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We analysed asymmetry in the wings of the speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria)by measuring area, length and width of fore- and hindwings. The type of asymmetry is fluctuating except for fore- and hindwing area, and forewing width in males, where asymmetry is directional. The amount of asymmetry (variance of the left wing minus the right wing) is less in males than in females. Within males asymmetry was directional and less in pale, predominantly territorial males than in melanic, predominantly non-territorial males. Asymmetry was negatively related to growth rate within females, but not within males. Females grew faster than males, but had higher asymmetry, whereas the more asymmetrical melanic males grew more slowly than pale males. The differences in the type and amount of asymmetry between the sexes and colour classes suggest a relationship with sex-specific flight patterns such as the territorial spiralling flight of males. We hypothesize that slightly asymmetrical males turn faster, and therefore are superior in territorial disputes over more symmetrical or extremely asymmetrical males. This implies that sexual selection via male–male competition influences the type and amount of asymmetry. The existence of more extremely asymmetrical individuals in females, and to a lesser extent in non-territorial males, may indicate that there are costs in reducing asymmetry.  相似文献   

We studied the status and distribution of the diurnal primates in the Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park (PNKB NP) from April to August 2007. In the past, researchers reported 9 primate species and subspecies for the karst forests of PNKB NP, which constitutes the most important protected area for the endangered Hatinh langur (Trachypithecus hatinhensis) in Vietnam. All 9 primate taxa are threatened due to hunting pressure and habitat loss. We applied line transect sampling in 4 areas. During a total of 117 transect inspections along 12 different transect routes, we confirmed 5 primate taxa and the analysis of population densities resulted in 2143 (±467) Hatinh langurs, 1316 (±871) red-shanked douc langurs (Pygathrix nemaeus), 930 (±489) stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides), 986 (±883) eastern Assamese macaques (M. a. assamensis), and 18 (±18) southern white-cheeked crested gibbons (Nomascus siki) in the whole PNKB NP, which covers an area of ca. 85,000 ha. We could not detect the 2 nocturnal lorises, Bengal slow lorises (Nycticebus bengalensis) and pygmy slow lorises (N. pygmaeus), as well as rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and northern pig-tail macaques (M. leonina). The distribution of the primates predominantly depended on human impact. We could not recognize a correlation between habitat constitution and abundance of primates. The population density estimates showed a much higher density of the Hatinh langur than previously assumed. Thus the importance of the PNKB NP for the conservation of this endangered langur increased significantly.  相似文献   

The release of sterile males to suppress the Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens (Loew) population was simulated in field cages to compare the sexual performance of sterile males with wild females in the presence and absence of sterile females. Using different release ratios of sterile and wild individuals, this study showed that the presence of sterile females negatively affected the sexual performance of sterile males in mating with wild females. We found that the sterility induced was proportional to the magnitude of the sterile/fertile ratio. These results indicate that the release of sterile males without sterile females can significantly improve the efficiency of the sterile insect technique for the control of A. ludens.  相似文献   

In most vertebrates, hemoglobin (Hb) is a heterotetramer composed of two dissimilar globin chains, which change during development according to the patterns of expression of α- and β-globin family members. In placental mammals, the β-globin cluster includes three early-expressed genes, ε(HBE)-γ(HBG)-ψβ(HBBP1), and the late expressed genes, δ (HBD) and β (HBB). While HBB encodes the major adult β-globin chain, HBD is weakly expressed or totally silent. Paradoxically, in human populations HBD shows high levels of conservation typical of genes under strong evolutionary constraints, possibly due to a regulatory role in the fetal-to-adult switch unique of Anthropoid primates. In this study, we have performed a comprehensive phylogenetic and comparative analysis of the two adult β-like globin genes in a set of diverse mammalian taxa, focusing on the evolution and functional divergence of HBD in primates. Our analysis revealed that anthropoids are an exception to a general pattern of concerted evolution in placental mammals, showing a high level of sequence conservation at HBD, less frequent and shorter gene conversion events. Moreover, this lineage is unique in the retention of a functional GATA-1 motif, known to be involved in the control of the developmental expression of the β-like globin genes. We further show that not only the mode but also the rate of evolution of the δ-globin gene in higher primates are strictly associated with the fetal/adult β-cluster developmental switch. To gain further insight into the possible functional constraints that have been shaping the evolutionary history of HBD in primates, we calculated dN/dS (ω) ratios under alternative models of gene evolution. Although our results indicate that HBD might have experienced different selective pressures throughout primate evolution, as shown by different ω values between apes and Old World Monkeys + New World Monkeys (0.06 versus 0.43, respectively), these estimates corroborated a constrained evolution for HBD in Anthropoid lineages, which is unlikely to be related to protein function. Collectively, these findings suggest that sequence change at the δ-globin gene has been under strong selective constraints over 65 Myr of primate evolution, likely due to a regulatory role in ontogenic switches of gene expression.  相似文献   

