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Human gammaD crystallin (HgammaD-Crys), a major component of the human eye lens, is a 173-residue, primarily beta-sheet protein, associated with juvenile and mature-onset cataracts. HgammaD-Crys has four tryptophans, with two in each of the homologous Greek key domains, which are conserved throughout the gamma-crystallin family. HgammaD-Crys exhibits native-state fluorescence quenching, despite the absence of ligands or cofactors. The tryptophan absorption and fluorescence quenching may influence the lens response to ultraviolet light or the protection of the retina from ambient ultraviolet damage. To provide fluorescence reporters for each quadrant of the protein, triple mutants, each containing three tryptophan-to-phenylalanine substitutions and one native tryptophan, have been constructed and expressed. Trp 42-only and Trp 130-only exhibited fluorescence quenching between the native and denatured states typical of globular proteins, whereas Trp 68-only and Trp 156-only retained the anomalous quenching pattern of wild-type HgammaD-Crys. The three-dimensional structure of HgammaD-Crys shows Tyr/Tyr/His aromatic cages surrounding Trp 68 and Trp 156 that may be the source of the native-state quenching. During equilibrium refolding/unfolding at 37 degrees C, the tryptophan fluorescence signals indicated that domain I (W42-only and W68-only) unfolded at lower concentrations of GdnHCl than domain II (W130-only and W156-only). Kinetic analysis of both the unfolding and refolding of the triple-mutant tryptophan proteins identified an intermediate along the HgammaD-Crys folding pathway with domain I unfolded and domain II intact. This species is a candidate for the partially folded intermediate in the in vitro aggregation pathway of HgammaD-Crys.  相似文献   

Aggregation of beta-amyloid (Abeta) into fibrillar deposits is widely believed to initiate a cascade of adverse biological responses associated with Alzheimer's disease. Although it was once assumed that the mature fibril was the toxic form of Abeta, recent evidence supports the hypothesis that Abeta oligomers, intermediates in the fibrillogenic pathway, are the dominant toxic species. In this work we used urea to reduce the driving force for Abeta aggregation, in an effort to isolate stable intermediate species. The effect of urea on secondary structure, size distribution, aggregation kinetics, and aggregate morphology was examined. With increasing urea concentration, beta-sheet content and the fraction of aggregated peptide decreased, the average size of aggregates was reduced, and the morphology of aggregates changed from linear to a globular/linear mixture and then to globular. The data were analyzed using a previously published model of Abeta aggregation kinetics. The model and data were consistent with the hypothesis that the globular aggregates were intermediates in the amyloidogenesis pathway rather than alternatively aggregated species. Increasing the urea concentration from 0.4 M to 2 M decreased the rate of filament initiation the most; between 2 M and 4 M urea the largest change was in partitioning between the nonamyloid and amyloid pathways, and between 4 M and 6 M urea, the most significant change was a reduction in the rate of filament elongation.  相似文献   

