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A comprehensive survey of human Y-chromosomal microsatellites   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
We have screened the nearly complete DNA sequence of the human Y chromosome for microsatellites (short tandem repeats) that meet the criteria of having a repeat-unit size of > or = 3 and a repeat count of > or = 8 and thus are likely to be easy to genotype accurately and to be polymorphic. Candidate loci were tested in silico for novelty and for probable Y specificity, and then they were tested experimentally to identify Y-specific loci and to assess their polymorphism. This yielded 166 useful new Y-chromosomal microsatellites, 139 of which were polymorphic, in a sample of eight diverse Y chromosomes representing eight Y-SNP haplogroups. This large sample of microsatellites, together with 28 previously known markers analyzed here--all sharing a common evolutionary history--allowed us to investigate the factors influencing their variation. For simple microsatellites, the average repeat count accounted for the highest proportion of repeat variance (approximately 34%). For complex microsatellites, the largest proportion of the variance (again, approximately 34%) was explained by the average repeat count of the longest homogeneous array, which normally is variable. In these complex microsatellites, the additional repeats outside the longest homogeneous array significantly increased the variance, but this was lower than the variance of a simple microsatellite with the same total repeat count. As a result of this work, a large number of new, highly polymorphic Y-chromosomal microsatellites are now available for population-genetic, evolutionary, genealogical, and forensic investigations.  相似文献   

Dual origins of Finns revealed by Y chromosome haplotype variation.   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The Finnish population has often been viewed as an isolate founded 2, 000 years ago via a route across the Gulf of Finland. The founding event has been characterized as involving a limited number of homogeneous founders, isolation, and subsequent rapid population growth. Despite the purported isolation of the population, levels of gene diversity for the Finns at autosomal and mitochondrial DNA loci are indistinguishable from those of other Europeans. Thus, mixed or dual origins for the Finns have been proposed. Here we present genetic evidence for the dual origins of Finns by evaluating the pattern of Y chromosome variation in 280 unrelated males from nine Finnish provinces. Phylogenetic analysis of 77 haplotype configurations revealed two major star-shaped clusters of Y haplotypes, indicative of a population expansion from two common Y haplotypes. Dramatic and quite significant differences in Y haplotype variation were observed between eastern and western regions of Finland, revealing contributions from different paternal types. The geographic distribution and time of expansion for the two common Y haplotypes correlate well with archeological evidence for two culturally and geographically distinct groups of settlers. Also, a northeastern to southwestern gradient of Y haplotype frequencies provides convincing evidence for recent male migration from rural areas into urban Finland.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of clinical cases of campylobacter in temperate climates shows a striking seasonality. In the search for a seasonal environmental reservoir changes in the carriage rate and population size of campylobacters in bovine hosts with time have been measured. Most probable number (MPN) methodology was used to enumerate thermophilic campylobacters in samples taken from the small intestines of beef cattle at slaughter and the fresh faeces of four dairy herds and new-born calves. Statistical analyses revealed significant evidence for seasonal periodicity in the data from dairy herds ( P = 0·044). Not only was there a departure from constancy within a 12-month interval but these data revealed a true seasonality, that is, the same periodicity in numbers from one year to the next. Each herd had two peaks per year, in approximately spring and autumn. Peaks coincided in herds on neighbouring farms but those on farms in the north preceded those on farms in the south by 2 and 1 months, respectively ( P = 0·0057). Intestinal carriage by beef cattle at slaughter was 89·4% ( n = 360) with an average MPN campylobacters per gram fresh weight (MPN gfw−1) of 6·1 × 102. Average MPN gfw−1 in faeces from the dairy herds and calves were 69·9 ( S.D. 3) and 3·3 × 104 ( S.D. 1·7 × 102). There was no evidence of seasonal periodicity in the size of the campylobacter population in beef cattle at slaughter. Calves were campylobacter free at birth but became colonized within a few days.  相似文献   

