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Abstract: The effect of the endonuclease inhibitor aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA) versus NMDA-mediated delayed cell death was examined in an ex vivo chick retinal preparation. Transient exposure to 100 μM NMDA for 60 min followed by a 24-h recovery period resulted in a sevenfold increase in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release into the medium. ATA at 100 μM significantly reduced NMDA-mediated LDH release by 60%. In clarifying the mechanism of protection versus NMDA, ATA was found to inhibit several acute NMDA-mediated effects: ATA attenuated NMDA-mediated GABA release in a dose-dependent manner (IC50= 29.5 μM ), prevented NMDA-stimulated cyclic GMP formation, and blocked NMDA-mediated 22Na+ influx. These acute inhibitory effects of ATA were overcome by increasing the NMDA concentration, which suggested a competitive interaction between NMDA and ATA. In a binding assay using membranes prepared from adult rat forebrain, ATA displaced the competitive NMDA receptor ligand [3H]CGS 19755 with an IC50 of 26.9 μM. Maximal displacement was 88% with 100 μM ATA. These studies demonstrate that ATA protected neurons from NMDA-mediated cell death upstream of endonuclease inhibition, i.e., by antagonizing NMDA receptor activity in a manner consistent with competitive antagonism.  相似文献   

The spontaneous acetylcholine secretion and endogenous acetylcholine content were measured by means of chemiluminescent assay from isolated embryonic rat spinal motoneurons. The sensitivity of the detection allows to study the kinetics of the acetylcholine secretion with short time intervals. Following the demonstration of the presence of acetylcholine and glutamate in embryonic motoneurons, the aim of this work was to study the characteristics of acetylcholine secretion and the effect of glutamate in its modulation. The involvement of NMDA and AMPA glutamatergic receptors was mainly studied. Our data show that spontaneously acetylcholine secretion, is not calcium-dependent and is significantly enhanced by glutamate (1 mM). Pharmacological approaches show that glutamate effect on acetylcholine secretion is decreased in presence of APV (50 M and 100 M), or in presence of GYKI 53655 (10 M), demonstrating that both NMDA and AMPA receptors are present at the membrane of embryonic spinal motoneurons and involved in the modulation of acetylcholine secretion. Presence of glutamate in the embryonic motoneuron and secretion may represent a mechanism of control of extracellular acetylcholine concentration, which was shown to control neuritic growth at early embryonic stage.  相似文献   

Abstract: Human NTera2 teratocarcinoma cells were differentiated into postmitotic NT2-N neurons and exposed to hypoxia for 6 h. The cultures were evaluated microscopically, and percent lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release after 24 and 48 h was used as an assay for cell death. After 48 h LDH release was 24.3 ± 5.6% versus 13.8 ± 3.7% in controls ( p < 0.001). Cell death was greatly diminished by MK-801 pretreatment (15.4 ± 5.1%, p < 0.001). If glutamate was omitted from the medium, glutamate levels after 6 h of hypoxia were reduced from 101 ± 63 to 2.3 ± 0.3 µ M , and cell death at 48 h was also markedly reduced (15.4 ± 4.5%, p < 0.001). The α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (18.7 ± 5.1%, p < 0.001) and mild hypothermia (33.5–34°C) during hypoxia (19.5 ± 2.75, p < 0.05) were moderately protective. Basic fibroblast growth factor (24.1 ± 3.2%), the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N G-nitro- l -arginine methyl ester (22.8 ± 8.1%), the antioxidant N-tert -butyl- o -phenylnitrone (18.9 ± 5.9%), and the 21-aminosteroid U74389G (24.0 ± 3.4%) did not protect the cells. N -Acetyl- l -cysteine even tended to increase cell death (30.1 ± 2.5%, p = 0.06). Treatment with MK-801 at the end of hypoxia did not reduce cell death (23.3 ± 2.3%). In separate experiments, a 15-min exposure to 1 m M glutamate without hypoxia did not result in significant cell death (14.7 ± 2.4 vs. 12.2 ± 2.1%, p = 0.07). We conclude that, although somewhat resistant to glutamate toxicity when normoxic, NT2-N neurons die via an ionotropic glutamate receptor-mediated mechanism when exposed to hypoxia in the presence of glutamate. As far as we know, this is the first reported analysis of the mechanism of hypoxic cell death in cultured human neuronlike cells.  相似文献   

