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Wide cross-country variation in obesity rates has been reported between European Union member states. Although the existing cross-country differences have not been analyzed in depth, they contain important information on health production determinants. In this paper we apply a methodology for conducting standardized cross-country comparisons of body mass index (BMI). We draw on estimations of the marginal density function of BMI for Italy and Spain in 2003, two countries with similar GDP and socio-economic conditions. We produce different counterfactual distribution estimates using covariates (health production inputs) specified in a quantile regression. Our findings suggest that Spain-to-Italy BMI gaps among females are largely explained by cross-country variation in the returns to each covariate, especially for younger women. We find that adverse underlying determinants do not explain the gap observed in particular between younger Spanish females and their Italian counterfactuals; behavioural differences appear to be the key. We tentatively conclude that Spanish policy on obesity should target mainly younger females.  相似文献   

We assessed the relative roles of natural covariates, human disturbance (water quality and catchment land use) together with geography in driving variation in aquatic macrophyte community composition, richness and status among 101 lakes in southern and central Finland. In addition to all species together, we studied different growth forms (i.e. emergent and submerged macrophytes and aquatic bryophytes) separately. Partial redundancy analysis (taxonomic composition) and partial least-squares regression (species richness and status index) were employed to display the share of variability in macrophyte assemblages that was attributable to the environmental factors (both natural and human-affected) and the spatial filters generated through principal coordinates of neighbor matrices (PCNM).Macrophyte community composition, richness and status were explained by natural covariates, together with joint effects of human disturbance variables and space. The contributions of pure fractions of human disturbance and space were mostly modest, albeit variable among macrophyte groups and status indices. Alkalinity, historical distributions, colour, dynamic ratio and lake area were most important natural covariates for macrophytes. Of those variables influenced by human, macrophytes were mostly explained by conductivity, total phosphorus, turbidity and chlorophyll-a.Our results demonstrate, as expected, that macrophytes are dominantly affected by local environmental variables, whereas dispersal-related processes seem not to be important at regional extent. Response of macrophyte growth forms to environment and space, however, varied significantly. Community composition and richness of emergent macrophytes showed congruent response to natural covariates and human disturbance. Aquatic bryophytes, which are rarely studied along lake macrophytes, responded stronger than other growth forms to human disturbance. Contrary to our expectations, ecological indices were not affected by dispersal-related processes, but were mainly explained by natural covariates. This study is the first to investigate spatial patterns in aquatic macrophytes derived bioassessment. Geographical structuring of environmental variables and regional extent negatively affected indices, suggesting that ecological status assessment needs further development.  相似文献   

Although national and state estimates of child obesity are available, data at these levels are insufficient to monitor effects of local obesity prevention initiatives. The purpose of this study was to examine regional changes in the prevalence of obesity due to statewide policies and programs among children in grades 4, 8, and 11 in Texas Health Services Regions (HSRs) between 2000–2002 and 2004–2005, and nine selected counties in 2004–2005. A cross‐sectional, probability‐based sample of 23,190 Texas students in grades 4, 8, and 11 were weighed and measured to obtain BMI. Obesity was >95th percentile for BMI by age/sex using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts. Child obesity prevalence significantly decreased between 2000–2002 and 2004–2005 for 4th grade students in the El Paso HSR (?7.0%, P = 0.005). A leveling off in the prevalence of obesity was noted for all other regions for grades 4, 8, and 11. County‐level data supported the statistically significant decreases noted in the El Paso region. The reduction of child obesity levels observed in the El Paso area is one of the few examples of effective programs and policies based on a population‐wide survey: in this region, a local foundation funded extensive regional implementation of community programs for obesity prevention, including an evidence‐based elementary school‐based health promotion program, adult nutrition and physical activity programs, and a radio and television advertising campaign. Results emphasize the need for sustained school, community, and policy efforts, and that these efforts can result in decreases in child obesity at the population level.  相似文献   

