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Interspecific aggression by the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), a highly despotic species, is homogenizing woodland avifaunas across eastern Australia. Although a native species, the noisy miner's aggressive exclusion of small birds is a Key Threatening Process under national law. Large‐scale removal of noisy miners has been proposed as a management response to this threat following increases in miner presence due to anthropogenic land use practices. We tested this proposal by experimentally removing noisy miners from eucalypt woodland remnants (16–49 ha), assigned randomly as control (n = 12) or treatment (miner removal) sites (n = 12). Standardized bird surveys were conducted before and after removal, and generalized linear mixed models were used to investigate the effect of miner removal on bird assemblage metrics. Despite removing 3552 noisy miners in three sessions of systematic shooting, densities of noisy miners remained similarly high in treatment and control sites, even just 14 days after their removal. However, there was evidence of an increase in richness and abundance of small birds in treatment sites compared to controls—an effect we only expected to see if noisy miner densities were drastically reduced. We suggest that miner removal may have reduced the ability of the recolonizing miners to aggressively exclude small birds, even without substantially reducing miner densities, due to the breakdown of social structures that are central to the species' despotic behaviour. However, this effect on small birds is unlikely to persist in the long term. Synthesis and applications: Despite evidence from other studies that direct removal of noisy miners can result in rapid and sustained conservation benefit for bird communities at small scales, our findings cast doubt on the potential to scale‐up this management approach. The circumstances under which direct control of noisy miners can be achieved remain unresolved.  相似文献   

Blood parasites such as malaria and related haemosporidians commonly infect vertebrate species including birds. Understanding age‐specific patterns of parasite infections is crucial for quantifying the fitness consequences of parasitism for hosts and for understanding parasite transmission dynamics. We analyzed longitudinal and cross‐sectional infection data in house martins Delichon urbica, a migratory bird suffering from intense haemosporidian infection. We separated within‐ from among‐individual effects of age on prevalence. Our results showed that the probability of blood parasite infection increased as individual house martins aged. We also showed that the prevalence of infection decreased with age at last reproduction when controlling for age, showing a selective disappearance of infected birds from the population (i.e. selection). The estimated effect of age on prevalence was underestimated two‐ to three‐fold if not accounting for such selection. This study highlights the importance of taking among‐individual heterogeneity in the capacity to fight a disease into account because such heterogeneity can mask age‐related patterns of infection. These findings emphasize the relevance of considering within‐ and among‐individual patterns of infection in order to understand parasite‐induced mortality and the potential for parasite transmission.  相似文献   

Long-distance bird migration consists of a series of stopovers (for refuelling) and flights, with flights taking little time compared to stopovers. Therefore, it has been hypothesized that birds minimize the total time taken for migration through efficient stopover behaviour. Current optimality models for stopover include (1) the fixed expectation rule and (2) the global update rule. These rules maximize the speed of migration by determining the optimal departure fuel load for a given fuel deposition rate. We were interested in simple behavioural rules approaching the stopover behaviour of real birds and how these rules compare to the time minimizing models above with respect to the total time taken for migration. The simple strategies were to stay at a site (1) until a fixed fuel load was reached or (2) for a constant number of days. We simulated migration of small nocturnal passerine birds across an environment of continuously distributed but variable fuel deposition rates, and investigated the influence of different stopover strategies on the duration of migration. Staying for a constant number of days at each stopover site, irrespective of the fuel deposition rate, resulted in only slightly longer than minimum values for migration duration. Additionally, the constant stopover duration, e.g. 10 days, may change by a day or two (per stopover) without having a large effect on total migration duration. There is therefore a possibility that real birds may be close to optimal migration speed without the need for very complex behaviour. When assessing the sensitivity of migration duration to factors other than stopover duration, we found that flight costs, search and settling time, mean fuel deposition rate and the accuracy in the choice of flight direction were the factors with the largest influence. Our results suggest that migrating birds can approximate optimal stopover duration relatively easy with a simple rule, and that other factors, e.g. those above, are more relevant for travel time.  相似文献   

