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To find why water hyacinth accumulates the toxic heavy metalion Cd2+, the plant was cultivated in a mineral medium supplementedwith Cd2+. Cd accumulated in the roots against the concentrationgradient, mostly as a soluble form in the cytoplasm. Chromatographywith Sephadex G-25 and G-50 columns showed that the accumulatedCd was present in two forms with mol wt of 2,300 and 3,000.The components carrying Cd showed a high ratio of absorbanceat 254 nm to that at 280 nm, which suggests that they resemblemammalian Cd-thioneins. These components were not detected inthe roots of water hyacinth cultivated in the absence of Cd2+,indicating that they are formed in response to the Cd2+ supplement. (Received September 6, 1984; Accepted November 30, 1984)  相似文献   

Stone parsley, soybean, sunflower, sweet potato, potato, andadlay cultivated in a Cd2+-containing medium had Cd-bindingcomplexes with molecular weights of about 4,000 in the roottissues. The complexes were similar to the complex previouslyfound in water hyacinth roots in their absorption and CD spectraand their amino acid compositions. The results indicate thewidespread existence of complexes similar to fission yeast Cd-BPlin roots of various plants. (Received June 30, 1986; Accepted December 18, 1986)  相似文献   

凤眼莲根系中抑藻物质分离与鉴定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物之间相生相克现象指的是植物通过向环境分泌化学物质对另一植物产生影响(Rice 1984)。对这种现象的研究不单在植物生态、生理的基本理论上有重大意义,而且在作物增产、森林抚育、植物保护、污染防治及医疗卫生等实践中有着广阔的应用前景。1986~1987年,我们利用凤眼莲来治理富营养化水域获得了满意的效果(孙文浩等1989),原来藻类繁生的水域种植了凤眼莲后,藻类显著减少甚至消失,水变  相似文献   

An enzyme able to reduce cytochrome c via ferredoxin in the presence of NADPH, was isolated, purified from radish (Raphanus sativus var acanthiformis cultivar miyashige) roots and characterized. The enzyme was purified by DEAE-cellulose, Blue-Cellulofine, Ferredoxin-Sepharose 4B, and Sephadex G-100 column chromatography. Molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 33,000 and 35,000 daltons by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration and SDS-PAGE, respectively. Its absorption spectrum suggested that the enzyme contains flavin as a prosthetic group. The Km values for NADPH and ferredoxin were calculated to be 9.2 and 1.2 micromolar, respectively. The enzyme required NADPH and did not use NADH as an electron donor. The optimal pH was 8.4. The enzyme also catalyzed the photoreduction of NADP+ in the spinach leaf thylakoid membranes depleted of ferredoxin and ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase. The effect of NaCl and MgCl2 concentration on the activity and amino acid composition of the enzyme were demonstrated. The results suggest that the enzyme is similar to ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase from chloroplasts and cyanobacteria and is the key enzyme catalyzing the electron transport between NADPH, generated by the pentose phosphate pathway, and ferredoxin in plastids of plant heterotrophic tissues.  相似文献   

Glutamate synthase (GOGAT), a key enzyme in the pathway for the assimilation of symbiotically fixed dinitrogen (N2) into amino acids in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) root nodules, was purified and used to produce high titer polyclonal antibodies. Purification resulted in a 208-fold increase in specific activity to 13 micromole per minute per milligram of protein and an activity yield of 37%. Further purification to near homogeneity was achieved by fast protein liquid chromatography, but with substantial loss of activity. Enzymic activity was highly labile, losing 3% per hour even when substrates, stabilizers, and reducing agents were included in buffers. However, activity could be partially stabilized for up to 1 month by storing GOGAT at −80°C in 50% glycerol. The subunit molecular weight of GOGAT was estimated at 200 ± 7 kilodaltons with a native molecular weight of 235 ± 16 kilodaltons, which suggested that GOGAT is a monomer of unusually high molecular weight. The pl was estimated to be 6.6. The Km values for glutamine, α-ketoglutarate, and NADH were 466, 33, and 4.2 micromolar, respectively. Antibodies were produced to NADH-GOGAT. Specificity of the antibodies was shown by immunotitration of GOGAT activity. Alfalfa nodule NADH-GOGAT antibodies cross-reacted with polypeptides of a similar molecular weight in a number of legume species. Western blots probed with anti-GOGAT showed that the high GOGAT activity of nodules as compared to roots was associated with increased levels of GOGAT polypeptides. Nodule NADH-GOGAT appeared to be highly expressed in effective nodules and little if any in other organs.  相似文献   

