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The effects of moisture and oxygen concentration on germination of Bacillus cereus and B. subtilis var. niger spores were investigated in a simulated Martian environment. Less moisture was required for germination than for vegetative growth of both organisms. A daily freeze-thaw cycle lowered moisture requirements for spore germination and vegetative growth of both organisms, as compared with a constant 35 C environment. Oxygen had a synergistic effect by lowing the moisture requirements for vegetative growth, and possibly germination, of both organisms. Oxygen was not required for spore germination of either organism, but was required for vegetative growth of B. subtilis and for sporulation of both organisms.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic organisms that have been considered for space applications, such as oxygen production in bioregenerative life support systems, and can be used as a model organism for understanding microbial survival in space. Akinetes are resting-state cells of cyanobacteria that are produced by certain genera of heterocystous cyanobacteria to survive extreme environmental conditions. Although they are similar in nature to endospores, there have been no investigations into the survival of akinetes in extraterrestrial environments. The aim of this work was to examine the survival of akinetes from Anabaena cylindrica in simulated extraterrestrial conditions and in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). Akinetes were dried onto limestone rocks and sent into LEO for 10 days on the ESA Biopan VI. In ground-based experiments, the rocks were exposed to periods of desiccation, vacuum (0.7 × 10−3 kPa), temperature extremes (−80 to 80°C), Mars conditions (−27°C, 0.8 kPa, CO2) and UV radiation (325–400 nm). A proportion of the akinete population was able to survive a period of 10 days in LEO and 28 days in Mars simulated conditions, when the rocks were not subjected to UV radiation. Furthermore, the akinetes were able to survive 28 days of exposure to desiccation and low temperature with high viability remaining. Yet long periods of vacuum and high temperature were lethal to the akinetes. This work shows that akinetes are extreme-tolerating states of cyanobacteria that have a practical use in space applications and yield new insight into the survival of microbial resting-state cells in space conditions.  相似文献   

Survival of Bacillus subtilis var. globigii in a simulated Martian environment was demonstrated. Previous contact with the simulated Martian soil or atmosphere reduced germination or outgrowth of unheated spores, or both. Inoculation into simulated Martian soil and then flushing with a simulated Martian atmosphere were lethal to both vegetative cells and spores. After one diurnal temperature cycle (26 to -60 C), the majority of of cells present were spores. No further effect of the diurnal cycle on survival was noted in any of the experimental samples.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that fumarate addition and carboxylation are two possible mechanisms of anaerobic alkane degradation. In the present study, we surveyed metabolites formed during growth on hexadecane by the sulfate-reducing isolates AK-01 and Hxd3 and by a mixed sulfate-reducing consortium. The cultures were incubated with either protonated or fully deuterated hexadecane; the sulfate-reducing consortium was also incubated with [1,2-13C2]hexadecane. All cultures were extracted, silylated, and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We detected a suite of metabolites that support a fumarate addition mechanism for hexadecane degradation by AK-01, including methylpentadecylsuccinic acid, 4-methyloctadecanoic acid, 4-methyloctadec-2,3-enoic acid, 2-methylhexadecanoic acid, and tetradecanoic acid. By using d34-hexadecane, mass spectral evidence strongly supporting a carbon skeleton rearrangement of the first intermediate, methylpentadecylsuccinic acid, was demonstrated for AK-01. Evidence indicating hexadecane carboxylation was not found in AK-01 extracts but was observed in Hxd3 extracts. In the mixed sulfate-reducing culture, however, metabolites consistent with both fumarate addition and carboxylation mechanisms of hexadecane degradation were detected, which demonstrates that multiple alkane degradation pathways can occur simultaneously within distinct anaerobic communities. Collectively, these findings underscore that fumarate addition and carboxylation are important alkane degradation mechanisms that may be widespread among phylogenetically and/or physiologically distinct microorganisms.  相似文献   

