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Little, M. P., Tawn, E. J., Tzoulaki, I., Wakeford, R., Hildebrandt, G., Paris, F., Tapio, S. and Elliott, P. A Systematic Review of Epidemiological Associations Between Low and Moderate Doses of Ionizing Radiation and Late Cardiovascular Effects, and Their Possible Mechanisms. Radiat. Res. 169, 99-109 (2008). The link between high doses of ionizing radiation and damage to the heart and coronary arteries is established. In this paper, we systematically review the epidemiological evidence for associations between low and moderate doses (<5 Gy) of ionizing radiation and late-occurring cardiovascular disease. Risks per unit dose in epidemiological studies vary over at least two orders of magnitude, possibly a result of confounding factors. An examination of possible biological mechanisms indicates that the most likely causative effect of radiation exposure is damage to endothelial cells and subsequent induction of an inflammatory response, although it seems unlikely that this would extend to low-dose and low-dose-rate exposure. However, a role for somatic mutation has been proposed that would indicate a stochastic effect. In the absence of a convincing mechanistic explanation of epidemiological evidence that is less than persuasive at present, a cause-and-effect interpretation of the reported statistical associations cannot be reliably inferred, although neither can it be reliably excluded. Further epidemiological and biological evidence will allow a firmer conclusion to be drawn.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of mortality among atomic bomb survivors have suggested a linear dose-response relationship between ionizing radiation and diseases of the circulatory system for exposures in the range 0-4 Sv. If confirmed, this has substantial implications. We have therefore reviewed the published literature to see if other epidemiological data support this finding. Other studies allowing a comparison of the rates of circulatory disease in individuals drawn from the same population but exposed to ionizing radiation at different levels within the range 0-5 Gy or 0-5 Sv were identified through systematic literature searches. Twenty-six studies were identified. In some, disease rates among those exposed at different levels may have differed for reasons unrelated to radiation exposure, while many had low power to detect effects of the relevant magnitude. Among the remainder, one study found appreciable evidence that exposure to low-dose radiation was associated with circulatory diseases, but five others, all with appreciable power, did not. We conclude that the other epidemiological data do not at present provide clear evidence of a risk of circulatory diseases at doses of ionizing radiation in the range 0-4 Sv, as suggested by the atomic bomb survivors. Further evidence is needed to characterize the possible risk.  相似文献   

A new model (Random Coincidence Model--Radiation Adapted (RCM-RA)) is proposed which explains a possible pseudo threshold for stochastic radiation effects. It describes the formation of cancer in the case of multistep fixation of lesions in the critical regions of tumor associated genes such as proto-oncogenes or tumor-suppressor genes. The RCM-RA contains two different possibilities of DNA damage to complementary nucleotides. The damage may be caused either by radiation or by natural processes such as cellular radicals or thermal damage or by chemical cytotoxins. The model is based on the premise that radiation initially is bionegative, damaging organisms at their different levels of organization. The radiation, however, also induces various cellular radioprotective mechanisms which decrease the damage by natural processes. Considering both effects together, the theory explains apparent thresholds in the dose-response relation for radiation carcinogenesis without contradiction to the classical assumption that radiation is predominantly bionegative at doses typically found in occupational exposures.  相似文献   

Chronic effects of low doses of low intensity ionizing radiation (IR) on biological objects have now become of great social significance. This has given a considerable impetus to research into biological effects and mechanisms of such exposures both in Russia and abroad. This paper provides an overview of physicochemical and molecular bases of the IR influence at small doses and the ways of cell protection from the radiation damage, as well as the analysis of characteristic features and differences in the effects of radiation at small and high doses. We consider the DNA radiation damage both in cell cultures and in vivo, as well as processes and results of their repair. Particular attention is paid to the changes in the basic paradigms of radiation biological effects of small doses.  相似文献   

