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Mazor O  Laurent G 《Neuron》2005,48(4):661-673
Projection neurons (PNs) in the locust antennal lobe exhibit odor-specific dynamic responses. We studied a PN population, stimulated with five odorants and pulse durations between 0.3 and 10 s. Odor representations were characterized as time series of vectors of PN activity, constructed from the firing rates of all PNs in successive 50 ms time bins. Odor representations by the PN population can be described as trajectories in PN state space with three main phases: an on transient, lasting 1-2 s; a fixed point, stable for at least 8 s; and an off transient, lasting a few seconds as activity returns to baseline. Whereas all three phases are odor specific, optimal stimulus separation occurred during the transients rather than the fixed points. In addition, the PNs' own target neurons respond least when their PN-population input stabilized at a fixed point. Steady-state measures of activity thus seem inappropriate to understand the neural code in this system.  相似文献   

The antennal lobe (AL) is the primary structure within the locust’s brain that receives information from olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) within the antennae. Different odors activate distinct subsets of ORNs, implying that neuronal signals at the level of the antennae encode odors combinatorially. Within the AL, however, different odors produce signals with long-lasting dynamic transients carried by overlapping neural ensembles, suggesting a more complex coding scheme. In this work we use a large-scale point neuron model of the locust AL to investigate this shift in stimulus encoding and potential consequences for odor discrimination. Consistent with experiment, our model produces stimulus-sensitive, dynamically evolving populations of active AL neurons. Our model relies critically on the persistence time-scale associated with ORN input to the AL, sparse connectivity among projection neurons, and a synaptic slow inhibitory mechanism. Collectively, these architectural features can generate network odor representations of considerably higher dimension than would be generated by a direct feed-forward representation of stimulus space.  相似文献   

The antennal lobe (AL) is the first center for processing odors in the insect brain, as is the olfactory bulb (OB) in vertebrates. Both the AL and the OB have a characteristic glomerular structure; odors sensed by olfactory receptor neurons are represented by patterns of glomerular activity. Little is known about when and how an odor begins to be perceived in a developing brain. We address this question by using calcium imaging to monitor odor-evoked neural activity in the ALs of bees of different ages. We find that odor-evoked neural activity already occurs in the ALs of bees as young as 1 or 2 days. In young bees, the responses to odors are relatively weak and restricted to a small number of glomeruli. However, different odors already evoke responses in different combinations of glomeruli. In mature bees, the responses are stronger and are evident in more glomeruli, but continue to have distinct odor-dependent signatures. Our findings indicate that the specific glomerular patterns for odors are conserved during the development, and that odor representations are fully developed in the AL during the first 2 weeks following emergence.  相似文献   

A unifying feature of mammalian and insect olfactory systems is that olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing the same unique odorant-receptor gene converge onto the same glomeruli in the brain [1-7]. Most odorants activate a combination of receptors and thus distinct patterns of glomeruli, forming a proposed combinatorial spatial code that could support discrimination between a large number of odorants [8-11]. OSNs also exhibit odor-evoked responses with complex temporal dynamics [11], but the contribution of this activity to behavioral odor discrimination has received little attention [12]. Here, we investigated the importance of spatial encoding in the relatively simple Drosophila antennal lobe. We show that Drosophila can learn to discriminate between two odorants with one functional class of Or83b-expressing OSNs. Furthermore, these flies encode one odorant from a mixture and cross-adapt to odorants that activate the relevant OSN class, demonstrating that they discriminate odorants by using the same OSNs. Lastly, flies with a single class of Or83b-expressing OSNs recognize a specific odorant across a range of concentration, indicating that they encode odorant identity. Therefore, flies can distinguish odorants without discrete spatial codes in the antennal lobe, implying an important role for odorant-evoked temporal dynamics in behavioral odorant discrimination.  相似文献   

Model of transient oscillatory synchronization in the locust antennal lobe   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Transient pairwise synchronization of locust antennal lobe (AL) projection neurons (PNs) occurs during odor responses. In a Hodgkin-Huxley-type model of the AL, interactions between excitatory PNs and inhibitory local neurons (LNs) created coherent network oscillations during odor stimulation. GABAergic interconnections between LNs led to competition among them such that different groups of LNs oscillated with periodic Ca(2+) spikes during different 50-250 ms temporal epochs, similar to those recorded in vivo. During these epochs, LN-evoked IPSPs caused phase-locked, population oscillations in sets of postsynaptic PNs. The model shows how alternations of the inhibitory drive can temporally encode sensory information in networks of neurons without precisely tuned intrinsic oscillatory properties.  相似文献   