Stormwater ponds are increasingly common aquatic habitats whose biotic communities are largely unexplored. As anthropogenic development continues to alter the landscape, watershed land use is gaining recognition for its potential to predict species compositions in aquatic systems. This study reports species composition of five aquatic hemipteran families (Notonectidae, Corixidae, Belostomatidae, Nepidae, Pleidae) in 28 permanent, artificial stormwater ponds in watersheds with different land covers and associated contaminant input. We hypothesized that land cover variables would be significant drivers of aquatic hemipteran community structure in ponds, and that ponds with a high percentage of agricultural and lawn cover in the watershed would be characterized by the absence of species intolerant of the chemical, physical, and ultimately biotic changes associated with these watersheds. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMS) was used to identify dominant gradients of species composition and environmental variables. Pond morphology variables, watershed lawn, watershed agriculture, and predatory fish abundance were each found to have statistically significant correlations with hemipteran community structure. The abundance of Notonecta undulata, the species responsible for creating the largest (ranked) distance in species structure among ponds, was positively correlated with shallow, fishless ponds and independent of land use variables. The abundances of four species of corixids were negatively correlated with watershed agriculture, and hemipteran richness was positively correlated with watershed lawn and negatively correlated with pond surface area. Heirarchical cluster analysis revealed non-random hemipteran species assemblages in which congeneric corixid species tended to co-occur, contradicting traditional niche theory. Since artificial stormwater ponds are chemically different from natural-pond habitat and rapidly increasing in number, knowledge of which insect species are capable of thriving in this environment and their relationship to land use in the watershed is of both environmental and evolutionary interest. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

In vivo digestibility and transit of two experimental diets were compared across four lemur species for which gastrointestinal morphology and preliminary data on physiology differ:Varecia variegata (VV), Eulemur fulvus (EF), Propithecus verreauxi (PV), and Hapalemur griseus (HG). Since free-ranging groups consume varied amounts of slowly fermentable insoluble fiber (IF) and rapidly fermentable soluble fiber (SF), differences in digestibility may be related to variation in the fiber types consumed. To investigate this, two diets were designed to provide 28% of dry matter (DM) as total dietary fiber (TDF). The ratio of IF/SF (g/g) differed across the diets (12.15:1 for the IF diet, and 3.76:1 for the IF/SF diet). The DM digestibility (DMD) of both diets differed across species: DMD was lower for EF and VV (approximately 56-58%), and higher for PV (72%) and HG (76%). The fiber digestibility results were as follows: TDF digestibility was similar for VV and EF (23% and 28%), higher for PV (56%), and highest for HG (66%). IF digestibility was lower for VV and EF (20% and 28%), and higher for PV and HG (53% and 62%). The transit times (TTs) of the two markers Cr and Co were similar (approximately 3.5 hr for VV and EF, 25 hr for PV, and 30 hr for HG). The mean retention times (MRTs) showed the same trend. The results from these captive groups suggest there are large differences in digestive efficiency that are likely related to the varied fiber composition of the free-ranging diet, and the amount of time the digesta are retained in the gut.  相似文献   

