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A study has been made of the osmotic responses of the green intertidal alga, Ulva lactuca, under two fluctuating salinity regimes; sinusoidal and square-wave fluctuations between 30 and 100% sea water in a 12 h cycle. These regimes closely resemble the tidal fluctuation of salinity encountered by the alga in its natural estuarine habitat. Data on changes in the inorganic ions, potassium, sodium, chloride and sulphate; in the organic solute, dimethylsulphoniopropionate; in the total sugar levels and estimated osmotic and turgor pressures under the two salinity regimes are reported. Significant differences in the solute responses under these different conditions were detected. In general, better control of ion fluxes appeared to be exercised under the sinusoidal conditions which also buffered changes in dimethylsulphoniopropionate levels. Influxes of potassium were highly light-dependent. Chloride levels conspicuously failed to reach the steady-state levels in the 6-h-hyper-osmotic part of either the abrupt or gradual cycle. The possible significance of these data, which may better reflect osmotic changes in the natural environment, and some of the problems encountered, particularly in accounting for charge balance under some conditions, are discussed.Abbreviations DSMP 3-(dimethylsulphonio)propionate - FW fresh weight  相似文献   

Johnson DW 《Oecologia》2008,155(1):43-52
The flow regimes of arid zone rivers are often highly variable, and shallow groundwater in the alluvial aquifers can be very saline, thus constraining the availability and quality of the major water sources available to riparian trees—soil water, shallow groundwater and stream water. We have identified water sources and strategies used by riparian trees in more highly saline and arid conditions than previously studied for riparian trees of arid zone rivers. Our research focused on the riparian species Eucalyptus coolabah, one of the major riparian trees of ephemeral arid zone rivers in Australia. The water sources available to this riparian tree were examined using δ18O isotope data from xylem, soil water, groundwater and surface water. Additionally, soil chloride and matric potential data were used to infer zones of water availability for root uptake. Despite the saline conditions, the trees used a mixture of soil water and groundwater sources, but they did not use surface water directly. The study identified three strategies used to cope with typically high groundwater and soil water salinities. Firstly, the trees preferentially grow in zones of most frequent flushing by infiltrating streamflow, such as the bank-tops of channels. Secondly, the trees limit water use by having low transpiration rates. Thirdly, the trees are able to extract water at very low osmotic potentials, with water uptake continuing at chloride concentrations of at least 20,000–30,000 mg L−1.  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment investigated the effect of bending stress on stem radial and height growth and stem taper ofEucalyptus regnans seedlings. Eighteen-week-old, potted seedlings were bent continuously for 8 weeks with a static bending stress. The bending treatment was then removed and the seedlings grown for another 12 weeks. Other seedlings were stayed vertically throughout the experiment whilst control seedlings were neither bent nor stayed. Seedlings were rotated every 2 days to prevent reaction wood developing asymmetrically in the stems of bent trees. Bent trees had higher radial growth rates, developed more tapered stems and had higher safety factors (the ratio of stem radius to the minimum radius required to prevent the tree toppling over) than unbent seedlings. They produced a band of tension wood in their stems and ceased height growth whilst bent. When bending ceased, they resumed normal radial and height growth. Unbent trees developed more cylindrical stems. There were no differences in growth behaviour between stayed and control trees. Bent and unbent trees all developed a butt swell, the taper of which was not affected by treatment. It was concluded that bending stress has substantial effects on both the size and taper of tree stems. However, the development of butt swell is independent of the bending stress applied. The results were considered in relation to biomechanical theories of tree stem development.  相似文献   

Heartwood and sapwood development was studied in 18-year-old Eucalyptus globulus trees from pulpwood plantations with different spacings (3 × 2, 3 × 3, 4 × 3, 4 × 4 and 4 × 5 m), on cross-sectional discs taken at breast height. The trees possessed a large proportion of heartwood, on average 60% of the wood cross-sectional surface. Spacing was a statistically significant source of variation of heartwood area, which ranged between 99 and 206 cm2 for the closer (3 × 2) and wider (4 × 5) spacings, respectively. There was a positive and high statistical significant correlation between heartwood diameter and tree diameter (heartwood diameter = −0.272 + 0.616 dbh; r 2 = 0.77; P < 0.001), and larger trees contained more heartwood regardless of spacing. Heartwood proportion in cross-section remained practically constant between spacings but increased with tree diameter class: 55.1, 62.2, 65.0 and 69.5% for diameter at breast height classes <15, 15–20, 20–25 and >25 cm, respectively. The sapwood width did not depend on tree diameter growth and remained practically constant at an average of 18 mm (range 15–21 mm), but sapwood area showed a good linear regression with tree diameter. Therefore, tree growth enhancement factors, such as wide spacings, will induce formation of larger heartwoods that can negatively impact raw-material quality for pulping. The increase in heartwood in relation with tree dimensions should therefore be taken into account when designing forest management guidelines.  相似文献   