Almost all the Ca2+-dependent protein kinase activity in nuclei purified from etiolated pea (Pisum sativum, L.) plumules is present in a single enzyme that can be extracted from chromatin by 0.3 molar NaCl. This protein kinase can be further purified 80,000-fold by salt fractionation and high performance liquid chromatography, after which it has a high specific activity of about 100 picomoles per minute per microgram in the presence of Ca2+ and reaches half-maximal activation at about 3 ×10−7 molar free Ca2+, without calmodulin. It is a monomer with a molecular weight near 90,000. It can efficiently use histone III-S, ribosomal S6 protein, and casein as artificial substrates, but it phosphorylates phosvitin only weakly. Its Ca2+-dependent kinase activity is half-maximally inhibited by 0.1 millimolar chlorpromazine, by 35 nanomolar K-252a and by 7 nanomolar staurosporine. It is insensitive to sphingosine, an inhibitor of protein kinase C, and to basic polypeptides that block other Ca2+-dependent protein kinases. It is not stimulated by exogenous phospholipids or fatty acids. In intact isolated pea nuclei it preferentially phosphorylates several chromatin-associated proteins, with the most phosphorylated protein band being near the same molecular weight (43,000) as a nuclear protein substrate whose phosphorylation has been reported to be stimulated by phytochrome in a calcium-dependent fashion.  相似文献   

从人良性增生前列腺组织中经硫酸铵沉淀和肝素-琼脂糖凝胶层析纯化出人前列腺生长因子(hPGF),纯化倍数约1000倍,SDS-PAGE和等电聚焦电泳示分子量约为17kD、等电点同标准bFGF,利用分离培养的人前列腺间质成纤维细胞进行活性鉴定,发现以1.3~1.7mol/LNaCl洗脱部分为hPGF,活性最高,对间质成纤维细胞有显著刺激增殖作用。  相似文献   

Light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein was purified from thylakoidmembranes of the marine unicellular alga Nannochloropsis sp.(Eustigmatophyceae), which contains neither chlorophyll b norchlorophyll c. Solubilization of thylakoid membranes with octyl-ß-D-glucopyranosideor with digitonin followed by separation on sucrose densitygradient yielded a chlorophyll-protein complex composed of anapoprotein of 26 kDa and an average of 9 chlorophyll a and 4violaxanthin molecules per apoprotein. Excitation spectra ofchlorophyll a fluorescence for the algal thylakoid membranesindicated energy transfer from the xanthophylls; however, anyattempt to solubilize the membranes greatly decreased energytransfer which was further reduced as the purification proceeded.The 26 kDa polypeptide of the isolated light-harvesting complexdid not cross-react with polyclonal antibodies raised againstanalogous proteins from higher plants and chlorophyll a/c alga.The N-terminus amino acid sequence of the apoprotein shows significantstructural similarity to the N-termini of the mature light harvestingfucoxanthin, chlorophyll a/c proteins from the diatom Phaeodactylumtricornutum, but not with the N-termini of light-harvestingproteins from chlorophyll a/b containing organisms. (Received June 25, 1992; Accepted July 28, 1992)  相似文献   

