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Ferredoxin was isolated from the blue-green alga Anabaena flos-aquae. Its homogeneity was shown by conventional and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gel columns, the latter indicating a pI at ca pH 3·7. The absorption spectrum had, in the oxidized state, maxima at 462, 421, 327 and 276 nm, with a shoulder at 284 nm, a spectrum characteristic of plant-type ferredoxins. The 421 : 276 nm absorbance ratio was typically 0.49. The ferredoxin effectively mediated the photoreduction of NADP+ by barley chloroplasts depleted of native ferredoxin. The MW obtained by sedimentation-equilibrium and sedimentation velocity-diffusion coefficient studies was ca 12 000 daltons, a value somewhat higher than suggested by amino acid composition data. The ferredoxin contained 2Fe and 2S per molecule.  相似文献   

Heterocyst glycolipid synthase (HglT) catalyzes the final step of heterocyst glycolipid (Hgl) biosynthesis, in which a glucose is transferred to the aglycone (fatty alcohol). Here we describe the isolation of hglT null mutants. These mutants lacked Hgls under nitrogen-starved conditions and instead accumulated fatty alcohols. Differentiated heterocyst cells in the mutants were morphologically indistinguishable from those of the wild-type cells. Interestingly, the mutants grew under nitrogen starvation but fixed nitrogen with lower nitrogenase activity than did the wild-type. The mutants had a pale green phenotype with a decreased chlorophyll content, especially under nitrogen-starved conditions. These results suggest that the glucose moiety of the Hgls may be necessary for optimal protection against oxygen influx but is not essential and that aglycones can function as barriers against oxygen influx in the heterocyst cells.  相似文献   

A flavodoxin was isolated from the blue-green alga Nostoc strain MAC grown photoautotrophically or chemoheterotrophically in iron-deficient medium. In vitro, the flavodoxin would support NADP+ photoreduction by photosynthetic membranes, pyruvate oxidation by the phosphoroclastic system of Clostridium pasteurianum, and electron transfer to Cl. pasteurianum hydrogenase. In its oxidized form, the flavodoxin had absorbance maxima at 274 sh283 sh293, 376 sh432 and 466 sh488 nm. Reduction by dithionite proceeded via a neutral, blue semiquinone radical. The flavodoxin contained 1 mol of FMN per mol of protein and the amino acid composition showed a predominance of acidic residues; cysteine was apparently absent. A minimum MW of ca 22 000 derived from these data was confirmed by electrophoresis on SDS-polyacrylamide gels and by ultracentrifugal analysis. This flavodoxin thus belongs to the higher MW group of these low potential electron transfer proteins.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin was purified from the thermophilic blue-green alga, Mastigocladuslaminosus. The physicochemical properties of this ferredoxin are similar to those of other [2Fe-2S] plant ferredoxins except for its unusual thermal stability. The primary structure of the protein was determined and consists of 98 amino acid residues, 5 of which are cysteines. The positions of 4 cysteines which bind the iron atoms of the active centre are identical to those in other ferredoxins. The primary structure of the ferredoxin does not reveal any special features to account for its high thermal stability.  相似文献   

In Anacystis nidulans the ribonuclease (RNase) activity is very low but is greatly increased upon phage-infection. A RNase was isolated and purified over 300-fold from A. nidulans cells infected by cyanophage AS-1. The enzyme did not attack single- or double-stranded DNA, was inactive on p-nitrophenyl phosphate or bis-p-nitrophenyl phosphate as substrates, and had neither 3′- nor 5′-nucleotidase activity. The approximate MW of the enzyme was 12000. Maximal enzyme activity was at pH 7.5. No absolute requirement for metal ions was observed, but Fe3+ stimulated and Co2+ and Ni2+ inhibited enzyme activity. The enzyme is an endonuclease which, upon exhaustive hydrolysis, produces mainly oligonucleotides (average chain-length: 3) with 3′-P termini. Analysis of the base composition of these oligonucleotides and determination of their 3′-terminal nucleosides, together with the investigation of the rate of hydrolysis of synthetic polyribonucleotides, have shown that the enzyme has a relative specificity for uridylic acid.  相似文献   

