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This study examined the distribution and dispersal of corophiid amphipods (Paracorophium spp.) in a temperate New Zealand estuary. Individuals in the sediment (resident population) and those caught in bed-load (local-scale movement) and suspended-load (larger-scale movement) were counted, measured, and sexed, during two tidal cycles at 4-6 week intervals spanning 13 months. Gravid females and juveniles were present in the resident population on all sample dates suggesting near continuous reproduction. Juveniles (< 2.2 mm body length) accounted for 49.8% of individuals in the sediment, compared to 65.4% of those caught in the bed-load and suspended-load traps. For the majority of sample dates, there was a net export of juveniles from the estuary. The total number of juveniles captured in suspended-load traps was significantly greater during the ebb tide relative to the flood tide (n = 541 versus 256), whereas no significant differences were found for adults. Similarly, numbers in the bed-load traps were significantly greater for juveniles during the ebb versus the flood tide (n = 900 versus 484), and also for adult females (n = 180 versus 86). Juvenile sex ratios were female biased in the sediment (9.8:1) and in suspended-load traps (7.6:1) and both were significantly more female-biased than that recorded for juveniles caught in bed-load traps (5.8:1). By contrast, there was a significantly lower proportion of adult females to adult males found in bed-load traps (1.7:1) and in suspended-load traps (0.98:1) compared to the resident population in the sediment (3.6:1). The mean size of juvenile females caught on a flood tide was significantly larger compared to those on the ebb tide, yet juvenile males were not significantly different, suggesting that smaller females were not returning on the flood tide. We suggest that female-biased juvenile dispersal for estuarine Paracorophium spp. lowers the risk of inbreeding and reduces competition. This may have evolved in response to a polygamous breeding system with little or no social organisation where a female produces more female offspring to maximise her inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

Previous studies of migratory sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) have made significant progress explaining evolution of this group at the species scale, but have been unsuccessful in explaining the geographically partitioned variation in morphology seen on the population scale. The objectives of this study were to assess the population structure and gene flow patterns among migratory sandhill cranes using microsatellite DNA genotypes and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes of a large sample of individuals across three populations. In particular, we were interested in evaluating the roles of Pleistocene glaciation events and postglaciation gene flow in shaping the present-day population structure. Our results indicate substantial gene flow across regions of the Midcontinental population that are geographically adjacent, suggesting that gene flow for most of the region follows an isolation-by-distance model. Male-mediated gene flow and strong female philopatry may explain the differing patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial variation. Taken in context with precise geographical information on breeding locations, the morphologic and microsatellite DNA variation shows a gradation from the Arctic-nesting subspecies G. c. canadensis to the nonArctic subspecies G. c. tabida. Analogous to other Arctic-nesting birds, it is probable that the population structure seen in Midcontinental sandhill cranes reflects the result of postglacial secondary contact. Our data suggest that subspecies of migratory sandhills experience significant gene flow and therefore do not represent distinct and independent genetic entities.  相似文献   

The increase in biological diversity with decreasing latitude is widely appreciated but the cause of the pattern is unknown. This pattern reflects latitudinal variation in both the origin of new species (cladogenesis) and the number of species that coexist. Here we address latitudinal variation in species origination, by examining population genetic processes that influence speciation. Previous data suggest a greater number of speciation events at lower latitudes. If speciation events occur more frequently at lower latitudes, we predicted that genetic divergence among populations within species, an important component of cladogenesis, should be greater among lower latitude populations. We tested this prediction using within-species patterns of mtDNA variation across 60 vertebrate species that collectively spanned six continents, two oceans, and 119 degrees latitude. We found greater genetic divergence of populations, controlling for geographic distance, at lower latitudes within species. This pattern remained statistically significant after removing populations that occur in localities previously covered by continental glaciers during the last glaciation. Results suggest that lower latitude populations within species exhibit greater evolutionary independence, increasing the likelihood that mutation, recombination, selection, and/or drift will lead to divergence of traits important for reproductive isolation and speciation. Results are consistent with a greater influence of seasonality, reduced energy, and/or glacial (Milankovitch) cycles acting on higher latitude populations, and represent one of the few tests of predictions of latitudinal variation in speciation rates using population genetic data.  相似文献   

