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Beta-aspartyl peptide formation from an amino acid sequence in ribonuclease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E E Haley  B J Corcoran 《Biochemistry》1967,6(9):2668-2672

Shalev DE  Mor A  Kustanovich I 《Biochemistry》2002,41(23):7312-7317
Animal-derived antimicrobial peptides are gaining increasing interest for their role in the innate immune system and for their potential applications in the antimicrobial field. Defining the factors that affect potency and selectivity is presently a major challenge to their effective and safe use. Since amidating the C-terminal carboxyl is one of the means of enhancing antimicrobial activity, we report here our comparative study of the solution structures of the antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin S3 and its amidated analogue. Circular dichroism measurements suggested that the peptides are basically found in an alpha-helical structure. In contrast, NMR measurements revealed the complete absence of alpha-helical elements in S3 and a single four-residue helix in the amidated analogue. Whereas the native peptide was found to be flexible, containing a hydrogen-bonded turn and bends, the amidated analogue exhibited a defined alpha-helix at the C-terminal region, causing the latter to be significantly elongated and more structured. Hence, although the increased potency in amidated antimicrobial peptides can be attributed to the increased overall positive charge, in this case, amidation has had additional effects beyond modifying the net positive charge. It has induced and/or stabilized a helical conformation, causing the amidated dermaseptin to be more rigid and more extended than its nonamidated analogue. The possible implications on the mode of action are discussed herein.  相似文献   

To better understand TCR discrimination of multiple ligands, we have analyzed the crystal structures of two Hb peptide/I-E(k) complexes that differ by only a single amino acid substitution at the P6 anchor position within the peptide (E73D). Detailed comparison of multiple independently determined structures at 1.9 A resolution reveals that removal of a single buried methylene group can alter a critical portion of the TCR recognition surface. Significant variance was observed in the peptide P5-P8 main chain as well as a rotamer difference at LeuP8, approximately 10 A distal from the substitution. No significant variations were observed in the conformation of the two MHC class II molecules. The ligand alteration results in two peptide/MHC complexes that generate bulk T cell responses that are distinct and essentially nonoverlapping. For the Hb-specific T cell 3.L2, substitution reduces the potency of the ligand 1000-fold. Soluble 3.L2 TCR binds the two peptide/MHC complexes with similar affinity, although with faster kinetics. These results highlight the role of subtle variations in MHC Ag presentation on T cell activation and signaling.  相似文献   

alpha-Aminoisobutyric acid accumulation of the toad's (Bufo marinus) cornea and lens is inhibited by 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid. This effect is seen at pH 8.4; at pH 7.4 a small increase in aminoisobutyric acid uptake was observed. Efflux of aminoisobutyric acid is unchanged by diisothiocyanostilbenedisulphonic acid at either pH. The inhibitory effect of diisothiocyanostilbenedisulphonic acid on aminoisobutyric acid accumulation appears to reflect a direct action on membrane mechanisms that mediate its influx.  相似文献   

Landfried DA  Vuletich DA  Pond MP  Lecomte JT 《Gene》2007,398(1-2):12-28
The binding of a cofactor to a protein matrix often involves a reorganization of the polypeptide structure. b Hemoproteins provide multiple examples of this behavior. In this minireview, selected monomeric and single b heme proteins endowed with distinct topological properties are inspected for the extent of induced refolding upon heme binding. To complement the data reported in the literature, original results are presented on a two-on-two globin of cyanobacterial origin (Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 GlbN) and on the heme-containing module of FixL, an oxygen-sensing protein with the mixed alpha/beta topology of PAS domains. GlbN had a stable apoprotein that was further stabilized and locally refolded by heme binding; in contrast, apoFixLH presented features of a molten globule. Sequence analyses (helicity, disorder, and polarity) and solvent accessibility calculations were performed to identify trends in the architecture of b hemoproteins. In several cases, the primary structure appeared biased toward a partially disordered binding pocket in the absence of the cofactor.  相似文献   