Odors elicit spatio-temporal patterns of activity in the olfactory bulb of vertebrates and the antennal lobe of insects. There have been several reports of changes in these patterns following olfactory learning. These studies pose a conundrum: how can an animal learn to efficiently respond to a particular odor with an adequate response, if its primary representation already changes during this process? In this study, we offer a possible solution for this problem. We measured odor-evoked calcium responses in a subpopulation of uniglomerular AL output neurons in honeybees. We show that their responses to odors are remarkably resistant to plasticity following a variety of appetitive olfactory learning paradigms. There was no significant difference in the changes of odor-evoked activity between single and multiple trial forward or backward conditioning, differential conditioning, or unrewarded successive odor stimulation. In a behavioral learning experiment we show that these neurons are necessary for conditioned odor responses. We conclude that these uniglomerular projection neurons are necessary for reliable odor coding and are not modified by learning in this paradigm. The role that other projection neurons play in olfactory learning remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Locust antennal lobe (AL) projection neurons (PNs) respond to olfactory stimuli with sequences of depolarizing and hyperpolarizing epochs, each lasting hundreds of milliseconds. A computer simulation of an AL network was used to test the hypothesis that slow inhibitory connections between local neurons (LNs) and PNs are responsible for temporal patterning. Activation of slow inhibitory receptors on PNs by the same GABAergic synapses that underlie fast oscillatory synchronization of PNs was sufficient to shape slow response modulations. This slow stimulus- and neuron-specific patterning of AL activity was resistant to blockade of fast inhibition. Fast and slow inhibitory mechanisms at synapses between LNs and PNs can thus form dynamical PN assemblies whose elements synchronize transiently and oscillate collectively, as observed not only in the locust AL, but also in the vertebrate olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

Studies of olfactory function show that disruption of GABA A receptors within the insect antennal lobe (AL) disrupts discrimination of closely related odors, suggesting that local processing within the AL specifically enhances fine odor discrimination. It remains unclear, however, how extensively AL function has been disrupted in these circumstances. Here we psychophysically characterize the effect of GABA A blockade in the AL of the moth Manduca sexta. We used 2 GABA A antagonists and 3 Pavlovian-based behavioral assays of olfactory function. In all cases, we used matched saline-injected controls in a blind study. Using a stimulus generalization assay, we found that GABA A disruption abolished the differential response to related odors, suggesting that local processing mediates fine odor discrimination. We then assessed the effect of GABA A antagonist on discrimination thresholds. Moths were differentially conditioned to respond to one odor (reinforced conditioned stimulus [CS+]) but not a second (unreinforced conditioning stimulus [CS-]) then tested for a significant differential conditioned response between them across a series of increasing concentrations. Here, GABA A blockade disrupted discrimination of both similar and dissimilar odor pairs as indicated by generally increased discrimination thresholds. Finally, using a detection threshold assay, we established that GABA A blockade also increases detection thresholds. Because detection is a prerequisite of discrimination, this later finding suggests that disrupted discrimination may be due to impairment of the ability to detect. We conclude that the loss of ability to detect and subsequently discriminate is attributable to a loss of ability of the AL to provide a clear neural signal from background.  相似文献   

Using NADPH-diaphorase staining as a marker for nitric oxide (NO) synthase and an antiserum against cyclic GMP, we recently reported the anatomical distribution of nitric oxide donor and target cells in the antennal lobe, the principal olfactory neuropile of the locust. The most striking NADPH-diaphorase activity in the olfactory pathway is concentrated in a cluster of intensely stained local interneurons innervating the glomeruli. After incubation of tissue in a nitric oxide donor and inhibition of phospodiesterase activity, neurons of this cluster expressed cyclic GMP-immunoreactivity in the cell body and neurites. Here we examine the importance of the arrangement of NO donor and target cells for information processing in the glomeruli. The cellular organization of the NO-cyclic GMP system in olfactory interneurons, and the dendritic branching pattern, suggest that nitric oxide may not only act as intercellular, but also as intracellular messenger molecule in the glomerular neuropile of the antennal lobe. <br>  相似文献   