The lysosomal aspartyl protease cathepsin D is present in most mammalian cells and is active in the catabolism of intracellular and endocytosed proteins. It appears to be overexpressed and abnormally secreted in breast cancer cells, and may contribute to the process of tumor metastasis. In the present study, cathepsin D was purified 4500-fold from normal human breast tissue using pepstatin-agarose, DEAE Sephadex, and Sephadex G-75 chromatography. The resulting enzyme on SDS-PAGE contained five protein bands (47, 31, 29, 13, and 12kDa) which were all immunoreactive on western blot analysis using anti-cathepsin D polyclonal antibodies. The isoform profile of purified cathepsin D consisted of three major peaks at approximate pI 7.3, 6.8, and 6.3, and a broad area of lower activity between pI of 5.0 and 2.0. The purified enzyme had a broad pH optimum centered around pH 3.3. Lectin blotting indicated that cathepsin D is a glycoprotein which is recognized by Galanthus nivalis agglutinin and concanavalin A, suggesting the presence of mannose residues. However, Sambucus nigra agglutinin, Tetragonolobus purpureas agglutinin, Triticum vulgaris agglutinin, and Erythrina cristagalli agglutinin failed to recognize cathepsin D, suggesting a lack of lectin-available sialic acid, fucose, N-acetylglucosamine, and galactose residues, respectively.  相似文献   

研究了铜离子-半胱氨酸配合物的合成方法,探讨了合成工艺的主要影响因素,确定了原料配比,pH值,最佳反应时间及温度,采用X射线衍射光谱对配合物进行表征,结果表明铜离子能与半胱氨酸形成配合物。  相似文献   

A Ca2+-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) that has been partiallypurified and characterized previously [Yuasa and Muto (1992)Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 296: 175] was further purified to about20,000-fold from the soluble fraction of Dunaliella tertiolecta.The enzyme preparation contained 60- and 52-kDa polypeptidesboth of which phosphorylated casein as a substrate. Both polypeptidesshowed a Ca2+-dependent increase in mobility during SDS-PAGEand 45Ca2+-binding activity after SDS-PAGE and electroblottingonto a nitrocellulose membrane, suggesting that both the 60-and 52-kDa CDPKs directly bind Ca2+. The protein kinase inhibitors,K-252a and staurosporine, inhibited the CDPK competitively withrespect to ATP. An antibody raised against the 60-kDa CDPK crossreactedwith both the 60- and 52-kDa polypeptides. Both molecular specieswere autophosphorylated in the presence of Ca2+, and a highlyphosphorylated 80-kDa band appeared in addition to these phosphorylatedbands at 60 and 52 kDa in SDS-PAGE. However, the specific activityof CDPK was not changed by prior autophosphorylation when theautophosphorylated enzyme was assayed as a mixture of thesephosphorylated molecular species. Only the 60-kDa polypeptidewas immunodetected in subcellular fractions of Dunaliella cells.The 52-kDa polypeptide increased during storage of the enzyme.These results suggest that the 52-kDa polypeptide is a proteolyticartifact produced during purification. Immunoreactive bandsof 60-kDa were detected in extracts of several green algae butnot in extracts of higher plants or a brown alga. 1This research was partly supported by Grants-in-Aid from theMinistry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan (No. 06454013and 06304023) and Research Fellowship of the Japan Society forthe Promotion of Science for Young Sciencists. 2Research Fellow (PD) of the Japan Society for the Promotionof Science.  相似文献   