The groundwater-dependent springs of the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) in arid inland Australia represent a unique and threatened ecosystem. These incredibly isolated springs support a diverse array of endemic flora and fauna. One of the common faunal groups in the GAB springs is the freshwater amphipods of the family Chiltoniidae. The morphological conservatism and taxonomic uncertainty associated with these amphipods has ensured their true biodiversity, phylogeographical history and evolutionary affinities have remained unknown. We have used mitochondrial DNA and allozyme data to unravel a complicated history of isolation, extinction and dispersal among spring amphipod populations across the GAB. The results provide evidence for multiple independent colonizations in the GAB springs, particularly within the Lake Eyre group of springs. The inclusion of a group of Western Australian (WA) stygobitic amphipods from populations up to 1500 km away found surprising evidence for a shared evolutionary history between stygobitic and GAB spring amphipods. Approximate dating of the diversity found between major clades suggests the majority of lineages originated in the late Miocene, around the time of the aridification of inland Australia. The large number of independent lineages and the close connection between GAB spring and WA stygobitic amphipods suggest that a significantly rich amphipod fauna existed in the much wetter environment that once existed in inland Australia. The results also provide evidence for a gross underestimation of the species diversity within the springs, with 12 putative species identified, a conclusion with significant implications for the ongoing conservation of the GAB springs.  相似文献   

Baird HP  Miller KJ  Stark JS 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(16):3439-3454
Recent molecular research on Antarctic benthic organisms has challenged traditional taxonomic classifications, suggesting that our current perceptions of Antarctic biodiversity and species distributions must be thoroughly revised. Furthermore, genetic differentiation at the intraspecific level remains poorly understood, particularly in eastern Antarctica. We addressed these issues using DNA sequence data for two sibling amphipod species that could be collected on a circum-Antarctic scale: Eusirus perdentatus and Eusirus giganteus. Haplotype networks and Bayesian phylogenies based on mitochondrial (COI, CytB) and nuclear (ITS2) DNA provided strong evidence of multiple cryptic species of Eusirus, with several occurring in sympatry and at least one likely to have a true circum-Antarctic distribution. Within species, gene flow was often highly restricted, consistent with a brooding life history and in some cases suggestive of current or future allopatric speciation. Patterns of genetic structure were not always predictable: one cryptic species showed preliminary evidence of high genetic differentiation across ~150 km in eastern Antarctica (F(ST) > 0.47, P < 0.01), yet another was remarkably homogenous across ~5000 km (F(ST) = 0.00, P = 1.00). Genetic diversity also varied among cryptic species, independent of sample size (π = 0.00-0.99). These results indicate several hidden levels of genetic complexity in these Antarctic amphipods that are neither apparent from previous taxonomic or ecological studies nor predictable from their life history. Such genetic diversity and structure may reflect different modes of survival for Antarctic benthic organisms during historic glacial cycles, and/or subsequent re-establishment of populations on the shelf, and highlight our misunderstanding of Antarctic marine species diversity.  相似文献   