All-atom force fields are now routinely used for more detailed understanding of protein folding mechanisms. However, it has been pointed out that use of all-atom force fields does not guarantee more accurate representations of proteins; in fact, sometimes it even leads to biased structural distributions. Indeed, several issues remain to be solved in force field developments, such as accurate treatment of implicit solvation for efficient conformational sampling and proper treatment of backbone interactions for secondary structure propensities. In this study, we first investigate the quality of several recently improved backbone interaction schemes in AMBER for folding simulations of a beta-hairpin peptide, and further study their influences on the peptide's folding mechanism. Due to the significant number of simulations needed for a thorough analysis of tested force fields, the implicit Poisson-Boltzmann solvent was used in all simulations. The chosen implicit solvent was found to be reasonable for studies of secondary structures based on a set of simulations of both alpha-helical and beta-hairpin peptides with the TIP3P explicit solvent as benchmark. Replica exchange molecular dynamics was also utilized for further efficient conformational sampling. Among the tested AMBER force fields, ff03 and a revised ff99 force field were found to produce structural and thermodynamic data in comparably good agreement with the experiment. However, detailed folding pathways, such as the order of backbone hydrogen bond zipping and the existence of intermediate states, are different between the two force fields, leading to force field-dependent folding mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the mammary gland, epithelial cells are embedded in a ‘soft' environment and become functionally differentiated in culture when exposed to a laminin-rich extracellular matrix gel. Here, we define the processes by which mammary epithelial cells integrate biochemical and mechanical extracellular cues to maintain their differentiated phenotype. We used single cells cultured on top of gels in conditions permissive for β-casein expression using atomic force microscopy to measure the elasticity of the cells and their underlying substrata. We found that maintenance of β-casein expression required both laminin signalling and a ‘soft' extracellular matrix, as is the case in normal tissues in vivo, and biomimetic intracellular elasticity, as is the case in primary mammary epithelial organoids. Conversely, two hallmarks of breast cancer development, stiffening of the extracellular matrix and loss of laminin signalling, led to the loss of β-casein expression and non-biomimetic intracellular elasticity. Our data indicate that tissue-specific gene expression is controlled by both the tissues' unique biochemical milieu and mechanical properties, processes involved in maintenance of tissue integrity and protection against tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Alpha-crystallin, the major eye-lens protein with sequence homology with heat-shock proteins (HSPs), acts like a molecular chaperone by suppressing the aggregation of damaged crystallins and proteins. To gain more insight into its chaperoning ability, we used a protease as the model system that is known to require a propeptide (intramolecular chaperone) for its proper folding. The protease (\"N\" state) from Conidiobolus macrosporus (NCIM 1298) unfolds at pH 2.0 (\"U\" state) through a partially unfolded \"I\" state at pH 3.5 that undergoes transition to a molten globule-(MG) like \"I(A)\" state in the presence of 0.5 M sodium sulfate. The thermally-stressed I(A) state showed complete loss of structure and was prone to aggregation. Alpha-crystallin was able to bind to this state and suppress its aggregation, thereby preventing irreversible denaturation of the enzyme. The alpha-crystallin-bound I(A) state exhibited native-like secondary and tertiary structure showing the interaction of alpha-crystallin with the MG state of the protease. 8-Anilinonaphthalene sulphonate (ANS) binding studies revealed the involvement of hydrophobic interactions in the formation of the complex of alpha-crystallin and protease. Refolding of acid-denatured protease by dilution to pH 7.5 resulted in aggregation of the protein. Unfolding of the protease in the presence of alpha-crystallin and its subsequent refolding resulted in the generation of a near-native intermediate with partial secondary and tertiary structure. Our studies represent the first report of involvement of a molecular chaperone-like alpha-crystallin in the unfolding and refolding of a protease. Alpha-crystallin blocks the unfavorable pathways that lead to irreversible denaturation of the alkaline protease and keeps it in a near-native, folding-competent intermediate state.  相似文献   

About 30% of proteins require cofactors for their proper folding. The effects of cofactors on the folding reaction have been investigated with alpha-lactalbumin as a model protein and metal ions as cofactors. Metal ions accelerate the refolding of alpha-lactalbumin by lessening the energy barrier between the molten globule state and the transition state, mainly by decreasing the difference of entropy between the two states. These effects are linked to metal ion binding to the protein in the native state. Hence, relationships between the metal affinities for the intermediate states and those for the native state are observed. Some residual specificity for the calcium ion is still observed in the molten globule state, this specificity getting closer in the transition state to that of the native state. The comparison between kinetic and steady-state data in association with the Phi value method indicates the binding of the metal ions on the unfolded state of alpha-lactalbumin. Altogether, these results provide insight into cofactor effects on protein folding. They also suggest new possibilities to investigate the presence of residual native structures in the unfolded state of protein and the effects of such structures on the protein folding reaction and on protein stability.  相似文献   

