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While lakes occupy less than 2% of the total surface of the Earth, they play a substantial role in global biogeochemical cycles. For instance, shallow lakes are important sites of carbon metabolism. Aerobic respiration is one of the important drivers of the carbon metabolism in lakes. In this context, bioturbation impacts of benthic animals (biological reworking of sediment matrix and ventilation of the sediment) on sediment aerobic respiration have previously been underestimated. Biological activity is likely to change over the course of a year due to seasonal changes of water temperatures. This study uses microcosm experiments to investigate how the impact of bioturbation (by Diptera, Chironomidae larvae) on lake sediment respiration changes when temperatures increase. While at 5°C, respiration in sediments with and without chironomids did not differ, at 30°C sediment respiration in microcosms with 2000 chironomids per m2 was 4.9 times higher than in uninhabited sediments. Our results indicate that lake water temperature increases could significantly enhance lake sediment respiration, which allows us to better understand seasonal changes in lake respiration and carbon metabolism as well as the potential impacts of global warming.  相似文献   

Prior studies on Lake Naivasha relevant to understanding sediment dynamics include a bathymetric map, a paleolimnological study of fossil invertebrate assemblages in lake sediment, an overview of lake level fluctuations throughout the 20th century, and identification of a dynamic assemblage of macrophyte zones that has responded both to these changes in lake level and to more recent, alien species. Sediment samples collected from the rivers systems and the lake were examined physically and chemically. River sediment characteristics reflect geology and geomorphological processes in the catchment, whereas lake sediment stratigraphy has responded to past lake level changes. Such changes have caused significant changes in aquatic vegetation assemblages. Present day sediment dynamics in the lake are governed by the presence of river point sources in the north and wave-induced re-suspension, such that sediments introduced by rivers are transported in easterly and southerly directions, and are eventually deposited in the eastern, central and southern parts of the lake. Sedimentary deposition is also occurring in northern areas that once were protected by papyrus swamp vegetation but now only have a narrow fringe, highlighting the important role of swamp vegetation in filtering out suspended particulates and thereby controlling water quality in the lake. Geochemical analyses of river and lake sediments indicate that they represent fairly undisturbed background conditions. Higher-than-expected concentrations of cadmium, iron, nickel and zinc found in both river and lake sediment are likely to derive from volcanic rocks and/or lateritic soils found in the lake catchment.  相似文献   

Eutrophication is a water quality issue in lakes worldwide, and there is a critical need to identify and control nutrient sources. Internal phosphorus (P) loading from lake sediments can account for a substantial portion of the total P load in eutrophic, and some mesotrophic, lakes. Laboratory determination of P release rates from sediment cores is one approach for determining the role of internal P loading and guiding management decisions. Two principal alternatives to experimental determination of sediment P release exist for estimating internal load: in situ measurements of changes in hypolimnetic P over time and P mass balance. The experimental approach using laboratory-based sediment incubations to quantify internal P load is a direct method, making it a valuable tool for lake management and restoration.Laboratory incubations of sediment cores can help determine the relative importance of internal vs. external P loads, as well as be used to answer a variety of lake management and research questions. We illustrate the use of sediment core incubations to assess the effectiveness of an aluminum sulfate (alum) treatment for reducing sediment P release. Other research questions that can be investigated using this approach include the effects of sediment resuspension and bioturbation on P release.The approach also has limitations. Assumptions must be made with respect to: extrapolating results from sediment cores to the entire lake; deciding over what time periods to measure nutrient release; and addressing possible core tube artifacts. A comprehensive dissolved oxygen monitoring strategy to assess temporal and spatial redox status in the lake provides greater confidence in annual P loads estimated from sediment core incubations.  相似文献   