Osmolytes stabilize proteins to thermal and chemical denaturation. We have studied the effects of the osmolytes sarcosine, betaine, trimethylamine-N-oxide, and taurine on the structure and stability of the protein.peptide complex RNase S using x-ray crystallography and titration calorimetry, respectively. The largest degree of stabilization is achieved with 6 m sarcosine, which increases the denaturation temperatures of RNase S and S pro by 24.6 and 17.4 degrees C, respectively, at pH 5 and protects both proteins against tryptic cleavage. Four crystal structures of RNase S in the presence of different osmolytes do not offer any evidence for osmolyte binding to the folded state of the protein or any perturbation in the water structure surrounding the protein. The degree of stabilization in 6 m sarcosine increases with temperature, ranging from -0.52 kcal mol(-1) at 20 degrees C to -5.4 kcal mol(-1) at 60 degrees C. The data support the thesis that osmolytes that stabilize proteins, do so by perturbing unfolded states, which change conformation to a compact, folding competent state in the presence of osmolyte. The increased stabilization thus results from a decrease in conformational entropy of the unfolded state.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of P1 Gly, Val, Leu and Phe bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) variants in complex with two serine proteinases, bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin, have been determined. The association constants for the four mutants with the two enzymes show that the enlargement of the volume of the P1 residue is accompanied by an increase of the binding energy, which is more pronounced for bovine chymotrypsin. Since the conformation of the P1 side-chains in the two S1 pockets is very similar, we suggest that the difference in DeltaG values between the enzymes must arise from the more polar environment of the S1 site of trypsin. This results mainly from the substitutions of Met192 and Ser189 observed in chymotrypsin with Gln192 and Asp189 present in trypsin. The more polar interior of the S1 site of trypsin is reflected by a much higher order of the solvent network in the empty pocket of the enzyme, as is observed in the complexes of the two enzymes with the P1 Gly BPTI variant. The more optimal binding of the large hydrophobic P1 residues by chymotrypsin is also reflected by shrinkage of the S1 pocket upon the accommodation of the cognate residues of this enzyme. Conversely, the S1 pocket of trypsin expands upon binding of such side-chains, possibly to avoid interaction with the polar residues of the walls. Further differentiation between the two enzymes is achieved by small differences in the shape of the S1 sites, resulting in an unequal steric hindrance of some of the side-chains, as observed for the gamma-branched P1 Leu variant of BPTI, which is much more favored by bovine chymotrypsin than trypsin. Analysis of the discrimination of beta-branched residues by trypsin and chymotrypsin is based on the complexes with the P1 Val BPTI variant. Steric repulsion of the P1 Val residue by the walls of the S1 pocket of both enzymes prevents the P1 Val side-chain from adopting the most optimal chi1 value.  相似文献   

A disulfide bond between cysteine 66 and cysteine 160 of equine beta-lactoglobulin was removed by substituting cysteine residues with alanine. This disulfide bond is conserved across the lipocalin family. The conformation and stability of the disulfide-deleted mutant protein was investigated by circular dichroism. The mutant protein assumes a native-like structure under physiological conditions and assumes a helix-rich molten globule structure at acid pH or at moderate concentrations of urea as the wild-type protein does. The urea-induced unfolding experiment shows that the stability of the native conformation was reduced but that of the molten globule intermediate is not significantly changed at pH 4 by removal of the disulfide bond. On the other hand, the molten globule at acid pH was destabilized by removal of the disulfide bond. This difference in the stabilizing effect of the disulfide bond was interpreted by the effect of the disulfide in keeping the molecule compact against the electrostatic repulsion at acid pH. In contrast to the wild-type protein, the circular dichroism spectrum in the molten globule state at acid pH depends on anion concentration, suggesting that the expansion of the molecule through electrostatic repulsion induces alpha-helices as observed in the cold denatured state of the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

S100P is a member of the S100 subfamily of calcium-binding proteins that are believed to be associated with various diseases, and in particular deregulation of S100P expression has been documented for prostate and breast cancer. Previously, we characterized the effects of metal binding on the conformational properties of S100P and proposed that S100P could function as a Ca2+ conformational switch. In this study we used fluorescence and CD spectroscopies and isothermal titration calorimetry to characterize the target-recognition properties of S100P using a model peptide, melittin. Based on these experimental data we show that S100P and melittin can interact in a Ca2+-dependent and -independent manner. Ca2+-independent binding occurs with low affinity (Kd approximately 0.2 mM), has a stoichiometry of four melittin molecules per S100P dimer and is presumably driven by favorable electrostatic interactions between the acidic protein and the basic peptide. In contrast, Ca2+-dependent binding of melittin to S100P occurs with high affinity (Kd approximately 5 microM) has a stoichiometry of two molecules of melittin per S100P dimer, appears to have positive cooperativity, and is driven by hydrophobic interactions. Furthermore, Ca2+-dependent S100P-melittin complex formation is accompanied by significant conformational changes: Melittin, otherwise unstructured in solution, adopts a helical conformation upon interaction with Ca2+-S100P. These results support a model for the Ca2+-dependent conformational switch in S100P for functional target recognition.  相似文献   

Interactions of hypelcin A, an alpha-aminoisobutyric acid containing antibiotic peptide, with phosphatidylcholine vesicles were investigated to obtain information on its bioactive mechanism. The peptide induced the leakage of a fluorescent dye, calcein, entrapped in sonicated vesicles. The leakage rate depended on both the peptide and the lipid concentrations. Analysis of this dependency indicated that the leakage was due to the monomeric peptide and that the membrane-perturbing activity of the monomer was higher for solid distearoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles than for fluid egg yolk phosphatidylcholine vesicles. Hypelcin A also affected the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine multilamellar vesicles. The transition was broadened with a reduced transition enthalpy, suggesting the peptide strongly binds the surrounding lipids to perturb the bilayer lipid packing. A circular dichroism study revealed that the helical content of hypelcin A increases upon membrane binding. We concluded that the monomeric peptide with an increased helical content, complexed with the lipids, perturbs the lipid organization and induces the increased permeability.  相似文献   