As a first step towards unravelling some of the complexity of the signalling and modulatory mechanisms in the antennal lobe (AL) of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria, I analysed the immunocytochemical identity of AL interneurons. Antibodies against serotonin, histamine, locustatachykinin, leucokinin and FMRFamide were used to reveal the morphology of interneurons ramifying in the AL. In addition, double-labelling experiments were performed in order to demonstrate colocalisation of GABA and locustatachykinin and to investigate the ramification patterns of immunolabelled interneurons and physiologically characterised olfactory projection neurons (PNs) injected with Lucifer yellow. Immunoreactivity to these antibodies revealed six different types of interneurons with different patterns of ramification within the glomerular neuropil: (1, 2) Centrifugal interneurons displaying serotonin immunoreactivity, which arborised extensively within the AL and extended varicose fibres into the microglomerular core where close associations with dendrites of AL PNs could be distinguished. (3) Histamine-immunoreactive centrifugal interneurons with arborisations in the protocerebrum and the dorsal non-glomerular regions of the AL and the lobus glomerulatus (LG). (4) Locustatachykinin-immunoreactive local interneurons, colocalising GABA, arborising throughout the AL and extending varicose fibres throughout the glomerular neuropil where close associations with dendrites of AL PNs could be distinguished. (5) Leucokinin-immunoreactive descending neurons connecting the protocerebrum, the AL, the LG and all ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. These neurons displayed sparse innervation of the AL and extended varicose fibres into the interglomerular space. (6) FMRF-amide-immunoreactive centrifugal interneurons, connecting the lateral protocerebrum with the AL and the LG, which arborised sparsely within these neuropils and displayed similar innervation of the microglomeruli as (1) and (2).  相似文献   

Leung B  Waddell S 《Cell》2007,128(3):431-432
In the fly antennal lobe projection neurons receive odor information from olfactory sensory neurons and transmit it to higher brain centers. However, projection neurons respond differently to odors than sensory neurons, despite the fact that they appear to have one-to-one connectivity. Shang et al. (2007) now describe the existence of excitatory neurons within the antennal lobe that may account for some of these unexplained differences.  相似文献   

Odor presentation generates both fast oscillations and slow patterning in the spiking activity of the projection neurons (PNs) in the antennal lobe (AL) of locusts, moths and bees. Experimental results indicate that the oscillations are the result of the interaction between the PNs and the inhibitory local neurons (LNs) in the AL; e.g., blocking inhibition by application of GABA-receptor antagonists abolishes these oscillations. The slow patterning, on the other hand, was shown to be somewhat resistant to such blockage. In a H-H model, we reproduce both the oscillations and the slow patterning. As previously suggested, the oscillations are the result of the interaction between the PNs and LNs. We suggest that calcium and calcium-dependent potassium channels (found in PNs of bees and moths) are sufficient to account for the slow patterning resistant to the application of GABA-receptor antagonists. The intrinsic bursting property of the PNs, resulting from these additional modeled currents, give rise to another network feature that was seen experimentally in locusts: A relatively small increase in the number of additional generated PN action potentials when LN input is blocked. Consequently, the major effect of network inhibition is to redistribute the action potentials of the PNs from bursting to one action potential per cycle of the oscillations. Action Editor: Christiane Linster  相似文献   