Human disturbance threatens and modifies forest ecosystems worldwide. Previous studies have investigated the effects of human impact on local bird communities in disturbed forests, but we still lack information on how bird species richness and ecological processes respond to different forest modifications present at a landscape scale. In a heterogeneous South African landscape, we chose six types of indigenous scarp forest, differing in the intensity of human disturbance: continuous natural forests and natural forest fragments in nature reserves, forest fragments in eucalyptus plantations, fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens and secondary forests in game reserves. In 36 study sites, we investigated the bird community using point counts and observed the seed removal of birds at the native tree species Celtis africana. Species richness did not differ among the forest types, but abundance varied significantly with most birds observed in fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens, and secondary forests. The higher bird abundance in these forests was mainly due to forest generalists, shrubland and open country species whereas forest specialists were rarely present. Changes in species composition were also confirmed by multivariate analysis which clearly separated bird communities by forest type. Frugivore abundance in C. africana was highest in natural forest fragments, fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens and secondary forests. The same trend was found for the estimated total number of fruits removed per C. africana tree, though the differences among forest types were not significant. Consequently, modified forests seem to maintain important ecological functions as they provide food sources for generalist species which may, due to their mobility, enhance natural plant regeneration. However, we could show that protected forest habitats are important refugees for specialist species sensitive to human disturbance.  相似文献   

Breeding individuals enter an emergency life-history stage when their body reserves reach a minimum threshold. Consequently, they redirect current activity toward survival, leading to egg abandonment in birds. Corticosterone (CORT) is known to promote this stage. How and to what extent CORT triggers egg abandonment when breeding is associated with prolonged fasting, however, requires further investigation.We manipulated free-living male Adélie penguins with CORT-pellets before their laying period. We then examined their behavioral response with respect to nest abandonment in parallel with their prolactin levels (regulating parental care), and the subsequent effects of treatment on breeding success in relieved birds.Exogenous CORT triggered nest abandonment in 60% of the treated penguins ~ 14 days after treatment and induced a concomitant decline in prolactin levels. Interestingly, prolactin levels in treated penguins that did not abandon their nest were higher at the point of implantation and also after being relieved by females, when compared with abandoning penguins. Among successful birds, the treatment did not affect the number of chicks, nor the brood mass.Our results show the involvement of CORT in the decision-making process regarding egg abandonment in Adélie penguins when incubation is associated with a natural long fast. However, we suggest that CORT alone is not sufficient to trigger nest abandonment but that 1) prolactin levels need to reach a low threshold value, and 2) a rise in proteolysis (i.e. utilization of protein as main energy substrate) seems also to be required.  相似文献   

Enrique Murgui 《Bird Study》2017,64(4):455-463
Capsule: Bird surveys carried out during a railway journey capture a significant proportion of the species and individuals recorded through line transects (LT).

Aims: To explore the suitability of railways as a bird census tool in a scenario where bird data massively recorded by passengers of the railway network could be collected through appropriate web portals and cell phone technologies.

Methods: Railway and walked transects were conducted along the 40?km rail line connecting the towns of Valencia and Buñol, Spain. From June 2012 to May 2016, I carried out a weekly survey of birds from the railway line looking through the train window. Additionally, to assess the efficacy of train surveys, a railway section 11?km long was surveyed monthly on foot from December 2014 to November 2015.

Results: Train surveys were unsuitable to detect many woodland birds but were relatively efficient in detecting raptors, open-field and aquatic bird species. About 75% of non-woodland species were detected from the train, and there was a positive correlation between counts obtained through train and LT; mean detection rate per species was between 50% and 80% depending on the season. Overall, larger and numerically more important species were better quantified. Further, detection rates of several medium-large species were greater than one, indicating a superior efficiency of train over LT. Only for nine species were data sufficient to calculate population trends, which in several cases were similar to those obtained through monitoring programmes operating at coarser spatial scales.

Conclusions: The relatively high performance of the method and the fact that broad geographical areas could be easily surveyed (even on a daily basis) by many people in a relatively short time make railway-based bird surveys a candidate to be used in citizen science programmes.  相似文献   


The question of how to program the removal of two invasive mammals, typically cats and rats, from a marine island without increasing risk to native prey species has received two general answers based on ecological theory: removal of cats must be accompanied by control of their mesopredator prey, and risk is minimized by removing both invaders simultaneously. Nonetheless, a 31-year study showed that in a 82-ha tropical marine bird sanctuary, predation on a native prey, the blue-footed booby, by a native predator, the Atlantic Central American milk snake, apparently diminished after removal of cats then increased 11-fold after the additional removal of black rats. These novel effects are explained in terms of a hypothetical three-link trophic web in which cat removal released rats to increasingly compete with or prey on the snakes that feed on hatchling boobies, and subsequent rat removal released snakes from all remaining predation. The upshot is a disturbing scenario in which approximately 200 milk snakes currently aggregate annually in roughly 1 hectare of booby colony and predate roughly forty percent of the hatchlings. Where the lowest link of an insular trophic web is a native mesopredator that feeds on native prey, the predictions of the classic mesopredator release scenario can be inverted, and removal of invasive mammals may endanger native prey species.


