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Collectins are secreted collagen-like lectins that bind, agglutinate, and neutralize influenza A virus (IAV) in vitro. Surfactant proteins A and D (SP-A and SP-D) are collectins expressed in the airway and alveolar epithelium and could have a role in the regulation of IAV infection in vivo. Previous studies have shown that binding of SP-D to IAV is dependent on the glycosylation of specific sites on the HA1 domain of hemagglutinin on the surface of IAV, while the binding of SP-A to the HA1 domain is dependent on the glycosylation of the carbohydrate recognition domain of SP-A. Here, using SP-A and SP-D gene-targeted mice on a common C57BL6 background, we report that viral replication and the host response as measured by weight loss, neutrophil influx into the lung, and local cytokine release are regulated by SP-D but not SP-A when the IAV is glycosylated at a specific site (N165) on the HA1 domain. SP-D does not protect against IAV infection with a strain lacking glycosylation at N165. With the exception of a small difference on day 2 after infection with X-79, we did not find any significant difference in viral load in SP-A(-/-) mice with either IAV strain, although small differences in the cytokine responses to IAV were detected in SP-A(-/-) mice. Mice deficient in both SP-A and SP-D responded to IAV similarly to mice deficient in SP-D alone. Since most strains of IAV currently circulating are glycosylated at N165, SP-D may play a role in protection from IAV infection.  相似文献   

Influenza virus infection remains a public health problem worldwide. The mechanisms underlying viral control during an uncomplicated influenza virus infection are not fully understood. Here, we developed a mathematical model including both innate and adaptive immune responses to study the within-host dynamics of equine influenza virus infection in horses. By comparing modeling predictions with both interferon and viral kinetic data, we examined the relative roles of target cell availability, and innate and adaptive immune responses in controlling the virus. Our results show that the rapid and substantial viral decline (about 2 to 4 logs within 1 day) after the peak can be explained by the killing of infected cells mediated by interferon activated cells, such as natural killer cells, during the innate immune response. After the viral load declines to a lower level, the loss of interferon-induced antiviral effect and an increased availability of target cells due to loss of the antiviral state can explain the observed short phase of viral plateau in which the viral level remains unchanged or even experiences a minor second peak in some animals. An adaptive immune response is needed in our model to explain the eventual viral clearance. This study provides a quantitative understanding of the biological factors that can explain the viral and interferon kinetics during a typical influenza virus infection.  相似文献   

Despite the public health importance of giardiasis in all of Europe, reliable data on the incidence and prevalence in Western Balkan Countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and FYR Macedonia) are scarce, and the relative contribution of waterborne and food-borne, or person-to-person and/or animal-to-person, transmission of human giardiasis is not yet clear. To provide baseline data for the estimation of the public health risk caused by Giardia, we here review the information available on the epidemiological characteristics of asymptomatic and symptomatic human infection in Serbia. Although asymptomatic cases of Giardia represent a major proportion of the total cases of infection, high rates of Giardia infection were found in both asymptomatic and symptomatic populations. No waterborne outbreaks of giardiasis have been reported, and it thus seems that giardiasis mostly occurs sporadically in our milieu. Under such circumstances, control measures to reduce the high prevalence of giardiasis in Serbia have focused on person-to-person transmission, encouraging proper hygiene, but for more targeted intervention measures, studies to identify other risk factors for asymptomatic and symptomatic infections are needed.  相似文献   

1. We have used molecular methods to unravel a remarkable diversity of parasite lineages in a long-term population study of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus that was not foreseen from traditional microscopic examination of blood smears. This diversity includes eight Haemoproteus and 10 Plasmodium lineages of which most probably represent good biological species. 2. Contrary to expectation, the relative frequency of parasite lineages seemed not to change over the 17-year study period and we found no effects of the parasites on a male secondary sexual ornament (song repertoire size) and two measures of fitness (adult survival and production of recruited offspring). 3. We discuss whether the absence of fitness consequences of the parasites might relate to the fact that we have studied the host at the breeding sites in Europe, whereas the transmission seems to take place at the wintering sites in Africa, where the na?ve birds encounter the parasites for the first time and the resulting primary infections likely make them sicker than during the chronic phase of the infection. 4. The prevalence of the three most common lineages appeared to fluctuate in parallel with a periodicity of approximately 3-4 years. Theoretical models based on intrinsic interactions between parasite antigen and host immune genes cannot explain such dynamics, suggesting that knowledge of extrinsic parameters such as vector distribution and alternative hosts are required to understand these patterns.  相似文献   