Zhizhina  G. P. 《Biophysics》2011,56(4):738-746
Chronic effects of low doses of low-intensity ionizing radiation (IR) on biological objects have gained great social significance. This has given a considerable impetus to research into the biological effects and mechanisms of such exposures, both in Russia and abroad. In this paper, an overview of the physicochemical and molecular basis of IR influence at low doses is provided. Means of cell protection from radiation damage are studied and an analysis of the typical features and differences in the radiation effects at low and high doses is carried out. We considered DNA radiation damage, both in cell cultures and in vivo, as well as the processes and results of their repair. Particular attention is paid to changes in the basic paradigms of biological radiation effects at low doses.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the apparent physiologic up-regulation in response to low levels of potentially lethal insults, murine T lymphocytes were analysed for functional and phenotypic alterations after exposure to 0.005 Gy/day, 0.01 Gy/day and 0.04 Gy/day in groups of ad-libitum-fed and calorie-restricted mice. These studies were conducted in two strains of mice: the long-lived and immunologically normal C57Bl/6 +/+ and the congenic short-lived immunologically depressed C57Bl/6 lpr/lpr. Whole-body exposure to 0.01 Gy/day and 0.04 Gy/day for an extended period of 20 days was associated with an increase in splenic proliferative response and with shifts in the proportions of T cell subpopulations in the thymus and spleen of both strains. Caloric restriction independently altered functional activity and T cell subpopulations in the same direction as low dose rates of ionizing radiation. Although the dose-response augmentation in proliferative activity was similar in the two strains, observed alterations in thymic and splenic T cell subpopulations were clearly different, suggesting that different mechanisms were responsible for immune enhancement in each strain.  相似文献   

Increasing of 3H-thymidine incorporation in lymphocytes of human peripheral blood which depends non-linearly on X-ray dose (3 cGy max) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) concentration (17.5 Units/ml) is shown. However addition of IL-2 (17.5 U/ml) into the medium of cells after irradiation (3 cGy) decreases almost to the control the effects induced by independently shown actions. Lymphocytes subpopulation responsible for the described phenomena are isolated during the fractionation of lymphocytes in the density gradient and pH (V-fraction BSA). Cell fraction less than 1-2% from the isolated lymphocytes is characterized by increasing of spontaneous corporation of 3H-thymidine, large sizes (d > 8 mkm), decreasing repair after UV-irradiation. It is believed that low dose irradiation and IL-2 activate this cell subpopulation of "last reaction", and higher doses of these factors and this both actions stopping 3H-thymidine incorporation initiate apoptosis. The relation of this sell subpopulation and before proposed ontogenetical reserve cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The shape of the dose-response curve for cancer induction by low doses of ionizing radiation is of critical importance to the assessment of cancer risk at such doses. Epidemiologic analyses are limited by sensitivity to doses typically greater than 50-100 mGy for low LET radiation. Laboratory studies allow for the examination of lower doses using cancer-relevant endpoints. One such endpoint is neoplastic transformation in vitro. It is known that this endpoint is responsive to both adaptive response and bystander effects. The relative balance of these processes is likely to play an important role in determining the shape of the dose-response curve at low doses. A factor that may influence this balance is cell density at time of irradiation. The findings reported in this paper indicate that the transformation suppressive effect of low doses previously seen following irradiation of sub-confluent cultures, and attributed to an adaptive response, is reduced for irradiated confluent cultures. However, even under these conditions designed to optimize the role of bystander effects the data do not fit a linear no-threshold model and are still consistent with the notion of a threshold dose for neoplastic transformation in vitro by low LET radiation.  相似文献   

The induction of chromosome damage by the exposure to low doses of gamma-(60)Co and accelerated carbon ions 12C in peripheral blood lymphocytes of different donors was investigated. The complex nonlinear dose-effect dependence at the range from 1 to 50-70 cGy was observed. At the doses of 1-5 cGy the cells show the highest radiosensitivity (hypersensitivity), mainly due to the chromatid-type aberration, which is typical to those spontaneously generated in the cell and believed not to be induced by the irradiation of unstimulated lymphocytes according to the classical theory of aberration formation. With the increasing dose the frequency of the aberrations decreases significantly, in some cases up to the control level. At the doses over 50-70 cGy the dose-effect curve becomes linear. The possible role of the oxidative stress, caused by radiation-induced increase in mitochondrial reactive oxigen species (ROS) release in the phenomenon of hypersensitivity (HS) at low doses is discussed as well as cytoprotective mechanisms causing the increased radioresistance at higher doses.  相似文献   



High doses of ionizing radiation result in biological damage; however, the precise relationships between long-term health effects, including cancer, and low-dose exposures remain poorly understood and are currently extrapolated using high-dose exposure data. Identifying the signaling pathways and individual proteins affected at the post-translational level by radiation should shed valuable insight into the molecular mechanisms that regulate dose-dependent responses to radiation.

