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The AtGRP5 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a glycine-rich protein which has a major activity in protoderm-derived cells and is expressed in cells that undergo the first anatomical modifications leading to somatic embryo development. It has been previously demonstrated that its minimum promoter is 316 bp long including the 5′UTR and presents three putative TATA-boxes sequences and several regions that are homologous to previous characterized cis-acting elements. In order to better characterize the AtGRP5 expression and to identify the promoter regions involved in its preferential epidermal expression, in situ hybridization and 5′ promoter deletions were employed. In situ hybridization and GUS expression assays indicate that, besides being present during somatic embryogenesis, AtGRP5 is also expressed during the zygotic embryo development. The sequential 5′ deletions indicate that multiple negative and positive regulatory elements are present in the AtGRP5 promoter and operate in order to confer its distinct expression pattern. A 44-bp region was shown to be essential for the epidermal expression of this gene in leaves, stems, flowers and fruits, and is also responsible for high activity of the AtGRP5 promoter in zygotic embryos. An element responsible for the phloem expression was also identified in a 35-bp region.  相似文献   

The level of transgene expression often differs among independent transformants. This is generally ascribed to different integration sites of the transgene into the plant genome in each independently obtained transformant (position effect). It has been shown that in tobacco transformants expressing, for example, a cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter-driven -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene, these position-induced quantitative differences among individual transformants were reduced by the introduction of matrix-associated regions (MAR elements) on the T-DNA. We have previously shown by imaging of in planta firefly luciferase (luc) reporter gene activity that quantitative differences in transgene activity can be the result of either a variation in (1) level, (2) spatial distribution and/or (3) temporal regulation of transgene expression between independent transformants. It is not known which of these three different aspects of transgene expression is affected when the transgene is flanked by MAR elements. Here we have used the firefly luciferase reporter system to analyse the influence of MAR elements on the activity of a CaMV 35S-luc transgene in a population of independently transformed tobacco plants. Imaging of in planta LUC activity in these tobacco plant populations showed that the presence of MAR elements does not result in less variation in the average level of transgene expression between individual transformants. This result is different from that obtained previously with a 35S-GUS reporter gene flanked by MAR elements and reflects the differences in the stability of the LUC and GUS reporter proteins. Also the variation in spatial patterns of in vivo LUC activity is not reduced between independent transformants when the transgene is flanked by MAR elements. However, MAR elements do seem to affect the variation in temporal regulation of transgene expression between individual transformants. The potential effects of MAR elements on the variability of transgene expression and the relation to the stability of the (trans)gene product are discussed.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the developmental program of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor expression, the binding of [125I] beta NGF to frozen chick sections was investigated autorradiographically between embryonic day 3 (E3) and post-hatching day 3. Strong NGF receptor expression was observed as early as E4, throughout embryonic development and in the post-hatching period at the classical NGF target sites: the paravertebral sensory and sympathetic ganglia, the paraaortal sympathetic ganglia as well as the cranial sensory ganglia with neurons of neural crest origin and their respective nerves. Only weak [125I] beta NGF binding was observed during a restricted time span in the parasympathetic ciliary ganglion. Clear differences were observed in the intensity and in the developmental time course of [125I] beta NGF binding to the dorsomedial and ventrolateral aspects of the dorsal root ganglia. NGF receptors were also found to be expressed on central axons of the dorsal root entry zone and the dorsal tract in the spinal cord. A transient expression of specific NGF binding sites of the same high affinity as measured at the classical NGF targets, was detected in the lateral motor column and in muscle at the time of motoneuron synapse formation and elimination.  相似文献   

Human alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT) is expressed in the liver, and a 318 bp fragment immediately flanking the CAP site of the gene was found to be sufficient to drive the expression of a reporter gene (CAT) specifically in hepatoma cells. The enhancing activity however, was orientation-dependent. The DNA fragment was separated into a distal region and a proximal region. A "core enhancer" sequence GTGGTTTC is present within the distal region and is capable of activity enhancement in both orientations when complemented by the proximal region in the sense orientation. The results strongly suggest that there are multiple cis-acting elements in the human AAT gene that confer cell specificity for its expression. Nuclear proteins prepared from the hepatoma cells bound specifically to the proximal region in a band-shifting assay that was resistant to competition by the globin promoter DNA. Foot-printing analysis showed a protected domain within the proximal region that contains a nearly perfect palindromic sequence TGGTTAATATTCACCA, which may be important in the regulation of AAT expression in the liver.  相似文献   