The endangered warbler Bradypterus graueri is endemic to the Albertine Rift, where it is restricted to montane swamps above 1900 m across the region. We studied genetic structure among six populations sampled across the species' distribution in northern Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda and the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. A total of 2117 base pairs of mitochondrial data were sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses and network reconstruction of B. graueri haplotypes recovered three clades with a defined geographical pattern: clade 1, Virunga Volcanoes and Kigezi Highlands; clade 2, Rugege Highlands; and clade 3, Kahuzi‐Biega Highlands; clades 2 and 3 are sisters to each other. Both landscape dynamics and historical climate are likely to have played a role in the diversification of this species. The divergence between clade 1 and clades 2 and 3 (168.5 ka, 95% HPD 108.5, 244.4) coincides with a prolonged period of aridity in tropical Africa between 130 and 270 ka. Similarly, the divergence between clades 2 and 3 (99.4 ka, 95% HPD 55.4, 153.8) corresponds with a period of aridity just prior to 94 ka. Populations sampled from the eastern arm of the central Albertine Rift (Kigezi and Rugege Highlands) show a coincident increase in effective population size after the Last Glacial Maximum at c. 15 ka, whereas those sampled from Kahuzi‐Biega on the western arm of the rift do not. Despite the perceived higher vagility of bird species relative to other vertebrates, the degree of phylogeographical structure among populations of B. graueri is similar to that reported for small mammals (Hylomyscus vulcanorum, Lophuromys woosnami, Sylvisorex vulcanorum) and a frog Hyperolius castaneus sampled across the central Albertine Rift. Collectively our results suggest that climate dynamics associated with late Pleistocene cycles had a significant influence on driving the population genetic structure and associated levels of genetic diversity in B. graueri and other small terrestrial vertebrates. Our results have implications for the conservation of B. graueri and other endemics to the Albertine Rift, particularly in the context of other phylogegeographical studies centred on this biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   

西鄂尔多斯特有种四合木种群遗传多样性及遗传分化研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
张颖娟  杨持 《生态学报》2001,21(3):506-511
利用垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,对西鄂尔多斯高原特有种四合木(Tetraena mogolica)4个种群遗传多样性和遗传分化进行了初步研究。电泳结果表明,四合木在种和种群水平维持较高的遗传多样性,1多态位点百分率P=60%,等位基因平均数A=1.6,平均期望杂合度He=0.245。4个种群之间遗传分化很小,基因分化系数GST只有0.052,明不同于其它濒危物种。四合木种较高的遗传多样性和极低的种群间分化,说明不同的种群可能有共同的起源,随机遗传漂变和近交衰退不是影响遗传多样性的主要过程。  相似文献   

The thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli ssp.) provides a rare example of a North American large mammal that occupies most of its native range and maintains close to ancestral population size. There are currently two recognized subspecies, Dall's sheep (O. d. dalli) and Stone's sheep (O. d. stonei), the validity of which remains uncertain. We investigated the spatial genetic structure of thinhorn sheep populations representing both subspecies by genotyping individuals (n = 919) from across the species range at 12 variable microsatellite loci. We found high levels of genetic diversity within (HE = 0.722) and significant genetic structure among the 24 sampled areas (FST = 0.160). Genetic distance measures and Bayesian clustering analyses revealed the presence of at least eight subpopulations that are delineated by mountain range topology. A strong overall pattern of isolation-by-distance is evident across the sampling range (r = 0.75, P < 0.001) suggesting limited dispersal and extensive philopatry. Partial Mantel tests of this relationship showed mountain range distinctions represent significant barriers to gene flow (P = 0.0001), supporting the Bayesian analyses. Genetic structure was more strongly pronounced in southern Yukon and Alaska than elsewhere. We also show evidence for genetic differences between the two currently recognized thinhorn subspecies.  相似文献   

Neiman M  Lively CM 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(10):3085-3098
Pleistocene glaciation has been identified as an important factor shaping present-day patterns of phylogeographical structure in a diverse array of taxa. The purpose of this study was to use mitochondrial sequence data to address whether Pleistocene glaciation is also a major determinant of phylogeographical patterns in Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a freshwater snail native to New Zealand. We found that haplotypes were separated by no more than 3.7% sequence divergence, and major genetic divisions tended to occur on a north-south axis. These data fit the predictions of the hypothesis that isolation of P. antipodarum in glacial refugia at the northern and southern tip of the South Island of New Zealand during the Pleistocene glaciation underlies the present-day phylogeographical structure. Because sexual P. antipodarum occasionally produce asexual offspring, we also used these data to show that the appearance of asexuality is not phylogeographically constrained. This means that the maintenance of sex in P. antipodarum cannot be wholly due to limited contact between sexual and asexual lineages and must instead be linked to a selective advantage of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

