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In this study we investigated the time course of length and velocity of muscle fascicles and tendinous tissues (TT) during isometric twitch contraction, and examined how their interaction relates to the time course of external torque and muscle fascicle force generation. From seven males, supra-maximal twitch contractions (singlet) of the tibialis anterior muscle were induced at 30 degrees , 10 degrees and -10 degrees plantar flexed positions. The length and velocity of fascicles and TT were determined from a series of their transverse ultrasound images. The maximal external torque appeared when the shortening velocity of fascicles was zero. The fascicle and TT length, and external torque showed a 10-30 ms delay of each onset, with a significant difference in half relaxation times at -10 degrees . The time course of TT elongation, and fascicle and tendinous velocities did not differ between joint angles. Curvilinear length-force properties, whose slope of quasi-linear part was ranged from -15.0 to -5.9 N/mm for fascicles and 5.4 to 14.3N/mm for TT, and a loop-like pattern of velocity-force properties, in which the mean power was ranged from 0.14 to 0.80 W for fascicles, and 0.14 to 0.81 W for TT were also observed. These results were attributed to the muscle-tendon interaction, depending on the slack and non-linearity of length-force relationship of compliant TT. We conclude that the mechanical interaction between fascicles and TT, are significant determinants of twitch force and time characteristics.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the differences between the human medial gastrocnemius (MG) and soleus (SOL) muscles in length changes of muscle fascicles and tendinous tissues during twitch contraction induced by an electrical nerve stimulus. Also, the time-course characteristics of twitch torque were related with changes in the length of muscle fascicles and tendinous tissues. No significant difference was observed between MG and SOL in contraction and half relaxation times of the changes in lengths and velocities of both muscle fascicles and tendinous tissues. The time-course of changes in twitch torque was nearly identical to that of the length of muscle fascicles and tendinous tissues. It was suggested that the behavior of MG and SOL during twitch contraction is practically similar in spite of their known physiological and architectural differences, and that the time-course of twitch torque is greatly influenced by the changes in the length of muscle fascicles and tendinous tissues.  相似文献   

Isokinetic tests performed on human muscle in vivo during plantar flexion contractions lead to torque–angular velocity relationships usually fitted by Hill's equation expressed in angular terms. However, such tests can lead to discrepant results since they require maximal voluntary contractions performed in dynamic conditions. In the present study, another way to approach mechanical behaviour of a musculo-articular structure was used, i.e. sinusoidal oscillations during sub-maximal contractions. This led to the expression of (i) Bode diagrams allowing the determination of a damping coefficient (Bbode); and (ii) a viscous parameter (Bsin) using an adaptation of Hill's equation to sinusoidal oscillations. Then torque–angular velocity relationships were predicted from a model based on the interrelation between Bbode and Bsin and on the determination of optimal conditions of contraction. This offers the possibility of characterizing muscle dynamic properties by avoiding the use of isokinetic maximal contractions.  相似文献   

One of many problems to be faced when assessing in vivo human muscle mitochondria respiration by phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS) is the definition of the correct reference population and the values of reference range. To take into account most factors that influence muscle activity as age, sex, physical activity; nutritional state etc., an exceedingly high number of different reference groups are needed. To overcome this problem we developed specific tests to assess separately in vivo the activity and the functionality of muscle mitochondria by 31P-MRS in clinical settings. By activity we refer to muscle whole metabolic activity, i.e. the total oxidative capacity of muscle mitochondria which is influenced by many factors (age, sex, physical activity, nutritional state etc.). By functionality we refer to the qualitative aspects of mitochondrial respiration which depends on the integrity of mitochondrial multienzyme systems and on substrate availability. Our tests ha ve been experienced on some 1200 patients and are currently used to detect deficits of mitochondrial respiration and ion transport in patients with suspected primary or secondary muscle mitochondrial malfunctioning. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 11–15, 1997)  相似文献   

