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In this study we present a survey on vegetative anatomy in species of Actinocephalus, Blastocaulon, Eriocaulon, Leiothrix, Paepalanthus, Philodice, Syngonanthus, and Tonina (Eriocaulaceae). Multivariate analyses were used to correlate anatomical characters to taxa and the habitats where the species occur. Root and stem anatomical characters seem to be more affected by environmental factors where these species occur, and seem of little value for delimiting major taxonomic groups within the family. Other characters in the leaves, such as epidermis with thickened wall cells, compartmented substomatal chambers, mesophyll with hypodermis, compact chlorenchyma, collenchymatous bundle sheath extensions, and numerous vascular bundles, were shown to be important for defining species clusters in Leiothrix, Syngonanthus, and Paepalanthus subg. Platycaulon. Similarly, loosely aggregated chlorenchyma caused Blastocaulon, Eriocaulon, Philodice, Syngonanthus sect. Carpocephalus, S. sect. Syngonanthus, and Tonina, genera from humid environments, to cluster. Scape characters appear to be more informative in discriminating groups. This situation probably reflects lower selection pressures determining anatomical characters of this organ.  相似文献   

Summary Barley middle-repeat sequences were screened for their ability to discriminate 51 barley commercial varieties. Two hordein clones, a clone encoding a leaf-specific thionin, a desiccation induced cDNA clone, a clone coding for 5S-rRNA and one corresponding to ubiquitin genes were tested. A very sensitive RFLP technique including four cutter restriction enzymes and denaturing 4% polyacrylamide gels were used to evidence the highest level of polymorphism.The RFLP data were analyzed by computer. Some probe/enzyme combinations were able to differentiate a large number of the cultivars tested, whereas three probe/enzyme combinations succeeded in identifying all the varieties. The use of this RFLP method can thus be suggested for cultivar identification in barley.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophoretic assays of 1506 accessions of domestic (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wild (H. spontaneum Koch.) barley, maintained in the USDA World Barley Collection, led to the following conclusions: (1) worldwide the four esterase loci, Est 1, Est 2, Est 3, and Est 4, have a minimum of 7, 12, 6, and 7 alleles, respectively; (2) little or no genetic differentation has developed between H. vulgare and H. spontaneum at these four esterase loci; (3) substantial genetic polymorphism and heterozygosity occur within many of the accessions despite the heavy inbreeding which results from the mating system of predominant self fertilization and from genetic drift associated with maintenance in small populations; (4) patterns of geographical distribution of alleles at these four loci are not at random over both small and large geographical areas, including differences on a continental scale; (5) four among 16 four-locus combinations of alleles are found in excess and all other combinations occur in deficiency on a worldwide basis.This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant DEB 78-02046  相似文献   

Open-pollinated seeds were assayed for allozyme polymorphisms at 24 loci to assess genetic diversity and multilocous associations in 16 populations of Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook in the People's Republic of China. On average, the percentage of polymorphic loci was 88.0, the number of alleles per locus was 3.0, and the expected heterozygosity was 0.394. The distribution of genetic diversity was not correlated with the geographic and climatic variables of the populations. However, allele frequencies correlated linearly with the mean annual temperature of the populations at Mdh-1, Mdh-2, Mnr-2, Pgi-1, and Skdh-1 and with the altitude of the populations at Aph-4 and 6Pg-2. Of the total gene diversity 6% was attributed to among-population differentiation; 94% resided within populations. Two-locus gametic disequilibria were found in 15 of the 16 populations, and higher-order gametic disquilibria were significant in most populations. The gametic disequilibria did not correlate with geographic and climatic variables. The results suggest that population subdivision, founder effect, occurrence across diverse environments, a mating system dominated by inbreeding, and historical events from 2000 years of cultivation are contributing factors in the generation and maintenance of the multilocus genetic structure in this conifer.  相似文献   

We determined the nine-locus isozyme genotype of 267 landrace accessions of Avena sativa from 31 provinces of Spain. Our results establish that level of genetic variability is usually high both within and among accessions of this heavily self-fertilizing hexaploid grass and that multilocus genetic structure differs in various ecogeographical regions of Spain. We concluded that selection favoring different multilocus genotypes in different environments was the main integrating force that shaped the internal genetic structure of local populations as well as the overall adaptive landscape of A. sativa in Spain. Implications in genetic resource conservation and utilization are discussed.  相似文献   



In bright beer, haze formation is a serious quality problem, degrading beer quality and reducing its shelf life. The quality of barley (Hordeum vulgare L) malt, as the main raw material for beer brewing, largely affects the colloidal stability of beer.


