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Functional responses of deutonymphs of the predatory mite,Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing, on eggs and adult females of two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch, were determined in the laboratory. Predation experiments were conducted on lima bean leaf discs over a 24-h period at 25±2°C, 30–50% RH and 24L: 0D photoperiod. Prey densities ranged from 10 to 120T. urticae eggs per disc or 2 to 32 adult females per disc.Allothrombium pulvinum deutonymphs were more effective againstT. urticae eggs than its adult females. The role ofA. pulvinum deutonymphs in integrated and biological pest control is discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1 Dispersion patterns of the protelean parasite, Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing, among individuals of an aphid host, Aphis gossypii Glover, were examined during spring 1991 in several cotton fields in Jiangsu Province, China.
  • 2 The variance-to-mean ratios (i.e. dispersion index) of larval mites per host were greater than 1, indicating that the mite parasites were overdispersed among aphid hosts. The variance increased with the mean according to the power law, variance = 1.51 mean106, which explained 99.7% of the variation in the data.
  • 3 The negative binomial distribution adequately describes the patterns of larval mite dispersion among aphid hosts in eight out of ten populations. The degree of clumping (1/k) decreased curvilinearly with parasite density (mites per host).
  • 4 Mites were more clumped among adult aphids than among immature ones.
  • 5 Ecological and evolutionary consequences of mite overdispersion within host populations are discussed. The role of Allothrombium in pest control is also discussed.

Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing is a common natural enemy of aphids and other arthropods in Iran. It is univoltine in Iran. The eggs hatch in spring, nymphs emerge in early summer and adults appear in autumn. Larvae are ectoparasites of aphids whereas deutonymphs and adults are free-living predators of aphids and spider mites. Adults hibernate in the soil and in cracks of tree trunks during winter. When spring comes, females lay eggs in the soil, on the soil surface and on weeds. Phytoseius plumifer (Phytoseiidae) was observed to be phoretic on deutonymphs of A. pulvinum on nettle trees (Celtis australis). In the laboratory, development from the egg to adult stage takes at least 107 days at 25±1°C. Soil is not essential for female oviposition. High humidity is the most important factor for oviposition and development in A. pulvinum.  相似文献   

Spatial aspects of the interaction between the aphid host,Aphis gossypii, and its parasite,Allo-thrombium pulvinum larvae, on cotton plants were examined in seven fields in China. For both the host and the parasite, sample variance increased with the mean according to Taylor's power law, which explained a substantial proportion (84–97%) of the variation in the data. Although both the host and parasite showed aggregated distribution on cotton plants, the host aphids aggregated more strongly than the parasites. The host dispersion pattern was not significantly affected by the presence of parasites. Increasing the spatial scales of observation from individual plot to the entire field also had no significant effects on host and parasite dispersion patterns. Parasites aggregated in cotton plants with higher aphid densities in five out of the seventeen samples. Spatial patterns of parasitism were mostly host density-independent (71% of the samples) and sometimes inversely density-dependent (29% of the sample). The processes underlying these patterns were discussed.  相似文献   

In this study aphid-plant association and its effect on host preference of parasitic Allothrombium pulvinum larvae was examined with multiple-choice tests. Host species selection, host size selection and superparasitism with mite larvae were studied with two-choice tests. Three aphid species were used: Macrosiphum rosae, Aphis gossypii and Hyalopterus amygdali. In multiple-choice tests, larvae of A. pulvinum showed no significant preference for any aphid-plant association when given M. rosae on rose, A. gossypii on cucumber and H. amygdali on apricot simultaneously. Two-choice tests showed that larval mites preferred H. amygdali to A. gossypii, but had no preference when offered a choice between A. gossypii and M. rosae or between H. amygdali and M. rosae. In host size selection and superparasitism tests, significantly more mites selected the larger host (M. rosae). Furthermore, parasitised H. amygdali were preferred to unparasitised ones. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing is a common natural enemy of aphids and other small arthropods in China. It is univoltine species. The eggs hatch in spring, nymphs emerge in early summer, and adults emerge in autumn. Larvae are ectoparasites of aphids, whereas deutonymphs and adults are free-living predators of aphids, spider mites and some lepidopterous eggs. Adults hibernate in soil during winter and females lay their eggs in spring. In the laboratory the duration of immature stages is 74 days at 20–30°C. Larvae kill their host within 1–3 days when the mite load of the host is 2 or more. They decrease the reproductive rate of adult aphids and arrest the development of early-instar aphid nymphs when the mite load is 1. Larvae are capable of controlling the host population growth when the level of parasitism is high. Owing to its wide occurrence,A. pulvinum could be a potential candidate in the biological control of aphids. It is suggested that its impact on the host pest be evaluated in IPM programs in the future.  相似文献   