There are 16 classes of unconventional myosins. Class V myosins have been shown to be involved in transporting cargo to and from the cell periphery. Class VI myosins have also been shown to transport cargo from the cell periphery, although it seems that these proteins have many roles which include the mediation of cell migration and stereocillia stabilisation. With the requirement of myosin VI for Drosophila oogenesis, the localised expression of Myosin V in the developing egg chamber and recent mounting evidence which links myosin VI to the migration of human ovarian cancer cell lines, we wanted to investigate the expression pattern of these two myosin classes in the normal mouse ovary. Here we show that these myosins are expressed, localised and regulated within the oocyte and granulosa cells of the developing mouse follicle.  相似文献   

R L Cagan  H Kr?mer  A C Hart  S L Zipursky 《Cell》1992,69(3):393-399
During Drosophila retinal development, the R8 photo-receptor neuron induces a neighboring cell to assume an R7 cell fate through cell contact. This is mediated by the transmembrane protein bride of sevenless (boss) on the surface of the R8 cell, which binds the sevenless tyrosine kinase receptor (sev) on the surface of the R7 precursor cell. The boss protein, which contains a large extracellular domain, seven transmembrane segments, and a C-terminal cytoplasmic domain, has an exceptional structure for a ligand of a receptor tyrosine kinase. Using a panel of antibodies directed to various cytoplasmic and extracellular epitopes, we demonstrate that the entire boss protein from its extreme N-terminus to its extreme C-terminus is internalized by sev-expressing tissue culture cells and by the R7 precursor cell in the developing eye imaginal disc. The receptor-mediated transfer of a transmembrane ligand represents a novel mechanism for protein transfer between developing cells.  相似文献   

苏干湖湿地植被覆盖度时空变化格局   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
康满萍  赵成章  白雪  杨俊仓 《生态学报》2020,40(9):2975-2984
植被覆盖度是反映群落外貌特征和影响植被生态系统稳定性的重要因子,其时空异质性演化规律研究有助于认识湿地群落的结构功能及其环境响应机制。采用湿地群落学调查和遥感技术相结合的方法,分析了苏干湖内陆盐沼湿地近30年植被覆盖度的时空变化及其影响因素。结果表明:像元二分模型在内陆盐沼湿地植被覆盖度研究方面具有较高的模拟精度;苏干湖湿地的植被覆盖度在1987—2017年间总体呈上升趋势,年际增幅为0.162%/5a,与气温和降水呈正相关关系;在空间上植被覆盖度与地下水位埋深呈正相关,与土壤全盐量呈负相关,但不同等级植被覆盖度与地下水位埋深、土壤全盐量间的相关性各有差异。苏干湖湿地植被覆盖度受地下水位埋深、土壤全盐量空间异质性的影响,呈现出斑块状镶嵌分布。  相似文献   

In adult mice the cytochrome P450 Cyp1a1 gene is not constitutively expressed but is highly inducible by foreign compounds acting through the aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor. However, the expression profile of the Cyp1a1 gene in the developing embryo is not well under-stood. Using established transgenic mouse lines where 8.5 kb of the rat CYP1A1 promoter is cloned upstream of the lacZ reporter gene (1), we describe the expression of the CYP1A1-driven reporter gene in all tissues through-out stages E7-E14 of embryonic development. In contrast to the absence of constitutive Cyp1a1 and lacZ transgene expression in tissues of the adult mouse, a constitutive cell-specific and time-dependent pattern of CYP1A1 promoter activity was observed in the embryo. This expression pattern was confirmed as reflecting the endogenous gene by measuring Cyp1a1 mRNA levels and protein expression by immunohistochemistry. The number of cells displaying endogenous CYP1A1 activity could be increased in the embryo upon xenobiotic challenge, but only within areas where the CYP1A1 promotor was already active. When reporter mice were bred onto a genetic background expressing a lower affinity form of the Ah receptor (DBA allele), transgene and murine Cyp1a1 protein expression were both attenuated in the adult mouse liver upon xenobiotic challenge. By comparison, constitutive CYP1A1 promoter activity in the embryo was identical in the presence of either the high or low affinity Ah receptor. These novel data suggest that the Cyp1a1 protein may play a role in murine development and that regulation of the Cyp1a1 gene during this period is either through the action of a high affinity Ah receptor ligand or by an alternative regulatory pathway.  相似文献   

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