Biomanipulation via fish regulation combined with submerged plant introduction is an effective measure to restore eutrophic shallow lakes. Improved water quality and clarity promote growth of benthic algae, which with submerged plants may limit sediment phosphorus (P) release, thereby reinforce lake recovery. Our study sought to evaluate the effect of such a biomanipulation on water quality, benthic algal development and sediment P release in a shallow, tropical lake by (1) comparing porewater and lake water quality, light intensity and benthic algal development in restored and unrestored sections; (2) conducting a 32P radiotracer experiment to track P release from sediment cores sampled from both sections. The biomanipulation led to lower total P, total dissolved P, and soluble reactive P concentrations in lake water, lower phytoplankton biomass, and increased light intensity at sediment surface, stimulating benthic algal development. Moreover, sediment 32P release was lower in the restored than unrestored section. Concurrently, dissolved oxygen levels in upper layers of the sediment cores were higher in the restored section. Our study indicates that the biomanipulation improved water quality and enhanced growth of benthic algae, thereby reducing sediment P release, which may be one of the main mechanisms to create successful restoration.  相似文献   

We assess the recovery of UK lakes from acidification using the combined data from sediment cores and sediment traps to track changes in diatom assemblages in 11 UK upland lakes from pre-acidification times (prior to ca. 1850 AD) to the present (2008 AD). We projected the data into a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of diatom assemblage data from 121 low-alkalinity lakes in the UK to show how the floristic composition of the core and trap diatom assemblages for each site has changed through time. The results show that the degree of recovery from acidification varies amongst sites but in all cases its extent is limited when compared with the pre-acidification reference. In most cases the recovery, although usually slight, is characterised by a decline in acid tolerant taxa and a return towards taxa that occurred previously at each respective site. In a few cases, however, the floristic composition of recent samples is different from those that occurred during and before the acidification phase. The reasons for this are not yet clear but it is possible that nutrient enrichment from atmospheric N deposition and/or climate change is beginning to play a role in driving water quality as acidity decreases. More generally the results show that annually recovered samples from sediment traps can be successfully combined with sediment core data to provide a continuous record of environmental change in lake systems, and that diatoms collected in sediment traps can be used to provide a very powerful lake monitoring tool.  相似文献   

300年来鄱阳湖营养盐演化重建与模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖梦娜  于革  郭娅 《生态学报》2016,36(8):2393-2402
水体富营养化已经成为全球性的问题而受到广泛关注,然而其发生的过程和机制尚未完全明了。在湖泊营养演化过程中,水文和生态是两个最基本的制约因素。相对于短期的和试验性的研究,长时间尺度的营养盐变化过程能更全面地揭示营养盐的演化机制。以我国最大的淡水湖——鄱阳湖为例,采用湖泊水体交换周期模型和湖泊生态-营养盐动力耦合模型,重建鄱阳湖营养盐的长期变化,并利用沉积钻孔代用指标加以验证。在此基础上探讨其演化机制,模拟的时间序列中营养盐变化对气候水文与生态系统存在两种不同的响应模式。敏感因子分析显示:典型同步响应期中(1812—1828 AD),气候水文因子的贡献率达79.1%,生态因子为20.9%;典型异步响应期中(1844—1860 AD),两者贡献率分别为36.4%和63.6%。在模拟的营养盐变化时间序列中同步期占62.5%,说明气候因子在营养盐演化过程中起重要的作用;异步期虽只占12.5%,但对湖泊营养盐作用、营养盐反馈生物量同样至关重要。相关分析结果显示,生物量增长与TP含量基本呈线性关系,但存在一个阈值。在没有超过阈值前,生物量对TP具有较好的调节作用;当超过阈值之后,生物量的调节作用减弱。  相似文献   

武汉东湖的磷-浮游植物动态模型   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
本文报道了东湖的一个富营养化模型。这个模型按照1年的时间标度描述东湖藻类的生长和磷循环,其状态变量包括浮游植物磷、藻类生物量、正磷酸盐、碎屑磷和沉积物磷。模型校准和检验结果表明,模型对于系统给定状态的描述是令人满意的,并且对于系统的强制函数的改变能给予合理的响应。根据东湖富营养化工程治理的初步设想,利用模型进行了东湖污水截流前后的水质预报,同时考查了截流后移出沉积物或引灌江水对于改善其水质的效果。模型所提供的各种预报可供拟定东湖治理方案时参考。  相似文献   

