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The order in which ectocranial sutures undergo fusion displays species-specific variation among primates. However, the precise relationship between suture closure and phylogenetic affinities is poorly understood. In this study, we used Guttman Scaling to determine if the modal progression of suture closure differs among Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes, and Gorilla gorilla. Because DNA sequence homologies strongly suggest that P. troglodytes and Homo sapiens share a more recent common ancestor than either does with G. gorilla, we hypothesized that this phylogenetic relationship would be reflected in the suture closure patterns of these three taxa. Results indicated that while all three species do share a similar lateral-anterior closure pattern, G. gorilla exhibits a unique vault pattern, which, unlike humans and P. troglodytes, follows a strong posterior-to-anterior gradient. P. troglodytes is therefore more like Homo sapiens in suture synostosis.  相似文献   

Ectocranial suture fusion patterns have been shown to contain biological and phylogenetic information. Previously the patterns of Homo, Pan, and Gorilla have been described. These data reflect the phylogenetic relationships among these species. In this study, we applied similar methodology to Pongo to determine the suture synostosis progression of this genus, and to allow comparison to previously reported data on other large‐bodied hominoids. We hypothesized these data would strengthen the argument that suture synostosis patterns reflect the phylogeny of primate taxa. Results indicate that the synostosis of vault sutures in Pongo is similar to that reported for Gorilla (excluding Pan and Homo). However, the lateral‐anterior pattern of fusion, in which there is a strong superior to inferior pattern, for Pongo is unique among these species, reflecting its phylogenetic distinctness among great ape taxa. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of the present investigation was to conduct a comparative macroscopic study of the arterial vascularization of the mandible and maxilla of neotropical primates of the genera Cebus, Alouatta, Callithrix, and Leontopithecus. After vinyl was injected into the arterial system of the head of each specimen, the pieces were macerated and corroded. The level of the bifurcation of the common carotid artery into the internal and external carotids varied between the first and third cervical vertebrae. The external carotid artery accounts for most of the vascularization of the facial structures. The actual vessels responsible for the supply of this region are the sublingual, facial, angular, lingual, submandibular, submental, inferior and superior labial, maxillary, inferior alveolar, infraorbital, superior posterior alveolar, palatine major, and sphenopalatine arteries. We conclude that although the arterial vascular pattern was similar in all the genera studied, and resembles the human pattern, there are notable variations in the vasculature of the mandible and maxilla among these four neotropical genera.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to ascertain the distribution in primates of the three possible bony ponticles over the groove for the vertebral artery (ventral, lateral, and dorsal ponticles), in order to attempt to understand the variants observed in humans and to ascertain possible evolutionary trends in primates. The material consisted of 393 atlases of extant nonhuman primates representative of 41 genera, and of 500 human atlases (dried bones of adults). For each atlas, we studied the existence and morphology of the ponticles, and the type of association of these three ponticles on a given side, which are theoretically of eight in number (types A-H). The occurrence of these ponticles varied from complete absence to constant presence, according to the genera and taxa of primates. The presence of each of these ponticles in primates can be interpreted as a primitive or plesiomorphic character, and their absence as a derived or apomorphic character. The strepsirhines-platyrrhines-cercopithecines group, presenting a predominant primitive pattern (type A), appeared to be separated from the colobines-hominoids group, presenting predominant derived patterns (type C in colobines, Pongo pygmaeus, and Pan troglodytes, and the more derived type D in Hylobates, Gorilla gorilla, and Homo sapiens). The last derived stage, corresponding to the disappearance of the three atlantal ponticles (type H), was only observed in some individuals in hominoids. A marked intraspecific polymorphism characterized the hominoids. The presence of lateral and dorsal ponticles in humans appeared to correspond to their persistence within the progressive disappearance of the atlantal ponticles, constituting an evolutionary tendency characteristic of primates and particularly of hominoid evolution.  相似文献   

This study investigates the developmental bases of size and shape variation in papionin primates (Macaca, Cercocebus, Mandrillus, Lophocebus, and Papio). The analysis tests hypotheses predicting that heterochronic changes in ontogeny, particularly in the degree of overall size growth, can account for cranial diversity and "allometric scaling" in this clade. Large developmental samples of extant papionin crania are examined to test heterochronic hypotheses using bivariate allometric methods. Analyses indicate that the crania of larger papionins (Mandrillus and Papio) are generally peramorphic, surpassing size and shape ranges of smaller, and probably less-derived, macaques and mangabeys. At least two heterochronic processes, including acceleration and hypermorphosis, can account for this pattern. Ontogenetic changes include decoupling of growth and development among cranial regions, along with simple shifts in size. Allometric scaling has complex developmental bases. Size change itself is not sufficient to explain all developmental differences among papionins, but these changes are extremely important in comparisons within cranial regions such as the face. Results imply that Papio exhibits strongly derived patterns of brain growth that impact postnatal patterns of size and shape transformation. Consideration of these results in the context of recent socioecological analyses suggests that derived patterns of cranial growth in Papio may be a response to selection during the early periods of ontogeny, resulting in a distinctive life history pattern.  相似文献   