Gel electrophoresis of the glucosyltransferases of the blue-green alga, Oscillatoria princeps, followed by immunodiffusion against anti-phosphorylase rabbit serum, showed cross-reactions of the two phosphorylase isozymes and the two synthetase isozymes of the alga. Weak cross-reactions were also obtained with the branching isozymes. Apparent extensive similarities in the structure of the phosphorylases and the synthetases were indicated. However, only partial structural similarities between the two groups of α-1,4-glucosidic bond formers and the branching isozymes exist as indicated by the weak immunological reactions obtained and the formation of “spurs” on the immunoprecipitin lines. If the synthesis of α-1,4-glucosidic linkages and the formation of α-1,6 cross linkages were at one time due to the bifunctional action of a single catalytic protein, then the separation of these two enzymatic activities took place prior to the derivation of the synthetases from the phosphorylases.  相似文献   

Anacystis nidulans was found to contain three tRNAval isoacceptors which could be charged also in heterologous systems with aminoacyl synth  相似文献   

A ‘resting state’ isolate of the hydrocarbon-producing alga Botryococcus braunii photoassimilated sodium [14C]bicarbonate at rates comparable to fast growing algae, such as Chlorella (> 1.50 μg atoms 14C/mg chlorophyll·hr). Early in the reaction (up to several min), most of the radioactivity was associated with water-soluble metabolites. However, labelling of hexane-soluble compounds steadily from ca 3% at 15 sec to over 50% of the total incorporated 14C at 60 min. The purified hexane fraction, which consisted of a series of botryococcenes and squalene, constituted a relatively constant proportion (40–45%) of the total hexane-soluble radioactivity at all but the earliest time points (< 60 sec). This fraction initially consisted almost exclusively of a C30 botryococcene (ca 91%) and squalene (ca 8%); however, small amounts of radioactivity sequentially appeared in the C31, C32 and C34 botryococcenes. The results of pulse-chase experiments implicated the C30 botryococcene as the precursor of the higher homologues; during the chase, loss of radioactivity from the C30 compound was accompanied by a concomitant increase in the labelling of the C31 and C32 compounds. This study provides further evidence that the relatively slow growth of Botryococcus in culture may result, in part, from the diversion of a large proportion of reduced carbon into energetically expensive compounds and that the slower growth rate in the ‘resting state’ cannot be totally attributed to an impaired or intrinsically slow metabolism.  相似文献   

The glycolipids and phospholipids in fronds and rhizomes of Pteridium aquilinum were determined. The total quantity of polar lipid decreased towards the base of the frond, but increased in the storage rhizome. The monogalactosyl diglyceride/digalactosyl diglyceride ratio was 1.8 in the pinnae, 1.0 in the lower petiole and 0.3 in the storage rhizome.  相似文献   

The regulation of nitrogenase biosynthesis and activity by ammonia was studied in the heterocystous cyanobacterium Anabaena cylindrica. Nitrogenase synthesis was measured by in vivo acetylene reduction assays and in vitro by an activity-independent, immunoelectrophoretic measurement of the Fe-Mo protein (Component I). When ammonia was added to differentiating cultures after a point when heterocyst differentiation became irreversible, FeMo protein synthesis was also insensitive to ammonia. Treating log-phase batch cultures with 100% O2 for 30 min resulted in a loss of 90% of nitrogenase activity and a 50% loss of the FeMo protein. Recovery was inhibited by chloramphenicol but not by ammonia or urea. The addition of ammonia to log-phase cultures resulted in a decrease in specific levels of nitrogenase activity and FeMo protein that occurred at the same rate as algal growth and was independent of O2 tension of the culture media. However, in light-limited linear-phase cultures, ammonia effected a dramatic inhibition of nitrogenase activity. These results indicate that nitrogenase biosynthesis becomes insensitive to repression by ammonia as heterocysts mature and that ammonia or its metabolites act to regulate nitrogen fixation by inhibiting heterocyst differentiation and by inhibiting nitrogenase activity through competition with nitrogenase for reductant and/or ATP, but not by directly regulating nitrogenase biosynthesis in heterocysts.  相似文献   

Heterocyst preparations have been obtained which actively perform nitrogen fixation (C2H2 reduction) and contain the enzymes of glycolysis and some of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Pyruvate: ferredoxin oxidereductase has been unambiguously demonstrated in extracts from heterocysts by the formation of acetylcoenzyme A, CO2 and reduced methyl viologen (ferredoxi) from pyruvate, coenzyme A and oxidized methyl viologen (ferredoxin) as well as by the synthesis of pyruvate from CO2, acetylcoenzyme A and reduced methyl viologen. Pyruvate supports C2H2 reduction by isolated heterocysts, however, with lower activity than Na2S2O4 and H2. α-Ketoglutarate: ferredoxin oxidoreductase is absent in Anabaena cylindrica, confirming that the organism has an incomplete tricarboxylic acid cycle.  相似文献   

