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[6-3H1] (24S)-24-Ethylcholesta-5,22,25-trien-3β-ol added to the growth medium of a culture of Trebouxia sp. 213/3 was efficiently taken-up by the cells and converted into (24R)-24-ethylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol (poriferasterol) which is one of the major sterols of this alga. A cell-free homogenate was obtained from Trebouxia which catalysed the NADPH-dependent reduction of [6-3H1] (24S)-24-ethylcholesta-5,22,25-trien-3β-ol to yield poriferasterol. The δ25-sterol reductase was found to be mainly localized in the microsomal fraction of the homogenate.  相似文献   

The 4,4-dimethylsterols 4α-lanost-24-ene-3β,9α-diol-[2-3H2] and parkeol-[2-3H2] were synthesized from lanosterol and subsequently incubated with cultures of Ochromonas malhamensis. 5α-Lanost-24-ene-3β,9α-diol was converted into poriferasterol with three times the efficiency of parkeol. Clionasterol was also found to be labelled from both parkeol and 5α-lanost-24-ene-3β,9α-diol. No significant incorporation of radioactivity into sterols was obtained after feeding 5α-lanost-24-ene-3β,9α-diol to higher plants, the chlorophyte alga Trebouxia, yeast or a cell free homogenate of rat liver.  相似文献   

The structures of two 4α-methylsterols is isolated from Cucumis sativus(Cucurbitaceae) seeds were determined based mainly on their 13CNMR spectra as 24β-ethyl-31-norlanosta-8,25(27)-dien-3β-ol and 24β-ethyl-25(27)- dehydrolophenol, respectively, of which the former is a new sterol from natural sources. These two 4α-methylsterols were identified in the seeds of two other Cucurbitaceae species, Lagenaria leucantha var. Gourda and Citrullus battich. The probable biogenetic significance of the two 4α-methylsterols is discussed. Other 4α-methylsterols identified in the seeds of the three Cucurbitaceae species were obtusifoliol, cycloeucalenol and gramisterol.  相似文献   

The amyloid cascade model hypothesizes that neurotoxic oligomers or aggregates formed by the Alzheimer amyloid peptide (Aβ) cause disease pathology in Alzheimer's disease. Attempted treatment strategies for Alzheimer's disease have involved either inhibiting Aβ oligomerization or aggregation, or dissolving existing aggregates. Blocking such downhill processes, however, has proved daunting. We have used a different approach that targets Aβ before the oligomerization cascade begins. We predicted that an amphipathic helix could convert Aβ into a native-like protein and inhibit initiation of oligomerization and aggregation. This idea was tested with a designed library and genetic screen. We exhaustively screened a library of semi-randomized amphipathic helical sequences, each expressed as a fusion protein with an Aβ42-yellow fluorescent protein sequence serving as a reporter for folding and solubilization. This yielded an amphipathic helix capable of initiating native-like folding in Aβ42 and preventing aggregation. This amphipathic helix has direct application to Alzheimer's disease therapy development.  相似文献   

2,2′,4,4′-3H4-dihydrotigogenin was converted by Digitalis lanata plants into tigogenin.  相似文献   

Mammalian Müller glial cells are major glial cells in the retina. Here we report that these glial cells can be redirected towards a neuronal lineage by an aggregate-culture in vitro. Rat and macaque Müller glial cells did not express neuronal markers except after transfer to adhesive conditions. Furthermore, this expression could only take place in the presence of platelet-derived growth factor and valproic acid. We compared a normal monolayer-culture and an aggregate-culture, and rat Müller glial cells could only differentiate into neurons under non-adhesive conditions. However, Müller glial cells did not express the photoreceptor markers in vitro. After transplantation into the subretinal space, a retina-specific niche, rat Müller glial cells expressed the photoreceptor-specific marker, opsin (RET-P1). We demonstrate the potential of mammalian Müller glial cells as a source of photoreceptors, which may possibly contribute to the treatment of degenerative retinal diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the inhibition of the native phosphatase activity of a cold active alkaline phosphatase from Vibrio (VAP) (IC50 of 44 ± 4 (n = 4) μM at pH 7.0 after a 30 min preincubation) by a specific β-lactam compound (only by imipenem, and not by ertapenem, meropenem, ampicillin or penicillin G). The homologous scaffold was detected by an in silico analysis that established the spatial and electrostatic congruence of the active site of a Class B2 CphA metallo-β-lactamase from Aeromonas hydrophila to the active site of VAP. The tested β-lactam compounds did not inhibit Escherichia coli or shrimp alkaline phosphatase, which could be ascribed to the lower congruence indicated by CLASP. There was no discernible β-lactamase activity in the tested alkaline phosphatases. This is the first time a scaffold recognizing imipenem in an alkaline phosphatase (VAP) has been demonstrated.  相似文献   



The enzyme l-serine–glyoxylate aminotransferase (SGAT) from Hyphomicrobium methylovorum is a PLP-containing enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of l-serine and glyoxylate to hydroxypyruvate and glycine. The cloned enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli is isolated as a mixture of the E:PLP and E:PMP forms. The PLP form of the enzyme has a maximum absorbance at 413 nm.