In this study, the genetic mechanism of the factors affecting beer haze stability in barley was studied. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of alcohol chill haze (ACH) in beer was carried out using a Franklin/Yerong double haploid (DH) population. One QTL, named as qACH, was detected for ACH, and it was located on the position of about 108 cM in chromosome 4H and can explain about 20 % of the phenotypic variation. Two key haze active proteins, BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd were identified by proteomics analysis. Bioinformatics analysis showed that BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd had the same position as qACH in the chromosome. It may be deduced that BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd are candidate genes for qACH, controlling colloidal stability of beer. Polymorphism comparison between Yerong and Franklin in the nucleotide and amino acid sequence of BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd detected the corresponding gene specific markers, which could be used in marker-assisted selection for malt barley breeding.


We identified a novel QTL, qACH controlling chill haze of beer, and two key haze active proteins, BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd. And further analysis showed that BATI-CMb and BATI-CMd might be the candidate genes associated with beer chill haze.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1683-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

 Studies of allelic variations at six isozyme loci revealed genetic diversity of 380 East Asian accessions of the Barley Core Collection. Genetic variation was found in both cultivars and landraces in different regions. Allelic variations at the Aco-1 and Aco-2 loci were detected for East Asian barley for the first time. Moreover, the Aco-1 locus displayed the highest genetic diversity among the six loci assayed. Indian cultivars showed the highest diversity, followed by Korean and Chinese cultivars. Landraces from Bhutan and Nepal showed the lowest diversity. Cultivars had generally higher diversity than landraces within as well as among regions. The cluster analysis of genetic identity showed that all landraces from different countries can be placed in one group; the cultivars from Japan, India and Korea each form independent groups. Gpi-1 Gu, Pgd-1 Tj, Aco-1 Si, Ndh-2 D and Aco-2 A were rare alleles found in only a few accessions of 6-rowed barley. The Pgd-2 Tn allele was very rare in East Asian accessions. Received: 29 July 1998 / Accepted: 2 November 1998  相似文献   

Gibberellins are growth hormones produced in the embryo of grain released during germination. They promote growth through the production of enzymes in the aleurone layer surrounding the endosperm. These enzymes then diffuse into the endosperm and produce the sugars required by the growing acrospire. Here we model the transport of gibberellins into and along the aleurone layer, the consequent production of enzymes, and their transport into the endosperm. Simple approximate solutions of the governing equations are obtained which suggest that the enzymes are released immediately behind a gibberellin front which travels with almost constant speed along the aleurone layer. The model also suggests that this propagation speed is determined primarily by conditions near the scutellum-aleurone junction, which may enable the embryo to actively control the germination process.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of theScutellaria pekinensis complex has been ambiguous and problematic, because morphological characters are variable. To elucidate the taxonomic structure of the Korean taxa belonging to the complex, 29 characters were measured from 99 individuals collected from 96 localities and analyzed by factor analysis, cluster analysis, and discriminant analysis. The results supported the recognition of four infraspecific taxa ofS. pekinensis Maxim, in Korea: var.ussuriensis (Regel) Handel-Mazzetti, var.alpina (Nakai) Hara, var.transitra (Makino) Hara, and var.maxima S. Kim et S. Lee. Key characters distinguishing the four varieties were inferred on the basis of multivariante analyses.  相似文献   

Transgenic loci obtained after Agrobacterium tumefaciens -mediated transformation can be simple, but fairly often they contain multiple T-DNA copies integrated into the plant genome. To understand the origin of complex T-DNA loci, floral-dip and root transformation experiments were carried out in Arabidopsis thaliana with mixtures of A. tumefaciens strains, each harboring one or two different T-DNA vectors. Upon floral-dip transformation, 6–30% of the transformants were co-transformed by multiple T-DNAs originating from different bacteria and 20–36% by different T-DNAs from one strain. However, these co-transformation frequencies were too low to explain the presence of on average 4–6 T-DNA copies in these transformants, suggesting that, upon floral-dip transformation, T-DNA replication frequently occurs before or during integration after the transfer of single T-DNA copies. Upon root transformation, the co-transformation frequencies of T-DNAs originating from different bacteria were similar or slightly higher (between 10 and 60%) than those obtained after floral-dip transformation, whereas the co-transformation frequencies of different T-DNAs from one strain were comparable (24–31%). Root transformants generally harbor only one to three T-DNA copies, and thus co-transformation of different T-DNAs can explain the T-DNA copy number in many transformants, but T-DNA replication is postulated to occur in most multicopy root transformants. In conclusion, the comparable co-transformation frequencies and differences in complexity of the T-DNA loci after floral-dip and root transformations indicate that the T-DNA copy number is highly determined by the transformation-competent target cells.  相似文献   