MUC1 mucin is a large transmembrane glycoprotein whose extracelluler domain is composed of repeating units of a 20 amino acid sequence. In the cancer associated state, this protein expression becomes upregulated and underglycosylated. Previous studies, which show an enhanced binding of a 5-repeat over a 1-repeat MUC1 peptide to a panel of anti-MUC1 antibodies, have led us to investigate the structural and dynamic consequences of increasing repeat number. Two MUC1 peptides were studied: a 16mer corresponding to slightly less than one full repeat of the MUC1 tandem repeat sequence (GVTSAPDTRPAPGSTA) and a 40mer corresponding to two full repeats of the MUC1 sequence (VTSAPDTRPAPGSTAPPAHG)2. Isotopically labeled versions of these MUC1 peptides were cloned, expressed, purified, and evaluated structurally and dynamically using 15N- and 13C-edited NMR approaches. The data show that MUC1 structure, dynamics, and antibody binding affinity are invariant with increasing repeat number. In light of these results, we conclude that the enhanced antibody affinity of the 5-repeat over the 1-repeat MUC1 peptide is due to multivalency effects, and not due to the development of higher order structure in the longer length peptides. The implications of these results are discussed within the context of a multiple repeat MUC1 breast cancer vaccine design.  相似文献   

A microassay for the peptidase activity of proteins obtained in minute amounts was devised. The method uses ribonuclease S peptide as a substrate. The substrate when cleaved is unable to reconstitute an active ribonuclease S complex. Therefore the loss in activity of the reconstituted complex is a measure of the peptidase activity. The method was previously tested with known peptidases such as clastase (9), chymotrypsin (8), and trypsin. In this work the peptidase activity of a protein related to a sperm-decapitating factor (1) is evidenced.  相似文献   

To determine the energetic and structural consequences of placing a charged group within the core of a protein, two "buried charge" mutants, Met 102----Lys (M102K) and Leu 133----Asp (L133D) were constructed in phage T4 lysozyme. Both proteins fold at neutral pH, although they are substantially less stable than wild type. The activity of M102K is about 35% that of wild type, while that of L133D is about 4%. M102K could be crystallized, and its structure was determined at high resolution. The crystal structure (at pH 6.8) of the mutant is very similar to that of wild type except for the alpha-helix that includes residues 108-113. In wild-type lysozyme, one side of this helix is exposed to solvent and the other contacts Met 102. In the M102K structure this alpha-helix becomes much more mobile, possibly allowing partial access of Lys 102 to solvent. The stability of M102K, determined by monitoring the unfolding of the protein with CD, is pH-dependent, consistent with the charged form of the substituted amino acid being more destabilizing than the uncharged form. The pKa of Lys 102 was estimated to be 6.5 both by differential titration and also by NMR analysis of isotopically labeled protein with 13C incorporated at the C epsilon position of all lysines. As the pH is lowered below pH 6.5, the overall three-dimensional structure of M102K at room temperature appears to be maintained to pH 3 or so, although there is evidence for some structural adjustment possibly allowing solvent accessibility to the protonated form of Lys 102.  相似文献   

M K Das  S Raghothama  P Balaram 《Biochemistry》1986,25(22):7110-7117
The conformations of the 16-residue fungal peptide antiamoebin I (Ac-Phe-Aib-Aib-Aib-D-Iva-Gly-Leu-Aib-Aib-Hyp-Gln-D-Iva-Hyp-Aib-Pro-P hol) have been investigated in dimethyl sulfoxide solution by one- and two-dimensional NMR techniques. A substantial number of resonances in the 270-MHz 1H NMR spectrum have been assigned. Intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded (solvent inaccessible) NH groups have been identified by determining solvent and temperature dependence of NH chemical shifts and rates of hydrogen-deuterium exchange. Ten backbone NH groups are inaccessible to solvent, while three NH groups assigned to the Phe(1), Aib(2), and Aib(8) residues are exposed to solvent. Interresidue nuclear Overhauser effects are consistent with psi values of approximately 120 +/- 30 degrees for Phe(1) and Leu(7). The NMR results, together with the stereochemical constraints imposed by the presence of alpha-aminoisobutyryl, isovalyl, prolyl, and 4-hydroxyprolyl residues, favor a highly ordered structure. Two backbone conformations consistent with the data are considered. Antiamoebin is shown to be an effective uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver mitochondria, providing evidence for its membrane-modifying activity.  相似文献   

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