Uv–visible spectra of SGAT were obtained using an HP-8453 diode array spectrophotometer in the absence and presence of substrates and substrate analogs. Pre-steady state kinetic studies were carried out using an OLIS rapid scanning spectrophotometer in the rapid scanning mode.


Incubation of the enzyme with a saturating concentration D-serine leads to a shift in the 413 nm peak to 421 nm that is ascribed to the external aldimine. The reverse stereochemistry of D-serine does not allow for abstraction of the Cα proton by the ε-amine of the active site lysine residue leading to an abortive external aldimine intermediate. Pre-steady state studies pushing SGAT against d-serine leads to a rapid decrease in the 413 nm peak and an increase at ∼ 330 nm with an associated rate constant of 47 s− 1 at pH 7.6. This is followed by a slower decrease (0.26 s− 1) at 330 nm and an increase and shift of the 413 nm peak to 421 nm. The intermediate species that absorbs at ∼ 330 nm is attributed to the gem-diamine intermediate. The rate of the fast phase increases with pH and increase in rate is likely due to the deprotonation of an enzymatic group that accepts a proton from the α-amine of d-serine. In the presence of hydroxypyruvate and ammonia the enzyme spectra display an increase in absorbance at 521 nm that occurs on the order of minutes. The shape and position of the 521 nm species is consistent with a quinonoid intermediate.

General significance

The data suggest a non-enzymatic reaction between hydroxypyruvate and ammonia to form an imine which will be in equilibrium with the enamine. A mechanism is proposed by which the enamine reacts with the PLP form of SGAT to generate the stable highly conjugated quinonoid intermediate.  相似文献   

Cellobiose dehydrogenase from Phanerochaete chrysosporium produces HO by electron transfer between cellobiose and O with a lower yield than the 1:1:1 molar ratio displayed by Aspergillus niger. glucose oxidase in the similar reaction between glucose and O. The discrepancy could best be explained if both a FentonÕs reaction and the spontaneous reactivity of the oxygen species formed were taken into account.  相似文献   

β-Glucosyl esters of A-ring oxygenated 19α-hydroxyursolic acids were isolated from the leaves of Rubus microphyllus, R. koehneanus, R. trifidus and R. medius. Comparisons of the glycoside fractions of the leaves of 39 Rubus species were conducted, indicating the chemotaxonomic significance of this type of glucosyl ester in this genus.  相似文献   

Actin-binding protein anillin (ANLN) is primarily involved in the cytokinesis and known to be dysregulated in many cancers including gastric cancer (GC). However, the regulation and clinical significance of ANLN in GC are far less clear. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the clinical significance and possible regulators of ANLN in GC. We have identified the Wnt/β-catenin associated regulation of ANLN by analyzing the in vitro perturbed β-catenin mRNA expression profiles. Investigating the gastric tumors from publicly available genome-wide mRNA expression profiles, we have identified the over expression of ANLN in gastric tumors. Association between ANLN expression and clinical characteristics of GC showed elevated expression in intestinal type GC. Performing a single sample prediction method across GC mRNA expression profiles, we have identified the over expression of ANLN in proliferative type gastric tumors compared to the invasive and metabolic type gastric tumors. In silico pathway prediction analysis revealed the association between Wnt/β-catenin signaling and ANLN expression in gastric tumors. Our results highlight that expression of a Wnt/β-catenin responsive gene ANLN in GC is a molecular predictor of intestinal and proliferative type gastric tumors.  相似文献   

In this study, the crystal structure of a novel endo-1,4-β-xylanase from Scytalidium acidophilum, XYL1, was solved at 1.9 Å resolution. This is one of the few solved crystal structures of acidophilic proteins. The enzyme has the overall fold typical to family 11 xylanases. Comparison of this structure with other homologous acidophilic, neutrophilic and alkalophilic xylanases provides additional insights into the general features involved in low pH adaptation (stability and activity). Several sequence and structure modifications appeared to be responsible for the acidophilic characteristic: (a) the presence of an aspartic acid H bonded to the acid/base catalyst (b) the nature of specifically conserved residues in the active site (c) the negative potential at the surface (d) the decreased number of salt bridges and H bonds in comparison with highly alkaline enzymes.  相似文献   