Pyroptosis and host cell death responses during Salmonella infection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Salmonella enterica are facultatively intracellular pathogens causing diseases with markedly visible signs of inflammation. During infection, Salmonella interacts with various host cell types, often resulting in death of those cells. Salmonella induces intestinal epithelial cell death via apoptosis, a cell death programme with a notably non-inflammatory outcome. In contrast, macrophage infection triggers caspase-1-dependent proinflammatory programmed cell death, a recently recognized process termed pyroptosis, which is distinguished from other forms of cellular demise by its unique mechanism, features and inflammatory outcome. Rapid macrophage pyroptosis depends on the Salmonella pathogenicity island-1 type III secretion system (T3SS) and flagella. Salmonella dynamically modulates induction of macrophage pyroptosis, and regulation of T3SS systems permits bacterial replication in specialized intracellular niches within macrophages. However, these infected macrophages later undergo a delayed form of caspase-1-dependent pyroptosis. Caspase-1-deficient mice are more susceptible to a number of bacterial infections, including salmonellosis, and pyroptosis is therefore considered a generalized protective host response to infection. Thus, Salmonella-induced pyroptosis serves as a model to understand a broadly important pathway of proinflammatory programmed host cell death: examining this system affords insight into mechanisms of both beneficial and pathological cell death and strategies employed by pathogens to modulate host responses.  相似文献   

Two important glycoproteins on the influenza virus membrane, hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA), are relevant to virus replication. As previously reported, HA has a substrate specificity towards SIA-2,3-GAL-1,4-NAG (3SL) and SIA-2,6-GAL-1,4-NAG (6SL) glycans, while NA can cleave both types of linkages. However, the substrate binding into NA and its preference are not well understood. In this work, the glycan binding and specificity of human and avian NAs were evaluated by classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, whilst the conformational diversity of 3SL avian and 6SL human glycans in an unbound state was investigated by replica exchange MD simulations. The results indicated that the 3SL avian receptor fits well in the binding cavity of all NAs and does not require a conformational change for such binding compared to the flexible shape of the 6SL human receptor. From the QM/MM-GBSA binding free energy and decomposition free energy data, 6SL showed a much stronger binding towards human NAs (H1N1, H2N2 and H3N2) than to avian NAs (H5N1 and H7N9). This suggests that influenza NAs have a substrate specificity corresponding to their HA, indicating the functional balance between the two important glycoproteins. Both linkages show distinct glycan topologies when complexed with NAs, while the flexibility of torsion angles between GAL and NAG in 6SL results in the various shapes of glycan and different binding patterns. Lower conformational diversities of both glycans when bound to NA compared to the unbound state were found, and were required in order to be accommodated within the NA cavity.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Microsporum canis is the main zoophylic dermatophyte in dogs and cats, and it is also an important zoonotic agent. The literature showed that cats are asymptomatic carriers of M. canis. This is apparently due to host resistance and/or the presence of strains with lower virulence. This study was aimed to evaluate the keratinolytic, elastinolytic and collagenolytic activities of M. canis strains and their relationship with symptomatic and asymptomatic cats. In addition, these strains were analysed by RFLP. The strains isolated from cats with clinical dermatophytosis had higher keratinase and elastase activity than those isolated from asymptomatic animals (p minus than 0.05). There were not differences in RFLP patterns based on Hind III digestion.  相似文献   

To investigate the cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses of the host during the development of acute filarial disease manifestations, we studied the sequential changes in CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subsets, leukocyte migration inhibition (LMI) response to Brugia malayi adult worm antigen, and concanavalin-A (ConA) and filarial antigen-induced lymphocyte transformation (LT) in the Indian leaf monkey (Presbytis entellus)-B. malayi model. Filarial infection was established in monkeys by subcutaneous inoculations of infective larvae (L3) (700-1,250 L3/monkey) in multiple doses, and the infected monkeys were categorized as symptomatic (Sym) and asymptomatic (Asym) depending on whether or not acute clinical manifestations were shown by them. In Sym monkeys, LMI response to homologous adult parasite antigen was significantly suppressed as compared to Asym monkeys. In Asym monkeys, LMI response varied among the animals; 2 showed an increase throughout the study period and 2 showed suppression at different time points. When compared with Asym monkeys, CD8+ T cells in Sym monkeys showed a trend of significant increase after day 180 postinoculation (PI). CD4+ T cells remained within the normal range till day 300 (PI), after which they showed a marginal increase. ConA-stimulated LT was suppressed in Asym monkeys from day 60 PI. Antigen-stimulated LT was unresponsive in both Asym and Sym animals. Thus, the host's LT response to ConA is suppressed in Asym animals, and alteration in CD8+ T-cell number and LMI response in Sym monkeys may be involved in the development of the acute disease manifestations in this model.  相似文献   