Herbivore deme formation on individual trees: a test case   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examined the deme-formation hypothesis, which states that sessile herbivores on long-lived hosts become locally adapted to the defensive phenotypes of individual trees. We showed a five-fold increase in resistance by individual pinyon pines (Pinus edulis) to the pinyon pine needle scale (Matsucoccus acalyptus). Although such variation could represent a significant selection pressure favoring deme formation, two lines of evidence led to rejection of the hypothesis. First, there were no significant differences in mortality among scale populations in a reciprocal transfer experiment. Second, a seven-year experiment showed that mortality of newly founded, incipient scale populations was similar to established scale populations. While our experiments fail to support the deme-formation hypothesis, they do demonstrate significant variation in the resistance traits of a natural tree population. Although we feel that demeformation is still probable in this system, it is likely to occur on a larger geographic scale than individual trees as proposed by Edmunds and Alstad.  相似文献   

Summary Andropogon glomeratus is a C4 nonhalophytic grass which exhibits population differentiation for tolerance to short-term salinity exposure. To investigate possible physiological mechanisms whch enable salt-tolerant individuals to survive short-term inundation, gas exchange and water relations parameters were measured before and during a 5-day watering treatment of half-strength synthetic seawater in plants from a tolerant and a non-tolerant population. Photosynthetic recovery was followed for 10 days after the salinity treatment. Photosynthetic CO2 uptake was substantially inhibited in both populations. Stomatal conductances decreased and intercellular CO2 concentrations increased, indicating non-stomatal factors were primarily responsible for the decrease in CO2 uptake. After termination of the salinity treatment photosynthetic capacity increased more rapidly in the tolerant population and reached the pretreatment level after 6 days, whereas the nontolerant population did not recover fully after 10 days. A-Ci curves measured before and after the salinity treatment indicated a decrease in the carboxylation efficiency, and suggested a proportionately greater metabolic inhibition relative to the increase in the stomatal limitation. Osmotic adjustment occurred in a 2-day period in the tolerant population, but there was no change in the osmotic potentials or the water potential at the point of turgor loss in the nontolerant population. Thus short-term salt tolerance in the marsh population is associated with rapid osmotic adjustment and recovcry of photosynthetic capacity shortly after the end of the salinity exposure, rather than maintenance of greater photosynthesis during the salinity treatment.  相似文献   

Naturally adapted salt tolerant populations provide a valuable material for exploring the adaptive components of salt tolerance. Under this aspect, two populations of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. were subjected to salt stress in hydroponics. One was collected from a heavily salt-affected soil in the vicinity of a natural salt lake, Uchhali Lake, in the Salt Range of the Punjab province of Pakistan, and the other from a normal non-saline habitat from the Faisalabad region. The NaCl treatments in Hoagland's nutrient solution were: Control (no salt), 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM of NaCl. After 8 weeks of growth in hydroponics produced biomass, ion relations, and photosynthetic capacity were measured in the differently adapted ecotypes. In the ecotype of C. dactylon from the Salt Range, shoot dry weight was only slightly affected by varying levels of salt. However, in contrast, its root weight was markedly increased. On the other hand, the ecotype from Faisalabad (non-saline habitat) showed a marked decrease in shoot and root dry weights under saline regimes. The ecotype from the Salt Range accumulated relatively less amount of Na+ in the shoot than did that from Faisalabad, particularly at higher salt levels. Shoot or root K+ and Ca2+ contents varied inconsistently in both ecotypes under salt stress. All the photosynthetic parameters, leaf water potential and osmotic potential, and chlorophyll content in both ecotypes were adversely affected by salt stress, but all these physiological attributes except turgor potential and soluble sugars were less affected at high salinities in the salt tolerant ecotype from Salt Range. This ecotype accumulated significantly higher organic osmotica (total free amino acids, proline, total soluble proteins, and total soluble sugars) under saline conditions than its intolerant counterpart. Overall, the salt tolerant ecotype of C. dactylon from the Salt Range showed high salt tolerance due to its restricted uptake of Na+ accompanied by an increased uptake of K+ and Ca2+ in the roots as well as shoot due to its higher photosynthetic capacity and accumulation of organic osmotica such as free amino acids and proline under saline conditions.  相似文献   