Assessing spatial variation in waterfowl harvest probabilities from banding data is challenging because reporting and recovery probabilities have distinct spatial patterns that covary temporally with harvesting regulations, hunter effort, and reporting methods. We analyzed direct band recovery data from American black ducks banded on the Canadian breeding grounds from 1970 through 2010. Data were registered to a 1‐degree grid and analyzed using hierarchical logistic regression models with spatially correlated errors to estimate the annual probabilities of band recovery and the proportion of individuals recovered in Canada. Probability of harvest was estimated from these values, in combination with independent estimates of reporting probabilities in Canada and the USA. Model covariates included estimates of hunting effort and factors for harvest regulation and band reporting methods. Both the band recovery processes and the proportion of individuals recovered in Canada had significant spatial structure. Recovery probabilities were highest in southern Ontario, along the Saint Lawrence River in Quebec, and in Nova Scotia. Black ducks breeding in Nova Scotia and southern Quebec were harvested predominantly in Canada. Recovery probabilities for juveniles were correlated with hunter effort, while the adult recoveries were weakly correlated with the implementation of stricter harvest regulations in the early 1980s. Mean harvest probability decreased in the northern portion of the survey area but remained stable or even increased in the south. Harvest probabilities for juveniles in 2010 exceeded 20% in southern Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. Our results demonstrate fine‐scale variation in harvest probabilities for black duck on the Canadian breeding ground. In particular, harvest probabilities should be closely monitored along the Saint Lawrence River system and in the Atlantic provinces to avoid overexploitation.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to understand the determinants of individual body weight status and obesity risk in Spain by concurrently examining individual and regional characteristics. The data are drawn from the National Health Survey of Spain for the year 2011–2012 (INE-National Statistical Institute of Spain) and contain information for a representative sample of 12,671 adults across 50 provinces in Spain. A multilevel analysis is carried out to examine the determinants of individual weight status and obesity, controlling not only for the individual effects and those of the immediate environment but also for the broader setting to which individuals and their immediate environment belong. Our findings suggest that attributes from all three levels of analysis have an effect on individual weight status and obesity. Lack of green spaces and criminality taken as proxies of the social environment positively affect individual and women's BMI and obesity, respectively.  相似文献   

We examined whether behavioral problems in childhood and adolescence are associated with young adults' BMI and obesity, and tested whether childhood behavioral problems have a greater impact on young adults' obesity than adolescent behavioral problems. The data were from the Mater‐University of Queensland Study of Pregnancy (MUSP) and Its Outcomes, a population‐based birth cohort study commenced in Brisbane, Australia, in 1981. A subsample of 2,278 children for whom we had prospective information on their behavioral problems at ages 5 and 14 and measured BMI, and its categories (normal, overweight, and obese) at age 21 was chosen. Young adults who experienced behavioral problems at ages 5 or 14 had a greater average BMI and were more likely to be obese compared to young adults without behavioral problems at both ages. The childhood onset group was at greater risk of becoming obese by age 21 compared to the adolescent onset group (P = 0.04). These associations remained consistent after adjusting for a variety of potential covariates including maternal characteristics (i.e., demographics and life style), child dietary patterns, family meals, television (TV) watching, and participation in sports and exercise at 14 years. Childhood as well as persistent behavioral problems during childhood and adolescence predicts young adults' BMI and obesity. Although further studies are needed to confirm this association, there is a need for close monitoring of children presenting with behavioral problems.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the genetic population structure lies at the heart of mapping studies aiming genes responsible for Mendelian and complex traits. The Quebec population, which is of mostly French descent, is considered an excellent model for such genetic epidemiological endeavours because it is a young founder population. Yet, the assessment of the founder effect has relied mostly on the observed distribution of monogenic diseases and on the analysis of the underlying mutations with investigations focusing on the Saguenay region. To eliminate this clinical bias and to obtain a more complete image of the genetic diversity, different regional populations of Quebec were investigated by analysing neutral markers that represent maternal, paternal and X chromosome lineages. Results indicate that Quebec does not appear more homogeneous nor significantly different from European populations. However, a series of regional founder effects, particularly visible at the level of rare variants, are observed. These effects can be explained by the successive migrations of descendants of the first immigrants from the initial sites of settlement towards the outer regions. Depending on the number of founders and their diversity, as well as on the degree of isolation and the magnitude of the interbreeding with the neighbouring or local populations, such as Amerindians or later migrants, the consequences of these regional founder effects are more or less detectable in the contemporary population.  相似文献   