黄维  王为东 《生态学报》2016,36(20):6345-6352
长江三峡工程建成运行后,其下游第一个大型通江湖泊——洞庭湖的水文、水质以及湿地环境等均发生了很大变化。三峡工程已经开始影响到洞庭湖的泥沙淤积、水位波动、水质以及植被演替等。以三峡水库调度运行方案、河湖交互作用和洞庭湖湿地植被分布格局为基础,从长江三峡工程对洞庭湖水文、水质以及湿地植被演替等方面综述了三峡工程对洞庭湖湿地的综合影响。三峡工程减缓了长江输入洞庭湖泥沙的淤积速率,对短期内增加洞庭湖区调蓄空间、延长洞庭湖寿命有利。总体上减少了洞庭湖上游的来水量,改变了洞庭湖原来的水位/量变化规律。给洞庭湖水环境质量造成了直接或间接的影响,对其水质改变尚存一定争议,但至少在局部地区加剧了污染。水位变化和泥沙淤积趋缓协同改变了洞庭湖湿地原有植被演替方式,改以慢速方式演替,即群落演替的主要模式为:水生植物—虉草或苔草—芦苇—木本植物。展望了今后的研究趋势与方向,为三峡工程与洞庭湖关系的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Reskóné  Mária N.  Borsodi  Andrea K. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,506(1-3):715-720

Lake Velencei is a shallow lake with a fairly variable water quality due to the effect of the earlier basin reconstruction and external factors, such as the weather and the organic matter loading from the catchment areas. For studying the changes in sediment of Lake Velencei, MPN technique, based bacteriological investigations, as well as measurements of water chemical parameters were performed. Microbial communities of aerobic thiosulphate-oxidising, anaerobic phototrophic, and sulphate-reducing bacteria taking part in the sulphur cycle were monitored between 1993 and 2001. In the western part of the lake the bacteriological results and the chemical parameters verified the presence of sulphuretum. In the first low water period of the studies the quantity of the bacteria contributing to the sulphur cycle was low in the sediment. After the increase of the water level the distribution of these microbes became somewhat homogeneous in the sediment. However, the different sediment regions might be characterised with dissimilar MPN values of the studied bacterial communities.


A comprehensive study (chronological, lithological and geochemical) of an 8.5 m postglacial sediment sequence from Lake Peipsi was conducted to elucidate the effects of lake-level changes on the sedimentary environment and biogeochemical dynamics in a large lake. Four lithological units were distinguished in the sediment sequence studied: clayey silt, slightly laminated greyish carbonaceous gyttja, brownish-grey gyttja and dark gyttja. These units indicate that large shifts in sedimentation processes occurred in the past. The sediment data show that fluctuations in water depth had a profound impact on the lake environment, recorded as changes in the lithological composition, phosphorus content of sediments and composition of diatom assemblages. The corresponding changes are best reflected in sediments accumulated during phases of regression when the lake area was also smaller. As the water depth and area of the lake increased, wave-induced erosion and resedimentation smoothed or even disturbed the initial information. The increase of phosphorus content in the unconsolidated, high-porosity surface sediments (0.5 m) is most probably connected with active diffusion and matter exchange between the water-sediment pools.  相似文献   

Recent accelerated decay of discontinuous permafrost at the Stordalen Mire in northern Sweden has been attributed to increased temperature and snow depth, and has caused expansion of wet minerotrophic areas leading to significant changes in carbon cycling in the mire. In order to track these changes through time and evaluate potential forcing mechanisms, this paper analyses a peat succession and a lake sediment sequence from within the mire, providing a record for the last 100 years, and compares these with monitored climate and active layer thickness data. The peat core was analysed for testate amoebae to reconstruct changes in peatland surface moisture conditions and water table fluctuations. The lake sediment core was analysed by near infrared spectroscopy to infer changes in the total organic carbon (TOC) concentration of the lake‐water, and changes in δ13C and C, N and δ15N to track changes in the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) pool and the influence of diagenetic effects on sediment organic matter, respectively. Results showed that major shifts towards increased peat surface moisture and TOC concentration of the lake‐water occurred around 1980, one to two decades earlier than a temperature driven increase in active layer thickness. Comparison with monitored temperature and precipitation from a nearby climate station indicates that this change in peat surface moisture is related to June–September (JJAS) precipitation and that the increase in lake‐water TOC concentration reflects an increase in total annual precipitation. A significant depletion in 13C of sediment organic matter in the early 1980s probably reflects the effect of a single or a few consecutive years with anomalously high summer precipitation, resulting in elevated DIC content of the lake water, predominantly originating from increased export and subsequent respiration of organic carbon from the mire. Based on these results, it was not possible to link proxy data obtained on peat and lake‐sediment records directly to permafrost decay. Instead our data indicate that increased precipitation and anomalously high rainfall during summers had a significant impact on the mire and the adjacent lake ecosystem. We therefore propose that effects of increased precipitation should be considered when evaluating potential forcing mechanisms of recent changes in carbon cycling in the subarctic.  相似文献   

