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To determine whether caspase-3-induced cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), a DNA damage-sensitive enzyme, alters the balance between survival and death of the cells following DNA damage, we created stable cell lines that express either caspase-uncleavable mutant or wild type PARP in the background of PARP (-/-) fibroblasts. The survival and apoptotic responses of these cells were compared after exposure to N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), a DNA-damaging agent that activates PARP, or to tumor necrosis factor-alpha, which causes apoptosis without initial DNA damage. In response to MNNG, the cells with caspase-uncleavable PARP were very resistant to loss of viability or induction of apoptosis. Most significantly, approximately 25% of these cells survived and retained clonogenicity at a level of DNA damage that eliminated the cells with wild type PARP or PARP (-/-) cells. Expression of caspase-uncleavable PARP could not protect the cells from death induced by tumor necrosis factor, although there was a slower progression of apoptotic events in these cells. Therefore, one of the functions for cleavage of PARP during apoptosis induced by alkylating agents is to prevent survival of the extensively damaged cells.  相似文献   

Modification of cellular DNA upon exposure to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species is the likely initial event involved in the induction of the mutagenic and lethal effects of various oxidative stress agents. Evidence has been accumulated for the significant implication of singlet oxygen (1O(2)), generated as the result of UVA activation of endogenous photosensitizers as porphyrins and flavins. 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) has been shown to be the exclusive product of the reaction of 1O(2) with the guanine moiety of cellular DNA, in contrast to the hydroxyl radical, which reacts almost indifferently with all the nucleobases and the sugar moiety of DNA. Furthermore 8-oxodGuo is also produced by other oxidants and can be used as an ubiquitous biomarker of DNA oxidation but can not be a specific marker of any particular species. The role of DNA etheno adducts in mutagenic and carcinogenic processes triggered by known occupational and environmental carcinogens has also been studied. Much interest in etheno adducts resulted from the detection of increased levels of 1,N(6)-etheno-2'-deoxyadenosine and 3,N(4)-etheno-2'-deoxycytidine in DNA from human, rat and mouse tissues under pathophysiological conditions associated with oxidative stress. A method involving on-line HPLC with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry detection has been developed for the analysis of 1,N(2)-etheno-2'-deoxyguanosine (1,N(2)-epsilondGuo) in DNA. This methodology permits direct quantification of 20 fmol (7.4 adducts/10(8) dGuo) of the etheno adduct from approximately 350 microg of crude DNA hydrolysates. This method provides the first evidence of the occurrence of 1,N(2)-epsilondGuo as a basal endogenous lesion and may be utilized to better assess the biological consequences of etheno DNA damage under normal and pathological conditions. This work addresses the importance of isotope labeling associated with mass spectrometry technique for biomolecule damage studies.  相似文献   

When HPB-ALL, human lymphoblastic leukemia cells were treated with clomiphene citrate, an ovulation-inducing agent, poly(ADP-ribose) synthesizing activity of the cells increased up to 4 fold. This stimulatory effect was almost comparable to that of bleomycin, a typical DNA strand breaking agent. Since the agents causing DNA breakage stimulate poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis in cells [Berger, N. A., Sikorski, G. W., Petzold, S. J., and Kurohara, K. K. J. Clin. Invest. 63, 1164-1171 (1979)], clomiphene citrate is suggested to damage DNA of the cells. In fact, an increase of single strand breakage of the DNA was detected by using alkaline sucrose density gradient centrifugation when the HPB-ALL cells were treated with increasing concentration of clomiphene. The inhibition of the cell growth by clomiphene citrate (IC50 = 5 micrograms/ml) appeared to be ascribable to its potent DNA-damaging effect. Although bleomycin activated purified poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase by cleaving covalently closed circular plasmid pBR322 DNA in vitro, clomiphene citrate per se did not.  相似文献   

DNA damage was measured by flow cytometric analysis of cells sensitive and resistant to alkylating agents. Human ovarian carcinoma cell line A2780 and a subline which is 7 times more resistant to L-phenylalanine mustard (L-PAM) were treated with the drug, fixed, and stained with monoclonal antibody (MOAB) F7-26 which detects single-stranded regions in alkylated DNA. Mean fluorescent intensity was measured on a flow cytometer. Cells were heated before staining to amplify single-strandedness in alkylated DNA. Significantly larger amount of MOAB was bound to DNA in sensitive than in resistant cells. Fluorescence increased by 80 channels per micrograms L-PAM insensitive cells and only by 17 channels in resistant cells. Sensitive and resistant cells were treated with L-PAM, mixed in different proportions, and stained with MOAB. Populations of sensitive and resistant cells were clearly separated on fluorescence histograms by more than a decade difference in fluorescence intensity. Presence of 2-5% resistant cells was detected among sensitive cells as a separate cell subset. We conclude that staining with MOAB F7-26 can be used as an indicator of cell sensitivity or resistance to alkylating agents. Detection of minor subsets of resistant cells in heterogeneous populations by FCM analysis may be useful for monitoring emerging drug resistance.  相似文献   