Obesity has been associated with altered cerebral functions including cognitive control. The stop signal task (SST) has been widely used to study cognitive control by producing high conflict stop trials among many low conflict go trials. Contrasting these stop trials with go trials provides a measure of saliency processing and response inhibition. By comparing functional magnetic resonance images of obese (BMI >30) and lean (BMI <22) females performing the SST, we observed differences in regional brain activations despite similar behavioral performance between groups. Specifically, lean females had greater activations in the insula, inferior parietal cortex, cuneus, and supplementary motor area than obese females during stop as compared to go trials. This difference was caused by diminished brain activations in obese females in stop as compared to go trials. Furthermore, the brain activations in these regions inversely correlated to BMI across subjects. These preliminary findings suggest altered neural processes of cognitive control in obesity.  相似文献   

The prevalence for excessive weight has also been increasing dramatically in Portugal over the last decades. The consequences for families as well as for the publicly funded Portuguese health care system are a matter of policy interest. This paper uses an econometric model to compute the fraction of the national out-of-pocket health care expenditures attributable to overweight and obesity among Portuguese adults. Given that public health care system pays for a substantial share of the national health care expenditures, the estimated the out-of-pocket expenditures is only a share of the total expenditures. Per-capita expenditures and the burden that obesity and overweight impose on families are also estimated. Two waves of the Portuguese National Health Survey (NHS), namely; 1995/1996 and 1998/1999 are considered. The results suggest that out-of-pocket expenditures due to excess weight have increased sharply during these 3 years. The two-part model estimates suggest that the obese and overweight are more likely to incur out-of-pocket health care expenditures but, in the restricted sample of those that incur expenditures, there is weak or no evidence that the obese or overweight spend, on average, more than those of normal weight. Overall, it is estimated that in 1995/1996, more than 1.8% out-of-pocket health care expenditures were attributable to obesity and 2% to overweight (although not statistically significant). The estimated percentages are over 2.9% for obesity and 4% for overweight in 1998/1999. Combined, the estimated attributable percentage of national out-of-pocket expenditures due to excess weight was 3.8% in 1995/1996 and 6.9% in 1998/1999. Per-capita expenditures due to obesity or overweight are small, on average, in absolute terms, but they can be a significant cost for low income families. With respect to public policy concerns, the results suggest that measures which only slightly increase the out-of-pocket health care expenditures of being obese (overweight) are likely to be inefficient.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 2090 father and son pairs, the regional variation in height, weight and body mass index (BMI) with intra- and inter-generational migration within Britain was examined. Highly significant regional differences in means were found only for fathers. The overall mean height difference between regions ranged from about 2.7 cm to 3.1 cm, with the tallest fathers being found in the East & South-East region and the shortest in Wales. The variation in mean weight between regions was less significant, with the difference between the heaviest region (West Midlands) and lightest (South-West) being about 3.5 kg. For BMI the highest mean was in the North and Wales and the lowest in the South-West (difference of about 1 kg m-2). Intra-generational migrants were, on average, significantly taller than non-migrants for both fathers (+1.4 cm) and sons (+2 cm), but BMI was only significant in fathers, with migrant fathers, on average, having a lower BMI. There were no significant differences in weight between geographically mobile groups for either fathers or sons. Differentiating between regional in- and out-migration revealed that in the fathers' generation in-migrants were taller, on average, in six of the nine regions. The tallest in-migrants among fathers came into the North region; the tallest out-migrants were from Yorkshire & Humberside and the shortest were from Scotland. The largest positive gain on fathers' height was in the West Midlands region and Scotland, while negative effects were found in the Yorkshire & Humberside, East Midlands and East & South-East regions. For sons in-migrants were taller in all regions except Wales, with the largest differences between in-migrants and non-migrants being in the South-East and South-West. For out-migrants, the tallest sons came from Wales, while the shortest came from the East Midlands region. The North, East Midlands, East & South-East and West Midlands regions were net gainers, while Wales and Scotland were net losers. For BMI among fathers, in-migrants were of lower BMI than non-migrants. For out-migrant fathers, the North-West and South-West regions were the only two regions showing positive values, with the largest negative values being found in the East Midlands and Yorkshire & Humberside. The net effect of migration indicated that the largest gains were in the East Midlands and Yorkshire & Humberside regions and the largest losses were in Scotland and Wales. The inter-generational migration for BMI showed that in-migrating sons into the North-West and Wales had higher BMI than sedentes, while in-migrants into Yorkshire & Humberside were lower in BMI. In all regions out-migrants had lower BMI than non-migrants. The net effect of migration revealed that six of the nine regions were net gainers, while the Yorkshire & Humberside region was a net loser.  相似文献   