A phylogenetic study of bird karyotypes   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
N. Takagi  M. Sasaki 《Chromosoma》1974,46(1):91-120
Karyotypes were compared in 48 species, including 6 subspecies, of birds from 12 orders: Casuariiformes, Rheiformes, Sphenisciformes, Pelecaniformes, Ciconiiformes, Anseriformes, Phoenicopteriformes, Gruiformes, Galliformes, Columbiformes, Falconiformes and Strigiformes. — With the exception of the family Accipitridae, all the species studied are characterized by typical bird karyotypes with several pairs of macrochromosomes and a number of microchromosomes, though the boundary between the two is not necessarily sharp. The comparative study of complements revealed that a karyotype with 3 morphologically distinct pairs of chromosomes is frequently encountered in all orders except the Strigiformes. Those 3 pairs, submetacentric nos. 1 and 2, and a subtelocentric or telocentric no. 3, are not only morphologically alike but also have conspicuous homology revealed by the G-banding patterns. Furthermore, G-banding analysis provided evidence for the derivation of the owl karyotype from a typical bird karyotype.—The above cytogenetic features led to the assumption that the 3 pairs of marker chromosomes had been incorporated into an ancestral bird karyotype. It seems probable that those chromosomes have been transmitted without much structural changes from a common ancestor of birds and turtles, since the presence of the same marker chromosomes in the fresh water turtle Geoclemys reevesii is ascertained by G-banding patterns. — A profile of a primitive bird karyotype emerged through the present findings. Hence, it has become possible to elucidate mechanisms involved in certain structural changes of macrochromosomes observed in birds. It was concluded that a major role had been played by centric fission as well as fusion, translocation, and pericentric inversion.  相似文献   

OLAV HOGSTAD 《Ibis》1989,131(2):263-267
A total of six (unmarked) and 24 (individually colour-ringed) male Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus were removed from their territories in two study areas: subalpine birch and lowland mixed forest, respectively. The removals were made during three separate periods throughout the breeding season: (1) pair-formation and egg-laying; (2) early incubation; and (3) middle and second half of the incubation period. During Period 1 all of the males removed ( n = 10) were quickly replaced by new males, while during Period 2 eight of the 11 males removed were replaced. The new males defended basically the same territorial borders as the males they replaced. During Period 3 only one of the nine males removed was replaced. Since the replacements occurred within a few hours of the removals, it is suggested that the new settlers were non-territorial males that were already present in the respective areas before the experimental removals were made. The mean wing-lengths of the two groups of males indicated that the initial occupants of the territories were 2 years old or older in both study areas, whereas the new settlers in the subalpine birch forest (mean Willow Warbler density: 55 territories/km2) were 1-year-old birds, and two years old, or older, in the mixed forest area (mean Willow Warbler density: 133 territories/km2).  相似文献   

Animal personality traits are often heritable and plastic at the same time. Indeed, behaviors that reflect an individual's personality can respond to environmental factors or change with age. To date, little is known regarding personality changes during a wild animals' lifetime and even less about stability in heritability of behavior across ages. In this study, we investigated age‐related changes in the mean and in the additive genetic variance of exploratory behavior, a commonly used measure of animal personality, in a wild population of great tits. Heritability of exploration is reduced in adults compared to juveniles, with a low genetic correlation across these age classes. A random regression animal model confirmed the occurrence of genotype–age interactions (G×A) in exploration, causing a decrease in additive genetic variance before individuals become 1 year old, and a decline in cross‐age genetic correlations between young and increasingly old individuals. Of the few studies investigating G×A in behaviors, this study provides rare evidence for this phenomenon in an extensively studied behavior. We indeed demonstrate that heritability and cross‐age genetic correlations in this behavior are not stable over an individual's lifetime, which can affect its potential response to selection. Because G×A is likely to be common in behaviors and have consequences for our understanding of the evolution of animal personality, more attention should be turned to this phenomenon in the future work.  相似文献   

