b, anti-N592 mAb, derived from N592/IL-12/IL-15-immunized nude mice splenocytes induced significant protection against N592pc, while an IgM mAb was ineffective. The protective IgG2b mAb, but not the IgM mAb, triggered Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity by nude mouse splenocytes against N592pc. These data indicate that IL-12 and IL-15 synergistically trigger innate, immunity-mediated, anti-tumor effects, resulting in cytotoxic IgG Ab responses in T cell-deficient mice. Protective Ab responses may relate to both direct actions of IL-12 and IL-15 on B cells and to the activation of an innate immunity-B cell cross-talk.  相似文献   

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