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Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) can have two consequences in haplodiploid insects: fertilized eggs either die (female mortality, FM) or they develop into haploid males (male development, MD). Origin of this diversity remains poorly understood, but current hypotheses invoke variation in damage suffered by paternal chromosomes in incompatible eggs, thus intermediate CI types should be expected. Here, we show the existence of such a particular CI type. In the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina heterotoma, we compared CI effects in crosses involving lines derived from a single inbred line with various Wolbachia infection statuses (natural tri-infection, mono-infection, or no infection). Tri-infected males induce a FM CI type when crossed with either uninfected or mono-infected females. Crossing mono-infected males with uninfected females results in almost complete CI with both reduced offspring production, indicating partial mortality of fertilized eggs, and increased number of sons, showing haploid male development of others. Mono-infected males thus induce an intermediate Cl type when mated with uninfected females. The first evidence of this expected particular CI type demonstrates that no discontinuity separates MD and FM CI types, which appear to be end points of a phenotypic continuum. Second, different CI types can occur within a given species and even within offspring of a single pair. Third, phenotypic expression of the particular CI type induced by a given Wolbachia variant depends on other bacterial variants that co-infect the same tissues. These results support the idea that haplodiploids should be helpful in clarifying evolutionary pathways of insect-Wolbachia associations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility and investigate the distribution and population frequencies of Wolbachia pipientis strains in Drosophila simulans. Nucleotide sequence data from 16S rDNA and a Wolbachia surface protein coding sequence and cytoplasmic incompatibility assays identify four distinct Wolbachia strains: wHa, wRi, wMa, and wAu. The levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility between six lines carrying these strains of bacteria and three control lines without bacteria are characterized. Flies infected with wHa and wRi are bidirectionally incompatible, and males that carry either strain can only successfully produce normal numbers of offspring with females carrying the same bacterial strain. Males infected with wAu do not express incompatibility. Males infected with the wMa strain express intermediate incompatibility when mated to females with no bacteria and no incompatibility with females with any other Wolbachia strain. We conduct polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism assays to distinguish the strain of Wolbachia and the mitochondrial haplotype to survey populations for each type and associations between them. Drosophila simulans is known to have three major mitochondrial haplotypes (siI, sill, and siIII) and two subtypes (siIIA and siIIB). All infected lines of the sil haplotype carry wHa, wNo, or both; wMa and wNo are closely related and it is not clear whether they are distinct strains or variants of the same strain. Infected lines with the silIA haplotype harbor wRi and the siIIB haplotype carries wAu. The wMa infection is found in siIII haplotype lines. The phenotypic expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility and its relation to between-population differences in frequencies of Wolbachia infection are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of high temperatures, antibiotics, nutrition and larval density on cytoplasmic incompatibility caused by a Wolbachia infection were investigated in Drosophila simulans. Exposure of larvae from an infected stock to moderate doses of tetracycline led to complete incompatibility when treated females were crossed to infected males; the same doses only caused a partial restoration of compatibility when treated males were crossed to uninfected females. In crosses with treated females, there was a strong correlation between dose effects on hatch rates and infection levels in embryos produced by these females. Ageing and rearing males at a high temperature led to increased compatibility. However, exposing infected females to a high temperature did not influence their compatibility with infected males. Male temperature effects depended on conditions experienced at the larval stage but not the pupal stage. Exposure to 25 °C reduced the density of Wolbachia in embryos compared with a 19 °C treatment. Low levels of nutrition led to increased compatibility, but no effect of larval crowding was detected. These findings show the ways environmental factors can influence the expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility and suggest that environmental effects may be mediated by bacterial density.  相似文献   