Being both stable carbon sinks and greenhouse gas sources, boreal lake sediments represent significant players in carbon (C) cycling. The release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) into anoxic water is a widespread phenomenon in boreal lakes with impact on sediment C budgets. The association of OC with iron (Fe) is assumed to play an important role for this anoxic OC release via the dissimilatory reduction of Fe, but also to influence the stabilization of OC in sediments. To investigate the role of Fe–OC association for OC dynamics in different boreal lake sediments, we compared the content of Fe-bound OC [Fe–OC, defined as citrate bicarbonate dithionite (CBD) extractable OC] and the extent of reductive dissolution of solid-phase Fe and OC at anoxia. We found high among-lake variability in Fe–OC content, and while the amount of Fe–OC was high in three of the lakes (980–1920 µmol g?1), the overall contribution of Fe–OC to the sediment OC pool in all study lakes was not higher than 11%. No linkages between the amount of the Fe–OC pool and lake or sediment characteristics (e.g., pH, DOC concentration, sediment OC content, C:N ratio) could be identified. The observed release of OC from anoxic sediment may be derived from dissolution of Fe–OC in the lake sediments with high Fe–OC, but in other lake sediments, OC release during anoxia exceeded the sediment Fe–OC pool, indicating low contribution of reductive Fe dissolution to OC release from these lake sediments. The range of the investigated boreal lakes reflects the high variability in the size of the sediment Fe–OC pool (0–1920 µmol g?1) and CBD-extractable Fe (123–4050 µmol g?1), which was not mirrored in the extent of reductive dissolution of Fe (18.9–84.6 µmol g?1) and OC (1080–1700 µmol g?1) during anoxia, suggesting that Fe-bound OC may play a minor role for sediment OC release in boreal lakes. However, studies of redox-related OC cycling in boreal lake sediments should consider that the amount of Fe–OC can be high in some lakes.  相似文献   

1. Wind‐induced sediment resuspension in shallow lakes affects many physical and biological processes, including food gathering by zooplankton. The effects of suspended sediment on clearance rate were determined for a dominant cladoceran, Daphnia carinata, and calanoid copepod, Boeckella hamata, in Lake Waihola, New Zealand. 2. Animals were incubated at multiple densities for 4 days in lake water containing different amounts of suspended lake sediment. Rates of harvest of major food organisms were determined for each sediment level (turbidity) from changes in net growth rate with grazer density. 3. Daphnia cleared all food organisms 7–40 μm in length at similar rates, but was less efficient in its removal of free bacteria, phytoplankton <7 μm, and large cyanobacterial filaments. Elevation of sediment turbidity from 2 to 10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) (63 mg DW L?1 added sediment) reduced Daphnia clearance of phytoplankton, heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates by 72–100%, and of amoebae and attached bacteria by 21–44%. Further inhibition occurred at higher turbidity. 4. Boeckella hamata removed microzooplankton primarily, rather than phytoplankton. The rate at which it cleared rotifers was reduced by 56% when turbidity was increased from 2.5 to 100 NTU. 5. In the absence of macrozooplankton, algal growth increased with sediment turbidity, suggesting that sediment also inhibits rotifer grazing. 6. As mid‐day turbidity in Lake Waihola is ≥10 NTU about 40% of the time, sediment resuspension may play a major role in moderating energy flow and structuring pelagic communities in this lake.  相似文献   