Principal Findings

We have identified 7117 unique phosphopeptides (2566 phosphoproteins) from control and irradiated (2 and 50 cGy) primary human skin fibroblasts 1 h post-exposure. Semi-quantitative label-free analyses were performed to identify phosphopeptides that are apparently altered by radiation exposure. This screen identified phosphorylation sites on proteins with known roles in radiation responses including TP53BP1 as well as previously unidentified radiation-responsive proteins such as the candidate tumor suppressor SASH1. Bioinformatic analyses suggest that low and high doses of radiation affect both overlapping and unique biological processes and suggest a role for MAP kinase and protein kinase A (PKA) signaling in the radiation response as well as differential regulation of p53 networks at low and high doses of radiation.


Our results represent the most comprehensive analysis of the phosphoproteomes of human primary fibroblasts exposed to multiple doses of ionizing radiation published to date and provide a basis for the systems-level identification of biological processes, molecular pathways and individual proteins regulated in a dose dependent manner by ionizing radiation. Further study of these modified proteins and affected networks should help to define the molecular mechanisms that regulate biological responses to radiation at different radiation doses and elucidate the impact of low-dose radiation exposure on human health.  相似文献   

M Manno  A Bertazzon  A Burlina  L Galzigna 《Enzyme》1985,34(2):107-112
Male BALB/c mice were treated with intraperitoneal injections of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) (0.2 g/kg body weight) and/or 50 R of whole-body gamma irradiation, three times per week, for 4 weeks. The effects of the treatments on superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in liver extracts and homogenates, and on alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in serum were investigated. A significant decrease in the SOD and GSH-Px activities in liver extracts and an increase of serum ALP of hepatic origin were found in CCl4-treated animals. In contrast, only an increase in SOD activity was observed in liver homogenates after the combined treatment.  相似文献   

The exposure of mice to low dose of gamma-rays (10 cGy, 1 cGy/min) increased thymus-dependent humoral immune response and polyclonal activation of B-cells. Injection of hydroquinone eliminated radiation-induced augmentation of polyclonal response of B-lymphocyte. Thymogen decreased significantly the radiation-induced immunostimulation. The study of the dynamics of primary immune response showed that the period of radiation-induced elevation was followed by the phase of profound reduction of antibody formation. Possible negative consequences of action of low doses of ionizing radiation on immune system is discussed.  相似文献   

In experiments on rats it was found that aphobazole administered before emotional stress is capable to stop violations of adaptive reactions and compensator capabilities of a hemopoietic system in conditions of development of an emotional stress in early terms after gamma-irradiation with a dose of 0.9 Gy.  相似文献   

In experiments with mice, the efficiency of radioprotective agents against acute gamma-irradiation with nonlethal and low doses (0.5-4 Gy) was estimated by nine parameters. The treatment with cystamine, cysteamine and riboxine prior to irradiation (< 2 Gy) did not influence the postirradiation values of the parameters under study. With a dose of up to 4 Gy, the effect of riboxine was noted. The determinations of the number of aberrant mitoses, cellularity and mitotic activity of the bone marrow have proved to be most informative. The data obtained are discussed with due regard for the specific effect of low-level radiation and mechanisms of the protective action of the agents under study.  相似文献   

Some substances can produce a response in biological systems at extraordinarily low concentrations. Often called the 'low' or 'small' dose effect, the meaning or definition of what is meant by 'low' in this context is discussed. For the purposes of this article the expression is taken to be a concentration substantially below the equilibrium dissociation constant of the effector-target complex, but extremely low concentrations (<10(-19) m) are excluded from consideration. The main features of very low or 'small' dose action are described. Possible mechanisms of the effects of very low doses are suggested. The main thrust of the paper concerns the explanation of bimodal and polymodal dose-effect curves. A general formal kinetic model for such curves and its application will be discussed.  相似文献   

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