Wolbachia infections have been described in several Drosophila species, but relatively few have been assessed for phenotypic effects. Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) is the most common phenotypic effect that has been detected, while some infections cause male killing or feminization, and many Wolbachia infections have few host effects. Here, we describe two new infections in a recently described species, Drosophila pandora, one of which causes near‐complete CI and near‐perfect maternal transmission (the “CI” strain). The other infection is a male killer (the “MK” strain), which we confirm by observing reinitiation of male production following tetracycline treatment. No incompatibility was detected in crosses between CI strain males and MK strain females, and rare MK males do not cause CI. Molecular analyses indicate that the CI and MK infections are distantly related and the CI infection is closely related to the wRi infection of Drosophila simulans. Two population surveys indicate that all individuals are infected with Wolbachia, but the MK infection is uncommon. Given patterns of incompatibility among the strains, the infection dynamics is expected to be governed by the relative fitness of the females, suggesting that the CI infection should have a higher fitness. This was evidenced by changes in infection frequencies and sex ratios in population cages initiated at different starting frequencies of the infections.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) allows Wolbachia to invade hosts populations by specifically inducing sterility in crosses between infected males and uninfected females. In some species, non-CI inducing Wolbachia, that are thought to derive from CI-inducing ancestors, are common. In theory, the maintenance of such infections is not possible unless the bacterium is perfectly transmitted to offspring--and/or provides a fitness benefit to infected females. The present study aims to test this view by investigating a population of Drosophila yakuba from Gabon, West Africa. We did not find any evidence for CI using wild caught females. Infected females from the field transmitted the infection to 100% of their offspring. A positive effect on female fecundity was observed one generation after collecting, but this was not retrieved five generations later, using additional lines. Similarly, the presence of Wolbachia was found to affect mating behaviour, but the results of two experiments realized five generations apart were not consistent. Finally, Wolbachia was not found to affect sex ratio. Overall, our results would suggest that Wolbachia behaves like a neutral or nearly neutral trait in this species, and is maintained in the host by perfect maternal transmission.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Until now, only two Wolbachia-mediated cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) types have been described in haplodiploid species, the first in Nasonia (Insect) and the second in Tetranychus (Acari). They both induce a malebiased sex ratio in the incompatible cross. In Nasonia, CI does not reduce fertility since incompatible eggs develop as haploid males, whereas in Tetranychus CI leads to a partial mortality of incompatible eggs, thus reducing the fertility of females. Here, we study Wolbachia infection in a Drosophila parasitoid, Leptopilina heterotoma (Hymenoptera: Figitidae). A survey of Wolbachia infection shows that all natural populations tested are totally infected. Crosses between infected males and cured females show complete incompatibility: almost no females are produced. Moreover, incompatible eggs die early during their development, unlike Nasonia. This early death allows the parasitized Drosophila larva to achieve its development and to emerge. Thus, uninfected females crossed with infected males have reduced offspring production consisting only of males. Evidence of this CI type in insects demonstrates that the difference in CI types of Nasonia and Tetranychus is not due to specific factors of insects or acari. Using theoretical models, we compare the invasion processes of different strategies of Wolbachia: CI in diploid species, the two CI types in haplodiploid species, and parthenogenesis (the classical effect in haplodiploid species). Models show that CI in haplodiploid species is less efficient than in diploid ones. However, the Leptopilina type is advantageous compared to the Nasonia type. Parthenogenesis may be more or less advantageous, depending on the infection cost and on the proportion of fertilized eggs. Finally, we can propose different processes of Wolbachia strategy evolution in haplodiploid species from Nasonia CI type to Leptopilina CI type or parthenogenesis.  相似文献   



In California Drosophila simulans, the maternally inherited Riverside strain Wolbachia infection (wRi) provides a paradigm for rapid spread of Wolbachia in nature and rapid evolutionary change. wRi induces cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), where crosses between infected males and uninfected females produce reduced egg-hatch. The three parameters governing wRi infection-frequency dynamics quantify: the fidelity of maternal transmission, the level of cytoplasmic incompatibility, and the relative fecundity of infected females. We last estimated these parameters in nature in 1993. Here we provide new estimates, under both field and laboratory conditions. Five years ago, we found that wRi had apparently evolved over 15 years to enhance the fecundity of infected females; here we examine whether CI intensity has also evolved.

Methodology/Principal Findings

New estimates using wild-caught flies indicate that the three key parameters have remained relatively stable since the early 1990s. As predicted by our three-parameter model using field-estimated parameter values, population infection frequencies remain about 93%. Despite this relative stability, laboratory data based on reciprocal crosses and introgression suggest that wRi may have evolved to produce less intense CI (i.e., higher egg hatch from incompatible crosses). In contrast, we find no evidence that D. simulans has evolved to lower the susceptibility of uninfected females to CI.