目的:鉴定骨髓间充质干细胞D1和成骨细胞MC3T3-E1、MC3T3-E1亚克隆14是否表达NMDA型谷氨酸受体(NMDAR),并初步探讨NMDAR是否参与力学信号转导。方法:采用RT—PCR技术、免疫荧光染色技术、蛋白免疫杂交技术和体外细胞循环拉伸装置,鉴定了上述3个细胞系中NMDAR的表达情况,并初步探讨了在MC3T3-E1亚克隆14细胞系中,NMDAR在力学信号转导中的可能作用。结果:3个细胞系均表达NMDA受体亚基1(NR1)和不同的亚基2(NR2A—NR2D)。细胞微丝骨架的破坏并没有阻断力学应变诱导的c-jun、C—fos的表达上调;而阻断NMDAR后,却抑制了力学应变诱导的c-jun、C—fos和成骨细胞特异的转录因子Cbfa1/Runx2的表达上调。结论:NMDAR在骨中表达并发挥功能,参与了骨的力学信号转导过程。  相似文献   

Abstract: The participation of NMDA and non-NMDA receptors in domoic acid-induced neurotoxicity was investigated in cultured rat cerebellar granule cells (CGCs). Neurons were exposed to 300 µMl -glutamate or 10 µM domoate for 2 h in physiologic buffer at 22°C followed by a 22-h incubation in 37°C conditioned growth media. Excitotoxic injury was monitored as a function of time by measurement of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in both the exposure buffer and the conditioned media. Glutamate and domoate evoked, respectively, 50 and 65% of the total 24-h increment in LDH efflux after 2 h. Hyperosmolar conditions prevented this early response but did not significantly alter the extent of neuronal injury observed at 24 h. The competitive NMDA receptor antagonist d (?)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid and the non-NMDA receptor antagonist 2,3-dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulfamoylbenzo(f)quinoxaline (NBQX) reduced glutamate-induced LDH efflux totals by 73 and 27%, respectively, whereas, together, these glutamate receptor antagonists completely prevented neuronal injury. Domoate toxicity was reduced 65–77% when CGCs were treated with competitive and noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists. Unlike the effect on glutamate toxicity, NBQX completely prevented domoate-mediated injury. HPLC analysis of the exposure buffer revealed that domoate stimulates the release of excitatory amino acids (EAAs) and adenosine from neurons. Domoate-stimulated EAA release occurred almost exclusively through mechanisms related to cell swelling and reversal of the glutamate transporter. Thus, whereas glutamate-induced injury is mediated primarily through NMDA receptors, the full extent of neurodegeneration is produced by the coactivation of both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors. Domoate-induced neuronal injury is also mediated primarily through NMDA receptors, which are activated secondarily as a consequence of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA)/kainate receptor-mediated stimulation of EAA efflux.  相似文献   

Abstract: Transient forebrain or global ischemia in rats induces selective and delayed damage of hippocampal CA1 neurons. In a previous sludy, we have shown that expression of GIuR2, the kainate/a-amino-3-hydroxy-5- methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor subunit that governs Ca' permeability, is preferentially reduced in CA1 at a time point proceeding neuronal degeneration. Postischemic administration of the selective AMPA receptor antagonist, 2,3-dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulfamoylbenzo(f)quinoxaline (NBQX), protects CAI neurons against delayed death. In this study we examined the effects of NBQX (at a neuroprotective dose) and of MK-801 (a selective NMDA receptor anltagonist, not protective in this model) on kainate/AMPA receptor gene expression changes after global ischemia. We also examined the effects of transient forebrain ischemia on expression of the NMDA receptor subunit NMDARI. In ischemic rats treated with saline, GIuR2 and (31uR3 mRNAs were markedly reduced in CAI but were unchanged in CA3 or dentate gyrus. GluRl and NMDAR1 mRNAs were not significantly changed in any region examined. Administration of NBQX or MK-801 did not alter the ischemia-induced changes in kainate/AMPA receptor gene expression. These findings suggest that NBQX affords neuroprotection by a direct blockade of kainate/AMPA receptors, rather than by a modificatian of GIuR2 expression changes  相似文献   