1. The biological impact of glaciation in Southern Hemisphere freshwaters is poorly understood. Several large rivers of eastern South Island, New Zealand, represent a mosaic of glaciated and non-glaciated regions, and are thus well-suited for studies of post-glacial recolonization.
2. We conducted mtDNA analyses of South Island's endemic non-migratory longjaw galaxiids Galaxias prognathus and G. cobitinis (Osmeriformes: Galaxiidae) to test hypotheses of post-glacial recolonization, and to assess the vicariant effects of Pleistocene mountain building.
3. We analysed the phylogeography of longjaw cytochrome b sequences from 38 sites in central South Island ( n  = 83). On the basis of our sampling it seems that G. prognathus and G. cobitinis have a parapatric distribution in the Waitaki River system, their disjunction broadly coinciding with three large post-glacial lakes. Waitaki clades of both species are deeply divergent relative to conspecific taxa in drainages to the north and south.
4. Tests for recent population growth – predicted under post-glacial expansion of G. prognathus – do not refute recent recolonization of streams above glaciated lakes in the Waitaki River drainage. The apparent absence of potential 'source' populations from non-glaciated regions suggests a post-glacial population decline for G. prognathus below the Waitaki lakes.
5. Molecular clock calibrations based on several freshwater vicariant events elsewhere in New Zealand supported the geologically-derived hypothesis of Waitaki–Canterbury drainage isolation approximately 300 ka.  相似文献   

This paper examines orangutan population history and evolution through a meta-analysis of seven loci collected from both Sumatran and Bornean orangutans. Within orangutans, most loci show that the Sumatran population is about twice as diverse as the Bornean population. Orangutans are more diverse than African apes and humans. Sumatran and Bornean populations show significant genetic differentiation from one another and their history does not differ significantly from an 'island model' (population splitting without gene flow). Two different methods support a divergence of Bornean and Sumatran orangutans at 2.7-5 million years ago. This suggests that Pleistocene events, such as the cyclical exposure of the Sunda shelf and the Toba volcanic eruption, did not have a major impact on the divergence of Bornean and Sumatran orangutans. Pairwise mismatch analyses, however, suggest that Bornean orangutans have undergone a recent population expansion (beginning 39,000-64,000 years ago), while Sumatran orangutan populations were stable. Pleistocene events may have contributed to these aspects of orangutan population history. These conclusions are applied to the debate on orangutan taxonomy.  相似文献   

Xie GW  Wang DL  Yuan YM  Ge XJ 《Annals of botany》2005,95(5):773-777
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Monimopetalum chinense (Celastraceae) standing for the monotypic genus is endemic to eastern China. Its conservation status is vulnerable as most populations are small and isolated. Monimopetalum chinense is capable of reproducing both sexually and asexually. The aim of this study was to understand the genetic structure of M. chinense and to suggest conservation strategies. METHODS: One hundred and ninety individuals from ten populations sampled from the entire distribution area of M. chinense were investigated by using inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR). KEY RESULTS: A total of 110 different ISSR bands were generated using ten primers. Low levels of genetic variation were revealed both at the species level (Isp=0.183) and at the population level (Ipop=0.083). High clonal diversity (D = 0.997) was found, and strong genetic differentiation among populations was detected (49.06 %). CONCLUSIONS: Small population size, possible inbreeding, limited gene flow due to short distances of seed dispersal, fragmentation of the once continuous range and subsequent genetic drift, may have contributed to shaping the population genetic structure of the species.  相似文献   