We used acid digestion and glycogen depletion to determine fascicle organization, fiber morphology, and physiological and anatomical features of individual motor units of an in-series muscle, the pectoralis (pars thoracicus) of the pigeon (Columba livia). Most fascicles are attached at one end to connective tissue. Average fiber length in the four regions examined range from 42% to 66% of average fascicle length. More than 65% of fibers are blunt at one end of a fascicle and taper intrafascicularly. Fibers with blunt–blunt endings range from 13% to 31% of the population in different regions; taper–taper fibers range from 2% to 17%. Pigeon pectoralis fibers are distinguished histochemically into fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) and fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) populations. Three units composed of FG fibers (FG units) contract more quickly than three units composed of FOG fibers (FOG units) (range 31–37 vs 47–62 msec), produce more tetanic force (0.11–0.32 vs 0.02–0.05 N) and are more fatigable (<18% initial force vs >50% after repeated stimulation). Most motor units are confined to one of the four muscle regions. Territory of two FOG units is <30% of parent fascicle length. Territories of other units spanned parent fascicles; most fibers in these units do not extend the full fascicle length. Compared to FG units, FOG units have lower maximum innervation ratios and density indices (ratio of depleted/total FOG fibers in territory 8–14% vs 58–76% for FG units). These differences support the hypothesis that FG units are organized to produce substantial force and power for takeoff, landing and other ballistic movements whereas FOG units are suited for sustained flight when power requirements are reduced. Implications of findings for understanding the control of in-series muscles and the use of connective tissue elastic elements during wing movements are discussed. J.Morphol. 236:179–208, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recognition of muscle attachment sites and their modification has been an important tool in anthropologic and paleontologic research, but has been compromised by limited ability to recognise sites of tendinous attachments. We investigated bone–tendon (three sites) and bone–muscle (six sites) interfaces in six pairs of femora across a broad taxonomic spectrum of higher amniote archosaurs (both recent and fossil) by epi-illumination microscopy. Direct fleshy and indirect tendinous muscle attachments were identified by dissection of fresh specimens and examination of fossils and the surface microscopic changes identified at those locations. Examination revealed bone modifications specific to each type of muscle insertion, allowing them to be identified and distinguished. Application of a surface microscopy technique not only permits more confident localisation of tendinous attachments, but for the first time allows recognition of sites of direct fleshy muscle attachments – in a reproducible manner across phylogenetic lines.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the changes that occur in tendinous tissue properties during the early phase of tetanic summation in the in vivo human tibialis anterior muscle (TA). The torque response and tendinous tissue elongation following single stimuli, two-pulse trains, and three-pulse trains were recorded in the TA during isometric contractions. The elongation, compliance, and lengthening velocity of tendinous tissue were determined by real-time ultrasonography. The contribution of the response to the second stimulation (C2) was obtained by subtracting the response to the single stimulation (C1) from the response of doublet. The third contribution (C3) was obtained by subtracting the response to the doublet from that of the triplet. C2 (7.8±0.5 Nm) and C3 (7.3±0.6 Nm) had torque responses significantly higher than C1 (3.6±0.7 Nm). In contrast, the elongations of tendinous tissue for C2 (2.8±0.4 mm) and C3 (1.7±0.2 mm) were significantly lower than for C1 (4.9±0.3 mm), indicating that the summation pattern of tendinous tissue elongation is different from the summation pattern of torque response. In addition, this showed considerable difference both between C1 (0.12±0.01 mm/N; 83±4.6 mm/s) and C2 (0.03±0.005 mm/N; 50±6.3 mm/s) and between C1 and C3 (0.02±0.002 mm/N; 39±6.4 mm/s) in the compliance and lengthening velocity of tendinous tissue. These results suggest that changes in tendinous tissue properties between first and second contraction are related to different summation patterns of force and tendinous tissue elongation during early phase of tetanic summation.  相似文献   