The processive beta-strands and turns of a polypeptide parallel beta-helix represent one of the topologically simplest beta-sheet folds. The three subunits of the tailspike adhesin of phage P22 each contain 13 rungs of a parallel beta-helix followed by an interdigitated section of triple-stranded beta-helix. Long stacks of hydrophobic residues dominate the elongated buried core of these two beta-helix domains and extend into the core of the contiguous triple beta-prism domain. To test whether these side-chain stacks represent essential residues for driving the chain into the correct fold, each of three stacked phenylalanine residues within the buried core were substituted with less bulky amino acids. The mutant chains with alanine in place of phenylalanine were defective in intracellular folding. The chains accumulated exclusively in the aggregated inclusion body state regardless of temperature of folding. These severe folding defects indicate that the stacked phenylalanine residues are essential for correct parallel beta-helix folding. Replacement of the same phenylalanine residues with valine or leucine also impaired folding in vivo, but with less severity. Mutants were also constructed in a second buried stack that extends into the intertwined triple-stranded beta-helix and contiguous beta-prism regions of the protein. These mutants exhibited severe defects in later stages of chain folding or assembly, accumulating as misfolded but soluble multimeric species. The results indicate that the formation of the buried hydrophobic stacks is critical for the correct folding of the parallel beta-helix, triple-stranded beta-helix, and beta-prism domains in the tailspike protein.  相似文献   

Plastocyanin is a predominantly beta-sheet protein containing a type I copper center. The conformational ensemble of a denatured state of apo-plastocyanin formed in solution under conditions of low salt and neutral pH has been investigated by multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. Chemical shift assignments were obtained by using three-dimensional triple-resonance NMR experiments to trace through-bond heteronuclear connectivities along the backbone and side chains. The (3)J(HN,Halpha) coupling constants, (15)N-edited proton-proton nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs), and (15)N relaxation parameters were also measured for the purpose of structural and dynamic characterization. Most of the residues corresponding to beta-strands in the folded protein exhibit small upfield shifts of the (13)C(alpha) and (13)CO resonances relative to random coil values, suggesting a slight preference for backbone dihedral angles in the beta region of (phi,psi) space. This is further supported by the presence of strong sequential d(alphaN)(i, i + 1) NOEs throughout the sequence. The few d(NN)(i, i + 1) proton NOEs that are observed are mostly in regions that form loops in the native plastocyanin structure. No medium or long-range NOEs were observed. A short sequence, between residues 59 and 63, was found to populate a nonnative helical conformation in the unfolded state, as indicated by the shift of the (13)C(alpha), (13)CO, and (1)H(alpha) resonances relative to random coil values and by the decreased values of the (3)J(HN,Halpha) coupling constants. The (15)N relaxation parameters indicate restriction of motions on a nanosecond timescale in this region. Intriguingly, this helical conformation is present in a sequence that is close to but not in the same location as the single short helix in the native folded protein. The results are consistent with earlier NMR studies of peptide fragments of plastocyanin and confirm that the regions of the sequence that form beta-strands in the native protein spontaneously populate the beta-region of (phi,psi) space under folding conditions, even in the absence of stabilizing tertiary interactions. We conclude that the state of apo-plastocyanin present under nondenaturing conditions is a noncompact unfolded state with some evidence of nativelike and nonnative local structuring that may be initiation sites for folding of the protein.  相似文献   

Neuronal nicotinic alpha7 subunits assemble into cell-surface complexes that neither function nor bind alpha-bungarotoxin when expressed in tsA201 cells. Functional alpha-bungarotoxin receptors are expressed if the membrane-spanning and cytoplasmic domains of the alpha7 subunit are replaced by the homologous regions of the serotonin-3 receptor subunit. Bgt-binding surface receptors assembled from chimeric alpha7/serotonin-3 subunits contain subunits in two different conformations as shown by differences in redox state and other features of the subunits. In contrast, alpha7 subunit complexes in the same cell line contain subunits in a single conformation. The appearance of a second alpha7/serotonin-3 subunit conformation coincides with the formation of alpha-bungarotoxin-binding sites and intrasubunit disulfide bonding, apparently within the alpha7 domain of the alpha7/serotonin-3 chimera. In cell lines of neuronal origin that produce functional alpha7 receptors, alpha7 subunits undergo a conformational change similar to alpha7/serotonin-3 subunits. alpha7 subunits, thus, can fold and assemble by two different pathways. Subunits in a single conformation assemble into nonfunctional receptors, or subunits expressed in specialized cells undergo additional processing to produce functional, alpha-bungarotoxin-binding receptors with two alpha7 conformations. Our results suggest that alpha7 subunit diversity can be achieved postranslationally and is required for functional homomeric receptors.  相似文献   

