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Analyzing all the deterministic dynamics of a Boolean regulatory network is a difficult problem since it grows exponentially with the number of nodes. In this paper, we present mathematical and computational tools for analyzing the complete deterministic dynamics of Boolean regulatory networks. For this, the notion of alliance is introduced, which is a subconfiguration of states that remains fixed regardless of the values of the other nodes. Also, equivalent classes are considered, which are sets of updating schedules which have the same dynamics. Using these techniques, we analyze two yeast cell cycle models. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed tools for analyzing update robustness as well as the discovery of new information related to the attractors of the yeast cell cycle models considering all the possible deterministic dynamics, which previously have only been studied considering the parallel updating scheme.  相似文献   

Boolean models of regulatory networks are assumed to be tolerant to perturbations. That qualitatively implies that each function can only depend on a few nodes. Biologically motivated constraints further show that functions found in Boolean regulatory networks belong to certain classes of functions, for example, the unate functions. It turns out that these classes have specific properties in the Fourier domain. That motivates us to study the problem of detecting controlling nodes in classes of Boolean networks using spectral techniques. We consider networks with unbalanced functions and functions of an average sensitivity less than ?k, where k is the number of controlling variables for a function. Further, we consider the class of 1-low networks which include unate networks, linear threshold networks, and networks with nested canalyzing functions. We show that the application of spectral learning algorithms leads to both better time and sample complexity for the detection of controlling nodes compared with algorithms based on exhaustive search. For a particular algorithm, we state analytical upper bounds on the number of samples needed to find the controlling nodes of the Boolean functions. Further, improved algorithms for detecting controlling nodes in large-scale unate networks are given and numerically studied.  相似文献   

We study intrinsic properties of attractor in Boolean dynamics of complex networks with scale-free topology, comparing with those of the so-called Kauffman's random Boolean networks. We numerically study both frozen and relevant nodes in each attractor in the dynamics of relatively small networks (20?N?200). We investigate numerically robustness of an attractor to a perturbation. An attractor with cycle length of ?c in a network of size N consists of ?c states in the state space of 2N states; each attractor has the arrangement of N nodes, where the cycle of attractor sweeps ?c states. We define a perturbation as a flip of the state on a single node in the attractor state at a given time step. We show that the rate between unfrozen and relevant nodes in the dynamics of a complex network with scale-free topology is larger than that in Kauffman's random Boolean network model. Furthermore, we find that in a complex scale-free network with fluctuation of the in-degree number, attractors are more sensitive to a state flip for a highly connected node (i.e. input-hub node) than to that for a less connected node. By some numerical examples, we show that the number of relevant nodes increases, when an input-hub node is coincident with and/or connected with an output-hub node (i.e. a node with large output-degree) one another.  相似文献   

Kochi N  Matache MT 《Bio Systems》2012,108(1-3):14-27
In this paper we provide a mean-field Boolean network model for a signal transduction network of a generic fibroblast cell. The network consists of several main signaling pathways, including the receptor tyrosine kinase, the G-protein coupled receptor, and the Integrin signaling pathway. The network consists of 130 nodes, each representing a signaling molecule (mainly proteins). Nodes are governed by Boolean dynamics including canalizing functions as well as totalistic Boolean functions that depend only on the overall fraction of active nodes. We categorize the Boolean functions into several different classes. Using a mean-field approach we generate a mathematical formula for the probability of a node becoming active at any time step. The model is shown to be a good match for the actual network. This is done by iterating both the actual network and the model and comparing the results numerically. Using the Boolean model it is shown that the system is stable under a variety of parameter combinations. It is also shown that this model is suitable for assessing the dynamics of the network under protein mutations. Analytical results support the numerical observations that in the long-run at most half of the nodes of the network are active.  相似文献   