Neuronal architecture of the antennal lobe in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Computer reconstruction of the antennal lobe of Drosophila melanogaster has revealed a total of 35 glomeruli, of which 30 are located in the periphery of the lobe and 5 in its center. Several prominent glomeruli are recognizable by their location, size, and shape; others are identifiable only by their positions relative to prominent glomeruli. No obvious sexual dimorphism of the glomerular architecture was observed. Golgi impregnations revealed: (1) Five of the glomeruli are exclusive targets for ipsilateral antennal input, whereas all others receive afferents from both antennae. Unilateral amputation of the third antennal segment led to a loss of about 1000 fibers in the antennal commissure. Hence, about 5/6 of the approximately 1200 antennal afferents per side have a process that extends into the contralateral lobe. (2) Afferents from maxillary palps (most likely from basiconic sensilla) project into both ipsi-and contralateral antennal lobes, yet their target glomeruli are apparently not the same as those of antennal basiconic sensilla. (3) Afferents in the antennal lobe may also stem from pharyngeal sensilla. (4) The most prominent types of interneurons with arborizations in the antennal lobe are: (i) local interneurons ramifying in the entire lobe, (ii) unilateral relay interneurons that extend from single glomeruli into the calyx and the lateral protocerebrum (LPR), (iii) unilateral interneurons that connect several glomeruli with the LPR only, (iv) bilateral interneurons that link a small number of glomeruli in both antennal lobes with the calyx and LPR, (v) giant bilateral interneurons characterized by extensive ramifications in both antennal lobes and the posterior brain and a cell body situated in the midline of the suboesophageal ganglion, and (vi) a unilateral interneuron with extensive arborization in one antennal lobe and the posterior brain and a process that extends into the thorax. These structural results are discussed in the context of the available functional and behavioral data.Abbreviations AC antennal commissure - AMMC antennal mechanosensory and motor center - iACT, mACT, oACT inner/middle/outer antenno-cerebral tract - bACTI, uACTI bilateral/unilateral ACT relay interneuron - AN antennal nerve - AST antenno-suboesophageal tract - FAI fine arborization relay interneuron - GSI giant symmetric relay interneuron - LI local interneuron - LPR lateral protocerebrum - SOG suboesophageal ganglion - TI thoracic relay interneuron - bVI bilateral V-relay interneuron  相似文献   

Pheromone-source orientation behavior can be modified by coexisting plant volatiles. Some host plant volatiles enhance the pheromonal responses of olfactory receptor neurons and increase the sensitivity of orientation behavior in the Lepidoptera species. Although many electrophysiological studies have focused on the pheromonal response of olfactory interneurons, the response to the mixture of pheromone and plant odor is not yet known. Using the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, we investigated the physiology of interneurons in the antennal lobe (AL), the primary olfactory center in the insect brain, in response to a mixture of the primary pheromone component bombykol and cis-3-hexen-1-ol, a mulberry leaf volatile. Application of the mixture enhanced the pheromonal responses of projection neurons innervating the macroglomerular complex in the AL. In contrast, the mixture of pheromone and cis-3-hexen-1-ol had little influence on the responses of projection neurons innervating the ordinary glomeruli whereas other plant odors dynamically modified the response. Together this suggests moths can process plant odor information under conditions of simultaneous exposure to sex pheromone.  相似文献   

Odours are represented as unique combinations of activated glomeruli in the antennal lobes of insects. Receptor neurons arborizing in the glomeruli are not only qualitatively selective, but in addition respond to variations in stimulus concentration. As each glomerulus likely represents a single receptor neuron type, optical recordings of calcium changes in insect antennal lobes show how concentration variations affect a large population of afferents. We measured the glomerular responses in the moth Spodoptera littoralis to different concentrations of plant-related odorants. Localized calcium responses were shown to correspond to individual glomeruli. We found that the dynamic range of glomerular responses spanned 3-4 log units of concentration and the most strongly responding glomeruli often reached a plateau at high stimulus doses. Further, we showed that the single most active glomerulus was often not the same across concentrations. However, if the principal glomerulus moved, it was generally to an adjacent or proximal glomerulus. As concentration increased, a higher number of glomeruli became activated. Correlations of glomerular representations of the same compound at different doses decreased as the difference in concentration increased. Moreover, representations evoked by different odorants were more correlated at high than at low doses, which means that the uniqueness of activity patterns decreased with increasing concentration. Thus, if odours are coded as spatial patterns of glomerular activity, as has been suggested, these olfactory codes are not persistent across concentrations.  相似文献   

Gascuel J  Masson C 《Tissue & cell》1991,23(3):341-355
This paper describes the ultrastructural organization of the honeybee antennal lobe, including the distribution of synapses within the antennal lobe neuropile and the distribution of the afferent fibres in the antennal nerve and its afferent tracts. We show that: 1) The antennal nerve and tracts T3-T6 are composed of a heterogeneous population of fibres, with respect to their diameters, whereas two afferent tracts (T1 and T2) are composed of fibres of almost homogeneous diameter. 2) Synapses are mainly localized in the glomeruli with a higher frequency in the cortical layer than in the core of the glomerulus. Nevertheless a few synapses are found in the coarse neuropile. 3) Reciprocal synapses have been identified in the cortical layer. At the ultrastructural level, the organization of the bee antennal lobe was largely unknown and these results bring the anatomical background needed in order to carry out a developmental study related to the bee antennal lobe structures.  相似文献   