This paper examines three morphological indicators measuring obesity among a native Amazonian population of foragers-farmers in Bolivia (Tsimane’) and estimates the associations between them and standard covariates of obesity (e.g., socioeconomic status [SES]). We collected annual data from 350 non-pregnant women and 385 men ≥20 years of age from all 311 households in 13 villages during five consecutive years (2002–2006). We used three indicators to measure obesity: body-mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and body fat using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BF-BIA). We ran separate individual random-effect panel multiple regressions for women and men with wealth, acculturation, health, and household food availability as key covariates, and controlled for village and year fixed effects and village × year interaction effects. Although BMI increases by a statistically significant annual growth rate of 0.64% among women and 0.37% among men over the five years, the increase does not yield significant biological meanings. Neither do we find consistent and biologically meaningful covariates associated with adult obesity.  相似文献   

Animal movement and habitat selection are in part a response to landscape heterogeneity. Many studies of movement and habitat selection necessarily use environmental covariates that are readily available over large‐scales, which are assumed representative of functional habitat features such as resource availability. For widely distributed species, response to such covariates may not be consistent across ecosystems, as response to any specific covariate is driven by its biological relevance within the context of each ecosystem. Thus, the study of any widely distributed species within a limited geographic region may provide inferences that are not widely generalizable. Our goal was to evaluate the response of a marine predator to a suite of environmental covariates across a wide ecological gradient. We identified two behavioral states (resident and transient) in the movements of shortfin mako sharks Isurus oxyrinchus tracked via satellite telemetry in two regions of the western North Atlantic Ocean: the tropical Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico marginal sea (CGM), and the temperate waters of the open western Atlantic Ocean (OWA). We compared patterns of resident behavior between regions, and modeled relationships between oceanographic variables and resident behavior. We tracked 39 sharks during 2013–2015. Resident behavior was associated with shallow, continental shelf and slope waters in both regions. In the OWA resident behavior was associated with low sea surface temperature and high primary productivity, however, sharks exhibited no response to either variable in the CGM. There was a negative relationship between sea‐surface height gradient (a proxy for oceanic fronts) and resident behavior in the OWA, and a positive relationship in the CGM. Our observations likely reflect shark responses to regional variability in factors responsible for the distribution and availability of prey. Our study illustrates the importance of studying widely distributed species in a consistent manner over large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess whether a recent study that found a relatively small number of excess deaths attributable to obesity may have underestimated by not correcting for statistical biases. Research Methods and Procedures: This prospective cohort study used data from the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow‐Up Study. Survival analyses were conducted using 9690 individuals 32 to 87 years of age and 1886 all‐cause deaths during a 9.1‐year follow‐up. Corrections were made for the reputed regression‐dilution bias by using the average BMI during the decade before follow‐up as predictor. Corrections for the reputed reverse‐causation bias were made by excluding participants with a history of serious illness. Attributable fractions were calculated and used to estimate excess deaths. Results: The uncorrected estimate of excess deaths attributable to obesity (BMI ≥30) was 41.9, using 18.5 to 25 kg/m2 as ideal‐weight category. Using average BMI as predictor increased the estimate to 93.3. Correcting for reverse‐causation effects increased the estimate further to 131.1 (range, 93.3 to 169.0). The uncorrected hazard ratio, 1.25, was increased to 1.41 by using average BMI as predictor, and then to 2.40 by correcting for reverse causation. Using BMI 21 to 25 kg/m2 and 23 to 25 kg/m2 as ideal‐weight categories increased the corrected estimates to 144.6 (range, 80.5 to 177.2) and 164.1 (range, 103.8 to 194.9), respectively. Larger increases were found for overweight and Grade 2 to 4 obesity (BMI ≥35 kg/m2). For overweight, the uncorrected estimate using 18.5 to 25 kg/m2 as ideal‐weight category was ?88.3 and the corrected estimate using 23 to 25 kg/m2 as ideal‐weight category was 205.4 (range, 114.5 to 296.3). Discussion: Correcting for statistical biases and using higher ideal‐weight categories increased the estimate of excess deaths attributable to obesity by ~400% and changed the negative estimate for overweight to a large positive estimate.  相似文献   