Deng X  Geng H  Matache MT 《Bio Systems》2007,88(1-2):16-34
An asynchronous Boolean network with N nodes whose states at each time point are determined by certain parent nodes is considered. We make use of the models developed by Matache and Heidel [Matache, M.T., Heidel, J., 2005. Asynchronous random Boolean network model based on elementary cellular automata rule 126. Phys. Rev. E 71, 026232] for a constant number of parents, and Matache [Matache, M.T., 2006. Asynchronous random Boolean network model with variable number of parents based on elementary cellular automata rule 126. IJMPB 20 (8), 897-923] for a varying number of parents. In both these papers the authors consider an asynchronous updating of all nodes, with asynchrony generated by various random distributions. We supplement those results by using various stochastic processes as generators for the number of nodes to be updated at each time point. In this paper we use the following stochastic processes: Poisson process, random walk, birth and death process, Brownian motion, and fractional Brownian motion. We study the dynamics of the model through sensitivity of the orbits to initial values, bifurcation diagrams, and fixed-point analysis. The dynamics of the system show that the number of nodes to be updated at each time point is of great importance, especially for the random walk, the birth and death, and the Brownian motion processes. Small or moderate values for the number of updated nodes generate order, while large values may generate chaos depending on the underlying parameters. The Poisson process generates order. With fractional Brownian motion, as the values of the Hurst parameter increase, the system exhibits order for a wider range of combinations of the underlying parameters.  相似文献   

Feedback loops play an important role in determining the dynamics of biological networks. To study the role of negative feedback loops, this article introduces the notion of distance-to-positive-feedback which, in essence, captures the number of independent negative feedback loops in the network, a property inherent in the network topology. Through a computational study using Boolean networks, it is shown that distance-to-positive-feedback has a strong influence on network dynamics and correlates very well with the number and length of limit cycles in the phase space of the network. To be precise, it is shown that, as the number of independent negative feedback loops increases, the number (length) of limit cycles tends to decrease (increase). These conclusions are consistent with the fact that certain natural biological networks exhibit generally regular behavior and have fewer negative feedback loops than randomized networks with the same number of nodes and same connectivity.  相似文献   

Due to the recent progress of the DNA microarray technology, a large number of gene expression profile data are being produced. How to analyze gene expression data is an important topic in computational molecular biology. Several studies have been done using the Boolean network as a model of a genetic network. This paper proposes efficient algorithms for identifying Boolean networks of bounded indegree and related biological networks, where identification of a Boolean network can be formalized as a problem of identifying many Boolean functions simultaneously. For the identification of a Boolean network, an O(mnD+1) time naive algorithm and a simple O (mnD) time algorithm are known, where n denotes the number of nodes, m denotes the number of examples, and D denotes the maximum in degree. This paper presents an improved O(momega-2nD + mnD+omega-3) time Monte-Carlo type randomized algorithm, where omega is the exponent of matrix multiplication (currently, omega < 2.376). The algorithm is obtained by combining fast matrix multiplication with the randomized fingerprint function for string matching. Although the algorithm and its analysis are simple, the result is nontrivial and the technique can be applied to several related problems.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical framework for the analysis of the effect of a fully differentiated cell population on a neighboring stem cell population in Multi-Cellular Organisms (MCOs). Such an organism is constituted by a set of different cell populations, each set of which converges to a different cycle from all possible options, of the same Boolean network. Cells communicate via a subset of the nodes called signals. We show that generic dynamic properties of cycles and nodes in random Boolean networks can induce cell differentiation. Specifically we propose algorithms, conditions and methods to examine if a set of signaling nodes enabling these conversions can be found. Surprisingly we find that robust conversions can be obtained even with a very small number of signals. The proposed conversions can occur in multiple spatial organizations and can be used as a model for regeneration in MCOs, where an islet of cells of one type (representing stem cells) is surrounded by cells of another type (representing differentiated cells). The cells at the outer layer of the islet function like progenitor cells (i.e. dividing asymmetrically and differentiating). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work showing a tissue-like regeneration in MCO simulations based on random Boolean networks. We show that the probability to obtain a conversion decreases with the log of the node number in the network, showing that the model is relevant for large networks as well. We have further checked that the conversions are not trivial, i.e. conversions do not occur due to irregular structures of the Boolean network, and the converting cycle undergoes a respectable change in its behavior. Finally we show that the model can also be applied to a realistic genetic regulatory network, showing that the basic mathematical insight from regular networks holds in more complex experiment-based networks.  相似文献   



A grand challenge in the modeling of biological systems is the identification of key variables which can act as targets for intervention. Boolean networks are among the simplest of models, yet they have been shown to adequately model many of the complex dynamics of biological systems. In our recent work, we utilized a logic minimization approach to identify quality single variable targets for intervention from the state space of a Boolean network. However, as the number of variables in a network increases, the more likely it is that a successful intervention strategy will require multiple variables. Thus, for larger networks, such an approach is required in order to identify more complex intervention strategies while working within the limited view of the network’s state space. Specifically, we address three primary challenges for the large network arena: the first challenge is how to consider many subsets of variables, the second is to design clear methods and measures to identify the best targets for intervention in a systematic way, and the third is to work with an intractable state space through sampling.


