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(Propyl-2′ cyclohexen-4′ yl-1′)-9 nonanoïc acid was synthesized through a succession of the following reactions: condensation, according to Kondakof, of methyl undecylenate and propionyl chloride; condensation, according to Diels Alder, between the resulting aliphatic ketone and butadiene; reduction of the disubstituted cyclohexenyl ketone, according to Hutchins.The compounds formed at each step of the synthesis were studied and characterized.  相似文献   

3-Acetamido-3-deoxy-4,5:6,7-di-O-isopropylidene-d-glycero-d-galacto-heptose diethyl dithioacetal was transformed into 3-acetamido-3-deoxy-4,5:6,7-di-O-isopro-pylidene-2-O-methyl-aldehydro-d-glycero-d-galacto-heptose after O-methylation followed by desulfuration. A Wittig reaction with an excess of [ethoxy(ethoxycarbonyl)-methylene]triphenylphosphorane in the presence of benzoic acid gave a mixture of ethyl 5-acetamido-3.5-dideoxy-2-O-ethyl-6,7:8,9-di-O-isopropylidene-4-O-methyl-d-glycero-d-galacto-non-2-enonate (23 %) and the d-glycero-d-talo (22 %) isomer. An ethoxymercuration-demercuration reaction, followed by acid hydrolysis, converted the former into ethyl 4-O-methyl-N-acetylneuraminate and the latter into the C-4 stereoisomer. 4-O-Methyl-N-acetylneuraminic acid was then obtained in crystalline form, and its structure ascertained by mass spectrometry and 1H- and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance.  相似文献   

It was found that the greatest dehydration rate of detached leaves indicates theTriticum monococcum L. v.vulgare (2n = 14). The indol-3-Acetic acid distinctly decreases the dehydration rate of detached leaves of examined wheat with a different ploidy level (Triticum monococcum, Triticum dicoccum, Triticum spelta andTriticum aestivum).   相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2007,31(10):553-561
PurposeThis prospective study was conducted to determine the interest of 99mTc-MIBI pinhole SPECT compared with conventional SPECT, planar scintigraphy and ultrasonography, for the preoperative localization of parathyroid lesions in primary hyperparathyroidism.MethodsFifty-one patients cured after surgery were studied. Pinhole SPECT was reconstructed with a dedicated OSEM algorithm. Scintigraphies were analyzed visually. A diagnostic confidence score (CS) was assigned to each procedure considering intensity and extrathyroidal location of suspected lesions and was defined as follows: 0 = negative, 1 = doubtful, 2 = moderately positive, 3 = positive.ResultsSurgery revealed 55 lesions. Sensitivity of ultrasonography, planar imaging, conventional SPECT and pinhole SPECT were respectively, 51, 76, 82 and 87%. Five glands were only detected by pinhole SPECT. Combination of ultrasonography, planar and pinhole SPECT showed the highest sensitivity (94.5%). The mean CS of the 55 pathologic glands was significantly higher with pinhole SPECT compared with planar imaging and conventional SPECT (p < 0.0001). Compared with planar imaging and conventional SPECT, pinhole SPECT increased CS for 42 and 53% of parathyroid lesions, respectively, and contributed to markedly reduce the number of uncertain results. Nevertheless, planar imaging and ultrasonography were useful to analyze thyroid morphology and to detect some ectopic glands.ConclusionThe use of pinhole SPECT increases sensitivity and CS of scintigraphy. Combination of ultrasonography, planar and pinhole SPECT appears the optimal preoperative imaging procedure in primary hyperparathyroidism.  相似文献   

Seven spatial dispersions of organisms, reflecting some constraints of various physical and biological factors of the pelagic environment were simulated on computer. The relationships between the sampling methods (tow length, net size), the pelagic population dispersion patterns, and the sampling error were investigated by computer simulation. Two categories of dispersions were identified: 1) random or relatively uniform dispersions of organisms (including Poisson, gradient, and negative contagous dispersions), characterized by an index of dispersion s2m < 1.5; and 2) overdispersed distributions of swarming or clustering organisms (including positive contagion and centric aggregation dispersions), characterized by a value of s2m > 1.5.The origin and size of the sampling errors as deduced from the analysis of variance change, considerably from one group of dispersions to the other. In the first case, the net size was dominant, whereas in the second case the tow length and patch size effects are more critical. In general, the precision of estimations decreases as the over-dispersion of organisms increases. The confidence limits, for a simple estimation of abundance, vary considerably with the spatial dispersion, ranging from narrow values for the relatively uniform dispersions to very large values for the overdispersed distributions. There is an increasing imprecision in the estimate of population abundance as the dispersion coefficient s2m increases.Analysis of coefficients of variation indicates that more precise estimates of abundance may be obtained if a practical sampling procedure is applied to a group of specific organisms. Furthermore, it is suggested that a simulated approach, performed prior to ocean sampling, permits the establishment of the optimal sampling procedure for the species under study.  相似文献   