The role of hither-to-fore unrecognized long-range hydrogen bonds between main-chain amide hydrogens and polar side chains on the stability of a well-studied (betaalpha)8, TIM barrel protein, the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS), was probed by mutational analysis. The F19-D46 and I97-D124 hydrogen bonds link the N terminus of a beta-strand with the C terminus of the succeeding antiparallel alpha-helix, and the A103-D130 hydrogen bond links the N terminus of an alpha-helix with the C terminus of the succeeding antiparallel beta-strand, forming clamps for the respective betaalpha or alphabeta hairpins. The individual replacement of these aspartic acid side chains with alanine leads to what appear to be closely related partially folded structures with significantly reduced far-UV CD ellipticity and thermodynamic stability. Comparisons with the effects of eliminating another main-chain-side-chain hydrogen bond, G26-S33, and two electrostatic side-chain-side-chain hydrogen bonds, D38-H92 and D112-H146, all in the same N-terminal folding unit of alphaTS, demonstrated a unique role for the clamp interactions in stabilizing the native barrel conformation. Because neither the asparagine nor glutamic acid variant at position 46 can completely reproduce the spectroscopic, thermodynamic, or kinetic folding properties of aspartic acid, both size and charge are crucial to its unique role in the clamp hydrogen bond. Kinetic studies suggest that the three clamp hydrogen bonds act in concert to stabilize the transition state leading to the fully folded TIM barrel motif.  相似文献   

The stability toward thermal and urea denaturation was measured for HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) and alpha-lactalbumin, using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as differential scanning calorimetry. Under all conditions examined, HAMLET appears to have the same or lower stability than alpha-lactalbumin. The largest difference is seen for thermal denaturation of the calcium free (apo) forms, where the temperature at the transition midpoint is 15 degrees C lower for apo HAMLET than for apo alpha-lactalbumin. The difference becomes progressively smaller as the calcium concentration increases. Denaturation of HAMLET was found to be irreversible. Samples of HAMLET that have been renatured after denaturation have lost the specific biological activity toward tumor cells. Three lines of evidence indicate that HAMLET is a kinetic trap: (1) It has lower stability than alpha-lactalbumin, although it is a complex of alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid; (2) its denaturation is irreversible and HAMLET is lost after denaturation; (3) formation of HAMLET requires a specific conversion protocol.  相似文献   

The folding of apo-pseudoazurin, a 123-residue, predominantly beta-sheet protein with a complex Greek key topology, has been investigated using several biophysical techniques. Kinetic analysis of refolding using far- and near-ultraviolet circular dichroism (UV CD) shows that the protein folds slowly to the native state with rate constants of 0.04 and 0.03 min(-1), respectively, at pH 7.0 and at 15 degrees C. This process has an activation enthalpy of approximately 90 kJ/mole and is catalyzed by cyclophilin A, indicating that folding is limited by trans-cis proline isomerization, presumably around the Xaa-Pro 20 bond that is in the cis isomer in the native state. Before proline isomerization, an intermediate accumulates during folding. This species has a substantial signal in the far-UV CD, a nonnative signal in the near-UV CD, exposed hydrophobic surfaces (judged by 1-anilino naphthalenesulphonate binding), a noncooperative denaturation transition, and a dynamic structure (revealed by line broadening on the nuclear magnetic resonance time scale). We compare the properties of this intermediate with partially folded states of other proteins and discuss its role in folding of this complex Greek key protein.  相似文献   

