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The Supplement to the Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health documents that race, ethnicity, and culture are linked to the use of mental health services and the receipt of quality mental health care. The Supplement provides an elaborate discussion on how culture affects mental health care without a corresponding level of discourse on race. How race is handled in the Supplement suggests that it is still a sensitive topic and one that is difficult to address in a public report. This sensitivity parallels the difficulties that the social sciences have had in investigating issues of race. In this paper, we highlight some perspectives that have influenced the way race has been studied in the past and how these views reflect the general political climates of the eras that produced them.  相似文献   



The theory has been put forward that if a null hypothesis is true, P-values should follow a Uniform distribution. This can be used to check the validity of randomisation.


The theory was tested by simulation for two sample t tests for data from a Normal distribution and a Lognormal distribution, for two sample t tests which are not independent, and for chi-squared and Fisher’s exact test using small and using large samples.


For the two sample t test with Normal data the distribution of P-values was very close to the Uniform. When using Lognormal data this was no longer true, and the distribution had a pronounced mode. For correlated tests, even using data from a Normal distribution, the distribution of P-values varied from simulation run to simulation run, but did not look close to Uniform in any realisation. For binary data in a small sample, only a few probabilities were possible and distribution was very uneven. With a sample of two groups of 1,000 observations, there was great unevenness in the histogram and a poor fit to the Uniform.


The notion that P-values for comparisons of groups using baseline data in randomised clinical trials should follow a Uniform distribution if the randomisation is valid has been found to be true only in the context of independent variables which follow a Normal distribution, not for Lognormal data, correlated variables, or binary data using either chi-squared or Fisher’s exact tests. This should not be used as a check for valid randomisation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the reactive species that is responsible for cytokine-mediated β-cell death. Inhibitors of inducible nitric oxide synthase prevent this death, and addition of exogenous nitric oxide using donors induces β-cell death. The reaction of nitric oxide with superoxide results in the generation of peroxynitrite, and this powerful oxidant has been suggested to be the mediator of β-cell death in response to cytokine treatment. Recently, coumarin-7-boronate has been developed as a probe for the selective detection of peroxynitrite. Using this reagent, we show that addition of the NADPH oxidase activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate to nitric oxide-producing macrophages results in peroxynitrite generation. Using a similar approach, we demonstrate that cytokines fail to stimulate peroxynitrite generation by rat islets and insulinoma cells, either with or without phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate treatment. When forced to produce superoxide using redox cyclers, this generation is associated with protection from nitric oxide toxicity. These findings indicate that: (i) nitric oxide is the likely mediator of the toxic effects of cytokines, (ii) β-cells do not produce peroxynitrite in response to cytokines, and (iii) when forced to produce superoxide, the scavenging of nitric oxide by superoxide is associated with protection of β-cells from nitric oxide-mediated toxicity.  相似文献   

Fish can sense a wide variety of sounds by means of the otolith organs of the inner ear. Among the incompletely understood components of this process are the patterns of movement of the otoliths vis-à-vis fish head or whole-body movement. How complex are the motions? How does the otolith organ respond to sounds from different directions and frequencies? In the present work we examine the responses of a dense rigid scatterer (representing the otolith) suspended in an acoustic fluid to low-frequency planar progressive acoustic waves. A simple mechanical model, which predicts both translational and angular oscillation, is formulated. The responses of simple shapes (sphere and hemisphere) are analyzed with an acoustic finite element model. The hemispherical scatterer is found to oscillate both in the direction of the propagation of the progressive waves and also in the plane of the wavefront as a result of angular motion. The models predict that this characteristic will be shared by other irregularly-shaped scatterers, including fish otoliths, which could provide the fish hearing mechanisms with an additional component of oscillation and therefore one more source of acoustical cues.  相似文献   