We introduce a multiple variable intervention target called a template and show through simulation studies of random networks that these templates are able to identify top intervention targets in increasingly large Boolean networks. We first show that, when other methods show drastic loss in performance, template methods show no significant performance loss between fully explored and partially sampled Boolean state spaces. We also show that, when other methods show a complete inability to produce viable intervention targets in sampled Boolean state spaces, template methods maintain significantly consistent success rates even as state space sizes increase exponentially with larger networks. Finally, we show the utility of the template approach on a real-world Boolean network modeling T-LGL leukemia.


Overall, these results demonstrate how template-based approaches now effectively take over for our previous single variable approaches and produce quality intervention targets in larger networks requiring sampled state spaces.

Boolean networks have been widely used to model biological processes lacking detailed kinetic information. Despite their simplicity, Boolean network dynamics can still capture some important features of biological systems such as stable cell phenotypes represented by steady states. For small models, steady states can be determined through exhaustive enumeration of all state transitions. As the number of nodes increases, however, the state space grows exponentially thus making it difficult to find steady states. Over the last several decades, many studies have addressed how to handle such a state space explosion. Recently, increasing attention has been paid to a satisfiability solving algorithm due to its potential scalability to handle large networks. Meanwhile, there still lies a problem in the case of large models with high maximum node connectivity where the satisfiability solving algorithm is known to be computationally intractable. To address the problem, this paper presents a new partitioning-based method that breaks down a given network into smaller subnetworks. Steady states of each subnetworks are identified by independently applying the satisfiability solving algorithm. Then, they are combined to construct the steady states of the overall network. To efficiently apply the satisfiability solving algorithm to each subnetwork, it is crucial to find the best partition of the network. In this paper, we propose a method that divides each subnetwork to be smallest in size and lowest in maximum node connectivity. This minimizes the total cost of finding all steady states in entire subnetworks. The proposed algorithm is compared with others for steady states identification through a number of simulations on both published small models and randomly generated large models with differing maximum node connectivities. The simulation results show that our method can scale up to several hundreds of nodes even for Boolean networks with high maximum node connectivity. The algorithm is implemented and available at http://cps.kaist.ac.kr/∼ckhong/tools/download/PAD.tar.gz.  相似文献   

In this article the question of reconstructing a phylogeny from additive distance data is addressed. Previous algorithms used the complete distance matrix of then OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Unit), that corresponds to the tips of the tree. This usedO(n 2) computing time. It is shown that this is wasteful for biologically reasonable trees. If the tree has internal nodes with degrees that are bounded onO(n*log(n)) algorithm is possible. It is also shown if the nodes can have unbounded degrees the problem hasn 2 as lower bound.  相似文献   

TH Chueh  HH Lu 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42095
One great challenge of genomic research is to efficiently and accurately identify complex gene regulatory networks. The development of high-throughput technologies provides numerous experimental data such as DNA sequences, protein sequence, and RNA expression profiles makes it possible to study interactions and regulations among genes or other substance in an organism. However, it is crucial to make inference of genetic regulatory networks from gene expression profiles and protein interaction data for systems biology. This study will develop a new approach to reconstruct time delay Boolean networks as a tool for exploring biological pathways. In the inference strategy, we will compare all pairs of input genes in those basic relationships by their corresponding [Formula: see text]-scores for every output gene. Then, we will combine those consistent relationships to reveal the most probable relationship and reconstruct the genetic network. Specifically, we will prove that [Formula: see text] state transition pairs are sufficient and necessary to reconstruct the time delay Boolean network of [Formula: see text] nodes with high accuracy if the number of input genes to each gene is bounded. We also have implemented this method on simulated and empirical yeast gene expression data sets. The test results show that this proposed method is extensible for realistic networks.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A Boolean network is a simple computational model that may provide insight into the overall behavior of genetic networks and is represented by variables with two possible states (on/off), of the individual nodes/genes of the network. In this study, a Boolean network model has been used to simulate a molecular pathway between two neurotransmitter receptor, dopamine and glutamate receptor, systems in order to understand the consequence of using logic gate rules between nodes, which have two possible states (active and inactive). RESULTS: The dynamical properties of this Boolean network model of the biochemical pathway shows that, the pathway is stable and that, deletion/knockout of certain biologically important nodes cause significant perturbation to this network. The analysis clearly shows that in addition to the expected components dopamine and dopamine receptor 2 (DRD2), Ca(2+) ions play a critical role in maintaining stability of the pathway. CONCLUSION: So this method may be useful for the identification of potential genetic targets, whose loss of function in biochemical pathways may be responsible for disease onset. The molecular pathway considered in this study has been implicated with a complex disorder like schizophrenia, which has a complex multifactorial etiology.  相似文献   

