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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 0 毫秒
Bao L  He L  Chen J  Wu Z  Liao J  Rao L  Ren J  Li H  Zhu H  Qian L  Gu Y  Dai H  Xu X  Zhou J  Wang W  Cui C  Xiao L 《Cell research》2011,21(4):600-608
Reprogramming of somatic cells in the enucleated egg made Dolly, the sheep, the first successfully cloned mammal in 1996. However, the mechanism of sheep somatic cell reprogramming has not yet been addressed. Moreover, sheep embryonic stem (ES) cells are still not available, which limits the generation of precise gene-modified sheep. In this study, we report that sheep somatic cells can be directly reprogrammed to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells using defined factors (Oct4, Sox2, c-Myc, Klf4, Nanog, Lin28, SV40 large T and hTERT). Our observations indicated that somatic cells from sheep are more difficult to reprogram than somatic cells from other species, in which iPS cells have been reported. We demonstrated that sheep iPS cells express ES cell markers, including alkaline phosphatase, Oct4, Nanog, Sox2, Rex1, stage-specific embryonic antigen-1, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81 and E-cadherin. Sheep iPS cells exhibited normal karyotypes and were able to differentiate into all three germ layers both in vitro and in teratomas. Our study may help to reveal the mechanism of somatic cell reprogramming in sheep and provide a platform to explore the culture conditions for sheep ES cells. Moreover, sheep iPS cells may be directly used to generate precise gene-modified sheep.  相似文献   

特定因子诱导多能干细胞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胚胎干细胞由于具有发育上的全能性,被认为是用于移植治疗的最佳来源。然而,由于人的胚胎干细胞直接运用引发免疫排斥以及触及伦理矛盾,人们一直在研发多能干细胞。2006年,多能干细胞的研究有了重大进展。首先,Yamanaka实验室构建用逆转录载体将候选因子导入成纤维细胞,而后检测多能性标志基因的表达。结果发现,四种因子Oct3/4、Sox2、c-Myc以及Klf4的组合产生了表达多能性标志基因才有的抗药性的克隆,意味着细胞获得了多能性。用这种方法筛选的细胞无论在形态和增殖分化能力方面均类似于干细胞,而且表达干细胞标志基因以及在体内外能向三个胚层的细胞类型分化,这种细胞被命名为诱导性多能干细胞(iPS细胞)。进一步,用更严格的筛选基因nanog得到的iPS能够嵌合到生殖系中。而后,运用改进的方法从人的成体成纤维细胞也可以得到iPS细胞。然而,这种方法得到的嵌合体小鼠存在肿瘤形成现象,可能是由于c-Myc逆转录病毒整合到了基因组。通过替代的方法,去掉c-Myc的iPS也能够获得。为了进一步降低肿瘤形成的几率,近来发展了一种不依赖于病毒的方法,用质粒载体作为介质。iPS进一步的研究热点在于安全性以及从更严格的医学角度提高诱导iPS的效率,其分子机理和相关的技术问题也有待解决和克服。  相似文献   

Reprogramming fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells with Bmi1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Moon JH  Heo JS  Kim JS  Jun EK  Lee JH  Kim A  Kim J  Whang KY  Kang YK  Yeo S  Lim HJ  Han DW  Kim DW  Oh S  Yoon BS  Schöler HR  You S 《Cell research》2011,21(9):1305-1315

The ability to study live cells as they progress through the stages of cancer provides the opportunity to discover dynamic networks underlying pathology, markers of early stages, and ways to assess therapeutics. Genetically engineered animal models of cancer, where it is possible to study the consequences of temporal‐specific induction of oncogenes or deletion of tumor suppressors, have yielded major insights into cancer progression. Yet differences exist between animal and human cancers, such as in markers of progression and response to therapeutics. Thus, there is a need for human cell models of cancer progression. Most human cell models of cancer are based on tumor cell lines and xenografts of primary tumor cells that resemble the advanced tumor state, from which the cells were derived, and thus do not recapitulate disease progression. Yet a subset of cancer types have been reprogrammed to pluripotency or near‐pluripotency by blastocyst injection, by somatic cell nuclear transfer and by induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) technology. The reprogrammed cancer cells show that pluripotency can transiently dominate over the cancer phenotype. Diverse studies show that reprogrammed cancer cells can, in some cases, exhibit early‐stage phenotypes reflective of only partial expression of the cancer genome. In one case, reprogrammed human pancreatic cancer cells have been shown to recapitulate stages of cancer progression, from early to late stages, thus providing a model for studying pancreatic cancer development in human cells where previously such could only be discerned from mouse models. We discuss these findings, the challenges in developing such models and their current limitations, and ways that iPS reprogramming may be enhanced to develop human cell models of cancer progression.  相似文献   

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