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Fatigue of inspiratory muscles and their synergic behavior   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

We examined the effects of varying inspiratory pressures and flows on inspiratory muscle endurance. Four normal subjects performed voluntary forced breathing with various assigned inspiratory tasks. Duty cycle, tidal volume, and mean lung volume were the same in all tasks. Mean esophageal pressure, analogous to a pressure-time integral (PTes), was varied over a wide range. In each task the subject maintained an assigned PTes while breathing on one of a range of inspiratory resistors, and this gave a range of inspiratory flows at any given PTes. Inspiratory muscle endurance for each task was assessed by the length of time the task could be maintained (Tlim). For a given resistor, Tlim increased as PTes decreased. At a given PTes, Tlim increased as the external resistance increased and therefore as mean inspiratory flow rate (VI) decreased. Furthermore, for a given Tlim, PTes and VI were linearly related with a negative slope. We conclude that inspiratory flow, probably because of its relationship to the velocity of muscle shortening, is an independent variable importantly influencing endurance of the inspiratory muscles.  相似文献   

The relative occurrence of slow-twitch (ST) and fast-twitch (FTa and FTb) fibers, fiber size, and capillary supply in internal (INT) and external intercostal muscles (EXT), the costal diaphragm (DIA), and vastus lateralis muscle (VAS) was examined post-mortem in eight healthy males. The relative occurrence of ST fibers in INT [64 +/- 3% (SE)] and EXT (62 +/- 3%) was similar but higher than in DIA (49 +/- 3%) and VAS (40 +/- 6%; P less than 0.05). The occurrence of FTa fibers in expiratory INT (35 +/- 3%) was higher than in inspiratory INT and EXT (17 +/- 1%; P less than 0.05) but similar to DIA (28 +/- 6%) and VAS (32 +/- 2%). Accordingly, expiratory INT had fewer FTb fibers (1 +/- 1%) than the others (P less than 0.05). Expiratory INT had a 60% larger fiber area than inspiratory INT and EXT and DIA (P less than 0.05), but the area was similar to that of VAS. The number of capillaries per fiber was higher in expiratory INT (2.3 +/- 0.1) than in inspiratory INT and EXT (1.6 +/- 0.1), DIA (1.9 +/- 0.1), and VAS (1.8 +/- 0.2; P less than 0.05). The results suggest that the occurrence of many large capillary-rich FTa fibers in expiratory INT is bound to function (expiratory vs. inspiratory) rather than to anatomy (INT vs. EXT).  相似文献   

Closure of the jaw exerts traction on muscles that insert on the hyoid bone and that may stabilize or expand the pharyngeal airway. We postulated that the masseter muscles, which close the jaw, would be activated when the patency of the pharyngeal airway is threatened. We therefore measured electromyographic activation of the masseters during inspiratory resistance loading and compared it with activation of chin muscles and alae nasi in 10 normal subjects. We observed no masseter activation during quiet unloaded breathing, but as pharyngeal pressure became lower there was a significant increase in masseter activation in all subjects. The change in masseter activation relative to pharyngeal pressure was similar to that of chin muscles and alae nasi. Activation of the masseter preceded the fall in pharyngeal pressure as also occurred in the chin muscles and alae nasi. We conclude that the masseters are activated by inspiratory resistance loading and have respiratory activity similar to pharyngeal airway muscles.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of lung volume on the ability of normal subjects to sustain breathing against inspiratory resistive loading. Four normal subjects breathed on a closed circuit in which inspiration was loaded by a flow resistor. Subjects were assigned a series of breathing tasks over a range of pressures and flows. In each task there was a specified resistor and also targets for either mean esophageal or airway opening pressure, respiratory frequency, and duty cycle. Endurance was assessed as the length of time to failure of the assigned task. The prime experimental variable was lung volume, which was increased by approximately 1 liter during some tasks; 8 cmH2O continuous positive airway pressure was applied to increase lung volume without increasing elastic load. As previously shown (McCool et al.J. Appl. Physiol. 60: 299-303, 1986), for tasks that could be sustained for the same time, there was an inverse linear relationship of mean esophageal pressure with inspiratory flow rate. This trade-off of pressure and flow was apparent both with and without the increase of lung volume. Comparable tasks, however, could not be sustained as long at the higher lung volumes. This effect of volume on endurance was greater for tasks characterized by high inspiratory pressures and low flow rates than for tasks that could be sustained for the same time but that had lower inspiratory pressures and higher flow rates. This is probably due to the effects of shortening of the sarcomere on fatiguability. Increased lung volume, per se, may contribute to respiratory failure because of increased inspiratory muscle fatiguability by mechanisms independent of elastic load.  相似文献   