1. Aims: Agmatine is an endogenous guanido amine and has been shown to be neuroprotective in vitro and in vivo. The aims of this study are to investigate whether agmatine is protective against cell death induced by different agents in cultured neurons and PC12 cells.2. Methods: Cell death in neurons, cultured from neonatal rat cortex, was induced by incubating with (a) NMDA (100 M) for 10 min, (b) staurosporine (protein kinase inhibitor, 100 nM) for 24 h, and (c) calcimycin (calcium ionophore, 100 nM) for 24 h in the presence and absence of agmatine (1 M to 1 mM). Cell death in PC12 cells was induced by exposure to glutamate (10 mM), staurosporine (100 nM), and calcimycin (100 nM). The activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the medium was measured as the marker of cell death and normalized to cellular LDH activity.3. Results: Agmatine significantly reduced the medium LDH in NMDA-treated neurons but failed to reduce the release of LDH induced by staurosporin or calcimycin. In PC12 cells, agmatine significantly reduced LDH release induced by glutamate exposure, but not by staurosporine or calcimycin. Agmatine itself neither increased LDH release nor directly inhibited the enzyme activity.4. Conclusion: We conclude that agmatine protects against NMDA excitotoxicity in neurons and PC12 cells but not the cell death induced by protein kinase blockade or increase in cellular calcium.  相似文献   

Abstract: Metabotropic glutamate receptors, nitric oxide (NO), and the signal transduction pathways of protein kinase C (PKC) and protein kinase A (PKA) can independently alter ischemic-induced neuronal cell death. We therefore examined whether the protective effects of metabotropic glutamate receptors during anoxia and NO toxicity were mediated through the cellular pathways of PKC or PKA in primary hippocampal neurons. Pretreatment with the metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists (±)-1-aminocyclopentane- trans -1,3-dicarboxylic acid, (1 S ,3 R )-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (1 S ,3 R -ACPD), and l (+)-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid ( l -AP4) 1 h before anoxia or NO exposure increased hippocampal neuronal cell survival from ∼30 to 70%. In addition, posttreatment with 1 S ,3 R -ACPD or l -AP4 up to 6 h following an insult attenuated anoxic- or NO-induced neurodegeneration. In contrast, treatment with l -(+)-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid, an antagonist of the metabotropic glutamate receptor, did not significantly alter neuronal survival during anoxia or NO exposure. Protection by the ACPD-sensitive metabotropic receptors, such as the subtypes mGluR1α, mGluR2, and mGluR5, appears to be dependent on the modulation of PKC activity. In contrast, l -AP4-sensitive metabotropic glutamate receptors, such as the subtype mGluR4, may increase neuronal survival through PKA rather than PKC. Thus, activation of specific metabotropic glutamate receptors is protective during anoxia and NO toxicity, but the signal transduction pathways mediating protection differ among the metabotropic glutamate receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

Removal of L-glutamate (Glu) from the synapse is critical to maintain normal transmission and to prevent excitotoxicity, and is performed exclusively by excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs). We investigated the effects of substrates and blockers of EAATs on extracellular Glu and cellular viability in organotypic cultures of rat hippocampus. Seven-day treatment with a range of drugs (L-trans-pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylate, (2S,4R)-4-methyl-glutamate, (±)-threo-3-methylglutamate and DL-threo--benzyloxyaspartate), in the presence of 300 M added Glu, resulted in increased extracellular Glu and a significant correlation between Glu concentration and cellular injury (as indicated by lactate dehydrogenase release). In contrast, (2S,3S,4R)-2-(carboxycyclopropyl)glycine (L-CCG-III) exerted a novel neuroprotection against this toxicity, and elevations in extracellular Glu were not toxic in the presence of this compound. Similar results were obtained following two-week treatment of cultures without added Glu. Whilst blockade of GLT-1 alone was relatively ineffective in producing excitotoxic injury, heteroexchange of Glu by EAAT substrates may exacerbate excitotoxicity.  相似文献   