To gain insight into avian influenza virus (AIV) transmission, exposure, and maintenance patterns in shorebirds at Delaware Bay during spring migration, we examined temporal AIV prevalence trends in four Charadriiformes species with the use of serial cross-sectional data from 2000 through 2008 and generalized linear and additive models. Prevalence of AIV in Ruddy Turnstones (Arenaria interpres morinella) increased after arrival, peaked in mid-late May, and decreased prior to departure. Antibody prevalence also increased over this period; together, these results suggested local infection and recovery prior to departure. Red Knots (Calidris canutus rufa), Sanderlings (Calidris alba), and Laughing Gulls (Leucophaeus atricilla) were rarely infected, but dynamic changes in antibody prevalence differed among species. In Red Knots, declining antibody prevalence over the stopover period suggested AIV exposure prior to arrival at Delaware Bay with limited infection at this site. Antibody prevalence was consistently high in Laughing Gulls and low in Sanderlings. Both viral prevalence and antibody prevalence in Sanderlings varied directly with those in turnstones, suggesting virus spillover to Sanderlings. Results indicate that, although hundreds of thousands of birds concentrate at Delaware Bay during spring, dynamics of AIV infection differ among species, perhaps due to differences in susceptibility, potential for contact with AIV at this site, or prior exposure. Additionally, Ruddy Turnstones possibly act as a local AIV amplifying host rather than a reservoir.  相似文献   

Mice infected with influenza virus develop cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for viral antigens prior to the appearance of virus-specific antibody-forming cells (AFCs). Effector T cells were detected at a time coincident with a precipitous decline in pulmonary virus titer. CTLs of draining lymph nodes and spleen were found to be cross-reactive among H-2 compatible cells infected with influenza type A virus subtypes. AFCs were observed to be primarily hemagglutinin specific. Virus-specific IgA-secreting AFCs were detected in mediastinal lymph nodes of infected mice.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of mortality in the Western world, contributing to about 50% of all deaths. Atherosclerosis is characterized by deposition of lipids onto the coronary or carotid arterial wall and formation of an atherosclerotic plaque. Atherosclerotic plaques are categorized into two groups: symptomatic and asymptomatic. The symptomatic plaques tend to be unstable and prone to rupture, and are associated with an increase in ischemic events. Oxysterols, products of cholesterol oxidation, are cytotoxic materials. Their level and type may be associated with plaque formation, development and stability. Oxysterols stimulate the formation of foam cells, advance atherosclerotic plaque progression, and contribute to plaque vulnerability and instability due to their cytotoxicity and their ability to induce cell apoptosis. Studies indicate that plasma 7β-OH CH level can be used as a biomarker for detecting carotid and coronary artery disease. Further clinical studies are needed to evaluate the potential of oxysterols for use as biomarkers for plaque vulnerability and instability. The identification of biomarkers in the blood that can distinguish between symptomatic and asymptomatic plaques remains an unresolved issue.  相似文献   

Receptor activator of NF-kappaB (RANK) and its ligand (RANKL) are essential for osteoclast formation, function, and survival. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) inhibits RANK signaling by sequestering RANKL. This study evaluated the antiosteoclast and immunoregulatory effects of mouse rRANK-Fc, which, similar to OPG, can bind RANKL. The effect of RANKL inhibition by RANK-Fc on osteoclast function was determined by inhibition of vitamin D(3) (1,25(OH)(2)D(3))-induced hypercalcemia. Mice were injected with a single dose of 0, 10, 100, 500, or 1000 microg of RANK-Fc; 100 microg of OPG-Fc; or 5 microg of zoledronate 2 h before 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) challenge on day 0, and sacrificed on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, and 20. RANK-Fc doses of 100 or 500 microg were tested in a mouse respiratory influenza virus host-resistance model. A single dose of RANK-Fc > or =100 microg suppressed elevation of serum calcium levels and suppressed the bone turnover marker serum pyridinoline at day 4 and later time points, similar to those observed with OPG-Fc and zoledronate (p < or = 0.01 vs controls). By day 6, both immature and mature osteoclasts were depleted by high doses of RANK-Fc (500 and 1000 microg) or 100 microg of OPG-Fc. RANK-Fc doses of 100 or 500 microg had no detectable effect on immune responses to influenza infection, as measured by activation of cytotoxic T cell activity, influenza-specific IgG response, and virus clearance. RANK-Fc inhibition of RANKL has antiosteoclast activity at doses that have no detectable immunoregulatory activity, suggesting that RANKL inhibitors be further studied for their potential to treat excess bone loss.  相似文献   