Nearly all decapod crustaceans found in Antarctic waters south of the Antarctic Convergence are caridean shrimps (Natantia) while the group of Reptantia is largely absent in this area. Progress in the development of a physiological hypothesis is reported, which explains this distribution pattern based on differences in the regulation of magnesium levels in the haemolymph ([Mg2+]HL) and on the Mg2+ dependence of threshold temperatures below which cold-induced failure of cardiac and ventilatory performance occurs. Previous studies had shown that an increase in oxygen consumption and activity levels in the cold can be induced by experimental reduction of [Mg2+]HL in different reptant decapod species. In the present study, we tested the potential of these experimental findings for predicting the effect of low [Mg2+]HL in nature, and investigated temperature-induced changes in oxygen consumption in two species with low but different [Mg2+]HL from southern Chile, Halicarcinus planatus and Acanthocyclus albatrossis ([Mg2+]HL=10.7 and 21.6 mmol l-1, respectively). In accordance with previous findings, low [Mg2+]HL levels were associated with a reduction of thermal sensitivity and a higher metabolic rate in the cold. A model is developed which describes how [Mg2+]HL reduction caused a threshold temperature (pejus temperature, Tp) to fall, which characterises the onset of cold-induced failure in oxygen supply to tissues. This threshold temperature is interpreted, not only to indicate the limits of cold tolerance, but also of geographical distribution. Tp is shifted towards lower temperatures in Natantia, which are efficient [Mg2+]HL regulators. In contrast, Reptantia, which are poor [Mg2+]HL regulators, appear unable to colonise the permanently cold water of the Antarctic due to insufficient capacity of cardiac performance and, therefore, largely reduced scope for activity at high [Mg2+]HL.  相似文献   

1. Natural experiments, in the form of disturbance from spates, were used to study the resistance and resilience of interstitial communities. Investigations were conducted in a by-passed section of the Rhône River characterized by an artificial hydrology with frequent spates separated by regular minimum discharge of 30 m3 s–1. 2. Three areas of a bar were studied, upwellings at the head of the bar (stations 1 and 2), and downwelling at the tail of the bar (station 3). In the head of the bar the substratum was characterized by stable cobbles, while mobile gravels dominated in the tail of the bar. At each station, samples were derived from four depths (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 m below the surface of the substratum). Fifteen spates occurred during the study period whose peak discharge ranged from 50 to 1640 m3 s–1. Temporal variations of the fauna were studied by comparing the spate effect observed 1 day (resistance), 7 days (resilience) and 17 days after the spate. Within-class correspondence analysis was used to compare the temporal variability of the fauna within each class {station/depth}. 3. The fauna differed markedly between the three stations, and the relative density of stygobionts (i.e. hypogean fauna) decreased from 55% at station 1 to 4% at station 3. The spatio-temporal variability increased dramatically from station 1 to station 3. 4. The results suggest that the hyporheic zone acts as a patchy refugium: the stations were more or less active refugial zones, depending on hydrology (upwelling or downwelling), substratum stability and spate amplitude. 5. The downwelling station was the main refugium area for benthic taxa. Important migrations of benthic groups (e.g. Gammarus, Cladocera) or hyporheic taxa (e.g. Cyclopoida and Harpacticoida) were observed deep into the sediment (2 m). Vertical movements of stygobionts (Niphargus, Niphargopsis) were also observed at high amplitude spates. These movements were very important (great numbers of individuals migrated) at low and medium magnitude spates, but were unimportant at high discharge, when the threshold of sediment instability was exceeded. In this case the substratum became mobile and induced drift of benthic organisms. 6. Conversely, in the upwelling stable stations, accumulation was less important (lower number of species and lower densities) but more constant with increasing discharge, suggesting that substratum stability is also a key factor. 7. Generally recovery was rapid at all stations (within 7 days) but no relationships were found between resilience (rate of recovery) and the amplitude of spates.  相似文献   