The number and subunit composition of synaptic N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) play critical roles in synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory and are implicated in neurological disorders. Tyrosine phosphorylation provides a powerful means of regulating NMDAR function, but the underling mechanism remains elusive. In this study we identified a tyrosine site on the GluN2B subunit, Tyr-1070, which was phosphorylated by a proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein (Fyn) kinase and critical for the surface expression of GluN2B-containing NMDARs. The phosphorylation of GluN2B at Tyr-1070 was required for binding of Fyn kinase to GluN2B, which up-regulated the phosphorylation of GluN2B at Tyr-1472. Moreover, our results revealed that the phosphorylation change of GluN2B at Tyr-1070 accompanied the Tyr-1472 phosphorylation and Fyn associated with GluN2B in synaptic plasticity induced by both chemical and contextual fear learning. Taken together, our findings provide a new mechanism for regulating the surface expression of NMDARs with implications for synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of glutamatergic excitotoxins on intracellular Cl? were investigated in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampal slice. Hippocampal slices from rats (14–19 days old) were loaded with 6-methoxy-N-ethylquinolinium chloride (MEQ), a Cl?-sensitive fluorescent probe with a fluorescence intensity that correlates inversely with intracellular [Cl?]. Slices were exposed for at least 10 min at 26–28°C to N-methyl-d -aspartate (NMDA; 100 µM) or α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA; 50 µM). A UV laser scanning confocal microscope was used to measure changes in MEQ fluorescence within area CA1 pyramidal cell soma. Both glutamate receptor agonists produced a rapid decrease in MEQ fluorescence that persisted after washout following a 10-min exposure. The effects of NMDA and AMPA were prevented by the competitive antagonists 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid and 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, respectively. Neither tetrodotoxin nor picrotoxin prevented the effect of NMDA or AMPA, indicating the lack of involvement of presynaptic mechanisms. The effects of NMDA and AMPA on MEQ fluorescence were dependent on the levels of extracellular Cl?, but only NMDA responses were dependent on the levels of extracellular Na+. Removal of Ca2+ from the superfusion medium did not alter the effects of NMDA or AMPA on MEQ fluorescence. In addition, neither the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin nor the L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel agonist (Bay K 8644) decreased MEQ fluorescence. The effects of NMDA and AMPA on cell (somal) volume were also assessed with the fluorescent probe calcein acetoxymethyl ester. Both NMDA and AMPA decreased calcein fluorescence (indicating an increased cell volume), but this was preceded by the decrease in MEQ fluorescence (equivalent to an intracellular accumulation of ~20 mM Cl?). Thus, excitotoxins may cause Cl? influx via an anion channel other than the GABAA receptor and/or reduce Cl? efflux mechanisms to produce cell swelling. Such anionic shifts may promote neuronal excitability and cell death following an excitotoxic insult to the hippocampal slice.  相似文献   

Coexpression of PSD-95(c-Myc) with NR1-1a/NR2A NMDA receptors in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells resulted in a decrease in efficacy for the glycine stimulation of [3 H]MK801 binding similar to that previously described for l-glutamate. The inhibition constants (K (I) s) for the binding of l-glutamate and glycine to NR1-1a/NR2A determined by [3 H]CGP 39653 and [3 H]MDL 105 519 displacement assays, respectively, were not significantly different between NR1-1a/NR2A receptors coexpressed +/- PSD-95(c-Myc). The increased EC(50) for l-glutamate enhancement of [3 H]MK801 binding was also found for NR1-2a/NR2A and NR1-4b/NRA receptors thus the altered EC(50) is not dependent on the N1, C1 or C2 exon of the NR1 subunit. The NR1-4b but not the NR1-1a subunit was expressed efficiently at the cell surface in the absence of NR2 subunits. Total NR1-4b and NR1-4b/NR2A expression was enhanced by PSD-95(c-Myc) but whole cell enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assays (ELISAs) showed that this increase was not due to increased expression at the cell surface. It is suggested that PSD-95(c-Myc) has a dual effect on NMDA receptors expressed in mammalian cells, a reduction in channel gating and an enhanced expression of NMDA receptor subunits containing C-terminal E(T/S)XV PSD-95 binding motifs.  相似文献   

Abstract: Magnesium and the polyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine inhibited the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase in permeabilized rat brain mitochondria in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibitory effect was observed on both the reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate and oxidative deamination of glutamate, as well as in the presence and absence of ADP and leucine, the allosteric activators of the enzyme. Kinetic studies at various concentrations of substrates showed that inhibition by magnesium and spermine was very pronounced at 2-oxoglutarate concentrations less than 0.5 m M and NADH levels less than 0.08 m M . The presence of the former compounds also accentuated the inhibitory effect of high concentrations of 2-oxoglutarate (>2.0 m M ) and NADH (>0.32 m M ). Addition of magnesium and spermine to suspensions of synaptosomes decreased the amount of ammonia produced from glutamate. It is suggested that polyamines and magnesium, normal constituents of mammalian brain, are responsible, at least in part, for the low glutamate dehydrogenase activity in vivo.  相似文献   