The utility of shallow water bodies in urban environments is frequently compromised either by dense beds of submerged plants or cyanobacterial blooms associated with nutrient enrichment. Although submerged plants are often harvested to facilitate recreational uses, this activity may alter the phytoplankton community, which in turn, also may restrict the use of the lake. We tested whether (i) plant harvesting reduced the abundance of flagellate algae and increased the abundance of cyanobacteria, and (ii) whether increasing levels of nutrient enrichment caused shifts in the dominance of heterocytous cyanobacteria, non-heterocytous cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta, in a shallow urban lake in Southern Australia as has been observed for shallow Danish lakes in previous studies. These predictions were tested with large (3000 l), replicated mesocosms in a warm, highly productive, shallow lake densely colonised by the submerged angiosperm, Vallisnaria americana Michaux. The heterokont algae, Chlorophyta, Cyanobacteria and Cryptophyta were the most numerous algal divisions in the lake. The Euglenophyta, although uncommon in early summer, became more abundant towards the end of summer. The Dinophyta and Charophyta were rare. The abundance of the heterokont algae and Euglenophyta was significantly reduced by plant harvesting even after plants had partially re-established 18 weeks after initial harvesting. The decline in the Euglenophyta in response to plant harvesting is consistent with earlier findings, that the relative abundance of flagellate algae tends to be greater in the presence of submerged plants. Contrary to our prediction, we found that the Cyanobacteria did not increase in response to plant harvesting, however the response may be altered under higher nutrient levels. Algal responses to nutrient enrichment in the presence of dense V. americana plants generally followed the patterns observed in shallow Danish lakes despite the large differences in climatic conditions. Both studies found that the abundance of heterocytous cyanobacteria declined at higher levels of nutrient enrichment, whereas non-heterocytous cyanobacteria and chlorophytes increased.  相似文献   

Salt stress is considered to be a major limiting factor for plant growth and crop productivity. Salt injuries in plants are mostly due to excess Na+ entry. A possible survival strategy of plants under saline environments is the effective compartmentation of excess Na+ by sequestering Na+ in roots and inhibiting transport of Na+ from roots to shoots. Our previous study showed that exogenous application of polyamines (PAs) could attenuate salt injuries in barley plants. In order to further understand such protective roles of PAs against salt stress, the effects of spermidine (Spd) on sodium and potassium distribution in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings under saline conditions were investigated. The results showed that exogenous application of Spd induced reductions in Na+ levels in roots and shoots with comparison of NaCl-treated plants, while no significant changes in K+ levels were observed. Correspondingly, the plants treated with Spd exogenously maintained high values of [K+]/[Na+] as compared with salt-stressed plants. Moreover, it was shown by X-ray microanalysis that K+ and Na+ accumulated mainly in the exodermal intercellular space and cortical cells of roots under salinity stress, and low accumulation was observed in endodermal cells and stelar parenchyma, indicating Casparian bands possibly act as ion transport barriers. Most importantly, Spd treatment further strengthened this barrier effects, leading to inhibition of Na+ transport into shoots. These results suggest that, by reinforcing barrier effects of Casparian bands, exogenous Spd inhibits Na+ transport from roots to shoots under conditions of high salinity which are beneficial for attenuating salt injuries in barley seedlings.  相似文献   

W. Gary Sprules 《Hydrobiologia》1980,69(1-2):139-146
Nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis was used to graphically summarize and analyze seasonal changes in the structure of limnetic zooplankton communities in Blelham Tarn, English Lake District and two large experimental enclosures (tubes A and B) therein. Species abundances in weekly samples taken from June–December, 1976 from the three sites were ordinated. Paths through species space describing temporal changes in community structure indicated that the tube B community oscillated around some average composition and was dominated by small zooplankters whereas those from tube A and the tarn changed quite distinctly through the season and had higher predator densities. Examination of other characteristics of the sites indicated that the observed differences in seasonal cycles could be related to variations in the intensity of predation, the quality of food for herbivorous zooplankters and the dynamics of nutrient input. The importance of considering time variation in lake properties, particularly in assessing lake responses to stress and in typing lakes for experimentation or management, is emphasized.  相似文献   