We investigated infant response toward novel food in captive chimpanzees under the condition in which they can explore such items freely together with their mother. Infants first approached novel foods rather than familiar ones when presented simultaneously. However, they did not ingest novel food immediately, but always sniff-licked it first. Infants tended to pay attention to their mothers before mouthing or ingesting novel foods themselves, but never did so with familiar ones. In response to the infant's activity, mother chimpanzees were tolerant rather than actively interfering. Those results imply that chimpanzee infants respond to novel foods in a neophobic way and refer to their mother for some kind of cue before attempting to ingest them.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis has been used to determine whether zwitterions contribute to the ionic strength of a solution, by measuring the mobility of a double-stranded DNA oligomer in cacodylate-buffered solutions containing various concentrations of the ionic salt tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA(+)Cl(-)) or the zwitterion tricine(+/-). The mobility of the DNA decreased as the square root of ionic strength, as expected from the Debye-Hückel-Onsager theory of electrophoresis, when TEA(+)Cl(-) was added to the buffer. However, the mobility was independent of the concentration of added tricine(+/-). Hence, zwitterions do not contribute to the ionic strength of a solution.  相似文献   

In the present work, the following hypotheses were tested: (1) the negative effects of mycorrhization over host plant productivity in N-limited conditions are due to N retention by the fungal partner and not due to excessive C drainage; (2) If mycorrhization results in decreased N uptake, the host plant decreases its C investment in fungal growth. The effects of mycorrhization over a wide range of combinations between N availability, N concentration in plant tissues, and degree of mycorrhizal colonization were studied in Pinus pinaster L. mycorrhizal with Pisolithus tinctorius. Several plant productivity parameters, the seedlings’ N status, chl a fluorescence (JIP test), and mycorrhizal colonization were measured. N was always limiting. A gradient of mycorrhizal effects over the host plant’s growth and vitality was successfully obtained. The mycorrhizal effects on plant growth and N uptake were very strongly and positively correlated, and no evidence was found of a C limitation to growth, confirming hypothesis 1. Indications were found that the plants continued to provide C to the fungus although the N supplied by it was increasingly lower, denying hypothesis 2. A new index, the mycorrhizal N demand–supply balance, was found to efficiently explain, and to have a curvilinear relation with, the variation in response to mycorrhization. The mycorrhizal effect on host plant growth was not related to a negative effect on its photosynthetic performance and, therefore, reflected changes in resource allocation between host plant and mycorrhizal fungus, not in plant vitality.  相似文献   

The selection of habitat by macroinvertebrates living in running waters may be influenced by the physical characteristics of the substratum, as well as by the presence of other species. In this study, an artificial river with three different substrata (pebbles, detritus, and leaves) was utilized to analyze the microhabitat preference of two Plecoptera prey species (Amphinemura sulcicollis and Brachyptera risi), both in absence and in presence of a Plecoptera predator species (Perla marginata). In the absence of predators, both prey species showed a clear preference for the leaf microhabitat. When the predators were present, only Brachyptera risi showed a change of microhabitat selection, with a decrease of leaves and an increase of pebbles and detritus utilization. Amphinemura sulcicollis did not change their substratum utilization. This study demonstrates that the presence of a predator may affect microhabitat selection through a switch from the preferred to the less preferred substrata, although not all species change their habitat utilization in response to predator presence. (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Passive open-top chambers (OTCs) and rainout shelters (RSs) have been used for over two decades to manipulate temperature and water availability in experiments on plant communities. These types of manipulations have been independently evaluated; however, as experiments become more complex and multiple factors are evaluated the potential for unknown or undesirable treatment effects increases. We present the effects of temperature manipulations (with OTCs), water manipulations (with RSs and water additions), and a clipping treatment, implemented in a fully factorial design, on soil moisture and temperature over 2 years in a temperate grassland. Temperature was increased 0.2°C by OTCs. Soil volumetric water content was reduced 3% by RSs and increased 2% by watering. However, clipping vegetation, treatment interactions, and weather conditions also affected soil temperature and moisture. For example, in OTCs RSs increased the temperature an additional 0.4°C, watering lowered it 0.4°C, and clipping raised temperature 2°C. Similarly, changes in soil moisture due to the RSs decreased VWC by 3% and increased 1% by clipping whereas soil moisture due to watering was reduced 1% by the OTCs and clipping. We also found that OTCs are more effective at raising temperatures on cooler days when soil temperatures are below 16.3°C. Our results suggest that all treatment types generally affect soil variables in predicable ways, but use of such devices should be adopted with caution, as they do not act independently, or exclusively, on the target variables.  相似文献   

Miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus) and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) are large perennial grass bioenergy crops in the USA and Europe. Despite much research into their agronomic potential, few studies have examined in situ root growth dynamics under irrigation and soil water deficits, particularly as they relate to shoot performance. We grew miscanthus and switchgrass in outdoor mesocosms under irrigated and rainfed conditions and assessed the spatial distribution and abundance of roots using minirhizotron images and whole root system sampling. Despite surviving an extended period of drought, shoot and root biomass, root length density, numbers of culms, and culm height were reduced in both species under rainfed (dry) conditions. However, rainfed switchgrass far outperformed rainfed miscanthus in all shoot and root growth metrics. The rainfed (drought) treatment reduced switchgrass and miscanthus whole plant biomass by 83 and 98 %, culm production by 67 and 90 %, and root length density by 67 and 94 % compared to irrigated plants, respectively. Root nitrogen concentration was higher for miscanthus (3-fold) and switchgrass (4-fold) in the rainfed treatment compared to irrigated plants and did not significantly differ between species. Unlike miscanthus, switchgrass grew roots continuously into regions of available soil moisture as surface soil layers grew increasingly dry, indicating a drought avoidance strategy. Our study suggests that switchgrass is more likely to tolerate drought by mining deep wet soils, while miscanthus relies on shallow rhizome production to tolerate dry soils.  相似文献   

Previous studies on cats walking backward have indicated that they adopt a presumably adaptive posture characterized by extreme dorsiflexion of the lumbar spine. Because humans do not show any marked postural changes during backward walking, we questioned whether the posture exhibited by cats during backward walking was in fact adaptive and whether it was typical of quadrupeds. We therefore compared forward and backward walking in three treadmill-trained dogs and found reduced temporal parameters during backward walking and a marked reduction in wrist palmar-flexion during the swing phase of a backward step, but no change in trunk posture. We suggest that the aberrant posture exhibited by cats during backward walking is more related to ethological factors than to biomechanical ones.  相似文献   

Milberg (2014, Applied Vegetation Science, this issue) argues that scientific journals do not adequately respond to the practical needs of vegetation management. To bridge the gap between scientists and practitioners, he proposes a reform of applied vegetation research and of the journal Applied Vegetation Science. As the Chief Editors, we agree that it is vital to make the results of our studies accessible to decision‐makers and managers, but this cannot be at the expense of scientific research, or its publication. International scientific journals are source of theoretical foundations for applications, therefore they cannot be transformed to primarily solve practical issues while giving up their focus on understanding processes.  相似文献   

Nipah virus (NiV) (Genus Henipavirus) is a recently emerged zoonotic virus that causes severe disease in humans and has been found in bats of the genus Pteropus. Whilst NiV has not been detected in Australia, evidence for NiV-infection has been found in pteropid bats in some of Australia’s closest neighbours. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of henipaviruses in fruit bat (Family Pteropodidae) populations to the north of Australia. In particular we tested the hypothesis that Nipah virus is restricted to west of Wallace’s Line. Fruit bats from Australia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Indonesia were tested for the presence of antibodies to Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus, and tested for the presence of HeV, NiV or henipavirus RNA by PCR. Evidence was found for the presence of Nipah virus in both Pteropus vampyrus and Rousettus amplexicaudatus populations from East Timor. Serology and PCR also suggested the presence of a henipavirus that was neither HeV nor NiV in Pteropus alecto and Acerodon celebensis. The results demonstrate the presence of NiV in the fruit bat populations on the eastern side of Wallace’s Line and within 500 km of Australia. They indicate the presence of non-NiV, non-HeV henipaviruses in fruit bat populations of Sulawesi and Sumba and possibly in Papua New Guinea. It appears that NiV is present where P. vampyrus occurs, such as in the fruit bat populations of Timor, but where this bat species is absent other henipaviruses may be present, as on Sulawesi and Sumba. Evidence was obtained for the presence henipaviruses in the non-Pteropid species R. amplexicaudatus and in A. celebensis. The findings of this work fill some gaps in knowledge in geographical and species distribution of henipaviruses in Australasia which will contribute to planning of risk management and surveillance activities.  相似文献   

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