人工模拟水热条件下苦豆子2种群硬实破除研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以生长于内蒙古额济纳旗和阿拉善左旗2个种群的苦豆子为材料,根据其种子在自然条件下的2种存在方式:埋藏于土壤中和停留于土壤表面,模拟湿热和干热2种条件,并设置阿拉善干旱荒漠区可能出现的温度条件探讨自然条件下苦豆子硬实的破除机理.结果表明:苦豆子两种群硬实的破除对环境因子(温度、变温、湿度)的响应不同,高温(50~60℃)是两种群硬实破除都需要的条件,而单一的高温处理只能显著破除额济纳旗种群苦豆子的硬实;高温(60℃)和湿度(沙水质量比100:5)的结合可显著破除两种群苦豆子硬实,使额济纳旗和阿拉善左旗的苦豆子硬实丧失率分别达91%和87%;不同种皮颜色和种脐厚度的显著差异可能是引起两种群苦豆子硬实破除对环境因子响应不同的原因.  相似文献   

在容量较小的污染环境中种群的持续生存与灭绝   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文讨论了在容量较小的污染环境中以广义Logistic形式生长种群动力学性态,得到种群持续生存和灭绝的条件,最后讨论了模型有关平衡点的稳定性。  相似文献   

A combination of fluorescence in situ hybridization, microprofiles, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified 16S ribosomal DNA fragments, and 16S rRNA gene cloning analysis was applied to investigate successional development of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) community structure and in situ sulfide production activity within a biofilm growing under microaerophilic conditions (dissolved oxygen concentration in the bulk liquid was in the range of 0 to 100 μM) and in the presence of nitrate. Microelectrode measurements showed that oxygen penetrated 200 μm from the surface during all stages of biofilm development. The first sulfide production of 0.32 μmol of H2S m−2 s−1 was detected below ca. 500 μm in the 3rd week and then gradually increased to 0.70 μmol H2S m−2 s−1 in the 8th week. The most active sulfide production zone moved upward to the oxic-anoxic interface and intensified with time. This result coincided with an increase in SRB populations in the surface layer of the biofilm. The numbers of the probe SRB385- and 660-hybridized SRB populations significantly increased to 7.9 × 109 cells cm−3 and 3.6 × 109 cells cm−3, respectively, in the surface 400 μm during an 8-week cultivation, while those populations were relatively unchanged in the deeper part of the biofilm, probably due to substrate transport limitation. Based on 16S rRNA gene cloning analysis data, clone sequences that related to Desulfomicrobium hypogeium (99% sequence similarity) and Desulfobulbus elongatus (95% sequence similarity) were most frequently found. Different molecular analyses confirmed that Desulfobulbus, Desulfovibrio, and Desulfomicrobium were found to be the numerically important members of SRB in this wastewater biofilm.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia and Landsberg erecta were studied. Horizontal clinorotation affected little germination of seeds, growth and development of rosette leaves and roots during early vegetative growth stage, and the onset of the bolting of inflorescence axis and flower formation in reproductive growth stage, although it suppressed elongation of inflorescence axes. The clinorotation substantially reduced the numbers of siliques and seeds in Landsberg erecta, and completely inhibited seed production in Columbia. Seeds produced in Landsberg erecta on the clinostat were capable of germinating and developing rosette leaves normally on the ground. On the other hand, growth of pin-formed mutant (pin/pin) of Arabidopsis ecotype Enkheim, which has a unique structure of inflorescence axis with no flower and extremely low levels of auxin polar transport activity, was inhibited and the seedlings frequently died during vegetative stage on the clinostat. Seed formation and inflorescence growth of the seedlings with normal shape (pin/+ or +/+) were also suppressed on the clinostat. These results suggest that the growth and development of Arabidopsis, especially in reproductive growth stage, is suppressed under simulated microgravity conditions on a clinostat. To complete the life cycle probably seems to be quite difficult, although it is possible in some ecotypes. Received 18 June 1999/ Accepted in revised form 27 August 1999  相似文献   

To evaluate the possibilities of using gamma irradiation for the sterilization of ointments, the effect of irradiation on spores of Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus sphaericus in dry material and in two different kinds of ointments was studied. The results indicate that for sterilization purposes irradiation was less effective in white petrolatum as compared to irradiation in the dry state. No such protective effect was found in a hydrophilic ointment. Accordingly, the sterilization dose needed for the sterilization of an ointment can be decided upon only after inactivation experiments with suitable test organisms in the actual preparation.  相似文献   