The thresher sharks comprise a single family (Alopiidae) of pelagic sharks most easily recognized by the elongate dorsal lobe of their caudal fin. Despite morphological similarities among the alopiids, the common thresher (Alopias vulpinus) is unique in that its red, aerobic myotomal muscle (RM) is medially positioned (i.e., closer to the vertebrae), its systemic blood is supplied through a lateral circulation which give rise to counter‐current heat exchanging retia, and it is capable of regional RM endothermy. Despite this information, it remains unknown if the other two alopiid species (bigeye thresher, Alopias superciliosus and pelagic thresher, Alopias pelagicus) also possess some or all of the characteristics related to regional RM endothermy. Thus, this study aimed to 1) document the presence of vascular specializations necessary for heat retention and RM endothermy and 2) measure the in vivo muscle temperatures of all three alopiid species. Laboratory dissections of the thresher species showed that only A. vulpinus possesses the lateral branching of the dorsal aorta giving rise to a lateral subcutaneous circulation and retial system, and that RM temperatures are elevated relative to ambient temperature. By contrast, both A. pelagicus and A. superciliosus have a similar systemic blood circulation pathway, in which the dorsal aorta and postcardinal vein form the basis for the central circulation and in vivo RM temperature measurements closely matched those of the ambient temperature at which the sharks were captured. Collectively, the vascular anatomy and in vivo temperature data suggest that only one species of thresher shark (A. vulpinus) possesses the requisite vascular specializations (i.e., lateral subcutaneous vessels and retia mirabilia) that facilitate RM endothermy. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the present work, a generic model for the prediction of moment-angle characteristics in individual human skeletal muscles is presented. The model's prediction is based on the equation M = V x Lo(-1)sigma c cos phi x d, where M, V, and Lo are the moment-generating potential of the muscle, the muscle volume and the optimal muscle fibre length, respectively, and sigma, phi and d are the stress-generating potential of the muscle fibres, their pennation angle and the tendon moment arm length, respectively, at any given joint angle. The input parameters V, Lo, sigma, phi and d can be measured or derived mechanistically. This eliminates the common problem of the necessity to estimate one or more of the input parameters in the model by fitting its outcome to experimental results often inappropriate for the function modelled. The model's output was validated by comparisons with the moment-angle characteristics of the gastrocnemius (GS) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles in six men, determined experimentally using voluntary contractions at several combinations of ankle and knee joint angles for the GS muscle and electrical stimulation for the TA muscle. Although the model predicted realistically the pattern of moment-angle relationship in both muscles, it consistently overestimated the GS muscle M and consistently underestimated the TA muscle M, with the difference gradually increasing from dorsiflexion to plantarflexion in both cases. The average difference between predicted and measured M was 14% for the GS muscle and 10% for the TA muscle. Approximating the muscle fibres as a single sarcomere in both muscles and failing to achieve complete TA muscle activation by electrical stimulation may largely explain the differences between theory and experiment.  相似文献   

Cervical muscles are commonly represented by line-of-action models. This investigation evaluates the performance of three types of model implementations, based on their ability to mimic geometric in-vivo aspects of muscles. Five prominent pairs of neck muscles were reconstructed in three head positions using magnetic resonance imaging. Based on the reconstructions, muscle approximations were created that represent the muscles with piecewise straight lines. Measured and modelled muscle approximations were compared with respect to their pulling directions at the attachment sites and the overall distance between the muscle paths. Muscle lengths were evaluated in two ways. First, length discrepancies were determined between measured and modelled muscles depending on the head position. Second, the difference of muscle lengths in neutral and deflected head positions for measurement and models were calculated. The results indicate considerable differences between models and measurements. Pulling directions, for instance, differed by up to 40°, depending on the chosen muscle and the type of muscle implementation.  相似文献   

This article investigates how the internal structure of muscle and its relationship with tendon and even skeletal structures influence the translation of muscle fiber contractions into movement of a limb. Reconstructions of the anatomy of the human soleus muscle from the Visible Human Dataset (available from the National Library of Medicine), magnetic resonance images (MRI), and cadaver studies revealed a complex 3D connective tissue structure populated with pennate muscle fibers. The posterior aponeurosis and the median septum of the soleus form the insertion of the muscle and are continuous with the Achilles tendon. The distal extremities of the pennate muscle fibers attach to these structures. The anterior aponeurosis is located intramuscularly, between the posterior aponeurosis and the median septum. It forms the origin of the muscle and contacts the proximal extremities of the soleus muscle fibers. MRI measurements of in vivo tissue velocities during isometric contractions (20% and 40% maximum voluntary contractions) revealed a similarly complex 3D distribution of tissue movements. The distribution of velocities was similar to the distribution of major connective tissue structures within the muscle. During an isometric contraction, muscle fiber contractions move the median septum and posterior aponeurosis proximally, relative to the anterior aponeurosis. The pennate arrangement of muscle fibers probably amplifies muscle fiber length changes but not sufficiently to account for the twofold difference in muscle fiber length changes relative to excursion of the calcaneus. The discrepancy may be accounted for by an additional gain mechanism operating directly on the Achilles tendon by constraining the posterior movement of the tendon, which would otherwise occur due to the increasingly posterior location of the calcaneus in plantarflexeion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Understanding the mechanisms underlying gene electrotransfer muscle damage can help to design more effective gene electrotransfer strategies for physiological and therapeutical applications. The present study investigates the factors involved in gene electrotransfer associated muscle damage. METHODS: Histochemical analyses were used to determine the extent of transfection efficiency and muscle damage in the Tibialis anterior muscles of Sprague-Dawley male rats after gene electrotransfer. RESULTS: Five days after gene electrotransfer, features of muscle degeneration and regeneration were consistently observed, thus limiting the extent of transfection efficiency. Signs of muscle degeneration/regeneration were no longer evident 21 days after gene electrotransfer except for the presence of central myonuclei. Neither the application of electrical pulses per se nor the extracellular presence of plasmid DNA per se contributed significantly to muscle damage (2.9 +/- 1.0 and 2.1 +/- 0.7% of the whole muscle cross-sectional area, respectively). Gene electrotransfer of a plasmid DNA, which does not support gene expression, increased significantly muscle damage (8.7 +/- 1.2%). When plasmid DNA expression was permitted (gene electrotransfer of pCMV-beta-galactosidase), muscle damage was further increased to 19.7 +/- 4.5%. Optimization of cumulated pulse duration and current intensity dramatically reduced gene electrotransfer associated muscle damage. Finally, mathematical modeling of gene electrotransfer associated muscle damage as a function of the number of electrons delivered to the tissue indicated that pulse length critically determined the extent of muscle damage. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that neither the extracellular presence of plasmid DNA per se nor the application of electric pulses per se contributes significantly to muscle damage. Gene electrotransfer associated muscle damage mainly arises from the intracellular presence and expression of plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