Several proteins and peptides that can convert from alpha-helical to beta-sheet conformation and form amyloid fibrils, including the amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta) and the prion protein, contain a discordant alpha-helix that is composed of residues that strongly favor beta-strand formation. In their native states, 37 of 38 discordant helices are now found to interact with other protein segments or with lipid membranes, but Abeta apparently lacks such interactions. The helical propensity of the Abeta discordant region (K16LVFFAED23) is increased by introducing V18A/F19A/F20A replacements, and this is associated with reduced fibril formation. Addition of the tripeptide KAD or phospho-L-serine likewise increases the alpha-helical content of Abeta(12-28) and reduces aggregation and fibril formation of Abeta(1-40), Abeta(12-28), Abeta(12-24), and Abeta(14-23). In contrast, tripeptides with all-neutral, all-acidic or all-basic side chains, as well as phosphoethanolamine, phosphocholine, and phosphoglycerol have no significant effects on Abeta secondary structure or fibril formation. These data suggest that in free Abeta, the discordant alpha-helix lacks stabilizing interactions (likely as a consequence of proteolytic removal from a membrane-associated precursor protein) and that stabilization of this helix can reduce fibril formation.  相似文献   

Human gammaD crystallin (HgammaD-Crys) is a two domain, beta-sheet eye lens protein that must remain soluble throughout life for lens transparency. Single amino acid substitutions of HgammaD-Crys are associated with juvenile-onset cataracts. Features of the interface between the two domains conserved among gamma-crystallins are a central six-residue hydrophobic cluster, and two pairs of interacting residues flanking the cluster. In HgammaD-Crys these pairs are Gln54/Gln143 and Arg79/Met147. We previously reported contributions of the hydrophobic cluster residues to protein stability. In this study alanine substitutions of the flanking residue pairs were constructed and analyzed. Equilibrium unfolding/refolding experiments at 37 degrees C revealed a plateau in the unfolding/refolding transitions, suggesting population of a partially folded intermediate with a folded C-terminal domain (C-td) and unfolded N-terminal domain (N-td). The N-td was destabilized by substituting residues from both domains. In contrast, the C-td was not significantly affected by substitutions of either domain. Refolding rates of the N-td were significantly decreased for mutants of either domain. In contrast, refolding rates of the C-td were similar to wild type for mutants of either domain. Therefore, domain interface residues of the folded C-td probably nucleate refolding of the N-td. We suggest that these residues stabilize the native state by shielding the central hydrophobic cluster from solvent. Glutamine and methionine side chains are among the residues covalently damaged in aged and cataractous lenses. Such damage may generate partially unfolded, aggregation- prone conformations of HgammaD-Crys that could be significant in cataract.  相似文献   

BetaCore is a designed approximately 50-residue protein in which two BPTI-derived core modules, CM I and CM II, are connected by a 22-atom cross-link. At low temperature and pH 3, homo- and heteronuclear NMR data report a dominant folded ('f') conformation with well-dispersed chemical shifts, i, i+1 periodicity, numerous long-range NOEs, and slowed amide hydrogen isotope exchange patterns that is a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet with nonsymmetrical and specific association of CM I and CM II. BetaCore 'f' conformations undergo reversible, global, moderately cooperative, non-two-state thermal transitions to an equilibrium ensemble of unfolded 'u' conformations. There is a significant energy barrier between 'f' and 'u' conformations. This is the first designed four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet that folds in water.  相似文献   