Evolution of wRi that reduces CI is consistent with counterintuitive theoretical predictions that within-population selection on CI-causing Wolbachia does not act to increase CI. Within taxa, CI is likely to evolve mainly via pleiotropic effects associated with the primary targets of selection on Wolbachia, i.e., host fecundity and transmission fidelity. Despite continuous, strong selection, D. simulans has not evolved appreciably to suppress CI. Our data demonstrate a lack of standing genetic variation for CI resistance in the host.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are maternally-transmitted endocellular bacteria infecting several arthropod species. In order to study the possibility of Wolbachia segregation in a naturally bi-infected host, isofemale lines from a bi-infected Drosophila simulans (Sturtevant) strain from Nouméa (New Caledonia) were backcrossed using uninfected males carrying the same nuclear background. Uninfected males were used to avoid the cytoplasmic incompatibility syndrome (CI) associated with the presence of Wolbachia in males. Each line was established using a female infected simultaneously by the two different Wolbachia variants wHa and wNo. The backcross led to some individuals carrying only one type of infection being recovered among the progeny of the bi-infected foundress females. Rarely, uninfected individuals were also recovered. Isolated for the first time in its natural host, wNo exhibited a significantly weaker CI phenotype than the isolated wHa variant. Infection fate when backcross conditions were relaxed varied depending on rearing conditions of the host. Under favourable conditions, the infection was generally maintained, while it was frequently lost under unfavourable conditions. This result probably reflects the direct fitness dependence of the symbiont on its host.  相似文献   

Wolbachia pipientis is a bacterium that induces cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), the phenomenon in which infected males are reproductively incompatible with uninfected females. CI spreads in a population of hosts because it reduces the fitness of uninfected females relative to infected females. CI encompasses two steps: modification (mod) of sperm of infected males and rescuing (resc) of these chromosomes by Wolbachia in the egg. Infections associated with CI have mod+ resa+ phenotypes. However, mod- resc+ phenotypes also exist; these do not result in CI. Assuming mod/resc phenotypes are properties of the symbiont, theory predicts that mod- resc+ infections can only spread in a host population where a mod+ resc+ infection already occurs. A mod- resc+ infection spreads if the cost it imposes on the infected females is lower than the cost inflicted by the resident (mod+ resc+) infection. Furthermore, introduction of a mod- Wolbachia eventually drives infection to extinction. The uninfected population that results can be recolonized by a CI-causing Wolbachia. Here, we investigated whether variability for induction of CI was present in two Tetranychus urticae populations. In one population all isofemale lines tested were mod-. In the other, mod+ resc+ and mod- resc+ isofemale lines coexisted. We found no evidence for a cost difference to females expressing either type (mod-/-). Infections in the two populations could not be distinguished based on sequences of two Wolbachia genes. We consider the possibility that mod- is a host effect through a population dynamics model. A mod- host allele leads to infection extinction in the absence of fecundity differences. Furthermore, the uninfected population that results is immune to reestablishment of the (same) CI-causing Wolbachia.  相似文献   

On the evolution of cytoplasmic incompatibility in haplodiploid species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The most enigmatic sexual manipulation by Wolbachia endosymbionts is cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI): infected males are reproductively incompatible with uninfected females. In this paper, we extend the theory on population dynamics and evolution of CI, with emphasis on haplodiploid species. First, we focus on the problem of the threshold to invasion of the Wolbachia infection in a population. Simulations of the dynamics of infection in small populations show that it does not suffice to assume invasion by drift alone (or demographic "accident"). We propose several promising alternatives that may facilitate invasion of Wolbachia in uninfected populations: sex-ratio effects, meta population structure, and other fitness-compensating effects. Including sex-ratio effects of Wolbachia allows invasion whenever infected females produce more infected daughters than uninfected females produce uninfected daughters. Several studies on haplodiploid species suggest the presence of such sex-ratio effects. The simple metapopulation model we analyzed predicts that, given that infecteds are better "invaders," uninfecteds must be better "colonizers" to maintain coexistence of infected and uninfected patches. This condition seems more feasible for species that suffer local extinction due to predation (or parasitization) than for species that suffer local extinction due to overexploiting their resource(s). Finally, we analyze the evolution of CI in haplodiploids once a population has been infected. Evolution does not depend on the type of CI (female mortality or male production), but hinges solely on decreasing the fitness cost and/or increasing the transmission efficiency. Our models offer new perspectives for increasing our understanding of the population and evolutionary dynamics of CI.  相似文献   