Growth rates and phylogeny in primates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is sufficient evidence to indicate that man grows for a longer period of time than chimpanzee who in turn has a greater duration of growth than rhesus monkey. The problem of this paper was to determine if there was a concomitant decrease in a rate of growth. Using the relative growth rate of Fisher ('21), it appears that for most of their period of growth, the rate of change is the same. Immediately after birth, when we have no data for children, rhesus monkey grows significantly faster than chimpanzee. By a year and a half their rates are the same, and neither species shows a sex difference. From seven years (age of youngest children) until children start through puberty, there is no sex difference in Homo sapiens, and the human rate does not differ from the chimpanzee rate. Because of the resemblance between the primate curve for rate and that for dairy cattle, it is postulated that this curve is more mammalian than primate and that during phylogeny the primates have merely increased the duration of time when growth is possible. Man does show one new feature, the puberal growth spurt, which is not found in the non-human data considered. The implications of these conclusions for primate phylogeny and for growth are discussed.  相似文献   

According to F. M. Catzefliset al. (Trends Ecol. Evol. 7, 122–126, 1992), comparative dating of the oldest dichotomy in the muroid group (Spalacinae-other Muridae) by molecular and paleontological time scales produces conflicting results. For the earliest Spalacinae they refer to a date of 25–37 Ma; however, it has been demonstrated thatRhizospalax is not a muroid rodent, and a review of the record of fossil Spalacinae suggests that paleontological and molecular dating produces a comparable age (±19 Ma).  相似文献   

Chromosome 6 phylogeny in primates and centromere repositioning   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
A panel of 15 human BAC/PAC probes, covering the entire chromosome 6, was used in FISH experiments on great apes and on representatives of Old World monkeys, New World monkeys, and lemurs to delineate the chromosome 6 phylogeny in primates. The domestic cat was used as an outgroup. The analysis showed a high marker order conservation, with few rearrangements required to reconcile the hypothesized chromosome 6 organization in primate ancestor with marker arrangement in all the examined species. Contrary to this simple evolutionary scenario, however, the centromere was found to be located in three distinct regions, without any evidence of chromosomal rearrangement that would account for its movement. One of the two centromere repositioning events occurred in great apes ancestor. The centromere moved from 6p22.1 to the present day location after the inversion event that differentiated marker order of the primate ancestor from the ancestor of Catarrhini. A cluster of intrachromosomal segmental duplications was found at 6p22.1, scattered in a region of about 9 Mb, which we interpret as remains of duplicons that flanked the ancestral centromere. Our data, therefore, suggest that some duplicon clusters found in noncentromeric/nontelomeric locations may represent traces of evolutionary silenced centromeres that inactivated after the occurrence of a centromere repositioning. In addition, the neocentromere emergence we have documented in Old World monkeys at 6q24.3 appears to have arisen and progressed without affecting the displaced flanking sequences.  相似文献   

The monophyly and phylogeny of the adaptive radiation of Hawaiian finches (Fringillidae: Drepanidini; honeycreepers, auct.) were studied using parsimony analysis of comparative osteology, combined with Templeton (Wilcoxon signed‐ranks) tests of alternative phylogenetic hypotheses. Eighty‐four osteological characters were scored in 59 terminal taxa of drepanidines, including 24 fossil forms, and in 30 outgroup species. The optimal phylogenetic trees show considerable agreement, and some conflict, with independently derived ideas about drepanidine evolution. The monophyly of a large Hawaiian radiation was upheld, although one fossil taxon from Maui fell outside the drepanidine clade. The finch‐billed species were placed as basal drepanidine taxa, and continental cardueline finches (Carduelini) were identified as the radiation's closest outgroups. The study found anatomical as well as phylogenetic evidence that the radiation had a finch‐billed ancestor. The optimal trees identify the red‐and‐black plumage group as a clade, and suggest that the tubular tongue evolved only once in the radiation. Because comparative osteology provides too few characters to strongly support all the nodes of the tree, it was helpful to evaluate statistical support for alternative hypotheses about drepanidine relationships using the Templeton test. Among the alternatives that received significant statistical support are a relationship of the drepanidines with cardueline finches rather than with the Neotropical honeycreepers (Thraupini), classification of the controversial genera Paroreomyza and Melamprosops as drepanidines, and a secondary loss of the tubular tongue in Loxops mana. The hypothesis of monophyly for all the Hawaiian taxa in the study was not rejected statistically. The study provides a framework for incorporating morphological and palaeontological information in evolutionary studies of the Drepanidini. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 141 , 207–255.  相似文献   