In rat mesencephalic cell cultures, L-glutamate at concentrations ranging from 100 microM to 1 mM stimulated release of [3H]dopamine that was attenuated by the non-N-methyl-D-aspartate (non-NMDA) receptor antagonist 6,7-dinitroquinoxalinedione, but not by the selective NMDA receptor antagonists (+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine hydrogen maleate (MK-801; 10 microM) and 3-(2-carboxypiperazine-4-yl)propyl-1-phosphonate (300 microM). Even at 1 mM glutamate, this release was Ca2+ dependent. These observations suggest that the release was mediated by a non-NMDA receptor. Only release stimulated by a lower concentration (10 microM) of glutamate was inhibited by MK-801 (10 microM), indicating that glutamate at this concentration activates the NMDA receptor. By contrast, L-aspartate at concentrations of 10 microM to 1 mM evoked [3H]dopamine release that was completely inhibited by MK-801 (10 microM) and was also Ca2+ dependent (tested at 1 and 10 mM aspartate). Thus, effects of aspartate involved activation of the NMDA receptor. Sulfur-containing amino acids (L-homocysteate, L-homocysteine sulfinate, L-cysteate, L-cysteine sulfinate) also evoked [3H]dopamine release. Release evoked by submillimolar concentrations of these amino acids was attenuated by MK-801 (10 microM), indicating involvement of the NMDA receptor.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The binding of the triazolopyridazine CL 218,872 to central benzodiazepine receptors identified with [3H]Ro 15-1788 was studied in extensively washed homogenates of rat spinal cord and cerebral cortex. CL 218,872 displacement curves were shallow in both spinal cord (nH = 0.67) and cortex (nH = 0.54), suggesting the presence of type 1 and type 2 benzodiazepine receptors in both tissues. CL 218,872 had lower affinity in spinal cord (IC50 = 825 nM) than cortex (IC50 = 152 nM), possibly reflecting the presence of fewer type 1 sites in the cord. Activating gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors with 10 microM muscimol resulted in a two- to threefold increase in CL 218,872 affinity in both tissues without changes in the displacement curve slope. This indicates that GABA enhances CL 218,872 affinity for both type 1 and type 2 sites in both spinal cord and cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Abstract: To determine the subcellular distribution of cyclic AMP-coupled metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), the effects of glutamate agonists on adenylyl cyclase activity were examined using two hippocampal membrane preparations. These were synaptosomes (SY), which are composed of presynaptic terminals, and synaptoneurosomes (SN), which are composed of both pre-and postsynaptic elements. In SY, a water-soluble analogue of forskolin (7β-forskolin) increased enzyme activity ˜ 10-fold at the highest concentration tested. The selective metabotropic receptor agonist (1S,3 R )-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (1S,3 R -ACPD) inhibited enzyme activity as did glutamate and quisqualate. l -Amino-4-phosphobutanoate ( l -AP4) had no effect on enzyme activity at any concentration tested. The metabotropic receptor antagonist l -2-amino-3-phosphopropionic acid ( l -AP3) was not effective in the SY in antagonizing the agonist-induced decreases in adenylyl cyclase activity by glutamate or 1S,3 R -ACPD. It was, however, effective at antagonizing quisqualate-induced decreases in enzyme activity. In SN, at the highest concentration tested, 7β-forskolin produced a 60-fold increase in adenylyl cyclase activity. As was observed in SY, glutamate decreased adenylyl cyclase activity in SN. In contrast, 1S,3 R -ACPD, quisqualate, and l -AP4 increased adenylyl cyclase activity. In the SN, l -AP3 was ineffective in antagonizing any agonist-induced increases (1S,3 R -ACPD, l -AP4, and quisqualate) or decreases (glutamate) in adenylyl cyclase activity. The data suggest that postsynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptor activation results in stimulation of adenylyl cyclase activity, whereas inhibition of this enzyme appears to be mediated at least partly through presynaptic mechanisms.  相似文献   