Body segment parameters (BSPs) such as segment mass, center of mass, and radius of gyration are required in many ergonomic tools and biomechanical models to estimate injury risk, and quantify muscle and joint contact forces. Currently, the full effects of age and obesity have not been taken into account when predicting BSPs. The goal of this study is to quantify the impact of body mass index (BMI) and age on BSPs, in order to provide more representative measures necessary for modeling inputs. A whole body dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan was collected for 280 working men and women with a wide range of BMI and aged 21 to 70 years. Established DXA processing methods were used to determine in-vivo estimates of the mass, center of mass, and radius of gyration for the upper arm, forearm, torso, thigh, and shank for males and females. Regression models were used to determine if age and BMI terms, as well as their interactions, were associated with these BSPs. The variability in BSPs explained by BMI alone ranged from 4 to 51%, and age explained an additional 3–19%. Thus, BMI and age are significant correlates of BSPs, and need to be taken into account when predicting certain BSPs in order to obtain accurate and representative results in biomechanical models.  相似文献   

While many studies have focused on identifying the association between meteorological factors and the activity of COVID-19, we argue that the contribution of meteorological factors to a reduction of the risk of COVID-19 was minimal when the effects of control measures were taken into account. In this study, we assessed how much variability in COVID-19 activity is attributable to city-level socio-demographic characteristics, meteorological factors, and the control measures imposed. We obtained the daily incidence of COVID-19, city-level characteristics, and meteorological data from a total of 102 cities situated in 27 provinces/municipalities outside Hubei province in China from 1 January 2020 to 8 March 2020, which largely covers almost the first wave of the epidemic. Generalized linear mixed effect models were employed to examine the variance in the incidence of COVID-19 explained by different combinations of variables. According to the results, including the control measure effects in a model substantially raised the explained variance to 45%, which increased by >40% compared to the null model that did not include any covariates. On top of that, including temperature and relative humidity in the model could only result in < 1% increase in the explained variance even though the meteorological factors showed a statistically significant association with the incidence rate of COVID-19. In conclusion, we showed that very limited variability of the COVID-19 incidence was attributable to meteorological factors. Instead, the control measures could explain a larger proportion of variance.  相似文献   

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of body mass index (BMI) using large samples have yielded approximately a dozen robustly associated variants and implicated additional loci. Individually these variants have small effects and in aggregate explain a small proportion of the variance. As a result, replication attempts have limited power to achieve genome-wide significance, even with several thousand subjects. Since there is strong prior evidence for genetic influence on BMI for specific variants, alternative approaches to replication can be applied. Instead of testing individual loci sequentially, a genetic risk sum score (GRSS) summarizing the total number of risk alleles can be tested. In the current study, GRSS comprising 56 top variants catalogued from two large meta-analyses was tested for association with BMI in the Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia controls (2,653 European-Americans, 973 African-Americans). After accounting for covariates known to influence BMI (ancestry, sex, age), GRSS was highly associated with BMI (p value = 3.19E−06) although explained a limited amount of the variance (0.66%). However, area under receiver operator criteria curve (AUC) estimates indicated that the GRSS and covariates significantly predicted overweight and obesity classification with maximum discriminative ability for predicting class III obesity (AUC = 0.697). The relative contributions of the individual loci to GRSS were examined post hoc and the results were not due to a few highly significant variants, but rather the result of numerous variants of small effect. This study provides evidence of the utility of a GRSS as an alternative approach to replication of common polygenic variation in complex traits.  相似文献   



Childhood maltreatment including abuse and neglect has been associated with adult obesity, but evidence on life-course development of obesity or BMI gain is unclear. We aim to establish whether childhood maltreatments are related to obesity or BMI at different life-stages 7y-50y and to identify possible explanations for associations.


Childhood physical, psychological and sexual abuse, neglect and BMI at seven ages were recorded in the 1958 birth cohort (n~15,000). Associations of child maltreatments with BMI at separate ages were tested using linear regression or logistic regression for obesity, and with rate of child-to-adult BMI gain using multilevel models. We adjusted for potential covariates.


Abuse was reported in ~12% of the population. Abuse was not associated with elevated childhood BMI, but adult associations were observed: i.e. the abused had faster child-adult BMI gain than the non-abused; associations were independent of adult covariates. For physical abuse in both genders there was a positive linear association of ~0.006/y zBMI gain with age after adjustment for all covariates. Similarly, there was a linear association of physical abuse with obesity risk: e.g. among females from a low ORadjusted of 0.34 (0.16,0.71) at 7y to 1.67 (1.25,2.24) at 50y. In females faster zBMI gains with age of ~0.0034/y were observed for sexual abuse and increases in obesity risk were faster: from a low ORadjusted of 0.23 (0.06,0.84) at 7y to 1.34 (0.86,2.10) at 50y. Psychological abuse and neglect associations were less consistent.