Populational parameters of primates in the remaining southeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest have been estimated, but investigations are biased to coastal evergreen sites. In this study density of three primate species was assessed through line-transect surveys in four semi-deciduous forest fragments (240 to 1450 ha) in Fazenda Barreiro Rico, eastern range of central Plateau of São Paulo state, Brazil. A total of 274 km was surveyed from January to October 2000. I estimated densities via DISTANCE software. Two of the largest fragments contained five primate species while two of the smallest ones harboured, respectively, four and two species. Densities of Cebus apella (15.34–47.92 ind./km2), Alouatta guariba (8.32–34.61), and Brachyteles arachnoides (19.92–35.11) were considerable. Differently from C. apella and A. guariba, B. arachnoides presented a density higher than previously estimated for the largest patch. The hypothetical minimum total population of B. arachnoides (601) may be the largest in semi-deciduous sites. This reinforces the value of the area in terms of its relative contribution for conservation of this endangered species. The narrow spatial scale distribution of forest fragments at Barreiro Rico and its proximity to academic institutions make the site suitable for programs of forest connectivity, studies on conservation biology, and wildlife management endeavours.  相似文献   

Despite the wide use of the tubificid oligochaete Tubifex tubifex in eco-toxicological studies, the reproductive strategy adopted by the species, that can reasonably be assumed to be the key to its ecological success, is still not well investigated. This study reports on breeding experiments analysed by allozyme markers (Pgi, Pgm, and Idh), accompanied by a study of the sperm production in the species, with the aim to: (1) clarify the type of uniparental reproduction adopted by the species, (2) test the hypothesis that uniparental reproduction is reversible, (3) investigate the occurrence of biparental reproduction in laboratory cultures. Studies of parent-offspring comparison at polymorphic allozyme loci showed parthenogenetic reproduction and maintenance of asexuality in the parthenogenetic individuals. A cross-breeding test performed with couples made up of randomly assorted individuals, whose genotype combinations were suitable for discriminating between sexual and asexual reproduction, failed to show biparental reproduction in laboratory cultures: T. tubifex always reproduced parthenogenetically. Unexpectedly, spermiogenetic analysis indicated that both kinds of sperm produced by the species (eusperm and parasperm) were differentiated in individuals raised either in cohort cultures or in isolation (first, second, and third parthenogenetic generations), with a similar pattern of sperm production correlated to the sexual stage. Interestingly, there was no avoidance of mating in any of the collective cultures analysed. Concomitance between parthenogenetic reproduction and a "normal" male functionality, which is typical of a sexually reproducing species, could be justified by a mixed reproductive strategy or a pseudogamy process occurring in T. tubifex. However, several aspects of the reproductive behaviour of the species deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

Intracarotid infusions of noradrenaline (0.15 nmol · kg−1 · min−1) either alone or accompanied by phentolamine (1.5 nmol · kg−1 · min−1) caused similar-sized increases in salivary protein, magnesium and bicarbonate, and decreases in osmolality, sodium, potassium and chloride whereas intravenous noradrenaline stimulated much smaller responses. Concurrent infusions of the β1-antagonist, CGP20712A, blocked these noradrenaline-induced changes in salivary composition more effectively than equimolar infusions of the β2-antagonist, ICI118551, thereby confirming the presence of β1-adrenoceptors. Intracarotid infusion of salbutamol at 0.15, 0.3 and 1.5 nmol · kg−1 · min−1 caused increasing but qualitatively similar changes in salivary composition, sodium excepted, to intracarotid noradrenaline with 0.3 nmol being most similar quantitatively. Intravenous infusion of salbutamol caused larger changes in salivary composition than equimolar intravenous noradrenaline thereby indicating that the response to salbutamol may, in part, be mediated by reflex increases in general sympathetic tone triggered by lowered blood pressure. Eliminating this hypotensive effect by concurrent intravenous and intracarotid infusions of β1-(CGP or atenolol) and β2-(ICI118551) antagonists with intracarotid salbutamol showed that ICI118551 was more potent than the β1-antagonists thereby demonstrating the presence of β2-receptors. It was concluded that the kangaroo mandibular has functional β1- and β2-adrenoceptor subtypes in both endpieces and excurrent ducts and that the duct system has two populations of cells, each expressing one receptor subtype. Accepted: 26 July 2000  相似文献   