The neck inspiratory muscles are recruited to support breathing under numerous conditions. To gain insight into their synergistic actions we examined the isometric contractile properties of bundles from canine scalene and sternomastoid muscles. In addition, we also related the length of the neck muscles, measured sonomicrometrically in vivo at different lung volumes and body positions, to their optimal force-producing length (Lo) determined in vitro. We found that the speed of the sternomastoid is somewhat faster than that of the scalene owing to a shorter relaxation rate; the sternomastoid generates higher forces at submaximal stimulation frequencies than the scalene; the maximal tetanic force corrected for cross-sectional area is the same for both neck muscles; the neck muscles are significantly faster than the canine costal diaphragm; at supine functional residual capacity (FRC), the scalene is operating at a length corresponding to 85% Lo, whereas the sternomastoid is significantly shorter at 75% Lo; increasing lung volume shortens both muscles slightly, the length at supine total lung capacity being approximately 5% shorter than at FRC; and in the upright posture, both neck muscles lengthen toward their Lo, with the sternomastoid lengthening more than the scalene. We conclude that the scalene is a more effective force generator than the sternomastoid with the animal lying supine; the neck muscles appear to maintain their force-generating potential regardless of the lung volume; and the force-generating potential of the neck muscles is greatly enhanced with the animal in the upright vs. the supine position. This may contribute to the augmented rib cage motion characteristic of breathing in the upright posture.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that inspiratory muscles, like other skeletal muscles, would exert greater force under pliometric conditions (being lengthened while active) than under isometric or miometric (active shortening) conditions. Maximal inspiratory pressure-flow curves of the respiratory system are analogous to the force-velocity curves for isolated muscle (Agostoni and Fenn, J. Appl. Physiol. 15:349-353, 1960). We measured esophageal pressure (Pes) and plethysmographic flow (V) at relaxation volume of the respiratory system in six trained subjects inspiring maximally through graded resistors (miometric), against a closed airway (isometric), and while constant expiratory flows were forced by a reduced pressure source at the airway opening (pliometric). Pes varied inversely with V and this trend continued into the pliometric range. In addition we found that the pressure-flow characteristics of the rib cage and of the abdomen are similar to those for the chest wall as a whole. The mechanical and energetic advantages of muscle activity under pliometric conditions may be available to some inspiratory muscles in both normal and pathological situations.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to study the influence of pyracetam on respiratory muscles fatigue and ventilatory disorders caused by inspiratory resistive load in cats. The experiments have show that after the use of pyracetam in conditions of fatigue total bioelectric activities of inspiratory muscles and of the phrenic nerve and transdiaphragmal pressure restore; duty cycle, respiratory rate and tidal volume per minute decrease. The conclusion is drawn that pyracetam in the dose 300 mg/kg, in intravenous administration, compensates inspiratory muscle fatigue at the expense of its central mechanism of action.  相似文献   

Effect of chronic resistive loading on inspiratory muscles in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of animal models of respiratory muscle training would be useful in studying the physiological effects of training. Hence, we studied the effects of chronic resistive loading (CRL) for 5 wk on mass, composition, and mechanics of inspiratory muscles in laboratory rats. CRL was produced by means of a tracheal cannula (loaded animals) and results were compared with sham-operated controls. Acutely, upper airway obstruction led to a doubling of inspiratory pleural pressure excursion and 25% decrease in respiratory rate. We observed no changes in lung pressure-volume curves, nor in the geometry of the respiratory system in loaded compared with control animals. Muscle mass normalized for body mass increased in the diaphragm (DI) and the wet weight-to-dry weight ratio increased in the sternomastoid (SM) in loaded compared with control animals. Loaded animals demonstrated a decrease in ether extractable (fat) content of the DI and SM muscles but not the gastrocnemius. For the DI there was no change in length at which active tension was maximal (Lo), but there was an increase in maximum tension at lengths close to Lo in loaded compared with control rats. Endurance did not change, although twitch tensions remained higher in loaded compared with control rats. We conclude that 1) alteration of inspiratory muscle structure and function occurs in rats with CRL; 2) the DI and SM demonstrate different adaptive responses to CRL; and 3) although maximum tension increases, endurance does not.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the inspiratory pressure swings across the rib-cage pathway are the sum of transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) and the pressures developed by the intercostal/accessory muscles (Pic). If correct, Pic can only contribute to lowering pleural pressure (Ppl), to the extent that it lowers abdominal pressure (Pab). To test this we measured Pab and Ppl during during Mueller maneuvers in which deltaPab = 0. Because there was no outward displacement of the rib cage, Pic must have contributed to deltaPpl, as did Pdi. Under these conditions the total pressure developed by the inspiratory muscles across the rib-cage pathway was less than Pdi + Pic. Therefore, we rejected the hypothesis. A plot of Pab vs. Ppl during relaxation allows partitioning of the diaphragmatic and intercostal/accessory muscle contributions to inspiratory pressure swings. The analysis indicates that the diaphragm can act both as a fixator, preventing transmission of Ppl to the abdomen and as an agonist. When abdominal muscles remain relaxed it only assumes the latter role to the extent that Pab increases.  相似文献   

The effect of head-down tilt on respiration and diaphragmal and parasternal muscles activity was investigated in 11 healthy subjects. The short-time (30 min) head-down tilt posture (-30 degrees relatively horizont) increased the inspiratory time (P < 0.05), decreased breathing frequency (P < 0.05), inspiratory and expiratory flow rate (P < 0.05) and increased the airway resistance (P < 0.05) compared with values in vertical posture. There were no significant changes in tidal volume and minute ventilation. Constant values of tidal volume and minute ventilation during head-down tilt were provided by increasing in EMG activity of parasternal muscles more then twice. It was established that the contribution of chest wall inspiratory muscles increased while the diaphragm's contribution decreased during head-down spontaneous breathing. Maximal inspiratory effort (Muller's maneuver) during head-down tilt evoked the opposite EMG-activity pattern: the contribution of inspiratory thoracic muscles was decreased and diaphragm's EMG-activity was increased compared with vertical posture. These results suggest that coordinate modulations in inspiratory muscles activity allows to preserve the functional possibility of human inspiratory muscles during short-time head-down tilt.  相似文献   

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