Zhan X  Zheng Y  Wei F  Bruford MW  Jia C 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(14):3014-3026
The role of the Quaternary ice ages in forming the contemporary genetic structure of populations has been well studied in a number of global regions. However, due to the different nature of glaciations and complex topography, their role in shaping eastern Eurasian genetic diversity, particular in areas surrounding the Tibetan Plateau have remained largely unstudied. We aimed to address this question by examining the genetic structure of an alpine forest-associated taxon, the blood pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus) to infer its phylogeographic history. We detected three phylogenetic lineages and four current population groups. By comparing molecular and palaeovegetation data, we found that major glaciations during the Pleistocene have had a major impact upon the current genetic diversity of this species. Coalescent simulations indicate that the populations retreated to different refugia during some glacial periods in the Pleistocene, but persisted through the last glacial maximum (LGM). The most significant recent population expansion was found to have occurred before the LGM, during which palaeoclimatic data indicate that the climate was both warmer and wetter than today. In contrast, during the LGM populations may have adopted an altitudinal shift strategy in order to track changes in alpine glaciers, exemplifying a general response for montane species in the region where alpine glaciations were not large enough to cause qualitative changes in vegetation. Although analysis based on a plumage related gene showed that divergent selection may have contributed to current patterns of intra-specific diversity, demographic isolation is inferred to have played a more dominant role.  相似文献   

Johnson NK  Cicero C 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(10):2065-2081
Avian genera characterized by sibling species with distinctive habitat preferences present an evolutionary enigma in view of the more commonplace occurrence of syntopic congeners that differ strikingly in colour and pattern. No existing theory has explained the evolutionary background that led to these differences. Here we propose that great phenotypic similarity among some groups of sibling species limits their coexistence and that clues to their radiation can be seen in patterns of geographical occurrence. To illustrate our thesis we focused on the New World flycatcher genus Empidonax, a group of 15 species notorious for their great phenotypic similarity. Using 3069 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA from four genes, we produced a complete molecular phylogeny that identified four clades, three of which represent close relatives. The fourth clade includes only E. virescens, which apparently has no close living relatives. The majority of species, including many distant relatives, are completely (58.1%) or essentially (6.7%) allopatric in breeding distribution and exhibit striking ecological segregation into distinctive climate-vegetation zones. Even where ranges overlap, occupancy of the same habitat by different species is rare. Phylogenetic and distributional patterns in Empidonax suggest a peripatric model of stepwise colonization and then range expansion of small groups of pioneers during glacial periods into initially enlarging, distinctive habitats destined to be widespread during interglacials. Vicariance is not indicated in the absence of barriers of appropriate age and geographical position. Rapoport's rule that northern species have larger ranges than southern species is strongly supported.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci have been isolated from two species of endemic Hawaiian damselflies, Megalagrion xanthomelas and M. eudytum, that are of conservation concern. Sixteen polymorphic loci were characterized in 32 M. xanthomelas from one population on Molokai and one on Hawaii Island. The total number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 16 and observed population heterozygosity ranged from 0.0 to 0.963. Eleven of these loci amplified successfully in M. eudytum as well. These loci will be used to further conservation efforts and infer genetic consequences of Pleistocene glaciations.  相似文献   

The fine scale geographic population structure of two types of nine-spined stickleback Pungitius pungitius (the widely distributed freshwater type and a local endemic, the Omono type) within the Omono River system, Japan, was investigated. A principal components analysis of allele frequencies and neighbour-joining tree for pair-wise F ST values, based on 10 allozyme loci, revealed that the Omono type was comprised of four regional groups with relatively high genetic divergence. This grouping was also supported by hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) with a higher variance component among the regional groups, and by an exact test with significant genotypic differentiation for all sample pairs among the regional groups. Moreover, in the clustering of individuals using the Bayesian method, most of individuals in each regional group were assigned the corresponding cluster. On the other hand, there were less pronounced regional groups of the freshwater type, although AMOVA, exact test for genotypic differentiation and Bayesian analysis indicated genetic divergence between two sampling sites in lower reach of the Omono River and other sites. The results suggest that the Omono type represented an earlier colonization, with subsequent invasion of the freshwater type.  相似文献   