Abstract. Previous studies suggest that phototaxis in sponge larvae is generated by the bending of a tuft of long posterior cilia (LPC). The photoresponsiveness of these cilia is often assayed by examining their reaction to sudden changes in light intensity. Here, we document and describe the larvae of the tropical marine sponges Neopetrosia proxima and Xestospongia bocatorensis and examine the phototactic behavior of their larvae. Both species brood ovoid, tufted parenchymella larvae, clearly countering an earlier hypothesis that all petrosid sponges are oviparous. Larvae of N. proxima were positively phototactic and settled after 2 d, while larvae of X. bocatorensis were negatively phototactic and settled in as little as 4 h. In both species, LPC quickly responded to changes in the light intensity. When the light intensity is reduced, the larvae of N. proxima fold the cilia inwards immediately without beating, then flare them outwards, beating for a few seconds, and then gradually return to the neutral position while continuing to beat. In contrast, the larvae of X. bocatorensis flare the cilia outwards when the light intensity is reduced and fold them inwards when the light intensity is increased. Comparisons with reported ciliary responses to light for other species demonstrate that these responses do not show the hypothesized one-to-one correspondence with phototactic behaviors and are, therefore, of limited use in explaining the mechanisms that coordinate larval swimming.  相似文献   

Several aspects of parasitism of the pea aphid,Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), by the mite parasiteAllothrombium pulvinum Ewing, were examined in the laboratory. Larvae ofA. pulvinum were fastmoving mites that find their host by contact of their foretarsi with the host. They can attach to all parts of the host body, but insert their chelicerae only into weakly sclerotized parts such as intersegmental membranes. Of the attached larval mites, most (63.5–74.1%) were on the thorax of their hosts, regardless of host size. In hosts of small and medium size, the ventral side receives most parasitism, whereas in large hosts the lateral sites are most often attacked. Larval mites prefer large hosts when allowed to select between pairs of large and small hosts, but show no significant preference when allowed to choose between pairs of large and medium hosts or pairs of medium and small hosts. In two-choice tests, larval mites prefer previously parasitized hosts to umparasitized hosts, which results in superparasitism of the hosts. When the mite load is fiveA. pulvinum kills all small hosts within three days, and all medium hosts and 50% of large hosts within four days, the reproduction of surviving adult aphids were significantly reduced. Host-finding behavior, attachment site preference, host size selection, superparasitism, and effect on hosts are briefly reviewed for larval parasites of Trombidiidae. The potential role of larvalAllothrombium in integrated and biological aphid control is also discussed.  相似文献   

Trombidium telletxeae n. sp. is described from a larva parasitic on Odontothrips sp. (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) from Turkey. Grandjeanella multisetosa Zhang & Goldarazena is also reported for the first time in Turkey. A host list for ectoparasitic larval mites on thrips in Turkey is presented.  相似文献   

Abrolophus crimensis sp. n., Valgothrombium melindae sp. n. from Ukraine, Moldoustium baltiensis gen. n., sp. n. from Moldova and Ukraine and Podothrombium dbrenitum sp. n. from Moldova are described. Rudaemannia rudaensis (Haitlinger), Trombidium dacicum (Feider) are new for the fauna of Moldova, Grandjeanella multisetosa Zhang et Goldarazena, Leptus (Leptus) trimaculatus (Hermann), Erythraeus (Zaracarus) preciosus Goldarazena et Zhang, E. (E.) kuyperi (Oudemans), Balaustium nikae Haitlinger, Johnstoniana eximia (Berlese) are new to the fauna of Ukraine, Hauptmannia brevicollis Oudemans, H. wratislaviensis Haitlinger, Abrolophus pseudolongicollis kiejstuti Haitlinger, Charletonia krendowskyi (Feider), Allothrombium fuliginosum (Hermann), A. triticium Zhang, Trombidium holosericeum (L.) and Podothrombium proti Haitlinger are new to the fauna of Moldova and Ukraine. The following new synonyms and new combination are proposed: Canpicatrombium Haitlinger, 2003 syn. n. = Valgothrombium Willmann, 1940, Leptus (Leptus) echinopus Beron, 1975 syn. n. = L. (L.) trimaculatus (Hermann, 1804), Valgothrombium mallorcensis (Haitlinger, 2003) comb. n., Podothrombium proti Haitlinger, 1994 is not synonym of P. filipes (C.-L. Koch, 1837).  相似文献   