甲型流感病毒作为引起人类和动物急性呼吸道传染病的一个主要病原体,在世界范围内广泛流行。研究表明,甲型流感病毒感染宿主后会诱导宿主的天然免疫应答。甲型流感病毒感染可引起Toll样受体(Toll like receptors,TLRs)和RIG-Ⅰ样受体(RIG-Ⅰ like receptors,RLRs)等宿主模式识别受体介导的抗病毒信号通路的活化,并在多种机制调控下诱导干扰素和其他细胞因子的表达,如Ⅰ型干扰素、Ⅲ型干扰素等,从而启动干扰素刺激基因(Interferon stimulated genes,ISGs)的转录及其抗病毒蛋白的表达,进而实现抗病毒作用。本文就甲型流感病毒感染与干扰素介导的天然免疫应答相关的信号通路和调控机制进行综述。  相似文献   

Genotypic diversity within host‐plant populations has been linked to the diversity of associated arthropod communities, but the temporal dynamics of this relationship, along with the underlying mechanisms, are not well understood. In this study, we employed a common garden experiment that manipulated the number of genotypes within patches of Solidago altissima, tall goldenrod, to contain 1, 3, 6 or 12 genotypes m?2 and measured both host‐plant and arthropod responses to genotypic diversity throughout an entire growing season. Despite substantial phenological changes in host plants and in the composition of the arthropod community, we detected consistent positive responses of arthropod diversity to host‐plant genotypic diversity throughout all but the end of the growing season. Arthropod richness and abundance increased with genotypic diversity by up to~65%. Furthermore, arthropod responses were non‐additive for most of the growing season, with up to 52% more species occurring in mixtures than the number predicted by summing the number of arthropods associated with component genotypes in monoculture. Non‐additive arthropod responses were likely driven by concurrent non‐additive increases in host‐plant aboveground biomass. Qualitative differences among host‐plant genotypes were also important early in the season, when specialist herbivores dominated the arthropod community. Neither arthropod diversity nor flower number was associated with genotypic diversity at the end of the growing season, when generalist floral‐associated herbivores dominated. Taken together, these results show that focusing on the temporal dynamics in the quantity and quality of co‐occurring host‐plant genotypes and associated community composition can help uncover the mechanisms that link intraspecific host‐plant diversity to the structure of arthropod communities. Furthermore, consistent non‐additive effects in genotypically diverse plots may limit the predictability of the arthropod community based solely on the genetic make‐up of a host‐plant patch.  相似文献   



The clinical attack rate of influenza is influenced by prior immunity and mixing patterns in the host population, and also by the proportion of infections that are asymptomatic. This complexity makes it difficult to directly estimate R0 from the attack rate, contributing to uncertainty in epidemiological models to guide pandemic planning. We have modelled multiple wave outbreaks of influenza from different populations to allow for changing immunity and asymptomatic infection and to make inferences about R0.

Data and Methods

On the island of Tristan da Cunha (TdC), 96% of residents reported illness during an H3N2 outbreak in 1971, compared with only 25% of RAF personnel in military camps during the 1918 H1N1 pandemic. Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) methods were used to estimate model parameter distributions.


We estimated that most islanders on TdC were non-immune (susceptible) before the first wave, and that almost all exposures of susceptible persons caused symptoms. The median R0 of 6.4 (95% credibility interval 3.7–10.7) implied that most islanders were exposed twice, although only a minority became ill in the second wave because of temporary protection following the first wave. In contrast, only 51% of RAF personnel were susceptible before the first wave, and only 38% of exposed susceptibles reported symptoms. R0 in this population was also lower [2.9 (2.3–4.3)], suggesting reduced viral transmission in a partially immune population.


Our model implies that the RAF population was partially protected before the summer pandemic wave of 1918, arguably because of prior exposure to interpandemic influenza. Without such protection, each symptomatic case of influenza would transmit to between 2 and 10 new cases, with incidence initially doubling every 1–2 days. Containment of a novel virus could be more difficult than hitherto supposed.  相似文献   

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