BET3 is a component of TRAPP, a complex involved in the tethering of transport vesicles to the cis-Golgi membrane. The crystal structure of human BET3 has been determined to 1.55-A resolution. BET3 adopts an alpha/beta-plait fold and forms dimers in the crystal and in solution, which predetermines the architecture of TRAPP where subunits are present in equimolar stoichiometry. A hydrophobic pocket within BET3 buries a palmitate bound through a thioester linkage to cysteine 68. BET3 and yeast Bet3p are palmitoylated in recombinant yeast cells, the mutant proteins BET3 C68S and Bet3p C80S remain unmodified. Both BET3 and BET3 C68S are found in membrane and cytosolic fractions of these cells; in membrane extractions, they behave like tightly membrane-associated proteins. In a deletion strain, both Bet3p and Bet3p C80S rescue cell viability. Thus, palmitoylation is neither required for viability nor sufficient for membrane association of BET3, which may depend on protein-protein contacts within TRAPP or additional, yet unidentified modifications of BET3. A conformational change may facilitate palmitoyl extrusion from BET3 and allow the fatty acid chain to engage in intermolecular hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Cieplak M  Hoang TX  Robbins MO 《Proteins》2002,49(1):104-113
Mechanical stretching of secondary structures is studied through molecular dynamics simulations of a Go-like model. Force versus displacement curves are studied as a function of the stiffness and velocity of the pulling device. The succession of stretching events, as measured by the order in which contacts are ruptured, is compared to the sequencing of events during thermal folding and unfolding. Opposite cross-correlations are found for an alpha-helix and a beta-hairpin structure. In a tandem of two alpha-helices, the two constituent helices unravel nearly simultaneously. A simple condition for simultaneous versus sequential unraveling of repeat units is presented.  相似文献   

An elongated version of the de novo designed beta-hairpin peptide, BH8, has allowed us to gain insight into the role of electrostatic interactions in beta-hairpin stability. A Lys-Glu electrostatic pair has been introduced by adding a residue at the beginning and at the end of the N-terminal and C-terminal strands, respectively, of the beta-hairpin structure, in both orientations. The two resulting peptides and controls having Ala residues at these positions and different combinations of Ala with Lys, or Glu residues, have been analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), under different pH and ionic strength conditions. All of the NMR parameters, in particular the conformational shift analysis of Calpha protons and the coupling constants, (3)J(HNalpha), correlate well and the population estimates are in reasonable agreement among the different methods used. In the most structured peptides, we find an extension of the beta-hairpin structure comprising the two extra residues. Analysis of the pH and salt dependence shows that ionic pairs contribute to beta-hairpin stability. The interaction is electrostatic in nature and can be screened by salt. There is also an important salt-independent contribution of negatively charged groups to the stability of this family of beta-hairpin peptides.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that a beta-hairpin peptide, termed BH(9-10), derived from a single-layer beta-sheet of Borrelia OspA protein, formed a native-like beta-turn in trifluoroethanol (TFE) solution, and it assembled into amyloid-like fibrils at higher TFE concentrations. This peptide is highly charged, and fibrillization of such a hydrophilic peptide is quite unusual. In this study, we designed a circularly permutated peptide of BH(9-10), termed BH(10-9). When folded into their respective beta-hairpin structures found in OspA, these peptides would have identical cross-strand interactions but different turns connecting the strands. NMR study revealed that BH(10-9) had little propensity to form a turn structure both in aqueous and TFE solutions. At higher TFE concentration, BH(10-9) precipitated with a concomitant alpha-to-beta conformational conversion, in a similar manner to the BH(9-10) fibrillization. However, the BH(10-9) precipitates were nonfibrillar aggregation. The precipitation kinetics of BH(10-9) was exponential, consistent with a first-order molecular assembly reaction, while the fibrillization of BH(9-10) showed sigmoidal kinetics, indicative of a two-step reaction consisting of nucleation and molecular assembly. The correlation between native-like turn formation and fibrillization of our peptide system strongly suggests that BH(9-10) adopts a native-like beta-hairpin conformation in the fibrils. Remarkably, seeding with the preformed BH(10-9) precipitates changed the two-step BH(9-10) fibrillization to a one-step molecular assembly reaction, and disrupted the BH(9-10) fibril structure, indicating interactions between the BH(10-9) aggregates and the BH(9-10) peptide. Our results suggest that, in these peptides, cross-strand interactions are the driving force for molecular assembly, and turn formation limits modes of peptide assembly.  相似文献   

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