The influence of unreliable synapses on the dynamic properties of a neural network is investigated for a homogeneous integrate-and-fire network with delayed inhibitory synapses. Numerical and analytical calculations show that the network relaxes to a state with dynamic clusters of identical size which permanently exchange neurons. We present analytical results for the number of clusters and their distribution of firing times which are determined by the synaptic properties. The number of possible configurations increases exponentially with network size. In addition to states with a maximal number of clusters, metastable ones with a smaller number of clusters survive for an exponentially large time scale. An externally excited cluster survives for some time, too, thus clusters may encode information.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method to reverse engineer gene regulatory networks from experimental data. The modeling framework used is time-discrete deterministic dynamical systems, with a finite set of states for each of the variables. The simplest examples of such models are Boolean networks, in which variables have only two possible states. The use of a larger number of possible states allows a finer discretization of experimental data and more than one possible mode of action for the variables, depending on threshold values. Furthermore, with a suitable choice of state set, one can employ powerful tools from computational algebra, that underlie the reverse-engineering algorithm, avoiding costly enumeration strategies. To perform well, the algorithm requires wildtype together with perturbation time courses. This makes it suitable for small to meso-scale networks rather than networks on a genome-wide scale. An analysis of the complexity of the algorithm is performed. The algorithm is validated on a recently published Boolean network model of segment polarity development in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

A Boolean network is a graphical model for representing and analyzing the behavior of gene regulatory networks (GRN). In this context, the accurate and efficient reconstruction of a Boolean network is essential for understanding the gene regulation mechanism and the complex relations that exist therein. In this paper we introduce an elegant and efficient algorithm for the reverse engineering of Boolean networks from a time series of multivariate binary data corresponding to gene expression data. We call our method ReBMM, i.e., reverse engineering based on Bernoulli mixture models. The time complexity of most of the existing reverse engineering techniques is quite high and depends upon the indegree of a node in the network. Due to the high complexity of these methods, they can only be applied to sparsely connected networks of small sizes. ReBMM has a time complexity factor, which is independent of the indegree of a node and is quadratic in the number of nodes in the network, a big improvement over other techniques and yet there is little or no compromise in accuracy. We have tested ReBMM on a number of artificial datasets along with simulated data derived from a plant signaling network. We also used this method to reconstruct a network from real experimental observations of microarray data of the yeast cell cycle. Our method provides a natural framework for generating rules from a probabilistic model. It is simple, intuitive and illustrates excellent empirical results.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Various computational models have been of interest due to their use in the modelling of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). As a logical model, probabilistic Boolean networks (PBNs) consider molecular and genetic noise, so the study of PBNs provides significant insights into the understanding of the dynamics of GRNs. This will ultimately lead to advances in developing therapeutic methods that intervene in the process of disease development and progression. The applications of PBNs, however, are hindered by the complexities involved in the computation of the state transition matrix and the steady-state distribution of a PBN. For a PBN with n genes and N Boolean networks, the complexity to compute the state transition matrix is O(nN22n) or O(nN2n) for a sparse matrix. RESULTS: This paper presents a novel implementation of PBNs based on the notions of stochastic logic and stochastic computation. This stochastic implementation of a PBN is referred to as a stochastic Boolean network (SBN). An SBN provides an accurate and efficient simulation of a PBN without and with random gene perturbation. The state transition matrix is computed in an SBN with a complexity of O(nL2n), where L is a factor related to the stochastic sequence length. Since the minimum sequence length required for obtaining an evaluation accuracy approximately increases in a polynomial order with the number of genes, n, and the number of Boolean networks, N, usually increases exponentially with n, L is typically smaller than N, especially in a network with a large number of genes. Hence, the computational complexity of an SBN is primarily limited by the number of genes, but not directly by the total possible number of Boolean networks. Furthermore, a time-frame expanded SBN enables an efficient analysis of the steady-state distribution of a PBN. These findings are supported by the simulation results of a simplified p53 network, several randomly generated networks and a network inferred from a T cell immune response dataset. An SBN can also implement the function of an asynchronous PBN and is potentially useful in a hybrid approach in combination with a continuous or single-molecule level stochastic model. CONCLUSIONS: Stochastic Boolean networks (SBNs) are proposed as an efficient approach to modelling gene regulatory networks (GRNs). The SBN approach is able to recover biologically-proven regulatory behaviours, such as the oscillatory dynamics of the p53-Mdm2 network and the dynamic attractors in a T cell immune response network. The proposed approach can further predict the network dynamics when the genes are under perturbation, thus providing biologically meaningful insights for a better understanding of the dynamics of GRNs. The algorithms and methods described in this paper have been implemented in Matlab packages, which are attached as Additional files.  相似文献   