Persistence of Bacillus atrophaeus subsp. globigii spores on corroded iron coupons in drinking water was studied using a biofilm annular reactor. Spores were inoculated at 106 CFU/ml in the dechlorinated reactor bulk water. The dechlorination allowed for observation of the effects of hydraulic shear and biofilm sloughing on persistence. Approximately 50% of the spores initially adhered to the corroded iron surface were not detected after 1 month. Addition of a stable 10 mg/liter free chlorine residual after 1 month led to a 2-log10 reduction of adhered B. atrophaeus subsp. globigii, but levels on the coupons quickly stabilized thereafter. Increasing the free chlorine concentration to 25 or 70 mg/liter had no additional effect on inactivation. B. atrophaeus subsp. globigii spores injected in the presence of a typical distribution system chlorine residual (~0.75 mg/liter) resulted in a steady reduction of adhered B. atrophaeus subsp. globigii over 1 month, but levels on the coupons eventually stabilized. Adding elevated chlorine levels (10, 25, and 70 mg/liter) after 1 month had no effect on the rate of inactivation. Decontamination with elevated free chlorine levels immediately after spore injection resulted in a 3-log10 reduction within 2 weeks, but the rate of inactivation leveled off afterward. This indicates that free chlorine did not reach portions of the corroded iron surface where B. atrophaeus subsp. globigii spores had adhered. B. atrophaeus subsp. globigii spores are capable of persisting for an extended time in the presence of high levels of free chlorine.  相似文献   