A cell extract of the yellow C115 car-42 mad-107(?) mutant of Phycomyces blakesleeanus, capable of converting MVA-[2-14C] into isoprenoids, was used to investigate the formation of β-carotene. The incorporation of radioactivity into β-carotene was reduced by the addition of unlabelled carotenes, solubilised using detergent, to the incubation mixtures. On reisolation of these carotenes after anaerobic incubations, they were found to carry radioactivity. The relative efficiencies of these carotenes as trapping agents are discussed in relation to the pathways of carotene cyclisation and to the apparent operation of a system for the negative feedback control of carotene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The sterols and triterpenoids of 12 species of the genus Ononis were analysed by GLC. α-Onocerin was found in all but one of these species, although in some others its concentration was low. In all species examined, sitosterol was the major sterol; stigmasterol, campesterol, cholesterol and the triterpenoids cycloartenol and 24-methylene cycloartanol also occurred. The patterns of α-onocerin and sterols found seem to be consistent with the accepted classification of species within the genus.  相似文献   

The major sterol in the two unicellular marine algae Cryptomonas sp. and Isochrysis galbana has been identified as (24S)-24-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol (epibrassicasterol). The production of a sterol with the 24α-configuration by cryptophycean and prymnesiophycean algae and by diatoms contrasts with the situation in many other algae which produce sterols with the 24β-configuration.  相似文献   

The extent of photorespiration, the inhibition of apparent photosynthesis (APS) by 21% O2, and the leaf anatomical and ultrastructural features of the naturally occurring C3–C4 intermediate species in the diverse Panicum, Moricandia, and Flaveria genera are between those features of representative C3 and C4 plants. The greatest differences between the photosynthetic/photorespiratory CO2 exchange characteristics of the C3–C4 intermediates and C3 plants occur for the parameters which are measured at low pCO2 (i.e., the CO2 compensation concentration and rates of CO2 evolution into CO2-free air in the light). The rates of APS by the intermediate species at atmospheric pCO2 are similar to those of C3 plants.The mechanisms which are responsible for reducing photorespiration in the C3–C4 intermediate species are poorly understood, but two proposals have been advanced. One emphasizes the importance of limited C4 photosynthesis which reduces O2 fixation by ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, and, thus, reduces photorespiration by a CO2-concentrating mechanism, while the other emphasizes the importance of the internal recycling of photorespiratory CO2 evolved from the chloroplast/mitochondrion-containing bundle-sheath cells. There is no evidence from recent studies that limited C4 photosynthesis is responsible for reducing photorespiration in the intermediate Panicum and Moricandia species. However, preliminary results suggest that some, but not all, of the intermediate Flaveria species may possess a limited C4 cycle. The importance of a chlorophyllous bundle-sheath layer in the leaves of intermediate Panicum and Moricandia species in a mechanism based on the recycling of photorespiratory CO2 is uncertain.Therefore, although they have yet to be clearly delineated, different strategies appear to exist in the C3–C4 intermediate group to reduce photorespiration. Of major importance is the finding that some mechanism(s) other than Crassulacean acid metabolism or C4 photosynthesis has (have) evolved in at least the majority of these terrestrial intermediate species to reduce the seemingly wasteful metabolic process of photorespiration.Abbreviations APS apparent (net) photosynthesis - CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - CE carboxylation efficiency - T CO2 compensation concentration - IRGA infrared gas analysis - Pi orthophosphate - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate Published as Paper No. 7383, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

The principal sterol of the marine diatom Phaedactylum tricornutum was identified as (24S)-24-methylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol. Two deuterium atoms were incorporated into this sterol when the diatom was cultured in the presence of [CD3]methionine indicating a 24-methylene intermediate.  相似文献   

Nuclear import of the pentameric histone chaperone nucleoplasmin (NP) is mediated by importin α, which recognizes its nuclear localization sequence (NLS), and importin β, which interacts with α and is in charge of the translocation of the NP/α/β complex through the nuclear pore. Herein, we characterize the assembly of a functional transport complex formed by full-length NP with importin α/β. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was used to analyze the thermodynamics of the interactions of importin α with β, α with NP, and the α/β heterodimer with NP. Our data show that binding of both importin α and α/β to NP is governed by a favorable enthalpic contribution and that NP can accommodate up to five importin molecules per NP pentamer. Phosphomimicking mutations of NP, which render the protein active in histone chaperoning, do not modulate the interaction with importin. Using small-angle X-ray scattering, we model the α/β heterodimer, NP/α, and NP/α/β solution structures, which reveal a glimpse of a complete nuclear import complex with an oligomeric cargo protein. The set of alternative models, equally well fitting the scattering data, yields asymmetric elongated particles that might represent consecutive geometries the complex can adopt when stepping through the nuclear pore.  相似文献   

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