Gibberellin-induced formation of tension wood in angiosperm trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Funada R  Miura T  Shimizu Y  Kinase T  Nakaba S  Kubo T  Sano Y 《Planta》2008,227(6):1409-1414
After gibberellin had been applied to the vertical stems of four species of angiosperm trees for approximately 2 months, we observed eccentric radial growth that was due to the enhanced growth rings on the sides of stems to which gibberellin had been applied. Moreover, the application of gibberellin resulted in the formation of wood fibers in which the thickness of inner layers of cell walls was enhanced. These thickened inner layers of cell walls were unlignified or only slightly lignified. In addition, cellulose microfibrils on the innermost surface of these thickened inner layers of cell walls were oriented parallel or nearly parallel to the longitudinal axis of the fibers. Such thickened inner layers of cell walls had features similar to those of gelatinous layers in the wood fibers of tension wood, which are referred to as gelatinous fibers. Our anatomical and histochemical investigations indicate that the application of gibberellin can induce the formation of tension wood on vertical stems of angiosperm trees in the absence of gravitational stimulus.  相似文献   

High-throughput DNA extraction from forest trees   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
It is difficult to extract pure high-quality DNA from trees, which may not be amenable to advances in extraction methods suitable for other plants. A new commercial high-throughput DNA extraction system, using a silica binding matrix for purification and a multisample mixer mill for tissue disruption, was evaluated for its suitability withEucalyptus spp.,Pinus spp., andAraucaria cunninghamii (hoop pine). DNA suitable for a range of molecular biology applications was successfully extracted from all genera. The method was highly reliable when tested in more than 500 preparations and could be adapted to different tree species with relatively minor modifications.  相似文献   

The differences in pigment levels, photosynthetic activity and the chlorophyll fluorescence decrease ratio R Fd (as indicator of photosynthetic rates) of green sun and shade leaves of three broadleaf trees (Platanus acerifolia Willd., Populus alba L., Tilia cordata Mill.) were compared. Sun leaves were characterized by higher levels of total chlorophylls a + b and total carotenoids x + c as well as higher values for the weight ratio chlorophyll (Chl) a/b (sun leaves 3.23–3.45; shade leaves: 2.74–2.81), and lower values for the ratio chlorophylls to carotenoids (a + b)/(x + c) (with 4.44–4.70 in sun leaves and 5.04–5.72 in shade leaves). Sun leaves exhibited higher photosynthetic rates P N on a leaf area basis (mean of 9.1–10.1 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1) and Chl basis, which correlated well with the higher values of stomatal conductance G s (range 105–180 mmol m−2 s−1), as compared to shade leaves (G s range 25–77 mmol m−2 s−1; P N: 3.2–3.7 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1). The higher photosynthetic rates could also be detected via imaging the Chl fluorescence decrease ratio R Fd, which possessed higher values in sun leaves (2.8–3.0) as compared to shade leaves (1.4–1.8). In addition, via R Fd images it was shown that the photosynthetic activity of the leaves of all trees exhibits a large heterogeneity across the leaf area, and in general to a higher extent in sun leaves than in shade leaves.  相似文献   

Parida AK  Mittra B  Das AB  Das TK  Mohanty P 《Planta》2005,221(1):135-140
A significant decrease in the amount of a protein, whose migration in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis corresponds to an apparent molecular mass of 23 kDa and pI=6.5, was observed in leaves of NaCl-treated Bruguiera parviflora (Roxb.) Wt. & Arn. ex Griff. seedlings. This particular salt-sensitive protein, designated as SSP-23, almost disappeared after 45 days of treatment in 400 mM NaCl as compared to untreated seedlings (0 mM NaCl) where the presence of the protein was significant. A polyclonal antibody raised against the 23-kDa protein was used to determine the subcellular localization of this protein in leaves by cross-reaction with proteins from isolated chloroplasts, mitochondria, peroxisomes and cytosol fractions on Western blots. SSP-23 was confirmed to be localized in the cytosol by immunoblotting. The disappearance of SSP-23 as a result of high NaCl treatment suggests that this protein is salt-sensitive and has a possible role in salt adaptation.  相似文献   