The uptake of phenylalanine was studied with vacuole isolated from barley mesophyll protoplasts. The phenylalanine transport exhibited saturation kinetics with apparent Km-values of 1.2 to 1.4 millimolar for ATP- or PPi-driven uptake; Vmax app was 120 to 140 nanomoles Phe per milligram of chlorophyll per hour (1 milligram of chlorophyll corresponds to 5 × 106 vacuoles). Half-maximal transport rates driven with ATP or PPi were reached at 0.5 millimolar ATP or 0.25 millimolar PPi. ATP-driven transport showed a distinct pH optimum at 7.3 while PPi-driven transport reached maximum rates at pH 7.8. Direct measurement of the H+-translocating enzyme activities revealed Km app values of 0.45 millimolar for ATPase (EC and 23 micromolar for pyrophosphatase (PPase) (EC In contrast to the coupled amino acid transport, ATPase and PPase activities had relative broad pH optima between 7 to 8 for ATPase and 8 to 9 for PPase. ATPase as well as ATP-driven transport was markedly inhibited by nitrate while PPase and PPi-coupled transport was not affected. The addition of ionophores inhibited phenylalanine transport suggesting the destruction of the electrochemical proton potential difference Δ μH+ while the rate of ATP and PPi hydrolysis was stimulated. The uptake of other lipophilic amino acids like l-Trp, l-Leu, and l-Tyr was also stimulated by ATP. They seem to compete for the same carrier system. l-Ala, l-Val, d-Phe, and d-Leu did not influence phenylalanine transport suggesting a stereospecificity of the carrier system for l-amino acids having a relatively high hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Mice lacking protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha (PTPalpha) exhibited defects in NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-associated processes such as learning and memory, hippocampal neuron migration, and CA1 hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP). In vivo molecular effectors linking PTPalpha and the NMDAR have not been reported. Thus the involvement of PTPalpha as an upstream regulator of NMDAR tyrosine phosphorylation was investigated in synaptosomes of wild-type and PTPalpha-null mice. Tyrosine phosphorylation of the NMDAR NR2A and NR2B subunits was reduced upon PTPalpha ablation, indicating a positive effect of this phosphatase on NMDAR phosphorylation via intermediate molecules. The NMDAR is a substrate of src family tyrosine kinases, and reduced activity of src, fyn, yes and lck, but not lyn, was apparent in the absence of PTPalpha. In addition, autophosphorylation of proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2), a tyrosine kinase linked to NMDAR signaling, was also reduced in PTPalpha-deficient synaptosomes. Altered protein tyrosine phosphorylation was not accompanied by altered expression of the NMDAR or the above tyrosine kinases at any stage of PTPalpha-null mouse development examined. In a human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cell expression system, PTPalpha enhanced fyn-mediated NR2A and NR2B tyrosine phosphorylation by several-fold. Together, these findings provide evidence that aberrant NMDAR-associated functions in PTPalpha-null mice are due to impaired NMDAR tyrosine phosphorylation resulting from the reduced activity of probably more than one of the src family kinases src, fyn, yes and lck. Defective NMDAR activity in these mice may also be linked to the loss of PTPalpha as an upstream regulator of Pyk2.  相似文献   

Synaptosomes isolated from rat brain accumulated cysteic acid by a high-affinity transport system (Km = 12.3 +/- 2.1 microM; Vmax = 2.5 nmol mg protein-1 min-1). This uptake was competitively inhibited by aspartate (Ki = 13.3 +/- 1.8 microM) and cysteine sulfinate (Ki = 13.3 +/- 2.3 microM). Addition of extrasynaptosomal cysteate, aspartate, or cysteine sulfinate to synaptosomes loaded with [35S]cysteate induced rapid efflux of the cysteate. This efflux occurred via stoichiometric exchange of amino acids with half-maximal rates at 5.0 +/- 1.1 microM aspartate or 8.0 +/- 1.3 microM cysteine sulfinate. Conversely, added extrasynaptosomal cysteate exchanged for endogenous aspartate and glutamate with half-maximal rates at 5.0 +/- 0.4 microM cysteate. In the steady state after maximal accumulation of cysteate, the intrasynaptosomal cysteate concentrations exceeded the extrasynaptosomal concentrations by up to 10,000-fold. The measured concentration ratios were the same, within experimental error, as those for aspartate and glutamate. Depolarization, with either high [K+] or veratridine, of the plasma membranes of synaptosomes loaded with cysteate caused parallel release of cysteate, aspartate, and glutamate. It is concluded that neurons transport cysteate, cysteine sulfinate, aspartate, and glutamate with the same transport system. This transport system catalyzes homoexchange and heteroexchange as well as net uptake and release of all these amino acids.  相似文献   

Ionotropic glutamate receptors are functionally diverse but have a common architecture, including the 400-residue amino-terminal domain (ATD). We report a 1.8-Å resolution crystal structure of human GluR2-ATD. This dimeric structure provides a mechanism for how the ATDs can drive receptor assembly and subtype-restricted composition. Lattice contacts in a 4.1-Å resolution crystal form reveal a tetrameric (dimer-dimer) arrangement consistent with previous cellular and cryo-electron microscopic data for full-length AMPA receptors.  相似文献   

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