Analyzing lithic industries of Lower Pleistocene and beginning of Middle Pleistocene times allows to define three groups not clearly chronological but which reflect the cognitive evolution of prehistoric Men who knapped them and the constraints of the environment: - “Archaic Oldowan” industries in which raw flakes are dominant and no small tools retouched on flakes or debris are present; - “Classical Oldowan” industries in which raw flakes are dominant and small tools retouched on flakes and debris – especially scrapers – are present; - “Acheulean industries”, in which bifaces are present – generally in small proportions – and small retouched tools are increasingly standardized.  相似文献   

Résumé Le cas d'un enfant porteur de malformations multiples est décrit. L'étude des chromosomes par les techniques du Q-, G-, C- et Giemsa-11 banding a révélé que les lymphocytes du proposant présentaient une formule caryologique 47XY,t(9p,h+,9p) alors que les fibroblastes provenant d'une biopsie de peau étaient normaux (46XY).
Partial tetrasomy of number 9 chromosome, and mosaicism in a child with multiple malformations
Summary The case of a child showing multiple malformations is reported. Chromosome studies by Q, G, C and Giemsa 11 banding methods revealed that lymphocytes of the propositus had a 47XY,t(9p,h+,9p) karyotype though fibroblasts from a skin biopsy were normal (46XY).

Zusammenfassung Es wird über ein Kind, das mannigfaltige Mißbildungen zeigt, berichtet. Die Chromosomenuntersuchung mit Hilfe der Q-, G-, C- und Giemsa-11 Banding-Methoden hat an Lymphocyten den Karyotyp 47,XY,t(9p,h+,9p) ergeben, während Fibroblasten von einer Hautbiopsie einen normalen Karyotyp (46,XY) haben.

Travail réalisé avec l'appui du Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique Médicale (Belgique).  相似文献   

Sylvie Secretan 《Geobios》1980,13(3):411-433
Are the Eumalacostraca issued from a model of Crustacea which the carapace would have disapeared later on in some of them, and persisted in others, or from one without carapace that some of its decendants would have acquired? In the two instances this ancestor would goes far back, seeing that, already, in the Devonian, Syncarida, Stomatopoda, Phyllocarida and Eocarida were differenciated. With regard to the preliminary survey on a fine material of Syncarida from the Stephanian of the region of Autun, comparisons between two models of Crustaceans from which the cephalon includes only sensorial and gnathal segments, without adjunction of any thoracic metamere, allow to specify the notion of carapace, and to surround the question. The great oldness of the origin of the phyla possessing or not possessing a carapace seems to exclude the hypothesis of a passing over from one model to the other and suggests a representation of the common ancestor which have to be searched in the Cambrian period.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2020,44(1):12-17
IntroductionMetastatic differentiated thyroid carcinoma (MDT) represents an average of 10% of patients with CDT. Metastases are prognostic factors. Their care is multidisciplinary.ObjectiveTo study the epidemiological, clinical, histological, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of metastatic CDT and to study the impact of new recommendations.Patients and methodsRetrospective study of 70 patients followed for a metastatic CDT collected between June 2007 and June 2017, in the nuclear medicine department of Hassan II University Hospital of Fez.ResultsMean age 51.34 ± 15.96 years, sex ratio F:H: 2.5. Age > 45 years old at 65.7% of whom 42.8% > 55 years old. Circumstances of discovery: nodule 15.8%, multi-hetero-nodular goiter 17.1%, metastases 65.7%. Multivariate analysis shows a significant correlation of age greater than 45 years (P: 0,001) and revealing metastasis. Histology: papillary carcinoma 72.9%, vesicular carcinoma 22.8% and carcinoma poorly differentiated 4.3%. Tumor > 4 cm in 45.7%, the TNM classification (2010) vs. TNM classification (2017): 31.4% vs. 48.6% in stage I, 12.9% vs. 28.6% in stage II, the stage III in 17.1% vs. 0% and 38.6% vs. 22.8% in stage IV. Complementary investigations: localization of metastases: 40% at the bone level, 31.4% lung, 14.3% ganglionnaires and others 9.9%. Hormonal braking treatment was administered in all patients and the « irathérapie » (ATA vs. French recommendation 2017).EvolutionSeven cases of cure, 1 case of recurrence, 4.3% refractory to iodine.ConclusionThe presence of metastases, worsens the prognosis. Therapeutic de-escalation with French recommendations. Bone localization was predominant, its management is multidisciplinary, and radioactive iodine as a complementary treatment does not allow their healing.  相似文献   