Childhood maltreatment associations with BMI or obesity varied across life: physical and, in females, sexual abuse were associated with faster lifetime BMI gains, which may have detrimental long-term health consequences.  相似文献   



To quantify the proportion of adverse pregnancy outcome attributable to maternal obesity.


Cross sectional analysis of routine obstetric dataset.


Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust (GSTFT).


23,668 women who had singleton deliveries at GSTFT between 2004 and 2008.


Logistic regression was used to estimate the association between BMI and outcome in different ethnic groups. Adjusted odds ratios, and the proportions of obese women, were used to calculate population attributable risk fractions (PAFs).

Main Outcome Measures

(i) Maternal outcomes: diabetes, type of delivery, post-partum haemorrhage, and preterm delivery. (ii) Perinatal outcomes: macrosomia, low birth weight, admission to neonatal intensive care/special care baby unit, and perinatal death.


The prevalence of maternal obesity was 14%. Increasing BMI was independently associated with increasing risk of adverse obstetric and neonatal outcome. At the individual level, the effect of obesity on diabetes was highest in Asian women compared to white women (p for interaction = 0.03). Calculation of population attributable risk fractions demonstrated that one third of diabetes cases and one in six Caesarean sections could be avoided in this population if all obese women were of normal BMI. At the population level, the contribution of obesity to diabetes was highest for Black women (42%), and lowest for oriental women (8%). Seven percent of neonatal macrosomia in all the population, and 13% in Black mothers, were attributable to obesity.


Preventing obesity prior to pregnancy will substantially reduce the burden of obstetric and neonatal morbidity in this population. This reduction will be higher in Black women.  相似文献   

A whole-genome scan for obstructive sleep apnea and obesity   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common, chronic, complex disease associated with serious cardiovascular and neuropsychological sequelae and with substantial social and economic costs. Along with male gender, obesity is the most characteristic feature of OSA in adults. To identify susceptibility loci for OSA, we undertook a 9-cM genome scan in 66 white pedigrees (n=349 subjects) ascertained on the basis of either an affected individual with laboratory-confirmed OSA or a proband who was a neighborhood control individual. Multipoint variance-component linkage analysis was performed for the OSA-associated quantitative phenotypes apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and body mass index (BMI). Candidate regions on chromosomes 1p (LOD score 1.39), 2p (LOD score 1.64), 12p (LOD score 1.43), and 19p (LOD score 1.40) gave the most evidence for linkage to AHI. BMI was also linked to multiple regions, most significantly to markers on chromosomes 2p (LOD score 3.08), 7p (LOD score 2.53), and 12p (LOD score 3.41). Extended modeling indicated that the evidence for linkage to AHI was effectively removed after adjustment for BMI, with the exception of the candidate regions on chromosomes 2p (adjusted LOD score 1.33) and 19p (adjusted LOD score 1.45). After adjustment for AHI, the primary linkages to BMI remained suggestive but were roughly halved. Our results suggest that there are both shared and unshared genetic factors underlying susceptibility to OSA and obesity and that the interrelationship of OSA and obesity in white individuals may be partially explained by a common causal pathway involving one or more genes regulating both AHI and BMI levels.  相似文献   

We investigated cultural evolution in populations of common chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs) in the Atlantic islands (Azores, Madeira, and Canaries) and neighboring continental regions (Morocco and Iberia) by employing a population-memetic approach. To quantify differentiation, we used the concept of a song meme, defined as a single syllable or a series of linked syllables capable of being transmitted. The levels of cultural differentiation are higher among the Canaries populations than among the Azorean ones, even though the islands are on average closer to each other geographically. This is likely the result of reduced levels of migration, lower population sizes, and bottlenecks (possibly during the colonization of these populations) in the Canaries; all these factors produce a smaller effective population size and therefore accentuate the effects of differentiation by random drift. Significant levels of among-population differentiation in the Azores, in spite of substantial levels of migration, attest to the differentiating effects of high mutation rates of memes, which allow the accumulation of new mutants in different populations before migration can disperse them throughout the entire region.  相似文献   

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