The Y-chromosomal gene TSPY (testis-specific protein Y-encoded) is probably involved in early spermatogenesis and has a variable copy number in different mammalian species. Analysis of bovine BAC clones leads to an estimate of 90 TSPY loci on the bovine Y chromosome. Half of these loci (TSPY-M1 and TSPY-M2) contain a single copy, while the other loci (TSPY-C) contain a cluster of three, possibly four, truncated pseudogenes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization indicated that the TSPY loci are located mainly on the short arm (Yp). The TSPY genes appear to account for about 2.5% of the Y chromosome and contain several published bovine Y-chromosomal microsatellites. The homology of TSPY and the major Y-chromosomal repetitive elements BRY.2 from cattle and OY.1 from sheep (80-85% similarity) further illustrates how the Y chromosome is shaped by rearrangements and horizontal spreading of the most abundant sequences. A comparison of TSPY-M1 sequences from different BAC clones and from related bovine species suggests concerted evolution as one of the mechanisms of the rapid evolution of the mammalian Y chromosome.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in genetic variation within and between 13 North European cattle breeds were evaluated using erythrocyte antigen systems and transferrin protein as genetic markers. Current data on allele frequency distributions of markers in large commercial and smaller endangered native cattle breeds were compared to data published during 1956 to 1975. Intrabreed genetic variation was quantified by conventional parameters (e.g. heterozygosity, average number of alleles per locus) and migration by the effective migration rate. The neighbour-joining dendrogram of relationships between old and present cattle populations was constructed using Nei's standard genetic distance. Variance effective population size was estimated from changes in allele frequencies over time. Comparison of old and new data indicated some significant changes in allele frequencies. In six of the breeds, a few low-frequency alleles in the old data were absent in the present samples. Heterozygosity remained stable in most breeds. The harmonic means for variance effective population size ranged between 30 and 257. Current results indicate that despite marked declines in total population sizes, North European native cattle breeds have retained a reasonably high genetic diversity. However, their genes contribute less than previously to genetic variation of Nordic production breeds. Commercial breeds do not appear to have a larger effective population size than native breeds. The present effective population sizes imply that Nordic breeds could have lost from 1 to 11% of their heterozygosity over a 20-40-year period.  相似文献   

In response to the increased concern over agriculture’s contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, more detailed assessments of current methane emissions and their variation, within and across individual dairy farms and cattle, are of interest for research and policy development. This assessment will provide insights into possible changes needed to reduce GHG emissions, the nature and direction of these changes, ways to influence farmer behavior and areas to maximize the adoption of emerging mitigation technologies. The objectives of this study were to (1) quantify the variation in enteric fermentation methane emissions within and among seasonal calving dairy farms with the majority of nutritional requirements met through grazed pasture; (2) use this variation to assess the potential of new individual animal emission monitoring technologies and their impact on mitigation policy. We used a large database of cow performance records for milk production and survival from 2 398 herds in New Zealand, and simulation to account for unobserved variation in feed efficiency and methane emissions per unit of feed. Results showed an average of 120 ± 31.4 kg predicted methane (CH4) per cow per year after accounting for replacement costs, ranging 8.9–323 kg CH4/cow per year. Whereas milk production, survival and predicted live weight were reasonably effective at predicting both individual and herd average levels of per cow feed intake, substantial within animal variation in emissions per unit of feed reduced the ability of these variables to predict variation in per animal methane output. Animal-level measurement technologies predicting only feed intake but not emissions per unit of feed are unlikely to be effective for advancing national policy goals of reducing dairy farming enteric methane output. This is because farmers seek to profitably utilize all farm feed resources available, so improvements in feed efficiency will not result in the reduction in feed utilization required to reduce methane emissions. At a herd level, average per cow milk production and live weight could form the basis of assigning a farm-level point of obligation for methane emissions. In conclusion, a comprehensive national database infrastructure that was tightly linked to animal identification and movement systems, and captured live weight data from existing farm-level recording systems, would be required to make this effective. Additional policy and incentivization mechanisms would still be required to encourage farmer uptake of mitigation interventions, such as novel feed supplements or vaccines that reduce methane emissions per unit of feed.  相似文献   

Paternal origins of Chinese cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To determine the genetic diversity and paternal origin of Chinese cattle, 302 males from 16 Chinese native cattle breeds as well as 30 Holstein males and four Burma males as controls were analysed using four Y‐SNPs and two Y‐STRs. In Chinese bulls, the taurine Y1 and Y2 haplogroups and indicine Y3 haplogroup were detected in seven, 172 and 123 individuals respectively, and these frequencies varied among the Chinese cattle breeds examined. Y2 dominates in northern China (91.4%), and Y3 dominates in southern China (90.8%). Central China is an admixture zone, although Y2 predominates overall (72.0%). The geographical distributions of the Y2 and Y3 haplogroup frequencies revealed a pattern of male indicine introgression from south to north China. The three Y haplogroups were further classified into one Y1 haplotype, five Y2 haplotypes and one Y3 haplotype in Chinese native bulls. Due to the interplay between taurine and indicine types, Chinese cattle represent an extensive reservoir of genetic diversity. The Y haplotype distribution of Chinese cattle exhibited a clear geographical structure, which is consistent with mtDNA, historical and geographical information.  相似文献   