Boron deficiency in coffee trees (Coffea arabica) is widespread, however, responses to B fertilizer have been erratic, depending on the year, method, and time of application. A better understanding of B uptake, distribution, and remobilization within the plant is important in developing a rational fertilization program. Field and greenhouse experiments were conducted to study B distribution and remobilization in coffee trees. Boron was provided either in the nutrient solution or sprayed on the leaves of trees grown under adequate or transient B deficiency. There was clear evidence for B translocation via symplast (remobilization) to coffee grains, even in well-nourished plants. When 10B was present in the nutrient solution during most part of fruit filling, from 33 to 40% of the B found in coffee fruits was absorbed during this period, depending on the timing and duration of the B deficiency treatment. In the field, when B was sprayed once on the leaves, around 4% of the fruit B was derived from the foliar fertilizer. Boron remobilization within coffee trees is limited in well nourished plants, but it can be significant during periods of temporary B deficiency in plants otherwise well nourished with B. The implications of these findings for B fertilization practice, are discussed.  相似文献   

The alteration of the content of heat-shock protein 70 kDa (Hsp70) was studied in cells of the freshwater ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis after the salinity of the medium had been changed. It was shown that ciliates acclimated to fresh (0%) or salt (2 and 10%) water have similar levels of constitutive Hsp70. Neither pronounced induction nor a decrease in the Hsp70 level were revealed in ciliates after salinity stress. These data differ from the results we obtained previously with more euryhaline ciliates, Paramecium nephridiatum and P. jenningsi. In those species, we observed both the induced synthesis of Hsp70 after salinity stress and changes (decrease or increase) in the constitutive Hsp70 level after the acclimation of ciliates to the altered medium salinity. We presume that the differences in the chaperone system reaction of these ciliates species may be connected with their different salinity resistances, least of all in P. jenningsi, intermediate in T. pyriformis, and most pronounced in P. nephridiatum.  相似文献   

We investigated crossdating and climate sensitivity in tree-ring series from Eucalyptus delegatensis Baker, R.T. and E. obliqua L'Herit. We first visually crossdated the measured ring width series and then independently verified this crossdating using Xmatch and cross-correlation significance tests. Crossdating was verified in 28 of the 32 study trees. Crossdating success differed between E. delegatensis and E. obliqua. In E. delegatensis crossdating success appears to be related to tree dominance and elevation. In E. obliqua radial azimuth appears to affect crossdating success. We developed two chronologies for each of the species studied. The first of these chronologies was based on all visually crossdated radii and the other on radii for which crossdating had been independently verified. Signal strength was higher in the verified chronologies. Correlation analysis between the verified chronologies and climate data revealed no significant correlation between precipitation and ring width for either species. E. obliqua ring width was significantly correlated with mean minimum and maximum air temperature and vapour pressure deficit during summer of the growing season. The E. delegatensis chronology was significantly correlated with air temperature and frequency of frost during the preceding winter. Ring width in both species was significantly correlated with air temperature during the preceding summer. Potential physiological explanations for these results are discussed. Further study is required to verify the results of climatological analysis and to explore the causes of variation in signal strength within and between trees.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of response to salinity in halotolerant microalgae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary A limited number of organic solutes are used by microalgae to adjust their internal osmotic pressure in response to changing external salinities. Glycerol and proline are used by the most extremely halotolerant algae. Only glycerol allows growth at salinities approaching saturation. In addition to organic osmoregulatory solutes, inorganic ions also play an important role in osmoregulation. The ability of microalgae to maintain intracellular ions at levels compatible with metabolic functions may set upper limits for their salt tolerance. Requirements for NaCl in the external medium for nutrient transport may define the lower salinity limits for growth observed for some euryhaline algae.Osmotic upshocks generally cause severe temporary inhibition of photosynthesis in euryhaline microalgae. Extensive osmotic downshocks have little effect on photosynthesis in microalgae with strong cell walls, while wall-less species appear to be more sensitive. Rapid glycerol synthesis takes place in response to increased external salinity inChlamydomonas pulsatilla both in light and dark. Starch supplies carbon for glycerol synthesis in the dark and also during the initial periods of inhibition of photosynthesis in the light. Turnover of osmoregulatory solutes such as glycerol and isofloridoside may be an important aspect of the osmoregulatory mechanism.At salinities beyond the growth limit for the green flagellateChlamydomonas pulsatilla, resting spores are formed that enable this alga to survive extreme salinities.  相似文献   