Variation in traits across species or populations is the outcome of both environmental and historical factors. Trait variation is therefore a function of both the phylogenetic and spatial context of species. Here we introduce a method that, within a single framework, estimates the relative roles of spatial and phylogenetic variations in comparative data. The approach requires traits measured across phylogenetic units, e.g. species, the spatial occurrences of those units and a phylogeny connecting them. The method modifies the expected variance of phylogenetically independent contrasts to include both spatial and phylogenetic effects. We illustrate this approach by analysing cross-species variation in body mass, geographical range size and species-typical environmental temperature in three orders of mammals (carnivores, artiodactyls and primates). These species attributes contain highly disparate levels of phylogenetic and spatial signals, with the strongest phylogenetic autocorrelation in body size and spatial dependence in environmental temperatures and geographical range size showing mixed effects. The proposed method successfully captures these differences and in its simplest form estimates a single parameter that quantifies the relative effects of space and phylogeny. We discuss how the method may be extended to explore a range of models of evolution and spatial dependence.  相似文献   

Although it is generally assumed that among mammals and within mammal groups, those species that rely on diets consisting of greater amounts of plant fiber have larger gastrointestinal tracts (GIT), statistical evidence for this simple claim is largely lacking. We compiled a dataset on the length of the small intestine, caecum, and colon in 42 strepsirrhine, platyrrhine, and catarrhine primate species, using specimens with known body mass (BM). We tested the scaling of intestine length with BM, and whether dietary proxies (percentage of leaves and a diet quality index) were significant covariates in these scaling relationships, using two sets of models: one that did not account for the phylogenetic structure of the data, and one that did. Intestine length mainly scaled geometrically at exponents that included 0.33 in the confidence interval; Strepsirrhini exhibited particularly long caeca, while those of Catarrhini were comparatively short. Diet proxies were only significant for the colon and the total large intestine (but not for the small intestine or the caecum), and only in conventional statistics (but not when accounting for phylogeny), indicating the pattern occurred across but not within clades. Compared to terrestrial Carnivora, primates have similar small intestine lengths, but longer large intestines. The data on intestine lengths presented here corroborate recent results on GIT complexity, suggesting that diet, as currently described, does not exhaustively explain GIT anatomy within primate clades.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism and phylogeny in North American minnows   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is predicted to vary across mating systems. A previous study examined a model of SSD in fishes as it relates to three mating system variables: probability of sperm competition, male territorial guarding, and male-male contest. I tested the ability of these variables to predict SSD in North American freshwater minnows, after controlling for phylogenetic effects by an independent contrasts method. Across 58 species only male territorial guarding was significandy related to SSD in a stepwise multiple regression. When tested for 26 genera and subgenera, both male territorial guarding and male-male contest were significant in the model. The concentrated-changes test revealed that character changes in SSD (from males the same size or smaller than females, to males larger than females) were more concentrated on branches with presence of male guarding (similar results were found for changes in SSD and presence of sperm competition), at the species and genus levels. Both comparative approaches demonstrated that male guarding and male-male contest variables are linked to SSD in minnows.  相似文献   

A new method for estimation of age-at-death based on the degree of suture closure is presented. The method employs simple ectocranial scoring of specific sites on the external table. Composite scores for two groups of sutures, lateral-anterior and vault systems, which are used to provide estimates of age-at-death, have been developed from a sample of 236 crania from the Hamann-Todd Collection. A variety of tests show that the lateral-anterior sutures are superior to the sutures of the vault, that ectocranial is superior to endocranial observation, and that age estimates are independent of race and sex. It is concluded that suture closure can provide valuable estimates of age-at-death in both archaeological and forensic contexts when used in conjunction with other skeletal age indicators.  相似文献   

Comparative morphologists, developmental biologists, as well as paleontologists, recognize the existence of 'types,' or 'Baupl?ne,' in nature, marked out by a certain 'sameness' of structure that prevails through all variation in shape and function. The 'sameness' that marks out 'types' is one of structural correspondence (topology and connectivity), which is believed to be causally rooted in ontogeny (developmental constraints). In an evolutionary context, the structural relations that mark out 'types' are explained as relations of homology. The use of concepts such as 'type' or 'Bauplan' has been criticized from a 'populational thinking' point of view as being incompatible with current evolutionary theory. The present article explores the contrasting viewpoints, and concludes that current evolutionary theory can accommodate the concept of a 'type' in the sense of a 'homeostatic property cluster natural kind.' The 'homeostatic property cluster natural kind' is a nonessentialistic concept that allows the kind to be historically delimited.  相似文献   

A study of 246 adult nonhuman primates belonging to 34 genera indicates that a popliteal sesamoid bone is always present in the tendon of the popliteus muscle in Prosimii and Callitrichidae. The bone occurs only variably in Atelidae and Pongo, and is usually absent in Gorilla. The bone is absent, or very rare, in Cebus, Cercopithecidae, Hylobatidae, Pan, and humans. When the bone is present, it articulates with the posterior part of the articular surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia, and lies very close to the head of the fibula, at the angulated part of the popliteal tendon, near the tendomuscular junction. The presence of the popliteal sesamoid bone in primates is a primitive character.  相似文献   

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