Synopsis The capability of unfed walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, larvae to swim horizontally towards light was used as a sensitive, sublethal measure of larval condition. At 9°C, positive phototaxis and swimming ability of larvae was fully developed by 4–6 d after hatching, then decreased steadily until death by 12 d after hatching. This measure of larval condition corresponded closely with previously established benchmarks of larval condition, including first feeding, yolksac absorption, point of no return and death by starvation. The presence and timing of behavioral deficits associated with starvation, such as decreased ability to swim, feed and avoid predators, may have significant effects on the ability of larvae to vertically migrate, avoid predators and find and capture food.  相似文献   

Jerking, a behavior involving a pronounced and often repeated lunging of the body, was studied in larvae among seven species of phytoseiid mites, Euseius finlandicus, Galendromus occidentalis, Neoseiulus californicus, Neoseiulus fallacis, Phytoseiulus macropilis, Phytoseiulus persimilis and Typhlodromus pyri, and in the nymphal stages of N. fallacis. This behavior was observed in larvae of six of the seven species and in all active immature stages of N. fallacis. Jerking was usually triggered by direct contact with a con- or heterospecific mite, although jerking occurred occasionally without direct contact in N. fallacis larvae. The larval jerking tendency (the mean fraction of contacts resulting in jerking) of a species was significantly correlated with a tendency to congregate with conspecifics. Congregated larvae often probed their immediate area and each other with the front legs, repeatedly jerking in response to contact with neighboring larvae. Species with larvae having higher jerking tendencies also jerked more repeatedly per jerking event. Among species, there was no consistent relationship between jerking tendency and larval age. Larvae of N. fallacis had a higher tendency to jerk than protonymphs and deutonymphs, and they had both the highest jerking and congregating tendencies among larvae of all species studied. An individual was more likely to jerk when approached by another mite than when it initiated contact, and when observed in N. fallacis larvae that initiated contact, jerking was sometimes aggressive. Jerking N. fallacis larvae experienced fewer and shorter periods of probing by the mouthparts and fewer attacks from cannibalistic adult females than anesthetized larvae that were unable to jerk.  相似文献   

Raoiella indica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) is a phytophagous mite that recently invaded the Western Hemisphere. This mite is a multivoltine and gregarious species that can reach very high population densities and cause significant damage to various palm species (Arecaceae). The predatory mite Amblyseius largoensis (Muma) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) has been found associated with R. indica in Florida. This study evaluated A. largoensis for potential to control R. indica by (1) determining predator preferences among developmental stages of R. indica, and (2) estimating predator functional and numerical responses to varying densities of its most preferred prey-stage. Under no-choice conditions A. largoensis consumed significantly more eggs than other stages of R. indica. In choice tests A. largoensis showed a significant preference for R. indica eggs over all other prey stages. Amblyseius largoensis displayed a type II functional response showing an increase in number of prey killed with an increase in prey population density. Consumption of prey stabilized at approximately 45 eggs/day, the level at which oviposition by the predator was maximized (2.36?±?0.11 eggs/day; mean?±?SEM). Results of this study suggest that A. largoensis can play a role in controlling R. indica populations, particularly when prey densities are low.  相似文献   

The larvae of Hydrachnellae can be divided into three types, based on the habits of the parasitic (larval) stage in the life cycle. (1) The larvae do not leave the water. Parasitizing aquatic insects, they are permanently submerged and wet. Only some species of the family Hydrachnidae belong to this type. (2) The larvae leave the water. The parasitic phase occurs either on insects living on the water surface, or in the air stores of aquatic insects. In both cases the larvae are not in direct contact with water during the parasitic phase. The Limnocharidae, Eylaidae and some species of the Hydrachnidae belong to this type. (3) The larvae parasitize insects which live in the air and which can leave the direct proximity to water; therefore it may be difficult for the mite larva to return to water. Except for the Hydrachnidae, Limnocharidae and Eylaidae, all families of the Hydrachnellae belong to this type.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to verify the sensitivity of Amblyomma cajennense and Dermacentor nitens larvae to the solvents ethanol, methanol, acetone, xylol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the surfactant Tween 80. The first four solvents were tested at analytical purity while the DMSO and surfactant Tween 80 were tested at a concentration of 1%. The substances tested at analytical purity that caused high mortality were also tested at concentrations of 50%, 25% and 1%. The larval packet test was used, with 10 repetitions for each treatment. A control group was also formed with the same number of repetitions, in which the larvae were only exposed to distilled water. In the first experiment, only xylol was highly toxic at the concentrations tested, causing mortality above 90% for larvae of both species. In the second experiment, xylol at 1% and at 25% showed low toxicity to the A. cajennense and D. nitens larvae, respectively, since the percentage mortality was statistically similar to that of the control group (p>0.05).  相似文献   