Analyses of citrus leaves and fruits, and radioisotope tracer work showed that the leaves could synthesize limonoids and that the trees could translocate limonoids from leaves to the fruit. These results suggest that limonoids in citrus fruit tissues are synthesized in leaves and translocated to the fruit. No evidence was found to support the presence of limonoid biosynthetic systems in the fruit tissues.  相似文献   

4(S*),6(S*),8(S*),10(S*),12(R*),14(R*),16(R*),18(R*),20(R*)-Nonamethoxy-1-pentacosene and smaller amounts of the isotactic homologs, 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22-decamethoxy-1-heptacosene and 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18-octamethoxy-1-tricosene, are novel lipophilic constituents of the toxic blue-green alga Tolypothrix conglutinata var. chlorata Ghose from Fanning Atoll.  相似文献   

The cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Synechococcus 6301 incorporated a large amount of isotope from [1-14C] and [2-14C]acetate into phaeophorbide a obtained from chlorophyll a and into glutamatein cell protein; very little radioactivity was present in aspartate in cell protein. This distribution of isotope indicates that aspartate and the tetrapyrrole of chlorophyll a are not derived from a common C4, precursor. The ratios of the specific radioactivities of phaeophorbide a to glutamate for organisms grown in the presence of 1-14C] and [2-4C ] acetate were 2.5:1 and 10:1 respectively. These are close to the theoretical values for the C5, route to δ-aminolaevulinate which indicates that this is the only pathway to the tetrapyrrole precursor in Synechococcus 6301.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of dehydrotremetone in Eupatorium rugosum has been investigated by feeding radioactive precursors to intact plants. The carbon atoms of acetate-[1-14C] and acetate-[2-14C] were identified in dehydrotremetone by degradation of the molecule. From the pattern of labeling it was concluded that the acetophenone moiety was derived from acetate via the polyacetate pathway. From the incorporation of mevalonate it appeared that the furan ring and its side chain were formed from an isoprenoid compound. Potential aromatic intermediates were chemically synthesized and also fed to plants but only tremetone was found to be efficiently incorporated into dehydrotremetone. Neither 4-hydroxyacetophenone nor 4-hydroxy-3[isopenten-(2)-yl]-acetophenone were efficiently incorporated into dehydrotremetone.  相似文献   

Extracellular polypeptides released by both N2-grown [peptide I] and NO3-grown [peptide II]Anabaena L-31 have molecular weight of approximately 3,500 but have distinctly different amino acid composition. Acid hydrolysis of the peptide I fraction (obtained by separation on Sephadex G-25) yielded ten amino acids whereas that from peptide II fraction yielded only 3 amino acids. On addition to a freshly inoculated N2-grown culture, the peptide I fraction stimulated pro-heterocyst and to a lesser extent heterocyst differentiation, whereas the peptide II fraction strongly inhibited differentiation. The inhibitory effect of polypeptide II fraction could not be relieved by methionine sulphoximine, which by itself enhances differentiation, but was greatly relieved by addition of the peptide I fraction. The data suggest but does not prove, thatAnabaena L-31 synthesises “inducer” or “inhibitor” peptides which could possibly control pattern formation.  相似文献   

The 13C NMR spectrum of citreomontanin has been fully assigned by analysis in the presence of a shift reagent. The intramolecular distribution patt  相似文献   

Administration of [2?14C]mevalonolactone to excised leaves of Acnistus breviflorus produced labelled withaferin A and jaborosalactone A. The former was degraded leading to the isolation of glyceric acid from C-25–C-27 of the withanolide. These carbons represented only 2 % of the total radioactivity of withaferin A. The relative radioactivity of these carbons indicated that C-26 is directly derived from C-2 of mevalonolactone suggesting that the 25-pro-R-methyl group of cholesterol or any other sterol intermediate had been oxidized to form the lactone ring of the withanolide. The total radioactivity value found for C-25–C-27 was much lower than the expected 20 % of the total value for the withanolide indicating that the side chain of the sterol precursor had been partially cleaved during the biosynthetic process.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of halogenated monoterpenes in this alga has been studied by feeding experiments using labelled bicarbonate, acetate and mevalonate. Seasonal effects have been observed in these studies and the incorporation of H14CO3? into primary metabolites is consistent with the expected reductive pentose pathway. The incorporations of [3H, 14C]mevalonates and limited chemical degradations are consistent with the expected cyclization to these rearranged monoterpenes. Attempts to obtain cell free systems to carry out all or part of the biosynthetic sequence or to halogenate various substrates have been unsuccessful, although a classical peroxidase has been isolated, characterized and partially purified.  相似文献   

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