Phosphorus and potassium (K) are major essential macronutrients for biological growth and development. Application of beneficial microorganisms to soil is one approach to enhance crop growth. In this study, the ability of five bacterial strains, including four strains of Pseudomonas sp. (S10-3, S14-3, S19-1, and S21-1) and one strain of Azotobacter sp. SP16, to release K from muscovite and biotite was investigated. Furthermore, phosphate solubilization by these strains was measured when an insoluble source of P [Ca3(PO4)2] was added to the medium. Among the bacterial strains, the highest average K release (73% higher than control) was observed with Pseudomonas sp. S14-3. The average amount of K released from biotite was 37% higher than that from muscovite in inoculated treatments. The enhanced release of mineral K might be attributed to the release of organic acids from the bacteria, a mechanism which plays a pivotal role in solubilizing phosphate from inorganic sources. The results confirmed the enhanced phosphate solubilization by the bacterial strains in the presence of muscovite. The highest P solubilizing activity (67% higher than control) was found in S21-1 and S14-3 strains. Concentrations of both K and P in the liquid phase were increased by increasing the time of experiment. X-ray diffraction analysis of muscovite specimens inoculated with S14-3 strain revealed a partial transformation of these minerals through the presence of 19.5 Å peak on the diffractogram of the magnesium-saturated sample. This may be due to the release of K from the interlayer space and subsequent filling with a number of bacterial metabolites. The findings of this research suggest K depletion from mica in the presence of bacteria, but further investigations are needed to clarify the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this paper is to demonstrate potential strengths of the use of tritium-labeled humic substances (HS) to quantify their interaction with living cells under various conditions. A novel approach was taken to study the interaction between a model microorganism and the labeled humic material. The bacterium Escherichia coli was used as a model microorganism. Salt stress was used to study interactions of HS with living cells under nonoptimum conditions. Six tritium-labeled samples of HS originating from coal, peat, and soil were examined. To quantify their interaction with E. coli cells, bioconcentration factors (BCF) were calculated and the amount of HS that penetrated into the cell interior was determined, and the liquid scintillation counting technique was used as well. The BCF values under optimum conditions varied from 0.9 to 13.1 liters kg−1 of cell biomass, whereas under salt stress conditions the range of corresponding values increased substantially and accounted for 0.2 to 130 liters kg−1. The measured amounts of HS that penetrated into the cells were 23 to 167 mg and 25 to 465 mg HS per kg of cell biomass under optimum and salt stress conditions, respectively. This finding indicated increased penetration of HS into E. coli cells under salt stress.Humic substances (HS) are natural organic compounds comprising 50 to 90% of the organic matter of peat, coal, and sapropel (i.e., sludge that accumulates at the bottom of lakes), as well as of the nonliving organic matter of soil and water ecosystems (9, 34, 53). Being the products of stochastic synthesis, HS are characterized as polydispersed substances having elemental compositions that are nonstoichiometric and structures which are irregular and heterogeneous. Thus, it is not possible to assign an exact structure to HS. Instead, they are operationally defined using a model structure predicated on available compositional, structural, functional, and behavioral data: a model structure containing all the same basic structural units and types of reactive functional groups (46). HS have been demonstrated to contain a large amount of residues resembling the original building blocks (aromatic subunits, amino acids, carbohydrates, etc.) (51) as well as polyphenolic components with nonhydrolyzable C-C and ether bonds (51, 16). Since humic matter is a complex mixture of organic substances, HS yield extremely high polydispersity values (i.e., the ratio of weight-average molecular weight to the number-average molecular weight [Mw/Mn]), which vary within the range of 1.64 to 4.40 (38). These extremely high polydispersity values mean that even though they yield relatively high values of molecular weight, HS contain a low-molecular-weight fraction.HS are known to play important roles in protecting microorganisms and higher plants from climatic and technogenic stresses, such as pollution, draught, UV irradiation, and pathogen and viral infections (2, 22, 31). However, mechanisms underlying protective functions of these natural systems are still poorly understood. The primary reason for that is a lack of experimental tools for tracking uptake and distribution of natural organic mixtures in living cells and tissues, which makes it extremely difficult to link structure and functions in systems of such high complexity. Besides, predicting HS behavior in biological systems is extremely arduous, as HS are complex mixtures with a number of concurrent properties, such as polyanionic and polyelectrolyte character, hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties, different functional groups, etc.The most straightforward hypothesis is that the biological activity of HS depends on both hydrophobic and hydrophilic characteristics of structural components (56). This hypothesis implies that the biological effects of HS are connected to membrane activity (12, 44, 56). Sorption of HS onto cells is the best documented phenomenon; numerous studies include phytoplankton (7, 15, 36, 57), isolated fish gill cells (7), bacteria (13, 14, 27, 57), fungi (60), and plants (12, 31, 44). This suggests that the sorption of HS onto biological membranes is a general process, but very few quantitative estimates are available (13, 36). Moreover, the penetration of HS into the living cells is still questionable, and to the best of our knowledge, only one study has reported a direct estimate of HS uptake by microorganisms (10).The main complication that arises in the study of the interactions of HS with living cells is the lack of a reliable analytical technique for determination of HS in the presence of biomolecules (e.g., proteins, lipids, and saccharides). To overcome the problem, radioactive labeling of HS is being used widely for this purpose. However, the reported studies deal predominantly with synthetic rather than with native humic materials (49, 50, 58). This is because of the approaches used for the radioactive labeling of the humics used in those studies, which involve either composting of a labeled precursor (e.g., 14C-glucose) with a soil sample (17) or the synthesis of model polymeric compounds. The polymeric compounds either are synthesized by enzyme-mediated oxidative polymerization of phenolic compounds, which is initiated by adding H2O2 in the presence of horseradish peroxidase (19), or proceed spontaneously in the presence of oxygen or other oxidants at an alkaline pH (48). When phenolics are polymerized with nonaromatic precursors (e.g., proteins, peptides, amino acids, carbohydrates, and amino sugars), the resulting humic-like materials are very similar to natural HS (19). These methods can be used for producing both 14C- and 15N-labeled humic-like substances. Their substantial disadvantage is that the resulting materials are similar but not identical to natural HS. Given high structural heterogeneity and irregularity inherent within HS, the availability of a broad set of labeled humic materials identical to their natural counterparts is a prerequisite for disclosing the mechanism of their interactions with living organisms on the cellular and organismal levels.The goal of this work was to study the behavior of humics in a simple microbial system using humic substances from various natural sources. For this purpose, six natural humic materials with different molecular features and properties were isolated from various natural sources and then labeled with tritium using a technique developed in previous studies (3, 4). A strain of the well-studied bacterium Escherichia coli was used as a model bacterial culture. The molecular weight of humics is quite high and is generally considered to be the leading factor restricting their uptake by living cells. In view of our study, prokaryotic bacteria seemed to be the most appropriate model, as recent evidence suggests that size differences among eukaryotic homologues of integral membrane proteins are consistently larger than their bacterial counterparts (8).To demonstrate the potential strengths of using tritium-labeled HS for biological study, uptake of HS by bacterial cells under stress conditions was also studied. One way in which bacteria respond to environmental change is to regulate cell membrane permeability. Thus, another goal of this work was to monitor changes in HS-bacterium interactions under salt stress conditions. For quantitative indicators, bioconcentration factors, maximum adsorption, and the amount of HS that penetrated into the cell interior were used.  相似文献   