Primary hyperoxaluria type I is a severe kidney stone disease caused by mutations in the protein alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT). Many patients have mutations in AGT that are not deleterious alone but act synergistically with a common minor allele polymorphic variant to impair protein folding, dimerization, or localization. Although studies suggest that the minor allele variant itself is destabilized, no direct stability studies have been carried out. In this report, we analyze AGT function and stability using three approaches. First, we describe a yeast complementation growth assay for AGT, in which we show that human AGT can substitute for function of yeast Agx1 and that mutations associated with disease in humans show reduced growth in yeast. The reduced growth of minor allele mutants reflects reduced protein levels, indicating that these proteins are less stable than wild-type AGT in yeast. We further examine stability of AGT alleles in vitro using two direct methods, a mass spectrometry-based technique (stability of unpurified proteins from rates of H/D exchange) and differential scanning fluorimetry. We also examine the effect of known ligands pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and aminooxyacetic acid on stability. Our work establishes that the minor allele is destabilized and that pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and aminooxyacetic acid binding significantly stabilizes both alleles. To our knowledge, this is the first work that directly measures relative stabilities of AGT variants and ligand complexes. Because previous studies suggest that stabilizing compounds (i.e. pharmacological chaperones) may be effective for treatment of primary hyperoxaluria, we propose that the methods described here can be used in high throughput screens for compounds that stabilize AGT mutants.  相似文献   

Summary Morphologic changes in a rat skeletal muscle cell line (L6) exposed for 1 h to the parenteral antibiotics amphotericin B (AMP), tetracycline-HCl (TET), erythromycin lactobionate (ERY), and cephaloridine (CEP) were characterized by transmission and scanning electron microscopy and compared to cellular release of creatine phosphokinase (CRK). AMP (0.05, 0.1, 0.5 mg/ml) caused a concentration-related swelling of nuclei, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. Loss of membrane integrity associated with AMP exposure was evident at the middle concentration and extensive at the high concentration, which correlated well with the 43 and 90% depletion of CPK from the muscle cells, respectively. TET (0.25, 1.0, 2.5 mg/ml) caused dilation of endoplasmic reticulum and cytoplasmic blebbing at the low concentration but had no effect on the cytoplasmic membrane or CPK. Cells exposed to the high concentration of TET had extensive damage to the cytoplasmic membrane, and CPK was completely depleted. ERY (2.5, 5.0, 25 mg/ml) caused a pattern of morphologic changes and CPK depletion similar to TET. CEP (4.0, 20, 50 mg/ml) had no effect on membrane integrity or CPK; however, membranous whorls were prominent in the cytoplasm. A good correlation between CPK release and cytoplasmic membrane integrity was evident and the ability of these agents to release CPK from muscle cells in culture correlated with the known irritancy potential of these parenteral antibiotics. Furthermore, CPK depletion seems to be a reliable indicator of muscle cell damage after cytoplasmic membrane perturbation and is therefore an appropriate index of toxicity in this in vitro muscle irritation model.  相似文献   