The large-sized botulinum toxin complex (L-TC) is composed of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) and nontoxic proteins, e.g. nontoxic nonhemagglutinin (NTNHA) and three types of hemagglutinins (HAs; HA-33, HA-17 and HA-70). The nontoxic proteins play a critical role in L-TC oral toxicity by protecting the BoNT in the digestive tract, and facilitating absorption of the L-TC across the intestinal wall. Under alkaline conditions, the L-TC separates into BoNT and the nontoxic protein complex (NC). In this study, we established a two-step procedure to yield highly pure NC from the L-TC produced by Clostridium botulinum serotype D strain 4947 in which the NC was isolated from the L-TC by gel filtration under alkaline conditions followed by immunoprecipitation with an anti-BoNT antibody to remove contaminating BoNT from the NC fraction. Western blotting and electrophoretic analysis showed that the highly purified NC fraction had only very slight or no BoNT contamination. In addition, the purified NC fraction showed no intraperitoneal (ip) toxicity to mice at a dose of 38?ng per animal whereas the L-TC exhibited an ip median lethal dose of 0.38?ng per mouse. The highly purified NC displayed the same hemagglutination titer as the L-TC. The NC, as well as the L-TC, demonstrated cell binding and monolayer transport in the rat intestinal epithelial cell line IEC-6. Consequently, the highly purified NC can function as a ??delivery vehicle?? even without the BoNT.  相似文献   

Expression of a cold-regulated protein with a molecular massof 85 kDa (COR85) is closely associated with the developmentof freezing tolerance during cold-acclimation of spinach [Kazuokaand Oeda (1992) Plant Cell Physiol. 33: 1107]. In the presentstudy, COR85 was purified from the leaves of cold-acclimatedspinach by ion-exchange chromatography. COR85 was a member ofthe Group II LEA protein family and appeared to form a homo-oligomericcomplex with a molecular mass of 350 kDa in the cytosol. Anti-COR85antiserum cross-reacted with both CORs140 and 85 in spinach,and with some heat-stable CORs from wheat and Arabidopsis. COR85is inducible in the whole plant by drought and salt stress,but hot in roots at low temperature. In the non-stressed plants,COR85 accumulates specifically in the cotyledons and roots atthe early stages of development after germination and in theleaves that have become etiolated as a result of natural senescence.We also obtained evidence that COR85 is involved in cryoprotectionof freezing-sensitive enzymes. In an assay in vitro, among thenine proteins with a variety of hydrophilicities, COR85 wasthe most effective in protecting lactate dehydrogenase againstdenaturation by freezing. Putative functions of COR85 in thedehydrating cells during extracellular freezing are discussed. (Received November 2, 1993; Accepted March 7, 1994)  相似文献   

Cadmium uptake by a Cd2+-sensitive (1A1) and a Cd2+-resistant mutant (1A1r) strain of Bacillus subtilis was investigated. Uptake of 109Cd2+ was determined for cells of both strains grown in tryptone broth and in broth containing tryptone, yeast extract, and glucose (TYG). The extent of 109Cd2+ uptake by cells of 1A1r was less than by cells of 1A1 under both growth conditions. In both growth media, 109Cd2+ uptake by 1A1 cells demonstrated saturation kinetics and was energy dependent. In both TYG and tryptone broth, 109Cd2+ uptake by 1A1 cells was inhibited by the addition of unlabeled Mn2+. Although lower in magnitude, the kinetics of 109Cd2+ uptake by 1A1r cells were similar to those of 1A1 cells when grown in tryptone broth. However, no obvious saturation kinetics, energy dependence, temperature sensitivity, or inhibition of 109Cd2+ uptake by the addition of unlabeled Mn2+ was observed in 1A1r cells grown in TYG. Differential Mn2+ accumulation by 1A1r cells in TYG and tryptone broth correlated with differential 109Cd2+ uptake by 1A1r cells in these media.  相似文献   