A new single-species model disturbed by both white noise and colored noise in a polluted environment is developed and analyzed. Sufficient criteria for extinction, stochastic nonpersistence in the mean, stochastic weak persistence in the mean, stochastic strong persistence in the mean and stochastic permanence of the species are established. The threshold between stochastic weak persistence in the mean and extinction is obtained. The results show that both white and colored environmental noises have sufficient effect to the survival results.  相似文献   

Embedded in the plasma membrane of all bacteria, ATP binding cassette (ABC) importers facilitate the uptake of several vital nutrients and cofactors. The ABC transporter, MolBC-A, imports molybdate by passing substrate from the binding protein MolA to a membrane-spanning translocation pathway of MolB. To understand the mechanism of transport in the biological membrane as a whole, the effects of the lipid bilayer on transport needed to be addressed. Continuous wave-electron paramagnetic resonance and in vivo molybdate uptake studies were used to test the impact of the lipid environment on the mechanism and function of MolBC-A. Working with the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae, we found that MolBC-A functions as a low affinity molybdate transporter in its native environment. In periods of high extracellular molybdate concentration, H. influenzae makes use of parallel molybdate transport systems (MolBC-A and ModBC-A) to take up a greater amount of molybdate than a strain with ModBC-A alone. In addition, the movement of the translocation pathway in response to nucleotide binding and hydrolysis in a lipid environment is conserved when compared with in-detergent analysis. However, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy indicates that a lipid environment restricts the flexibility of the MolBC translocation pathway. By combining continuous wave-electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and substrate uptake studies, we reveal details of molybdate transport and the logistics of uptake systems that employ multiple transporters for the same substrate, offering insight into the mechanisms of nutrient uptake in bacteria.  相似文献   

The final boundary between digested food and the cells that take up nutrients in the small intestine is a protective layer of mucus. In this work, the microstructural organization and permeability of the intestinal mucus have been determined under conditions simulating those of infant and adult human small intestines. As a model, we used the mucus from the proximal (jejunal) small intestines of piglets and adult pigs. Confocal microscopy of both unfixed and fixed mucosal tissue showed mucus lining the entire jejunal epithelium. The mucus contained DNA from shed epithelial cells at different stages of degradation, with higher amounts of DNA found in the adult pig. The pig mucus comprised a coherent network of mucin and DNA with higher viscosity than the more heterogeneous piglet mucus, which resulted in increased permeability of the latter to 500-nm and 1-µm latex beads. Multiple-particle tracking experiments revealed that diffusion of the probe particles was considerably enhanced after treating mucus with DNase. The fraction of diffusive 500-nm probe particles increased in the pig mucus from 0.6% to 64% and in the piglet mucus from ca. 30% to 77% after the treatment. This suggests that extracellular DNA can significantly contribute to the microrheology and barrier properties of the intestinal mucus layer. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the structure and permeability of the small intestinal mucus have been compared between different age groups and the contribution of extracellular DNA highlighted. The results help to define rules governing colloidal transport in the developing small intestine. These are required for engineering orally administered pharmaceutical preparations with improved delivery, as well as for fabricating novel foods with enhanced nutritional quality or for controlled calorie uptake.  相似文献   

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