The success of obligate endosymbiotic Wolbachia infections in insects is due in part to cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), whereby Wolbachia bacteria manipulate host reproduction to promote their invasion and persistence within insect populations. The observed diversity of CI types raises the question of what the evolutionary pathways are by which a new CI type can evolve from an ancestral type. Prior evolutionary models assume that Wolbachia exists within a host individual as a clonal infection. While endosymbiotic theory predicts a general trend toward clonality, Wolbachia provides an exception in which there is selection to maintain diversity. Here, evolutionary trajectories are discussed that assume that a novel Wolbachia variant will co-exist with the original infection type within a host individual as a superinfection. Relative to prior models, this assumption relaxes requirements and allows additional pathways for the evolution of novel CI types. In addition to describing changes in the Wolbachia infection frequency associated with the hypothesized evolutionary events, the predicted impact of novel CI variants on the host population is also described. This impact, resulting from discordant evolutionary interests of symbiont and host, is discussed as a possible cause of Wolbachia loss from the host population or host population extinction. The latter is also discussed as the basis for an applied strategy for the suppression of insect pest populations. Model predictions are discussed relative to a recently published Wolbachia genome sequence and prior characterization of CI in naturally and artificially infected insects.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are intracellular, maternally inherited bacteria that are widespread among arthropods and commonly induce a reproductive incompatibility between infected male and uninfected female hosts known as unidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). If infected and uninfected populations occur parapatrically, CI acts as a post-zygotic isolation barrier. We investigate the stability of such infection polymorphisms in a mathematical model with two populations linked by migration. We determine critical migration rates below which infected and uninfected populations can coexist. Analytical solutions of the critical migration rate are presented for mainland-island models. These serve as lower estimations for a more general model with two-way migration. The critical migration rate is positive if either Wolbachia causes a fecundity reduction in infected female hosts or its transmission is incomplete, and is highest for intermediate levels of CI. We discuss our results with respect to local adaptations of the Wolbachia host, speciation, and pest control.  相似文献   

This study aims to unravel the biogeography of a model symbiont/host system by exploiting the prediction that a symbiont will leave a signature of infection on the host. Specifically, a global sample of 1,442 Drosophila simulans from 33 countries and 64 sampling localities was employed to infer the phylogeography of the maternally inherited alpha-proteobacteria Wolbachia. Phylogenetic analyses, from three symbiont genes and 24 mtDNA genomes (excluding the A + T-rich region), showed that each of four Wolbachia strains infected D. simulans once. The global distribution and abundance of the Wolbachia strains and the three mtDNA haplogroups (D. simulans siI, siII and siIII) was then determined. Finally, network analyses of variable regions within siI (584 bp from seven additional lines) and siII (1,701 bp from 383 lines) facilitated a detailed biogeographic discussion. There is little variation in siIII and the haplogroup is restricted in its distribution. These data show how the history of an infection can be mapped by combining data from the symbiont and the host. They say little about the organismal history of the host because the mtDNA genome is a biased representation of the whole genome.  相似文献   

Abstract The most common effect of the endosymbiont Wolbachia is cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), a form of postzygotic reproductive isolation that occurs in crosses where the male is infected by at least one Wolbachia strain that the female lacks. We revisited two puzzling features of Wolbachia biology: how Wolbachia can invade a new species and spread among populations, and how the association, once established in a host species, can evolve, with emphasis on the possible process of infection loss. These questions are particularly relevant in haplodiploid species, where males develop from unfertilized eggs, and females from fertilized eggs. When CI occurs in such species, fertilized eggs either die (female mortality type: FM), or develop into males (male development type: MD), raising one more question: how transition among CI types is possible. We reached the following conclusions: (1) the FM type is a better invader and should be retained preferentially after a new host is captured; (2) given the assumptions of the models, FM and MD types are selected on neither the bacterial side nor the host side; (3) selective pressures acting on both partners are more or less congruent in the FM type, but divergent in the MD type; (4) host and symbiont evolution can drive infection to extinction for all CI types, but the MD type is more susceptible to the phenomenon; and (5) under realistic conditions, transition from MD to FM type is possible. Finally, all these results suggest that the FM type should be more frequent than the MD type, which is consistent with the results obtained so far in haplodiploids.  相似文献   

Wolbachia pipientis is an obligate bacterial endosymbiont, which has successfully invaded approximately 20% of all insect species by manipulating their normal developmental patterns. Wolbachia-induced phenotypes include parthenogenesis, male killing, and, most notably, cytoplasmic incompatibility. In the future these phenotypes might be useful in controlling or modifying insect populations but this will depend on our understanding of the basic molecular processes underlying insect fertilization and development. Wolbachia-infected Drosophila simulans express high levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility in which the sperm nucleus is modified and does not form a normal male pronucleus when fertilizing eggs from uninfected females. The sperm modification is somehow rescued in eggs infected with the same strain of Wolbachia. Thus, D. simulans has become an excellent model organism for investigating the manner in which endosymbionts can alter reproductive programs in insect hosts. This paper reviews the current knowledge of Drosophila early development and particularly sperm function. Developmental mutations in Drosophila that are known to affect sperm function will also be discussed.incompatibility.  相似文献   