Range expansions are a potential outcome of changes in habitat suitability, which commonly result as a consequence of climate change. Hypotheses on such changes in the geographic distribution of a certain species can be evaluated using population genetic structure and demography. In this study we explore the population genetic structure, genetic variability, demographic history of, and habitat suitability for Amblyomma americanum, a North American tick species that is a known vector of several pathogenic microorganisms. We used a double digestion restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing technique (dd‐RAD seq) and discovered 8,181 independent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 189 ticks from across the geographic range of the species. Genetic diversity was low, particularly when considering the broad geographic range of this species. The edge populations were less diverse than populations belonging to the historic range, possibly indicative of a range expansion, but this hypothesis was not statistically supported by a test based on genetic data. Nonetheless, moderate levels of population structure and substructure were detected between geographic regions. For New England, demographic and species distribution models support a scenario where A. americanum was present in more northern locations in the past, underwent a bottleneck, and subsequently recovered. These results are consistent with a hypothesis that this species is re‐establishing in this area, rather than one focused on range expansion from the south. This hypothesis is consistent with old records describing the presence of A. americanum in the northeastern US in the early colonial period.  相似文献   

Branchinecta sandiegonensis (Crustacea: Anostraca) is a narrow range endemic fairy shrimp discontinuously distributed in ephemeral pools on coastal mesas in San Diego County, USA. Ten populations across the range of the species were subjected to allozyme analysis for eleven loci. The species exhibits low variability (P95 =9.1–45.5) and one third of the loci tested did not conform to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectations. The species also exhibited a high degree of genetic differentiation between populations. F ST values (fixation index) for most pairs of populations were above 0.25 (0.036–0.889).Low genetic variability and high genetic structure may result from low gene flow and founder effects due to habitat fragmentation and the lack of potential vectors for cyst dispersal. The unpredictable rainfall of the region also creates potential for variable population sizes which could affect structure and variability. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Aim  Pleistocene climatic cycles have left marked signatures in the spatial and historical genetic structure of high‐latitude organisms. We examine the mitochondrial (cytochrome b) genetic structure of the singing vole, Microtus miurus (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Arvicolinae), a member of the Pleistocene Beringian fauna, and of the insular vole, Microtus abbreviatus, its putative sister species found only on the St Matthew Archipelago. We reconstruct the phylogenetic and phylogeographical structure of these taxa, characterize their geographical partitioning and date coalescent and cladogenetic events in these species. Finally, we compare the recovered results with the phylogenetic, coalescent and spatial genetic patterns of other eastern Beringian mammals and high‐latitude arvicoline rodents. Location  Continental Alaska (alpine and arctic tundra) and the St Matthew Archipelago (Bering Sea). Methods  We generated and analysed cytochrome b sequences of 97 singing and insular voles (M. miurus and M. abbreviatus) from Alaska. Deep evolutionary structure was inferred by phylogenetic analysis using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches; the geographical structure of genetic diversity was assessed using analysis of molecular variance and network analysis; ages of cladogenetic and coalescent events were estimated using a relaxed molecular clock model with Bayesian approximation. Results  Regional nucleotide diversity in singing voles is higher than in other high‐latitude arvicoline species, but intra‐population diversity is within the observed range of values for arvicolines. Microtus abbreviatus specimens are phylogenetically nested within M. miurus. Molecular divergence date estimates indicate that current genetic diversity was formed in the last glacial (Wisconsinan) and previous interglacial (Sangamonian) periods, with the exception of a Middle Pleistocene split found between samples collected in the Wrangell Mountains region and all other singing vole samples. Main conclusions  High levels of phylogenetic and spatial structure are observed among analysed populations. This pattern is consistent with that expected for a taxon with a long history in Beringia. The spatial genetic structure of continental singing voles differs in its northern and southern ranges, possibly reflecting differences in habitat distribution between arctic and alpine tundra. Our phylogenetic results support the taxonomic inclusion of M. miurus in its senior synonym, M. abbreviatus.  相似文献   

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