Monofunctional alkylating agent-induced S-phase-dependent DNA damage   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Alkylating agents are S-phase-dependent clastogenic agents: Chromosome aberrations are not observed unless the treated cells have first undergone a replicative DNA synthesis. While DNA gaps resulting from misreplication of the alkylated template are believed to underlie aberration formation, the specific alkylated DNA lesions that produce these DNA gaps are not known. To quantitate the DNA strand break induction that results from replication of an alkylated DNA template and attempt to identify those alkylated lesions which underlie DNA strand breakage. [14C]thymidine-labeled Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were treated with either N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) or methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in G1 and then allowed to progress through S phase in the presence of [3H]thymidine. When analyzed at the subsequent mitosis, DNA strand breaks were found in the nonalkylated ([3H]thymidine-labeled) DNA strand. This did not appear to be the consequence of any recombinational or endonuclease-mediated event and was more likely due to DNA gaps produced by incomplete replication off the alkylated template. A portion of these breaks probably result from a failure to replicate past 3-methyladenine. Differences between MNNG and MMS in the frequency of S-phase-dependent breaks they produce relative to the overall alkylation damage suggest that the O6-methylguanine lesion might also be involved in S-phase-dependent DNA strand breakage.  相似文献   

DNA damage by carbonyl stress in human skin cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reactive carbonyl species (RCS) are potent mediators of cellular carbonyl stress originating from endogenous chemical processes such as lipid peroxidation and glycation. Skin deterioration as observed in photoaging and diabetes has been linked to accumulative protein damage from glycation, but the effects of carbonyl stress on skin cell genomic integrity are ill defined. In this study, the genotoxic effects of acute carbonyl stress on HaCaT keratinocytes and CF3 fibroblasts were assessed. Administration of the alpha-dicarbonyl compounds glyoxal and methylglyoxal as physiologically relevant RCS inhibited skin cell proliferation, led to intra-cellular protein glycation as evidenced by the accumulation of N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)-L-lysine (CML) in histones, and caused extensive DNA strand cleavage as assessed by the comet assay. These effects were prevented by treatment with the carbonyl scavenger D-penicillamine. Both glyoxal and methylglyoxal damaged DNA in intact cells. Glyoxal caused DNA strand breaks while methylglyoxal produced extensive DNA-protein cross-linking as evidenced by pronounced nuclear condensation and total suppression of comet formation. Glycation by glyoxal and methylglyoxal resulted in histone cross-linking in vitro and induced oxygen-dependent cleavage of plasmid DNA, which was partly suppressed by the hydroxyl scavenger mannitol. We suggest that a chemical mechanism of cellular DNA damage by carbonyl stress occurs in which histone glycoxidation is followed by reactive oxygen induced DNA stand breaks. The genotoxic potential of RCS in cultured skin cells and its suppression by a carbonyl scavenger as described in this study have implications for skin damage and carcinogenesis and its prevention by agents selective for carbonyl stress.  相似文献   

Microsatellite instability is a phenomenon that is well characterized in mismatch repair-deficient tumor cell lines, including the potential etiological role of endogenous DNA damage. However, our understanding of microsatellite mutational mechanisms in repair-proficient, nontumorigenic cells is limited. We determined microsatellite mutation frequencies for human lymphoblastoid cells using an episomal DNA shuttle vector in which a (TTCC/AAGG)(9) microsatellite is inserted in-frame within the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) gene. The responses of plasmid-bearing cells to reactive oxygen species or alkylating agents were compared after treatment with hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU). H(2)O(2) treatment induced a statistically significant increase in overall HSV-tk mutation frequency relative to controls, with catalase reducing the effect. H(2)O(2) treatment increased the mutation frequency within the microsatellite and the HSV-tk coding region to a similar extent (five and six-fold, respectively, relative to the control). Mutational specificity analyses demonstrated that the proportion of mutations within the microsatellite is not statistically different among the H(2)O(2), catalase, and PBS treatment groups. In contrast, treatment of cells bearing the microsatellite vector with ENU altered the mutational spectrum, relative to solvent control. ENU induced the expected base substitutions within the HSV-tk coding region, but did not increase the microsatellite mutation frequency. The low level of microsatellite mutagenesis observed after reactive oxygen species (ROS) insult likely reflects the normal repair processes of these nontumorigenic, repair-competent cells. Our ex vivo experiments demonstrate the manner in which repetitive DNA in normal human cells might respond to endogenous mutagens.  相似文献   