Genetic and functional subdivision of the Drosophila antennal lobe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Olfactory systems confer the recognition and discrimination of a large number of structurally distinct odor molecules. Recent molecular analysis of odorant receptor (OR) genes and circuits has led to a model of odor coding in which a population of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing a single OR converges upon a unique olfactory glomerulus. Activation of the OR can thus be read out by the activation of its cognate glomerulus. Drosophila is a powerful system in which to test this model because the entire repertoire of 62 ORs can be manipulated genetically. However, a complete understanding of how fly olfactory circuits are organized is lacking. Here, we present a nearly complete map of OR projections from OSNs to the antennal lobe (AL) in the fly brain. Four populations of OSNs coexpress two ORs along with Or83b, and a fifth expresses one OR and one gustatory receptor (GR) along with Or83b. One glomerulus receives coconvergent input from two separate populations of OSNs. Three ORs label sexually dimorphic glomeruli implicated in sexual courtship and are thus candidate Drosophila pheromone receptors. This olfactory sensory map provides an experimental framework for relating ORs to glomeruli and ultimately behavior.  相似文献   

The carpenter ant, a social hymenopteran, has a highly elaborated antennal chemosensory system that is used for chemical communication in social life. The glomeruli in the antennal lobe are the first relay stations where sensory neurons synapse onto interneurons. The system is functionally and structurally similar to the olfactory bulbs of vertebrates. Using three-dimensional reconstruction of glomeruli and subsequent morphometric analyses, we found sexual dimorphism of the antennal lobe glomeruli in carpenter ants, Camponotus japonicus. Female workers and unmated queens had about 430 glomeruli, the highest number reported so far in ants. Males had a sexually dimorphic macroglomerulus and about 215 ordinary glomeruli. This appeared to result from a greatly reduced number of glomeruli in the postero-medial region of the antennal lobe compared with that in females. On the other hand, sexually isomorphic glomeruli were identifiable in the dorsal region of the antennal lobe. For example, large, uniquely shaped glomeruli located at the dorso-central margin of the antennal lobe were detected in all society members. The great sexual dimorphism seen in the ordinary glomeruli of the antennal lobe may reflect gender-specific tasks in chemical communications rather than different reproductive roles.  相似文献   

In male moths, the primary olfactory integration centre, the antennal lobe, consists of two systems. The macroglomerular complex processes pheromone information, while the ordinary glomeruli process plant odour information. Females lack a macroglomerular complex. We measured the spatial representation of odours using in-vivo optical recording. We found that: (1) pheromone substances elicited activity exclusively in the MGC. No response was found in female antennal lobes. (2) Plant odours elicited combinatorial activity patterns in the ordinary glomeruli in both males and females. No response was found in the MGC of male moths. (3) A clean air puff often led to activity, in both males and females, suggesting that mechano-sensory information is also processed in the antennal lobe. (4) With an interstimulus interval of 5 or 10 s, strongly activated glomeruli were able to follow the temporal structure of the stimulus, while others lost their phase-locking. Some glomeruli showed "off" responses. These properties were odour dependent. This confirms and extends previous studies, showing the functional significance of the two subsystems for processing olfactory information. Pheromones are coded in a combinatorial manner within the macroglomerular complex, with each glomerulus corresponding to one information channel. Plant odours are coded in an across-glomeruli code in the ordinary glomeruli.  相似文献   

Transfer and processing of olfactory information in the antennal lobe of Drosophila relies primarily on neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine and GABA, but novel studies also implicated a neuropeptide: the Drosophila tachykinin (DTK). DTK is expressed in local interneurons that innervate the glomeruli of the antennal lobe with varicose processes. Recently, DTK was shown to mediate presynaptic inhibition of olfactory sensory neurons by physiological and behavioral analysis (Ignell et al. 2009, PNAS). That study drew our attention to the issue of alternative targets of DTK in the antennal lobe. Hence, in the present study, we interfered with DTK peptide and DTK receptor (DTKR) expression in local interneurons of the antennal lobe and studied the behavioral outcome of these manipulations. We show that the DTKR is expressed not only in olfactory sensory neurons, but most likely also in local interneurons. The behavioral consequences of interfering with postsynaptic peptide receptors are different from presynaptic peptide receptor interference. We discuss the possibility that the sum of pre- and postsynaptic interactions may be to modulate the dynamic range in odor sensitivity.  相似文献   

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