W. F. DeBusk 《Hydrobiologia》1988,159(2):159-167
A field study was conducted (May 1981 to June 1982) to develop a data-base on seasonal changes of water and sediment chemistry of Lake Monroe (4 000 ha surface and ca. 2 m deep) located in central Florida, USA. This shallow eutrophic lake is a part of the St. Johns River. Quantitative samples of lake water and sediments were collected on a monthly basis from 16 stations and analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters. Relatively high levels of dissolved solids (mean electrical conductivity (EC) = 1832 µS cm1) prevailed in the lake water, and seasonal changes in EC were probably associated with hydrologic flushing from external sources, such as incoming water from upstream as well as precipitation. Average monthly levels of total N and P during the study period were 1.82 and 0.21 mg l–1, respectively. Nutrient concentrations in the water did not show any strong seasonal trends. Organic matter content of lake sediments ranged from 1 to 182 g C kg–1 of dry sediment, reflecting considerable spatial variability. All nutrient elements in the sediments showed highly significant (P < 0.01) correlations with sediment organic C, though little or no significant relationship appeared at any sampling period between water and sediment chemistry of the lake. Temporal trends in water and sediment chemical parameters may have been concealed by periodic hydrologic flushing of the St. Johns River into Lake Monroe.Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. 7836.  相似文献   

Sediment from lakes on abandoned coal mines in the Midwestern U.S.A. was examined to determine the factors controlling chemical composition and the role the sediment plays in lake neutralization. Sediment concentrations of many cations, (especially heavy metals) are strongly correlated with sediment sulfide concentration, but poorly correlated with the pH of the overlying water. Leaching the sediment of one lake with 1 N ammonium acetate, 0.1 N HCl, and 6 N HCl revealed that cations were mostly bound in weak acid-leachable and strong acid-leachable forms. The weak acid-leachable form is likely to be metal sulfides and calcium carbonate. The sulfide-poor sediments of extremely acid lakes contained few weak acid-leachable cations. Raw mine-spoil contained large amounts of easily leached cations. There is little relationship between changes in sediment chemistry over time determined from cores of lake sediment and past lake pH. Rates of sulfide deposition were examined in sediment cores because sulfate reduction and deposition has been suggested as a major source of alkalinity in lakes influenced by acid precipitation. Although the rate of sulfate deposition in surface mine lakes is high, it alone seems to be insufficient to cause neutralization.  相似文献   

The content and calibration of the comprehensive generic 3D eutrophication model ECO for water and sediment quality is presented. Based on a computational grid for water and sediment, ECO is used as a tool for water quality management to simulate concentrations and mass fluxes of nutrients (N, P, Si), phytoplankton species, detrital organic matter, electron acceptors and related substances. ECO combines integral simulation of water and sediment quality with sediment diagenesis and closed mass balances. Its advanced process formulations for substances in the water column and the bed sediment were developed to allow for a much more dynamic calculation of the sediment-water exchange fluxes of nutrients as resulting from steep concentration gradients across the sediment-water interface than is possible with other eutrophication models. ECO is to more accurately calculate the accumulation of organic matter and nutrients in the sediment, and to allow for more accurate prediction of phytoplankton biomass and water quality in response to mitigative measures such as nutrient load reduction. ECO was calibrated for shallow Lake Veluwe (The Netherlands). Due to restoration measures this lake underwent a transition from hypertrophic conditions to moderately eutrophic conditions, leading to the extensive colonization by submerged macrophytes. ECO reproduces observed water quality well for the transition period of ten years. The values of its process coefficients are in line with ranges derived from literature. ECO’s calculation results underline the importance of redox processes and phosphate speciation for the nutrient return fluxes. Among other things, the results suggest that authigenic formation of a stable apatite-like mineral in the sediment can contribute significantly to oligotrophication of a lake after a phosphorus load reduction.  相似文献   