Summary A strain with both the polA12 and the alk-1 mutation is only slightly more sensitive to methyl methane sulfonate (MMS) than isogenic strains with only one of the mutations. On the other hand, alk-1 recA1 double mutant is much more sensitive to MMS than are strains carrying either one of alk or recA mutation. It was suggested that the alk and the polA gene products are involved in the same DNA repair process whereas the recA function is independent from the process. The yield of MMS-induced mutation (Arg- (argE) to Arg+ reversion) in alk mutant is considerably higher than that in wild type strain. Thus, the repair process in which the alk gene product is involved is relatively accurate. When MMS-treated phages were plated on MMS-treated bacteria, there were considerable increases in survival of treated phage even in recA alk double mutant. It seems that a new repair pathway, which is specific for alkylating agent-induced damages and is not dependent on the RecA function, may be induced on exposure of bacteria to the alkylating agent.  相似文献   

The DNA damage induced in a human breast cancer cell line treated with 1,5 (10)-estradiene-3,4,17-trione (3,4-estrone-o-quinone; 3,4-EQ) has been measured qualitatively and quantitatively. Single-strand (ss) but not double-strand (ds) DNA breaks were formed in MCF-7 cells treated with 3,4-EQ. The ss DNA breaks formed in MCF-7 cells were partially repaired after incubation of cells in 3,4-EQ-free media for 2 and 4 h (i.e. 33 and 23% repair, respectively, as compared to the ss DNA breaks in cells after a 1-h exposure to 3,4-EQ without a recovery period). The formation of interstrand DNA cross-links was demonstrated in MCF-7 cells exposed to the bifunctional alkylating agent, mitomycin C, but not in those exposed to 3,4-EQ. Protein-linked DNA breaks were detected in MCF-7 cells after exposure to camptothecin and etoposide but not 3,4-EQ, suggesting that the ss DNA breaks induced by 3,4-EQ are unlikely to be mediated via topoisomerases. The induction of ss DNA breaks was detected in the estrogen receptor-negative cell line, BT-20, after exposure to 3,4-EQ. Furthermore, excess estradiol in culture media did not prevent 3,4-EQ-induced ss DNA breaks, suggesting that the DNA damage was not mediated via the estrogen receptor. Evaluation of the newly synthesized quinone analogue, 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1-2-naphthoquinone, in the ss DNA breakage assay revealed that the A and B ring moiety of 3,4-EQ is sufficient to produce ss DNA breaks in MCF-7 cells.  相似文献   

S K Das 《Mutation research》1982,105(1-2):15-18
Herpes simplex virus type I (Strain KOS) is inactivated by treatment with MMS, MNNG and HN2 as determined by plaque assay on Vero cell monolayers, or by an infectious center assay with FS2 cells, human foreskin fibroblast line. At a given dose of MMS and MNNG, survival of the virus was significantly higher at a multiplicity of infection of 1.0 PFU/cell compared to 0.01 PFU/cell. These results indicate that HSV-1 infected human cells are capable of repairing chemically induced lesions by way of multiplicity reactivation. No evidence for multiplicity reactivation with HN2-treated virus could be obtained, however.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiologic agent of Chagas’ disease. Infected cells with T. cruzi activate several responses that promote unbalance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that may cause DNA damage that activate cellular responses including DNA repair processes. In this work, HeLa cells and AC16 human cardiomyocyte cell line were infected with T. cruzi to investigate host cell responses at genome level during parasites intracellular life cycle. In fact, alkaline sensitive sites and oxidized DNA bases were detected in the host cell genetic material particularly in early stages of infection. These DNA lesions were accompanied by phosphorylation of the histone H2Ax, inducing γH2Ax, a marker of genotoxic stress. Moreover, Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase-1 (PARP1) and 8-oxoguanine glycosylase (OGG1) are recruited to host cell nuclei, indicating activation of the DNA repair process. In infected cells, chromatin-associated proteins are carbonylated, as a possible consequence of oxidative stress and the nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 (NRF2) is induced early after infection, suggesting that the host cell antioxidant defenses are activated. However, at late stages of infection, NRF2 is downregulated. Interestingly, host cells treated with glutathione precursor, N-acetyl cysteine, NRF2 activator (Sulforaphane), and also Benznidonazol (BNZ) reduce parasite burst significantly, and DNA damage. These data indicate that the balance of oxidative stress and DNA damage induction in host cells may play a role during the process of infection itself, and interference in these processes may hamper T. cruzi infection, revealing potential target pathways for the therapy support.  相似文献   

P A Edwards  K V Shooter 《Biopolymers》1971,10(11):2079-2082
It is confirmed from sedimentation studies that only a small fraction of diguaninyl derivatives formed on reaction on reactions of native DNA with mustard gas crosslink the two DNA chains. It is also apparent that heavily alkylated DNA can be studied in the denatured form in dimethyl sulfoxide without the gross degradation that results if denaturation is effected by alkali.  相似文献   

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