In vivo terahertz (THz) imaging of human skin needs to be done in reflection geometry due to the high attenuation of THz light by water in the skin. To aid the measurement procedure, there is typically an imaging window onto which the patient places the area of interest. The window enables better pulse alignment and helps keep the patient correctly positioned during the measurement. In this paper, we demonstrate how the occlusion caused by the skin contact with the imaging window during the measurement affects the THz response. By studying both rapid point measurements and imaging over an area of a human volar forearm, we find that even 5 seconds of occlusion affects the THz response. As the occlusion time increases, the skin surface water content increases, resulting in the reduction of the amplitude of the reflected THz pulse, especially in the first 3 minutes. Furthermore, it was found that the refractive index of the volar forearm increased by 10% to 15% after 20 minutes of occlusion. In this work, we examine and propose a model for the occlusion effects due to the quartz window with a view to compensating for its influence.   相似文献   

The arrangement of the musculature and connective tissues of the buccal mass of the coleoid cephalopods Octopus bimaculoides, Sepia officinalis, and Loliguncula brevis was examined using dissection and histology. Serial sections in three mutually perpendicular planes were used to identify the muscles and connective tissues responsible for beak movements and stability and to describe their morphology and fiber trajectories. Four major beak muscles were identified: the anterior, posterior, superior, and lateral mandibular muscles. The anterior, posterior, and superior mandibular muscles connect the upper beak and the lower beak. Although the lateral mandibular muscles originate on the upper beak, they do not connect to the lower beak and instead insert on a connective tissue sheath surrounding the buccal mass. Examination of the fibers of the lateral mandibular muscles reveals that they have the organization of a muscular hydrostat, with muscle fibers oriented in three mutually perpendicular orientations. Although the beaks are capable of complex opening, closing, and shearing movements, they do not contact one another and are instead connected only by the musculature of the buccal mass. Based on the morphological analysis and observations of freshly dissected beaks undergoing the stereotyped bite cycle, the functional role of the beak muscles is hypothesized. The anterior and superior mandibular muscles are likely responsible for beak closing and shearing movements. The posterior mandibular muscle is likely also involved in beak closing, but may act synergistically with the lateral mandibular muscles to open the beaks. The lateral mandibular muscles may use a muscular-hydrostatic mechanism to control the location of the pivot between the beaks and to generate the force required for beak opening. The lack of contact between the beaks and the morphology of the lateral mandibular muscles suggests that the buccal mass of coleoid cephalopods may represent a previously unexamined flexible joint mechanism. The term "muscle articulation" is proposed here to denote the importance of the musculature in the function of such a joint.  相似文献   

The arrangement of the musculature and the fibers of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the flexible jaw joint of the sandworm Alitta virens (Annelida, Polychaeta) was studied using dissection and histology. The jaws are capable of a wide range of motions principally related to defense and feeding. The left and right jaws are embedded in and moved by a compact pharyngeal bulb of muscle and ECM that also forms the mouth and esophagus. Eight pharyngeal bulbs were removed and dissected to document gross anatomical features or preserved and embedded in plastic for sectioning in multiple planes. The sections were stained with toluidine blue and basic fuchsin to differentiate muscle and ECM. The sections were then digitized and used to develop a three‐dimensional computer illustration. We hypothesize that the muscle and fibers in the ECM are arranged as a muscular hydrostat to support the movement of the jaws. Four specimens were recorded using a digital video camera and a tank with an angled mirror to record lateral and ventral views of jaw movements during locomotion and biting associated with burrow guarding and feeding. Frame by frame kinematic analysis of this video showed that the jaws move symmetrically in a roughly horizontal plane. Although the angle between the jaws increases and then decreases after maximum gape has been reached, the jaws also translate relative to each other such that the axis of rotation is not fixed. Together, these functional morphological and behavioral data identify the jaw mechanism as a flexible joint known as a muscle articulation. As muscle articulations have been previously described only in the beaks of cephalopods and flatworms, this study implies that this type of joint is more common and important than previously recognized. J. Morphol. 276:403–414, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sodium outward currents were measured in human myoballs with the whole-cell recording method. The electro-chemical gradient of the sodium ions across the cell membrane was modified over a wide range by variations of the clamped membrane potential and of the internal and external soidum concentration. Up to 50 mV positive to the sodium equilibrium potential, ENa, the current-voltage relation is linear. At a potential 80 mV positive to ENa the sodium outward current has a maximum and decreases with a further increase in electrochemical gradient. Investigating the instantaneous current change in experiments in which the membrane potential was changed while the channels were already open we could exclude the possibility that the gates of activation or inactivation are responsible for this effect. Therefore we postulate that the sodium channel has a valve-like mechanism producing a negative slope conductance at highly positive membrane potentials, a current saturation with self-inhibition by the intracellular sodium concentration, and a blockade of the channel on reduction of the extracellular sodium concentration.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ru 138/15-1, 15-2)  相似文献   

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