At two ephemeral saline lakes in Saskatchewan, changes in the physical and chemical features of water and sediments at various basin positions were monitored during a wet-dry cycle in 1978 and 1979. Water salinity fluctuated widely in response to changes in water volume and mass of solute in the water. When basins were dry, the soluble salt content of sediments 0–10 cm deep was higher than sediments 50–60 cm deep and sediments in the lake centre were more saline than at the shoreline. Upon reflooding, there was a large immediate decrease in sediment salinity at the 0–10 cm depth, such that this layer was less saline than sediments 50–60 cm deep. Sediments in the lake centre remained more saline than at the shoreline.Classification of lake salinity is necessary to assess the potential of a lake for emergent production. The large variances in ephemeral lake salinity due to water volume changes indicate that classification should be based upon the water volume-salinity cycle of these lakes rather than the salinity of any single water or sediment sample. Water management efforts to lower salinities, to improve these wetlands for emergent growth, should be aimed at reducing the salinity regime of the littoral zone. Flushing, dilution and drying and reflooding techniques are discussed as methods to decrease salinity.  相似文献   

In some lakes, large amounts of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis overwinter in the sediment. This overwintering population might inoculate the water column in spring and promote the development of dense surface blooms of Microcystis during summer. In the Dutch Lake Volkerak, we found photochemically active Microcystis colonies in the sediment throughout the year. The most vital colonies originated from shallow sediments within the euphotic zone. We investigated whether recruitment of Microcystis colonies from the sediment to the water column was an active process, through production of gas vesicles or respiration of carbohydrate ballast. We calculated net buoyancy, as an indication of relative density, using the amounts and densities of the major cell constituents (carbohydrates, proteins, and gas vesicles). Carbohydrate content of benthic Microcystis cells was very low throughout the year. Buoyancy changes of benthic Microcystis were mostly a result of changes in gas vesicle volume. Before the summer bloom, net buoyancy and the amount of buoyant colonies in the sediment did not change. Therefore, recruitment of Microcystis from the sediment does not seem to be an active process regulated by internal buoyancy changes. Instead, our observations indicate that attachment of sediment particles to colonies plays an important part in the buoyancy state of benthic colonies. Therefore, we suggest that recruitment of Microcystis is more likely a passive process resulting from resuspension by wind‐induced mixing or bioturbation. Consequently, shallow areas of the lake probably play a more important role in recruitment of benthic Microcystis than deep areas.  相似文献   

Lake circulation and sediment transport in Lake Myvatn   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lake circulation and sediment transport in Lake Myvatn have been calculated using AQUASEA, a numerical model developed by Vatnaskil Consulting Engineers. The goal of the modelling was to calculate changes in sediment transport within the lake due to changes in lake bathymetry caused by diatomite mining. The model uses the Galerkin finite element method and consists of a hydrodynamic flow model and a transport-dispersion model. The flow model is based on the shallow water equations and the wave equation. The transport model is based on the conservation of mass for suspended sediment. The model was calibrated against measurements performed during the summer of 1992. These included measurements of water elevation, current velocity, wave height, and concentration of suspended sediment. After calibration, the model was run for different mining scenarios to determine their impact on the sediment transport in the lake.  相似文献   

Climate warming and major land-use changes have profoundly affected the Mongolian landscape in the past several decades. Previous studies have recognized the impacts of a warmer, more arid climate and Mongolia’s 1991 transition from a command to a market economy on terrestrial ecosystems, including impaired sustainability of subsistence herding and threats to wild animals. In this study, we examined the combined effects of changing climate and herding practices on lake eutrophication in Western Mongolia. We sampled 65 lakes for modern nutrients and found the majority of lakes were eutrophic to hyper-eutrophic. Sediment cores were taken from five of the lakes to compare current lake status to paleolimnologial measures of lake eutrophication over the past 100–2000 years, including changes in diatom assemblages, diatom-inferred total phosphorus, biogenic silica, organic matter, and sediment accumulation rates. Variance partitioning analysis showed that recent shifts in diatom assemblages were related to changes in both climate and herding practices. The results presented here demonstrate a need for further study and long-term monitoring of water quality in Mongolia to understand the complicated interactions of climate and land use on aquatic resources and to preserve water quality in this remote and ecologically important region.  相似文献   

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