A calcium-dependent protein kinase was partially purified and characterized from the green alga Dunaliella salina. The enzyme was activated at free Ca2+ concentrations above 10−7 molar. and half-maximal activation was at about 3 × 10−7 molar. The optimum pH for its Ca2+-dependent activity was 7.5. The addition of various phospholipids and diolein had no effects on enzyme activity and did not alter the sensitivity of the enzyme toward Ca2+. The enzyme was inhibited by calmodulin antagonists, N-(6-aminohexyl)-1-naphthalene sulfonamide and N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene sulfonamide in a dose-dependent manner while the protein kinase C inhibitor, sphingosine, had little effect on enzyme activity up to 800 micromolar. Immunoassay showed some calmodulin was present in the kinase preparations. However, it is unlikely the kinase was calmodulin regulated, since it still showed stimulation by Ca2+ in gel assays after being electrophoretically separted from calmodulin by two different methods. This gel method of detection of the enzyme indicated that a protein band with an apparent molecular weight of 40,000 showed protein kinase activity at each one of the several steps in the purification procedure. Gel assay analysis also showed that after native gel isoelectric focusing the partially purified kinase preparations had two bands with calcium-dependent activity, at isoelectric points 6.7 and 7.1. By molecular weight, by isoelectric point, and by a comparative immunoassay, the Dunaliella kinase appears to differ from at least some of the calcium-dependent, but calmodulin and phospholipid independent kinases described from higher plants.  相似文献   

A K+-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase was partially characterized in plasma membrane from meristematic and mature soybean root tissue. The substrate concentrations required for maximum enzyme activity (3 millimolar Mg·ATP) and pH optimum (6.5) were similar for both systems. Enrichment studies, performed to ensure that the membrane vesicle preparations were comparable, indicated similar purity levels at selected steps during purification. Phospholipid and sterol analyses further substantiated their similarity.  相似文献   

A dipeptidase was purified to homogeneity from a crude cell extract of Streptococcus cremoris Wg2 by DEAE-Sephacel column chromatography followed by preparative disc gel electrophoresis. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme showed a single protein band with a molecular weight of 49,000. The dipeptidase is capable of hydrolyzing a range of dipeptides, but not peptides with longer chains. The enzyme was shown to be a metallo-Mn2+ enzyme with a pH optimum of 8 and a temperature optimum of 50°C. The enzyme is strongly inhibited by thiol-reducing reagents but not by sulfhydryl reagents. Kinetic studies indicated that the enzyme has a relatively low affinity for leucyl-leucine and alanyl-alanine (Km, 1.6 and 7.9 mM, respectively) but can hydrolyze these substrates at very high rates (Vmax, 3,700 and 13,000 μmol/min per mg of protein, respectively).  相似文献   

The sensitivity of twelve strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiaeto Cd2+ was examined in correlation with the uptake of Cd2+.Strains of S. cerevisiae were grouped into three categoriesdepending on the sensitivity of cells grown on agar-plates containingvarious concentrations of Cd2+. 1) The sensitive group did notgrow in 0.1 mM Cd2+. 2) The sub-tolerant group was capable ofgrowth at 0.3 min Cd2+, but not at 0.4 mM Cd2+. 3) The tolerantgroup was capable of growth at 0.4 mM Cd2+ or higher. In thesestrain groups the increase in sensitivity to Cd2+ was associatedwith an increase in the activity of Cd2+ absorption. 1 This study is dedicated to the late president J. Ashida ofEhime University. (Received November 25, 1982; Accepted February 14, 1983)  相似文献   

细菌胞壁多糖对水体中低浓度Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
室内模拟研究了长春市伊通河天然水环境中优势细菌胞壁多糖对Pb2+和Cd2+吸附,结果发现胞壁多糖对pb2+和Cd2+的吸附量分别在pH为4.5、5.0时最大;且均分为两个阶段,即当pH<4.5,对Pb2+的吸附量与pH呈正相关,当pH>4.5时,对Pb2+的吸附量与pH呈负相关;对Cd2+的吸附量在pH<5.0时与pH呈正相关,在pH>5.0时与pH呈负相关.温度对胞壁多糖吸附Pb2+和Cd2+影响不显著;吸附体系在8 h达到吸附平衡.共存Cd2+对胞壁多糖吸附Pb2+影响显著,而共存Pb2+对吸附Cd2+不显著.胞壁多糖对Pb2+和Cd2+吸附过程符合Iangmuir和Freundlich热力学等温方程;胞壁多糖吸附Pb2+和Cd2+的动力学过程分为快速阶段和慢速阶段,其中慢速阶段符合二级吸附速率动力学方程.  相似文献   

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