An analysis of cytoplasmic crossing type variation in Australian populations of Culex quinquefasciatus, a member of the Culex pipiens complex of mosquitoes, revealed high levels of variability causing partial incompatibility between natural populations. Segregating crossing types were commonly found together within sampled sites. No correlation was evident between similarity of crossing type and environmental parameters of the sites, nor distance between sites. The nature of the observed variation did not support the hypothesis of paternally expressed nuclear 'restorer' genes. Such high levels of crossing type variation would be likely to impede attempts to control populations of the Culex pipiens complex using cytoplasmic incompatibility.  相似文献   

1. Wolbachia are intracellular bacteria found in a wide range of arthropods that can impact reproductive isolation of their hosts. Previous studies showed unidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) and high infection rates by Wolbachia in the closely related leaf beetles Altica fragariae and Altica viridicyanea; however, whether this reproductive isolation was induced by Wolbachia remains unclear. 2. This study estimated the prevalence of Wolbachia in Altica beetles, assessed genetic diversity of Wolbachia strains infecting these beetles, and tested whether Wolbachia-induced CI explains reproductive isolation of A. fragariae and A. viridicyanea. 3. The results show that all of the 11 tested Altica species were infected by Wolbachia, and the infection rate was as high as 97.0% (n = 235). Multi-strain infections were common, being found in 10 of the 11 species tested and accounting for 23.0% of all screened specimens. In total, 35 Wolbachia strains were identified based on 208 wsp sequences obtained. Although a majority of A. fragariae and A. viridicyanea individuals from the Beijing population were infected with only one strain each, multi-strain infections did occur in both species. Antibiotic curing experiments did not change hatching success in either inter- or intraspecific crosses of A. fragariae and A. viridicyanea, indicating that these Wolbachia strains do not induce CI. These results were further corroborated by the lack of the Wolbachia cifB gene, which is responsible for causing CI. 4. These findings suggest that high prevalence of Wolbachia infection is unlikely to contribute to reproductive isolation and speciation in this system.  相似文献   

Pattern formation in Drosophila is a widely studied example of a robust developmental system. Such robust systems pose a challenge to adaptive evolution, as they mask variation that selection may otherwise act upon. Yet we find variation in the localization of expression domains (henceforth "stripe allometry") in the pattern formation pathway. Specifically, we characterize differences in the gap genes giant and Kruppel, and the pair-rule gene even-skipped, which differ between the sibling species Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia. In a double-backcross experiment, stripe allometry is consistent with maternal inheritance of stripe positioning and multiple genetic factors, with a distinct genetic basis from embryo length. Embryos produced by F1 and F2 backcross mothers exhibit novel spatial patterns of gene expression relative to the parental species, with no measurable increase in positional variance among individuals. Buffering of novel spatial patterns in the backcross genotypes suggests that robustness need not be disrupted in order for the trait to evolve, and perhaps the system is incapable of evolving to prevent the expression of all genetic variation. This limitation, and the ability of natural selection to act on minute genetic differences that are within the "margin of error" for the buffering mechanism, indicates that developmentally buffered traits can evolve without disruption of robustness.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are maternally transmitted, intracellular bacteria that can often selfishly spread through arthropod populations via cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). CI manifests as embryonic death when males expressing prophage WO genes cifA and cifB mate with uninfected females or females harboring an incompatible Wolbachia strain. Females with a compatible cifA-expressing strain rescue CI. Thus, cif-mediated CI confers a relative fitness advantage to females transmitting Wolbachia. However, whether cif sequence variation underpins incompatibilities between Wolbachia strains and variation in CI penetrance remains unknown. Here, we engineer Drosophila melanogaster to transgenically express cognate and non-cognate cif homologs and assess their CI and rescue capability. Cognate expression revealed that cifA;B native to D. melanogaster causes strong CI, and cognate cifA;B homologs from two other Drosophila-associated Wolbachia cause weak transgenic CI, including the first demonstration of phylogenetic type 2 cifA;B CI. Intriguingly, non-cognate expression of cifA and cifB alleles from different strains revealed that cifA homologs generally contribute to strong transgenic CI and interchangeable rescue despite their evolutionary divergence, and cifB genetic divergence contributes to weak or no transgenic CI. Finally, we find that a type 1 cifA can rescue CI caused by a genetically divergent type 2 cifA;B in a manner consistent with unidirectional incompatibility. By genetically dissecting individual CI functions for type 1 and 2 cifA and cifB, this work illuminates new relationships between cif genotype and CI phenotype. We discuss the relevance of these findings to CI’s genetic basis, phenotypic variation patterns, and mechanism.  相似文献   

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