 The aim of this study was to establish a protocol for an efficient production of agronomical and/or physiological mutants from model (cvs. Igri and Cobra) and low-androgenic-responding (cv. Volga) cultivars of barley through the application of a mutagenic agent, sodium azide, to anthers and isolated microspores cultured in vitro. This technology offers the possibilities of screening for recessive mutants in the first generation, selecting for novel genotypes from very large haploid populations, avoiding chimerism and rapidly fixing selected genotypes as fertile true breeding lines. The mutagenic treatment, 10–3–10–5 M sodium azide, was applied during the anther induction pre-treatment or immediately after the microspore isolation procedure. Out of 616 M2 doubled-haploid lines characterised under field conditions, a total of 63 morphological and developmental independent mutant lines were identified. The percentage of M2 doubled-haploid lines carrying mutations per line analysed was 3.8% when 10–4 M sodium azide was applied to anthers from the low-responding cv. Volga; this increased to 8.6% and 15.6% when 10–5 and 10–4 M sodium azide were applied to freshly isolated microspores from model cultivars. Received: 18 April 2000 / Revision received: 28 September 2000 / Accepted: 28 September 2000  相似文献   

C. H. D Magadza 《Hydrobiologia》1994,272(1-3):277-292
Zooplankton was a useful tool in evaluation of eutrophication control in Lake Chivero, a tropical man made impoundment. Principal component analysis revealed both spatial and temporal changes in zooplankton community structure which were related to nutrient inflows as well as changes in nutrient content of the lake. Studies on filtration rates of different algae by Bosmina longirostris and Daphnia lumholtzi demonstrated that the response of zooplankton to eutrophication was related to their inability to utilize colonial algal species that develop in a nutrient rich-environment.  相似文献   

 Genetic variability for partial resistance to bacterial leaf streak in barley, caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. hordei, was investigated in 119 doubled-haploid lines (DH) developed by the Hordeum bulbosum method from the F1 progeny of the cross between two cultivars, ‘Morex’ (resistant) and ‘Steptoe’ (susceptible). Two experiments were undertaken in a randomized complete block design with three replicates, in a controlled growth chamber. Twenty seeds per replicate were planted in plastic containers (60×40×8 cm) containing moistened vermiculite. At the two-leaf stage seedlings were inoculated with an Iranian strain of the pathogen. Genetic variability was observed among the 119 DH lines for partial resistance to the disease. Some DH lines were significantly more resistant than ‘Morex’ (resistant parent) to bacterial leaf streak. Genetic gain in percentage of resistant parent for 5% of the selected DH lines was significant (47.70% and 33.72% in the first and the second experiment, respectively). A QTL analysis of bacterial leaf streak resistance showed that three QTLs were detected on chromosomes 3 and 7. Multilocus allelic effects of the three QTLs account for almost 54% of the mean difference between the parents and nearly 30% of the phenotypic variation of the trait in the mean experiment. The resistance locus on chromosome 3, near ABG377, apprears to be a major gene. Received: 15 July 1997 / Accepted: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

The development of one-dimensional Turing patterns characteristic of the chlorite-iodide-malonic acid/starch reaction as well as analogous Brussellator/immobilizer and Schnackenberg/immobilizer model systems is investigated by means of a weakly nonlinear stability analysis applied to the appropriately scaled governing equations. Then the theoretical predictions deduced from these pattern formation studies are compared with experimental evidence relevant to the Turing diffusive instabilities under examination in order to explain more fully the transition to such stationary symmetry-breaking spatial structures when the temperature or pool species concentrations vary.  相似文献   

The interfering effects of copper, zinc, and cobalt on the uptake of mugineic acid-ferric complex were studied in barley ( Hordeum vulgare , cv. Minorimugi) grown in nutrient solution. Short-term uptake experiments of 3 h were performed utilizing both ionic and mugineic acid-complex forms of each metal at two different concentrations. Copper was most effective in decreasing iron uptake when added in an ionic form at either concentration. The inhibition order at higher concentrations followed Cu(II) > Zn(II) ≥ Co(II), Co(III), which is consistent with the stability constants of these metal complexes with mugineic acid. The displacement of iron from its mugineic acid complex by these metals is suggested as a probable explanation for the decreased iron uptake. The inhibitory effect of metal complexes with mugineic acid on iron uptake was only found in cases with higher concentrations of Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes. Deformation of the specific iron transport system in the plasma membrane due to their adsorption may be responsible for this effect.  相似文献   

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