Cramer  Grant R. 《Plant and Soil》2003,253(1):233-244
This study focuses on the inhibitory effect of salinity on the leaf extension of three different grass species: Hordeum jubatum L., Hordeum vulgare L. and Zea mays L. Leaf elongation rates (LER) were measured on the third leaf of the plants. NaCl was added to the hydroponic solution (0, 40, 80 and 120 mM) and changes in LER were measured over time with a displacement transducer. Salinity inhibited LER immediately in all three species, and a new, but lower steady-state LER was reached within 5 h. The decrease in LER was proportional to the salinity level. Differences in salt tolerance (% of control LER) were evident between genotypes within 5 h after salinization, but the relative salt tolerance of the plant at this stage was not necessarily indicative of the long-term salt tolerance of the species. In general, H. jubatum was more tolerant than maize, which was more tolerant than barley to these short-term salinity stresses. In contrast, barley is more salt tolerant than maize over the long term. The mechanisms of inhibition of LER by salinity, as tested by the applied-tension technique, varied with the species examined, affecting either the apparent yield threshold, the hydraulic conductance of the whole plant or both. The cell wall extensibility was not significantly affected by salinity in the three species tested in this study.  相似文献   

Biomass additivity is a desirable characteristic of a system of equations for predicting component as well as total tree biomass since it eliminates the inconsistency between the sum of predicted values for components such as stem, bark, branch and leaf and the prediction for the total tree. Besides logical consistency, a system of additive biomass equations when estimated by taking into account the inherent correlation among the biomass components has greater statistical efficiency than separately estimated equations for individual components. Using mostly small sample data from both published and unpublished sources, a system of non-linear additive biomass equations was developed for 15 native eucalypt forest tree species of temperate Australia. Diameter at breast height was used as the independent variable for all 15 species, while the combined variable of diameter and tree height was used for 14 species with height data. The system of additive equations provided more accurate biomass estimates than the common approach of separately fitting total tree and component biomass equations using log transformed data through least squares regression. Residual error variances were collectively estimated for each species by pooling small sample data across species and using indicator variables to represent the scale factor for each species in a residual variance function. This method overcame a common problem in estimating heteroscedastic error variance in non-linear biomass equations with additive error terms for small samples. From the estimated residual variance functions, approximate confidence bands containing about 95% of the observed data about the mean curve of predicted biomass were derived for all biomass components of each species. This system of additive biomass equations will prove to be useful for biomass estimation of native eucalypt forests of temperate Australia.  相似文献   

王继伟  赵成章  赵连春  王小鹏  李群 《生态学报》2018,38(13):4843-4851
根系形态和生物量分配是决定根系吸收能力发挥的重要特征,其对环境限制因子的响应与适应策略一直是研究的热点。然而,有关土壤盐分对植物根系性状的影响还存在许多不确定性。选择兰州秦王川国家湿地公园芦苇群落为研究对象,垂直于沙河河岸从湿地边缘至湿地中心,依次设置3个不同土壤盐分梯度样地(样地I、样地II和样地III),采用全根挖掘法和WinRHIZO根系分析仪相结合的方法,研究了芦苇(Phragmites australis)根冠比、根总长度、比根长、根分叉数、根平均直径等形态参数的变化特征。结果表明:随着样地土壤盐分含量的增加,湿地群落的高度、盖度、密度、地上生物量逐渐下降,芦苇的根冠比、根分叉数呈逐渐减小的趋势,比根长、根总长度呈先下降后上升的趋势,而根平均直径呈相反的变化趋势;研究区土壤含盐量总体以中度盐渍化为主,表层土壤盐分呈现强变异性,随土层深度的增加含盐量呈下降趋势,而变异程度有所差异;芦苇根系性状与土壤含盐量的相关性分析可知,土壤含盐量与根总长度和比根长呈极显著相关关系(P0.01),与根冠比、根分叉数呈显著相关(P0.05),而与根平均直径相关性不显著。内陆盐沼的芦苇表现出敏感植物的特性,通过根系形态的调整和生物量分配策略的改变来适应盐分强变异的土壤环境,体现了逆境胁迫下湿地植物应对多重环境选择压力的生态适应机制。  相似文献   

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