Larvae of the mite Trombidium newelli Welbourn and Flessel are ectoparasitic on adult alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhall), an insect pest of alfalfa. The mite larvae are found under the elytra, attached to the dorsal surface of weevils abdomen. T. newelli larvae use their chelicerae to penetrate the pliable and weakly sclerotized areas of the hosts integument, and to hold on firmly to the host. The attachment sites associated with larval mites of different degrees of engorgement were examined using both light and scanning electron microscopy. The ventral inside surface of parasitized host tergites revealed a characteristic injury as spots varying in color from white-yellow to golden-brown depending on the engorged size of the mite. In addition, spots associated with fully engorged mite larvae showed an aggressive dendritically radiating mass expanding outward from the site of cheliceral penetration. This mass, known as feeding tube or stylostome was branched, with each branch ending in a cluster of closed bulbs. Stylostomes appear to exist independently in the hosts tissue. Stylostome mass corresponded with the engorgement state of the mite, increasing as the mite larva increased in size. The possible nature and mechanism of stylostome formation is discussed.  相似文献   

Raoiella indica (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) is a phytophagous mite that recently invaded the Neotropical region. A predatory mite Amblyseius largoensis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) has been found associated with R. indica in Florida. This study evaluated A. largoensis by determining its likelihood of consuming eggs and larvae of R. indica and Tetranychus gloveri (Acari: Tetranychidae) under no-choice and choice conditions. To detect variations in the response of A. largoensis to R. indica, four populations of predators were examined: (1) predators reared exclusively on R. indica in the laboratory for 2 years, (2) predators reared on T. gloveri in the laboratory for 2 months but reared on R. indica for 2 years previously, (3) predators collected from a field infested with R. indica, and (4) predators collected from a field that had never been infested with R. indica. Results of this study suggest that A. largoensis is likely to accept and consume high numbers of R. indica eggs regardless of their previous feeding experience. In contrast, all populations consumed relatively fewer R. indica larvae than the other prey tested. Predators previously exposed to R. indica were more likely to consume R. indica larvae. By contrast, predators not previously exposed to R. indica showed the lowest likelihood of choosing to feed on this prey item. Plasticity in the response of A. largoensis to R. indica larvae could be associated to selection, learning, or a combination of both. The possible implications of the observed differences in terms of biological control of R. indica are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the spectral sensitivity and response to light intensity of Aphidius gifuensis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a key natural enemy of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae). We used 15 monochromatic lights (emitting various specific wavelengths from 340 to 689 nm) and white light. Monochromatic light of different wavelengths and white light elicited photopositive behaviour from A. gifuensis. The strongest response was stimulated by blue light (492 nm), which induced a movement of 43.5 cm, a response that differed from all other groups. This was followed by green light (568 nm) and UV-light (380 nm). There was no significant response to orange light (601 nm) or red light (649, 668 and 689 nm) from A. gifuensis. The response intensity curve for A. gifuensis to monochromatic light (492 nm) decreased as light intensity increased. At 568 nm, the phototactic response showed an ‘S’ shaped curve. But at 628 nm, the phototactic response rose continuously with increasing intensity. We report here that the visual system of A. gifuensis is composed of three spectrum receptors, attuned to UV, blue and green light. While light intensity is a key factor in determining the photopositive response of A. gifuensis, the effect of intensity varies by wavelength.  相似文献   

The newly described tick Amblyomma vikirri has a narrow host range, being found mainly on the Australian lizard, Egernia stokesii and rarely on another lizard, Tiliqua rugosa. Both hosts are in the family Scincidae. Larvae of A. vikirri were as successful in locating E. stokesii as T. rugosa from a range of release distances between 20 and 120 mm from the host. Over this range the proportion of ticks which successfully located hosts declined and the time taken by successful ticks to locate hosts increased with increasing release distance. From 60 mm, larvae of A. vikirri located four other lizard species from the families Scincidae and Agamidae and two non-living targets as successfully as they did E. stokesii. The only evidence that there was any host specificity in the searching behaviour of larvae of A. vikirri was that A. vikirri larvae spent less time paused and questing when they were searching for E. stokesii than when they were searching for T. rugosa. Aponomma hydrosauri, a tick which commonly infests T. rugosa but not E. stokesii, spent less time paused and questing when it was searching for T. rugosa than when it was searching for E. stokesii. However, the results overall suggest that the narrow host range of A. vikirri cannot be explained by any ability of the larvae of that species to discriminate between their natural host and other reptile species.  相似文献   

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