The karyotype of Propithecus verreauxi coquereli isdescribed in this report using G-, Q-, and C-banding and silver staining for nucleolus organizer regions. The banded chromosomes of P. v. coquereli(family Indriidae) are compared with those of Lemur fulvus fulvus(family Lemuridae), revealing few karyotypic similarities between the two groups and suggesting a wellestablished phylogenetic divergence between these families.  相似文献   

In the adder ( Vipera berus) multiple inseminations during the spring mating season have been demonstrated, with fertilization taking place several weeks after mating activities have ceased. Subsequent sperm competition in the female reproductive tract can result in within-season mixed paternity. Prolonged sperm storage between mating seasons has been suggested as another mechanism of sperm competition in the adder. Competition between new and old spermatozoa would obstruct efforts to reveal reproductive strategies that correlate observed behaviour to paternity in natural populations. In the present study, controlled breeding experiments with adders were performed and DNA fingerprinting was used to determine paternity among all offspring of a total of 15 litters. The offspring of 11 large females, that had most probably also mated in a previous season, were sired exclusively by enclosure males. This result and earlier empirical data support the hypothesis that long-term sperm storage, over one or several reproductive cycles, does not occur in the adder.  相似文献   

Sachiko Tamura 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):243-249
An analysis of the karyotypes of Dugesia japonica japonica Ichikawa et Kawakatsu, 1964, from 30 localities of seven river systems in Ôsaka Prefecture, Central Japan, revealed a total of 26 karyotypes of which 12 are new-found varieties. More than two karyotypes were found in many localities. The mixoaneuploidic triploid karyotype showed the widest distribution (21 localities), orthoploidic diploid karyotype and orthoploidic mixoploid of diploid and triploid karyotype were next (13 localities, respectively), and other karyotypes (triploidic aneuploid, orthoploidic triploid and mixoploid of triploid & tetraploid) were also found. Some correlation of karyotype with elevation was also detected.  相似文献   

During five weeks of field work 50 specimens of seven species of primates were obtained in peninsular Thailand. For each of these species information is given concerning external measurements, habitats, troop size, reproductive biology, and stomach contents. Peninsular primate specimens are compared with specimens previously collected in west-central Thailand. The distribution of species of leaf-monkeys (Presbytis) in continental Southeast Asia is comprehensively surveyed and mapped for the first time: theTrachypithecus-group of leaf-monkeys is widely distributed in continental Southeast Asia; thePresbytis-group is restricted to the Burmo-Thai-Malay Peninsula, where it is sympatric with theTrachypithecus-group; species in theTrachypithecus-group are largely allopatric.  相似文献   



There are few, recent, well assessed, multiple sclerosis (MS) incidence surveys on European populations. This study sought to measure MS incidence in a Northern Lisbon population and assess it using capture-recapture methods (CRMs).


Among the population residing in the Northern Lisbon Health Area, registered MS diagnoses were obtained from general practitioners in three primary-care districts covering a population of 196,300, and a neurology unit at the main referral hospital. Cases with onset during the periods 1978–1997 and 2008–2012 were excluded due to perceived poor access to image-supported neurological diagnosis and administrative changes in patient referral respectively. Age- and sex-specific incidences for the period 1998–2007 were calculated using McDonald diagnostic criteria, and CRMs were used to correct age-specific incidence rates. The corrected figures were also adjusted for age using the European Standard Population as reference.


When applied to 62 MS patients with onset in the period 1998–2007, the rates per 100,000 population were as follows for both sexes: crude, 3.16; age-adjusted, 3.09 (95% CI 2.32 to 3.87); CRM-adjusted, 4.53 (95% CI 3.13 to 5.94); and age- and CRM-adjusted, 4.48 (3.54-5.41). In general, the rates were 3-fold higher among women than among men. Negative source dependency and CRM impact were highest at ages 35–44 years, where a 60% rise led to a peak incidence.


MS incidence in Northern Lisbon, Portugal, is moderately lower than that yielded by surveys on European populations. CRMs, which in this instance suggest undercounts, are a potentially useful tool for case-finding assessment but their application may introduce bias.

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