Extrinsic mortality has a strong impact on the evolution of life‐histories, prey morphology and behavioural adaptations, but for many animals the causes of mortality are poorly understood. Predation is an important driver of extrinsic mortality and mobile animals form groups in response to increased predation risk. Furthermore, in many species juveniles suffer higher mortality than older individuals, which may reflect a lower phenotypic quality, lower competitiveness, or a lack of antipredator or foraging skills. Here we assessed the causes of mortality for 371 radio tagged Siberian jays. This sedentary bird species lives in family groups that contain a breeding pair as well as related and unrelated non‐breeders. Ninety‐five percent of death were due to predation (n = 59 out of 62 individuals) and most individuals were killed by Accipiter hawks. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards models showed that non‐breeders had a lower survival than breeders, but only in territories in managed forest with little visual cover. Examining breeders, only sex influenced survival with males having a lower survival than females. For non‐breeders, juveniles had lower survival than older non‐breeders, and those on managed territories had lower survival than those on unmanaged territories. Additionally, a low feather quality reduced the survival probability of non‐breeders only. Thus, living on managed territories and having a low feature quality affected only non‐breeders, particularly juveniles. These findings add to previous research demonstrating that juvenile Siberian jays acquire critical antipredator skills from experienced group members. Thus, experience can buffer extrinsic mortality, highlighting that group living not only provides safety in numbers, but also provide social opportunities to learn critical life‐skills.  相似文献   

Ageing, long thought to be too infrequent to study effectively in natural populations, has recently been shown to be ubiquitous, even in the wild. A major challenge now is to explain variation in the rates of ageing within populations. Here, using 49 years of data from a population of great tits (Parus major), we show that offspring life‐history trajectories vary with maternal age. Offspring hatched from older mothers perform better early in life, but suffer from an earlier onset, and stronger rate, of reproductive senescence later in life. Offspring reproductive lifespan is, however, unaffected by maternal age, and the different life‐history trajectories result in a similar fitness payoff, measured as lifetime reproductive success. This study therefore identifies maternal age as a new factor underlying variation in rates of ageing, and, given the delayed trans‐generational nature of this effect, poses the question as to proximate mechanisms linking age‐effects across generations.  相似文献   

Marzal A  de Lope F  Navarro C  Møller AP 《Oecologia》2005,142(4):541-545
Malarial parasites are supposed to have strong negative fitness consequences for their hosts, but relatively little evidence supports this claim due to the difficulty of experimentally testing this. We experimentally reduced levels of infection with the blood parasite Haemoproteus prognei in its host the house martin Delichon urbica, by randomly treating adults with primaquine or a control treatment. Treated birds had significantly fewer parasites than controls. The primaquine treatment increased clutch size by 18%; hatching was 39% higher and fledging 42% higher. There were no effects of treatment on quality of offspring, measured in terms of tarsus length, body mass, haematocrit or T-cell-mediated immune response. These findings demonstrate that malarial parasites can have dramatic effects on clutch size and other demographic variables, potentially influencing the evolution of clutch size, but also the population dynamics of heavily infected populations of birds.  相似文献   

The growth of bird song research over the past half century has been catalysed by both technical and theoretical advances. The study of mechanisms has largely moved to the neurobiological level, where work on bird song has blossomed. At the behavioural level, development and function have been the prime foci of attention, and I briefly review the advances in these two areas. But, looking forwards, the well is far from dry: I suggest a few topics on which I expect that papers will appear in the journal in the next few decades. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Many studies in recent years have demonstrated long‐term temporal trends in biological parameters that can only be explained by climate change. Bird phenology has received great attention, as it studies one of the most conspicuous, popular, and easily observable phenomena in nature. There are many studies of long‐term changes in spring arrival dates, most of which concur with earlier records from the last few decades. However, few data are available for autumn departures or length of stays. Furthermore, existing data offer an equivocal picture. In this study, we analysed a huge database of about 44 000 records for five trans‐Saharan bird species (Ciconia ciconia, Cuculus canorus, Apus apus, Hirundo rustica and Luscinia megarhynchos). Data were collected from over 1300 sites around Spain during the period 1944–2004. Common spring arrival patterns were found in all species. Spring arrival dates have tended to advance since the mid‐1970s. Current dates are similar to those from the 1940s (except for C. ciconia). Thus, the advance of spring migration over the last three decades could be seen as a return to the initial timing of arrival dates, after abnormally delayed arrivals during the 1970s. A strong negative relationship with temperature in Spain at arrival time was observed in all species. A negative relationship with the Sahel Index (a measurement of precipitation in the African Sahel area during the rainy season) for the previous year was also found in C. canorus, A. apus and H. rustica. Regarding autumn departures, all species showed common interdecadal fluctuations, but only H. rustica is leaving earlier Spain at present. All species departed earlier in years that had higher temperatures during their reproductive period. However, only for H. rustica the relation between Spanish temperatures at departure time and the last sightings of individuals was significant. A heterogeneous temporal response for the length of stay was also found: C. ciconia increased, A. apus did not change and H. rustica decreased its stay. This is the first study, based on an extensive bird phenology observational network covering a large region, that shows the most complete and thorough analysis available for the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

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