Phylogeography has recently become more abundant in studies of demographic history of both wild and domestic species. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the intron of the Y-chromosomal gene UTY19 displays a north-south gradient in modern cattle. Support for this geographical distribution of haplogroups has previously also been seen in ancient cattle from Germany. However, when analysing 38 historic remains of domestic bulls and three aurochs from northern Europe for this SNP we found no such association. Instead, we noted extensive amounts of temporal variation that can be attributed to transportation of cattle and late breed formation.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA from representative animals of 13 different cattle breeds was assayed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) to determine phylogenetic relationships and levels of variation among breeds; 16 different mitotypes were found, described by 20 polymorphisms. Within these 16 mitotypes two major lineages were apparent: an Afro-European and an Asian type. These were found to differ at over 2.3% of sites surveyed. None of the mitotypes found in the Asian lineage was detectable in the Afro-European lineage and vice versa. Within each of the major mitotypes there were no further significant differences within or among breeds. Using rates of mitochondrial evolution estimated from other species, the two lineages were estimated to have diverged between 575000 and 1150000 years ago; well outside the 10000 years bp timeframe postulated by a single domestication hypothesis. The results presented are concordant with those generated in other studies and provide strong evidence for an independent domestication of Asian Bos indicus. Furthermore, the grouping of all African indicine populations within the clade containing all Bos taurus lineages points to the hybrid origins of the humped cattle of that continent.  相似文献   

A 307-bp Sau3AI fragment previously cloned by deletion enrichment from the bovine Y chromosome was used to isolate a larger lambda EMBL3A genomic cattle clone. The whole 13-kb insert did not give a sex-specific pattern of hybridization to Southern blots of cattle DNA. Subclones from this phage, however, did show that this fragment had a Y-chromosomal origin. It was estimated that at least 40% of the cattle Y chromosome is composed of repeated sequences related to those within these subcloned fragments. Sequences within these subclones are male-specific or male-enriched also in sheep, goats, and deer. Comparison of cattle and sheep homologues of these sequences reveals that much greater amplification and rearrangement have occurred on the cattle Y chromosome than on the sheep Y. The apparent insertion of sequences into cattle Y-specific sequences relative to the sheep homologues suggests possible mechanisms for the evolution of the artiodactyl Y chromosome.  相似文献   

Landrace potato cultivars are native to two areas in South America: the high Andes from eastern Venezuela to northern Argentina and the lowlands of south-central Chile. Potato first appeared outside of South America in Europe in 1567 and rapidly diffused worldwide. Two competing hypotheses suggested the origin of the "European" potato from the Andes or from lowland Chile, but the Andean origin has been widely accepted over the last 60 years. All modern potato cultivars predominantly have Chilean germplasm, explained as originating from breeding with Chilean landraces subsequent to the late blight epidemics beginning in 1845 in the UK. The Andean origin has been questioned recently through examination of landraces in India and the Canary Islands, but this evidence is inferential. Through a plastid DNA deletion marker from historical herbarium specimens, we report that the Andean potato predominated in the 1700s, but the Chilean potato was introduced into Europe as early as 1811 and became predominant long before the late blight epidemics in the UK. Our results provide the first direct evidence of these events and change the history of introduction of the European potato. They shed new light on the value of past breeding efforts to recreate the European potato from Andean forms and highlight the value of herbarium specimens in investigating origins of crop plants.  相似文献   

We have analyzed eight Y-chromosomal binary markers (YAP, RPS4Y711, M9, M175, LINE1, SRY+465, 47z, and M95) and three Y-STR markers (DYS390, DYS391, and DYS393) in 738 males from 11 ethnic groups in east Asia in order to study the male lineage history of Korea. Haplogroup DE-YAP was found at a high frequency only in Japan but was also present at low frequencies in northeast Asia, including 2.5% in Korea, suggesting a northern origin for these chromosomes. Haplogroup C-RPS4Y711 was present in Korea and Manchuria at moderate frequencies: higher than in populations from southeast Asia, but lower than those in the northeast, which may imply a northern Asian expansion of these lineages, perhaps from Mongolia or Siberia. The major Y-chromosomal expansions in east Asia were those of haplogroup O-M175 (and its sublineages). This haplogroup is likely to have originated in southern east Asia and subsequently expanded to all of east Asia. The moderate frequency of one sublineage in the Koreans, haplogroup O-LINE1 (12.5%), could be a result of interaction with Chinese populations. The age of another sublineage, haplogroup O-SRY+465, and Y-STR haplotype diversity provide evidence for relatively recent male migration, originally from China, through Korea into Japan. In conclusion, the distribution pattern of Y-chromosomal haplogroups reveals the complex origin of the Koreans, resulting from genetic contributions involving the northern Asian settlement and range expansions mostly from southern-to-northern China.  相似文献   