Historical records show that culture can increase exponentially in time, e.g., in number of poems, musical works, scientific discoveries. We model how human capacities for creativity and cultural transmission may make such an increase possible, suggesting that: (1) creativity played a major role at the origin of human culture and for its accumulation throughout history, because cultural transmission cannot, on its own, generate exponentially increasing amounts of culture; (2) exponential increase in amount of culture can only occur if creativity is positively influenced by culture. The evolution of cultural transmission is often considered the main genetic bottleneck for the origin of culture, because natural selection cannot favor cultural transmission without any culture to transmit. Our models suggest that an increase in individual creativity may have been the first step toward human culture, because in a population of creative individuals there may be enough non-genetic information to favor the evolution of cultural transmission.  相似文献   

The influence of the product inhibition by dihydroxyacetone (DHA) on Gluconobacter oxydans for a novel semi-continuous two-stage repeated-fed-batch process was examined quantitatively. It was shown that the culture was able to grow up to a DHA concentration of 80 kg m−3 without any influence of product inhibition. The regeneration capability of the reversibly product inhibited culture from a laboratory-scale bioreactor system was observed up to a DHA concentration of about 160 kg m−3. At higher DHA concentrations, the culture was irreversibly product inhibited. However, due to the robust membrane-bound glycerol dehydrogenase of G. oxydans, product formation was still active for a prolonged period of time. The reachable maximum final DHA concentration was as high as 220 kg m−3. The lag phases for growth increased exponentially with increasing DHA threshold values of the first reactor stage. These results correlated well with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) measurements confirming that the number of active cells decreased exponentially with increasing DHA concentrations.  相似文献   

Regulatory networks play a central role in cellular behavior and decision making. Learning these regulatory networks is a major task in biology, and devising computational methods and mathematical models for this task is a major endeavor in bioinformatics. Boolean networks have been used extensively for modeling regulatory networks. In this model, the state of each gene can be either ‘on’ or ‘off’ and that next-state of a gene is updated, synchronously or asynchronously, according to a Boolean rule that is applied to the current-state of the entire system. Inferring a Boolean network from a set of experimental data entails two main steps: first, the experimental time-series data are discretized into Boolean trajectories, and then, a Boolean network is learned from these Boolean trajectories. In this paper, we consider three methods for data discretization, including a new one we propose, and three methods for learning Boolean networks, and study the performance of all possible nine combinations on four regulatory systems of varying dynamics complexities. We find that employing the right combination of methods for data discretization and network learning results in Boolean networks that capture the dynamics well and provide predictive power. Our findings are in contrast to a recent survey that placed Boolean networks on the low end of the “faithfulness to biological reality” and “ability to model dynamics” spectra. Further, contrary to the common argument in favor of Boolean networks, we find that a relatively large number of time points in the time-series data is required to learn good Boolean networks for certain data sets. Last but not least, while methods have been proposed for inferring Boolean networks, as discussed above, missing still are publicly available implementations thereof. Here, we make our implementation of the methods available publicly in open source at http://bioinfo.cs.rice.edu/.  相似文献   

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