12-Hydroxy-9-cis-methyl octadecenoate and its acetate are easily methoxybrominated.The main product of the reaction is a mixture in non equal properties of both possible methoxy bromides: the 10-bromo-9-methoxy isomer is always the most abundant (? 80%).Besides by-products usually found in such reactions (unreacted substrate — αβ dibromides from bromine addition), the crude reaction product contains supplementary components: the bromohydrines mixture and the 10-methoxy-9 β 12-epoxyde, and, only in the case of non acetylated substrate, the 10-bromo-9 · 12-epoxyde.During long storage, even in very mild conditions, the importance of these new by-products increases, while the proportion of bromoethers decreases.  相似文献   

Study of the suspensorium of Vinctifer comptoni demonstrates in the Aspidorhynchidae a quadrate-symplectic arrangement typical of the halecomorphs. The taxonomic position of the family is therefore reconsidered.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(6-7):455-472
Cases of gradualism in rodent evolution during the Cainozoic in Europe. Since several decades, conflicting interpretations of the fossil record are well known when the latter is used to understand mechanisms and modes of biological evolution. Once recalled peculiarities of the paleontological material and approach, several cases studies conducted by teams of the laboratory of Montpellier are presented. It clearly appears that Theridomyidae, Gliridae and Murinae rodents illustrate gradual evolution at the geological time scale. At the same time scale, these groups do not give obvious examples of stasis. The understanding in terms of mechanisms of morphological evolution illustrated by fossils will remain a long running debate. And this despite consideration of the time scales involved in Earth History on the one hand, and in Biology and Ecology on the other hand, as well as of the gap between morphological change in individuals and genetic change within populations. To cite this article: M. Vianey-Liaud, J. Michaux, C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

Samples of sodium alginate from Laminaria digitata were oxidised in aqueous solution to different extents by the addition of calculated amounts of sodium metaperiodate. An empirical measure of the molecular stiffness of the products, both before and after reduction with sodium borohydride, was obtained by studying the sensitivity of their intrinsic viscosities to changes in the ionic strength of the solution. The results showed that, whereas the stiffness decreased very sharply with increasing degree of oxidation, it changed very little upon subsequent reduction of the products. From this, and the known structures of the inter-residue hemiacetals in the unreduced products, it was inferred that the increase in flexibility brought about by oxidation is specifically associated with rotation about the three bonds adjoining C-4, C-5, the original ring-oxygen atom, and C-1 of the oxidised hexuronic-acid residues. This rotation was considerably less-hindered than the rotation around the glycosidic linkage in both the intact alginate and in the partially oxidised and reduced products. The conversion of only a small percentage of the stiff pyranoid rings into these centres of high, local flexibility had a marked effect on the overall flexibility of the chains, showing that the possible presence of such centres should be taken into account in any discussion of the solution properties of heteropolysaccharides or of polysaccharides that may have suffered slight chemical modification.  相似文献   

Preoperative accumulation of radioiodine in metastases of thyroid carcinoma and its association with hyperthyroidism are uncommon. We report a case of 58-year-old woman with follicular thyroid carcinoma revealed by thyrotoxicosis caused by a hot nodule, and bilateral pulmonary uptake of I-131 before total thyroidectomy. Despite four ablative doses of I-131, bone metastases were identified and the patient died 42 month after the initial diagnosis.  相似文献   

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