Faecal samples from 94 dairy cows and 42 calves in three different herds were examined by a variety of techniques for campylobacters. Cefoperazone amphotericin teicoplanin (CAT) agar, modified cefoperazone charcoal deoxycholate agar (mCCDA), Karmali agar, and membrane filtration onto blood agar, were used with and without enrichment in CAT broth. Seventy-nine percent of cattle in herd A carried campylobacters, compared with 40% and 37·5% of cattle in herds B and C, respectively. Most animals carried only one species of Campylobacter . Campylobacter hyointestinalis was isolated most frequently (32% animals positive) with Camp. fetus subsp. fetus and Camp. jejuni subsp. jejuni detected in 11% and 7% of animals, respectively. In addition, a novel biotype of Camp. sputorum was isolated from 60% of 47 cows tested in herd A. Direct plating detected only two of the total of 40 animals positive for campylobacter. Enrichment in CAT broth before membrane filtration onto blood agar or CAT agar were the most successful methods of plating. Campylobacter sputorum was isolated from CAT agar and blood agar but not from mCCDA or Karmali agar. Karmali agar incubated at 30 °C was especially effective for isolating Camp. fetus subsp. fetus .  相似文献   

Rheological properties are important for the design and modelling of handling and treating fluids. In the present study, the viscosity of liquid manure (about 10% total solids) was measured at different shear rates (2.38-238 s(-1)). The effect of temperature on the viscosity at different shear rates was also studied. The results showed that manure has non-Newtonian flow properties, because the viscosity strongly depended on the applied shear rate. The results showed also that manure behaves like real plastic materials. The power-law model of the shear stress and the rate of shear showed that the magnitude of the consistency coefficient decreased while increasing the temperature, with high values of the determination coefficient. Moreover, the results showed that the Arrhenius-type model fitted the temperature effect on manure viscosity very well (R2 at least 0.95) with calculated activation energy of 17.0+/-0.3 kJ mol(-1).  相似文献   

Aims:  To study the seasonal variation of Shiga toxin-encoding genes ( stx ) and to investigate the presence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157 in cattle belonging to five dairy farms from Argentina.
Methods and Results:  Rectal swab samples were collected from 360 dairy cows in each season and 115 and 137 calves in autumn and in spring, respectively. The stx were investigated by multiplex PCR and it was used as the indicator for STEC. Samples positives for stx were tested by PCR for eae-γ1 of E. coli O157 and then subjected to IMS (immunomagnetic separation). In positive animals significant differences in the prevalence of stx between warm and cold seasons were detected. In warm seasons, stx1  +  stx2 increased and stx1 decreased, independently of the animal category. The prevalence of STEC O157 in cows and calves were 0·2% and 0·8%, respectively.
Conclusions:  This work provides new data about the occurrence of stx and STEC O157 in dairy herds from Argentina and suggests a relationship between the type of stx and season of year.
Significance and Impact of Study:  The detection of STEC O157 and the seasonality of stx and its types provide an opportunity to improve control strategies designed to prevent contamination of food products and transmission animal-person.  相似文献   

Gay JM 《Theriogenology》2006,66(3):629-632
Our understanding of the epidemiology of bovine neosporosis is advancing rapidly with considerable research activity being facilitated by improving methods. The dynamics of the infection in the known definitive hosts, the dog and the coyote, are being described. Improved procedures for production of oocysts enables the horizontal transmission to intermediate hosts and the subsequent more natural infection process to be studied. Details of the sylvatic cycles, potentially involving other animals in the dairy environment, are also emerging.  相似文献   

Previous studies of human Y-chromosomal single-nucleotide polymorphisms (Y-SNPs) established a link between the extant Y-SNP haplogroup distribution and the prehistoric demography of Europe. By contrast, our analysis of seven rapidly evolving Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat loci (Y-STRs) in over 12,700 samples from 91 different locations in Europe reveals a signature of more recent historic events, not previously detected by other genetic markers. Cluster analysis based upon molecular variance yields two clearly identifiable sub-clusters of Western and Eastern European Y-STR haplotypes, and a diverse transition zone in central Europe, where haplotype spectra change more rapidly with longitude than with latitude. This and other observed patterns of Y-STR similarity may plausibly be related to particular historical incidents, including, for example, the expansion of the Franconian and Ottoman Empires. We conclude that Y-STRs may be capable of resolving male genealogies to an unparalleled degree and could therefore provide a useful means to study local population structure and recent demographic history.L. Roewer and P.J.P. Croucher contributed equally to this paper.This revised version was published online in February 2005 with corrections to the addresses of the authors of the Forensic Y-Chromosome Research Group.  相似文献   

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